20 14 YEAR IN REVIEW Board of Directors From the Chairman A Time To Reflect And Celebrate A s I reflect about the many accomplishments AGC Houston celebrated during my two-year term as Chairman, I would like to share some of those highlights and recognize the people who made them happen. First, I want to thank the Board Steve Mechler, of Directors, the AGC Houston Balfour Beatty Construction staff, President/CEO Jerry Nevlud, Vice Chairman Bill Scott, III and our many AGC Houston subcontractor, vendor and general contractor members for all the timeless hours of volunteerism. We are very blessed to benefit from the construction boom and the fastest economy growth in the country, according to the Greater Houston Partnership. The demand for commercial space is reaching the highest level in the area since the boom of the 1980’s, which has increased to 54 percent, according to published sources. Let’s look back at some of our accomplishments over the “ 1 It is through our advocacy efforts and PAC contributions that AGC provides an impactful and respected voice in the policymaking process. past two years. •We defeated the state tax on labor on our jobsites, saving millions for our constituents. •Our seven committees became organized and productive under the watchful eye of Bill Scott. •The Safety Committee’s many accomplishments included the doubling of our member participants in the Safety Stand Down as part of an industry-wide effort to emphasize jobsite safety with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. We’re pleased that AGC Houston and OSHA signed a strategic partnership on September 4, 2014, to encourage construction companies to voluntarily improve their safety performance. •Our young leaders group, Construction Leadership Council, is gaining a lot of momentum, particularly with the new Leadership AGC program which launched in September. We’re excited to see our industry’s future leaders embrace this new program. •The Education and Training Committee is providing many timely and cutting edge programs such as Building Information Modeling, Lean Construction, Project Management and a whole series of relevant topics that are part of the Core Curriculum. We are lucky to have a dedicated group of construction industry professionals to serve as instructors and impart their knowledge. •A regenerated Membership Committee has been extremely engaged in retaining membership and recruiting new companies. We’ve very excited about their plans for 2015 - one of which is to reinstall quarterly new member orientations. •The Government Affairs Committee has supported many legislative bills that were good for our industry and fought detrimental legislation. It is through our advocacy efforts and PAC contributions that AGC provides an impactful and respected voice in the policymaking process. •Our Construction Career Collaborative (C3) initiative is now almost five years old and gaining momentum. In 2013, we established a Board of D irectors, hired Chuck Gremillion to lead the organization, and finished the first of several beta projects with real positive measurable results. •The Greater Houston Partnership launched UpSkill Houston, an industry-led workforce development program to fill middle skills jobs and build careers. Laura Bellows, President and CEO, W.S. Bellows Construction Company, and I are heading a sector council devoted to commercial and industrial construction. This parallels what we’re doing with C3 and we are excited to promote the commercial construction industry as a career of choice. •AGC Houston also launched a diversity initiative to improve the number of and capacity of our MWBE general contractors and subcontractors. It is still in its infancy but must mature quickly to meet the large $2 billion per year demand of public projects being planned by the area’s independent school district, the City of Houston, Harris County, the Port of Houston, Houston Airport System, community colleges and the higher education institutions. Finally, I know that I am leaving our organization in good hands with Bill Scott as 2015-2016 Chairman and with President/CEO Jerry Nevlud. I hope you will join us March 18-20, 2015, in San Juan, Puerto Rico as Chuck Greco, Chairman, Linbeck Group, LLC., will become President of AGC of America. This prestigious honor marks only the second time an AGC Houston Leader has led the organization to such a level since Warren S. Bellows in 1946. At the same time that Chuck will take his new position, Jerry will become Chairman of the Executive Leadership Council with the AGC of America’s organization of CEOs. Please stay engaged more than ever! I recognize the immense value from my increased involvement at the local, state and national levels. We need your involvement for AGC Houston to be successful. The heart of our success comes from your engagement to advocate, promote and protect our commercial construction industry. AGC Houston Executive Officers Chairman of the Board Vice-Chairman Treasurer President & CEO Steve Mechler, Balfour Beatty Construction Bill Scott, III, Linbeck Group, LLC Tony Mansoorian, W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. Jerry Nevlud, AGC Houston AGC Houston Board of Directors Immediate Past Chairmen Bob Adair, Construction EcoServices James Bryant, Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Jay Carlton, Sterling Structures, Inc. Doug Combes, Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing Steve Dishman, Brookstone, LP Mike Emmons, SpawGlass Construction Corp. Bob Fretz, Jr., Fretz Construction Company Ken Humphries, Humphries Construction Corp. David Marshall, Marshall Construction Company, Ltd. Tony Mansoorian, W. S. Bellows Construction Corp. Van Martin, Tribble & Stephens Construction, Ltd. Doug McCuen, R&M Service Co., Inc Steve Mechler, Balfour Beatty Construction Murray Neal, MLN Company Bill Scott, III, Linbeck Group, LLC John Ros, Gilbane Building Co. Don Woo, Mission Constructors, Inc. 2011-2012 Jim Stevenson, McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. 2010 Tom Vaughn, Vaughn Construction 2009 George Pontikes, Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc. 2008 Steve Percival, Durotech, Inc. 2007 Jesse Gonzalez, SpawGlass Construction Corp. Appointed Positions – National & State AGC of America Life Governor Paul Bell, Jr., P.G. Bell Company Peter G. Doyle, FAIA, The Howard Hughes Development Corp. James Stephens, Tribble & Stephens Construction, Ltd. AGC of America Directors Steve Dishman, Brookstone, LP - AGC Elected Governor Chuck Greco, Linbeck Group, LLC - AGC Elected Governor, National Vice President, Executive Committee Member, Life Governor Steve Mechler, Balfour Beatty Company Texas Building Branch Board of Directors Director: Chuck Greco, Linbeck Group, LLC Alternate Director: Jeremy Stovall, Brookstone, LP 2 State/National Involvement IN MEMORIAM 2014 Texas Building Branch Chapter Representation A Fond Farewell AGC Salutes Joe Vaughn, Vaughn Construction Chuck Greco Jeremy Stovall Bob Fretz Curt Martin Tom Vaughn Linbeck Group, LLC – Director Brookstone, LP – Alternate Director Fretz Construction – Legislative Liaison Ford Nassen & Baldwin, PC – Legal Affairs Vaugh Construction – Legal Affairs O 2014 National AGC Committee Members - AGC Houston Members Brandon Boyd Ralph Bradley Grace Fox Chuck Greco Linda O. Headley Tommy Lee Jay Marak Van Martin Jerry Nevlud Susan Phillips Chris Roberts Bill Scott, III Jim Slack, Jr. James Stephens Salus Consulting Services Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc. TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC Linbeck Group, LLC Littler Mendelson, PC W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. Cherry Companies Tribble & Stephens Construction, Ltd. AGC Houston Tellepsen Brookstone, LP Linbeck Group, LLC Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc. Tribble & Stephens Construction, Ltd. Safety & Health Safety & Health Safety & Health Finance; Industry Liaison Open Shop Safety & Health Safety & Health Industry Liaison Legislative Action; Chapter Administration Safety & Health Safety & Health Industry Liaison Membership Administration Finance; Industry Liaison * Information provided by AGC of America. Joe Vaughn Vaughn Construction n January 16, 2014, the Houston construction industry lost one of its icons with the passing of Joe Vaughn. Joe spent his entire life in construction, culminating with the founding of Vaughn Construction. AGC Houston was honored to have him serve as President of the Chapter in 2000. Born in Beaumont, Joe was a true builder, a part of the construction industry from the age of 12. Prior to founding Vaughn Construction, Joe held positions that included laborer, ironworker, carpenter, engineer, superintendent and operations manager. Joe and his team of builders were involved in a significant number of projects in the Texas Medical Center as well as many high profile facilities across the state of Texas. While there were many projects in which Joe could really be proud, one of the most treasured in which Vaughn Construction was involved was the renovation of the 1910 Courthouse. It was a project in which his father had participated in renovating back in the 1950s. The company he founded has grown to become one of the most respected firms in the state with a reputation of high quality and strong ethics. These were principles by which Joe lived his life and ran his business – principles that he passed down to his family members and multiple generations of builders. He served as the Director and President of the St. Thomas High School Foundation, and was a Board Member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Peerless in his industry, Joe was well known and highly respected for his intelligence, straight dealing, hard work, moral character and honesty. Few men, given so little, can achieve their dreams while maintaining their core values as well as Joe did. He did it once, and he did it right. AGC Houston Members Serve And Represent The Chapter Nationally Joe and Cheryl Vaughn at the AGC Houston 90th anniversary celebration, May 9, 2013. Brothers Michael and Tom Vaughn, Vaughn Construction. 1910 Harris County Courthouse During the AGC of America Convention on March 19, 2014, AGC Houston Chairman Steve Mechler, center, addressed the audience on the efforts of the Construction career Collaborative and worker shortage. 3 AGC Senior Vice President Chuck Greco, Linbeck Group, LLC and AGC Houston Vice Chair Bill Scott, III, Linbeck Group, LLC, attended the 2014 National & Chapter Leadership Conference on September 28-October 1, 2014 In Washington, D.C. AGC Houston was proud to host the AGCA National Safety & Health Conference January 15-17, 2014. Jerry Nevlud, AGC Houston, presented Tommy Lee, W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. with a plaque recognizing his outstanding work as Chair of the AGC of America Safety Committee. 4 Government Affairs Committee Update Monitoring Our Industry’s Interests At The Local And State Levels. While 2014 was a non-legislative year in Texas, the chapter’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC) remained busy addressing key local issues as well as working to secure funds in the PAC and corporate advocacy arenas. Due to the significant increase in project starts, members of the GAC met with City officials to discuss the backlog in the job permitting process. While an easy solution has yet to be found, the committee continues to seek ways to work with the city to ease the problem. Additionally, with the passage and subsequent start of several school bond projects, committee members also met with school district officials to address pending issues. A Diversity/Minority Participation sub-committee was developed to address the chapter’s role in ensuring that the goals of these programs and our members are achieved. The focus and mission of the sub-committee was developed in 2014, with much work to come in 2015. It is through the efforts of the GAC committee, with the support of other AGC volunteers and the contributions of generous members to the PAC and Advocacy Funds, that allow the chapter to be an impactful and respected voice in the policy-making process. 2014 Government Affairs Committee Board Liaisons: Jesse Gonzalez,The Gonzalez Group Bob Fretz, Jr., Fretz Construction Co. Don Woo, Mission Constructors, Inc. Co-Chairs: Jeremy Stovall, Brookstone, LP John Marshall, Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc. Ike Allen, Linbeck Group, LLC Christine Braugner, Morganti Texas, Inc. Tony Gonzalez, The Gonzalez Group John Grayson, Cokinos Bosien & Young Nathan Hill, ieSmartSystems, LLC Ron Luster, Insurepointe of Texas, Inc. Graham Moore, TDIndustries, Inc. Matt Moore, Coats Rose Vladimir Naranjo, NAMC/PMG United Robert Naudin, Cokinos, Bosien & Young Michael Northington, Sparkle Cleaning Services, LLC Tim Ross, Andrews Myers, PC William Sanchez, Oxford Builders, Inc. Evan Tierce, MiddletonRaines + Zapata Chapter Meeting Delivers Positive Economic Outlook AGC Houston members heard a positive outlook for the construction industry at the Annual Meeting on January 23, 2014. The annual event took place at the Junior League of Houston where Ken Simonson, Chief Economist, AGC of America, and Patrick Jankowski, Regional Economist and Vice President of Research at the Greater Houston Partnership, delivered a welcome economic forecast. In addition, Steve Mechler, 2013-2014 AGC Houston Chairman, gave an overview of the chapter’s accomplishments, recognizing the Board of Directors and committee members for their accomplishments in 2013. Board Members Jim Stevenson and Bob Fretz, Jr. each reported on the Construction Career Collaborative (C3) and the Government Affairs Committee respectively. A Big Thank You to the following companies for their sponsorship support: Underwriters Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Cokinos, Bosien & Young Hale-Mills Construction, Ltd. JE Dunn Construction Company TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC TDIndustries, Inc. Patrons Adams Insurance Service, Inc. Britain Electric Company Cherry Companies Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc. Breakfast Sponsors Andrews Myers, PC Coats Rose Print Sponsor A&E – The Graphics Complex Topgolf Tournament Raises Funds And Spirits Thanks to the AGC Houston members who took part in the 1st Topgolf tournament on Friday, November 7, 2014. Sponsored by the Government Affairs Committee, the event drew 25 teams including many spectators. The tournament helped to raise funds for the AGC Houston Advocacy Fund. Thank you to our sponsors and to the members who helped to make this such a fun and successful event! First Place: Cokinos, Bosien & Young: Rick Flake, Rob Naudin, Dan Acevedo and Mark Brown Second Place: Gonzales Commercial Electric, Inc.: Robert Gonzales, Bobby Gonzales, Mike Martin and Ryan Martin Third Place: Brookstone, LP: Steve Dishman, Justin Henderson, Craig Kutac and Steven Turner Bar & Lounge Sponsors Reception Sponsor Glove Sponsor Brookstone, LP Coats Rose TDIndustries, Inc. Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc./ Cokinos Bosien & Young Scorecard Sponsor Transamerica J. M. Maly, Inc. Andrews Myers, PC Texas Air Systems Print Sponsor ARC Document Solutions 5 6 Industry Collaboration Industry Collaboration AGC and AIA Release “Commissioning” Document AIA/AGC Tournament Raises $22,000 For Three Charities For the past 50 years, the AIA/AGC Joint Committee has provided a forum for the Design and Construction community to discuss pertinent issues related to the construction industry. In 2014, the local AIA/AGC Joint Committee released its latest update to its Recommended Practices Manual. The update addresses the process of Commissioning. A practice rooted in the history of governmental require- Nearly 70 AGC and AIA foursomes teed it up at the Champions Golf Club Monday, April 30, 2014 for the annual tournament. In its 19th year, the tournament drew golfers to this prestigiouse golf club which has hosted the Ryder Cup Matches, United States Open and the Champions Cup Invitational. The AIA/AGC Tournament draws owners and a wide array of representatives of the design and build industry. Played in a four-person scramble format, the tournament includes green fees, golf carts, lunch, on-course beverages ments, Commissioning continues to be adopted by more and more public owners as well as specific private owners. The document can be viewed in the Publications Section of the AGC Houston website under AIA/AGC Recommended practices. The committee’s goal is to promote cooperation among all the participants and to develop tools that support a collaborative process. Industry Liaison Committee and snack, award and a dinner buffet. Congratulations to the teams and to the players who took home an award and especially to event underwriter, A&E — The Graphic Complex. Held on two courses, the tournament benefited three charities this past year: the ACE Mentor Program Houston, Inc., Dream Catchers Stables, and The SummerHouse. All three organizations were extremely grateful to receive the funds and for the support. AIA Steve Dishman, Brookstone, LP – Chair Jay Carlton, Sterling Structures, Inc. Ben Johanneman, McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Steve Mechler, Balfour Beatty Construction Co. Steve Percival, Durotech, Inc. Steve Skabla, Vaughn Construction John Waltz, Balfour Beatty Construction Co. CEFPI Steve Percival , Durotech, Inc. – Chair Jay Carlton, Sterling Structures, Inc. – Board Liaison John Moreau, Balfour Beatty Construction AGC/CEFPI Work to Standardize School Construction Cost The AGC Houston and CEFPI Gulf Coast Chapters work together to identify and address issues affecting regional K-12 school construction. The committee’s objective includes the standardization of square foot cost reporting for school construction that will provide valuable cost data to school districts in planning and designing school facilities. This information takes into account the many variables that can affect construc- tion cost in order to make comparisons that are useful and accurate. Members have access to the documents posted in the Member’s Only section of the AGC Houston website. In addition, the joint committee hosts an annual state of the industry meeting that highlights economic outlook for school districts and a construction update. ConsensusDocs Program Standardizes Best Practices AGC is a founding participant in the ConsensusDOCS program, which provides standard contract documents that reflect a consensus for best practices. Using these documents allows parties to focus on project results rather than negotiating contract terms or worse, contract claims in court, to assess fault. This historic program covers all construction contracting needs with more than 70+ industrytested contracts and forms. ConsensusDocs contracts are endorsed by 40 leading design and construction 7 industry associations representing designers, owners, contractors, subcontractors and sureties, including the AGC of America. DOCS stands for Designers, Owners, Contractors, Subcontractors and Sureties – all involved in the drafting of these documents. ConsensusDOCS are organized into five series: General Contracting; Collaborative Agreements; Design-Build; Construction Management & Program Management; Subcontracting. AGC Members Save 20% on ConsensusDocs.org. Cypress Course 1st Place – ARC Document Solutions 2nd Place – ieSmartSystems, LLC 3rd Place – CardnoWhaley Longest Drive – Hole 18 – Robert Pack Closest to the Pin – Hole 4 – Chris Vadala Closest to the Pin – Hole 8 – Chad Meacham Closest to the Pin – Hole 12 – Kyle Rutherford Closest to the Pin – Hole 16 – Stefan Anslow Jack Rabbit Course 1st Place – Steel Masters, LP 2nd Place – The Mathis Group 3rd Place – Pepper-Lawson Construction, LP Longest Drive – Hole 18 – Cory Crawford Closest to the Pin – Hole 4 – Chris O’Neil Closest to the Pin – Hole 7- David Wright Closest to the Pin – Hole 11- Kevin Ward Closest to the Pin – Hole 16 – Allan Williams Thank You Sponsors! Lunch Sponsor: Kilgore Industries Dinner: Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. Hole Sponsor: AVADek Walkway Covers Hole Sponsor: Davis Brothers Construction Hole Sponsor: Marek Sawing & Drilling, LLC Hole Sponsor: Marshall Construction Company Halfway House: Aggregate Technologies, Inc. Halfway House: Champion Rentals Underwriter 8 Industry Collaboration APEX11 JOIN TODAY www.constructioncareercollaborative.org Partnering Today To Ensure Tomorrow’s Workforce. As an alliance of socially responsible Owners, Contractors, and Specialty Contractors, we will positively affect the issues facing the craft worker for the commercial construction industry. financial security, health and well Being + safety Training + Craft Training C3 Projects Texas Children’s Hospital The Woodlands Campus General Contractor: Tellepsen Texas Children’s Hospital Feigin Building, Level 18, OB/GYN Renovation General Contractor: W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. Initial C3 Beta Projects BETA 4 University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center CABIR (Center for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research) Phase III General Contractor: Vaughn Construction BETA 1 University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Building General Contractor: Vaughn Construction BETA 2 Texas Children’s Hospital Multi-Phase Project – Pavilion for Women General Contractor: W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. BETA 5 University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center The Pavilion General Contractor: McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. BETA 3 University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Mid Campus Administration Building General Contractor: Linbeck Group, LLC BETA 6 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston St. Mary’s Seminary – Borski Athletic Center Renovation General Contractor: Brookstone, LP 9 APEX 11 Gala Awards 27 Houston-Area Projects And Pays Tribute To Leo Linbeck, Jr. T he evening of Saturday, September 13, 2014, marked the 11th biennial AGC Houston Awards for Project Excellence (APEX) celebration at the Westin Houston/ Memorial City hotel. The APEX 11 Gala also served to pay homage posthumously to Leo Linbeck, Jr., Linbeck Group, LLC with the 2014 Master Builder Award. Sixty-one entries representing high-rises, warehouses, schools, institutions, hospitals, renovations and office buildings were submitted and judged by a panel of industry professionals that included commercial owners, senior architects and engineers within the greater Houston region. All entries were featured on presentation boards and displayed throughout the foyer during the cocktail reception that preceded the dinner program. The winning entries were culled to a total of 27, composed of general contractors and specialty contractors. Created in 1994, APEX recognizes and honors firms for their excellence in construction, their valuable contributions to the community and their demonstrated commitment to skill, integrity and responsibility. One of the evening’s focal points included Patrick J. Kiley, Kiley Advisors, LLC and former AGC Houston Executive Director, who recounted the legacy of Leo Linbeck, Jr. The tribute also featured a specially-produced video to honor Linbeck, who worked tirelessly for the commercial construction industry for more than 50 years. Patrick Linbeck accepted the award on behalf of his father. Leo Linbeck, Jr., 2014 Master Builder Award Recipient AGC Houston was deeply honored to posthumously bestow the 2014 AGC Houston Master Builder Award to Leo Linbeck, Jr. His selection came in recognition of the outstanding contributions he made to the construction industry, within the community, and beyond. A 1956 graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Mr. Linbeck spent his early years within field and office positions at Linbeck Construction Co., the firm founded by his father in 1938. In 1966, he was named President and CEO and in 1975 became Chairman. He pioneered the TeamBuild process in 1967 and was a leading champion of Lean construction and integrated project delivery. Mr. Linbeck’s devotion to improving the Houston construction industry and impacting the community around him can be seen throughout his entire career. He shared his enormous talents with the AGC at the local level – serving as Houston Chapter President in 1968 and 1969 – state and national levels. Mr. Linbeck was a life director of the Associated General Contractors of America. He was instrumental in the formation of the Texas Building Branch/AGC in the early 1970’s, working to ensure proper representation of contractor interests in the Texas Legislature. Additionally, he served as national chairman of the Collective Bargaining Committee, where his effective negotiations with the presidents of many of the National Building Trades Unions, created contract changes that allowed union contractors to survive and grow. In addition to being widely respected throughout the construction industry, Linbeck took on high-profile causes in Texas, crusading for tax and tort reform in Texas and the United States. He was founder, chairman and a key benefactor of Americans for Fair Taxation, a non-profit whose “FairTax plan” pushed to create a national sales tax and abolish the federal income tax and the Internal Revenue Service. Mr. Linbeck was past chairman and director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and former director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas-Houston branch. He served on numerous board of directors and headed the Special Commission on the 1999 Bonfire at Texas A & M University. Mr. Linbeck’s kindness, reinforced by his unlimited integrity, made him a trusted and valued member of the Houston community. Many looked to him for his advice on a wide range of issues. His contributions to the Houston construction industry and community are unrivaled and his impact on those he touched will not soon be forgotten. The Master Builder Award was established in 1994 to recognize an individual or group that has made a significant or lasting contribution to Houston’s commercial build industry. Previous recipients include architect S.I. Morris, engineer Walter P. Moore, the late Mayor Bob Lanier, the Houston Sports Authority, Texas Medical Center CEO Dr. Richard W. Wainerdi, Archbishop Emeritus Joseph A. Fiorenza, Ed Wulfe and Patrick J. Kiley. 10 Underwriters Linbeck Group, LLC ARC Document Solutions Master Builder Tribute Underwriters Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc. TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC Reception Underwriters Andrews Myers, PC Big City Access, Inc. McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc. MLN Company Table Sponsors Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Facilities Electric & Facilities Mechanical Hudson Building Systems, Ltd. Kilgore Industries Linbeck Group, LLC Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Patrick J. Kiley, Kiley Advisors, LLC and Jerry Nevlud, AGC Houston, presented the Master Builder Award to Patrick Linbeck, Linbeck Group, LLC. Rey Torres, a Linbeck Group, LLC employee and ordained deacon, led the invocation prior to dinner. AGC Houston President/ CEO Jerry Nevlud. 11 APEX 11 Committee Chair Cynthia Birdwell, Andrews Myers, PC, recognized the APEX committee members and the judges. Guests filled the Magnolia Ballroom at the Westin Houston/Memorial City hotel. Patrick J. Kiley gave a personal account of Leo Linbeck, Jr.’s legacy and introduced a specially-produced video that commemorates his legacy. Patrick Linbeck told the audience that he wore the bowtie in honor of his father, Leo Linbeck, Jr., who sported bowties and pocket squares as his signature trademark. 12 Education Education AGC Houston Continues To Lead in BIM and LEAN Efforts AGC Houston Salutes Stewart Trapino, Linbeck Group, LLC, AGC offers a broad-range of education and training programs that provide contractors and their employees with professional development training and activities tailored to their specific needs. The AGC Certificate of Management — Building Information Modeling (CM-BIM) — is an assessment-based certificate that denotes knowledge and understanding of concepts related to BIM adoption, practice and process transformation outlined in the AGC BIM Education Program. Successful candidates receive the CM-BIM designation. Stewart Trapino, Vice President, Director of Learning and Development at the Linbeck Group, LLC, received the Associated General Contractors of America 2013 Chair of the Year Award in recognition of his outstanding achievements as Chair of AGC’s Lean Construction Education Program Subforum. Stewart accepted the award during the AGC of America Annual Convention March 7, 2014, in Las Vegas. A Lean champion for the construction industry and the Linbeck Group, LLC, Trapino’s fascination with Lean actually started when he was young – though he did not realize it at the time. “Later in life, when I began working, I started to study Lean.”he recalled. “It was during a Lean Construction Conference that we began putting a program together. AGC of America already had Lean champions on staff to oversee the program implementation in the construction industry. Through the Lean Forum, we created subcom- AGC Houston also was one of the first chapters to offer Units 1 and two of the new Lean Construction Education Program (LCEP). Lean Construction is based on the holistic pursuit of continuous improvements aimed at minimizing costs and maximizing value on a construction project: planning, design, construction, activation, operations, maintenance, salvaging, and recycling. Like the BIM Education Program, LCEP will eventually lead to a credential designation once the entire program rolls out. Thank You To These Dedicated AGC Members Who Taught Classes in 2014 Instructors Tim Ross, Andrews Myers, PC Sidhesh Kakodkar, Durotech, Inc. Jeff Johnston, Tellepsen Curt Martin, Ford Nassen & Baldwin ChrisRock, Linbeck Group, LLC Scott Vlasek, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Faras Hashim, Durotech, Inc. Miguel Garcia, Linbeck Group, LLC Stewart Trapino, Linbeck Group, LLC Guy Cooke, Tellepsen Dewayne Hahn, Linbeck Group, LLC Gavin McGee, Gavin McGee, PC Ed Durham, Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Jorge Rodriguez, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Robert Elliott, McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Terry Hargus, Tellepsen Instructors Mike Holland, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. JasonKopke, Marek Sawing & Drilling John Moss, Construction EcoServices MarkWharton, Construction EcoServices BrianGaudet, Coats Rose Todd Filo, State Tax Advisors Carrie Nebgen, State Tax Advisors Larry Rhodes, HUB International Insurance Terry Hargus, Tellepsen AGC of America and AGC Houston co-hosted AGC Lean Construction Education Program (LCEP) Unit 7 on April 23, 2014, at the AGC Houston office. Unit 7, titled “Problem-solving Principles and Tools”, is designed as an eighthour, in-seat course and is the final unit of the AGC Lean Construction Education Program (www.agc.org/lean). The course was developed by AGC member subject matter experts and taught in Houston by Mark Federle Marquette University, Ted Angelo, Grunau Company, and Joe Levens, Pittsburg State University. The 11 AGC Houston members who participated in the Unit 7 pilot were the first to do so in the country. This unit was broadly released in October 2014. The AGC Lean Education Subforum, which is leading the development of the AGC Lean Construction Education Program, includes Stewart Trapino, Linbeck Group, LLC; Jeff Johnston, Tellepsen; Scott Green, Tarlton Corporation; 13 Ed Mullins, Sundt; Bill Daniels, Training & Performance Innovations; and Mike Stark, AGC of America. The AGC Lean Education Subforum met at the AGC Houston offices April 23 to develop the Lean Unit 7 program. Construction Leadership Council Delivers Funds to UH Students for AGC Education Classes Board Liaison: James Bryant, Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Chair: Matt Moore, Coats Rose Barham Lewis, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC Ron Luster, Insurepointe of Texas, Inc. Charlie Mogab, SpawGlass Construction Co. Matt Moore, Coats Rose Russell Smith, Cokinos Bosien & Young Garrett Wentrcek, Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Ben Westcott, Andrews Myers, PC Pictured is Stewart Trapino, left, receiving the award from AGC of America President, Paul Diederich. Lean Education Program Unit 7 Pilot Held in Houston 2014 Education/Training Committee Members Saied Alavi, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Rachel Allen, Ford Nassen & Baldwin, PC Jeffrey Barry, Barry Insurance Group Marcus Bollom, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. James Bryant, Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Craig Clendenin, Cokinos Bosien & Young Liz Debaillion, Cokinos Bosien & Young Ammie Hudson-Blahuta, Hudson Building Systems mittees to oversee the development of webinars, the Lean Forum website and the education program and its units.” The subforum drastically changed its role from oversight to the creation of Lean Units 4 through 7 beginning in 2013. As chair of the Lean subforum, Trapino led the effort to divide up the remaining units among the subforum’s volunteer members with them becoming the primary authors. Thanks to an endowment by the AGC Houston Construction Leadership Council, eight University of Houston students were able to attend the first suite of BIM classes of the year. On January 28, 2014, instructor Faras Hashim, Durotech, Inc., welcomed the students – who are pursuing degrees in a construction-related discipline – along with other industry professionals to the Introduction to Building Information Modeling Section 1 class. University of Houston students Carlos Puento, Rebecca Done, Paul Adeyemo, Faras Hashim, Durotech , Inc., David Valerio,Fernando Diosdado and Juan Diosdado. 14 Safety is a Top Priority Safety is a Top Priority AGC Houston Safety Committee Commercial Construction Jobsites Hold 11th Annual Stand Down For Safety Across Houston 2014 Education/Training Committee Members Board Liaison: Kim Mason, AGC Houston Chairs: Chris Roberts, Brookstone, LP Co-Chair: David Hales, Peterson Beckner Industries,Inc. Brandon Boyd, Salus Consulting Services, LLC Doc Brown, Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc. John Calvert, Texas Mutual Insurance Brandon Clark, The Trevino Group Keith Coulter, Coulter, PC Joe Cuellar, Pieper-Houston Electric, LP Claudi DeLaTorre, Slack and Co. Contracting Inc. Juan DeLaVega, Dewalt Tools Ryan Falterman, MSA Safety Marla Foster, Linbeck Group, LLC Grace Fox, TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC/ GLM Concrete Services Enrique Garza, Compliance Safety Consulting Lori Ingle, SpawGlass Construction Corp. Eugene Johnson, Construction EcoServices Paul Johnson, Lonquist Risk Management Services, LLC Lloyd Jukkola, Gilbane Building Company Craig Lantz, Gilbane Building Company Tommy Lee, W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. Mike Macomber, Adams Insurance Service, Inc. Jay Marak, Cherry Companies Freddy Maze, Big 4 Erectors Joe Meschwitz, Linbeck Group, LLC Rhonda Mitchell, Aggregate Technologies Robert Mitchell, Bancorp South Insurance Homer Peterson, Peterson Construction Consulting, Inc. Jack Pettyjohn, OSHA Education Center-UT Arlington Susan Phillips, Tellepsen Henry Portillo, HP Safety Consulting David Rivera, Empire Steel Erectors, LP Steve Satterly, Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Freddy Sustaita, San Jacinto College Jim Twilley, Balfour Beatty Construction John Todd, MedSafe Jorge Vazquez, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Wendall Williams, Keystone Concrete AGC Houston and OSHA Team Up To Host Panel Discussion on OSHA Inspections And Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement AGC Houston leaders and members of the Safety Committee welcomed David Doucet, OSHA Area Director, Houston North Office; James Shelton, OSHA Compliance Assistance Specialist; and Mark Briggs, OSHA Area Director, Houston South Office on Thursday, September 4, 2014, to discuss OSHA inspections. The OSHA directors were joined by Attorney Keith Coulter, Coulter PC; Tonio Stergio, Shareholder, Andrews Myers, PC; and Homer Peterson, President, Peterson Construction Consulting, Inc. AGC Houston Director of Safety Services Kim Mason and Safety Committee Chair Chris Roberts, Brookstone, LP, monitored the informative two-hour discussion that focussed on employer citations, employer responsibilities, employer and employee rights and what OSHA construction site inspections cover. The panelists also discussed pending rules and upcoming legislation related to safety compliance. After the seminar, OSHA’s David Doucet and Mark Briggs along with AGC Houston President/CEO Jerry Nevlud and Kim Mason officially signed the OSHA and AGC Houston Strategic Partnership Program. Pictured standing are Grace Fox, TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC; Chris Roberts, Brookstone,LP; Tommy Lee, W. S. Bellows Construction Corp.; and James Shelton, OSHA. Seated are David Doucet, OSHA; Jerry Nevlud and Kim Mason, AGC Houston and Mark Briggs, OSHA. The AGC Houston/OSHA Strategic Partnership Program is open to all general contractor and specialty contractor members year round. Contact Kim Mason for details at (713) 843-3700. 15 AGC Houston and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration partnered to promote Fall Protection during the 2014 Safety Stand Down June 2-6, 2014. For the past 11 years, Houston members have been key supporters – leading safety performance at the city, state and national levels. The week-long event was dedicated to Fall Protection and provided participating companies the flexibility of scheduling Safety Stand Down demonstrations on their jobsites. Approximately 238 companies reported their participation in the Safety Stand Down. A record 80 AGC Houston member companies participated and more than 6,000 construction workers took part in safety demonstrations. AGC member participation nearly doubled from 2013. Construction workers heard presentations and saw demonstrations about hazard awareness, stairways and ladders, fall and accident prevention. According to numbers released from the Associated General Contractors of America, the injury rate on construction sites in Texas over the last decade has fallen 50 percent. Fatality rates in Texas are also on the decline, falling from 13.1 fatalities per 100,000 workers in 2008, to 12.8 fatalities per 100,000 workers in 2012. “We are always very happy to see safety numbers trending in the right direction, but our members’ commitment to safety is not so much on the movement of rates, but simply that every individual on a job site goes home safely each day to his or her family,” AGC Houston President Jerry Nevlud stated. AGC Houston is proud lead the nation as having the safest construction jobsites based on safety records and zero incidence rates. Our chapter received First Place in the Associated General Contractors of America 2012 Safety Excellence Awards for Chapters with 50 to 100 General Contractor Members. PARTICIPATING COMPANIES AECO Interior Contractors Alpha Electric Company American Fire Systems, Inc. Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Applied Finish Systems, LLC AYG Construction Co., Inc. Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. Balfour Beatty Construction Bauer Sport Floors, Inc. Britain Electric Co. Brookstone, LP Cadence McShane Construction Capp Electric Co., Inc. Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing Cherry Companies Compliance Safety Consulting Construction EcoServices D & H Masonry, Inc. D. H. Griffin of Texas, Inc. Drake Interiors Durotech, Inc. Empire Steel Erectors, LP Fast Track Specialities, LP Fireproof Contractors, Inc. Fisk Electric Company Fretz Construction Company Gilbane Building Co. GLM Concrete Services, LLC Gonzales Commercial Electric, Inc. Gowan, Inc. Graco Mechanical, Inc. Gray Mechanical Contractors, LP HD Supply Co. HP Safety Consulting Hudson Building Systems, Ltd. Humphrey Co., Ltd. ieSmartSystems, LLC JE Dunn Construction Company Karsten Interior Services, LP Kauffman Company Keystone Concrete L.D. Bundren Painting, Inc. L.S. Decker, Inc. Lakey Electric Co. Lange Mechanical Services, LP Linbeck Group, LLC Lonquist Risk Management Services Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Marek Sawing & Drilling, LLC McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Melton Electric Miller Builders, LLP Mission Constructors, Inc. National Terrazzo Tile & Marble, Inc. Peak Roofing, Inc. Pepper-Lawson Construction, LP Peterson Beckner Industries, Inc. Pieper-Houston Electric, LP Polk Mechanical Co. R & M Service Co., Inc. Raven Mechanical, LP Restoration Services, Inc. Salus Consulting Services, LLC Schnabel Foundation Co. Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc. Southern Architectural Systems, Inc. SpawGlass Construction Corp. Steel Masters, LP TAS Commercial Concrete Construction,LLC TDIndustries, Inc. Tellepsen The Gonzalez Group Tobin & Rooney, Inc. Trio Electric Ltd. Vaughn Construction W. S. Bellows Construction Corp. W. W. Bartlett, Inc. Way Engineering, Ltd. Wilson Fire Equip. & Service Co., Inc. Winco Masonry, Inc. 16 Safety is a Top Priority Construction Futures Hats Off to These Members Who Earned Safety Awards AGC Houston Salutes Seven Scholarship Recipients AGC of America Construction Safety Excellence Awards W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. won 1st Place in the category of 250,000 to 450,000 man hours. Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. won 3rd place in the category of under 500,000 man hours. Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc. won 3rd place in the category of over 500,000 man hours. AGC Texas Building Branch Awards for Zero Lost Workdays Brookstone, LP; C.F. McDonald Electric, Inc.; Durotech, Inc.; SpawGlass Construction Corp.; Cadence McShane Construction Co., LLC; Chamberlin Roofing and Waterproofing, Ltd.; Pieper-Houston Electric, LP; The Trevino Group AGC Texas Building Branch SAFETY Awards Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. – Associates/Specialty Division Category Two AGC Houston Safety Director of the Year/Ray Lambright Award David Hales, Peterson Beckner Industries, Inc. AGC Houston AGC Houston Specialty Contractor Award - Small Contractor Category Thanks to the Patrick J. Kiley Excellence in Leadership Awards, seven Houston-area college-bound and university students received at total of $45,000 to pursue degrees in a construction-related discipline. AGC Houston held the annual event on April 30 at The HESS Club, which featured guest speaker James Furr, Managing Principal Emeritus, Gensler. Established 19 years ago, the Excellence in Leadership Scholarship was renamed in honor of Patrick J. Kiley who served as AGC Houston executive vice president for 21 years. To date, the scholarship fund has generated more than $352,000 toward scholarships. The 2014 Patrick J. Kiley Excellence in Leadership schol- arship recipients included Maryna Chabatar, Crystal Esparza, Iris Flores, Antonio Hernandez, Simida Ion, Dustin Murphy, RuthAnn Ritchie. AGC Houston also honored Edwin Villarreal, TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC with the 2014 Standard of Excellence Award. In addition, AGC of America awarded scholarships to four university students during the event. They include Jerry Batchelor - G. E. Byrne Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship; William Conte - Doug and Puddie Pitcock Scholarship; Simida Ion - James D. Pitcock Scholarship; and Ramiro Platas - Tom F. and Mary Kay Steele Scholarship. Aggregate Technologies, Inc. AGC Houston AGC Houston Specialty Contractor Award - Large Contractor Category C.F. McDonald Electric, Inc. Midyear Meeting Recognizes Excellence In Safety AGC Houston members gathered at the Junior League of Houston on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, to hear keynote speaker Matt Eversmann, hero of the Epic Film Black Hawk Down, give a heroic account of the Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia and to recognize commercial contractor and subcontractor companies that won safety awards. AGC Houston Director of Safety Services Kim Mason reported on safety issues and new safety initiatives being reviewed by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Before presenting the safety awards, she recognized Chris Roberts, Brookstone, LP for his leadership as co-chair of the AGC Houston Safety Committee and paid special thanks to Tommy Lee, Safety Director at W. S. Bellows Construction Corp.; Grace Fox, Safety Director, TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC; and Susan Phillips, Safety Director at Tellepsen, for their ongoing support and dedication to making the construction industry safer. Patrick J. Kiley Excellence In Leader- James Furr, Managing Principal Patrick J. Kiley enjoyed ship Chairman Stan Marek, Marek Emeritus, Gensler who spoke about the remarks of James Brothers Systems, Inc. his career and the world-renowned Furr, Gensler. architectural firm. Jason Kopke, Marek Sawing & Drilling, LLC introduced the award recipients. Underwriters Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd.; Cokinos, Bosien & Young; McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.; Slack and Co. Contracting, Inc.; SpawGlass Construction Corp., Inc.; TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC; TDIndustries, Inc. Patrons Cherry Companies; Compliance Safety Consulting; Fisk Electric Company; Gilbane Building Company Breakfast Sponsors Ronnie Wills, Aggregate Technologies, Inc., accepts the Safety Excellence Small Contractor Category. David Hales, Safety Director of Peterson Beckner Industries, Inc., accepts the Safety Director of the Year award. The AGC Houston and AGC of America Scholarship Award Recipients: RuthAnn Ritchie, Iris Flores, Simida Ion, Maryna Chabatar, Jerry Batchelor, Antonio Hernandez, Crystal Esparza, Ramiro Platas, William Conte, and Dustin Murphy. AGC Houston President Jerry Nevlud; Stan Marek, Edward Villarreal, TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC; and Jim Furr, Gensler. Andrew Myers, PC; Coats Rose; Durotech, Inc.; Knapp Chevrolet; Lonquist Risk Management Services; Marek Brothers Systems, Inc.; Marek Sawing & Drilling, LLC Print Sponsor A&E – The Graphics Complex Chris Roberts, Brookstone, LLC. Keynote speaker Matt Eversmann. 17 18 Construction Futures Construction Leadership Council AGC Houston Student Chapters The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is a national AGC initiative designed to address the needs of young professionals in the industry. To date, more than 95 chapters have established a CLC. Through educational programs and events that focus on the professional development and leadership skills of the industry’s future leaders, the CLC offers members the opportunity to exchange ideas and to learn from experts about issues facing construction professionals. Besides socializing at monthly events, CLC members network, exchange ideas about work and the industry, and gain continuing education which includes both professional development and leadership skills. AGC Houston reaches out to nurture the future construction industry by encouraging college students in construction-related studies to form AGC Houston Student Chapters. AGC Houston has a long-standing relationship with student chapters, dating back to 1949 when we formed the AGC student chapter at Texas A&M University - one of the first AGC student chapters in the nation! In 2012, we welcomed the formation of a new student chapter at Prairie View A&M, which was chartered by AGC of America. To obtain a charter, the school must meet certain criteria, such as accreditation and offer a construction and/or an engineering-related degree program. The charter also allows students to apply for scholarships and participate in industry-related activities, both locally and nationally. These universities currently maintain active student chapters: •Prairie View A&M University •Sam Houston State University •Texas A&M University •Texas Southern University •University of Houston 2014 Construction Leadership Council Board Liaisons – Bill Scott, Linbeck Group, LLC; Steve Mechler, Balfour Beatty Construction Chair – Craig Kutac, Brookstone, LP; Co-Chair – Kyle Holland, Gilbane Building Co. Members: James Newman, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc.; Neil Byrne, Byrne Metals Corp.; Preston Hodges, McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Members Hit the Jackpot at Annual CLC Poker Tournament Seventy nine poker players brought their game at the CLC Texas Hold ‘Em Poker fund-raiser on May 15, 2014. It was a memorable evening – whether the chips were up or down – as the tournament lasted four hours. Thanks to the Construction Leadership Council committee members who helped to create this popular event and raise money for the AGC Houston Scholarship fund. Results Texas A&M AGC chapter officers. University of Houston AGC chapter students Prairie View Texas A&M volunteer at the 2014 Barbecue Cook-Off. Student Chapter volunteers at the BBQ Cook-off. Employment Practices Committee The AGC Houston Employment Practices Committee keeps members apprised of any changes to employment law and human resources issues relevant to the commercial construction industry. Attorneys specializing in employment law or human resource professionals in construction firms make up the group. Throughout the year, the committee offers a series of Brown Bag Briefings and writes articles which are published on the AGC Houston website and in Cornerstone magazine. 19 2014 EPC Committee Members Board Liaison: Van Martin, Tribble & Stephens Construction, Ltd. Chair: Liz Debaillon, Cokinos, Bosien, & Young Co-Chair: Grace Fox, TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC Ana Arredondo, USDOL Wage and Hour Division – Invited Guest Audra Bateman, Cherry Companies Frank L. Carrabba, Law Office of Frank Carraba, PC Veronica Delgado, Linbeck Group, LLC Leigh Ganchan, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC Jeri Garrett, Tellepsen Nelsy Gomez, Cozen O’Connor Rachel Heins, Cokinos, Bosien, & Young Susie Hernandez, TDIndustries, Inc. Jon Hoelscher, Coats Rose Mark J. Jodon, Littler Mendelson, PC David Jordan, Littler Mendelson, PC Dainill Mercadel, Tellepsen Victoria Northington, Spakle Cleaning Services, LLC Annie Paulie, Linbeck Group, LLC Bobby Skyles, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Tony Stergio, Andrews Myers, PC Brian Stevenson, The Stevenson Group Megha Vyas, TDIndustries, Inc. Larry Williams, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Norasha Williams, Cozen O’Connor Angela Wilson, Balfour Beatty Construction 1st: Tony Gonzalez – Trevathan Marketing Group, Inc. 2nd: Danny Galvan – Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd. 3rd: Jonathan Treadway – Construction EcoServices 4th: Chuck Porter - riesenbeck Architectural Products 5th: Jared Minks – Baker Drywall Houston, Ltd. 6th: Juan Guzman – Big City Access, Inc. 7th: Chris Blessing – Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc. 8th: Terry L. Tunning, Sr. – Magnum Air,Inc. 9th: Brady McBride – White Cap Construction Supply 10th: James Newman – Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. Dead-Ass Last: Brett Siepka- McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Sponsors Straight Flush: Brookstone, LP Dead-Ass-Last: Vicon Equipment, Inc. 4-of-a-Kind: Byrne Metals Corp. 4-of-a-Kind: Magnum Air, Inc. 4-of-a-Kind: Big City Access, Inc. In-Kind Beer: Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing In-Kind Prize Sponsor: Magnum Air, Inc./Phoenix Insulation In-Kind Prize Sponsor: The Brandt Companies, LLC In-Kind Prize Sponsor: Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. In-Kind Prize Sponsor: Door Eagle, LLC In-Kind Prize Sponsor: Hilti North America In-Kind Prize Sponsor: ARC Document Solutions 20 Construction Leadership Council Leadership AGC CLC Golf Tournament Raises Funds For Education Scholarships And Donates Flagpole To Hermann Park Golf Course Leadership AGC Kicks Off Program For Next Generation Of Construction Leaders Neither the triple digit temperature nor high humidity could keep golfers from participating in the 10th annual golf tournament sponsored by the Construction Leadership Council on August 8, 2014. As in past years, the event was held at Hermann Park Golf Course and helped to raise funds for the Patrick J. Kiley Excellence In Leadership Scholarship. CLC Committee members presented a check to AGC Houston President/CEO Jerry Nevlud after the tournament. To commemorate the golf tournament’s 10th anniversary, the CLC Committee donated a flagpole, complete with the United States and Texas flags. In addition, a specially-commissioned AGC flag was flown during the tournament. Many thanks to AGC Houston member Pieper Houston Electric, LP, which donated a light to illuminate the flagpole. After the tournament, City of Houston Council District D Member Dwight Boykins thanked AGC Houston and the CLC Committee for their contributions to Houston’s public golf course. Leadership AGC, a nine-month leadership training program to develop the next generation of commercial construction leaders, launched its Class of 2015 with an overnight stay and team-building exercises September 18 and 19, 2014. Sixteen professionals have been selected to take part in the newly-designed program which is being mentored and co-lead by Mike Holland, Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. and Jason Kopke, Marek Sawing & Drilling, LLC. “The inaugural class is designed to cultivate young leaders of the commercial construction industry and expedite their growth through a series of eight programs,” stated Kopke. Beginning is September 2014 and continuing through May 2015, Leadership AGC education sessions focus on developing leadership and management skills as well as gaining an understanding about the leaders in the construction, development, business, medical, industrial, political and educational arenas. Sessions include: Introduction to Leadership and the AGC; Personal and Professional Development; Community Service Project benefitting ACE Mentor; Introduction and site visit to the Port of Houston; An Owner’s Perspective; Introduction to the Texas Medical Center; Introduction to AGC Texas Building Branch and Capitol Site Visit; Patrick J. Kiley Excellence in Leadership Scholarship Program; and the Class of 2015 Graduation. For more information about Leadership AGC, contact Charlene Anthony at (713) 843-3700. RESULTS First Place – Environmental Allies Leo Aguilar Mark Rosenfelder John Boatman Brian Bub Second Place – Clunn Acoustical Systems Jerrod Clunn, Sam Moore, Kendall Pouland, Terry Hargus Third Place – Drake Interiors, Inc. Eddie Stephens, Derrick Krc, James Dalton, Larry Phatolony Closest To the Pin - Brandon Pouland, Tellepsen Longest Drive - Ross Walker, National Oilwell Varco Team Dead-Ass-Last – Pieper Houston Electric, LP Travis Brown, Willie Cyr, Steve Haney, Jeff Hisaw Hole Sponsors ARC Document Solutions Brookstone, LP Byrne Metals, Corp. Cadence McShane Construction Clunn Acoustical Cokinos, Bosien, & Young Construction EcoServices, Enterprise Commercial Trucks Environmental Allies Fast Track Specialities, LP Gilbane Building Company McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. McGriff, Seibels, & William of Texas, Inc. Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. NOW Specialities, Inc. Pieper Houston Electric, LP Raven Mechanical, LP Vicon Equipment, Inc. 21 Thanks to our Sponsors! Player Gifts: Andrews Myers, PC – golf shirts Reception Sponsor: Cokinos, Bosien, & Young Reception Sponsor: American Institute of Steel Construction Reception Sponsor: Compliance Safety Consulting Beverage Sponsor: Brookstone, LP Dead-Ass Last Sponsor: Vicon Equipment, Inc. In-Kind Donor: Marek Brothers Systems, Inc. In-Kind Donor: Pacesetter Personnel Services In-Kind Donor: HILTI In-Kind Donor: ARC Document Solutions 22 Annual Bragging Rights … Annual Bragging Rights … 23rd Annual Fair and Barbecue Cook-Off From Chicken, Pork Ribs and Slow-Cooked Brisket, to Salsa, Margaritas and Bloody Marys, 29 Cook Teams Offer Tantalizing Entries More than 8,000 people converged on the Sam Houston Race Park for the 23rd annual AGC Houston Barbecue Cookoff March 27 and 28, 2014. Twenty-nine cook teams manned their barbecue pits around the clock for two days, smoking brisket, chicken, ribs and other delicacies. Bands and djs helped to create a party atmosphere on Friday night as revellers feasted on margaritas, crawfish, barbecue and danced into the late hours. On Saturday, families filled the Kidz’s Zone and sampled barbecue. At 4:30 p.m., Jerry Nevlud, AGC Houston President/ CEO, thanked all the cook teams and volunteers from the Carl Lee Pavilion, named in honor of Carl Lee, an employee of Tellepsen and a long-time supporter and Cook-off committee member. To everyone who survived the two-day event, the rain Friday evening and to everyone whose hard work made this one of the best barbecue cook-offs in AGC Houston history, thank you! Congratulations to the teams who placed and took home an award. Special thanks to Carl Chavis, JE Dunn Construction Company, Cook Committee Chair and all Barbecue Cook-off Committee members for their dedication and hard work in making this such a successful event. Overall Champion Ralph Morton Spirit Award Linbeck Group, LLC Ray Miller, Steel Masters, LP Best Theme 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: Company 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place 6th Place 7th Place 8th Place 9th Place 10th Place Best Hospitality MEMCO 1st Place: Steel Masters, LP/Trico Lift Steel Masters, LP/Trico Lift 2nd Place: MEMCO JE Dunn Construction Co. 3rd. Place: Pieper-Houston Electric, LP MLN Company Brookstone, LP Berger Iron Works Chicken Ribs Pieper Houston Electric, LP Tellepsen Linbeck Group, LLC – Team 1 MEMCO Linbeck Group, LLC – Team 2 Platinum Staffing Fisk Electric Company Hervey Barlow Specialty Contractors Brookstone, LP Allied Fire Protection, LP Turner Construction Co. Steel Masters, LP/Trico Lift JE Dunn Construction Co. Linbeck Group, LLC – Team 1 Milam & Co. Painting, Inc. Platinum Staffing Raven Mechanical, LP W.S. Bellows Const. Corp. - Team 1 Berger Iron Works Ranger Specialized Glass, Inc. Fisk Electric Company Enterprise Commercial Paving, Inc. Hervey Barlow Specialty Contractors Fireproof Contractors, Inc. Tellepsen Milam & Co. Painting, Inc. Linbeck Group, LLC – Team 1 W.S. Bellows Const. Corp. – Team 2 Astro Fence Co. Turner Construction Co. Crawfish Raven Mechanical, LP Fireproof Contractors, Inc. – Team 2 Allied Fire Protection, LP Bloody Mary 1st Place: Ranger Specialized Glass, Inc. 2nd: Place: Enterprise Commercial Paving 3rd Place: Brookstone, LP 23 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: Brisket Margarita 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: Open Category 1st Place: Tellepsen Builders 2nd Place: W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. - Team 2 3rd Place: W.S. Bellows Construction Corp. - Team 1 SPONSORS Event Partners ARC Document Solutions Astro Fence Company Events Anywhere H&H Tents & Events MEMCO Nation Waste, Inc. National Construction Rentals Steel Masters, LP United Rentals Ray Morton Spirit Award recipient Ray Miller and Carl Chavis, 2014 Barbecue Cook-Off chair. Overall Champion: Linbeck Group, LLC Carl Lee Judging Tent Sponsors Andrews Myers, PC Anslow Bryant Construction, Ltd. Cadence McShane Construction Katy Blinds Commercial ModSpace Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc. Tellepsen Steel Masters, LP/Trico Lift MEMCO Entrance Sponsors BMF Solutions The Brandt Companies, LLC HP Safety Consulting Manhattan Construction Co. Total CAD Systems, Inc. Wholesale Electric Supply Judging Sponsors 1st Place Ribs 1st Place Brisket 1st Place Chicken 1st Place Open Dish Hatfield Construction Hale–Mills Construction, Ltd. Hays Construction & Property, Ltd. HP Safety Consulting Hudson Building Systems, Ltd. Insurepointe of Texas, Inc. Locke Solutions Skillforce, Inc. 1st Place Crawfish 1st Place Salsa 1st Place Margarita 1st Place Bloody Mary Salsa 1st Place: Milam & Painting Co., Inc. 2nd Place: Pieper-Houston Electric, LP 3rd Place: MLN Company 24 Annual Bragging Rights … Networking Mixers Held quarterly, the popular AGC Houston networking mixers draw a wide array of commercial industry professionals. Held from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Crisp restaurant in The Heights, the event is free for all general contractors. At each event, one lucky guest wins the raffle for an iPad mini. Make plans in 2015 to attend the networking mixers! Visit agchouston.org/calendar for dates. For sponsors, it’s a great way to meet industry decision makers. 2014 1st Thursday Meeting Sponsors February: May: August: 25 Hudson Building Systems, Inc. Dubbelde Precast Consulting Compliance Safety Consulting 26 Membership Has Its Rewards AGC Houston has partnered with recognized vendors to offer products and services at generous discounts to chapter members. Discount programs have been specifically designed for our chapter and are offered through the Texas Building Branch and AGC of America. AGC Houston & Louisiana AGC Form AGC Southwest Chapters 401 (k) Plan Among the highlights of 2014, was AGC Houston officially merging its 401 (k) Multiple Employer Plan with Louisiana AGC’s MEP 401 (k) plan – forming the AGC Southwest Chapters 401(k) Plan. The AGC Southwest Chapters 401(k) Plan became one of the largest super-regional association retirement plans, which was officially signed Friday, February 28, 2014 by AGC Houston President/CEO Jerry Nevlud and Louisiana AGC CEO Ken Naquin. This cost-effective plan is designed specifically to allow companies of all sizes to participate. The AGC Southwest Chapters 401 (k) Plan is made up of general contractor, specialty contractor, associate, and affiliate member companies. To celebrate the merger, AGC Houston and Louisiana 401 (k) plan members headed to Minutemaid Park on April 2, 2014 to watch the Astros take on the Yankees in their first game of the season. Currently, more than 60 companies participate in the plan. AGC Southwest Chapters 401(k) Plan In 2014, AGC Houston merged its 401 (k) Multiple Employer Plan with the Louisiana AGC’s MEP 401 (k) plan. The AGC Southwest Chapters 401(k) Plan is now one of the largest super-regional association retirement plans. Participating companies benefit from not having to conduct an annual audit; economies of scale on investment costs; minimal plan maintenance and more. Contact R.W. Baird at (713) 296-8066 or mep@rwbaird.com. Workers’ Compensation Insurance CompGroup AGC provides workers’ compensation coverage to qualifying AGC Houston members. CompGroup AGC not only offers affordable workers’ comp insurance but potentially pays you significant dividends. AGC members have received $58 million since 2000. Call 800-406-9614 and ask for Julie Schatz. Energy Discount Program Through Reliant Energy’s agreement with the Texas Building Branch, members receive generous benefits: One-stop-shop service to install temporary meters; No hassle temporary service enrollment; Discounted prices; and referring incentives for future tenants, friends and family. Go to www.reliant.com/agc for more details or call (855) 350-8685. Wireless Discount Program AGC and Verizon have teamed up to offer significant discounts for AGC members: 22% off of corporate calling plans and up to 18% for employees. Pricing options are also available on data plans, accessories and devices. For more information, call NPP at (800) 810-3909 or email customerservice@mynpp.com. AGC of America Discount Programs AGC’s Membership Discount Program’s provide members access to high-quality services, cutting-edge technology and top-of-the-line products. AGC has partnered with some of the best to give you the most for your money and improve your daily business operations. Visit WWW.AGC.ORG Shipping Solutions •FedEx - Express®, Ground® and Freight® •UPS Freight®, YRC Freight ® and Estes Travel •Avis Car Rental •Budget Car Rental •Hertz •SuperShuttle & Execucar 27 Go to Membership and click on Discounts Vehicles & Fuel •BP •Chrysler •Enterprise Fleet Management •Ford •General Motors (GM) Business Solutions •OfficeMax •HP Industry Solutions •.build Domains •BirdDog •ClickSafety.com •ConsensusDocs •Computer Guidance Corporation •The Family Business Institute •iSqFt NEW! The AGC Alternative A private insurance exchange built exclusively for AGC members. Pictured at the Astros game are Jerry Nevlud, AGC Houston; Steve Sandherr, AGC of America; and Ken Naquin, Louisiana AGC. AGC Southwest Chapters 401 (k) Plan Committee Members: Paul Oliver, W.S. Bellows Construction Corp.; Bob Bacon, TAS Commercial Concrete Construction, LLC D. J. Krause, Durotech, Inc.; Audra Bateman, Cherry Companies Adopting Employers/Legal Advisor: Glynn Nance, Nance and Simpson AGC Houston & Louisiana AGC Staff/Trustees: Ada Lam, Jerry Nevlud, Ken Naquin, Michael Demouy AGC Houston Staff Jerry Nevlud - President / CEO, jerry.n@agchouston.org Ada Lam - Chief Financial Officer, ada.l@agchouston.org Charlene Anthony - Senior Director - Construction Futures, Education, Meetings charlene.a@agchouston.org Catherine Bezman - Senior Director - Communications, Marketing catherine.b@agchouston.org Kim Mason - Director of Safety Services kim.m@agchouston.org Amy Mui - Director of Finance, amy.m@agchouston.org Amy Collins - Executive Assistant, amy.c@agchouston.org Brenda Ward - Building Services Coordinator, brenda.w@agchouston.org Anavell Trevino - Administrative Assistant, anavell.t@agchouston.org Jaclyn Lee - Online Systems/Membership Coordinator, jaclyn.l@agchouston.org Produced and edited by Catherine Bezman © 2015 by AGC Houston Printed by A&E - The Graphics Complex 28
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