Construction Leader Sept/Oct 2014 Member discounts and benefits A GC’s membership discounts and benefits program provides members access to high-quality services, cutting-edge technology, and top-of-the-line products. From discounts on vehicles to estimating tools, AGC has partnered with some of the best to help members stay profitable with less stress and fewer hassles. Vehicles .build Domain .build is your online identity that describes what you do and helps you get found on the Internet. With a website like www.YourBusiness. build and a matching email address like John@, your customers will know immediately that you are part of the building industry. Getting found online is a big challenge for everyone. With your new .build website, search engines will recognize your industry and drive relevant traffic to you. And .build Domain provides members with a two year registration for the price of one. AGC members receive a private offer of up to $1,000 off the purchase or lease of most new GM vehicles. Chrysler offers members a special $500 cash allowance toward the purchase or lease of many of the most popular vehicles in their lineup. Enterprise Fleet Management provides members cost-effective and comprehensive fleet management solutions in the areas of: vehicle acquisition, maintenance management, risk management programs, vehicle disposal, fuel programs, license and title renewals, and monthly reporting. If your business has between 15 and 125 vehicles, Enterprise Fleet Management can help you start improving your cash flow quickly. Online Safety Training AGC of America’s online training collaboration with includes a comprehensive library of courses, many available in both English and Spanish, covering a variety of construction safety and general industry topics. CompGroup AGC was created in 1993 by various Texas members of the AGC to provide a better option for workers’ compensation coverage. CompGroup AGC is a registered safety group formed to administer the workers’ compensation program on behalf of the members of the Texas chapters. The CompGroup AGC Board of Directors is comprised of Texas members, representing the various chapters. Board members are actively involved in the management and direction of the group. CompGroup AGC also offers expert claim and loss prevention services, year-round training opportunities, on-site job inspections and other exclusive member benefits, including extensive practical safety information, workshops and special educational events. AGC Members can save 10% on all courses, visit, RSMeans RSMeans offers special savings on tools that help you take control of your cost estimating. As an AGC member, you can receive a 25% discount on all RSMeans Cost Data books, CDs and online titles. The Texas Construction Careers is a new, statewide workforce development website, set to launch in September. Unlike com,, and www., this new website will feature a job bank that is specific to Texas. Members will receive five free job listings per company for the first 60 days. Construction Leader FRONTLINES by Sam Nunnelly, Chapter President lower quality work and an increase in jobsite accidents. A new, statewide workforce development website, is set to launch in September. For the first time ever, a single site will list all of the craft training providers in Texas. It will also have lots of accurate and up-to-date career information for students, military veterans, and industry human resources professionals. Staff Editor Doug McMurry Production, Advertising & Design Kelly Wilson Location Photography Mary Haskin, Professional Photography Associates 2014 San Antonio Chapter Board of Directors President Sam Nunnelly Core Continuum Group Vice President Kristian Pearson Joeris General Contractors, Ltd Secretary/Treasurer Mike Kaiman Turner Construction Company Immediate Past President Statewide workforce development website set to launch Workforce development is a perennial issue in the construction industry. It’s an exceptionally hot topic in Texas where the market has been consistently better than in most states around the country. Most would agree that the issue is primarily about the lack of skilled labor. Several San Antonio firms report turning down work because there are not enough skilled workers to build the project. And a recent survey of AGC members attributes rising construction costs to this vexing problem. The lack of skilled labor can also lead to JUST A MINUTE Fred Galvan Turner Construction Company San Antonio Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. 10806 Gulfdale San Antonio, TX 78216-3607 210.349.4921 210.349.4017 FAX While other related efforts are underway and workforce development will be a key topic at the AGC National and Chapter Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. this fall, the San Antonio Chapter led the effort to develop this worthwhile Texas website. And after the launch, we’ll continue to work with other interested parties to address one of the industry’s most persistent problems. by Doug McMurry, Executive Vice President experts. We will also meet with members of the San Antonio congressional delegation on Capitol Hill. Directors: Mike Sireno Baker Triangle Tony Battle Byrne Construction Services Luis Berumen Bartlett Cocke General Contractors Sean McNelis McNelis + Winter, PLLC Amy Wagner Allegiance Floors Joe Irizarry Raba Kistner, Inc. Albert Gutierrez Guido Construction Unlike,, and, this new website will feature a job bank that is specific to Texas. Visitors will also find a list of relevant industry job fairs throughout the state. Industry leaders to gather in nation’s capital this fall Being informed and maintaining professional relationships with elected officials are two hallmarks of AGC’s advocacy program. Key topics will include midterm elections, workforce development, and the economic outlook for the building construction industry. Once a year, the top two elected chapter leaders and the chief executive officer from each of the 93 AGC chapters are invited to the National and Chapter Leadership Conference (NCLC) in Washington, D.C. For many of us, it is the single most important AGC meeting of the year. This meeting is not the only opportunity we have to talk with our counterparts from around the country about the important issues and challenges facing the construction industry. However, it is the best forum because it is a much smaller meeting than the national convention and the agenda is tight and well-focused for the occasion. Since government relations is one of the most essential services we provide, it is critically important to gather in the nation’s capital and work together on federal issues. As with years past, we will hear from congressional leaders and public policy Of course, government relations and exchanging industry information with our counterparts is all part of a larger effort to help you stay profitable, with less stress and fewer hassles. If you would like more information about the NCLC, call 349-4921. SAVE THE DATE!! Safety Fair and Barbecue Cook-Off XXI We Specialize in Utility & Heavy Construction Trucks Saturday, October 11, 2014 Helotes Fairgrounds 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you are interested in cooking, exhibiting, sponsoring, or purchasing tickets for this fun-filled, family event, please contact the AGC office at 210.349.4921. We have a large inventory of outfitted trucks for immediate delivery. Roll Offs, Service Trucks, Dump Trucks, Day Cab Tractors. Mike King • 210.666.7120 QUALITY PERFORMANCE TIMELY COMPLETIONS SAFE OPERATIONS Electrical Construction • Preventive Maintenance Technologies • Security • Controlled Access Audio / Visual • Service • Industrial & HVAC Controls Reliable Partners Helping Your Business DBE/MBE/HUB P: 210.308.5884 E: San Antonio | Austin | Eagle Pass | Corpus Christi | Fort Worth Welcome New Members! All American Excavation, Inc. Friesenhahn Paving International Bank of Commerce Morlandt Electric Reynolds Energy Transportation LLC S & S Bridge Painting, Inc. Texas Pipeline Construction FACES AND PLACES Luis Berumen and Bryan Spelhaug with Bartlett Cocke General Contractors lead a discussion about BIM. AGC chief economist Ken Simonson shares his outlook for the national economy during a recent meeting. The graduates of the Project Management Development Program Module 5. EDF president Mario Hernandez visits with members during a luncheon in July. CLF members enjoy a mixer with Dirty Dawgs and craft beer. Participants attend a Practical Construction Scheduling workshop. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Lean Unit 3 September 4, 2014, Chapter Office, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $125 per person (member) $175 per person (non-member) For additional information or to make a reservation contact Dana Marsh at or 210.349.4921. CM-BIM Exam September 5, 2014, Chapter Office, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. The Basics, Session #1 September 9, 2014, Chapter Office, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Education Committee Meeting September 12, 2014, Chapter Office, 8:30 a.m. Tech Forecast with James Benham September 16, 2014, Chapter Office, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $55 per person (member) $75 per person (non-member) Lunch included. For additional information or to make a reservation contact Dana Marsh at or 210.349.4921. The Basics, Session #2 September 16, 2014, Chapter Office, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Safety and Health Committee Meeting September 18, 2014, Chapter Office, 11:30 a.m. Education Committee Meeting October 10, 2014, Chapter Office, 8:30 a.m. Safety Fair & BBQ Cook-Off XXI October 11, 2014, Helotes Fairgrounds, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Face painting, a petting zoo, McGruff the Crime Dog, Caricature Artist, and clowns are a few of the fun events for the Family. For sponsorship opportunities or to order your tickets please contact the AGC office at 210.349.4921. The Basics, Session #6 October 14, 2014, Chapter Office, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Safety and Health Committee Meeting October 16, 2014, Chapter Office, 11:30 a.m. The Basics, Session #7 October 21, 2014, Chapter Office, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. CLC Leadership Development Conference October 23-25, 2014, Marriott Riverwalk This event is an opportunity to connect with other CLC/YCF groups from across the country. Don’t miss it! Register at Early registration available until September 23rd! CLF Steering Council Meeting September 23, 2014, Chapter Office, 12:00 noon The Basics, Session #3 September 23, 2014, Chapter Office, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Lean Unit 4 September 24, 2014, Chapter Office, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. For additional information or to make a reservation contact Dana Marsh at or 210.349.4921. CLF Professional Development: P3’s Panel Discussion Trusted Experience is the September 25, 2014, Chapter Office, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting September 26, 2014, The Petroleum Club, 8:00 a.m. The Basics, Session #4 September 30, 2014, Chapter Office, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. The Basics, Session #5 October 7, 2014, Chapter Office, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Brown Bag Lunch: Construction methods and best practices for building with composite ICF October 8, 2014, Chapter Office, 12:00 noon This short, informal education program is intended for busy people on the go. It’s free, but reservations are required! Bring your lunch! Presenter: David J Sterne, P.E., CSI, Vice President of Sales and Business Development, Bautex Systems, LLC P 210 :: 699 :: 9090 F 210 :: 699 :: 6426 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage San Antonio Chapter of AGC PAID 10806 Gulfdale San Antonio, TX Permit # 3266 San Antonio, TX 78216 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED GENERAL CONTRACTORS Leading the industry with skill, integrity and responsibility. Amstar, Inc. Fernando Flores, 210.927.5705 Galaxy Builders, Ltd. Arun Verma, 210.493.0550 M J Boyle General Contractor, Inc. Mike Boyle, 210.227.1919 Austin Commercial LP TC Cornelissens, 512.306.9880 GFP Group, LLC Mark Garcia, 210.271.0000 Morganti-Texas, Inc. Melody Douglas, 210.460.8737 B Comm Constructors LLC William Baldwin, 210.257.0102 Guido Construction Maryanne Guido, 210.344.8321 Northstar Elite Construction & Consulting, LLC Carrie Penlerick, 830.885.6833 Bartlett Cocke General Contractors T.J. Rogers, 210.655.1031 Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Brad Winans, 512.834.9848 River City Builders Bill LaMont, 210.651.5744 Brodbeck General Contracting, Inc. Mark Brodbeck, 210.590.6563 Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors Joe Tracy, 512.287.6309 Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc. Brad Shearer, 210.572.4700 Byrne Construction Services Tony P. Battle, 210.402.3335 Hooker Contracting Co., Inc. Scott Shaheen, 210.492.9411 Sundt Construction, Inc. John Carlson, 210.276.2760 Casias Construction, LLC Frank Casias III, 210.308.1067 Hunt Construction Group Mark LaVoy, 972.788.1000 Tejas Premier Building Contractor, Inc. Julissa Carielo, 210.821.5858 Clark Construction Group, LLC Bridget Booth, 210.319.2100 I.C.E. Construction Services, LLC Barbara Hawkins, 210.414.0370 Turner Construction Company Mike Kaiman, 210.787.3120 Crownhill Builders, Inc. Renee Fruiht, 210.344.0297 Joeris General Contractors, Ltd. Gary Joeris, 210.494.1638 Vaughn Construction Mike Vaughn, 210.403.9833 F A Nunnelly Company Doug Nunnelly, 210.227.7070 Jordan Foster Construction Leland Rocchio, 210.375.1260 Vision Construction Co., Inc. Joanna Flores, 210.299.0707 G W Mitchell Construction Lane Mitchell, 210.227.8127 Linbeck Group, LLC Chuck Greco, 210.236.4765 Zachry Construction Corporation Glen Young, 210.871.2700
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