LADIES WALK PRACTICE Dr MN Lewis Dr SC Smart Dr SDT Davies Dr JJ Gnana Pragasam Dr CL Thompson Practice Manager: Mrs Janet Fry Thornhill Park Ladies Walk House 90 Thornhill Park Road Southampton SO18 5TS Midanbury 1 Woodmill Lane Midanbury Southampton SO18 2PA Tel: 02380 462492 Fax: 02380 470004 Surgery Opening Times Thornhill Park Monday to Friday 8.00 to 18.30 Extended Hours Monday 6.30 to 20.00 Saturday 7.30 to 8.30—pre-booked appointments only Midanbury Monday and Tuesday 8am – 1pm and 2.30pm – 5.30pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8am – 1pm Phone Lines Open 8.00 to 12.00 and 2.00 to 18.00 Out of Hours Outside of normal surgery hours, an emergency service can be accessed by phoning 111 Please note this is for medical emergencies only For life-threatening medical emergencies call 999 Alternatively, you may contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647 You can also attend Royal South Hants Walk-In Centre for minor injuries between 8.30am and 9.30pm. Bitterne Walk-In Centre is open between 6.30pm and 10.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am and 10.00pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Banks Holidays Doctors Dr MN Lewis BM, DFFP, GP Dip ENT Dr SC Smart MB, ChB, DRCOG, DFFP Dr SDT Davies BSC (Hons) BM (Hons) MRCGP, DRCOG, DFFP, LolUT, DipPCR Dr JJ Gnana Pragasam MBBS, MRCGP, DFFP, LMSSA, LoC SDI, LoCIUT Dr CL Thompson MBchB, MRCP, DRCOG, MRCGP Triage Nurse Lynne Rowlands Practice Nurses Sue Callinan Janet Joyce Health Care Assistants Jenny Terrell Sue Esfandiari Practice Manager Reception Manager Janet Fry Ange Hall Medicines Manager Secretary Sharon Maddock Laura Fry Administration Debbie Flynn Receptionists Jennifer Campbell Christine Bond Lisa Hillman Jackie Spencer Nichola Croxson Teresa Smith Gemma Neile Trudy Cooper Sandy Edmonds Glenn Davies Associated Staff Community Nurses, Midwife, Counsellor and Health Visitor Welcome to Ladies Walk Practice Ladies Walk Practice delivers a health service to a large area of Southampton. We cover Bitterne Park, Midanbury, Sholing, Woolston, Thornhill and Hedge End. Our main site is at Thornhill Park although we do offer a small amount of appointments at our branch surgery at Midanbury. If you are unable to get to Thornhill Park Surgery, your needs will be best suited by a practice within the Midanbury area. Our clinical team comprises of five GPs, one Triage Nurse, three Practice Nurses and two Health Care Assistants. We offer a full range of general practice services and offer specialist appointments for diabetes, asthma, sexual health, ENT, minor surgery and children's immunisations. For the latest news about Ladies Walk Practice, visit our website Inclusion in List of Patients When you are accepted onto our list you become registered with the practice and not with an individual GP. However you may still ask to be seen or treated by a particular practitioner. Please remember choice of practitioner cannot be absolute as it also depends on availability, most appropriateness and reasonableness. How to see the Doctor If you need to see a doctor, we offer routine pre-bookable appointments which can be booked at reception, by phone or on our automated system. If your problem is urgent for the day, we offer a duty team triage system. We will take your details and the duty team will call you back with an appropriate appointment if clinically necessary. We offer late evening appointments with the doctor (Monday 18.30-20.00) and Saturday mornings (7.30-8.30). These are for people who work and find it difficult to get to the surgery during normal hours. How to see the Practice Nurse All appointments with the Practice Nurses are by booked appointment. The surgery offers a range of morning and afternoon appointments between 8.30 and 18.00. Nurses are able to provide dressings, ECGs, management of minor injuries and ailments, contraception advice, emergency contraception, smears, childhood immunisations, health advice (diet, weight, smoking, exercise, stress, alcohol and drugs), advice on chronic disease management including heart disease, diabetes and asthma as well as advice on travel and occupational immunisations. When booking an appointment with the Practice Nurse it would be helpful if you could indicate to the receptionist what the appointment is for as this will enable us to book the appropriate length of appointment with the appropriate member of the nursing team as our nurses specialise in different areas. How to see the Health Care Assistant All appointments with the Health Care Assistant are by booked appointment. Appointments are available between 8.00 and 18.00. The Health Care Assistant is available for blood tests, routine monitoring of blood pressure, weighing & measuring, new patient medicals, ECGs, lifestyle advice, simple dressings and supporting antenatal clinics. District Nursing Team The District Nurse Team provide nursing care to patients in their home and gives practical advice or assistance to patients, relatives and carers coping with illness at home. They can be contacted via the surgery. Health Visitors The Health Visitor for THORNHILL PARK can be contacted at Bitterne Health Centre 02380 420420. The Health Visitor for MIDANBURY can be contacted via Bitterne Park Medical Centre 02380 294230. How to Obtain Repeat Prescriptions If you are a newly registered patient, you will need to see a doctor before we issue your first prescription. Before attending for an appointment it would help that you bring your current medication with you or your repeat prescription from your previous doctor. Once this has been done, you may obtain repeat prescriptions. You can do this in several ways: • By post – please enclose a stamped address envelope if you wish the prescription to be returned to you • Via several pharmacies within our practice area (please ask for details) • By handing in a written request at the reception desk • Online at - please note online requests may take up to 72 hours PRESCRIPTIONS WILL BE READY TO COLLECT AFTER 4PM, 2 WORKING DAYS AFTER REQUEST TO AVOID ERRORS WE DO NOT ACCEPT REQUESTS BY TELEPHONE Test Results Ringing for results after 2pm would be greatly appreciated as our phone lines are always extremely busy during the mornings. Due to patient confidentiality, the results of any tests will only be given to the patient on which they were performed. Home Visits If you require a home visit please call before 10.30am. The duty doctor will assess all requests for visits. Please remember that this facility is strictly for patients who are seriously ill or housebound due to their medical condition. Patients should realise that home visits are made at the doctor’s discretion. We can see patients more promptly at the surgery and in addition, the facilities for treatment are better. Even if the patient has a temperature, rash or sore throat, coming to the surgery will do no harm. Failing to Attend Appointments If you cannot attend a booked appointment, we require 24 – 48 hours notice for cancellation. You can cancel your appointment at any time of day without needing to speak to a receptionist through our automated system. IT IS SURGERY POLICY THAT IF A PATIENT FAILS TO ATTEND APPOINTMENTS ON THREE OCCASIONS YOU WILL BE ASKED TO REGISTER WITH ANOTHER PRACTICE. Violent or Abusive Behaviour Ladies Walk Practice is committed to caring for the health and safety of staff. Violent or abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated and we reserve the right to request that patients be removed from our list for displaying such behaviour. We will warn you orally, or if this is not possible, due to the possibility of further threatening behaviour, in writing before we take steps to remove you from the list. We will ensure that your records are forwarded on to your new Doctor as soon as possible. How to Make a Complaint, Suggestion or Comment About the Service Ladies Walk Practice aims to offer a professional and friendly service to all out patients. However, if you have any concerns about surgery, please let us know. We welcome comments and suggestions about the services we provide. We have comment forms available at the reception desk, however if you have a complaint, please bring it to the attention of our Practice Manager Mrs Janet Fry. She will deal with your concerns through the practice procedure. A complaints procedure leaflet is available at the reception desk. Periodically you may be asked to complete a questionnaire about the surgery services. This is to help streamline the service we provide and we are grateful for your help in completing these forms. If you wish to make a complaint outside of the practice, please contact: Patient Experience & Complaints, SHIP Cluster, Omega House, 112 Southampton Road, Eastleigh, SO50 5PB. Tel: 02380 627600 e-mail: Disabled Access Both surgeries are wheelchair accessible. Although patients without full mobility wishing to see the nurse, may wish to attend Thornhill Park as the nurse’s room at Midanbury is on the first floor. How the Practice Uses Personal Health Information In line with Department of Health Guidelines, the Caldicott Report and the Data Protection Act we wish to advise you of how we handle information we hold about our patients. We ask for information so that you can receive proper care and treatment. We keep this information, together with details of your care, because it may be needed if we see you again. We may use some of this information for other reasons: for example to help us protect the health of the public generally and to see that the NHS runs efficiently; to plan for the future; to train staff, and account for actions taken. Sometimes the law requires us to pass on information: for example to notify a birth. The NHS Central Register for England & Wales contains basic personal information of all patients who are registered with a General Practitioner. The Register does not contain clinical information. You have a right to access your health records. EVERYONE WORKING FOR THE NHS HAS A LEGAL DUTY TO KEEP INFORMATION ABOUT YOU CONFIDENTIAL You may be receiving care from other people as well as the NHS. So that we can all work together for your benefit, we may need to share some information about you. We only ever use or pass on information about you if people have a genuine need for it in your and everyone’s interest. Whenever we can we shall remove details that identify you. The sharing of some types of very sensitive personal information is strictly controlled by law. Anyone who receives information from us is also under a legal duty to keep it confidential. If you wish to have access to your medical records please put this in writing addressed to the Practice Manager stating what information you require. Please note there are charges for copy of any medical records. PLEASE ASK FOR A LEAFLET AT RECEPTION Our Practice Charter We aim to provide the best possible service to our patients and hope you will feel that we achieve that aim. The care of your health is a partnership between yourself and the Primary Health Care Team. The success of that partnership depends on an understanding of each other’s needs and cooperation between us. Our responsibility to you: • You will be greeted courteously • You have a right to confidentiality • You have the right to see your medical records subject to the limitations of the law • You will be seen the same day if your problem is urgent • You will be informed if there will be a delay of more than 20 minutes for your appointment • You will be referred to a consultant when your GP thinks it necessary • You will be given the result of any test or investigation on request • Your repeat prescription will be ready to collect within 48 hours of request • Your suggestions and comments about the services offered will be considered sympathetically and any complaint dealt with quickly Patient Responsibilities • Patients should attend their appointments at the arranged time. If this is not possible they should inform the surgery as soon as possible • We expect patients to understand that appointments are for one person • • • • only. Additional appointments should be made for more than one person Patients are responsible for their own health, and the health of their children, and should co-operate with the practice in endeavouring to keep themselves healthy. We give you professional help and advice – please act on it! Requests for help and advice for non-urgent matters should be made during surgery hours only Many problems can be solved by advice alone, therefore patients should not always expect a prescription We ask that patients treat the staff and doctors with courtesy and respect. Bear in mind that reception staff have a very difficult job to do, juggling with limited resources and without detailed medical knowledge. They are trying to do their best for you. Our Primary Care Trust Southampton City Primary Care Trust Trust HQ Western Community Hospital William Macleod Way Southampton SO16 4XE
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