Dr. Linda E. Young “Students First: It Takes a Village to Educate a Child.” IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR SCHOOL WILL NOT BE IN SESSION : 10/31/14 Nevada Day 11/03/14 Staff Development 11/04/14 Staff Development 11/10/14 Unassigned Work Day 11/11/14 Veterans Day 11/27/14 Thanksgiving Day 11/28/14 Family Day 12/22/14-01/04/15 Winter Break For a complete list of calendar dates access CCSD 2014-2015 School Calendar REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS: October 9, 2014, 4:00 p.m. November 13, 2014, 4:00 p.m. December 11, 2014, 4:00 p.m. January 8, 2015, 4:00 p.m. February 12, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Board meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month unless otherwise *noted Edward A Greer Education Center, Board Room 2832 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89121 Access the District’s web site Clark County School District WORK SESSION MEETINGS: October 1, 2014, 8:00 a.m. November 5, 2014, 8:00 a.m. December 3, 2014, 8:00 a.m. January 7, 2015, 8:00 a.m. February 4, 2015, 8:00 a.m. Edward A. Greer Education Center, Board Room 2832 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89121 Access the District’s web site Clark County School District SPECIAL BOARD MEETING: October 7, 2014, 9:30 a.m. (Parent & Community Forum Meeting) Valley High School, Theater 2839 S. Burnham Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89169 OCTOBER 2014 District C: The VILLAGE Dear District C, “The VILLAGE”: Parents, Principals, CCSD Staff, Students, Community, and Friends: "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make." Author Unknown Board of School Trustees Parent & Community Forum The Board of School Trustees will hold a Parent and Community Forum on Tuesday, October 7, 2014, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., in the theater at Valley High School, located at 2839 S. Burnham Ave., Las Vegas. Topics will include updated graduation requirements, the new SBAC state standardized test, and an update on Infinite Campus. Looking forward to seeing you there! Budget Update - Year End Closing of the Books The Clark County School District (CCSD) recently selected a new budget director, Steven Osburn, as a result of the retirement of our long-term budget director on August 1. Steve has been with the District for ten years serving as a budget analyst. Prior to his coming to the District he received a Bachelor of Science in Statistics and an MBA. Since moving to Nevada, Steve has worked as the Assistant Controller for Treasure Island, as the Financial Analysis Manager for AT&T Wireless over their entire Western Region, and as the Director of Accounting for The Marshall Retail Group headquartered here in Las Vegas. Steve loves academia and in his spare time enjoys teaching students as an adjunct professor for the Keller Graduate School of Management here in Las Vegas. Steve, his wife, and three boys love to hike, camp, travel, and perform music in a local symphony. Steve is now the responsible administrator for budget development in the three budget phases—Tentative Budget, Final Budget, and Amended Final Budget—each year. Steve and the Budget team of eight others are responsible for projecting revenues, reviewing and assisting the Workstreams with budget requests and projecting their fiscal requirements, filing all state-related budgeting forms and related reports, providing cost projections, analyzing expenditures compared to budget, reporting trends and areas of concern, making necessary budget adjustments and transfers, serving as the liaison between the Budget department and other CCSD departments, producing the annual budget and statistical documents, and assisting with research and data analysis for legislative planning. Review of CCSD Policies and Regulations At the September 11, 2014, regular board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the CCSD Regulation 3613 Use of District Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment by Non-School Groups. To view the regulation you can go to http://ccsd.net/district/policies-regulations/. You can also Click Here to listen to the audio clip or view the regulation. At the September 22, 2014, regular board meeting, the Board of Trustees amended the CCSD Regulation 4320 Evaluation: All Employees and CCSD Regulation 3613.1 Vegas PBS Television Studio Fund-Raising Events. You can Click Here to listen to the audio clip or view the regulation. Also, at the September 22, 2014, regular board meeting, the Board of Trustees amended the CCSD Regulation 5152 Child Abuse or Neglect. You can Click Here to listen to the audio clip or view the regulation. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Homework Hotline helps students with math The Clark County School District’s Homework Hotline (702) 799-5111, is available to students from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Students will get assistance from CCSD math teachers. The program airs live from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Channel 96 and 111. The Great Nevada ShakeOut, October 16, 2014 More than 520,000 Nevadans have registered to participate in the annual statewide public earthquake drill, the Great Nevada ShakeOut, scheduled for October 16 at 10:16 a.m. Nevada Seismological Lab Director Graham Kent said, “Nevadans need to realize they live in earthquake country. Nevada has the third highest incidence of large earthquakes in the United States. A major earthquake in any community, north or south, is possible.” The Great Nevada ShakeOut is a simple, coordinated “drop, cover and hold on” exercise. To register as an individual, business, school or government agency or organization, go to http://www.shakeout.org/nevada/. All Nevada residents are encouraged to register and participate. Governor Sandoval’s Poster and Essay Contest 2014 Nevada Students in grades K-12 can enter Governor Sandoval’s Poster and Essay Contest. The theme is Nevada’s State Motto: “All for Our Country.” Entries must be mailed to Governor’s Poster and Essay Contest, P.O. Box 20743, Carson City, NV 89721. All entries must be received on or before October 14, 2014. Awards Ceremony will be in the Nevada Room at the Governor’s Mansion in Carson City on November 1, 2014. American Education Week Mark your calendars for American Education Week, scheduled for November 17-21, 2014. The weeklong celebration presents opportunities to celebrate public education and honor the teachers who make a difference in the lives of children in classrooms across America. The first observance of American Education Week took place in December 1921. CONTINUED MESSAGE FROM DR. LINDA E. YOUNG School Board Student Advisory Committee The Board of Trustees held an induction ceremony of the 2014-15 student representatives of the School Board Student Advisory Committee (SBSAC) at the September 11, 2014, regular board meeting. Members of the SBSAC are high school students who provide information to the Trustees about District policies, procedures, and current events. Click Here to listen to the presentation. Facebook and Twitter The Clark County School District's official Twitter and Facebook pages: Below is a list of feeds we provide so you don't have to find them within the site. You may subscribe to each one from the feed itself. CCSD @ClarkCountySch https://twitter.com/CCSD_Trustees Clark County School District Facebook Nevada Learning Academy The Nevada Learning Academy (NVLA) combines Virtual High School and the Academy for Individualized Study. The integrated school offers full-time attendance for students who can benefit from the non-traditional school setting serving students in grades 6-12 geared toward meeting the needs of students who might need or desire a different learning environment from that of a traditional brick and mortar school setting. NVLA uses innovative instructional technologies to provide an accredited, comprehensive online education. For more information, visit http://nvlearningacademy.net/ or call (702) 855-8435. Nevada Recycled Art Contest Enter the Nevada Recycled Art Contest! Categories are for K-12 students, classes and adults. Entry form must be submitted by October 31 by 11:59 a.m. More information about the contest and submission guidelines is available at http://nevadarecycles.nv.gov/Education/Recycled_Art_Contest/ Do the Write Thing Challenge Program Beverly Mason, Director, School-Community Partnership Program, Clark County School District, and Rose McKinney-James, Managing Principal, Energy Works LLC, presented on the Do the Write Thing Challenge Program at the August 28, 2014, regular board meeting. Among the speakers were Do the Write Thing Student Ambassadors, Justin Cummins, Molasky High School, Teacher Melissa Marks; and Sarah Rappleye, Hughes Middle School, Teacher Aubrie Olsen. Click Here to view the PowerPoint presentation or to listen to the presentation. School-Community Partnership Program (SCPP) Overview Beverly Mason, Director, School-Community Partnership Program, Clark County School District, provided a presentation of the School-Community Partnership Program’s successes and highlights of the 2013-2014 school year at the September 11, 2014, regular board meeting. If you are interested in developing a partnership with the public please call (702) 799-6560. Click Here to view the listen to the presentation. Remember: “It Takes A Village to Educate A Child.” Looking forward to seeing you at the October Village Meeting, 9:00 a.m., on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, at Marion Cahlan Elementary School. Please come and bring a family member and a friend. ALWAYS REMEMBER: “YOU ARE THE KEY TO OUR SUCCESS!” Yours for Excellence in Education, Dr. Linda E. Young, School Board Trustee, District C Clark County School District, Las Vegas, Nevada 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR DISTRICT C: “THE VILLAGE” MEETING DATE AND HOSTING SCHOOL 2014 Date/Time: Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 9:00 a.m. School: Doris M. Reed Elementary School, Library Address: 2501 Winwood Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 Phone: 702-799-4777 Date/Time: Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 9:00 a.m. School: Marion Cahlan Elementary School, Library Address: 2801 Ft. Sumter Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030 Phone: 702-799-7103 Date/Time: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 9:00 a.m. School: Elizabeth Wilhelm Elementary School, Library Phone: 702-799-1750 Address: 609 West Alexander Road, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89032 Date/Time: Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 9:00 a.m. School: Bertha Ronzone Elementary School, Library Address: 5701 Stacey Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 Phone: 702-799-4780 2015 Date/Time: Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 9:00 a.m. School: Wing & Lilly Fong Elementary School, Library Address: 2200 James Bilbray Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 Phone: 702-799-4890 Date/Time: Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 9:00 a.m. School: E.W. Griffith Elementary School, Library Address: 324 East Essex Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 Phone: 702-799-4200 Date/Time: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 9:00 a.m. School: Lincoln Elementary School, Library Address: 3010 Berg Street, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030 Phone: 702-799-7133 Date/Time: Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 9:00 a.m. School: Red Rock Elementary School, Library Address: 408 Upland Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 Phone: 702-799-4223 Date/Time: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 9:00 a.m. School: Veterans Tribute CTA, Library Address: 2531 Vegas Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 Phone: 702-799-4710 2015 Legislative Platform CCSD Bill Draft Requests The Clark County School District Board of Trustees approved the submittal of the following two bill draft requests for consideration by the 2015 Nevada Legislature: BDR 472 will ensure all students have the same amount of instruction before taking high stakes assessments required by state law. BDR 473 proposes changes to the law that will allow newly hired teachers a six-month window to complete testing necessary to obtain Nevada licensure. The availability of a temporary permit for new teachers relocating to the state will greatly assist school districts in recruiting teachers Other Education Issues The Clark County School District also supports the following issues that require action by the legislature: Revise the Nevada Plan Funding Formula - Implementation of a weighted funding model that addresses the needs of specific student populations including English language learners, special education, and children living in poverty. Full-Day Kindergarten – Expansion of the current program to provide statefunded full-day kindergarten for all schools. Zoom Schools – Expansion of the program created in 2013 to provide preschool, full-day kindergarten at a 21:1 ratio, reading centers, and extend the year in additional schools. Education Stabilization Fund – Create a “rainy day” fund to ensure consistent allocations to school districts in economic downturns. School Construction – Address the capital infrastructure needs of school districts to promote a safe, optimum learning environment for students. Palo Verde High School pays tribute to the victims of 9/11 Students at Palo Verde High School pay tribute to the victims of 9/11, which included Barbara Edwards, a language teacher at the school, who was aboard Flight 77 that day. Police Offer Tips to Parents to help Keep Children Safe Infinite Campus Portal Mobile App The Campus Portal mobile app provides a fast and convenient way for parents and students to check grades, assignments, schedule, attendance and daily planner information on their iOS or Android device. The app is available to our parents and students at no cost and can be downloaded directly from the iTunes App Store, Google play store, amazon appstore or from the links provided below. CCSD Board of Trustees Parent and Community Forum On October 7, the CCSD Board of Trustees will hold a Parent and Community Forum from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Valley High School Theater, 2839 S. Burnham Ave., Las Vegas. The topics will include updated graduation requirements, the new SBAC state standardized test and an update on Infinite Campus. The public is invited to attend. Magnet Schools and CTAs Community Meetings District ID: ZLSBJB Local law enforcement agencies are offering assistance to parents to help children steer clear of danger during the school year. During a meeting at Centennial High School on August 21, Metro joined with North Las Vegas Police and the CCSD Police Department in offering the following tips to parents: Be vigilant when driving in or near school zones. Monitor children’s social media accounts to catch potential problems early. Plan safe school routes. Seigle Center II Renamed Dr. Beth Howe Center The Seigle Center II at 3626 Pecos McLeod, Las Vegas, was renamed the Dr. Beth Howe Center on September 3, 2014. During her career with the school district, Dr. Howe was principal at Barbara & Hank Greenspun Junior High School and B. Mahlon Brown Middle School, and also served as executive director of CCSD’s Student Services Division. Dr. Howe passed away three years ago. For more information, call Annie Amoia at (702) 799-5413. CCSD Celebrates Increase of 5-Star Middle and High Schools Magnet Schools and Career and Technical Academies have scheduled community events for October 2, October 18 and December 13 at various locations throughout Clark County. Click here for the schedule. Look for the application by the end of October. The application will be due by 3:00 p.m. on January 8, 2015. For additional information, visit http://magnet.ccsd.net. Over the past two years, eight Clark County School District middle and high schools increased their star rating to become 5-Star Schools, according to the 2013-14 Nevada School Performance Framework results. The “star ratings” rank schools from 1 to 5 stars based on their state test score results and other indicators such as attendance and graduation rates. Since 2012, the number of 5-Star Middle Schools has increased from 12 to 17. The number of 5-Star High Schools increased from nine to 12 since 2012, and the number of 4-Star High Schools doubled from five to 10. Click here for more information on the Nevada School Performance Framework results for the 2013-2014 school year. To learn more about the Nevada School Performance Framework, visit http://ccsd.net/district/nevadaschool-performance-framework/. . 5th Annual Reclaim Your Future Event On September 13, CCSD and community member volunteers participated in the 5th Annual Reclaim Your Future event by visiting students at home. This door-to-door effort targets students who are credit deficient and at risk of not graduating. Students are encouraged to take the steps necessary to graduate. Members and CCSD volunteers inspired 21 students.
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