Quality Currents Newsletter of Harrisburg Section 503 Serving the Quality Profession Since 1953 The Global Voice of QualityTM October 2014 October 2014 Chair’s Message Leadership Committee -‐-‐ 2013-‐2014 CHAIR: Sally Haldeman Armstrong World Industries sahaldeman@armstrong.com CO-‐CHAIR/CHAIR ELECT: Brian C. Davis MS RA, ASQ CMQ/OE, CQA and CQE What a fantastic start to our fall schedule! Those of you who joined us at Sechan Electronics in Lititz last month were treated to a plant tour that was very informative and enjoyable. Thank you to all who were involved in organizing the tour. Having the tour progress through the workstations and being met by tour guides who represented their own areas of work was a nice touch that provided us a lot of information and encouraged discussions. Well done! This month, Brittany Hagedorn will be joining us to present Simulation; taking “Lean Thinking” to the next level. We’ll hear about how to use computer-‐aided simulation to enhance lean approaches. This is particularly interesting to me because Brittany is the President of a consulting firm, specializing in health and social services. I’m familiar with using simulations to identify opportunities in manufacturing environments. However, hearing how simulation has successfully been applied in other industries is intriguing. TREASURER: Gregory M. Gurican, R.N., CPHQ GMG & Associates Inc., LLP (917) 548-‐5786 gmgurican@comcast.net gguric01@gmail.com SECRETARY: John Reibson Quality Assurance Specialist Penn State College of Medicine Hershey, PA. 17033 (717) 531-‐4498 jreibson@psu.edu ASQ Web Site: www.asq.org Harrisburg Section Home Page: www.asq-‐harrisburg.org Section Officers can be e-‐mailed bdavis@archtest.com Manager — Quality Assurance COMMITTEES Auditing Arrangements Certification Chief Proctor Craig Mosher Greg Gurican Michael Green Susan Backs 717-‐986-‐3540 717-‐653-‐9699 717-‐697-‐4188 717-‐378-‐6266 Newsletter Nominations Placement Program Education John Sharp 717-‐986-‐7692 Webmaster Dan Robertson Scott Crandall Brian Krady Fred Hammond William Gordon Steve Cronkrite drobert1@ycp.edu 800-‐233-‐3189 brian_krady@yahoo.com 717-‐330-‐9701 717-‐938-‐1923 717-‐852-‐1806 Harrisburg Section 503 Newsletter, October 2014 Make sure you pay attention to the location on our October Dinner Meeting Announcement. If you plan to rely on your auto-‐pilot to get you to our York meeting, you may wind up missing us! We’re meeting at the Four-‐Points Sheraton Inn on Toronita Street in York. And in other news, registration is open! Yes, that’s right. Now’s the time for you to register for our Mini-‐conference on November 15th. This conference brings speakers to you from the fields of Healthcare, Engineering, and Manufacturing. And if that’s not exciting enough, take a look at who our after dinner Keynote Speaker is. Yes, it’s Johnny Quinn! If you don’t remember him as a professional football player, you may remember him from the Sochi Winter Olympics as a member of the four-‐man bobsled team. And, surely, you recall his bathroom door-‐breaking experience at the Olympic Village! Johnny Quinn’s topic, Win While You’re Weak is drawn from his experiences as a 2014 Winter Olympian and former professional football player. Round up some of your coworkers to join you at our conference or come ready to network with others who are looking for a great conference experience, right in our own back yard. Sally Haldeman, Chair ASQ Section 503 ……………………. Local Harrisburg Section 503 Business News and Information: Save the Date Mini Conference Quality Today, Success Tomorrow Rapidly changing industries are making quality skill a must have for successful professionals. The Harrisburg Section of the ASQ and Elizabethtown College’s Departments of Engineering and Physics and the Department of Business will be co-‐presenting a mini-‐ conference with a broad appeal to professionals from healthcare to manufacturing. Four speakers will deliver technical sessions: • Charles Cianfrani -‐ ISO 9001: 2015 is coming – What to expect? • Grace Duffy -‐ Using Lean Six Sigma Approaches Across the Global Value Chain • David Foxx -‐ Achieving “Patient First” by Flexing Lean in Healthcare • Dr. Hod Lipson -‐ The Future of 3D Printing The technical sessions will be followed by Olympian Johnny Quinn, who will present as the keynote dinner speaker “Win While You’re Weak!” Quality Today, Success Tomorrow will be held November 15, 2014 in the Gibble Auditorium of Elizabethtown College. Registration begins soon with early bird rates until October 5th. Deadline for registration is November 6th. We hope to see you in November at E-‐town! 2 Harrisburg Section 503 Newsletter, October 2014 Call for Celebrations and local Quality Announcements If there are any announcements that you would like to have published and share with your quality professional colleagues, such as success stories, continuous improvement opportunities, best practices, etc., feel free to send it to drobert1@ycp.edu and we will be very happy to add that to the newsletter. ……………………. Opportunity Links ASQ News/Info: Membership Profile: It is important to keep your profile up to date. Your email for instance is a vital vehicle that we use to communicate with you. If you suspect that your email address is not current, visit www.asq.org or contact ASQ’s Customer Care Center: Email: help@asq.org Phone: 800-‐248-‐1946 (USA and Canada only) or 414-‐272-‐8575 Fax: 414-‐272-‐1734 Mail: ASQ 600 N. Plankinton Ave. Milwaukee, WI, 53203, USA Educational opportunities: Visit the Section Website for our educational opportunities. You can download the catalog at http://www.asq-‐ harrisburg.org/education.html for future reference. Also found there will be links to other educational opportunities both locally and around the ASQ community. Quality Tools: To learn more about Tools used in the pursuit of excellence: go to the link below: Beyond the Basics (http://asq.org/quality-‐ progress/2012/04/basic-‐quality/beyond-‐the-‐basics.html) Job Opportunities: A few of our members have a continuing relationship with independent recruiters and Human Resources Recruiters. There some of our members that are actively looking for new opportunities. If you would like to share the job opportunities that you are aware of with your fellow members, please feel free to contact our Placement Chair, Brian Krady at brian_krady@yahoo.com. They can be uploaded to our web site for all to see. Please visit our section web site for potential job listings: www.asq-‐harrisburg.org 3 Harrisburg Section 503 Newsletter, October 2014 ASQ Harrisburg Section 503 October 2014 DINNER MEETING When: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Registration: 6:00 -‐ 6:30 p.m. Buffet Dinner: 6:30 -‐ 7:30 p.m. Presentation and Q&A: 7:30 -‐ 9:00 p.m. Where: Menu: Four Points Sheraton Inn, York, PA. 1650 Toronita St, York, PA (SEE DIRECTIONS BELOW) NOTE LOCATION CHANGE! Cost: Classic 4 Points Buffet: 5-‐Chef’s specialty salads, Entrees: NY Sirloin Steak, Grilled Salmon w/dill sauce, Garlic whipped potatoes, seasonal vegetable medley, rolls & butter; Dessert buffet, coffee & tea Members $25.00 -‐ Guests $30.00 – At the Door: Members $30 Guests $35 What: Simulation; taking "Lean Thinking" to the next level What does it mean to “Think Lean”? It is about more than specific tools and techniques. It is a fundamental philosophy, dedicated to continuous improvement. As a philosophy, Lean has been very successful in manufacturing and industry, and it is rapidly being adopted throughout healthcare. So, should we declare success and move on? Not at all. If we have truly adopted Lean thinking, then we must continue to improve not only our processes, but also our tools, our approach, and ourselves. As improvement practitioners, we run pilots to test our solutions, engage stakeholders to ensure adoption, and monitor process performance over time. Lean thinking tells us that we should strive to improve even these approaches, and computer-‐aided simulation is one way to do so. This presentation will demonstrate computer-‐ aided simulation, identify opportunities to incorporate simulation into Lean practice, discuss trade-‐offs associated with its use, and share lessons learned in the field. Who: Brittany Hagedorn Brittany Hagedorn, LEED AP, CSSBB, is the Healthcare Lead for North American for SIMUL8 Corporation. She is also the President of Bonsai RG Inc., a consulting firm providing performance improvement to health and social services. Brittany is also the Board President for the non-‐profit Project MEGSSS, which offers advanced mathematics for high-‐ potential middle school students. Brittany has broad experience that includes program management, building design and construction, strategic planning and business development, and operations and supply chain. She works with teams to improve service quality and handle increasing numbers of customers. Brittany has a B.S. in Systems Science and Mathematics and an MBA, both from Washington University in St. Louis. Register with: Fred Hammond Register by 5pm Wednesday October 1st to: E-‐mail mailto:fhammo@gmail.com Fax 717-‐283-‐0818 NOTE: Please DO NOT reply to this E-‐mail or the Listserv to register. Click on the link above and register at: fhammo@gmail.com. You will receive a confirming email within 36 hrs. 4 Harrisburg Section 503 Newsletter, October 2014 DIRECTIONS: From East-‐ Take Route 30 West to Toronita Street. Turn right at the traffic light, and the hotel entrance will be the third driveway on the left. From West-‐ Take Route 30 East to Toronita Street. Turn left at the traffic light, and the hotel will be the third driveway on the left. From South-‐Take I-‐83 North to Exit 21A. Turn left at the first traffic light onto Toronita Street. The hotel will be the third driveway on the left. From North-‐ Take Interstate 83 South to Exit 21. Take 30 East to the first traffic light and turn left on Toronita Street. The hotel entrance will be the third driveway on the left. 5 Harrisburg Section 503 Newsletter, October 2014 ASQ Harrisburg -‐ Lancaster -‐ York -‐ SECTION MEETING SCHEDULE 2014 MEETING REGISTRATION DATE DEADLINE TOPIC SPEAKER LOCATION Brittany Hagedorn, SSBB Experienced Healthcare Consultant Simul8 Corporation Dr. Hod Lipson: The Future of 3D Printing Grace Duffy: Using Lean Six Sigma Approaches Across the Global Value Chain David Foxx: Achieving "Patient First" by Flexing Lean in Healthcare Charles Cianfrani: ISO 9001:2015 is coming -‐ What to expect? Keynote USA Bobsledder Johnny Quinn: Win While You’re Weak! Dr. Joe Wunderlich Associate Professor of Engineering Elizabethtown College Elizabethtown The Darker Side of Social Networking Jim Dill, Innovative Technology & Investigative Solutions -‐ ITIS, LLC York 2/4/15 Teamwork -‐ the leverage of synergy Mike Greene, Principal IntergrityWorks Coaching Harrisburg 3/11/15 3/4/15 Whose CHOICE is it? Ron L. James, Life Choices Coach www.ronljames.com Lancaster 4/8/15 4/1/15 Inspiring the next generation to be successful in a global economy Thomas Russell, President Junior Achievement of South Central Pennsylvania York 5/13/15 5/6/15 Hope is not a Strategy: Simple Solutions for Doing Business in the 21st Century Ted Gee, President & CEO SBI Institute, Inc. Harrisburg 6/10/15 6/3/15 Section 503 Recognition & Awards Social Night Brian Davis, Chair ASQ Section 503 TBD 10/8/14 10/1/14 Simulation; taking "lean thinking' to the next level 11/15/14 11/5/14 ASQ Mini-‐Conference -‐ Masters Center for Science, Mathematics & Engineering Elizabethtown College 12/10/14 12/3/14 Recent Advances in Robotic Design 1/14/15 1/7/14 2/11/15 York Lancaster 6 Harrisburg Section 503 Newsletter, October 2014 -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Advertisements DBS QUALITY MANAGEMENT INT’L 894 Carriage Way, Lansdale, PA 19446 Ph: ( 215) 368-6266, Fax: (215) 393-4873, E-mail: deidradoc@aol.com ISO 9000/TS-16949/AS-9100/ISO 13485 Quality System Assessments, Development & Training Visit our Website @ www.dbsqualitymgmt.com 2014 Training Programs Dates Course Description Cost/Person 2 DAY ISO 9001:2000 Internal Auditor Training w/ 2008 Revision Review 3 Sessions: March 6 & 7 April 2 & 3 May 8 & 9 3 Sessions: March 21 April 25 June 13 Offered On-Site Public Training TBD Day 1 – ISO 9001:2000/2008 Training • Quality system principles and the process model • Examination/interpretation of ISO9001:2000 elements • Review of recently released 2008 standard changes • Continual effectiveness improvement focus Day 2 – Applying the Standard & Auditing Techniques Audit mechanics: The documented quality system audit, Sampling, the Audit Checklist, Conducting the audit,, psychology, Audit management, Non-conformity statements, audit reports, Corrective action follow-up, Skill development through workshops $595 NOTE: Cost for those who want to attend only the first day of training: $350 1 Day SAE AS-9100C & AS9101D Supporting Criteria for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations Standard This course concentrates on the AS-9100 revision “C”, aerospace supplements over and above the requirements of the ISO 9001-2008 Standard, the application of AS9101D Audit Criteria/Requirements, and implementation strategies for certification preparation. Includes: Key Changes in AS9100C, AS9104 Transition Rules, Application of AS9101D Audit Criteria; The OER (Objective Evidence Report), The PEAR (Process Evaluation Assessment Report), Risk Management Requirements, Project and Configuration Management. Process Turtle Diagram Work Shop. Prerequisite: Understanding ISO 9001- 2008 is Essential. Understanding of AS9100 B is beneficial One Day Work Shop AS9101D Implementation Criteria; Application of SAE AS-9100C This course concentrates on the application of AS9101D, Key Changes in AS9100C, Process Turtle Diagram Work Shop, Business Process Metrics, The PEAR (Process Effectiveness Assessment Report), The OER (Objective Evidence Record), Risk Mgmt. Requirements and Work Shop. $395 Call for On-site Pricing Or Registration Form Principal Instructor: Michael J. Dougherty, RABQSA/IRCA QMSLA, IAQG, CMDCAS, & AIAG Certified. ISO 9000, QS-9000, AS-9100, ISO 13485 Registrar Lead Auditor. Courses Include: Training materials & continental breakfast. Lunch is on your own. Courses run 8:30AM - 4:30PM. Please bring a copy of the appropriate Standard for reference. Location: Holiday Inn, 1750 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA 19443. Ph. (215)368-3800. At Exit #31 (Lansdale) Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike. Left at light off ramp. Hotel on immediate right. Please reserve your overnight room early if needed. Contact Deidra to register. Phone: (215) 368-6266 Fax: (215) 393-4873 E-mail: deidradoc@aol.com 7 Harrisburg Section 503 Newsletter, October 2014 8
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