May 21, 2014, DI Nudge – et puf der virker PELLE GULDBORG HANSEN, BEHAVIOURAL SCIENTIST, PH.D. / CBIT, ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR OF ISSP – THE INITIATIVE FOR SCIENCE, SOCIETY & POLICY MEMBER OF THE PREVENTION COUNCIL, DANISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION CHAIRMAN OF THE DANISH NUDGE NETWORK HEAD OF INUDGEYOU TEAM The smaller the piece the healthier consumption – a choice architectural experiment in behavioral nutrition Hansen PG; Skov LR; Schmidt K; Skov KL; Mikkelsen BE; Pérez-Cueto FJA (2013) Skov LR; Schmidt K; Hansen PG; Skov KL; Mikkelsen BE; Pérez-Cueto FJA (2013) The smaller the piece the healthier consumption – a choice architectural experiment in behavioral nutrition Skov LR; Schmidt K; Hansen PG; Skov KL; Mikkelsen BE; Pérez-Cueto FJA (2013) The smaller the piece the healthier consumption – a choice architectural experiment in behavioral nutrition Skov LR; Schmidt K; Hansen PG; Skov KL; Mikkelsen BE; Pérez-Cueto FJA (2013) The smaller the piece the healthier consumption – a choice architectural experiment in behavioral nutrition Average consumption per person measured in whole of cake and apples respectively Cake vs. Brownies in the Opera 2013 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 Control 0,4 Reduced size 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 Cake consumption Apple consumption Skov LR; Schmidt K; Hansen PG; Skov KL; Mikkelsen BE; Pérez-Cueto FJA (2013) The smaller the piece the healthier consumption – a choice architectural experiment in behavioral nutrition 45 Cake vs. Brownies in the Opera 2013 40 Grams per person 35 30 25 20 15 Standard Intervention 10 5 0 Skov LR; Schmidt K; Hansen PG; Skov KL; Mikkelsen BE; Pérez-Cueto FJA (2013) The smaller the piece the healthier consumption – a choice architectural experiment in behavioral nutrition Cake vs. Brownies in the Opera 2013 1800 1600 1400 Kilo Jules 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Total energy intake per person (KJ) Skov LR; Schmidt K; Hansen PG; Skov KL; Mikkelsen BE; Pérez-Cueto FJA (2013) The smaller the piece the healthier consumption – a choice architectural experiment in behavioral nutrition Table over energy use for different activities Activity KJ/10 minutes Watching TV 33 Kissing 34 Doing the dishes by hand 71 Vacuuming 80 Brushing teeth 80 Playing music 85 Playing volleyball 95 Playing Frisbee 100 Source: ‘Become your own food detective’ – Danish Board of Product Facts nudge Et nudge er en samlebetegnelse for forsøg på at påvirke menneskers valg og adfærd i forudsigelige retninger uden 1) at begrænse deres valgmuligheder, eller 2) ændre afgørende ved handlingsalternativernes omkostninger (herunder økonomi, tid, besvær, social sanktioner, o. lign.) baseret på antagelsen at kognitive bias påvirker individuel og sociale beslutninger og adfærd, og som gør brug af disse som integrerede dele af sådanne forsøg. Hansen, PG & Jespersen, AM (2013) Nudge & The Manipulation of Choice – A Framework for the Responsible Use of the Nudge Approach to Behaviour Change in Public Policy, The European Journal of Risk Regulation, Volume 1, 2013, 3-28 68 % 32 % 68 % 16 % 32 % 84 % 450 379 Kroner 294 1 2 3 $ 0.55 $ 0.50 $ 0.45 $ 0.40 $ 0.35 $ 0.30 $ 0.25 $ 0.20 $ 0.15 $ 0.10 $ 0.05 $ 0.00 The meaning of labor 25 20 15 Series1 10 10,2 5 7,2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Dan Ariely, Emir Kamenica, Drazen Prelec (2008) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 67 (2008) 671–677 Duncker's candle problem WITH a financial incentive : 11:08 min WITH a financial incentive : 3.67 min WITHOUT a financial incentive : 7:41 min WITHOUT a financial incentive : 4.99 min Glucksberg, S. (1962). "The influence of strength of drive on functional fixedness and perceptual recognition". Journal of Experimental Psychology 63: 36–41 N = 248 Percentage of group that exercised 100% 91% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 38% 35% 30% 20% Control iNudgeYou © Nudge 101 Motivation Motivation + Implementation intentions S. Milne, S. Orbell, P. Sheeran (2012); Combining motivational and volitional interventions to promote exercise participation: Protection motivation theory andimplementation intentions; British Journal of Health Psychology 2002, 7, pp 163-184 Behavioural Insights Team Blog (2013) New BIT trial results: helping people back into work. Twitter: @peguha Conference: June 27, 2014 Blog:
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