Photographs by Charlene Dorman 210 Oak Grove Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 tel: (650) 323-7914 fax: (650) 323-3231 The Church of the Nativity MASSES Sundays Saturdays Weekdays Holy Days 08:00, 09:30, 11:30 AM and 05:00 PM 08:00 AM and 05:00 PM (Vigil) 07:30 AM and 05:30 PM 07:30 AM, 05:30 and 07:30 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Opus Dei priest) 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM (parish priest) (also by appointment) BAPTISMS1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month (contact rectory 2 months in advance) WEDDINGS Saturdays 11:00 AM and 02:00 PM (contact rectory at least 6 months in advance) PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Steven D. Otellini PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Alner Nambatac PERMANENT DEACONS Rev. Mr. Dominick Peloso Rev. Mr. Thomas Kelly WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Rev. Jerome Magat Rev. Paul Maillet, S.S. Rev. Gladstone Stevens, S.S. SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Monica Hickam • (650) 804-2390 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration HEARING LOOP ENABLED FIRST READING The Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines. Isaiah 25: 6-10 RESPONSORIAL PSALM You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 October 2014 Psalms 23 Many are invited, but few are chosen. SECOND READING God will fully supply whatever you need. Matthew 22: 14 Philippians 4: 12-14, 19-20 GOSPEL The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Matthew 22: 1-14 SCHEDULE OF MASSES AND INTENTIONS WEEK OF 12 - 18 OCT SAT 05:00 PM Priest’s intentions SUN Masses Priest’s intentions MON 07:30 AM † Channing Davis 05:30 PM † Carolina and Bennie Sylvestri TUE 07:30 AM † Jim Harrington 05:30 PM † Noreen Ferguson WED 07:30 AM The Neylan and Cardine families 05:30 PM Special intention THU 07:30 AM In thanksgiving 05:30 PM † Frank Chandler Calendar SUN MON-FRI MON-FRI TUE THU SAT SAT SAT SAT (Sunday) 13 OCT (Monday) 09:00 AM 07:30 PM 07:30 PM 07:30 PM Bible Group Legion of Mary RCIA Fatima Mass and Celebration (Tuesday) 09:30 AM 07:00 PM Faith Formation Faith Formation 14 OCT 15 OCT (Wednesday) 07:00 PM Confirmation Class 07:30 PM Opus Dei Mens’ Group 16 OCT (Thursday) 11:00 AM The Thursday Group (Friday) 01:00 PM Infant Jesus of Prague Society (Saturday) 09:00 AM 06:00 PM Natural Family Planning Class Married Couples Date Night Please pray for those in need of physical or spiritual healing Special Collection There will be a second collection at all Masses next week for World Mission Sunday. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS EXPERIENCING HEARING LOSS Can’t hear the sermon or parts of the Mass? 21% of the American public has some form of hearing loss. Nativity Church has taken a BIG STEP forward to help our parishioners who do have a form of hearing loss. People with hearing aids can now turn on their T-Coil built into their hearing aids. If you do not know if you have a T-Coil contact your audiologist. If you do not have a T-Coil in your hearing aid there will be Assisted Listening Devices in the rectory. For more information please contact Bonnie Neylan 650/322-8645, 650/269-4635, or HEARING LOOP ENABLED Holy Hour for Priests Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Cenacles of Life Rosary Perpetual Help Novena Men’s Prayer Group Morning Prayer Confessions (Opus Dei priest) Confessions (parish priest) 12 OCT FRI 07:30 AM Benefactors of the parish 05:30 PM Barbara and Joseph Wynne SAT 08:00 AM Special intention; Gina Peloso; Aron Fletcher; Rico Puga 07:00 PM 07:10 AM 05:10 PM 06:00 PM 06:00 PM 06:15 AM 07:40 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 03:30 PM 04:30 PM 17 OCT 18 OCT Parish OfferINGS WEEK OF 27-28 SEP TOTAL: $9,205 Annual Diocesan Appeal Progress: 2014 ADA Goal: $25,390 $130,840 Ministry and Group News SMALL FAITH-SHARING GROUPS The Fall Small Faith-Sharing Groups begin the week of 12 October 2014 for six weekly sessions. The resource material for this next session will include prayers, reflections on the Sunday readings, faith-sharing questions and ideas for action responses. For registration and for any questions please call Tim Kennedy at 650/321-4818. FATIMA CELEBRATION SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY Next weekend is World Mission Sunday. There will be a second collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Your prayers and generous support directly benefit the mission Church in places like Mongolia where the young church is growing, filled with zeal for the faith, but lacking in resources for its outreach to families and those in need; your prayers and assistance help to build new schools and churches, train catechists, run medical centers, and provide for skill training classes and homes for children with disabilities who are homeless. Please be generous. Checks for all special collections should be made out to the Church of the Nativity. In the memo line write the appropriate reference for your donation, for example: World Mission Sunday. On Monday, 13 October 2014, we will have our final celebration of the Blessed Mother’s apparition at Fatima, Portugal for this year. We will have a Mass at 07:30 PM, followed by a talk on the message of Fatima, rosary candlelight procession around the church grounds, and healing Benediction. Please join us and bring your family. For questions, contact Deacon Dominick Peloso at 650/269-6279. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED We are in need of volunteers to become Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist for all Masses, but particularly the Sunday, 05:00 PM Mass. Training is easy and the rewards are great. If you are interested, please contact Kerry Perez at kerrycperez@ INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE PRAYER SOCIETY NOVENA, LITANY, PRAYER INTENTIONS/THANKSGIVINGS, AND ADORATION The Infant Jesus of Prague Prayer Society invites parishioners and guests to join in prayer before our Infant Jesus shrine on dd MON 2014 at hh:mm PM. Each month, on the 17th day, we begin the first day of the Infant Jesus of Prague Novena, a litany, prayer intentions/thanksgivings, and conclude with adoration. Our Lord answers all prayers. It is how God answers that is most compelling. Let the Word made flesh, the Infant Jesus, open your our heart, mind, and soul to receive and trust in His Divine Plan for your life. Our 24-hour Infant Jesus Prayer Line is always open to receive any prayer request and thanksgivings. Please call 650/281-3339, contact Anne Delaney, O.F.S., or write to We give glory to God through our gratitude. You have never strayed too far for the Father’s forgiveness and grace. SINGERS AND MUSICIANS! MIDDLE SCHOOL AND OLDER Shout out to Singers and Musicians - Middle School and Older. The 09:30 AM Mass rock/folk/gospel ensemble is always looking for singers and musicians. This year we lost Steve McDonnell, our great drummer of over a decade, so we’re in particular need for someone on percussion. If you sing or play an instrument, share your talents; join the fun! Interested? Contact Barbara Nelson 650/464 2971. NATIVITY MOMS AND DADS OF YESTERYEAR Renew past friendships and make new ones. Join the Nativity Moms and Dads of Yesteryear at Harry’s Hofbrau, 1909 El Camino Real, Redwood City, on Tuesday, 11 November 2014, at 06:00 PM. For information only call Bonnie Neylan at 650/3228645. NFP: NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Our next Natural Family Planning (NFP) class will be on Saturday, 18 October 2014. For more information and to register for this class, contact Finola, 650/868-3090 or HOLY HOUR - HAPPY HOUR (H4) Young adults in their 20s and 30s are encouraged join us for a Holy Hour at the Church of the Nativity (210 Oak Grove, Menlo Park) on Thursdays from 08:00-09:00 PM, followed by drinks at 09:00 PM at the Dutch Goose (3567 Alameda de Las Pulgas, Menlo Park). If you have any questions, please e-mail EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Nativity Church is open 24/7. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration and there is always someone present in prayer. Won’t you join us by signing up for your weekly Holy Hour? When you sign up, you and your intentions share in the grace of everyone who comes to visit. Come and experience the dramatic presence of God in our lives. Please consider the following hours as there is no one currently assigned to them (or pick an hour that works for you): Monday: 02:00 PM (Prayer Partner) Tuesday: 05:00 AM (Prayer Partner) Friday: 06:00 AM, 01:00 PM, 02:00 PM Saturday: 11:00 AM, 04:00 PM Thank you in advance for your generosity. The God who is not outdone in generosity will certainly bless you and your intentions. Call Mary Ellen Peloso (650/269-7794) to sign up. Pregnant? Need Help? Please contact the Juan Diego Society (408/258-2008), the Gabriel Project (800/910-0191) or Community Pregnancy Center (650/964-8093). Announcements OUR PARISH FAMILY Please keep all of our newest members in your prayers, as well as those who have preceded us to the Father. BAPTISMS MARRIAGES • Jimmy Nguyen and Sarom Moeun • Hector Sanchez, Jr. and Cynthia Cerron PARISHIONERS • Michael Winn, Sr. • Anne Diaz • Allison and Timothy Barelli (Olympia, Maribelle, Leonie) DEATHS 2015: THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Pope Francis had declared 2015 The Year of Consecrated Life. On Monday evening, 20 October 2014 there will be a special Evening of Prayer at 07:00 PM at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco. This prayer service, presided over by Archbishop Cordileone, will open the events of The Year of Consecrated Life. Please join us for this special occasion. COLLECTIVE INTENTIONS FOR MASSES For some time the Catholic Church has allowed “collective intentions” at two Masses celebrated in the parish each week. These intentions are bundled together because there are more intentions requested than Masses available. Since the merits of each Mass are infinite the value of the Mass for each person at a “collective” Mass is the same as if it were an individual Mass intention. Nativity has always been a very popular place to have Masses said for living or deceased family or friends. In 2011 we began having collective Mass intentions on Saturday mornings at the 08:00 AM Mass. This helped ease our Mass intentions schedule. The intentions for the evening weekday Mass at 05:30 PM always fill quickly. Because of this we are adding collective intentions once a week to the 05:30 PM Masses. This will begin with the Masses in November. In January, one weekday Mass at 05:30 PM will have collective intentions. It will not be offered on the same day each week, but rotate between days depending on the schedule. As in the past requests for Mass intentions should be directed to the parish office. In The Community “SONGS OF IRELAND” CONCERT Come and enjoy a concert of “Songs of Ireland”, presented by Alexander and Luke Edward Harding Bradley on Sunday, 26 October 2014 at 02:00 PM at Nativity. This is a benefit for the Nativity Music Fund - A free-will offering will be accepted. HUMAN TRAFFICKING EVENT Trinity Church (330 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park) will host a public community event with focus on the trafficking of women and girls, not only across the world but in our very own communities. This free event on Saturday, 01 November 2014, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM – is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community to learn more and how to respond to this issue. Expert presenters, global handmade products for sale, free childcare and refreshments. RSVP required at www.eventbrite. com. Enter Hearts For Justice in the search field to be directed to the link. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Catherines’ Center, right here in our community, serves local women impacted. To find out more, please call 650/838-9800. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION RETREAT Interested in Spiritual Direction or want to know what it is? Attend a Spiritual Direction Retreat at St. Matthias Parish, Fr. Lacey Hall, 1685 Cordilleras Rd., Redwood City, on Saturday, 18 October 2014, from 01:30-04:30 PM followed by 05:00 PM Mass. Hear from a panel of Spiritual Directors, Vivian Clausing, Sharon Erro, Sr. Dee Myers, and Tim Valderrama (in training), as they share how spiritual direction can help you on your faith journey. Call Liz Vugrinecz, 650/366-9544, xtn 12 to register. No fee. CALLING ALL MARRIED COUPLES Nativity has been looking to provide a setting for married couples to grow in their love for each other and with the Lord, as well as develop an extended social circle of faith-filled couples. Often, there is little opportunity to do that after the wedding. Starting this month, we will be having monthly “Date Nights” to fill that need. Our first meeting will be on Saturday, 18 October 2014 at 06:00 PM in the O’Hare Center. The meeting will combine time to meet and get to know other couples, as well as opportunities to hear a talk on married life. The first conference is entitled: “Soul Mate or Cellmate?” For information, call Deacon Dominick or Mary Ellen Peloso: 650/269-6279. Also, since we will be providing light refreshments, reservations are suggested to help with the planning. CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR MARRIAGE? Do you feel lost and alone? Are you hurt, frustrated or angry with each other? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Are you arguing or do you simply shut down? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille (Reh-trō-vī) is a lifeline for marriages in trouble. Retrouvaille is not just for hurting couples and welcomes all couples wanting to bring new life to your marriage. Couples of all faiths and those with no faith tradition are welcome and encouraged to attend. The ultimate goal of Retrouvaille is solely to help save marriages. Retrouvaille is not a retreat, marriage counseling, or a sensitivity group. There are neither group dynamics nor group discussions on the weekend. It is not a time for hurting; it is a time for healing. For more information go to It’s not too late to register for the 07-09 November 2014 weekend! THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS From the Holy See Each month His Holiness asks for general and missionary prayer intentions. For October 2014, the Holy Father’s prayer intentions are: Calendar of Novenas 12 OCT (SUN) 13 OCT (MON) FIRST DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II 14 OCT (TUE) SECOND DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II 15 OCT (WED) THIRD DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II 16 OCT (THU) FOURTH DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II Missionary: World Mission Day 17 OCT (FRI) FIFTH DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. 18 OCT (SAT) SIXTH DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II FIRST DAY: Saint Jude 19 OCT (SUN) SEVENTH DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II SECOND DAY: Saint Jude 20 OCT (MON) EIGHTH DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II THIRD DAY: Saint Jude 21 OCT (TUE) NINTH DAY: Pope Saint John Paul II FOURTH DAY: Saint Jude 22 OCT (WED) Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II FIFTH DAY: Saint Jude 23 OCT (THU) SIXTH DAY: Saint Jude FIRST DAY: All Saints 24 OCT (FRI) SEVENTH DAY: Saint Jude SECOND DAY: All Saints 25 OCT (SAT) EIGHTH DAY: Saint Jude THIRD DAY: All Saints Universal: Peace That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. Saints and Observances SOLEMNITY, FEAST, MEMORIAL • OPTIONAL MEMORIAL • OTHER 15 OCT (Wednesday) SAINT TERESA OF AVILA, Doctor of the Church (1515-1582) Born to the Spanish nobility, Teresa was cured of a crippling childhood disease after prayer to St. Joseph. Teresa became a Carmelite nun at 17. Stricken with ill health shortly after taking her vows, she nevertheless founded several convents. 16 OCT (Thursday) SAINT MARGARET MARY ALOCOQUE (1647-1690) She was healed of a crippling disorder by a vision of the Virgin Mary. After receiving a vision of Christ fresh from the Scourging, she was moved to join the Order of the Visitation. In 1675 she received a revelation from our Lord, which included 12 promises to her and to those who practiced a true devotion to His Sacred Heart. The saint died of natural causes in 1690, and her body is to this day incorrupt. 17 OCT (Friday) SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, Bishop and Martyr (c. 50 - c. 107) Ignatius was a pagan convert to Christianity, who succeeded Peter as bishop of Antioch, Syria. He served during the persecution of Domitian, and during the persecution of Trajan, he was ordered taken to Rome to be killed by wild animals. On the way, a journey which took months, he wrote a series of encouraging letters to the churches under his care. He was the first writer to use the term the catholic Church. -- “No earthly pleasures, no kingdoms of this world can benefit me in any way. I prefer death in Christ Jesus to power over the farthest limits of the earth. He who died in place of us is the one object of my quest. He who rose for our sakes is my one desire.” 18 OCT (Saturday) SAINT LUKE, Evangelist Doctor and companion of St. Paul, Luke is a patron to both physicians and artists. In addition to his Gospel, Luke authored a history of the early Church in the Acts of the Apostles. FIND THE NOVENA PRAYERS St. Jude: All Saints’ Novena: Novenas/novena_all_saints.html OTHER NOVENA PRAYERS Infant Jesus of Prague (nine-hour): PRAYER/PRAGNOV.TXT St. Therese “24 Glory Be’s” Novena: Novena for Priests: priests.htm Effecacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: www.ewtn. com/devotionals/heart/sh_novena.htm GUATEMALAN MISSION SALES On 26 October 2014 Kay Sweeney will be at Nativity once again to sell Guatemalan handicrafts. These crafts are made by indigenous women in Guatelmala, who are part of the Kateri Tekakwitha Mission Fund. The sales of these handicrafts help support and educate these women. There will be information available on how to support a scholarship for a young indigenous woman. Check their website for more information at Kay Sweeney is an Associate of the Sisters of the Presentation in San Francisco. She works in Guatemala with the Kateri Tekekwith Mission Fund helping these women develop their talents through formal and informal education. The crafts will be available in the O’Hare Center after the Sunday morning Masses only. Young Believers The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life. I will give peace in their families. I will console them in all their troubles. They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death. I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy. Tepid souls shall become fervent. Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection. I will bless the homes in which the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and honored. I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts. Those who propagate this devotion shall have their name written in My Heart, and it shall never be effaced. I promise thee in the excess of the mercy of My Heart, that its all-powerful Love will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under My displeasure, nor without receiving the Sacraments; My Heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour. St. Anthony’s Relics Visit Northern California October 26 - November 2 NATIVITY YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS XLT Mid-Peninsula Encounter Nativity Youth Ministry, along with St. Raymond, St. Denis, and Sacred Heart youth ministries are excited to present the first-ever XLT-Mid-Peninsula with 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh, on Wednesday, 22 October 2014, to be held at Sacred Heart School. During XLT (“exalt”), teens from different Catholic parishes come together to pray and worship. The night is divided into three parts: praise and worship, a dynamic speaker, and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Young people, 6th grade and above, are invited to this special evening. To order your tickets ($10/student), please go to Seating is limited. This is a youth-only drop-off event. Teen Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers Wanted About once a month, preferably during the 05:00 PM Saturday Masses. Any young person who has been confirmed can participate in these leadership roles. Those who feel comfortable speaking in front of people can serve as a Lector. The role of the Eucharistic Minister is particularly ideal for those who have outgrown altar serving and who understand the reverence due to Our Lord in the Eucharist. If you are interested in any of these activities, or if you have any questions, please contact Mark or Linda Basnage at tlbasnage@ St. Anthony will be visiting us in the form of a precious relic from his Basilica in Padua, Italy. The relic will be accompanied by a Franciscan Friar from the Messenger of St. Anthony in Padua SundAy, OcTOBer 26 St. Thomas More church 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd. in San Francisco 8 AM, 10 AM, 11:45 AM, 8 PM masses with veneration MOndAy, OcTOBer 27 St. Paul’s church 1845 church Lane, in San Pablo 7:30 AM mass, veneration all day, 7 PM mass TueSdAy, OcTOBer 28 cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption 1111 Gough St. in San Francisco 12:10 PM and 6 PM masses with veneration WedneSdAy, OcTOBer 29 St. dominic’s church 2390 Bush St. in San Francisco 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM masses with veneration ThurSdAy, OcTOBer 30 St. Anne of the Sunset 850 Judah St. in San Francisco 12 PM and 6 PM masses with veneration FrIdAy, OcTOBer 31 national Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi 610 Vallejo St. in San Francisco 12:15 PM mass with veneration until 7 PM SATurdAy, nOVeMBer 1 St. Paul of the Shipwreck 1122 Jamestown Ave. in San Francisco 12:30 PM mass with veneration SATurdAy, nOVeMBer 1 Our Lady of Peace 2800 Mission college Blvd. in Santa clara 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM Vigil Masses with veneration A Messenger of Hope , froM pAduA itAly SundAy, nOVeMBer 2 Saint Bruno church 555 West San Bruno Ave. in San Bruno 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon and 6 PM masses with veneration FOr MOre InFOrMATIOn PLeASe cOnTAcT Anthonian Association of the Friends of St. Anthony TeL: 347 738 4306
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