NEW JERSEY’S OLDEST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. JOSEPH 1765 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT 250 years of faith-filled commitment distinguishes St. Joseph Parish, a Roman Catholic community located in West Milford Township in rural northern New Jersey. Lay people founded this community in 1765 and maintained it in the consistent practice of the Roman Catholic faith, thus earning it the honor of being the State’s oldest parish. Today’s parishioners, responding to the needs of the changing West Milford area, aim to develop further the lay involvement that historically characterizes St Joseph’s They accomplish this by expressing their PASTORAL STAFF and PARISH OFFICE Father Steven Shadwell ................................................................................................................. Pastor Harry White, Ben Lo Paro........................................................................................................... Deacons Sister Janet Brisky, P.B.V.M. ......................................................................................... Pastoral Associate Sister Geraldine Corio, P.B.V.M. ..................................................................... Director of Faith Formation Justine Smith ..................................................................................... Faith Formation\Baptism Assistant Pat Mattera ............................................................................... Adolescent Faith Formation Coordinator Mary Beth Ferriola....................................................................................................... Business Manager Mary O’Neill .................................................................................................................. Parish Secretary Christine Alessio.................................................................................... Director of Volunteer Ministries Camille Kluge .................................................................................................................. Youth Director Jacqueline M. Reilly .......................................................................................................... Music Director Bob Sautter......................................................................................... Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Kevin Kennedy and Diane Parisi ...................................................................................... Parish Trustees SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism arrangements are required to be made at least 2 MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Saturday ...... 9:00 am - Church Saturday evening ................... 5:00 pm - Church Sunday morning ... 7:45, 9:00 am, 12:00 Noon - Church ............... and 10:30 am - Parish Center months in advance by contacting Justine Smith at the Parish Office at 973-697-6100. Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month. Families are asked to attend the 12 Noon Mass, the baptism ceremony will take place immediately following. If a Baptism Preparation class is required, the class will be assigned at HOLY DAYS Please consult the Bulletin NEW PARISHIONERS Please call the Parish Office to register, to learn PARISH OFFICE ....................... 973-697-6100 the time the baptism is scheduled. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm; or, anytime anyone wishes to receive the Sacrament, please call the Parish Office to set an appointment with a priest. FAX........................................... 973-697-3716 MINISTRY TO THE SICK FAITH FORMATION… .................. 973-208-0636 anointed should call the Parish Office. If you or anyone CONVENT .......................................973-697-2846 E-MAIL .......................... Anyone who is seriously ill or aged and wishes to be you know is in the hospital, please call the Office. WEBSITE ......................... BUSINESS HOURS MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROGRAM Monday thru Thursday ................... 9 AM - 5 PM one year before the wedding. All couples to be married Friday .......................................... 9 AM - 12 PM Saturday and Sunday .............................. Closed 454 G E R M A N T O W N R O A D Arrangements should begin by setting a date with a priest at St. Joseph’s must participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. W E S T M I L F O R D NJ 07480 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 28TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast Following Masses - KH 2:00 PM Girls CYO Basketball - PC 6:30 PM Antioch Preparation - NR MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 6:30 PM CYO Basketball - PC TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 10:30 AM Penance\Holy Communion Registration - CH 6:30 PM Boys CYO Basketball - PC 7:00 PM Bereavement Group Mtg. - NR 7:00 PM Penance\Holy Communion Registration - CH 7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous - KH WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 3:00 PM Ambient Light Photography - KH 7:00 PM GOF Design Team - UR 7:30 PM Boy Scouts - PC THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 9:30 AM Moms and Tots - KH 3:00 PM Ambient Light Photography - KH 6:30 PM Boys CYO Basketball - PC 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus - NR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 9:30 AM Kids Playgroup - KH 3:00 PM Ambient Light Photography - KH 6:30 PM Generations of Faith - PC Midnight Alcoholics Anonymous - KH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 9:30 AM Generations of Faith PC 2:00 PM Ambient Light Photography - KH 10:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous - KH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 10:00 AM Generations of Faith - PC 1:00 PM Generations of Faith - PC 6:30 PM Antioch Preparation - NR MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 9:00 AM +Fr. Robert Greco TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 – St. Callistus I, pope, martyr 9:00 AM +Joan K. Gillen by Pat and Harry O’Dea +Edna H. Depiero by Marianne Russo WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 - St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor of the church 9:00 AM Intention\Sick of the Parish THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 - Sts. Hedwig, religious; Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin 9:00 AM +Cletus Garner by Nancy McLaughlin FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 – St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr 9:00 AM +Sophia and Arthur Allen by Nancy McLaughlin SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 – St. Luke, evangelist 9:00 AM Intention\Rachel Shadwell 5:00 PM +Carol and John Ryan by Pat and Pete Gillen, Jr. +Dorothy Tamayne by Tamayne Family +Richard DeSpagna by DeSpagna Family +Helen Cox by The Rosarians SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 29th Sunday Ordinary Time 7:45 AM +Joan Gilen by Tony and Denise Leone +Valerie Ann McGuiness by Danielle and Jamie Lamothe 9:00 AM +Fr. Robert Greco by Clare Gensheimer 10:30 AM +Thelma Kuter by Rudolph Family Intention\Dr. Louis Gubitosa 12:00 PM +John Majdic by Donna Pertonchak OFFERING AT ST. JOSEPH’S LAST WEEKEND Budget: $6,340.00 Weekend October 4\5 $5,804.00 Difference: - $ 536.00 LECTORS FOR THE WEEKEND OF OCTOBER 18\19 D. Lastro, J. Gaffney, B. Organ, J. P. Cazorla Parish Center: Brian `EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNThe 10:30am Mass on Sunday, October ION FOR THE WEEKEND OF OCTOBER 18\19 19th will be in the church. SATURDAY 5:00 PM: K. Burns, A. Egan, M. L Aungst, C. Alessio SUNDAY 7:45 AM: A. M. Cooney, C. Carbone, A. Moralishvili SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY 9:00 AM: C. Gerri, J. & L. Endres, G. Stagg Experience a Small Faith Community. 10:30 AM: M. & S. Mc Kenzie, S. Luke, P. Green, We meet in the Upper Room on Tuesday 12:00 PM: D. Petronchak, A. Cangelosi, J. Vigna, S. Alessio evening for an hour to reflect on A. Cazorla, S. Batory the following Sunday’s Scripture from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. Our next meeting is October 28th. The altar flowers for the month of October have been donated by the Rosary Society in honor of the Blessed Mother. Next Week: 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Isaiah 45: 1, 4-6 2nd Reading: I Thessalonians 1:1-5 Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 SCRIPTURE FOCUS: Matthew makes it very clear that two opposing political groups have united to trap Jesus. If he supported paying taxes to Rome, he would be accused of being a traitor to his “own” people. If he refused such payment, he would be charged with acting against the government. Jesus is not fooled. He turns the situation back at them. It is clear that they have accepted Rome rule because they can produce a Roman coin. It belongs to Caesar; it has his image and inscription on it. So Jesus says if it belongs to him give it to him, but “give to God what is God’s.” He is telling them that there is a kingdom higher than that of Caesar. All people are made in the image of God. They belong to God, and Jesus calls them to give their lives to God, and not to earthly concerns. LIFE FOUCS: What belongs to God only in your life? CAN YOU HELP? Info: Sr. Janet 973-697-2846 Please leave donations in Sr. Janet’s garage. Thank you! If it’s not in this box, don’t leave it in Sister’s garage. She can’t get her car in! Needed: Straight and Narrow needs deodorant, body wash, toothpaste, shampoo, Fixodent (original), and large umbrellas. Also, current magazines: inspirational, sports, hobbies, National Geographic. Remove your name and address from the label and leave in Sister’s garage. Call Sr. Janet: If you are able to help a friend in Milford Manor with Facebook for an hour a week. Sr. Janet: Knows a college student who needs a car to get to school. Please call Sister. BINGO AT MILFORD MANOR: Saturday, October 25th 2:30 – 3:30pm Come 10 minutes early and stay 10 minutes late to help. Bingo prizes are needed. Sister always needs help. If you need a signature, Sr. Janet will have a pen after bingo. Deadline October 20, 2014: Now is the time to memorialize a loved one, remember a special date or just have your family name become a permanent part of St. Joseph Church by purchasing a paver. Order forms may be picked up at the parish office, church or gift card table. Completed forms may then be mailed or dropped off at the parish office. Please call 973 697-6100 if you have any questions. …………………………………………………………………… GIFT CARD NEWS: New in stock! Lowe’s and The Home Depot for all your home improvement needs! Thank you to all the families that help support this fundraiser. Spread the word! …………………………………………………………………… THANKSGIVING EVE ECUMENICAL SERVICE Wednesday, November 26 at 8:00pm in Newfoundland Methodist church on LaRue Rd. If you would like to sing in the choir be there at 7:00pm. Time for Vocations… Please pray for: Deacon Giovanni Rodriguez and Seminarian Henry Pinto A Time To Serve In The Military… Please pray for: Nicholas Costello, Lt. Jamie Curcio, Jennifer Smolinski, Tom Oroho, Brian Hartigan, Mario Lanza, Kevin Canova, Alex Richnavsky, Jason Benedict, Ryan Benedict, Jonathan Greenwald, Erik Filipek, Jonathan Gabay, Matthew Lattanzi and Tara Lee Wrocklage A Time To Heal… Please pray for: Bob Weiss, John Paicer, Scott Frew, Sal Domenico, Marilyn Whritenour, Gregory Whritenour, Martha Colombo, Denise Thiel, Emily Hennessy Green, Jim Casey, Jim Giro, Joseph Di Santo, Sandra Roberts, Walter Roberts, Pat Burd and Zachary Scieslicki A Time To Die… Please pray for: Joseph Saporito, father-in-law of Maggie Jirouschek and grandfather of Allison and Robyn Jirouschek Please Note: Only family members may request to have someone included in prayers for the sick. The shelves of the pantry are low on food. Your donation of the following items would be greatly appreciated: macaroni, beans, soup, rice, chili, juice, peanut butter, jelly, powdered milk, salad dressing, mustard, mayonnaise, baby food and gluten and sugar free items. Non-food items: shampoo, cleaners, and laundry detergent. Thank you for your anticipated generosity. …………………………………………………………………… ST. JOSEPH’S JUBILEE COOK BOOK IS MOVING FAST! “Secrets from St. Joseph’s” is available at the parish office Monday through Thursday from 9 am until 5 pm and on Friday from 9 am to 12 noon. This special hardcover edition sells for $20 each or 2 copies for $35. Checks may be made out to St. Joseph Church. Thanks for your great response so far! And books make nice Christmas gifts too! …………………………………………………………………… Clip and Return Veterans Day of Recognition of Living Veterans of the Parish On Sunday, November 9th a salute to the living veterans is scheduled, at the 9:00 am Mass in church. If you have already not done so, please list your name, rank and branch of the service below and return to the parish office by November 3rd. Name_________________________________________ Branch of Service________________________________ Rank_______________Service from _________to______ Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. - John F. Kennedy US President & Knight of Columbus! 10-12: FREE !!! Pancake Breakfast after all Masses. 10:13: Columbus Day 10-23: Social at PC (basketball) 10-23: Possible 1st Degree ? - FALL Shrimp Boil Social - call Mike Heller, GK 11-9: Living Veterans Mass 9:00am 11-11: Veterans Day 11-13: Business Meeting 11-15: Food Drive at AP (we don't mind if you drive over food from ShopRite!) 11-27: Thanksgiving (no social) Parish men, Fr. Steve is asking all parish men to consider become a Knight of Columbus. You can do so very easily on October 23rd. This one night will change your life GUARANTEED! Contact Grand Knight Mike Heller at 973728-6228 or if you are interested. …………………………………………………………………… The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary, primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is on October 7th. It was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful. The 250th Jubilee Committee wanted to tie our anniversary with this dedication to the Most Holy Rosary in a special way. Remember it was the praying of the rosary that kept the first settlers gathering together weekly when a priest was not available to celebrate Mass. Therefore, a local artist was asked to design a rosary using our logo colors along with some history of our parish. This 250th Jubilee Rosary will be on display during weekend Masses in October. You are invited to take a chance to win this beautiful handmade set of rosary beads. Drawing will be held on: 10/26/14 at the 10:30am Mass Donations are not necessary but will be gratefully accepted. …………………………………………………………………… Ambient Lights Portrait Dates at Koch Hall October 15,16,17,18, 22, 23, 24, and 25. To schedule your appointment go to If you require assistance you may call 973 263-2330. MEMORIES OF OUR PARISH This September was my 27th year as parish secretary. When I began as secretary, Fr. Boniface was pastor. It was such a blessing to work with him for almost 17 years. He was so patient and kind with me as I learned what it was to be a church secretary. I hadn’t worked in 19 years and previously worked in a bank. He showed love and kindness to everyone he came in contact with and showed me the true meaning of loving the people around you. And in 27 years I have come in contact with many, many people and always try to remember the example he set. Fr. Sig was another pastor that was a blessing to work with. He never stopped and kept all of us on our toes. He was so organized. He was always willing to stop and take time to see anyone who needed him. And now there is Fr. Steve, who in many ways reminds me of Fr. Boniface. Also a blessing to work with. All of the staff was so pleased when Bishop Serratelli appointed him as pastor in March of this year. Sr. Janet and Sr. Geraldine were already here when I started. The two of them never cease to amaze me with their hard work, love and concern for the people of this parish. Sr. Janet with her boundless energy for the seniors and homebound of this parish and beyond. Sr. Geraldine with her dedication to the Generations of Faith program and her patience in teaching me all about computers. We did not have computers when I started here. The parish office staff has changed over the years. Again, I have been blessed to work with such wonderful people. The present staff is amazing with their willingness to give their best to take care of whatever is needed by our parishioners. And last but not least are the parishioners of this parish. Many of them have become dear friends. They are always willing to help each other whether it be a phone call, kind word, ride to the doctor, meal or just a simple smile to of encouragement. They are a true example of sharing God’s love. I pray that I will be blessed with many, many more years and memories of the goodness of the people of this parish. Mary O’Neill MAKING A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD! On Sunday, October 26th at the 12:00 PM Mass men and women from Straight and Narrow Gospel Choir will join us to celebrate the liturgy. The Mass will be in the parish center. Thanks to the treatment and facilities offered by Straight and Narrow, these men and women, whose lives were once broken by addiction, are now on their way to living wholesome and productive lives. You will hear that optimism, determination and gratitude in the way they give praise to God. If you are willing to donate soda please leave it in Sr. Janet’s garage. If you are willing to donate a baked good bring it with you that day. The “Parable of the Wedding Feast,” today’s Gospel (Matthew 22), has many elements, images, divisions. It is at one and the same time historically obvious yet timeless, easily understood yet enigmatic. Dense with meanings, overflowing with possible applications, let us take a brief look at some of these. On one level the parable is a description of the continuity of God’s creation of Israel beginning with Abraham and culminating in Jesus Christ: "The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. He dispatched his servants [patriarchs and prophets] to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come. A second time he sent other servants [more prophets along Israel’s history (especially John the Baptist)], saying, ‘Tell those invited: “Behold, I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast.”’ Some ignored the invitation and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest laid hold of his servants, mistreated them, and killed them (especially Jesus His Son). On a second level the parable is an indictment of the leaders of Israel who rejected Jesus in his own day and an explanation as to why tax collectors and prostitutes were welcomed into communion with him: “Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and elders of the people in parables, saying…Then he said to his servants, ‘The feast is ready but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.’ The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests.” On this level it functions as indictment/invitation to these same categories of persons in our own day. Enigmatically it presents us images of folks invited who were not on the original guest list but were invited on the quick or unexpectedly. One of these last is thrown out for not wearing the proper attire. This puzzles us because we are want to say to the host, “Don’t blame him for it was you who invited him unexpectedly and at the last so perhaps he didn’t have time to prepare himself.” On this level the parable is no longer addressed to the Pharisees and Elders but to Jesus’ own disciples or Jesus’ community of sinners. Peering through the proper lens its meaning jumps out at us. The sinner is indeed invited but not the sin. It is a reminder to the disciple that it is not enough to answer yes to Jesus’ call to conversion without producing in fact said conversion. In other words even though we arrive at the Banquet of the Son invitation in hand, we will not be permitted to continue our works of death (sin) in his Kingdom of Life. We can now read this last part of the parable as spoken to us: “But when the king came in to meet the guests, he saw a man there not dressed in a wedding garment. The king said to him, ‘My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?’ But he was reduced to silence. Then the king said to his attendants, ‘Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.’ Many are invited, but few are chosen.” Finally the whole parable also functions as an explanation to the Israelites of Jesus’ day, and to the whole world for all of time, as to why the morally marginalized (sinners by their own fault), the socially unacceptable (Jewish or Gentile), indeed any human person of every possible category can be found gathered together and sharing the Banquet of Eternal Life; for, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Protecting God’s Children Virtus® Workshop As required by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop, all parish volunteers who “have regular contact with children” must attend a “Protecting God’s Children Workshop.” This workshop is being offered in: Our Lady Queen of Peace in Hewitt on Our Lady of the Magnificat in Kinnelon on St. Thomas the Apostle in Milton/Oak Ridge on Thursday, October 16 at 7 pm. Wednesday, October 29 at 6:30 pm. Tuesday, November 4 at 6 pm. To register on-line: go to Virtus® is on the bottom of the left column on the diocesan home page. Click on Virtus® and follow the directions for registering. The Paterson Diocese also requires that volunteers complete a background check and sign an acknowledgment of having read the Diocesan Code of Conduct. Informational packets are available in the parish office.
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