‘Being in ArtPlay means you’re going to LEARN something. Or have fun. Both, usually.’ William aged 12 Program Guide Wednesday 3 April to Monday 10 June 2013 artplay update Message from the lord mayor ArtPlay is a much-loved space in Melbourne and its popularity continues to grow. This season the ArtPlay team will work with first year Monash University Architecture students on Card Art Spaces to construct amazing cardboard structures for children and families with artist Sue Davis on hand for inspiration. We also present projects from the ArtPlay New Ideas Lab program. Nests is a musical experience for three to five year olds where children play with instruments hidden inside large eggs, while Strange Garden invites children to create 3D plant objects in a large cardboard garden installation that will fill the ArtPlay space. ArtPlay helps the City of Melbourne to be an inclusive and creative city. We encourage children and families to come along and take part in the many free and affordable activities on offer. There’s plenty to see and do at ArtPlay Robert Doyle Cr Rohan Leppert Lord Mayor Chair, Arts and Culture portfolio Book at www.artplay.com.au or call (03) 9664 7900 or email artplay@melbourne.vic.gov.au ‘When I go to ArtPlay it feels like a different world.’ Beren aged 9 ArtPlay is open Wednesday to Sunday from 10am to 4pm Check calendar for event details. Visit ArtPlay is in Birrarung Marr, by the Yarra River (Melway 1B R12). 2 Art Club Keep in Touch Do you want more of ArtPlay? This is your chance to delve into the world of visual arts with a five-week program with artist Sue Davis. Each week explore the work & ideas of a different artist and use this as inspiration to explore a wide-range of medium including paint, clay, earth art, photography and sculpture. For more course details, please contact ArtPlay. Find out about special offers, when the bookings open, and which workshops have places available by joining our mailing list via our website. You will receive an email approximately every two weeks with the latest news. Or if you prefer, find us on www.facebook.com/ArtPlayKids Don’t Miss Bookings CONTENTS FREE Stuff to Explore Special Events: Workshops for under 5 year olds Workshops for 5 to 8 year olds Workshops for 9 to 12 year olds ArtPlay Calendar ‘Great all family play! Thank you!’ ArtPlay Parent 5 10 14 17 20 22 This April school holidays there’s so much cool stuff on at ArtPlay: Font Factory lets you construct your own font in 3D then watch as it converts into digital format; Weave invites you to make your mark on a giant cocoon framework; while Splat lets you go wild with paint flying onto canvass from various contraptions. ‘I love you clown so much xo.’ Ada aged 3 about Goof Booth In May, look out for Shelter, where you can be inspired by shelters from around the world (igloo, tree-house, yurt) to build your own cubby in the ArtPlay space. And in June don’t miss your chance to star in the stop motion animation workshop Space. Have your say in how the story plays out and be part of the action on the set and on the screen. Take the train or tram to Flinders Street Station and walk along the river to ArtPlay in Birrarung Marr or drive and park in the nearby Federation Square car park. Special Thanks We would like to thank the Cybec Foundation for their continued support of the ArtPlay ACCESS Program. 3 from an artplayer free stuff to explore Sofia (6 years of age) What does ArtPlay mean to you? It’s my space It’s a kid’s space Kids rule here It is bright The bright orange door I feel great seeing my work on the wall I like the colours everywhere I like sitting on the floor Weave Font Factory I like how we get to try different stuff. I like the different materials and we did sculpture, drawing. I get to see my art on the wall. It makes me proud. I feel good. ‘Great fun for everybody!’ ArtPlay Grandma ARTIST: Annasophia Larsen, Naasicaa Larsen, Geoff Riding ‘Wow! It was so worth it!’ Emmelie aged 10 years Come and join graphic design studio Copy Boy in their fun Font Factory. Workers are needed to create a font out of nothing but rubbish. Use recycled materials to make an R out of bottle caps or an M out of sticks, put it on the factory line, and watch it be turned into a font that you can type with. What crazy letters can be made? We need your help to make every letter in the alphabet. Make a letter or simply have fun typing messages to your friends and family using the Font Factory font. design AGE: 5 to 12 years Wednesday 3 April to Sunday 7 April, 2pm to 4pm FREE No bookings required All children must be accompanied by an adult. Weave ARTIST: Kathy Luxford-Carr Have you ever wondered how an insect builds its cocoon? Come join us to create three beautiful hanging cocoons at ArtPlay (one for each day). Using natural fibres, bamboo and joy, we will transform the frames of these giant-size cocoons into works of art. sculpture AGE: 5 to 12 years Wednesday 10 April, Thursday 11 April, Friday 12 April, 11am to 1pm FREE No bookings required All children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your imagination and smiles to a fun day at ArtPlay. 4 5 free stuff to explore free stuff to explore ‘I liked the visuals, music and pictures. It was awesome!!’ ArtPlayer ArtPlay Backyard SHELTER SUNDAY 5 MAY ARTIST: AVIS GARDNER and LIZ WALKER Shelters come in all shapes and sizes. Tree-house, skyscraper, caravan, tepee or igloo – what kind of shelter does your family live in? What kind of shelter can you imagine and what kind of shelter would you like to build? Come and be inspired: by environmental artists Avis Gardner and Liz Walker; by the many types of dwellings from all around the world; and by your imagination. Construct a ‘shelter’ using a collection of found and recycled materials. Then create a picture that reflects what you think are the most important things you have in your home. A photo of you in your shelter plus your drawing will form an exhibition at ArtPlay later in the year. 6 sculpture AGE: 5 to 12 years Sunday 5 May, 1pm to 4pm FREE No bookings required All children must be accompanied by an adult. SUNDAYS 12, 19 AND 26 MAY ARTIST: Avis Gardner Insects are all around us… but do we really know which ones are in our own backyards? Discover more about insects and learn how important they are to us with Entomologist, Dr. Michael Nash from the University of Melbourne. He will have some real live bugs to show us. clay AGE: 5 to 12 years Sundays 12 May, 19 May and 26 May, 11am to 1pm FREE No bookings required but arrive early as places are limited All children must be accompanied by an adult. Then make our new insect friends a ‘motel home’ with artist Avis Gardner. We will be building ‘Mini Motel’ clay totems and you can be part of creating one of the pieces that will join together to make the sculpture (12 and 19 May) or help to decorate it (26 May). The Mini Motels will be installed in the Art Play Courtyard for all to enjoy – especially the insects. 7 free stuff to explore CARD ART SPACES 18 MAY TO 2 JUNE ARTISTS: FIRST YEAR STUDENTS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE FROM MONASH UNIVERSITY ARTIST IN RESIDENCE: SUE DAVIS First year students from the Department of Architecture at Monash University transform cardboard into amazing structures. Explore spaces for resting, reading, retreating, making and viewing. Every weekend during the exhibition, join artist Sue Davis for free open workshops for seven to twelve year olds and their families. Be inspired by the structures around you to make, sculpt and mould your own cardboard creations. 8 free stuff to explore EXHIBITION Exhibition AGE Family Saturday 18 May to Sunday 2 June, 10am to 4pm (open Thursday to Sunday) Space Workshops AGE 7 to 12 years 8 JUNE TO 10 JUNE Every Saturday and Sunday from 18 May to 2 June, 2pm to 4pm FREE No bookings required All children must be accompanied by an adult. ARTISTS: ArtPlay Staff Do you want to be an astronaut? Or an alien exploring the earth? Or a scientist in a rocket ship? Or even discover a new planet and meet wondrous creatures? Anything is possible when you float through space in this stop motion animation adventure. stop motion animation AGE: 5 to 12 years Saturday 8 June, Sunday 9 June, Monday 10 June, 30 minute sessions 1pm to 4pm FREE No bookings required but arrive early to secure your place All children must be accompanied by an adult. You will have a say in how your space story plays out and be part of the action on the set and then on the screen. With lots of camera-clicking, crazy costumes and a bit of tech savvy you will become a YouTube star. 9 l specia t even stuff to explore l specia t even stuff to explore MONSTER MADNESS SATURDAY 4 MAY STRANGE GARDEN 20 APRIL TO 28 APRIL ARTIST: ELIZA-JANE GILCHRIST and PAULINE O’SHANNESSY DOWLING Join artists Eliza-Jane Gilchrist and Pauline O’Shannessy Dowling to build a huge, beautiful, cardboard garden installation that fills ArtPlay with trees, vines, flowers and rocks. What patterns can you find outside and all around us? Use these patterns for inspiration to decorate cardboard shapes. Then learn to curl, construct and stick cardboard together to build 3D plant shapes. Attach your plant to the installation growing out of the middle of the ArtPlay space to create magical groves and miniature forests as together we create a wonderful Strange Garden. 10 exhibition and sculpture workshops Exhibition Saturday 20 April, Sunday 21 April, Saturday 27 April and Sunday 28 April, 10am to 4pm Workshops AGE: 5 to 12 years Saturday 20 April, Sunday 21 April, Saturday 27 April and Sunday 28 April, 12noon to 1pm; 1.30pm to 2.30pm; 3 to 4pm $12 per child – bookings essential All children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. ARTIST: KATIE EVANS Romping, stomping, snarling, slurping, burping, bumping MONSTERS! They can be scary or snuggly, big or small, but no two monsters can ever be the same. If you could make your own MONSTER, what would it look like? Would it be friendly or ferocious? Would it have rolling eyes and sharp teeth or cute fluffy ears and long antennae? So many ideas for so many MONSTERS! craft AGE: 3 to 8 years Saturday 4 May, 1pm to 4pm $5 per child – bookings recommended All children must be accompanied by an adult. Join the creative team at ArtPlay for a feast of MONSTER magic – romping, stomping and bumping away while you gather horns and eyes, ears and teeth to create the ultimate monster. There’ll be lots of materials to choose from and lots of ideas to share. For more MONSTER fun, take your creation to the MSO’s Family Classic Kids program Magic and Monsters, on Saturday 1 June – bookings www.mso.com.au or phone MSO Box Office on 03 9929 9600. 11 l specia t even stuff to explore l specia t even stuff to explore ‘I loved it and the people were so funny, nice and helpful!’ Abbie, aged 9 about Goof Booth LITTLE BIG SHOTS – MELBOURNE’S INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR KIDS NESTS 11 MAY AND 12 MAY DEVISED BY: KEN EVANS, GILLIAN HOWELL, REBECCA RUSSELL Have you ever sat in a nest? Do you know what treasures they hide? Come to the giant nests at ArtPlay to discover the enchanting music they conceal. Nests is all about musical discovery. A soundtrack of birds, trees and running streams will evoke an inspiring musical environment. Instruments hidden inside large eggs – rich, beautiful, unusual instruments that you can’t wait to pick up and play – will fill the space with evocative sounds as children interact with each other and acclaimed musician Tony Hicks. This is the third and final installation of Nests, created by Gillian Howell, Ken Evans and Rebecca Russell. 12 AGE 3 to 5 years Saturday 11 May and Sunday 12 May, 10.30am to 11am; 11.30am to 12noon; 12.30pm to 1pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult. 7 JUNE TO 9 JUNE Little Big Shots is Australia’s major annual children’s film festival featuring the best in local and international children’s shorts, animations and documentaries. The films inspire discussion of world cultures, different languages, cultural diversity, emotional intelligence and human values. Better still, they will make kids laugh, whoop and think. This selection of films is part of Little Big Shots’ new crop of juicy screen adventures to amaze and delight. See Tiny Tots (Package 1) and Little Tikes (Package 2) at ArtPlay. Package 1 is a fun-filled collection of animated films for little kids. There are heaps of laughs and quirky characters including a friendly blue squirrel with a taste for adventure, a little girl discovering magic in stars, some crazy cats who live on Mars and some silly farmers who decide to paint their sheep. Package 2 has some wonderful films for little kids and slightly bigger kids. There’s some fantastic animation and live-action films including a well travelled musician, an alien who’s run out of gas, and a great doco about some cool kids and the Yarra River. AGE 2 to 5 years (Package 1) Friday 7 June, 10.30am to 11.20am and 11.45am to 12.35pm AGE 3 to 7 years (Package 2) Saturday 8 June and Sunday 9 June, 10.30am to 11.20am $9 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult. 13 under under 5 Workshops 5 Workshops ‘Excellent! We thoroughly enjoyed our time here!’ ArtPlay Parent NOTE: Please also see Free Stuff to Explore and Special Events for more activities for this age group. Baby groove Baby Groove ARTIST: Emma Salzano Be guided through a series of creative movement and play activities which are gentle and fabulous for baby curiosity. Explore a range of different music styles and dynamics as your baby experiences movement responses through your body as you hold her or him. The pace is baby pace, so there will be plenty of pauses to allow for you to check in with your baby’s responses, and to possibly notice your own as well. This workshop is designed as an experience for parents, babies and the group as a whole to enjoy together. That funny red curtain music and movement AGE: Babes in arms and crawlers Wednesday 17 April, 10.30am to 11.15am; 11.45am to 12.30pm; 1pm to 1.45pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult. That Funny Red Curtain is an amusing and comical workshop celebrating all the things that make us laugh. Share your stories, memories, and ideas about what things or moments that truly make you chuckle, giggle, chortle and gurgle at yourself. What makes your mum and dad laugh? What makes your child laugh? And how does your family make each other laugh? 14 Drama AGE: 2 to 3 years Thursday 18 April, 10.30am to 11.15am and 11.45am to 12.30pm AGE: 4 to 5 years Thursday 18 April, 1pm to 1.45pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult. Big and little Strange Garden ARTIST: Eliza-Jane Gilchrist and Pauline O’Shannessy Dowling That Funny Red Curtain ARTIST: Nilgun Guven and David Wells Strange garden Spend time drawing and building in the Strange Garden workshop. Cut shapes and make patterns to create beautiful, coloured bugs that sit on cardboard stones in the garden. Then experiment with making shapes and layering them to make big tree branches. Or find your favourite part of the garden and add your mark by drawing patterns directly on the sculpture. sculpture AGE: 4 to 5 years Sunday 21 April, Friday 26 April and Sunday 28 April, 10.15am to 11am $9 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult. Big and Little ARTISTS: Heidi Weatherald and Jennifer Andersen Together with the help of artists Nilgun Guven and David Wells’ entertaining physical and musical accompaniments, take pleasure in this delightful shared experience. Big and little, sisters and brothers – we’re different sizes but we like the same things. We like making teeny-tiny shapes and shouting big, bold and brave. We like many little dance steps and one large song. We can both be big, we can both be little and we can always play together. Whether it be a drawing, story, song or memory, find and bring the funny with you on the day to add to our barrel (of laughs). Hold hands and jump into a theatrical Pocketfool celebration of sibling silliness, love and play. Drama AGE: siblings 4 years and under Saturday 11 May and Sunday 12 May, 2pm to 2.45pm; 3.15pm to 4pm $10 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult and a sibling. 15 under 5 Workshops ‘Fantastic!!!! Best toddler fun of 2012!!’ ArtPlay Parent Workshops NOTE: Please also see Free Stuff to Explore and Special Events for more activities for this age group. Secret spaces, secret sounds Paper creatures Secret Spaces, Secret Sounds ARTISTS: Heidi Weatherald, Alice HuiSheng Chang and Nigel Brown Explore the Card Art Spaces exhibition at ArtPlay with Pocketfool and sound artists Alice and Nigel. Sound & Drama AGE: Babes in arms and crawlers Wednesday 22 May, 10.30am to 11.15am, 11.45am to 12.30pm, 1pm to 1.45pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult. The ArtPlay Card Art Spaces have a secret sound. But which space? Where is it coming from? Discover and reveal the silliness that lies inside and unleash the giggles of delight. Paper Creatures ARTIST: Barking Spider Theatre Explore the Card Art Spaces exhibition at ArtPlay with Barking Spider visual theatre artist Penelope Bartlau. What creatures inhabit these spaces? And what do they need in their spaces to feel at home? Create extraordinary paper puppets to inhabit the Card Art Spaces and use paper and other materials to make the world of your creatures come alive! 16 5–8 Puppetry AGE: 2 to 3 years Wednesday 29 May, 10.30am to 11.15am and 11.45am to 12.30pm AGE: 4 to 5 years, 1pm to 1.45pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children must be accompanied by an adult. Font Factory Intensive ARTIST: Annasophia Larsen, Naasicaa Larsen, Geoff Riding design & construction AGE: 5 to 8 years Wednesday 3 April and Friday 5 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm What is your favourite font? Impact, Comic Sans or Courier New? Learn about how the fonts we use on computers, iPads and smart phones are created. Can the fonts we use show if we feel excited or bored? AGE: 5 to 12 years Welcome to the Font Factory discovery tour led by design studio Copy Boy. Not only will you learn about the history of fonts and how fonts work today, but you will learn how to make your very own. $15 per child – bookings essential Saturday 6 April and Sunday 7 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm All children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. First take recycled materials and everyday objects and transform them into original-style letters; then watch as the Font Factory turns your 3D letters into digital font and to finish type a message and arrange it to create a poster to take home! Workshop includes a Font Factory booklet designed by Copy Boy with fun font facts and pics of a few of their favourite handmade letters. 17 5–8 Workshops 5–8 Workshops ‘It was great! I want to do it again!!!! 10/10’ Marly aged 7 Splat! ARTIST: James Berlyn At Splat!, you become the artist. Experiment with the fun Splat! apparatus on offer to make your artwork… Catapult paint, stomp it, beat it and glitter splat it. Once you’ve had a go, make a plan to create your masterpiece and get to work. There may also be the chance to join forces with some other Splat! folk to create a group painting. Oh, and don’t forget to have fun (that shouldn’t be too hard). When you have finished, your work will be photographed and emailed to you. And while it’s drying it will be displayed with all the other ‘Splats’ – and may even be selected for an exhibition at ArtPlay. action painting AGE: 5 to 8 years Friday 12 April and Saturday 13 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4pm AGE: 5 to 12 years Sunday 14 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. ArtClub ARTIST: Sue Davis Art club is a new series of art workshops at ArtPlay. Each week explore the work and ideas of an artist and use this as inspiration to experiment with materials and techniques, while developing skills and confidence in your own self expression. Explore a wide range of visual arts including installation art, paint, clay, earth art, photography and drawing. Learn sculpture construction using wood, plastic, fabric, plaster, cane and many other materials. Plate Illustration AGE: 7 to 12 years Saturdays 20 April, 27 April, 4 May, 11 May and 18 May, 10am to 11.30am ArtClub is a series of workshops – must book for all dates $70 per child – bookings essential All children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. Artists’ work to be explored in this series: Paul Yore, Andy Warhol, Andy Goldsworthy and Claes Oldenberg. For more course details, please contact ArtPlay. 18 19 9–12 Workshops 9–12 Workshops NOTE: Please also see Free Stuff to Explore and Special Events for more activities for this age group. Splat! ARTIST: James Berlyn At Splat!, you become the artist. Experiment with the fun Splat! apparatus on offer to make your artwork… Catapult paint, stomp it, beat it and glitter splat it. Once you’ve had a go, make a plan to create your masterpiece and get to work. There may also be the chance to join forces with some other Splat! folk to create a group painting. Oh, and don’t forget to have fun (that shouldn’t be too hard). When you have finished, your work will be photographed and emailed to you. And while it’s drying it will be displayed with all the other ‘Splats’ – and may even be selected for an exhibition at ArtPlay. Font Factory ARTIST: Annasophia Larsen, Naasicaa Larsen, Geoff Riding What is your favourite font? Impact, Comic Sans or Courier New? Learn about how the fonts we use on computers, iPads and smart phones are created. Can the fonts we use show if we feel excited or bored? Welcome to the Font Factory discovery tour led by design studio Copy Boy. Not only will you learn about the history of fonts and how fonts work today, but you will learn how to make your very own! First take recycled materials and everyday objects and transform them into original-style letters; then watch as the Font Factory turns your 3D letters into a digital font; and to finish type a message and arrange it to create a poster to take home! Workshop includes a Font Factory booklet designed by Copy Boy with fun font facts and pics of a few of their favourite handmade letters. 20 action painting AGE: 9 to 12 years Thursday 11 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4pm AGE: 5 to 12 years Sunday 14 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. design & construction AGE: 9 to 12 years Thursday 4 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm AGE: 5 to 12 years Saturday 6 April and Sunday 7 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm $15 per child – bookings essential All children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. ArtClub ARTIST: Sue Davis Art club is a new series of art workshops at ArtPlay. Each week explore the work and ideas of an artist and use this as inspiration to experiment with materials and techniques, while developing skills and confidence in your own self-expression. Explore a wide range of visual arts including installation art, paint, clay, earth art, photography and drawing. Learn sculpture construction using wood, plastic, fabric, plaster, cane and many other materials. Plate Illustration AGE: 7 to 12 years Saturdays 20 April, 27 April, 4 May, 11 May and 18 May, 10am to 11.30am ArtClub is a series of workshops – must book for the whole series $70 per child – bookings essential All children under eight years must be accompanied by an adult. Artists’ work to be explored in this series: Paul Yore, Andy Warhol, Andy Goldsworthy and Claes Oldenberg. For more course details, please contact ArtPlay. 21 ArtPlay calendar: workshops and events ‘It blew my mind’ Felix aged 8 about Argybarge Book online at www.artplay.com.au Payment will be taken online via credit card. If you do not have internet or credit card access, please contact us by phone: 9664 7900 or email artplay@melbourne.vic.gov.au april Bookings essential Age in years Wed 3 Wed 3 Thurs 4 Thurs 4 Fri 5 Fri 5 Sat 6 Sat 6 Sun 7 Sun 7 Wed 10 Thurs 11 Thurs 11 Fri 12 Fri 12 Sat 13 Sun 14 Wed 17 Font Factory Intensive Font Factory Drop in Font Factory Intensive Font Factory Drop in Font Factory Intensive Font Factory Drop in Font Factory Intensive Font Factory Drop in Font Factory Intensive Font Factory Drop in Weave Splat! Weave Splat! Weave Splat! Splat! Baby Groove 10.30am to 12.30pm 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 12.30pm 2pm to 4pm; 5pm to 12pm 10.30am to 12.30pm 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 12.30pm 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 12.30pm 2pm to 4pm 11am to 1pm 10.30am to 12.30pm; 2pm to 4pm 11am to 1pm 10.30am to 12.30pm; 2pm to 4pm 11am to 1pm 10.30am to 12.30pm; 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 12.30pm; 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 11.15am; 11.45am to 12.30pm; 1pm to 1.45pm H Thurs 18 That Funny Red Curtain H Sat 20 Sat 20 Sun 21 Sun 21 Fri 26 Sat 27 Sat 27 Sun 28 Sun 28 Art Club Strange Garden Strange Garden Strange Garden Strange Garden Art Club Strange Garden Strange Garden Strange Garden 10.30am to 11.15am 11.45am to 12.30pm 1pm to 1.45pm 10am to 11.30am 12noon to 1pm; 1.30pm to 2.30pm; 3pm to 4pm 10.15am to 11am 12noon to 1pm; 1.30pm to 2.30pm; 3pm to 4pm 10.15am to 11am 10am to 11.30am 12noon to 1pm; 1.30pm to 2.30pm; 3pm to 4pm 10.15am to 11am 12noon to 1pm; 1.30pm to 2.30pm; 3pm to 4pm H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 5 to 8 5 to 12 9 to 12 5 to 8 5 to 12 5 to 12 5 to 12 5 to 12 5 to 12 5 to 12 9 to 12 5 to 12 5 to 8 5 to 12 5 to 8 5 to 12 Babes in arms and crawlers 2 to 3 2 to 3 4 to 5 7 to 12 5 to 12 4 to 5 5 to 12 4 to 5 7 to 12 5 to 12 4 to 5 5 to 12 Page 17 20 20 20 17 20 20 20 20 20 5 21 5 18 5 18 18 14 14 21 10 15 10 15 21 10 15 10 may Bookings essential Age Page Sat 4 Sat 4 Sun 5 Sat 11 Sat 11 Sat 11 Art Club Monsters Shelter Art Club Nests Big and Little 10am to 11.30am 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 4pm 10am to 11.30am 10.30am to 11am; 11.30am to 12noon; 12.30pm to 1pm 2pm to 2.45pm; 3.15 to 4pm H H 21 11 6 21 12 Sun 12 Sun 12 Sun 12 Nests ArtPlay Backyard Big and Little 10.30am to 11am; 11.30am to 12noon; 12.30pm to 1pm 11am to 1pm 2pm to 2.45pm; 3.15 to 4pm H Sat 18 Sat 18 Sun 19 Sun 19 Wed 22 Art Club Card Art Spaces workshop ArtPlay Backyard Card Art Spaces worshop Secret Spaces, Secret Sounds 10am to 11.30am 2pm to 4pm 11am to 1pm 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 11.15am; 11.45am to 12.30pm; 1pm to 1.45pm H Sat 25 Sun 26 Sun 26 Wed 29 Card Art Spaces worshop ArtPlay Backyard Card Art Spaces worshop Paper Creatures 2pm to 4pm 11am to 1pm 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 11.15am 11.45am to 12.30pm 1pm to 1.45pm 7 to 12 3 to 8 5 to 12 7 to 12 3 to 5 Siblings 4 & under 3 to 5 5 to 12 Siblings under 4 7 to 12 7 to 12 5 to 12 7 to 12 Babes in arms and crawlers 7 to 12 5 to 12 7 to 12 2 to 3 2 to 3 4 to 5 Card Art Spaces workshop Card Art Spaces workshop Little Big Shots Little Big Shots Space Little Big Shots Space Space 2pm to 4pm 2pm to 4pm 10.30am to 11.20am; 11.45am to 12.35pm 10.30am to 11.20am 1pm to 4pm 10.30am to 11.20am 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 4pm june Sat 1 Sun 2 Fri 7 Sat 8 Sat 8 Sun 9 Sun 9 Mon 10 ‘Fun and messy!’ Kalim aged 2 years 22 H H H Bookings essential Age in years Exhibition Opens 17 April 20 April 18 May H H H Splat Strange Garden Card Art Spaces H H H 7 to 12 7 to 12 2 to 5 3 to 7 5 to 12 3 to 7 5 to 12 5 to 12 15 12 7 15 21 8 7 8 16 8 7 8 16 Page 8 8 13 13 9 13 9 9 Page Closes 5 May 28 April 2 June 10am to 4pm Wednesday to Sunday (closed Anzac Day) 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday only 10am to 4pm Thursday to Sunday 18, 21 10, 15 8 23 CARLTON ST ST DAVID ST ST MOOR ST STANLEY KING WILLIA M ST ‘Kids need experiences with creative PELHAM To Eastern ST Fwy, Yarra Ranges via and fun adults. Always a pleasure.’ Maroondah Hwy ArtPlay parent ROYAL EXH Carlton HANOVER PIAZZA ITALIA ST CHARLES IMAX Uni., metery tal p. IBITION BUILDI ST WEBB ST MELBOURNE MUSEUM PALMER ST NG PEEL ST QUEENSBE ON ST RIDG E ING ST FANN STUR T ST ST FLO NGV IONAL RNAT RAL CLO 'S KING AIN DOM S ST DODD RE ST RIANE EG VICTO COLLARTS E OF TH C IT Y L IN K T U NN E GOVERNMENT HOUSE AV AC RD BI O O W D ST ST AV ST ST K TRY EN GEORGE ST EADES ST SMITH ST NAPIER ST ST JOLIMONT TCE AGNES ST T RD JOLIMON To Mornington Peninsula & Phillip Island via Monash Fwy SOUTHERN LIN K RD Yarra R AN Z S ST WELL AV G HOOVE US RN E D ME RIV NT E Phillip Island This program is printed on environmentally sustainable stock. via Nepean Please recycle this programHwyafter use. MILES N ST E ST A DR AN EX To Mornington Peninsula & OLYMPIC PARK MELBOURNE RECTANGUL STADIUM AR L (TOLL WAY) AL ACCA GORE ST YOUNG ST N PL O MA I N WADEY ST MALTH THEATROUSE E CAMBRID ST BRUNSW ICK FITZROY MELBOU & ENTERT RNE SPORTS AINMEN (LEXUS CEN T CENTRE TRE) BURNLEY TUNNEL (TOLLWAY) C I TY L I NK D T TS N RA HISENSE ARENA SWAN ST SIDNEY MYER MUSIC BOWL AV MELBOU RNE RECITAL CENTRE AN IWAKI AUDITOR IUM (ABC CE NTRE) V WA H MORRISO THE OVAL SWAN ST BRIDGE Phone: (03) 9664 7900 G K LIN RN Email: artplay@melbourne.vic.gov.au THE D U R Southbank SO Web: www.artplay.com.au AG GISBORN E ST CK BOU LEVA RD Please note: ArtPlay will be closed over the Easter weekend and on Anzac Day MOO ER INTE TM BA KN ST GO FA W ROD LAVER ARENA RIVERSLIDE SKATE PARK H LIT LIN ST MELBOURNE PARK XAN RD H AG N VA KA MELBOURNE CRICKET GROUND ST ALEX A GARD NDRA ENS A ILD ST N ALE K ST AV ATE NK BA ER TO K ES B THG ST TH OK CO T RS AK BRIDGE E BOATHOUSE DRIV ARTS THE ENTRE C TE STA E, TR THEATUDIO S E FAX OUS FAIR PLAYH & NE WK FA T ST JOLIMONT Jolimont UN ER HAM L HAL EKA 8 EUR ECK 8 D SKY JOLIMON GEORGE BR FEDERATION BELLS DRA ArtPlay is open AV EN QUE ORIA VICT DENS Wednesday to Sunday: 10am to 4pm R GA RD Check calendar for event details TY CI UAY Q IDE ERS WILLIAM BAR H PALMER ST L IN CITY C PRIN SOU SO AV ARTPLAY FEDERATION WHARF RSID RI E ARTSCT ATVE SOUTHGRE PRECIN V & LEISU TE A GA UTH AN E SOUT CHARLES S ST BA TM BIRRA R MARRUNG TION ERA FED QUARE S T RIVER BOA POINTS DEPARTURE ADE RIV W ST ALIA ER POTT USTR TRE IAN GV A CEN THE TRE: N ILITY CEN MOB HOTHAM To Bridge Rd & Dandenongs via Burwood Hwy ON PDE WELLINGTO N CRES T AL COOKS' COTTAGE WELLINGT E AV OMEN FT CRARIA VICTO WNS FAIRIES TREE CONSERVATORY TON PD NS STO SIGN NK PR TREASURY GARDENS AN SW ST DER GIPPS MODEL TUDOR VILLAGE CLARENDO ST ST LL ETH AB FLIN GREY FITZROY GARDENS L P RY ASU WELLING ST UL'S L RS ST PAHEDRA DE CAT TRE FLIN ALIANNCGENIMAGE TR AUS MOVI THE R THE FO KS HALL East Melbourne PL T E DALLAS BROO ST PATRICK' CATHEDRALS TRE INS COLL CE PLA LAN RS DE FIVE FLINFORTYTAIRS DO VICTORIAN DEAF SOCIETY SOCIETY LANSDOWN ION SSE ELIZ ENT REG TRE THEA VICTORIAN ARTISTIS EWS PL SS KINO ST ST ANDR RIANE VICTO RIAG MAR ISTRY REG LLIN CO IBIT RU NES OINT D JO TREP DAVI CEN EXH NES O P SHO LL MET -TIX ERY N HA HALF GALL NE TOW AEUM CITY BOUR ATHENTRE MEL THEA ENT D JO TER N GREA UNIO RMIT MALL T SS LLIN CO IAM DAVI R EYE & EAR ST L PAR TLE LIT AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY CATHEDRA L T ST KE UR GET TAR TRE CEN N TOW MID LAZA P NES MYE G A EN LIAM PARUSE HO S CES PRINEATRE TH D JO R ST KE UR BO BO THEOUNT AM PAR DAVI MYE TLE ALBERT ST ES HOLM EGES COLL EDY COM TRE THEA LIT PDE EASTERN HILL FIRE STATION & MUSEUM HU R HER 'S STY E TR MAJE THEA WN ATO ST ING CHIN SPR T NS QV E TR CEN ALE SD LON ESE CHINSEUM MU N QUEETORIA VIC MENS T WO TRE INC REC CEN EK P GRE ST ION RAT MIG ICES , IM OFF TAX EALTH ST &H ST HT FLIGNCE IE PER TLE LIT S LON ION THE EELER WH TRE CEN LE DA IBIT RY ST STO EX BRA LL TE LI STA AN SW NE L HALL ST VINCENT'S VICTORIA L EXH REY ST MA CA RT BE RO AT SSE RU STO NICHOLS ST LANGRIDGE DERBY ST PRINCES ST ST ST OLDE RN BOU OL MEL GA RMIT L E ST VICTORIA ZIE EN CK MA CARLTON GARDENS NICHOLSON KLIN AN GERTRUDE ST RATHDOWN TRADES HALL ST ATHS DRUMMO ND ST LYGON ST CARDIGAN ST RRY ST POWLETT ST ST ST GE ST PELHAM CONDELL OXFORD ST GRATTAN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS iver YARRA PARK NATIONAL SPORTS MUSEUM
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