Document 321393

Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Church
Carlinville, Illinois
Kelly Passalacqua
Rev. Angel Sierra
Parish Bookeeper
Linda Wood
Parish Secretary
Jennifer Frericks
Rose Marie Price
Dan Reid
Coordinator of Religious Education
Religious Ed. Assistant
Youth Minister
Carol Lefler
Parish Maintenance
Cheryl Ogden, RN
Parish Nurse
217- 414 - 5542
Weekend Mass Times: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm - Sunday 8:00 am and 10:00 am
Daily Mass: Monday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 am and Wednesday: 5:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 - 4:45 pm and by appointment.
Summer Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 9:00 am -12:00 Noon,
2010 East First South Street (Rte 108) - P.O. Box 647 - Carlinville, Illinois 62626
Office: (217) 854-7151
Fax: (217) 854-9228
Ss. Mary and Joseph Church
Twenty Eighth Sunday - October 12, 2014
Parish Address:
2010 East First South Street
P.O. Box 647
Carlinville, IL. 62626
Parish Office: 217- 854-7151
Parish Office Hours:
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday:
9:00 am – 12:00 Noon
Wed.: 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Mass Times
Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8 am and 10 am
Mon, Thurs & Fri: 8:00 am
Wednesday - 5:00 pm
Holy Days:
As announced
— Sacrament of Reconciliation —
Saturday: 4:15pm - 4:45 pm
and at other times by appointment
—-Chaplet of Divine Mercy—Monday:
8:30 am
— Scriptural Rosary —
9:00 am
— Eucharistic Adoration —
Thursday: 8:30 am -12:00 pm
Mon. 10/13: Columbus Day
8:00 am: Mary Bausano Tue. 10/14: St. Callistus I
8:00 am: Communion Service
Wed. 10/15: St. Teresa of Jesus
8:00 am: Communion Service
5:00 pm: Daniel Millard - Birthday
Thu. 10/16: St. Hedwig
8:00 am: Jerome Kelly 11:00 am: Carlinville Rehab
Delphine Paul Fri. 10/17: St. Ignatius of Antioch
8:00 am: Eugene and Virginia
55th Wedding Anniversary
Sat. 10/18: St. Luke
5:00 pm: Edith Rathgeb Sun. 10/19: 29th Sunday in OT
8:00 am: For The Parish
10:00 am: Richard Price 2
October 12, 2014
Week 14
Total to Date
Parish Assessment
Fiscal Year 2014-15:
Weekly Envelopes
Budget Goal
Loose Cash Donated
Total Collected:
Building Fund: $260.00
Propagation of Faith/World Mission: $40.00
10/ 4-5/2014
Sat. 5 pm
Sun. 8 am
Sun. 10 am
Sat. 5 pm
Sun. 8 am
Sun. 10 am
Parish Liturgical Ministry Schedule - October 18-19, 2014
Saturday 5:00pm
No Music
Sunday 8:00am
No Music
Sunday 10:00am
Adult Choir
Brad & Jessica Barkley
Evan & Caden Barkley
David & Denise Boente
Steven & Denise Boente
PJ & Melanie Rosentreter
Adam Rosentreter
Roger Rosentreter
Kris Rosentreter
Mark & Becky Donaldson
Valerie Knight
D. Yowell*, A. Woods, T. Rosentreter,
K. Rosentreter, S. Philpott, John Kelly,
E. Flowers
C. Behme*, C. Behme*, J. Griffin,
S. Griffin, M. Lauwerens
M. Kallal*, A. Costello*, M Dyer, W.
Dyer, K. Egelhoff, L. Egelhoff,
V. Knight
Caden Barkley
Rich Lauwerens
Dane Rosentreter
Jay Rosentreter
In charity, please remember in your prayers:
… our military personnel, especially: William Charleton, Jerry Clarke, Jim Garner, Matthew Gazda, Jr., Stefan Gazda, Robert Knight,
Antonio Lane, David Mummert, Bryan Murphy Jr., Jordan Ogden, Glen Pedersen, Todd Petersen and family, Leif Peterson,
Austin Michael Smith, and Nathan Stewart.
… the sick and those in need: Kenny Alberico, Robert Alberico, Marie France Armstrong, Eugene Bellm II, Matt Bellm, Mary Boehm,
Paul Boehm, Karen Buechart, Norman Bowman, Mildred Caldieraro, Jayne Cioni, Karen Dworzynski, Bill Fraser, Jane Garrett,
Sandy Goodman, Tony Grayson, Sydney Green, Helen Greenwalt, Jeena Greenwalt, Paul Greenwalt, Louie Hacke, David Haley,
Trisha Agetta Hall, Bill Harding, Lyndal Herschelman, Bill Hoff, Alice Johnson, Richard Justice, Mary Kay Ketchum, Shonna Knight,
Ann Link, Bill Lacy, Sharon Lintner, Mark Logsdon, Randy Logsdon, Michael Marcacci, Sam Oswald, Joshua Renkin, Hazel Renz,
Marie Reznicek, Wilma Rhodes, Regina Richey-Helmers, Chelsea Rives, Betty Robb, Walter Rosentreter, Betty Roth, Gene Rubemeyer,
Russell Ruyle, Cathy Smith, Michael J. Smith, Eric Strutner, Richard Tego, Dennis Toon, Vittorina Wilson and Harry Yeager
… and those who have died in the year 2014: Delphine “Del” Paul, Christine Selvo, Rose T. Hardin, Catherine Monti, George Lintner,
Emily Tomaska, Darrell Bellm and Duane Morehead
News In Religious Education
Women’s Book Club
We have had a couple meetings already but
don’t feel that you still can’t join us! All are welcome!
We meet on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:00pm. We
will NOT be meeting this Monday, Monday the 13th.
Perfect time for you to get caught up on the readings
and join us October 20. We are reading Smart Martha’s
Catholic Guide for Busy Moms by Tami Kiser.
Tami Kiser teaches us to find the balance
between our inner Martha and our inner Mary. She
teaches us to see Jesus in everything around us, but
also how to become more organized so that our world
isn’t as overwhelming for us and we can take the time to
really cherish the moment.
—A lifelong journey made together—
Wednesday 15 – Regular Classes
Sunday 19 – 7th Grade PSR Mass at 10:00am
Wednesday 22 - Regular Classes
Wednesday 29 – Regular Classes
PSR Snacks
We are accepting snack donations of
cookies, punch, and popcorn for our PSR program.
Place them in the basket with the monster sign!
Thank You!
Parish Nursing
Halloween Parade
Keep Walking
This year Saints Mary and Joseph will have an entry
in the Carlinville Halloween Rotary Parade on
Saturday, October 25th. The theme this year is
anything from the previous 75 years. If you are
interested in helping please contact us and let us
know. We would love the help!
The view from the airplane window is one of a quilt
pattern. Patches of houses, farm fields and roads
stretch out in all directions. Everything looks the size of
Monopoly game pieces, easily moved, easily shifted...
all in the proper positions. Wispy clouds float by,
seeming as if you can reach out and touch heaven. The
decent of the airplane begins, and yet, you feel as if
you are suspended in air, as if you are standing still.
Much as you have the urge to move, it seems as the
forward momentum has slowed. The pace is suddenly
not your own. What's your reaction?
Life can be so similar to this. Day by foot in
front of the other, forward motion.....until it just isn't.
Youth Group
Our Youth Group will be meeting the first
Wednesday of every month for a group activity.
We will meet from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm and will be in
place of the High School PSR classes that evening.
Teenagers in grades 7th -12th are invited and can
bring friends.
We are currently planning the next event
which will take place on Wednesday, November 5th.
We will be having a Thanksgiving Feast. We will
provide the turkey and each student is invited to bring
a covered dish. We ask that you also bring an item
for the for food pantry.
We are beginning to plan our Mission Trip and
are looking at possible service opportunities for the
Youth Group to participate in. We are open to any
new ideas you have to continue to rekindle the youth
Circumstances drop your path to a valley. And the
journey forward stops. The view of the mountains can
seem so far away as you long for a shortcut out of the
valley. For most of us, valleys bring a lot of questions.
Valleys can bring fear...fear that makes it tough to
continue the journey. Worry rushes in and can seem
like weights on your feet, making any step forward oh
so heavy. Worry can warp into hopelessness as the fog
begins to cloud the mountain tops even further. Worry
makes the view like a carnival mirror, distorted, unclear.
Just like a hiking trip, the only way out on a valley is to
take a rest, to breath deeply, then to re-fix the view and
keep walking.
To walk on in prayer when it seems they drift
unanswered into the clouds.
To keep reading devotionals and bible readings when
the meanings are a struggle.
To keep looking up for the only answers, the only paths
out of the valley.
PSR Stock the Food Pantry Challenge
The PSR classes will have a contest to see
who can collect the most items for the Food Pantry.
The winner will be based on how many items are
donated per student in each class and will be given a
prize for the efforts. Bring your donations to class
Wednesday, October 15th! Good Luck!
By keeping on, forward motion, God brings us out of
the valleys in His timing. But we have to do the work of
trust, faith .....and just keep walking.
Contact Information
Jennifer Frericks, CRE
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help
in troubles Psalm 46:1
October 12, 2014
October Upcoming Events
Nursing Home Masses
October 2014
All parishioners are invited to celebrate the following Nursing Home Masses
Morse Farms
Heritage Health
Carlinville Rehab
Friendship Home
October 2nd
October 9th
October 16th
October 23rd
Adult Faith Formation Sessions
10:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The third session of our Parish Adult Faith Formation will be held on Thursday, October 16, 2014.
The sessions are held each Thursday from 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm in the Conference Room.
The book for study is entitled: “Jesus - A Pilgrimage” by Fr. James Martin, S.J.
Please contact Fr. Angel at 854 - 7151 for more information.
Football Prayer and Breakfast
Friday, October 17, 2014
The Carlinville High School Football Prayer and Breakfast is on Friday, October 17th,
at 7:00 am in the morning. The players, coaches and cheerleaders will gather in the
Church for prayer, an inspirational talk and sing the school song followed by breakfast of
biscuits and gravy, donuts, milk, and orange juice in the Parish Hall.
Eric Ogden is the coordinator for the weekly breakfasts this year.
St. Vincent DePaul
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The next St. Vincent DePaul meeting will be held on Sunday, October 19th,
at 9:00 am in the Conference Room of Saints Mary and Joseph Church.
For more information, contact Bob Reiher 854-9339.
Women’s Book Club
Monday, October 20, 2014
We have had a couple meetings already but don’t feel that you still can’t join us! All
are welcome! We meet on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:00pm. We will NOT be meeting this
Monday, Monday the 13th. Perfect time for you to get caught up on the readings and join us
October 20th. We are reading Smart Martha’s Catholic Guide for Busy Moms by Tami Kiser.
If you are interested please contact Jennifer to sign up - 854-7151 or just join us!
Halloween Parade
Saturday October 25, 2014
This year Saints Mary and Joseph will have an entry in the Carlinville Halloween Rotary Parade
on Saturday, October 25th. The theme this year is anything from the previous 75 years.
If you are interested in helping please contact us and let us know. We would love the help!
Please contact Jennifer Frericks at 854-7151 for more info..
World Mission Sunday
Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help
build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the
Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to
Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep
the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for
the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit
Parish Notes
Community Events
Parish Prayer Chain Invitation
Children’s Snack Program
Our Parish prayer chain is inviting new members to
join in this spiritual strengthening of those in need.
If you are interested in helping in this Ministry please
call our parish office at 854-7151 and we will mail you
The new list with instructions. You will be asked to
call on the next person on the chain in order to pass
on the name of those requesting prayers.
We had a good first week for the Primary School
Weekend Snack program and I thank everyone who
donated for their generosity. Below is the tally of what
we collected and what we purchased through St.
Vincent de Paul funds to complete the 38 snack bags
this week. Remember, we will be collecting these
items every week.
Juice Boxes
Cheese Crackers
Pudding Cups
Fruit Cups
Applesauce Cups
Pop Tarts
Granola Bars (no nuts)
4 large boxes
Sandwich Bags
Food Drive!!
SSMJ Parish will again be having a food drive to restock shelves of the Carlinville Food Pantry.
The shelves are bare following this busy back to
school time. Grocery bags will be handed out This
Oct.. 4th-5th. With the collection being the following
weekend Oct. 11th - 12th.
After the weekend of the 12th. Bags may still be
brought in and placed in the social hall on the table just
inside the door.
Thank you and God Bless,
Bob Reiher
The following items are really needed at this time, but
we welcome anything you would like to give.
Tuna Helper, Hamburger Helper, canned fruit, soups
such as Progresso brands which can make a meal,
canned pastas, chili, canned vegetables except
Corn, peas or green beans which we can purchase at
low cost.
Monetary donations also accepted.
Knights of Columbus Auxiliary
The K.C. Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting on
Monday October 20, 2014 at 7 pm at the K.C. Hall.
For more information contact
Theresa Rosentreter - 854-44015
The pantry serves approximately 210
families a month.
Blood Drive
Carlinville Area Hospital
For more information please contact
Beth Young at 854-3028 or
Stephanie Hart 854-2145.
Monday, October 27
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
20733 N. Broad
Sign up by calling Melissa Bellovich at 217-854-3141 x
264 or on line at
Please eat & drink before donating and bring donor
card or photo ID.
Trivia Night
The Carlinville Public Schools Foundation is hosting
our Annual TRIVIA NIGHT on Saturday, October 18,
2014 at the Primary School Cafeteria (next to Walmart
on Shipman Rd)
This year we are striving for increased community
involvement. We hope that you will consider
sponsoring a table. All proceeds support grants that
provide opportunities for students throughout our
Save The Date
St. Vincent de Paul Annual
Chili & Soup Supper
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Doors open 6:30; Trivia Begins at 7:00
$100/Table up to 8 per table
Prizes Awarded
50/50 Raffle
Bring snacks Water & Soda will be available to
Call Cheryl Price to reserve your table at 854-9823
100% of the proceeds go directly into our schools!
St. Vincent DePaul will be holding their annual, “all
you can eat Chili & Soup Supper” on Saturday,
November 8th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall .
For more information contact Sue Vieceli… 854-2448
More information to follow.
October 12, 2014
Garlic Fest II
The Morrisonville Knights of Columbus are
sponsoring Garlic Fest II on, October 26th, 2014, 1
pm - 9 pm.
$10.00 Advance $12.00 at the door
( Table for 8 - $64.00 Advance)
Bagna Served approx. 3:30 pm
Extra Bagna sold after 4:00 pm
Meal served. 3:30 pm
(Sausage, Mostaccioli, Garlic Bread & Slaw)
Dance to The Music Men from
3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Cash Bar
For Tickets Contact: Darren DeBrunn - 823-4481,
Matt Wells - 526-4572, Sloan Furniture - 526-3422
Catholic Radio
Tune in to Catholic radio on 95.9 FM WOLG.
Programming includes daily Holy Mass, the Rosary,
the Divine Mercy Chaplet, live call-in shows, local
programming and much more.
For a program schedule and a free CD, please call
(314) 752-7000 or toll-free (877) 305–1234
New members & changes only—Fill in, cut out, and
send to parish office.
State_________________ Zip________________
Phone (Day)____________________
Are you:
____new resident
____new address
____new family member
___wish clergy to call
___illness in family
___moving away