St. Rita Catholic Church - Portland, OR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH Mass 7:30 & 10:00 am-Fr. Todd Molinari Stewardship Time & Talent LWC/Coffee & Donuts/Faith Formation Parent Meeting 11:30 am REC 1st Reconciliation Prep #4 at 12:30 REC MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH Women’s Guild 1pm REC Bible Study 6pm REC TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH TOPS 9-11 am REC SVDP Meeting 11:30 REC Welcome Committee 7-8:30 pm REC Bible Study 6pm REC OATC 6:30-8:30 REC WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH Bible Study 11-12 REC SVDP 3-5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH RCIA 7-8pm REC Strengths 7-9 pm REC FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH OCO 9-12 Chapel SVDP 10:00-12:00 Stewardship Appeal OSTC 7am-5pm Hall Confession 4 pm Mass 5:30 pm-Fr. Jeff Eirvin SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH Mass 7:30 & 10:00 am-Fr. Todd Molinari Stewardship Appeal LWC/Coffee & Donuts/Faith Formation St. Vincent de Paul Thank you to everyone who has contributed egg cartons and paper bags in good condition for our use. We continue to need the paper bags as we use them every week and your donations keep us from having to purchase them. We do not need any more egg cartons as we now have an abundance of them and no place to store them. Watch the bulletin and we will let you know when we need them again. Thanks for your support. Senior Rita's Luncheon Reflection and Prayer-The 28h Sunday in Ordinary Time Why do people refuse the wedding invitation? They don’t seem to have another offer, but are simply too busy with the usual daily tasks and commonplace affairs to accept the hospitality of a great king. In a wonderful twist, the king sends his servants out with instructions to bring in everyone, willy-nilly, to fill the house with people so the wedding banquet can continue. Everyone drawn into the house, whether neighbor, servant, slave, or passerby. What a wonderful image of the Church this is: God, our King, creates community and family out of an incredibly diverse group of people. In the famous phrase of James Joyce, “Here comes everybody!” As we pray in the Mass, “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” We are blessed indeed. Lord our God, you have called us to the marriage-supper of the Lamb. May we come to the feast with open hearts, clothed in Christ and ready to do your will. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Stewardship Month This weekend at all of the Masses we will be asked to fill out a Time and Talent Commitment card. Please look it over, and see where you would like to donate your time and talent. There are many opportunities both for spiritual growth and for assistance in the many activities of our parish family. We have some immediate needs and everyone is needed. Celebrate 50 years of L’Arche worldwide at L'Arche Portland's 4th Annual Benefit Concert! Julianne Johnson and Friends, Featuring Michael Allen Harrison Saturday, October 18, 2014 • 7:30 p.m. The Madeleine Parish • 3123 NE 24th Street • Portland 97212 Tickets: $25 in advance • $30 at the door For more info and to buy tickets, go to: All proceeds will go to support L’Arche Portland’s work of creating home and building community for people with and without intellectual disabilities. WEEKLY DONATIONS FOR October 4, 2014 Needed to cover expenses Senior Ritas: We will be having lunch at Gustav's, 5035 NE Sandy Received (actual) Blvd, the 4th Wednesday OCTOBER 22 at St. Vincent de Paul 11:30am.They were booked for the 15th Please call Parish Improvements Sande at 503-666-1315 to sign up. $ 5,585.56 $ 6,133.06 $ 798.00 $ 108.00 October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Exploring Your Strengths Our fall Exploring Your Strengths classes are The Welcome Committee for sponsoring the latest Welcome Event. And for inviting and hosting “newcomers” at Coffee & underway. Please keep Abbie Ajifu, Joshua Clark, Donuts. Signa Johnston, Tina Kuss, Joyce Murphy, Carol Panowicz, Angela Patterson, Sharon Schuler and Sue Slingerland in your prayers as they discover A Note from Nancy Fredricks their top 5 talents and how to develop them into the Thank you for all of your support thus far and strengths that God intended them to use in their for all of the items St. Rita parishioners have lives. donated to go into goody bags for the people This a process that will benefit not only you but the Lions Club will assist in Mexico. The box is your family members and friends as well. If you are still in the vestibule if you would like to donate interested in these sessions, please contact Chris gently used ties, scarves and jewelry. For chil(503-665-3721 or and let me dren small toys, hair care, bracelets, and penknow. If we have enough interest, we will schedule cils. Also, hotel samples of shampoo and soap. another series before Spring. Just remember needs to be small and light weight. Call me for questions (503) 287-6232. Financial Fun Facts Peace…Nancy Fredricks A NOTE OF THANKS AND APPRECIATION TO… An offering of $47.09 a week pays for the Breaking Bread books you find in the pews so you can follow the readings and sing the hymns. Catholic School Open Houses The Portland area Catholic high schools are opening their doors this fall tor their Annual Open Houses. Each school will host an Open House for prospective students and their families The time for Women’s Guild Meeting We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1 each Open House is 1:00-4:00 pm. Open Houses scheduled soon are: p.m. in the R.E. Center. Our October meeting will October 12: October 19: October 26: Central Catholic High School Valley Catholic High School De La Salle North Catholic St. Mary’s Academy SCRIPTURE FOR DAILY PRAYER be October 13. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Mon. Oct. 13 7:45 am + Thelma Marx Tue. Oct. 14 7:45 am + Dorain Layton Mon. Oct. 13 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1;Lk 11:29-32 Wed. Oct. 15 7:45 am Marie Kent Tue. Oct. 14 Gal 5:1-6;Lk 11:37-41 Thu. Oct. 16 7:45 am Alyce Carlson Wed. Oct. 15 Gal 5:18-25;Lk 11:42-46 Fri. Oct. 17 7:45 am Elsye Scarino Thu. Oct. 16 Eph 1:1-10;Lk 11:47-54 Sat. Oct. 18 5:30 pm Shirley Barnard Fri. Eph 1:11-14;Lk 12:1-7 Sun. Oct. 19 7:30 am Jared Jones Oct. 17 Sat. Oct. 18 2 Tm 4:10-17b;Lk 10:1-9 Sun. Oct. 19 Is 45:1, 4-6;1 Thes 1:1-5b;Mt 22:15-21 10:00 am Our Parish LET US PRAY FOR: Pureza Abellera, Kahla Amos, Fr. Bob Anderson, Rod Austria, Ashe Brin Barneycote, Shirley Barnard, Michael Barteaux, Charlotte Benfiet, Joyce Bigelow, Arleigh & Betty Black, Earl Bracy, Dick Brown, Maria Brown, Rudy Buliavac, Tonya C., Joe Calcagno, Alyce Carlson, Pat Chandler, Mary Jane Clark, Chuck Classen, Kate Cochran, Tom Cooper, Carl Coppernoll-Houston, Shirlie Davidson, Mary Pat Dobos, Nancy Doran, Mary Eilers, Barbara Fietta & Family, Ed & Grace Fitzgerald, Edith Foos, Shellie Freidl, Karen Fitterer, Ken Fuglee, Mary Galvin, Ben Galvin, Johnny Gamenara, Paul Gasca, Bob & Agnes Gauthier, Curt Gefre, Dottie Griffin, Audrey Guildner, Bonnie Guthrie, Julie Harris, Steve Hayes, Liz & Garry Heckman, Harold Heiter, Judi Hill, Terry Hill, Jenny Johns, Jared Jones, Marie Kent, Lena Kileleman, Charlotte Rose Livermore, Isaiah and Zendaya Loeza, Bob McCallister, Danny McClung, Joyce McCullen, Patrick McDowd, Susan McIntosh, Barbara Mendenhall, Britt Moore, Def Moore, Jim & Barbara Nisbet, Frieda Opp, Rebecca Opp, Rosario Palacios, Annilise Parmeater, Bill Patton, Sheila Petry, Katie Pagani, Ralph Pitigliano, Marvin Porter, Midge Porter, Mike Porter, Fr. Dan Reynolds, Carole Rice, Christine Rivera, BJ Roelike, Elizabeth Rose, Eileen Rossman, Mike Rowen, Elsye Scarino, Pat and Patty Schwab, Angela Scillereff, Robert Simon, Rose Sisson, Carol Suchy, Gil Suplido, Diana Surgeon, Richard Surgeon, Rod & Mary Swett, Leticia Valdefiera, Dorothy Verbeck, Elizabeth Walker, Joan Walker, Peggy Whitlock, Jan Woitach, Stacy Woitach, Ashley Woodford, Eva Yerger, Luella Young, and Richard Zamora.
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