NCGS WEEKLY NEWS 625 Message from the Headmaster Friday 3rd October 2014 It was delightful to see so many of you at our Speech Night last Wednesday evening. We were pleased to have Councillor Malik, the Mayor of the Borough of Trafford in attendance and to hear Mr Graham Brady, MP for Altrincham and Sale West, as he gave wit and wisdom to the way the world has changed since the school’s opening in 1951. With due respect to Mr Brady, it was even lovelier to listen to our gifted musicians and the Year 7 choir in particular. Congratulations to all our pupils on a very busy year. On Tuesday our Year 7s were again in the spotlight as we focussed on the previous weekend’s Red Ridge adventure. Mr Heslop’s commentary of the slideshow of photos entertained us and parents were able to speak to form tutors to check up on how their children were settling in at school. Some parents asked if they could have a copy of the slideshow. For safeguarding purposes, please will you tell me if you would not like your son or daughter’s image to be shared in this way and I will remove them from the set of slides, which can then be put on to CD for distribution to parents. Please inform me by 15th October; after that I will put the slides on a disk ready for distribution. _______________________________________________________________ School to School Support You will by now have received an emailed letter announcing the splendid news that Altrincham Grammar School for Boys have agreed to support our bid to become an academy through the Free School scheme. This goes a very long way indeed to meet the DfE’s recommendation to us to work alongside an outstanding state school both in the preparation for the resubmitted document and in the longer term to support each other to provide the very best education for the young people of this area. I am excited by this development and it is absolutely right that professionals work together, share good practice and help each other. I am looking forward to further discussions with AGSB’s headmaster, Mr Gartside, on how the two schools can work closer together in the future. General Information Diary Dates: Wednesday 8th October - Open Evening (6.30pm-8.30pm). School closes at 1.30pm Friday 10th October - Pupil ‘Own Clothes Day’ DO YOU GO TO ANY EXTRA CURRICULAR CLUBS?? WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN PRIZES...RAFFLE TICKETS?? All students who attend any extra-curricular clubs from Monday (29th September) will earn a raffle ticket….then each ticket will be entered into a prize draw at the end of term…… they’ll be some fantastic prizes to be won! What are you waiting for?? Get joining now!!! “OWN CLOTHES DAY” FRIDAY 10TH OCTOBER £2.00 Monies raised will be put in the School Charity Fund SCHOOL CLOSES AT 1.30PM ON WEDNESDAY 8TH OCTOBER FOR OPEN EVENING. SCHOOL BUSES WILL BE LEAVING AT THE EARLIER TIME OF 1.40PM. THE LIBRARY WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 4.30PM FOR PARENTS WHO ARE UNABLE TO ARRANGE CHILDCARE. Features To celebrate Year 11 Students - heroes of the hour!!!… Year 11 students James Beck and Reagen Corbin are to be commended for a noble act of kindness this week when they came across a young primary school student lost and very upset in town. Both boys stayed with the youngster and were able to establish which school she attended and were then able to ring her school. The School in question telephoned North Cestrian to thank us personally for their assistance and to say they were an absolute credit to the school. Indeed you are, boys, and are setting a fine example to your peers; keep up the good work!! Auditions NCGS will be performing: ‘Guys and Dolls’ on 11th and 12th February 2015 Auditions will take place on: Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th October in the Hall/Drama Studio at 12.30pm. There are opportunities for students to take principal roles involving acting, singing – and also chorus parts. All students are welcome to participate but need to come to one of the audition sessions listed above. Anyone who would like to read for one of the main roles should look at the script extracts on ‘MyCestrian’ [accessed via the English section – denoted by the pile of books]. In addition, they should be prepared to sing one verse and chorus from their own choice of song. If you need a paper copy of the extracts or need more information, please see Mrs Evans, Mrs Morrison or Mrs Dempsey. Features Year 8 - Tudor History Last week saw the fruition of our Self Directed Learning Task in Year 8. The following children presented me with amazing Tudor Houses, showing they understand the structure and visual appeal of Tudor Houses, Tom Player, Annie Zheng, Arzam Shehzad, Alicia Hassiakos, James Liberman. I was very impressed with all their work and all were mentioned in assembly, as well as going on Mr Bell’s ‘Outstanding Learners List’, the award for this will be a special lunch in November. Special praise must go to Amna Hussain who produced the most beautiful Tudor House and was presented with a Horrible History book entitled, you guessed it, Terrible Tudors. These houses were on display at our Open Day and were a credit to you all. Thanks to these Outstanding Students. Miss Ross The ‘winning house’ by AmnA hussAin Sport’s News North Cestrian Vs. BTH Result- NC - 2 BTH 5 This was the first outing in the term for this intrepid group of netballers. Warming themselves up whilst watching the opposition practice some drills, Gabrielle won the toss and the game began. The Cestrian’s attack was fast and focused on getting the ball to Amelia who was waiting by the goal ready for the ball. As cool as a cucumber she aimed at the goal, making the whole shooting process look so easy! Yasmin and Uzma made great use of the width of the court, especially at the centre pass. Jessica made sure that the BTH Goal Shooter was not going to get the ball in the circle, whilst Phoebe was on her toes the whole time ready to make the move to receive the ball. Cecilly and Hana played superbly in Wing Defence and centre, both making great use of the court and some fantastic interceptions when BTH were in possession of the ball. Yasmin in centre was able to read the game and find spaces to feed the ball into, keeping the team in attack the whole time. There were some excellent individual performances by Sophie Atwood, Yasmin Murphy and Jessica Mills. Overall a fantastic team performance and very unlucky not to get the win. Next up Ashton on Mersey Tuesday 7th October at 4.45pm (home). Well done girls – Fantastic effort! HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENT! There will be a House football competition during Games next week. Students will need to bring in their House shirts, black shorts, shinpads, socks and football boots. For those not competing there will be an additional activity on offer. Thank you Mr Boswell Calendar of School Trips This is continually being added to and gives indicative prices and times Red Ridge / Outdoor Education Activities / Residential / Y7 / £195 Sep 2014 Oct 2014 India / Geography syllabus and culture / Residential / Y11-13 / £1450 Nov 2014 Manchester University / STEM animal dissection / Day trip / Y11 / £10 Dec 2014 Manchester University / STEM animal dissection / Day trip / Y12 / £10 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Italian Ski Trip / winter activities / Residential / whole school / £1100 Poetry Live Manchester / English GCSE / Day trip / Y11 / £25 Mar 2015 Apr 2015 May 2015 Betws-y-coed / Geography Controlled Assessment / Residential / Y10 Varied / Duke of Edinburgh / Residential / Y10 / £200 TBC June 2015 Whitby / Cross-curricular and culture / Residential / Y7 / £120 July 2015 For qualifying pupils Manchester University / STEM animal dissection / Day trip / Y8+9 / £10 Manchester University / STEM animal dissection / Day trip / Y12 / £10 Conway / Whole school trips week / Day Trip / Y7 / £25 Chester Zoo / Whole school trips week / Day Trip / Y8 / £25 Snowdonia / Whole School trips week / Day trip / Y9 / £25 Alton Towers / Whole School Trips Week / Day Trip / Y10 / £25 Go Ape / Whole school trips week / Day Trip / Y12 / £25 Homework Timetables Homework Timetables Class Monday Tuesday 7N Maths English Spanish 7R 7T Class Wednesday Thursday Friday Mus/Food/DT/Art History French Science English Computing Geography Religious Studies Maths Science Drama Computing Spanish English Mus/Food/DT/Art French Maths Geography Science Science Drama English Maths Religious Studies History Science Geography French Mus/Food/DT/Art Maths English Science Spanish History Drama English Computing Maths Religious Studies Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8N English Drama Geography Computing French History Food Tech Music Maths Science Maths DT Art Science Religious Studies Spanish English 8R Food Tech Music Geography History English French Science Maths Drama English DT Computing Art Spanish Maths Science English Religious Studies Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9N Maths Food Tech History Science French English Maths DT Religious Studies Music Geography Drama Art English Spanish Computing 9R Maths Food Tech Geography Science History Drama Maths DT English Art Music French Religious Studies English Spanish Computing Class Homework Timetables Class Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10N Art Business Studies (K) Physics (set 2) Chemistry (set 1) History French (10z) English (Set 1) Computing Maths (Set 1 / Set 2) Physics (set 1) English (Set 2) DT Business Studies (m) Biology (set 1) Chemistry (Set 2) Geography (m / j) History Computing Geography (m) PE Drama Maths (set 1 / set 2) Music Biology Geography English (set 1) 10R Art Business Studies (k) Physics (set 2) Chemistry (set 1) History French (10z) English (set 1) Computing Maths (set 1 / set 2) Physics (set 1) English (set 2) DT Business Studies (m) Biology (set 1) Chemistry (set 2) Geography (m / j) History Computing Geography (m) PE Drama Maths (set 1 / set 2) Music Biology Geography English (set 1) Class Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11N Maths (set1/set2/set3) Art Business Studies Physics (set3) Biology (set1) Chemistry (set2) DT Art (L) Business Studies (L) Biology (set3) Geography (m/j) Chemistry (set1/set3) History Maths (set1) English (set1/set2/set3) Physics (set1/set2) Geography (m/j) Chemistry (set1/set3) PE Drama Maths (set2/set3) Physics (set1/set2) Music Biology Geography (m/j) History English (set1/set2/ set3) 11R Maths (set1 /set2/set3) Art Business Studies Physics (Set 3) Biology (set1) Chemistry (set2) DT Art (L) Business Studies (L) Biology (set3) Geography (m/j) Chemistry (set1/set3) History Maths (set1) English (set1/set2/set3) Physics (set1 / set2) Geography (m/j) Chemistry (set1/set3) PE Drama Maths (set2/set3) Physics (set1/set2) Music Biology (set2) Geography (m/j) History English (set1/set2/ set3) 6TH FORM NEWS NEWS FROM THE SIXTH FORM As the new term gets underway, it’s all change in the Sixth Form. We have been delighted to welcome new students into our Sixth Form: Jack Appleby, Claire Cannon, Kieran Carr, Younas Saeed, Rose Wang and Lewis Townley, all of whom have settled in, making friends and feeling at home in their new surroundings. We also have a brand new set of Senior Prefects. Following our tradition of hustings both last June and at the start of September, the following positions of responsibility were announced: School Captain Deputy School Captain Maryana Pangalis Naomi Littler House Captain Grenfell Matthew Tym House Captain Hillary Deputy Hillary House Captain Livingstone Deputy Livingstone House Captain Scott Deputy Scott Sports Captain (Boys) Sports Captain (Girls) Andrew Pickard Ben Pratley Michael Sixsmith Jude Arthurs Raquel Agavi-Benito Freya Heath Joe Rogers Lauren Woodcock Senior Librarian School Charities Officer Anne Fitzgerald Helen Moss Special mention must be made of Maryana, whose appointment to School Captain has made history: she is the first female to hold this post. Congratulations to all of the above; they now have the opportunity to shine in their new roles. Already many prefects have represented the School in an official capacity, either at the first of the School’s Open days or the big annual event that is Speech Night. At the latter event special thanks are given to Maryana for her heart-felt speech and vote of thanks and also Naomi and Andrew for their readings. Several prefects have been key presenters in Senior School assemblies. This bodes well for a successful year with students developing a whole range of skills and personal attributes that will serve them well throughout life. The students have instigated another change themselves: instead of the annual bonding trip to Alton Towers, this year our Upper Sixth students are busy costing out a trip to Paintballing - is that even a word? Suffice to say, if I go I will be looking after people’s bags in the cafe! Mrs Cooper PS: Watch this space as next week will see the return of our weekly feature: Sixth Form Blog….. Library based learning Library based learning Tuesday After School Homework Club Recorder Club, ALL YR's, Mrs James Homework Club Rugby, ALL YEARS, Mr Football YR's 7 & 8, Mr Cross Wilson/Mr Cross Food Tech, All YEARS, Miss Bus Studies, YR's 10 & 11, Nelson Mr Mills English Lang Revision, YR 11, Mrs Dempsey Badminton, All YR's, Mr Football YR 11, Mr Stobbs Stobbs Debate Club, ALL YR's, Miss Weights Room, All YR's, Ross,Miss Connell Sports Capt Weights Room, ALL YR's, Music Theory Drop In ALL Sports Capt YR's, Mrs Morrison DT Drop In, YR's 10 & 11, Computing, ALL YR's, Mrs Mr Cruxton Patterson Art Drop In, YR's 10 & 11, English Lang Revision YR 11, Lunch Mr Whittam Mrs Dempsey Time Harmonic Singing,ALL YR's, Poetry Society, ALL YR's, Mrs Morrison Library Prefect Maths Clinic, YR 11, Mrs Klutz French Club, YR's 7-9, Mrs Collins Maths Resit Revision, Mr Heslop 08.00 am Monday Library based Learning Thursday Netball, ALL YR's, Miss Connell DT Drop In YR's 10 & 11 Mr Cruxton Library based learning Friday Homework Club Homework Club LOL Club, ALL YR's, Mr FES Film Club, ALL YR's,Mr Bell Betteridge/Miss Sherlock Drama Club, ALL YR's Mr Science Club, ALL YR's, Mrs AlBetteridge lison/Mr Wilson French, YR's 10 & 11, Miss Demeur Homework Club Equestrian Club, ALL YR's, Miss Mallorie Girls Fitness, ALL YR's, Mrs Lapwood Secret Outstanding Learners Club, by invitation (monthly) Mr Bell Tech Club, YR 7, Mr Cross Weights, All yrs Sports Capt Ensemble, ALL YR's Mrs Art Drop In Yrs 10 & 11, Mr Morrison Whittam Physics Rev Yrs 10 & 11 Mr Robinson Chemistry Rev, YRS 10 Keyboards, All YR's Mrs Morri& 11,Mrs Holmes son Maths Club, ALL YR's, Mrs Showcase, All yrs (monthly) Mrs Klutz Morrison Maths Clinic YR 10 Mrs Klutz Drama Club, YR 7 & 8, Mrs Biology Rev YR's 10 & 11 Mr Evans Wilson Scrabble Club ALL YR's Mrs Cooper Computing, ALL YR's Mrs Patterson Sociology Drop In YR 12 Miss Nixon Weights, ALL YR's, Sports Capt Football Yrs 9 & 10 Mr Boswell Wednesday Library based learning Geog YR's 10-13, Exam Prep Mr Bell 2014-2015 'Extra Curricular' Activities GENERAL INFORMATION Mobile phones & other electronic devices Mobile Phones & Electronic Equipment Parents and students are reminded that the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices are not permitted during the school day. Students are also advised that for security reasons, any valuable belongings must be locked securely in pupil lockers at all times. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLE ITEMS UNATTENDED AT ANY TIME DON’T BE. . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR SCHOOL ! ! ! School is open daily from 08.00am. Registration is at 08.40am. Please ensure your son or daughter allows enough time for the journey into school each day. Please telephone or email the school office if there are exceptional circumstances for your child missing registration or will be absent due to illness. Thank you for your support Bullying Bullying, or the fear of bullying, can be devastating to a child’s emotional development and the School aims to maintain a positive environment where pupils respect others and care for their welfare. Incidents of bullying are rare at North Cestrian but will occur in any school. In addition a child who feels insecure is often as much at risk as a genuine victim. All staff are conscious of the welfare of their pupils and alert to incidents of inappropriate behaviour whether physical or verbal. Matters of concern are dealt with according to established procedures by the relevant pastoral staff, and parents are involved when appropriate. A copy of the School’s bullying policy is available on request. If you have any concerns relating to bullying, please contact Mr Brown NCGS Pastoral Director.
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