69 Valley St., Hillsdale, NJ 07642
Website: http://www.stjohnhillsdale.com
Rev. John J. Korbelak, Pastor
Rev. Jerzy Pikulinski (George)
Deacon Albert Ganter, RCIA
Deacon Jack Gray, Baptism & Human Concerns
Catherine A. Wollyung, Faith Formation
Sr. Mary McFarland, O.P., Homebound & Seniors
Roberto Sabastiani, Director of Music Ministry
Margaret Manley, Confirmation Program
Assisting Clergy
Rev. Thomas J. Norton, Weekend Assistant
Rev. Msgr. Philip D. Morris, Pastor Emeritus
The Lord’s Day
RECONCILIATION: This sacrament of Christ’s forgiveness is celebrated Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM, and at Interparochial Communal Services during Advent and Lent.
Jennifer Cannon, Business Administrator/Stewardship
Naomi Kavanah, Parish Secretary
Glen Ford, Superintendent of Building Maintenance
Art Dalle Molle, Theresa Henry, Trustees
Brenda Laux, Pastoral Council Chair
James Farrell, Finance Council Chairman
Mark Henni, Ed Addvensky, Stewardship Council Chairmen
Edna Lord, “The Spirit” Newsletter Editor
PARISH CENTER: One Valley Street 201-666-2707
Offices of Faith Formation Ministries
Catherine Wollyung, Director
Kathleen Breitenbach, Registrar
Debra DiPiazza, Program Asst.
Thomas Merton Spiritual Direction Center
Mary Musella, Catherine Wollyung, Sr. Gail DeMaria
ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY: 460 Hillsdale Ave. 201-664-6364
Elizabeth Viola, M.A.., Principal
Connie Nunez, Secretary
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM
Mon. and Sat.: 8:00 AM
Tues. - Fri.: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM
BAPTISMS: Baptism of Infants is normally celebrated on
Sundays at 1:30 PM eleven months of the year. For arrangements and information about Baptismal Preparation of Infants,
please contact Deacon Jack Gray 201-666-2707 ext. 214; for
older children and adults, please contact Cathy Wollyung at
201-666-2707 ext.217.
MATRIMONY: Couples are urged to begin preparation for
marriage immediately after the engagement, but not less than
one year previous to the wedding date. Phone the Parish Office at 664-3131 to begin preparation.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: In case of severe illness contact
the Parish Office for a priest to visit for the Sacrament of
Anointing. Contact Sr. Mary McFarland at 666-2707 ext. 215
to arrange home visitation and communion for those who cannot attend Sunday liturgy. Those anticipating hospitalization
for surgery, contact one of the priests for Sacrament of
Anointing. Otherwise, contact the Pastoral Care Office at any
of our area hospitals for anointing and communion.
PARISH REGISTRATION: We invite all new parishioners
to register at the Parish Office and to introduce themselves to
our parish priests after Mass or at the Parish Office. A Welcome Ministry contact will follow.
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
From the Pastor’s
on Sunday
8am, 10am and 12pm
“ Those who were invited
were not worthy to
come...Many are invited, but
few are chosen.”
Saturday, October 11
5pm Therese Doyle
You would think that an invitation to a joyful event, such as
a wedding, would be anxiously anticipated, yet it isn’t so in
today’s Gospel. The rejection of the invite to join in the
kingdom of God makes us ask, “Why would people refuse?”
The reason for the rejection in the parable, tellingly, is the
same reason people give today for not going to Mass. They
are too busy! In the story, they even get violent at the
thought they should give up their own activities and celebrate something important to their king. It justly results in
their rejection and destruction.
Today we could take a warning from the story. We can be
too preoccupied to make time for what we should be celebrating...the presence of the King’s Son in our midst at the
Mass to which we are called.
When we see people willing to give as little time as possible
to God, it makes us wonder. Why? What is their faith and
commitment all about? God asks one hour a week and some
find that too demanding? Play comes before prayer for the
In the end, the punishments come in the parable. Punishment comes in many ways in life. A loss of values and faith
affects the way in which we live. A lack of commitment to
our promises results in the destruction of marriages and
home life. Our sense of fairness and justice flows from what
God has taught. A generation ignorant of God is adrift. Is a
new generation being raised without God, trained by their
parents in the art of evading their responsibilities to God? If
so, it doesn’t leave us in a very good place.
We can look at the past and say, “How foolish the people in
the parable were!”, but it might be more useful for us to
look in the mirror. Many have been invited to the kingdom.
How many will make it?
Ann & Bob Donfield
Sunday, October 12
People of the Parish
10am John Uhl
Lois Uhl
12pm Gloria Napolitano
The Heaney Family
Monday, October 13
The Ennist Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Ennist
Tuesday, October 14
Marion Wicks
12pm Daniel Kelly
The Clohessey Family
Wednesday, October 15
Julia C. Dowling
Deacon Jack & Virginia Gray
12pm Joseph Mongan
Pat Zelencich
October 16
Marge Murphy
req. Al Murphy
Daniel Tracy
The Ennist Family
The Clohessey Family
October 17
req. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Ennist
12pm Frances & Louis Litzler
req. Ann Patterson
Saturday, October 18
Peter Murner, Jr
People of the Parish
Daniel Kelly
req. The O’Reilly Family
Sunday, October 19
The Henry Family
10am Pablo Manuel Berdote req. Edmund Rom & Family
The Parish Offices will
12pm Bridget Dell Aera
Be closed on
Monday, October 13, 2014
req. Sr. Jane Francis Marron
Those who have pre-arranged an intention for a Mass are invited to
present the gifts of bread and wine during that celebration.
In observance of
On the Lord’s Day and Holy Days please inform the usher.
Columbus Day
Please Remember
in Your Prayers
The Work of Christ at St. John’s is supported
by Parishioners who have Embraced the
Biblical Ideals of Stewardship Tithing
In love and kindness, please pray for:
DECEASED: Lisa Connors
Robert Ettore, John Kuttiyara, Bill Ellis, Mel
Conover, Andrew Goodell, Eileen Smyth, Liam Fanning, Eileen Sparano, Carmen Lopez, Donna & Phil
Gianfredi, Paul Kearns, Joan Scherrer,
Zachary Latteri, Lisa Branch, Josephine Dombrowski, Bruno DeMayo, Peter Grower, Sal Castoria, Jack O’Shea, Jack
O’Hara, Danielle Newkirk, Luca Di Lorenzo, George
Foley, Christopher Marra, Lubomyr Dumanovsky, Ruta
Fiorino, Dominic Guadagno, Louise Arigot, Lynne Bennette, Helen Tursky, Millie Giordano, Stephanie Roche,
Anne O’Brien, Jay Sasfai, Alice & Peter Freidrich, John
Drozdik Jr., Helen Collins, Keith Durie, Lisa Connors, Ed
Vanderhoff, Elizabeth Cashin, Misty Carrico, Kathleen
Sova, John Folker, Laurajean Holland, Sharon Friedrich,
Mary Bryne, Carol Weaver, Bill Richardot, Felix Brady,
Joe O’Keefe, Samantha Salterelli, Eladio Lopez, Shannon Callagy, Barbara & Marge Sikora, Cole Haynes,
Erickson Mino, Mary Musella, Albert Vaccari, Rex & Xander O’Reilly , Alfred Murphy, Regina Winsick, Anthony
D’Amico, Richard McAllister, Pat La France, Beth Wajps,
The sacrificial giving of our parishioners on the weekend of October 4 and 5 was $13,939. This includes
$2,564 contributed via Faith Direct by 113 parishioners, and $11,053 in envelopes and/or checks from 359
parishioners. The average of these donations was
$28.97. The collection also included $322 in cash.
Our stewardship commitment to support the work of
the parish and it’s ministries, shows our appreciation to
God for the gifts we have been provided, and our willingness to share those gifts.
The service provided to our parish by Faith Direct ensures
that all the participants weekly and holiday contributions are Violet Bauer, Joseph Locashio,
made regardless of the weather or vacations. For more information, please see below, or contact Jennifer in the RecCAPITAL PROJECTS 2014
tory Office.
So far we’ve raised $30,816 toward our Capital Pro-
jects Appeal . . . but we need your help to reach our goal
Parishioners may contribute to weekly parish stewardship
of $60,000!
collections through credit card or automatic payment from The Capital Projects include energy efficient upgrades identified
their checking account. Faith Direct accepts Discover, Visa, during an Energy Audit Program the parish participated in this past
MasterCard and American Express.
year. The upgrades were subsidized by the NJ Clean Air Program,
which covered almost 70% of the costs. The Capital Projects also
We invite you to consider using this convenient service. include necessary repairs made to our church bell tower, sound
You can sign up on-line at www.faithdirect.net (please use system, and computer systems.
church code NJ48) or call 1-866-507-8757. Thank you for
We are appealing to each parish family to please consider making
your continued stewardship support of our parish.
a $175 donation toward this appeal. Contributions may be mailed
to the rectory office or placed in the collection basket. Please
make your check payable to St. John’s Church, and be sure to
mark “Capital Projects” on the memo line. Thank you!
Knights of Columbus Free Child ID Kit
St. John’s Website
St. Thomas More Council 2188 will distribute free child
ID kits on Saturday, October 18 at their hall, located at
40 Crest St., in Westwood from 10:00am to Noon.
This card can protect your child by providing a fingerprint and important information needed to speed the
recovery of your child if missing.
The SJB website ministry is proud to announce a new parish
website! Please take a moment to go online and check it
out at www.stjohnhillsdale.com Bookmark it so you can
keep up to date on what is happening in the parish. Special
thanks to Jeanette Cabardo-Ruiz for all her work on the
new site.
Liturgy Corner
Saturday 5:00 PM Fr. John Korbelak
Lectors: R. Stigliano / A. Gallagher
Eucharistic Ministers: D. Manente / D. Santo / P. McHugh / M. Micera
P. Jackson / M. Elbert / K. Mueller / H. LoGalbo / M. Henry
Altar Servers: T.Gallagher / D. Sapida / E. Stigliano
Sunday 8:00 AM Fr. John Korbelak
Lectors: M. O’Connor / P. Gilcrist
Eucharistic Ministers: D. Dalle Molle / G. Weigel / J. Mayo / T. Henry
C. Domville / J. Domville / A. Addvensky / D. Carlson
Altar Server: K. Masotti / L. Masotti / C. Cole
Sunday 10:00 AM
Fr. Jerzy Pikulinski
Lectors: J. DeMagistris
Eucharistic Ministers: R. Sandt / R & J. Saoud / D. Lawlor / G. Beatty /
V. Ross / G. Stein / S. Streeter / B. Graham
Altar Servers: Noelle, Cole & Dylan DeMagistris
Sunday 12:00 PM
October 18 - 10:30am – 3:30pm
Fr. Tom Norton
Lectors: C. Meneses / G. Carty
Eucharistic Ministers: S. DiGregorio / M. Green / J. Conway /
R. O’Shea / E. Metrione / M. Beck / L. Rack
Altar Servers: J. Beltram / J. Della Pesca / J. Sabino
The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal (AAA) is under way. Proceeds are
used to fund many programs and ministries including - Catholic Charities;
housing and medical care for retired and disabled priests in our Archdiocese; financial assistance to parishes in poor communities; the education
and formation of our seminarians, and programs for youth through CYO.
St. John’s Academy is looking for substitute
teachers for grades Pre K through 8. Anyone interested, please submit a resume to
Sharon Gallagher at sgallagher@sjahillsdale.org or mail to the school at 460
Hillsdale Avenue, Hillsdale, NJ 07642
We thank the 229 parishioners who have participated
by pledging/contributing $53,084 to date. Additional brochures are available at the doors of the church. Please return it in
the collection basket or to the Rectory office. Our assigned
goal this year is $83,762. Thank you. To view the AAA video,
please go to: http://www.rcanaaa.org/video.html
There are collection boxes in our
parishes for ‘Box Tops for Education’. Please clip and drop Box Tops
from General Mills, Pillsbury, Hefty,
Avery and Kimberly Clark products.
Each one is worth $0.10 to our school.
A Call to Establish Social Justice
Peace in society cannot be understood as pacification or the
mere absence of violence resulting from domination of one
part of society over the others. Nor dies true peace act as
a pretext for justifying a social structure which silences or
appeases the poor, so that the more affluent can placidly
support their lifestyle while others have to make do as they
The book to be discussed will be, Saint John Paul the
Great—His Five Loves by Jason Evert. The theme of the
book is intended to be catechetical, inspiring and evangelical.
Newcomers are always welcome to participate or to just
come and listen.
For more information call Angela Ruocco 201 664-8690
Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation: Evangelii Gaudium
Monday, October 13, 2014 5:30-7:00pm
Maria Beck, Coordinator
Cozy Corner Knitting Group: meets every Wed. from
9:30am to 11:00am in the Parish Center, Seton Room.
Kathleen Klein, Jim Pellegrino, Maryann Prendergast,
John/Angela Ruocco
Career Resource Ministry: will meet the 2nd Wed. of the
All Canned Vegetables, Meats, Fish, Fruits and Juices. Staples/Boxed month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center.
Foods: coffee, tea, potatoes, milk, vegetable oil, rice, sugar, flour, cocoa, pancake mix, cake & muffin mixes, brownie mix, pudding & Jello
mixes, stove top stuffing, chicken broth, gravy peanut butter, hot &
cold cereals.
Condiments: Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, jam,
jelly, maple syrup, black olives, mushrooms. School snacks: cookies,
crackers. Personal: hand soap; shampoo & conditioner, deodorant,
toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels.
Our Lady’s Prayer Group: will meet Wed. Oct 22nd at
7:30pm in the parish center.
Social Justice Ministry-will meet on Wed. Oct. 15th at
7:30pm at St. Andrew’s Church.
Ministry to Homebound &Sick– will meet on Mon. Oct.
Supermarket gift cards also welcome!
6th at 9:30am in the parish center.
Helping Hand Food Pantry, P.O. Box 354, Hillsdale, NJ 07642
The Human Concerns Committee-will meet in the Parish
Center on Monday, Oct. 20 at 7:30pm
On Saturday, Oct. 25 at 11:00am, St. John’s Parish will celebrate
the Mass of Anointing for the Sick. The anointing takes place
during Mass to remind us that it is the whole church which is
praying for her sick members. It is the whole church which asks
the SPIRIT to strengthen and support those who are suffering
At various times during the year we are in need of volunteers.
from any kind of sickness. The Sacrament of the Anointing is
for those who are now seriously ill, temporarily ill or convalesc- 1. To help provide transportation for a parishioner who would
ing, chronically ill
like to attend Sunday Mass or
(heart condition, asthma, arthritis, etc.) and those preparing for
2. To help transport someone to a doctor’s appointment or
surgery in the near future.
3. To help purchase groceries for homebound individuals.
If you would be willing to help our sick and homebound parishioners
To better accommodate those participating in the Mass and
complimentary luncheon which will be served in the Parish Cen- when there is a need, please call Sister Mary at 201 666-2707 x
215 or Marilyn Golusinski at # 201 664-1218 and we will put your
TUES. Oct. 21, 2014. Please call the Parish Center 201
name and phone number on our list.
666-2707 x 210 between 10am-4pm.
Thank you in advance. Sr. Mary
Please leave your name, phone number and indicate how many
people you are registering, how many will be using wheel-chairs
Confirmation News
or walkers, and if transportation is required.
Our Confirmation Program has resumed. Second year candidates and their Sponsors will meet on October 19 or 26 at
the parish center. First year Candidates will be presented to
On Monday, Oct. 20th at 9:30 am the film “Our Lady of Good
the parish at our Day of Reflection Celebration on October
Success” will be shown in the parish center.. This 50 min. inspiring documentary describes apparition of the Blessed Mother 18. There is still time to submit your registration form to the
to a religious sister in the 1600’s in Quito, Ecuador and the de- registrar. If you have misplaced the form, we have blank ones
available at the parish center. Please pray for all of our Candivotion that is still practiced in that country. Approved by the
dates and Facilitators as we journey together toward ConfirChurch, Mary’s prophetic message describe events of the 19th
mation. If you have any questions, please speak with
and 20th centuries.
All are welcome to attend. This qualifies for Faith Formation
Margaret Manley.
2014-2015 Children’s Faith Formation Registration
Family Faith @ Home Programs
Sunday Weekly and Family Faith @ Home Programs
Welcome to a new catechetical year! Parents who have not yet reregistered or parents who have a child entering grades Kindergarten
through 8th in September and would like to register their child/children
for CCD may obtain the forms by the receptionist desk in the Msgr.
Morris Parish Center or online http://www.stjohnhillsdale.com/ccd.html
You may also call the Msgr. Morris Parish Center 201-666-2707 Monday through Thursday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 12pm.
First Sacraments (Reconciliation and Eucharist) are celebrated in
2nd grade. This is a two year program which begins with enrollment in 1st grade of either the parish Children’s Faith Formation or at St. John’s Academy.
In 2nd grade, there is a separate immediate preparation program to which the family is invited to enroll. This is one program for all the children of the parish whether they are in Children Faith Formation or St. John’s Academy.
Registration forms have been mailed to all parish families who
have a child currently registered in 2nd grade Children’s Faith
Formation or St. John’s Academy. Registrations are to be returned no later than Thurs. Sept. 25. First Parent meeting is on
Tues. Oct. 14 at 12:30 or 7:30pm in the Paris Center.
If you have a child who has been baptized entering 2 grade in
September and he or she has completed one year of faith formation you may register your child for First Sacrament.
Contact; Kathy Breitenbach; kbreitenbach@ stjohnhillsdale.com
or 201 666-2707 ext. 211
God’s Tots is a new early childhood program of Bible stories, music,
crafts and prayer that will take place on Sundays during the
10:00 am Mass.
We will have a sign-up Sunday on October 26th after the 10:00 am
Mass in the Library located in the Parish Center. The first God’s
Tots will take place on Nov. 2.
We are still in need of more adult volunteers to assist. Our teens
have been very generous in responding. Call Cathy Wollyung at
201 666-2707 or cwollyung@stjohnhillsdale.com
We joyfully welcome the new members of the Church who
were baptized into the faith at St. John’s during the month of
Nicholas Rocco Azzone, child of Christopher & Christine
Caleb Henry Jansen, child of Ricky & Erica
Ava Renee Pereira, child of Hugo & Renee
Leo Michael Wasilenko, child of Brian & Ashley
Special Thanks!
This past summer we were the grateful recipients of file
cabinets from United Water Company through the effort
of our parishioner Judy Farrell. They were put to immediate good use. We appreciate the cooperation of everyone involved at United Water who made this possible but
of Judy in particular.
Utilizing resources from corporations is another way that
parishioners have found to help defray expenses for our
Church community. Think about it. What can you do?
The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious
and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with
knowledge of an act of sexual
Misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse.
Individuals who wish to report an allegation of sexual misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocesan Office of Child and
Youth Protection at 201 407-3256
Catechetical Corner
Answers to last week’s bulletin:
1. True
2. A. Venerable
3. D. Created to seek God
Answers in next week’s bulletin:
1. At Mass, the Communion of Saints are invoked during the
a) sign to peace b) Eucharistic Prayer c) Penitential Rite
2. Which saint dedicated his life to the care of lepers in Hawaii
a) Francis of Assisi b) Maximillian Kolbe c) Damien
3. ...are people who are called by God to embrace lives of
solitude, prayer and penance/sacrifice
a) Parents b) Catechists c) Hermits d) Bishops
St. John the Baptist Church
Hillsdale, NJ
Naomi Kavanah