Our Lady Queen of Peace October 12, 2014

Our Lady Queen of Peace
4696 Notre Dame Lane, House Springs, Mo 63051 636-671-3062
October 12, 2014
Reverend Michael Murphy
Reverend James Beighlie, C.M.
Reverend Donald F. Molitor, Retired
Reverend Dr. Thomas Gerling
Reverend Mr. Paul Turek, Sr.
5:00 pm
7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
as announced
8:00 am
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for prayerful
Adoration the last Wednesday of each month from
1:00 to 8:00 pm.
Tuesday after 8:00am Mass
Mr. Bob Ellison
Mr. Curt Baker
Mrs. Debra O’Donnell
Mrs. Terry Ostlund
Bailey Alexander, Thomas Broadbent,
Cathy Carley, Joe Corio, Bev Gregory,
David Holmes, Mary Luebbert, Dave Mills,
Jan Schultheiss, Maria Webb, Tim Webb
Parish Office
Saturday Evening
Holy Days
Monday through Friday after 8:00 am Mass
For vocations 2nd Monday of month after 8:00 am
Rosary before 5:00 pm Mass - Fatima Prayers
included on 1st Saturday
Before 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday evenings
First and third Sunday of the month after 11:30 am
Mass. Make arrangements by calling Parish Office.
4:00 - 4:45 pm or by appointment
As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact one
of the parish priests.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Registration forms may be found on our website (olqpparish.org/parishregistration.htm), in the
Church lobby or you may stop by the Parish Office to fill one out. If you have recently changed your
status, married, moved out of your parents’ home or graduated from high school, you need to
re-register. Please help us keep our records accurate.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Sun 12
Sun 19
Sat 1
Sun 9
Thu 27
Mon 1
Sat 10
Sun 5
Sun 19
Wed 6
Sat 13
Sun 27
Mass and Blessing - Pavilion
at Byrnesville Cemetery
Trunk or Treat
Parish Dance (SH-BOOM)
KC Ladies Auxiliary Vendor
Craft Fair
OLQP Holiday Blood Drive
Thank You Quilters!!
Our OLQP Quilters once again pulled off another
successful Quilt Social. A good time was had by
all. I stayed till the end dutifully scouring my
Knights of Columbus Mouse
First Communion
OLQP Picnic
OLQP Quilt Social
BINGO cards in a vain search for numbers that
weren’t there until my eyes got bleary. Although
I didn’t win a quilt, or even a bath towel, the
quilters presented me with a check (for the
parish) for $7,000. On behalf of the parish I
would like to thank you! The quilters meet every
Tuesday, from around 8:00 am to 3ish and again
in the evening from 4:30 to about 7ish in the
Quilters Room (parish office building). It’s
amazing how much work they get done while at
Parish Activities ~ October 13th to 19th
Oct 13 PSR, 6:15 - 7:30 pm
Oct 14 Perpetual Help Devotions after 8:00 am
Quilters, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 4:30 7:30 pm, Quilters Room
Oct 16 Choir Practice, 7:00 pm, Church
Oct 18 “Hail Mary, Full of Grace”, 8:45 am to
noon, sign-in, Cafeteria
Ministry of Consolation, 9:30 am,
Cafeteria Meeting Room
Stewardship Commitment Cards due
this weekend
Blood Pressure Screening after Mass,
Cafeteria Meeting Room
Oct 19 Hospitality Sunday
Blood Pressure Screening after Mass,
Cafeteria Meeting Room
Stewardship Commitment Cards due
this weekend
Trunk or Treat, 4:30 pm, lower parking
lot and Cafeteria
the same time having so much fun.
~ fr. mike
Twenty–eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
OLQP Parish Dance
October 12, 2014
Youth Council News
Featuring SH-BOOM
Saturday, November 1st
Knights of Columbus Hall
7:00 - 11:00 pm
High School Youth Group
Sundays: Oct. 12th and 19th
6:00 - 8:00 pm, Cafeteria Meeting Room
Get your homework done before
Doors open at 6:00 pm
6:00 pm on Sunday evenings,
$15/per person - $25 per couple
invite a friend and join us from
(price includes beer and soda)
6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Cafeteria
Meeting Room. We grow in
Tickets available in the Parish
knowledge and understanding
Office, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm,
of our faith with the Matthew Kelly’s Decision
email dance@olqpparish.org, or after Mass
Point program. Strengthen your relationship with
each weekend at the Scrip table.
Jesus and become the best version of yourself.
We also have time for fun and food. Invite a
Music from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s
“Hail Mary, Full of Grace. . .”
Saturday, October 18th
9:00 am till noon (8:45 am sign-in)
OLQP Cafeteria
This season, remembering October as the “Month
of Mary”, the Adult Formation Committee will
dedicate a morning to Our Lady. The morning will
start with sign-in at 8:45 am, we will present a
video with discussion afterward, have a short
prayer service, and end with the opportunity to
receive reconciliation. The entire service will be
completed by noon.
Take this opportunity to give a morning to Our
friend and join us.
Pro-Life Trip
Anyone interested in joining Our Lady Queen of
Peace youth and adults on a Charter bus for the
Pro-Life Trip in Washington, D.C., Wednesday,
January 21st through Friday, January 23rd,
please call Terry Ostlund, 314-566-8363 or email,
terry.ostlund@olqpparish.org, so we can put
your name on the list and get you more detailed
The cost of the bus ticket is around $140.
Blessed Mother in thanksgiving for her special
place in our lives.
To register: a sign-up sheet will be available in
the Church lobby after all Masses; call the Parish
Something to Ponder…
Office, 636-671-3062, or e-mail,
Find the gentleness within you that encourages
people to feel comfortable around you.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Boy Scout Troop 553 Chili Cook Off
October 25, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
OLQP Cafeteria
All are invited to our Chili Cook Off. Enjoy supper
in the Cafeteria or we have carryouts available. All proceeds go to
support the troop with scout
activities (camping, etc.). Any
questions please call Tim,
Pictorial Group Deadline
October 14
The group picture deadline is October 14. Please
contact Mary, 636-274-1556, if you need
assistance submitting your group photo.
Big Raffle Update
Only 10 more Sundays till Christmas!!
Shop Early!!
Not counting today, there are only 10 more
Sundays till Christmas!! Do yourself a favor and
shop early – get the gift cards you need now for
your Christmas list (or better yet, buy Scrip cards
to do your Christmas shopping!!!). You will thank
yourself in December!!
As of the bulletin publication date, only 46 Big
Ticket Raffle Tickets have been sold to date!!! Last
year, we heard numerous parishioners suggesting
that we lower the cost of the ticket so that they
were more affordable. Three months have passed
and we have not sold the 118 necessary to cover
the cost of the raffle and begin the monthly
drawing. Please consider purchasing a raffle
ticket so we can begin our monthly drawings at
the end of October. We made over $17,500 last
year on this raffle and are depending upon its
success to help balance our budget.
Once again, this year during the month of November, 2014 we will
remember our loved ones who have gone to their eternal rest with our
Shrine of Remembrance. It is something everyone can participate in.
Once again we are asking you to bring your framed pictures of family,
relatives or friends. The size we are asking for is 5X7 or 4X6. Please
DO NOT bring any 8X10s, we just do not have room. There will be a
Shrine Box in the Church lobby.
The Shrine of Remembrance will go up on November 1st and
stay up for the whole month of November. We would ask that your
pictures be brought in by Thursday, October 30th. Please
be sure and have your name and phone number on the back of your
picture or pictures (an address label would be ideal, be sure and add your phone number on it). This
will avoid any pictures left and us not knowing who they belong to. Thank you so much.
Again I would like to add the size of the picture should be 5X7 or 4X6, please NO 8X10s.
Thank you once again. If you have any questions or concerns call the Parish Office, 636-671-3062.
Jo Ann Vess
Twenty–eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
In Mathew's gospel, Chapter 14, verses 19-21 we read:
"...Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the
loaves. Then He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and
were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The
number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children."
This passage is usually quoted as "Jesus fed 5,000", but look carefully at the wording.
It says…”the disciples gave them to the people."
In a similar fashion, Jesus gave us His Body and Blood and we - the Extraordinary Ministers of the
Eucharist - are called by our stewardship to be the ones to feed the people. As EMEs we are called by
Jesus to help him bring his saving Eucharist to the members of the parish. There may not be 5,000
(except at Christmas and Easter) but we are bringing the Eucharist to each member of our parish
seeking his grace. What a grand gift we have been given. What a blessed opportunity to serve we have
been given.
Question to consider: Do I appreciate the stewardship I have been called to or am I just "passing out
hosts and wine."
If you would like to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact Joe Nenninger
at joenenn@gmail.com or let the Parish Office, 636-671-3062 know and we will arrange for training.
St. Vincent De Paul
The partnership of giving is a special
one created by faith, bonded by
sacrifice, nurtured by love and blessed
Every Friday Night
Knights of Columbus Hall
Doors Open at 4:30 pm
Bingo starts at 6:45 pm
Everyone welcome!
We would like to thank
All Our Advertisers
for advertising in our parish bulletin.
Because of their generosity we do not
pay for our bulletins to be printed.
Please patronize our advertisers and
thank them for supporting our parish.
by God. How can we fail, if you
remember to give to SVDP. Thanks for
your continued support.
For Reflection…
There comes a moment when you realize that
virtually anything is possible with God, that
nothing is too good to be true.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
P) 314.792.7841
F) 314.792.7842
October 12, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ.” Pope Francis began his message for this
year’s celebration of World Mission Sunday with these words. But he quickly offers us the way to make a
joy-filled, life-giving difference. “World Mission Sunday is a privileged moment when the faithful of
various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches
in mission lands.”
On October 19, as the Archdiocese of St. Louis celebrates this “privileged moment” let us join our
brothers and sisters around the world who will gather at the Lord’s Table to celebrate, with great joy,
our common vocation as missionaries. Our prayers and concrete gestures of solidarity will help build
local churches, like the church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, and churches across
the globe.
Your financial help on World Mission Sunday, offered in the collection for the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith, will support the 1,150 young mission dioceses and communities who await the
“Good News” of Jesus as their saving hope.
Pope Francis encourages us to take joyful part in the Church’s mission to all the nations, as we
live our lives grounded in love for Jesus and concern for the needs of the most disadvantaged.
May World Mission Sunday offer each one of us an opportunity to accomplish both, as we share
the joy of the Gospel and help the poor by our fervent prayer and through generous hearts!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson
Archbishop of St. Louis
Twenty–eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Francis of Assisi (Luebbering)
Annual Fall Festival and Meat Shoot
Sunday, October 19, 11 am to 5 pm
Stock Guns Only (Guns will be gauged). The
concession stand will serve hamburgers, hot dogs,
brats, chili, nachos, chips and drinks. There will
also be a Chili/Soup Cook Off.
For any questions or more information please call,
1-636-629-1717. We are handicap accessible.
October 12, 2014
Seven Days of Inspiration
Take one a day…
and feel great all week!
Day 1
Every accomplishment
starts with the
decision to try.
Day 2
Fill your cup with
kindness and give it
to yourself!
Day 3
Friends are the
sunshine of life!
Day 4
Count yourself
among your blessings!
St. John the Baptist
53rd Annual Sausage Festival
Sunday, October 26th
The meal is served family style by the men of the
parish from 10:30 am and to 6:00 pm. The price
of the dinner is $14 per adult, $5 per child under
12 years and preschool children are free. The
Day 5
Laughter makes our
days brighter and
hearts happier!
Day 6
Never give up…
there’s always some
joy in the cup.
proceeds from this dinner is used to help keep our
school going. If anyone is looking for a good (all
you can eat) meal, this is the place to go.
Day 7
Trust yourself!
You know more than
you think you do.
Parish Office email
Sacred Heart (Valley Park)
First Ever Holiday Boutique
Friday, November 7, 2014
5:00 - 9:00 pm
If you are interested in being a vendor, please
email Linda Putnam, lkputnam@sbcglobal.net.
OLQP Web Site
submit articles for bulletin
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Wednesday, October 29,
1:00 – 8:00 pm
Is God calling you to adoration?
Please stop in anytime, no
appointment necessary! If you want
to try adoration on a more
permanent basis you can share any
of our hours with a current adorer.
Contact Maria Stonecypher,
314-707-2136, with any questions.
Our Gifts to God and Parish
778 registered members
222 online, loose and envelopes used this week
Thank you for your generosity!!!
Special Collections
Permanent Diaconate ...................... $494.00
New Building Fund ............... $761,965.47
Sunday Loose ................................. $684.00
Sunday Envelopes ...................... $15,285.12
Above and Beyond ........................... $20.00
All Souls ........................................... $2.00
Parish Enrichment ........................... $506.00
Total Offertory ....................... $16,497.12
Weekly Offertory Goal ............ $13,000.00
As of October 6, 2014
Contributions Year To Date .. $172,070.32
Projected Year to Date ......... $182,000.00
Something to think about…
God always rewards faith.
Marriage Encounter Enrichment
November 8th
Hello to all couples, priests and religious who
have ever made a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Start With Prayer
Weekend. A 2014 Enrichment will be presented
“And my God will supply every need of yours…”
Philippians 4:19
just for you on Saturday, November 8, at Blessed
Teresa of Calcutta, Fr. Rosy Rosebrough’s Parish.
God really does provide for those that are grateful
It begins with Mass at 4:30 pm and ends with a
and generous. This is very difficult for people that
closing prayer at 9:00 pm. Simple pot luck and
don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People
presentation (please bring a meat dish or
are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you
appetizer to share). Please RSVP by November 1st
are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for
to Sam and Liz Cohen, 636-256-9055 or email
just one month – be generous with your gifts of
samandliz@msn.com. No strings attached
time, talent and treasure and see how God
beyond a free will donation toward expenses.
provides for your needs.
Twenty–eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Please pray for those who are ill
Mass Intentions
(parishioners are in bold)
Greg Hirtz
Wally Freihaut
Jackie Nappier
Tim Lodes
Bill Giblin
Janice Robertson
Larry Lammert
Jan DeClue
Fran Mills
Betty Harness
Joe Metzger
Maryann Barnett
Joyce Stenger
Andy Nappier
Vicky Duckworth
Paul McDonnell
Danielle Enghauser
Rose Ficken
Denny Brouk
Carl Grimwood
Jim Schnable
Marilyn Menke, sister of Pete Wallach
John Bell, stepfather of Chris Gross
Tommy Tenny, nephew of Sherry Ganey
Don Boatwright, friend of Mike and Katie Tutass
Carol Brennan, sister of Katie Tutass
Virginia Wilson, mother of Linda Gallion
Greg Thome, son of Betty Thome
Craig Finley, friend of Nancy Haynes
Linda Goodman, mother of Chris Goodman
Frances Scotino, mother of Sam Scotino
Gene Barnett, husband of Maryann Barnett
Dave Landers, brother-in-law of Bernie/Angie Henning
Ed Rabbitt, father of Tammy Groppe
Robert Bokern, brother of John Bokern
~those serving in the military, the homebound, shutins of the parish and all in nursing homes. To add a
name please call the Parish Office, 671-3062. Names
will be removed after 3 weeks.
Mary Pitt
Henrietta Wieschhaus
John Nahlik
Mike Gregory
Reverend Joseph Lessard
Tim Williams
Barb Rocchio
Jacquelyn Peirick
People of the Parish
October 18th and 19th
Special Ministers of the Eucharist
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Peggy Mikko, Katie Tutass, Bev Gregory,
Joe and Barb Nenninger
Dan and Kim Horn, Clay Gregorc,
Laura Huss, Barb Oppelz
Carl and Patsy Boyer, Trish Guethle,
Jan Schultheiss, Barb Perez, Helen Salamone
Nancy Wilfong, Paul McDonnell, Greg Love,
Joan Ross, Michelle Mose
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
Peg Mikko, Bev Gregory
Jim England, Rich Ortmann
Helen Salamone, Larry Giovanni
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Jack Groppe, Michael Reiter, M. Schwantner
Cameron Beck, Colleen Kenney, Zach Morlock
N. Voightmann, Luke Webb, Dylan Werner
Josie Looney, Kate Marting, Lexi Schmidt
5:00 pm
We offer sympathy and the assurance of
our prayers to the family of
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Terry Frede, son of Alice Frede,
brother of Linda Queen of Mary Robertson
Kevin Durham,
husband of Phyllis
Jeff Heibeck, Dixie Garrett, Darleen Allmeroth,
Don Brooks, Ken Ganey, Ben Slodkowski
Jeff Eschbach, Ted Hempen, Vince Rocchio,
Tim Webb, Jerry Terry, Butch Mattingly
Steve Freihaut, Mike Harris, Larry Whitworth,
Patrick Craig, Robert De Long, Greg Love
Al Schuld, David Witt, Larry Bottchen,
John Holmes, David Holmes, Kevin Huss
October 17
Diane Yocom,
Susan Whitworth,
Joanne David,
Mary Weindel
and Marie Pratt
Next Sunday Readings
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle A
FIRST READING: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
The first reading, from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah,
comes from the second section of the book that dates
from the Babylonian exile. The prophet of the exile was
charged with a daunting task, to inspire hope in his fellow
exiles. For people who had lost their land, their freedom,
their very sense of self as God’s Chosen Ones, hope was
a rare commodity. If there were to be any reason to
hope, wouldn’t it come from within the community?
Wouldn’t God, as he had done in the past, raise up a
leader to lead the people to freedom, to lead the people
home? Wouldn’t there be another Moses or David?
Against all expectations, Isaiah announced his message
of hope. Yes, God would act for the good of His people,
but not as they expected. Another foreigner would arise,
Cyrus, the Persian, who would allow the people to go
home – not to power, not to absolute independence, but
to the possibility of living its relationship with its God in a
new way, in peace – even in the midst of political
dominance by a foreign empire.
SECOND READING: I Thessalonians 1:1-5
The second reading is from Paul’s First Letter to the
THEME: Find hope where you least expect it.
Ancient Israel of Second Isaiah’s day found itself a prey
to forces beyond its control in the surrounding world, and
yet had reason to hope. Paul found hope in a community
of Gentile believers, the Thessalonians. Jesus lived in
the midst of the Roman world and could find hope for a
relationship with God even for a subjugated people.
We live in a world of believers and non-believers. We
live in a world where countries are ruled by different
forms of government, where people of good will and evil
intentions hold political, economic, and military power.
We live in a world where God’s will can be accomplished
in the most unexpected ways. We live in a world where
hope really is possible.
Thessalonians. This is probably Paul’s earliest and most
positive letter. It is written to a community of Gentile
Christians in a major, cross-roads city in the Roman
world. Thessalonika boasted of a large Jewish population
that regularly engaged in synagogue services. It also had
a large number of “God-fearers,” Gentiles interested in
Jewish teachings and the Jewish God who supported the
synagogue, but did not fully embrace Judaism, not
wanting to fully follow the Jewish law – especially the law
of circumcision. When these “God-fearers” heard the
message of Christianity, many converted and transferred
their support of the synagogue to the young Christian
community in the area.
The Letter to the Thessalonians celebrates God, in Jesus
Christ, doing something new, challenging people to let
go of old ways and move in new directions, to respond to
 Where do I find hope outside my community of
God as He speaks to us now. It promotes an openness
believers? Where, in the world of enemies and allies,
in our relationship with our revealing God, a willingness to
believers and non-believers, do I find the hand of God
let go, to trust, and to move in new directions. It offers a
at work?
message of hope, hope that comes in unexpected ways.
GOSPEL READING: Matthew 22:15-21
The world of Jesus and the early Christian communities
was a world dominated by Rome. In the Jewish world,
there was a longing for the Messiah, for God to send His
 Have I lost hope in the political process? Can elected
officials and politicians be trusted to have the best
interests of society at heart? Can God work through
anointed to restore the fortunes of Israel. There were as
many different ideas of who and what the Messiah would
 Can my believing community be a source of
be as there were different factions within Judaism –
hope? Can my community of faith overcome the
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, the common
differences in ideas and approaches to life that
people. They all, however, saw Rome and Roman power
separate people to be a means of healing and
as inimical to God’s ways. Jesus’ teaching, in the Gospel
harmony in the world?
reading from Matthew, offers an alternative view. Give to
Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and to God what is
God’s. The two ways do not have to be opposed.
In reality, the Pax Romana (Peace of Rome) built roads,
provided opportunities for safe travel, protected people
 Do I believe that the secular world and the world of
faith are at odds? Can the religious hope for peace
and harmony among all of God's children be furthered
through "worldly" means?
throughout the empire. It made possible the journeys of
Paul and the spread of early Christianity. Jesus Himself
was to say, “Those who are not against us are for us.”
In the world where we live, with all its differences in
peoples, cultures, and ideologies, there is the possibility
of hope – hope that God’s will can be
accomplished, hope that understanding can
grow among different peoples, hope that
creation can live towards God’s original
intention, hope that we can live in peace.
 As a person of faith and member of a believing
community, what do I owe to the larger world, to the
world of politics and economics?