Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels
Association of Tasmania Inc
This Month:
Conference and
Grant from
makes the
Tribute to Diane
Introducing our
New Board
Contact Us:
P.O. Box 149
Glenorchy, Tas. 7010
Find us on Facebook
State Conference and AGM
Meals on Wheels Tasmania had their
annual state conference and AGM on
Saturday 13th September in the
Lecture Theatre at the Launceston
General Hospital. It was well
attended with about 70 people attending from all over the State. The
Conference was opened by Eric
Hutchinson, Federal MP for Lyons who
spoke about the Meals on Wheels community and companionship and its humble beginning in 1953. This year our
guest speaker was Richard Green from
Digital Hub who spoke about “Taking
Advantage of the NBN and Technology”
– he explained the NBN; it’s costs and
availability, and discussed the use of
ipads for entertainment, information,
communication and education. This was
followed by a forum of Board Members
with questions from the
audience. Issues discussed include: the
colour of the website, police checks,
communication and the volunteer register. Presentations were made to retiring
board member Kaye Ling and Diane
Kelly in recognition of her 20th anniversary as NW Assessment Officer.
CEO Sean Burk finished the conference
off with a demonstration of new cooler
bags Meals on Wheels have purchased
after receiving a grant to upgrade
current eskies. Lunch and a chat was
enjoyed by everyone before the AGM in
the afternoon.
Tasmanian Community Fund
Meals on Wheels would like to thank
Community Fund for their Grant to
enable us to
purchase new food delivery
Smithton in the News
Tribute to Diane
Diane Kelly’s loyalty to Meals on
Wheels is undeniable. Thirty
seven years ago she was a
founding member of Railton Meals
on Wheels and is now a Railton
Life Member. Twenty years ago
Diane commenced work as
Assessment officer for North/
North West Tasmania and used
her skills to format and develop
that role from scratch. Diane is a
great mentor to her work
colleagues and has great respect
and loyalty from her peers. She is
a straight shooter, forward thinker
and embraces change, especially in
relation to recipients. Four years
ago Diane’s position changed to an
entirely office based role. It is
reported that recipients and
volunteers still ask after her;
always wishing to be remembered
to her. This in itself shows the
caliber of person she is and the
impact she has had in their lives.
Our Association has been so
fortunate to have her working as
an Assessment Officer on the NW
Coast. Congratulations Diane on
20 years of dedicated service to
Meals on Wheels!!
Introducing our New Board Member
Dr. Stephen Aldous was elected to the Board of Governance of
Meals on Wheels at the AGM held on the 13th September, 2014,
after the retirement of long serving member Kaye Ling. Stephen is a
volunteer at our Hobart Branch. He completed a PhD in Medicinal
Chemistry at the University of Sydney before moving to Hobart in
late 1975 to take up a position as lecturer in the School of Pharmacy
at the University of Tasmania. He retired from academia in 2010
after 35 years’ service including the final 11 years as the Head of
School. He has served on a multitude of committees in the past and
we would like to warmly welcome him to the Board of Meals on
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein