Trinity Times FromtheInterimRector... Dear Parishioners, Things they didn’t teach me in seminary: 1) The Church furnace will October2014 decide to quit working at 2 a.m. Sunday morning so that the problem is not Volume 10 — Issue 10 discovered un l the building is opened for the early service. Do you have any idea how cold a silver chalice feels when the outside temperature is fi een Inthisissue… degrees? 2) The town drunk makes a conspicuous entrance in the middle of F I R … 1, 2 the service. 3) What to do when your assignment is to do one thing—in my R S U ….……… 2 present situa on as an Interim, to assist the congrega on in a me of C F …….………. 3 transi on—and you discover that you are le with an uncompleted major 9:00 AM Family Liturgy — capital project to the facility. All of the above have happened to me, although Episcopal Youth Community not at Trinity except the last. 10/5, 10/19 — Foyer Groups start! For the past three weeks parishioners have seen architectural drawings of the “East Ramp” project on display at the F S …… 4 entrance to the narthex. I hope that you have Eclipsing Empire: Paul, Rome, CÊÄã®Äç ÊÄ P¦ 2 AnnualBlessingofPets! Sun., Oct. 5, at 9:00 and the Kingdom of God, Thursdays in Oct. and Nov. — “Uppity Women of the Bible” We will celebrate St. Francis Day with our annual M O ..…..…….… 5 Blessing of Pets. This will be at the 9:00 AM liturgy on Free noon concerts Fri., Oct. 3 & Sunday, October 5. Everyone is welcome! Bring your 17 — Special Event Sun., pet — whether it’s a dog, cat, bird, rat, fish, or Oct. 19 at 3:00 PM: whatever with you to Church. All animals will be blessed during the worship Maximum Brass P L …….…..…….…..…..… 6 service. This does work! And it’s lots of fun! There will be separate sec ons for the different types of animals, but please make sure all dogs are on a Senior Game Day 10/3 at 1:00 PM — Senior Breakfast leash. Also, bring a towel for the pew cushions; there will be clean‐up 10/17 at 9:00 AM— Raising supplies and special treats will be provided for “coffee me.” Your Voice P F ……………………… 7 The Trinity Endowment Board P L :C S 8 Men & Women’s Social Groups — Support Groups — Baby Bundles — Prayer Shawls P A ……….. 9 Vestry — Budget W /C T E M A R …..… 10 C : P.O. B 2246 , NV 89505 If you would like to bring a stuffed animal in place of one le at home, it will be blessed as well. If you have a beloved animal companion who has died, please bring in a photo of them because there will be a special prayer for all animals in heaven. Thompson OrdinationofDeborahKempson OrdinationofDeborahKempson‐‐Thompson By the Grace of God and with the People consen By the Grace of God and with the People consen ng, the Right ng, the Right Reverend Dan Edwards, Bishop of Nevada, will ordain Deborah Reverend Dan Edwards, Bishop of Nevada, will ordain Deborah Kempson Kempson‐‐Thompson to the Sacred Order of Deacons Thompson to the Sacred Order of Deacons Sun., Sun., Nov. 9, 2014 at 3:00 PM PM, at Trinity Episcopal Church, Reno, Nevada. Your prayers and , at Trinity Episcopal Church, Reno, Nevada. Your prayers and presence are requested. Clergy: Red Stoles. If you are unable to a end, messages of collegial support can be sent to: Deborah at 4959 Talbot Lane messages of collegial support can be sent to: Deborah at 4959 Talbot Lane –– 230, Reno, NV 89509, or 230, Reno, NV 89509, or K K T Y . . . PAGE 2 FromtheInterimRector CÊÄã®Äç ¥ÙÊà P¦ 1 had an opportunity to look at them. From speaking with long‐ me parishioners, I’ve learned that the deteriorated entrance under the tower has been an “eye sore” for a number of years and was finally declared unsafe for use three years ago. The proposed changes will not only improve the appearance of the building and be invi ng but will enable easy access for those with physical limita ons. Why is this important? Trinity is a downtown congrega on which has as its mission statement “… a welcoming, diverse community of faith serving Christ as a spiritual beacon in the heart of Reno. Our doors are open with God’s abundant love, respect, and fellowship.” The building itself is a visible ar fact which speaks silently about what the congrega on values. Trinity’s primary purpose, of course, is to worship God, but it is also used by the wider community of non‐Episcopalians, even non‐Chris ans, as “The appearance and a venue for the arts, such as the annual Artown concerts, the monthly Pipes on the accessibility of the building are River concerts, and other local community important in conveying that musical groups. The appearance and indeed Trinity’s doors are open accessibility of the building are important in conveying that indeed Trinity’s doors are with God’s abundant love.” open with God’s abundant love. All of this is going to cost money. I am happy to share with you the good news that a major por on of the construc on costs have already been raised. But more is needed, approximately $100,000. Details of how this will be accomplished to follow in the weeks ahead. Faithfully yours, Fr.John RectorSearchUpdate The Rector Search Commi ee has been busy over the summer. We met throughout July and August developing assessment tools for the applica ons received and developing interview ques ons for telephone interviews and on‐site visits. The Ministry Por olio has been completed and uploaded to the na onal website and the posi on has been officially posted on September 9th. The posi on announcement will remain open un l October 22nd. The applica ons are sent to the Bishop and then the Bishop will forward those candidates for considera on on to the search commi ee. PAGE 3 Children&Families ChildrenandFamilyNews Join us at The Family Service, Sundays at 9:00 AM We open October 5 with one of Trinity’s favorite Sundays of the year, St. Francis Day! You are invited to bring your pet — dog, cat, bird, turtle, ferret, horse, iguana, goat (I’m par cularly fond of goats)… — whatever, for a special blessing! You can bring your favorite stuffed animal for a blessing too! If you have lost a beloved animal companion, we have a special blessing for them — bring a picture, their collar, anything that has special meaning for you. Our numbers will swell this Sunday to well over a hundred, so come join the celebra on! Episcopal Youth Community EYC meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, from 12:30 –2:30 PM, in the lower level of the church, for community, snacks, and growth. ALL youth in 6th–12th grade are invited to join us! Parents are invited to the first mee ng so we can jointly set the vision for our group this year! Get ready for a great year together of fun, spiritual growth, and reaching out to our community! October EYC Dates: Sun., Oct. 5 Sun., Oct. 19 Our second Sunday brunch and art will con nue the St. Francis theme and include taking care of the earth for all God’s creatures and ways even li le people can be responsible for the care of pets. The last Sundays of October we return to our stories of God’s people with the Exodus from Egypt and the Ten Best Ways to Live (The 10 Commandments.) One of the things you will no ce that is different at the 9:00 AM is that in addi on to a children’s story, there will now always be a brief applica on every week, especially geared toward parents. See you there! Rick+ C F S O : Oct. 5 — St. Francis Day! Oct. 12 — Art and Brunch Oct. 19 — Exodus Oct. 26 — The Ten Best Ways FoyerGroups Sign up for the fall/winter series of dinner mee ngs. "Foyer" refers to the French word for hearthside. These small groups of 8‐10 people gather in members' homes once a month for a simple meal providing an opportunity to make new connec ons with members of Trinity or to enhance old connec ons. Open to any adult member of Trinity ‐ new members especially welcome. Sign up sheets will be on the table at the north riverside entrance to the church. Groups will be formed in late October. Each group will have a convener to start the series of gatherings. For rave reviews contact ‐ Lindsay and Harold Campbell, Carol and Ted Moore, or Peg McCall. PAGE 4 Formation&Spirituality EclipsingEmpire:Paul,Rome,andthe KingdomofGod T , O . 2–N . 13 Join preeminent New Testament scholars Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan on loca on in Turkey as they trace the Apostle Paul's footsteps throughout the Roman Empire. This 12‐session DVD and web‐ based study explores fresh insights into Paul's message of the Kingdom of God, its challenge to Roman imperial theology, and the apostle's radical relevance for today. Filmed in High‐ 3:30 PM — 1 S DVD D Defini on across Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Facilitated by Rev. Rick, you’re 5:00 PM — E P invited to a end all or part of the 6:00 PM — B B ‐ S evening. Come in the a ernoon or for DVD D 6:30 PM — 2 S the a er dinner showing, whichever works best with your schedule! Oct. 2 — Empire / Jesus Oct. 9 — No class due to Diocesan Conven on Oct. 16 — Paul’s Mission / Paul’s Character Oct. 23 — Paul’s Voca on / Ci es Oct. 30 — Paul’s Le ers / Paul’s Ethics Nov. 6 — Paul’s Theology / Paul’s Eschatology Nov. 13 — Icons / Eclipse Bible&BookseverySundayat9:30AM! UppityWomenoftheBible! For seven weeks, we are enjoying this deligh ul DVD series focusing on the character of Ruth in Hebrew Scripture. Each segment is ten minutes, and then we chat about it. Join us for coffee or tea and great conversa on Sundays in the Parish Hall, Conf. Room A (across the parking lot from the Church.) See a preview at :// . /NQJ GUD CG Here’s the schedule: Oct. 5 — Off for St. Francis Day Oct. 12 — Session 6: "An Uppity Woman?" Oct. 19 — Session 7: "Grace and Hospitality" ● BeginningOct.26–Nov.23! ● Money and Faith: The Search for Enough by Michael Schut PAGE 5 Music MusicNotesforOctober By the me you read this, the work on the ceiling above the organ pipes will have been completed. Jerry from Lindell Pain ng did an outstanding job. Philip Browning, our wonderful organ technician, and his wife, Do e, did a terrific job planning, masterminding, and execu ng their part…removing pipes, storing them carefully in the church, and then returning them to the chamber and, finally, tuning the en re instrument. A special thanks to the parish volunteers who gave their me to help move the project along in an efficient and mely way. Isn’t it great to have our Saint Cecilia Choir “back where it belongs”? For me, their return in September was electric. Our retreat was a huge success and the choir commissioning liturgy on September 21 was, for me, a genuine expression of the group’s dedica on and the congrega on’s support and apprecia on. Have you no ced some new faces? Several new and returning singers are lending their voices to make the choir even fuller and stronger than ever. Please consider joining us. The me to start is now as we look forward to Advent and Christmas music. You may also have no ced that our sung psalms have become more varied. There was a magical moment when our rendi ons of Anglican Chant – both by the choir and the congrega on – had reached a comfortable and musically sa sfying level, and I was excited to begin exploring other ways of singing the psalms – hymn paraphrases, verse/response (led by a cantor), plainsong. This variety of styles can only further enrich our liturgy. Music for Children: The Bishop was absolutely correct when he said that “Trinity does it right” when referring to our 9:00 AM service. I am personally inspired and enlivened by what I experience. There is no doubt in my mind that it is me to reintroduce a small children’s music program. The me to capture the children?…10‐15 minutes immediately following the 9:00 AM service. Parents can enjoy me together while the kids come down to the Library with Lucy Bouldin and Sally Turk with the express goal of preparing special music for one of our early Christmas Eve services. There will be opportuni es for singing and playing instruments. While we are s ll very much in the planning stages, I wanted to share my enthusiasm with you now. Watch for detailed announcements at the end of the month! Our Pipes on the River series con nues with recitals on both the first and third Fridays in October at noon. Dick Coulter returns on the 3rd and David Ha will play on the 17th. SPECIAL EVENT: Maximum Brass (including some of the fine musicians that play here at Christmas and Easter) will present a varied program on Sunday, October 19 at 3:00 PM – playing everything from the Baroque to the Beetles! Brass instruments are par cularly effec ve in our great space. This is a “must hear” presented by our music program. [Free‐will dona ons will be gratefully received; to quote Donna Summer (I think) – “They work hard for the money.”] —PhilipManwell PipesontheRiver ● OCTOBER SCHEDULE ● Fri., Oct. 3 at Noon – Richard Coulter Fri., Oct. 17 at Noon – David Ha — Special Event — Sun., Oct. 19 at 3:00 PM: Maximum Brass PAGE 6 ParishLife GameDayforSeniorsisFriday, October3,1:00–2:30PM.Get out of the house to join old friends and meet new ones downstairs in Trinity’s library where it’s nice and cool! Bring your favorite board/dice game and enjoy a pleasant a ernoon of socializing! Please RSVP by signing up at Church or contact the Church Office at 329‐4279 or E‐mail us at O T R . . We’re now doing this the first Friday of each month! Seniors’BreakfastattheGold& Silver(790W.4thSt.),Fri.,Oct.17, at9:00AM!Order breakfast or just a cup of coffee, and hang out with friends new and old! Many Seniors have men oned they wanted more events where they could just socialize. If we get good response, we might consider making this a monthly ou ng. Although this is a no‐host event, please RSVP by signing up at the back a er Church so we can make a reserva on for the group. RaisingYourVoice B R . P Talk it up! It’s an opportunity wai ng to happen for all of God’s children to raise your voice in unison. The Nevada Legislature will convene for the bi‐ annual session in February 2015, and we have an important part to play. Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy in Nevada a.k.a. by its acronym as LEAN is asking that we raise our voices during the 2015 Nevada Legislature. Any social jus ce issues that are of concern to you personally or to someone you know and love tell us about it We are here to make a difference. You can raise up your voice first by wri ng down what is on your mind on a small piece of paper and pu ng it in the basket that will passed at each service on the weekend of 27‐28 September and each week during the month of October 2014 to si through all of the concerns. As the concerns and issues that are weighing on your heart, are brought forward we will gather them up and address them in a house mee ngs where several people may share their thoughts and give all of us further insight as to the importance of the issue. If you are interested in becoming a part of this most important endeavor please contact Rev Patsy. We will be mee ng as a commi ee during the fall to review and discuss all of the submi als. We are excited about raising our voices and hope that your will become an advocate for social jus ce. PAGE 7 ParishFuture TheTrinityEndowmentBoard The Trinity Endowment Board is dedicated to con nuing the support of the long term health of our parish. There are three separate ways the Board achieves this: Keeping our principal balance as safe as possible, with conserva ve management and close monitoring of investments monthly by the Treasurer and Chair, and by holding quarterly mee ngs with the full Board, as well as by email and special mee ngs as needed to discuss specific issues that arise. The ability to consider annual disbursements to the Trinity Church Opera ng Fund to assist with capital improvements to our physical facility, programs, overall health and growth of our Parish. We have the discre on and ability to disburse ½ of the previous year’s income (interest and dividends earned); or in contrast if the funds lost or did not increase, of keeping our principle intact for that year. Encouraging Trinity Members to remember the Endowment Fund as part of their giving plans – either annually (so that each dona on can grow over the years), or as part of their estate planning (for the future of Trinity at a later date). In recent years the Fund has contributed to the church’s roof replacement, the solar panel project, the rector search fund, and imminent repair and maintenance issues. The Board held its last quarterly mee ng in the parish hall on September 2nd. The agenda included discussing a possible distribu on (contribu on) to the Opera ng Budget of Trinity Church with several worthy considera ons being discussed. The Board ul mately voted to distribute $9,000 to the Rector Search Fund, funding it to the amount budgeted and approved at the Annual Mee ng in January. We considered other worthy areas that these funds could assist, and decided that having a new Rector in place is impera ve to the Parish’s spiritual and leadership need our Parish faces going forward. We give grateful thanksgiving for the ability to con nue our work with your assistance! Please contact any of the following if you would like more informa on on the Fund itself, or how to contribute to it: BrooksMancini,Chair EarlTarble,Treasurer HarveyFennell BurnhamMoffat BonnieStrader,Secretary TheRev.JohnSeville PAGE 8 ParishLife:Caring&Sharing DivinelyFineWomen We will meet Sat., Oct. 18, at noon, at Bavarian World, 595 Valley Road (Valley & 6th Street). Please RSVP to Anne Towner. All women of the parish are welcome to any or all of these gatherings. Ask to be put on the DFW E‐mail list! For more information, please write or call Anne Towner at A T A . (827‐3784) or Karen Henke at H H C . ALotofGoodMenhave cancelled their trip to Camp Galilee, but will be mee ng for “Oktoberfest lunch” at 11:30 AM, Oct. 16th, at Bavarian World Restaurant, Bakery, & Deli (595 Valley Rd. & 6th St. in downtown Reno). Please RSVP to John, Clyde or Tom by Fri. October 10. Contact John Hill at JAH 06 C . or Clyde Ikehara at C P_R Y . with any questions or to make sure you’re on the ALGM E‐mail list! As always, all Trinity men are welcome. This is your group. Naomi&Ruth For anyone making a life transition. The first Wednesday of every month 5:00 to 6:00 PM in Conference Room A of the Parish Hall. CatchingOurBreath:A Faith‐basedSupport CircleforCaregivers The first Wednesday of every month at 4:00 PM Church Library (lower level), led by Rev. Rick Millsap. PrayerShawlMinistry Thursdays, 2:00–3:30 PM in Conf. Rm. A of the Parish Hall to share ideas and to knit or crochet together. We train! New shawls are blessed each month and are available after worship in the Bishop. Lewis Chapel. BabyBundles“SharingOurBlessingsWithOthers” Baby Bundles is composed of and supported by members of Trinity and St. Catherine's Episcopal churches. With items donated by both congrega ons we assemble “Bundles” of laye e items for St. Mary’s and Renown hospitals. They are then distributed by hospital staff to disadvantaged new parents who have li le or nothing for their newborn. Needs: New newborn laye e items (size 0‐3 months) are appreciated. We are very low short sleeved white onesies, boys receiving blankets, and girls sleepers. We are completely out of washcloths, bibs and hats . We always need newborn diapers and wipes. The diapers should be size N. Monetary dona ons are always welcome. We’ll shop for you! If you have any ques ons please feel free to contact Susan Lombardi at 329‐2044 or Ann Crase at 356‐1155. God Bless! PAGE 9 ParishAdministration VestryNotes K F Your Vestry will meet next on Wednesday, October 15, at 6:00 PM in Conference Room A of the Parish Hall. All general business mee ngs of the parish are open to members. The proposed agenda is generally posted in the church on the Sunday preceding the mee ng. Contact your Vestry: We want to hear from you! We can usually be found at these liturgies on Sunday: 7:45 AM: Whitney Brown (Sr. Warden), Paul Hewen 9:00 AM: Mimi Butler, Rayann Brown, Kait Flocchini, Aimee Giller 10:30 AM: Will Aldrich, Lindsay Campbell (Clerk), Julie Demler (Jr. Warden), Peg McCall, Dave Neidert, Bonnie Strader For July 2014: BUDGET ACTUAL Income $106,497 $139,588 Expenses $126,344 $142,457 Deficit ($19,847) ($2,869) Thank you for your ongoing financial support of Trinity. Who’s excited for Angel Tree this year? We are! Dave and Lani Bennum have graciously and expertly spearhead our Angel Tree program for many years. Dave came to speak with Vestry about the program this month. It was amazing to learn that Angel Tree started so many years ago with gi s and food for just a few families and has grown to provide gi s and food for more than 10 families! Our contacts at Stead Elementary and Grace Warner Elementary iden fy different families in need each year. Then the Bennums contact the families and get clothes and shoes sizes and try to iden fy a true dream gi or two for each child in the home. Angel Tree works to provide each child five gi s to open for Christmas, three “prac cal” items and two “toy” items. This is a prac ce that is in line with the tradi on in my (the Flocchini) home and many others—see for example, . . /2010/10/ ‐ ‐ ‐ /. Angel Tree also provides a gi or two for the adults in the home, or the family as a whole, and a gi cer ficate to local grocery store Scolari’s. The Vestry was very impressed to learn that our Congrega on has made very generous dona ons of their me and money to purchase gi s and fund the “food gi ” for so many families. We are very pleased to report that this year Angel Tree will also be giving to families from Libby Booth Elementary. Look for more informa on regarding this year’s Angel Tree kick‐off dinner and the family recipients in the November newsle er, the Trinity Times II, and at services. We are also happy to report that the ceiling above the pipe organ has been repaired and the pipe organ itself has been professionally cleaned. Special thanks to Phillip, our Music Director, Sco , our Property Commi ee Co‐chair, and all the volunteers that helped take down and reassemble the pipe organ. We are ready to rock now! If you had not already no ced, new classy fencing to protect our copper piping is going up on our Campus. Once all the fencing is in place the copper piping at the Parish Hall will be replaced. The fencing will also help prevent issues from arising in the small area to the West of the Parish Hall. Thanks again to our Property Commi ee for seeing this project through. Finally, are you looking for ways to be more involved at Trinity? We are forming an Outreach Commi ee to start in the New Year. The Outreach Commi ee will work with other groups in our Parish and general community to foster ways for our Parish to support those groups. There will also be a Ministry Fair on October 18th and 19th. A er each service look for informa on about the various, and varied, groups that are ac ve in our Parish. We hope that you find one that speaks to your heart. PAGE 10 Welcome&Celebrations Welcome! Newfolksfromlastmonth! J. D. Escobar, Javier Sosa, Francis Nolan, Pat Hamlin, Frederick Earl Gentry, Whitney & Tom Hovenic If you are a regular parishioner at Trinity and have a chance to meet visitors at a weekend worship, please greet them warmly! Remember! Darin Dunlap Lydia Dyer, J Wecelebrateall James Edwards birthdays, Richard Edwards anniversaries,and Ralph Emerson otherimportantdates Chareese Flaherty onthe Kelly Ford SecondSundayofthe Dorothy Gamwell Monthateachofthe Alex Gant weekendliturgies. Doranna Goodnight OctoberBirthdays Shelby Hall Ashley Hall Laura Alden Susan Harris Diana Ames Frieda Hulka Patricia Arnold Francheska Isip Dave Bennum Kelly Jesch Sierra Bernard Katelynn Kennedy Ollie Block Brandon Khorny Jessica Burckhard James Kice Lewis Callahan David Kyle Ellen Champagne Jean Kyle William Chism Grace Langfeldt Bill Conkie Stephen Lester Crystal Davis Penny Leuzinger Connor Dayton Libby Lovig Doug Delano K. Lynn Learey Sco & Julie Callahan Nat & Beverly Carasali Joe & Carolyn Du Plan s October Anniversaries Richard & Debbie Ganchan Paul & Margaret Kent Veldevina Mann Margaret Marshall Eliza McCall Joseph McKinney Kim McNamara Rick Michaelson Bruce Mills Lydia Morehouse Mary Morgan Elizabeth Morgan‐Beesley Ka e Motherway David Mueh Masimba Muskwe Clint Neely Linda Nichole Cory Norris Jane Osborne Nancy Page James Peterson Joan Peyser Janice Pine Erik Rasmussen II Jacquie Reinhartsen Johnathan Rempel Gloria Richter Lauren Riersgard William & Marcedes Parsons Edward & Susan Simon Howard & Peggy Tune Raymond & Margare e Wilson Jr. Marjorie Robison Sandra Rogers Lou Rossi Carl Rueckl Chris na Ruggieri Noelle Ruggieri Jane Sauer Susan Simon Pierson Souza Gerald Sternod Gabrielle Stone Nicholas Thomas Jake Tiller Beagan Warner Damaris Warner Carly Webster Michael Williams Margare e Wilson Richard Wi kopp Gretchen Wolfe Randolph Wright Abigale Zimmerman PAGE 11 NON‐PROFITORG. T E C U.S.POSTAGE PAID M A : P.O. B 2246 R , NV 89505 PermitNo.32 Reno,Nevada TrinityTimes—October2014 RETURNSERVICEREQUESTED Pleaseplace addresslabelhere Phone: (775) 329–4279 Fax: (775) 329–3135 E‐mail: O T R Website: T R . . WORSHIPATTRINITY…allarewelcomeatGod’sTable! OnSundays: 7:45AM—QuietHolyEucharist 9:00AM—FamilyServiceHolyCommunionwithMusic 10:30AM—FestiveHolyEucharistwithOrgan&Choir Thursdays:12:10PM—HolyEucharist(withHealingPrayers),Spoken Saturdays:5:10PM—HolyEucharist,Spoken Ministers:AllthePeopleofTrinity Bishop of Nevada: The Rt. Rev. Dan Edwards Interim Rector: The Rev. John Seville E‐Mail: R J T R . Associate, Children & Family: In transi on Vestry: Senior Warden: Whitney Brown Junior Warden: Julie Demler Clerk: Flocchini, Aimee Giller, Paul Hewen, Peg McCall, Dave Associate, Parish Life: The Rev. Rick Millsap E‐Mail: R R T R . Interim Director of Music: Philip Manwell E‐Mail: M . 2 T Parish Secretary: E‐Mail: O Gayla Gianche a T Sexton/Custodian: R R . Lisa O erson Lindsay Campbell At large: Will Aldrich, Rayann Brown, Mimi Butler, Kait Neidert, Bonnie Strader Treasurer: Earl Tarble Chancellor: Ann Morgan Assis ng on Sundays: The Revs. Julius Rogina and John Steinfeld Deacon: The Rev. Patsy Pumphrey Rector Emeritus: The Rev. V. James Jeffery NEWSLETTER GUIDELINES If you are submi ng an ar cle for publica on in our next newsle er, please submit on or before the 10th of each month. Ar cles may be submi ed via e‐mail to: O T R . or le in the parish office. We reserve the right to edit all ar cles.
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