the roadrunner needs to be pathed before use SOUTHEAST SECTA OPENING CAREER TECHNICAL PA R E N T ACADEMY NEWSLETTER ISSUE 1 Perfect Attendance P rincipal’s Letter SECTA Telephone Directory 702-799-7500 KERRY POPE Principal.........................Ext. 4100 NICK BROCKOVICH Assistant Principal.......... Ext. 4202 RYAN CORDIA Assistant Principal.......... Ext. 4206 BRIAN McALLISTER Assistant Principal.......... Ext. 4200 HELEN MONEY Assistant Principal.......... Ext. 4204 AMANDA WHITE Counselor – Grade 9.......Ext. 4305 SHANNON SMITH Counselor – Grade 10.....Ext. 4303 MIKELA HARRIS Counselor – Grade 11......Ext. 4303 TODD HERRICK Counselor – Grade 12.....Ext. 4301 August 2014 Welcome Roadrunners! I’m sure you have enjoyed your summer vacation but if you’re like me, you’re probably secretly thrilled to be back to school to see your former teachers, meet your new teachers and of course, see your old friends and get ready to make new friends. I am absolutely thrilled to be back at the greatest school in the State of Nevada! SECTA has a strong tradition of academic excellence and it is up to each of you to ensure that tradition continues. Just as important, we have a strong tradition of treating others with respect and dignity, committing to a strong work ethic, demonstrating a willingness to learn and presenting ourselves in a positive manner by dressing appropriately and using language and manners suitable for the workplace and school. I would encourage each and every one of you to get involved on campus through the various clubs, sports and activities we have to offer. We have so much to be proud of at SECTA and it all starts with you and your commitment to your future. When I think of what makes SECTA so wonderful and what has made SECTA successful for so many years, the answer is very simple: the people. Our walls may change and the grounds may be in various states of construction but those things do not make a school. It is you, it is your teachers, your parents, our custodians, our counselors, our office and support staff. It is the people who have come before you and certainly the people who will come after you. The legacy at SECTA belongs to all of us who are part of the SECTA Family. I know you will do your best in the new school year to take advantage of every opportunity you have at this wonderful school. You have chosen to build your future and it all starts here. Welcome…welcome….welcome! Kerry Pope SECTA Principal CHRIS GALYEAN Counselor Testing/Scholarships...... Ext. 4304 KATHERINE DeSIMONE Recruiting/Admissions Counselor.......................Ext. 4307 CHRISTINE ARMSTRONG Attendance.....................Ext. 4035 LISA DIAZ Librarian........................ Ext. 4065 TINA COWAN Registrar....................... Ext. 4065 HEIDI LANGE School Banker............... Ext. 4044 Janet Findley Special Education Facilitator .....................................Ext. 4032 SHA VICKERY School Nurse .................Ext. 4021 Students, SECTA puts great importance on career readiness. Being present and on time each day is a necessity in the workforce. These career skills develop during your school years. As such, SECTA will recognize students with perfect attendance at the end of each semester. Students with perfect attendance will be entered into a drawing for vouchers to the culinary restaurant and the student store. Seniors with perfect attendance will receive a $25 deduction in their GradNite trip. We look forward to seeing you every day! SECTA Administration Infinite Campus News and Notes: Infinite Campus is the new parent portal to check grades and attendance. Students were given their access information on Friday, September 5th through their English classes. Parents will have access to Infinite Campus on September 30th. The district will be mailing access information home. If you don’t have your access information by October 1st , please contact the school and Mrs. Yeoman will be happy to help you. COOPERATIVE & EXPLORATORY EDUCATION PROGRAM “Work Experience” Peggy Thomas, Coordinator Karen Klier, Work-Based Learning Specialist Students can earn elective credit in the Cooperative & Exploratory Education Program. To qualify for this program, students must have junior or senior status, dependable transportation, and work a minimum of 15 hours per week. There are two types of job related credit granted in this program; a brief description of each follows. Cooperative Education “Work Experience” provides work-based learning which prepares students for entry-level to advanced positions in their career pathways. The employment of students is to be within a related job to the student’s career and technical course of study. The program includes paid, planned, and supervised part-time work experience in licensed businesses. Students must document a minimum of 270 hours of work (with pay stubs) during a semester to earn one-half elective credit. A maximum of two elective work experience credits may be applied towards graduation. Students must pass their related career & technical class to be granted this credit. Enrollment in Exploratory Work Experience provides students the opportunity to earn a maximum of one elective credit for part-time paid, planned, and supervised work experience performed in a licensed business. The job does not require a related course of study. Students must work and document a minimum of 270 hours (with pay stubs) during the semester in order to earn one-half credit. Community businesses are able to employ students as part-time workers by listing their job openings with SECTA’s Student Employment Resource Center located in the new Commons/Building F. Peggy Thomas, Coordinator and Karen Klier, Work-Based Learning Specialist, prepare students to interview, complete resumes and then refer students to employers who have listed their job openings with the center. Students that already have jobs with licensed businesses may have their employment evaluated by Mrs. Thomas for approval to use as a training site for credit. Mrs. Thomas contacts the employers for periodic evaluations on the student’s work performance each semester. A copy of the performance evaluation is given to and discussed with the student worker, thus giving the student job performance feedback. The Cooperative & Exploratory Education Program provides students an opportunity to apply job-specific and employability skills learned in their career and technical class to the work place; at the same time it provides an educational experience, which will assist the student in understanding the transitional process between school and work. The program’s primary goals are to prepare and encourage capable, interested students to continue with advanced training to assume positions in the labor force, and to develop good work ethics. If you have any questions concerning the Cooperative & Exploratory Education Program and/or the Student Employment Resource Center at SECTA, please contact Peggy Thomas at 799-7500 Ext. 4157. S E C TA JUNIOR CLASS Welcome back class of 2016! Before you know it, you will be walking across the stage at FRESHMEN CLASS NEWS AND INFORMATION WELCOME CLASS OF 2018! your senior graduation. That’s our goal so don’t lose focus. Now is the time to do your best! As you know, there are a few changes this year. Mrs. Harris will be your counselor from now until graduation. Mr. McAllister, one of our assistant principals, and Mrs. Harris will be working together with you to help each of you reach your academic goals and be ready to graduate with your class in June of 2016. We are so excited to welcome the freshmen, Class of 2018, to SECTA. Thank you for helping make the freshmen orientation a huge success. It was wonderful to finally meet many of you as you toured our campus! You have four exciting years ahead of you, as you complete your program and become college and career ready. You are a Roadrunner now, and we are here to support you. Every adult in this school wants to see you succeed and be there for you every step of the way. You will start off on the right foot by arriving on time, being kind, smiling, and doing your best in every task. Both Mr. McAllister and Mrs. Harris are available for you to talk to should have any problems or issues that they may be able to help you with. As you see them out and about on campus, take the time to say hello and introduce yourself. You may schedule appointments with either of them by contacting Mrs. Stefanski, the eleventh grade secretary, in the eleventh grade office. Mrs. White and Ms. Money are located in the Class of 2018 office. We are here to help all students succeed and address every 9th grade concern. We encourage students and parents to visit the school website regularly at www. SECTA.US. All important information on school policies, sports, and activities can be found on the website. Stay informed and get involved! We look forward to another exciting school year! This year, all juniors will be taking the ACT test in the spring. You can begin practicing now by going to There are practice questions and test taking tips on the site that are free. Thank you, You need to start thinking about your goals after graduation. Are you thinking college? Are you thinking about finances and scholarships? Are you thinking about career goals? Mr. Galyean will be helping students with scholarships this year. If you want to get a head start on applying for scholarships you can find him in the Career Center. Thank You, Mr. Brian McAllister, Junior Administrator Mrs. Mikela Harria, Junior Counselor Ms. Helen Money, Freshmen Administrator Mrs. Amanda White, Freshmen Counselor n o i t a m r o f n I & s w e C la s s N SENIOR CLASS NEWS AND INFORMATION Hello Seniors, Class of 2015 SOPHOMORE CLASS Welcome back class of 2017! Students and Parents We hope you had a great summer. Mr. Cordia and I would like to take this opportunity to let our students and their families know we are excited for another great year of academic success. Many of you have shared with us that you are ready to get serious about planning for graduation and post high school options. We can’t stress enough that hard work pays off, so make strong academic decisions and STICK WITH THEM. Colleges care about which courses you’re taking in high school. The following is an excerpt from the The ACT website (, under college planning). The courses you take in high school show colleges what kind of goals you set for yourself. Are you signing up for advanced classes, honors sections, or accelerated sequences? Are you choosing electives that really stretch your mind and help you develop new abilities? Or are you doing just enough to get by? Electives are courses students may select to meet total graduation requirements. Colleges will be more impressed by respectable grades in challenging courses than by outstanding grades in easy ones. Do your high school course selections match what most colleges expect you to know? For example, many colleges require two to four years of foreign language study. Successful completion of the courses listed in the recommended college prep courses (*see below) chart are ** Recommended College Prep Courses** English: Four years of English Mathematics: Three years of mathematics, including rigorous courses in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. Natural Sciences: Three years of science, including rigorous courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Social Studies: Three years of social studies Additional Courses: Some colleges and universities require other classes as prerequisites for admission, such as two or more years of the same foreign language or courses in the visual arts, music, theater, drama, dance, computer science, etc. commonly expected of prospective students. Of course, each college and university may have different high school course requirements. Be sure to check with the colleges you›re interested in to see what they recommend or require.” As always, we are here for your students to help guide them through this academic process. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Mr. Cordia Mrs. Smith Welcome back to your senior year! I will serve as your senior counselor, and Mr. Nick Brockovich will be your senior administrator as we move forward toward graduation in June. We will be monitoring your classwork and grades very closely, so it is imperative that you stay on top of your course work and not fall behind. For those of you enrolled in classes through virtual high school, it is imperative that you log in daily to keep up to speed. It is very easy to fall into the “I will do it later” philosophy, but previous SECTA students have proven that this is not the ideal way to complete an online class. Parents should not hesitate to contact me to meet with teachers if you suspect a drop off in grades and/or effort. The school website, SECTA.US, should be utilized by seniors frequently, as information on college, scholarships, SAT and ACT dates, and monthly checklists of what seniors should be doing will be posted. Go to SECTA.US, click on counseling, and then click on senior year to access the checklists. Mr. Galyean is available in the Career Center to assist with scholarships, financial aid, and college questions, and onsite recruiters will be made available all year long through the Career Center. Seniors should begin applying to colleges immediately, and if you have not done so yet or are unhappy with your test scores, you should register to take the SAT or ACT exams as soon as possible. I will be conducting senior credit checks through all career tech classes in September to reiterate these points. State regulation AB288 has eliminated the Certificate of Attendance for students who do not pass all proficiency exams. Students must pass all sections of the NHSPE and meet all graduation requirements to receive a high school diploma and participate in graduation ceremonies. Please do not hesitate to call me at 702-799-7500, ext. 4301 or email me at if you have any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to making this year the best year for seniors as they close out their Roadrunner careers and move on to the next phase of their lives! Thank you, Nick Brockovich, Senior Administrator Todd Herrick, Senior Counselor Class of 2015 PAGE 2 ACT vs. SAT For the past six years, the counseling department has emphasized to all college bound students during credit checks that part of the college application process is to provide colleges with ACT and SAT scores. It has been the recommendation that students, especially JUNIORS in the spring of their junior year, sit for BOTH exams. Both exams are now accepted by every four year college and university in the United States. There are several differences between the two exams, and students may do better on one format than the other, thus BOTH exams are recommended to be taken. The counseling office does not endorse one test over the other. SAT - Cost is $52.50. Students are tested on Saturdays from 8 AM to 1 PM. There is a verbal, math, and writing portion on the exam. SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test. It measures a student’s potential. Students can register at Fee waivers are available for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch and can be picked up from Mr. Galyean in the career center. e t ol o gy C O U N S E L O R S ’ corner cos m S E C TA The exciting world of cosmetology offers a diverse array of career choices for the licensed professional. Students who graduate from the SECTA Cosmetology Program have acquired 1800 hours of clocked training and are prepared to sit for the Nevada State Board of Cosmetology Licensure Exam. Upon receiving a license, the new professional can choose to focus on providing hair services, skin care, or nail services. The career options are endless for the hard-working individual who has talent and integrity. ACT - Cost is $38 or $54.50 if writing is included. Students are tested on Saturdays from 8 AM to 12 noon, unless they also sit for the writing exam. (this is recommended) There is an English, math, reading, and science portion of the exam. ACT stands for American College Testing. This exam is a curriculum based exam (student should have already been exposed to questions in their classes), and it has a career and college readiness component. Students can register at Fee waivers are available for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch and can be picked up from Mr. Galyean in the career center. Every year, many juniors “forget” or ignore the recommendation to sit for these exams during the spring of their junior year. By waiting until the fall of the senior year, the college application process is delayed, which can cause a loss in possible scholarship money that could be earned. Ms. Harris will visit the juniors in their career-tech classrooms during the spring to remind juniors that the time to test is during their junior year. COLLEGE FAIRS The 37th Annual College Fair will be held at the Cashman Center on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 21st and 22nd, from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Colleges and universities from across the nation, NCAA, scholarship, financial aid, and SAT/ACT representatives will be there in numbers to assist students in their college planning. Visit for more information. There will be a Christian College Fair at Faith Lutheran High School on Monday, October 27th, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Christian college representatives will be there to discuss educational opportunities, financial aid and application procedures with students and parents. For more information, go to or SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION STUDENTS AND PARENTS: If you need some one-on-one time with Mr. Galyean, SECTA’s college and scholarship counselor, email your desires or questions to him at clg870@ and he will set up an appointment to meet with you in the Career Center. There are millions of dollars out there in scholarships. Let’s get your share!! Cosmetology is a lucrative profession which allows you to be in charge of your success. There are many specialty areas such as hair coloring, cutting, texture services, makeup artist, or skin specialist. An array of job markets and locations such as a salon, cruise ship, movie or TV sets, and mobile salons exist. You might find yourself working with a weekly clientele, the rich and famous, bridal parties, or on fashion shoots. The explosion of social networks allows you to be interactive with clients and peers from all over the world. Technology specialists, with knowledge of the field of cosmetology are needed too! Our salon setting at SECTA mirrors a full working salon. Students have the opportunity to learn about all of the aspects of cosmetology from hands-on to employability readiness. Clients are always welcome to come in for services. We would like to invite you to come in for a service. We offer hair, skin and nail services for a nominal fee. Please call 799-7500 ext. 114456 for an appointment. We look forward to seeing you! Treat yourself, you deserve it! Dear Parents/Guardians of Students in Title I Schools: Estimados Padres/Guardianes de los Estudiantes en las Escuelas de Titulo I: As a parent/guardian of a student at a Title I designated school, you may request information regarding the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to make a request for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers, and requires the district to give you this information in a timely manner if you request it. Specifically, you may request the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers: Como padre/guardián de un estudiante que asiste en una escuela de Titulo I, se le permite a usted solicitar información de las calificaciones que los maestros dan a su hijo(a). La ley federal le permite a usted solicitar cierta información acerca de los maestros de sus hijos, y el distrito esta obligado a darle esta información en el tiempo oportuno. En particular, usted puede pedir la siguiente información de los maestros: • Whether the Nevada Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches; • Whether the Nevada Department of Education has determined that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being fully licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances; • Si el Departamento de Educación del estado de Nevada le dio licencia o si el maestro calificó por sus materias escolares y él/ella pueda enseñar. • Si el Departamento de Educación del estado de Nevada determinó que el/la maestro(a) pueda dar instrucción en la clase sin licencia completa o si él/ella calificaría bajo las reglas del estado por circunstancias especiales. • The teacher’s college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees; • Los cursos en que se especializo en la Universidad; o si el/la maestro(a) ha obtenido títulos avanzados de la Universidad, y si los tiene, cuáles son las especializaciones. • Whether any teachers’ aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to your child, and, if they do, their qualifications. • Si los ayudantes o auxiliares de los maestros dan servicios a sus niños, se puede preguntar, cuáles son las credenciales que tiene? If you have any questions, please call the school at . Si tiene alguna pregunta, favor de llamar a la escuela al Sincerely, Mrs. Pope, Principal Sinceramente, Mrs. Pope Director(ra) PAGE 3 . S E C TA Helen Money – Assistant Principal Amanda Buckner Science I graduated from the University of South Florida with a BA in English. I later earned a M.Ed. from UNLV and a M.Ed. from Grand Canyon University. I have worked in the Clark County School District for 20 years, and am very excited to be at SECTA! I was raised in Las Ve g a s / H e n d e r s o n where I competed and became nationally ranked in cheer and d a n ce. I re ce nt ly graduated from UNLV with a B.S. in Secondary Education. Katherine DeSimone – Admissions Counselor My name is Katherine DeSimone. I am the new Admissions Counselor for SECTA. I have experience working in school recruitment and a Masters in Counseling. I have been a part of SECTA actively for the past two years as an intern and I am very happy to be hired as a full time employee! This is my first year at SECTA and I am very excited to be working with such an amazing science department. I was recently married last October and am loving married life with my husband, three dogs, and one cat. In my free time, I love going to the lake with my husband, camping, singing loudly in the car, practicing yoga, dancing, and everything fun in between. You can almost always find me doing work in my classroom and listening to country music. Lindsay Moseman - English I was born in New York but have lived in Las Vegas for most of my life. I am a graduate from Las Vegas Academy and UNLV, where I studied theater, psychology, and English. This is going to be a wonderful #YearofTech!! Amanda White – 9th Grade Counselor I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada and graduated from Community College High School in CCSD. I attended UNLV and earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Services Counseling. I always knew I wanted to work with young people in education, and after a brief break, I went back to school to get my Master’s to continue along that career path. During my Master’s program, I interned at SECTA, and instantly knew that I wanted to be a Roadrunner again one day. After receiving my Master of Science in Counseling, School Counseling, I worked as a counselor at Valley High School. I transferred to SECTA this year, and I am excited to be the counselor for the Class of 2018! Go Roadrunners! Martin Ferriter - Math I was born and raised in Montana. I graduated from Butte Central HS in 1985 and the University of Montana in 1990. I received my Masters In Education from UNLV in 2002. I have taught math in the CCSD for 15 years; with stops at Rancho, Liberty, Cowan and Silverado HS. I have been married for seven years to my wife Wendy (who happens to be the 1980 Valedictorian from Valley HS). We rescued a poodle/terrier mix named Sammy three years ago and we enjoy walking him. Otherwise, I enjoy playing handball, skiing and reading. Joshua Lee - Math I was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. This is my 15th year teaching. I earned my undergraduate degree at the University of Arizona, Tucson and my Master’s degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. My favorite thing to do when not grading papers or coaching SECTA’s Speech and Debate team is playing with my dog, Holden. Just ask me about independent films or classic rock and you will be sure to spark up a conversation with me. I am very excited to be at SECTA and encourage you to sign up for Speech and Debate if you love talking about what’s going on in the world or just like performing! Cherise Hinman - ECS I’m originally from Wyoming where I attended the University of Wyoming and received BS in Business in Administration. I worked in hotel sales and marketing and event planning for the casino industry for a while before deciding to go into teaching. I attended UNLV to get education credentials. I have taught at Laughlin High School and Boulder City High School in the areas of math, business, and computers for 6 years. After received my Masters in Technology in Education from Lesley University I took on the role of ECS in 1999 which I’ve been doing ever since. I’m married to my high school sweetheart and have two children - a senior, Brooks, and a freshmen, Maggie, who both attend Boulder City HS. My hobbies include skiing, hiking, cooking, traveling and being a “tech geek”. Roger Bakke – Social Studies I was born and raised in Las Vegas and graduated from SECTA class of 1999. I majored in construction management. I love history and was greatly influenced by my US History teacher, who inspired me to be a teacher. I lived in California for a few years working at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo as a campus minister. I came back to Vegas and married my wife Kelli, and we have a beautiful baby girl, Evangeline, whom we love so much, and a black lab, Niobe, who is ok:) I enjoy many hobbies, such as playing guitar, playing basketball, and spending time with friends. I am also an amateur swimmer. It is crazy to come back to SECTA after so long and I cannot wait to make new memories here! My passions outside of school include studying jazz and classical piano, singing, running and watching movies. My favorite things include dark chocolate, the color green, Dustin Hoffman movies, Seinfeld, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Bach, Beethoven and Mozart. I am looking forward to a great year at SECTA! PAGE 3 S E C TA Sean Stein – Social Studies I am a proud Nevadan who implanted here from Ohio when I was a young child. I attended the University of Nevada Las Vegas and obtained my degree in United States History. I am currently enrolled in a masters program where I am studying Brain Based Learning with just under a year left. My passions in education are history and psychology and learning has become an addiction to me. This is my first year at SECTA and am proud to be at a school with such a sterling reputation! Alexandra Troxell Who’s the new face in Room D206? Alexandra Troxell is the newest addition to our health science program. I will be teaching sports medicine this year and I come to SECTA with 8 years teaching experience in the Clark County School District. I am native to Las Vegas. I graduated from Rancho High School’s Medical Magnet Academy. After high school I went on to continue my education at UNLV. I graduated from UNLV with a Bachelor’s degree in athletic training. In addition to being a teacher I am also a certified athletic trainer. This year I am the athletic trainer at SECTA. I have the best of both worlds. I get to teach what I am passionate about but I also get to practice athletic training. In also have the opportunity to bring my experiences into the classroom. I have also received a Master’s degree in the arts of teaching from Sierra Nevada College. In my spare time I love to watch hockey. My favorite team is the New York Rangers. Being from Las Vegas it is quite strange that I have such a love for hockey. I am not sure where the passion started but because of this passion I was able to find and pursue my career as an athletic trainer. B r i t t a n i A v al o n English John Rotatori – Social Studies I am in my in tenth year with CCSD and my first year at SECTA where I am currently teaching U.S. History classes and U.S. Government to eleventh and twelve grade classes. Previously I taught three years at J.D. Smith Middle School and the last six years at Western High School. Since 1997, I have been a WWII re-enactor where I partake in private tactical battles in Southern California and public displays in Nevada, Utah, Arizona and Southern California. Since moving to Las Vegas from Cleveland, Ohio in August of 2005, I have been able to continue my re-enacting hobby and have participated in several Military Timelines held at the Old Mormon Fort in conjunction with the Southern Nevada Living History Association. In these timelines I have on display WWII items and uniforms of the typical soldier from the German, Russian, Italian and American armies. Since 2012 I have been re-enacting as a member of the 71st PVI, Co. B of the Union Army and have attended several American Civil War Re-enactments. I find doing displays and talking to the public is the most rewarding aspect of the hobby. People who stop by the display always leave with a little history lesson and a “Thank You” for keeping the memories alive. I was born and raised in Wester, Washington in between Portland, OR and Seattle, WA. I attended Washington S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, Whitworth University and I have a BA in English, a Masters in Teaching and MA in English Lit. I just moved to Las Vegas from Pullman, WA with my husband and our 6 year old daughter and I can’t forget our kitten, Zooey. I like watching TV (Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, Downton Abbey), being outside any chance I get, trying new restaurants, eating Indian food. Some of my favorite things are PG tips tea, pistachios, flavored soda water, raspberries & blueberries. This is my first “official” teaching job, other than student teaching and some TA/teaching in the university and I am very excited about being here at SECTA! I am able to use the hobby as a teaching tool by bringing items and uniforms into my classroom where I discuss the typical Union soldier during the ACW unit and during the WWII. I will “select” a volunteer and dress them in the uniforms of a German and Russian soldier. We will then discuss the differences between the two and talk about the hatred each side had for each other. I hope to utilize this teaching tool this school year at SECTA when I reach the American Civil War and WWII units. I am looking forward to this year at SECTA meeting and getting to know my students and staff! Stormy Hanson – PE / Health / Tools For Success My name is Stormy Hanson. This is my first year teaching at SECTA!! I am beginning my 5th year as a teacher. This will be my first year teaching Physical Education and Tools for Success. For the last 4 years, I taught Special Education at many levels. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach the talented, eager, selfmotivated students that make-up the SECTA population! I grew up in Las Vegas and graduated from Silevrado H.S. For college, I was blessed to have earned an athletic scholarship to attend and play softball for Indiana University (Go Hoosiers). While attending, I earned a degree in Kinesiology. I have also earned both a Masters in Special Education and an Educational Specialist degree in Administration and Leadership. For me, being part of SECTA’s mission to empower students with the tools necessary to succeed professionally and educationally is what teaching is all about!!! GAC 4709.4
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