St. Leonard Parish ~ Heath How Can We Help?

St. Leonard Parish ~ Heath
The 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ September 28th, 2014
How Can We Help?
(return to Parish Office)
O New Registr ation
O Volunteer
O Request Envelopes
O Prayers
O Change of Addr ess/Phone
The Lord spoke through Ezekiel: “Hear now, house of Israel... if he turns from the wickedness he has committed, and does what is right and just, he shall preserve his life.
Saturday, Sept., 27th, 5:30pm Parishioners
Sunday, Sept., 28th, 9:30am Raymond & Juanita Shumaker ~ Family
Tuesday, Sept., 30th, 9:00am Raymond & Juanita Shumaker ~ Family
Oct., 1st, 7:00pm Y vette Cicale ~ Family
O Infor mation on Ministr ies
Thursday, Oct., 2nd 9:00am
O Home Visitation
Friday, Oct., 3rd, 9:00am Ginny W atson-Graham ~ Jim & Otto Otto
Saturday, Oct., 4th 5:30pm Kathleen Luciotti~ Ron & Dee Jones
Sunday, Oct., 5th, 9:30pm Parishioners
Phone Number:
Dear fellow parishioners, in a few days as you are reading
this we begin the month of October (YES! ALREADY!)
and the month of Our Lady of the Rosary. In connection with
this remembrance, we will be praying the rosary before the
weekend Masses here at St. Leonard’s and at OLMC. If you
have not been keeping up with the news – depressing and frightening as it is ~our country and our world are in deep trouble (or
any other euphemism you may care to use…) and we need prayer! I’ve mentioned that in several columns, well here is our
opportunity as a parish to unite our prayers with one of the most
powerful, popular (meaning of “the people”), prayer devotions.
Focolare will be coordinating the effort here at St. Leonard’s –
thank you ladies and gents! It is our calling to pray! It is also
our GREAT NEED TO PRAY! Consider coming early and
praying hard! As I said, we need it!
There are several memorials in this upcoming week that are
dear to my heart. First, Sept. 29 ~Archangels: Michael (Patron
of those in law enforcement and military), Raphael (Patron of
physicians, those who work in any health care field – even inspectors, the blind, lovers, travelers and young people especially
those leaving home for the first time) and Gabriel (Patron of
Communication Workers). Michael is the one who leads the
battle against evil (see the need above…); Raphael leads the
powers of heaven and Gabriel was “the announcer” (announced
to Zachariah and Mary the births of their sons, John the Baptist
and Jesus, respectively).
St. Jerome ~ Sept. 30: he did the first translation of the Bible
which came to be called the Vulgate from Hebrew and Greek
into Latin. Because of his groundbreaking work, we have the
Bible available to us in our native language. He is the patron of
Librarians. Scripture scholars and translators should also have
recourse to him.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face ~Oct. 1: this
is the “Little Flower” who wished to only be a violet in the garden of Heaven. Desiring to be missionary, she is the patron of
missionaries. Her writings of how to follow God in the “little
way” gained her the title of “doctor of the Church”. As she said
she wanted to spend her heaven letting fall a shower of roses she
is also the patron of florists and gardeners and those who suffer
the loss of parents should also have recourse to her.
Guardian Angels ~ Oct. 2: We all know about these! Get to
know them better – pray with them (see above!), they are part of
our links to God. Let them be strong in your life!! Remember to
not drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly…
Keep me in your prayers for you are in mine always.
Peace and blessings – Fr. Bill.
Contact Information for Father Bill Hritsko
St. Leonard: (740) 522-5270
OLMC: (740)928-3266
Sacramental Emergency: (740) 323-6437
Our Lady of Mercy Prayer Chain
St. Leonard Parishioners
Norma Annarino; Elizabeth Arbaugh; Mike & Mary Deeslie;
Doug Gill; Gloria Gill; Rosemary Gordon; Greg Grigsby;
Rodger & Carmen Hull; Nickolas Gebhart; Mary P. Held;
George Jackson; Tim Kinney; Thelma Langwasser; Freda
Lasure; Fr. Ronnie; Victor Pelletier; Ben Piper; Beth Prichard;
Rodger Richter; Bill Rollins; Janice Wallace; Carol
Watercutter; Kathy Wildermuth; Joe Whyte; Nancy Willey.
Our family and friends:
James Aldrich; Father Allen; Bill Antritt; Sr. Sharen Baldy,
SCN; Deacon Dick Busic; The Cardoza Family; David
Christopher; Deborah Cockran; Karis Marley Crosmer; Sue
Denison; D.H.; E.B.; Richard Flynn, Debbie Frazee; Wilma
Garrison; Maxine Gebhart; Pat Goodin; Richard Graves; Phil
Gregg; Cheri & Dale Grigsby; Greg Grigsby; Doug Grimm;
Shelly Hartless; Carol Herr;Dennis Hoffman; Terry Jones;
Darla Jurden; Hope Klaus; Kris Lasure; L.B.; Richard Lieson;
Lombardo Family; Andrew Madrid; Bernie Madrid; Flint
Morgan; Bridgette Morgan; Josh Morgan; Leif Mortensen;
Doris Muncie; Jeanette Price; Jerry Price; Sean O’Hara; Colton
Phillips-Huffman; Suzanne Neumeyer; Don Powell; Eric &
Ashley Riesbeck; Sammy Roszman; Trinity Russell; Kristen
Ryan; Carol Diane Smith; Marie & Ken Smith; Barry Spurr;
Kyle Stowers; Mary Wade; Jane Waite; Stephanie Walters;
David Walton; Debbie Warthen; Carla Watson; Mike Watson;
Rodger Watson; Harry Weber; McKenzie Wefler; Roberta
Widman; Roger Wimer; Dee Wright.
If your loved one needs our support & is not listed,
please contact the church office at 522-5270.
PSR TIME: SUNDAYS 10:45-12:15
Children’s Liturgy will not meet on Oct. 5th,
April 26th, and May 3rd.
Oct. 12th: St. John Leonardi Procession
at the 9:30AM MASS
Allison Shardell –PSR Coordinator
Phone: (740) 405-8892
On Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 SVDP will have their meeting
at 5:30 in the Large Classroom.
Altar Flowers ~ Mary Beckman
Scheduler ~ Maryann Chisek
2nd Collection Sept. 28th ~ St. Vincent de Paul
Oct. 5th ~ Middle East; Oct. 12th ~ Catholic Education
Dusters Sept. 29th: Becky Neri
Lay Ministers Schedule for September 27th & 28th
(EMHC - Minister of Sacred Body/Precious Blood)
September 27th~ 5:30p.m.
Gift Bearers
Lorrie Lohri, Jay Lohri, Joan Kefeli, Les Waldren
Kevin Ragno (sub)
Les & Jan Waldren
Anna Sikora
Maryann Chisek, Katarina & Kalina Kozlowski
Nello Allori, Joe Beckman, Mary Beckman
Peggy Pound
Russell & Mona Olson
September 28th~9:30a.m.
Frank Flynn, Gene Hill, Steve Connor,
Scott Brazil, John LaBelle
Jennifer Mehler
Bonnie Kinney
Gabriella White, Emily White, Alex Robinson
Terri Jackson, Bob Morman, Jim Watercutter
Suzanne Baker
Instrumentalists: John Sheets, Josh Miller, Kai Reed, Jack Lutz
Matthew & Anthony Toskin, Dave Stenson
Gift Bearers
John & Gina LaBelle
Oct. 4th & 5th Ministry Schedule
5:30~ Peggy Pound 9:30~ Bob Morman
5:30 ~ The Benvie Family
9:30 ~ John LaBelle, Brandon Shardell, Keaton Wirth
5:30 ~ Deacon Larry, Ron & Dee Jones
9:30 ~ Deacon Larry, Annmarie Wirth, Tonya Dawson
Gift Bearers: 5:30 ~ Mary Ann Lawson 9:30 ~ PSR Students
5:30 ~ Carmencita Moomaw 9:30~ Dee Kreim
5:30 ~ Steve Schlicher 9:30~Don & Cindy Riesbeck
Stewardship Active Registered Families: 270
Parish Offerings needed per week: $4,750.00
Sept. 20th & 21st Collection
Parish Offering:
$ 3,254.50
Candles, Assumption:
Capital Maintenance:
$ 723.20
St. Vincent de Paul:
Fiscal Year 2014/15 ~ July 1, 2014– Sept. 14th, 2014
Income: $ 44,843.64
Net: -$ 10,050.94
Expense: $ 54,843.64
Money Counters Sept. 29th: Nello & Lorraine Allori
Money Counters Oct. 6th: Al Smith & Bill Gress
Money Counters Oct. 13th: Rita Kelly & Nancy Willey
S .L
Meetings in October: Oct. 8th & Oct. 22nd
Meeting Time: 7:45
Ron Jones- Grand Knight ~ (740) 522-4875
One Time Saturday Mass Change: In celebr ating the feast day of
St. John Leonardi, the Mass time on Saturday, Oct. 11th will be at
4:00pm for that week only and our Spaghetti Dinner will be after
Mass from 5-7pm. Prices for the dinner are: Adults: $7; Seniors:
$6.50; Children 5-12: $4; and Children 4 & under—Free.
New Members: We welcome the following new member s to the St.
Leonard Church family: Susie Gribble, Angela C. Larkins, and Thomas
& Kathleen Snider. May you be blessed here!
Rosary Before Mass in October: Star ting next week, ever yone is
invited to come early for Mass and pray the Rosary. It will start 20
minutes before Mass begins. If you come later, please feel free to come
and be seated while this is taking place.
The Focolare Group will have their dinner meeting on Thur sday,
Oct. 2nd at Cheng’s Buffet & Grill at 1271 Log Pond Drive, Newark.
Cheng’s specialty is Mongolian Bar-B-Q. After dinner, we will meet at
the church for the recitation of the Rosary and for a discussion on The
Word of Life by Chiara Lubich. Since October is the month of Mary
we will recite the Rosary during the week at 7p.m. except on
Wednesdays when we will begin after the 7p.m. Mass. Please call Ed
or Yvette if you would like to join us.
Celebrating St. John Leonardi Feast Day: Please help us celebrate St. John Leonardi’s Feast Day in a delicious manner. Get out
those mixing bowls, spoons, and baking pans. Desserts are needed for
K of C Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 11th from 5-7pm. Our dining guests always rave about the variety and attractive desserts that we
offer at our dinners. Let’s keep up our reputation as having the best
desserts at church functions locally. For more information, please contact Dee Jones at (740)522-4875 or
Middle East Collection: The United States Confer ence of Catholic
Bishops have asked parishes to take a 2nd Collection for the crisis in the
Middle East. The collection will be next weekend, Oct. 4th & 5th.
Dessert Servers Needed: Desser t ser ver s ar e needed for the K of C
Spaghetti dinner on Saturday, October 11th from 5-7pm. A sign-up
sheet is on the back of the table. Your help is greatly appreciated. For
more information, contact Dee Jones at (740) 522-4875.
The Women’s Guild will meet on Thur sday, Oct. 9th at 11am in the
large classroom at the church. Lunch will follow at Honey Baked Ham.
Hope to see you there.
Military Address: Matt Lar kins who is now in the US Air For ce
has a new address. It is AMN Matthew Larkins; 140 Phantom Street
Unit 13637; Keesler AFB, MS 39534.
Thank You: We thank a member of St. Leonar d for donating a
large & beautiful wood carving nativity scene to use during our Christmas season.
Music Information
Children’s Choir & Handchime Director: Peggy Pound
Children’s Choir ~ Sunday at 9:00; Chime Choir ~ Thursday at 5:30
Introduction to Chimes: This Sunday 12:15 for 3rd—8th Graders
Music Coordinator: Marilyn Ewing
(740) 403-9524;
How Do I Become a Member of St. Leonard?: When you ar e attending St. Leonar d on a r egular basis, and ar e
considering joining the parish, there are registration forms at the back of the church. Just fill one out, and put it in the offering
plate or return it to the church office, and you will receive a welcome letter from the Pastor, and other information about the
parish. If you are doing ministries or have children in PSR at St. Leonard, and have not registered with the church office, or
you are not sure if you are registered, contact Peggy in the office and she can update your information.
Sons of Italy monthly Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Wed., Oct. 8th fr om 4-7pm. Spaghetti, meatballs, salad bar, bread
and dessert for $7.00– Adult; $3.00 –Children 6-12, and free for children 5 and under. Bring your family and friends for a
relaxing evening. Let us do the cooking all you have to do is EAT.
Knox/Licking Vocations Club will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 14th, 2014, at St. Leonar d Chur ch, Heath, at 12:00 Noon.
Lunch will be served ($5 per person). Janine Kozlowski from St. Edward the Confessor Parish will be our speaker. Her topic
will be their rosary-making group. She was born in Poland, migrated to the U.S., settled in Connecticut, and moved to
Granville 11 years ago. Janine will talk about how the making of rosaries has developed in the U.S. and at St. Edward. There
will be a hands-on experience of making your own rosary. Please come and bring a friend. For information, contact Dee Jones
(740) 522-4875 or Debby Shelly at (740) 366-6924.
Curious? What is SVDPS? Deacon Wilson Shares Ministry: What? St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDPS) can help!
What is SVDPS? Deacon Larry Wilson, involved with SVDPS for over thirty years will be sharing all the different hats the
SVDPS wears. What are the inner workings from assisting people with shelter and jobs, food pantry to their large store and
much more? Everyone is welcome to join us at the fall quarterly meeting of Knox/Licking Deanery DCCW (Diocesan Council
of Catholic Women) at St. Leonard’s Catholic Church in Heath on Saturday, October 11th, 2014 at 10:30am Light refreshments
served. Free. Additional Information: Contact Linda Woolard (740)323-3105, or Peggy
Behrman 640-937-4865. Reservations are not required. See you on October 11th!
Need Your House Painted? Do you need some inside r ooms painted or the outside painted befor e the
wintery brrr.. comes? Bruce Piper, a parishioner, is available for your painting needs. Call for information at 9735932.
Programs for the Fall at St. Leonard/OLMC: Ther e ar e sever al pr ogr ams you may be inter ested in getting
involved with in the Fall here at St. Leonard and our sister parish, OLMC. They are:
1. St. Leonard’s Knights of Columbus will sponsor a flu clinic on October 2nd fr om 1-4pm at the parish
church. There will be no charge for Medicare recipients and no charge for most commercial insurance programs.
$35.00 for each paying patients. Please wear a loose fitting, short sleeve top for each of administration.
2. OLMC Hosting Protecting God’s Children/Fingerprinting: OLMC is hosting the Pr otecting God’s
Children workshop on Tuesday, September 30th starting at 6:00. A light dinner will be served at 5:00 and you can
also get your fingerprinting done at this time. If you work with or are around children or youth here at St. Leonard,
it is required by the Diocese to have a background check and attend one these workshops.
3. Rosary weeknights at 7:00 pm except on Wed. ~ it is after the 7:00 Mass in the chur ch dur ing the
month of October.
Mass Intentions: Please be r eminded that any par ishioner is welcome to ask that Masses be celebr ated for
deceased or living loved ones, Catholic or non-Catholic, or for anniversaries of important occasions. Intentions
can be made for Sunday & weekday Masses, and are published in the bulletin. The suggested donation , set by the
Bishops of Ohio, is $10. To schedule a Mass Intention, contact Peggy Pound during office hours at 522-5270, or
place a note in the collection basket. Please note that since we have two Masses on the weekends, one of those
Masses needs to be for parishioners so we can only schedule one Mass Intention per weekend for your loved one.
If you need a particular date, please consider getting your request in early. We will always do our best to
accommodate your wishes.
Cum Christo: You ar e invited to par ticipate in a once-in-a-lifetime experiential weekend of Christian learning,
renewal and leadership. Contact Phil Roblee at to learn more about the Cursillo method of
Piety, Study, Action, and Group Reunion. The October 9-12, 2014 Men’s Weekend and November 13-16, 2014
Women’s Weekend are currently accepting applications. Future scheduled weekends in 2015 include: Men:
March 12-14 and Women: April 16-19.
11th Annual Three Bags Full Children’s Fall Consignment Event will take place at sever al locations in
Central Ohio this September & October. Hartford Fairground, Croton, (September 25-27). High Point Nazarene
Church, Delaware (October 23-25); Seton Parish, Pickerington (Nov.6-8); Community Wesleyan Church, Newark
(Nov.13-15). Three Bags Full is a Mom’s Helping Mom’s event. Mom’s (families) sell their new and gently used
clothing, bedding, toys, games, shoes (infant thru teen plus maternity & back to work mommy clothing), families
make money on their items and shoppers SAVE money on items they need, unsold items are donated to Joseph’s
Coat, Join, Bishop Griffin Center, etc. Shop locally and support families just like yours. Questions, or call Joyce Black, (614) 561-5300.
Fr. Robert Barron to Lecture at Josephinum: The Pontifical College J osephinum’s annual lecture series
continues Thursday, October 9, with a presentation by Father Robert Barron, Rector/President of the University
of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary. A widely published writer, Father Barron has authored numerous books, including Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith. Father Barron is also creator and host of
“Catholicism,” a ten part documentary on Catholic Faith, and he is the founder and chairman of Word on Fire
Catholic Ministries, a media group dedicated to the new evangelization.
Father Barron will present, “The Liturgical Self: An Exploration of Christian Anthropology in Light of the Liturgy” at 7:00pm in the Jessing Center on the Josephinum campus. The event is free of charge and open to the public; reservations are not required. For more information, please call the Academic Dean’s office at (614)9852497.
Make Your Kids Happy with a Stronger Marriage: Lear n how by attending a Wor ldwide Mar r iage
Encounter weekend! The next two Marriage Encounter weekends are November 14-16 and in the new year on
February 13-15, both in central Ohio. For more information or to register, contact Paul & Marilou Clouse at
(740)746-9003 or visit our website at
Fall Tour Day at the Josephinum: Seminar ians of the Pontifical College J osephinum will offer tour s of the
seminary on Saturday, October 11th, 2014 from 10:00am—3:00pm. Admission and parking are free. Tours will
begin every half-hour and are approximately 45 minutes, followed by refreshments. Reservations encouraged but
not required. For more information or to make a reservation, please call the Advancement Office at (614)9852203.
Catholic Social Services will host its annual “Breakfast with the Bishop” on October 3rd at the Hyatt Regency.
Please join us and the Most Rev. Frederick F. Campbell, D. D., Ph. D. in fellowship as we reflect on the impact
of poverty in central Ohio. This year’s theme, “Building bridges Out of Poverty,” will highlight the complex
nature of poverty as wall as Catholic Social Services’ efforts to help those in need throughout the diocese. We
are pleased to welcome our guest speaker, Jodi Pfarr, who will offer insights about eh “Bridges Out of Poverty”
model for reducing poverty. New to our event this year is a group training after the breakfast, Jodi Pfarr, Certified Trainer, will lead the training in the “Bridges Out of Poverty” model for community leaders and individuals
from 10-3 on October 3rd at the Bryce Eck Activity Center. If you are interested in attending the breakfast or the
training, please visit the events tab of our website: or call Laura Campise, Director of Mission
Advancement at (614) 857-1236.
Save the Date: ARC– Active Retired Citizens will be starting up on Monday, October 6th from 1-3pm. Lunch
will be served. Bingo, euchre and fabulous door prizes are the entertainment of the afternoon. Anyone 55 and
older is welcome. Bring a friend and make new ones. We hope you can join us. Questions should call Debbie
366-6924 or Chris at 364-0449.
Newark Catholic Announces 2014 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees: The Newar k Catholic Athletic Hall of
Fame Committee is pleased to announce the names of those individuals who will be inducted and honored at the
2014 Dinner/Inductions that will be held at Newark Catholic High School on Saturday, Oct. 25th, 2014 beginning at 5:30pm. The 2014 Class of Honorees to be inducted include Steve Baily(1964), Jeff Buchanan(1973),
Chuck Loewendick (1974), Sara Clapper Pinson (2004). In addition, Tom Yonker, Don Jones, and Tom “Huck”
Vogelmeier will be honored by receiving the Hall of Fame Award of Merit. JD Graham will again serve as
Master of Ceremonies. Tickets for the dinner/Induction are $50 and will be available on Oct. 1st, 2014. They
can be purchased at the Newark Catholic Office, or by contacting Thom McManus at 973-1307, Dan Swickard at
366-6513, or Clair Schell at 366-3128.
Healing after Abortion: Ar e you feeling your life or emotions ar e out of contr ol? Do you fr equently have
feeling of depression, frustration, sadness? These thoughts are not uncommon to those who have suffered the
residual pain of the abortion experience. Please call Bethesda Healing Ministry to speak to someone who has
been there and can help. Confidential ministry lines are (614) 309-2651 or (614) 309-0157 or visit our website at
The October session of the Catholic Men’s Luncheon will featur e a special addr ess by the Most Rever end
Frederick Campbell, D. D., Ph. D, who has served as Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus since 2004. This event
will be held on Friday, October 10th. Join us for this special opportunity on Oct. 10th at St. Patrick Church in
downtown Columbus! Holy Mass begins at 11:45am followed by lunch and Bishop Campbell’s address until
1:00pm. No reservations necessary. $10 covers the lunch and meeting. Bring a friend.
For information on the many activities of Columbus Catholic Men, go to or contact
John Schechter, CMLC President at