1.Corrosion Resistance ∪sable in se∨ erer corrosive en∨ ironment than austenitic stainless beari∩ g made of AIS1304′ by ∪sing high corroslo∩ resista∩ t pure titani∪ n∩ class 2 for outer and l∩ ner rings 2.Safeness Human― friend y witho∪ t allergen reactions′ as usable as in artificia 10i∩ tS 3.LoN/v]ernperature Characteristics ∪sable in low temperat∪ re environment by 9ood loNA/temperature tough∩ ess. Outer and l∩ ner Ringsi P∪ re Tita∩ │∪ m Class 2 Retainer: Fluorine Resin Ba‖ si Silicon Nitride Ceramics Food)Machinery Seawate「 related ttquipment′ Plati∩ g卜Иachlne′ 巨lectronic Device′ 巨quipment used ノ ledical 巨quipmentr etc in Low Temperature′ 巨tching Equipme∩ De∨ eloping Ⅳlachi∩ e′ ト t′ Please co∩ tact SMl丁 forthe ava‖ able sizes Corrosion Resista∩ ce Chemlcals Conditions Temperature(° ⊂ 丁itanium AIS1304 10% 24 △ × 3096 24 × × Roolm ○ Boil ng △ 10% Room ○ ○ 500/O Bo ing ○ △ Sulfurous Gas Dry 30∼ 60 ○ × Aqua Re9alis IHN03+3HCI Roolη ○ × Boi ng ○ × 10% 100 ○ △ 50% 10% 100 ○ × 24 ○ × 300/0 24 ○ × 10% 24 ○ △ 500/0 24 ○ △ 10% 100 △ × 30% 100 × × Muriatic Acid A uminum Ch orde 2596 Nitric Acid Lactlc Acid Ferric Chloride Ferrous Sulfate Formic Acld *o not effected │ ) ight y 0 lected × effected *丁 he above chartis fo「 reference only Comparison ∪nit Speclfic Gravity Pure tt taniu阿 n Class 2 AIS1304 AIS1440C 45 793 78 Tensi e Strength N/mm2 340∼ 510 520∼ 600 1900∼ 2000 Elastic N4odulus N/m m2 106400 193000 203000 Hardness H∨ 160 HV170 HV700 卜 Иagnetism Nonmagnetic Nonmagnetc l) X/1agnetic *丁 he above chartis provided as a generalreference′ l)AIS1304 may be rlnagnetized′ and the values are not guaranteed depending on manufactur ng process SMI Nankai Seiko Co.′ Ltd. 3-6-1′ Techno Stage′ lzurln′ Osaka 594-1144′ 」apan 丁EL 0725-53-5563 FA× 0725-53-5576 ∪RL hip:〃 www Smtbeattng com 201201
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