Document 322886

Visitation of the Missionary Image
of Our Lady of Guadalupe
• October 99-19, 2014 •
Each day during the week different groups
will host as we celebrate Mass at 6:00 p.m.
and Holy Hour of Adoration with a Rosary
Prayer at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome!
Monday, October 13:
13 St. Joseph Men’s Society &
Knights of Columbus
Tuesday, October 14:
14 Holy Mass Celebration in Spanish
Wednesday, October 15:
15 Secular Carmelites
Thursday, October 16:
16 Youth Ministries: Frassati
Fellowship, Jordan Wall, XLT, Rush & More Youth
Friday, October 17:
17 Secular Franciscans
Saturday, October 18:
18 Regular Mass Schedule & Holy
Mass Celebration in Korean at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 19:
19 Regular Mass Schedule & Farewell
of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe
28thSundayinOrdinaryTime:TheWeddingFeastoftheKing•• October12,2014
Saturday, October 11
Thursday, October 16
8:05am Elvia Rosa Barona
8:05am Religious Vocations
to Priesthood*
5:00pm Angel Torres
12:00pm Bishop James Vann
Sunday, October 12
6:00pm Youth of the Diocese*
7:30am Sacred Heart Parish*
9:00am Steven R. Stilp
11:00am Youth of SHC*
1:00pm Eliseo Perez
Friday, October 17
8:05am Deacon Jim Lawson*
12:00pm Mary Pasquini*
6:00pm Secular Franciscans*
Monday, October 13
8:05am William Marino
Saturday, October 18
8:05pm Anna Marie Pruni
12:00pm Jonathan
Calloway, S.J.*
5:00pm Emile Petrone
6:00pm St. Joseph Society &
Knights of Columbus*
Sunday, October 19
Tuesday, October 14
8:05am Kwang Ja Kim &
Young In Kim*
12:00pm Candi Smith*
7:30am Jennifer Sutter*
9:00am Sacred Heart Parish*
11:00am Artemio Andaya
The “reign of God” is thought to have been a current
phrase to represent covenant faithfulness. So when
Jesus begins a parable, “The reign of God may be
likened to…” and then goes on to describe a gross
affront to “a king” by invited guests to a wedding
banquet, we can guess that the message got
through. The Pharisees, who regarded themselves as
impeccably faithful to the covenant, seem to have
taken some offense to this parable. It’s vital that we
get an accurate assessment of the attitudes of the
Jewish people in response to Jesus because we’ve
been incorporated into Israel by grace. If we see Jews
in the Gospel as merely a caricature of stubbornness
to the overtures of God in Jesus, we’re unlikely to
recognize ourselves and our own covenant short
comings in them. The city that Jesus says the king will
send his army to destroy is the one we inhabit. It’s the
city we live in, not merely the Jerusalem of old. We
Catholics are now the invited guests to the banquet.
We’re invited each Sunday in anticipation of the
wedding feast in heaven. Jesus has won and offered
redemption for all, but we can only enter into that
redemption by our choice to be redeemed.
1:00pm Jesus Boyzo
Resolution:Before you attend Mass on Sundays, stop
6:00pm Alma G. Vazquez
at the back of the church and make sure that you are
coming with enthusiasm and joy. Let go of all your
worldly worries and enter the sanctuary as if you are
going to the King’s banquet.
Wednesday, October 15
8:05am Christine Raman*
12:00pm John DeRosa, Sr.
6:00pm Secular Carmelites*
* Indicates person is living
Sunday: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10
What is the relationship between the mountain where
God provides a banquet, and Calvary?
How is the parable in this week’s Gospel a
“minihistory” of the story of salvation?
Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1; Ps 113; Lk 11:29-32
Tuesday: Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119; Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday: St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Dr. of the Church
Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1; Lk 11:42-46
Thursday: St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98; Lk 11:47-54
Friday: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr
Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33; Lk 12:1-7
FIRST READING: Isaiah 45:1, 4–6
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 96:1, 3, 4–5, 7–8, 9–10
SECOND READING: 1 Thessalonians 1:1–5b
GOSPEL: Matthew 22:15–21
Saturday: Saint Luke, Evangelist
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145; Lk 10:1-9
Sunday: Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
Material courtesy of:
28thSundayinOrdinaryTime:TheWeddingFeastoftheKing•• October12,2014
October 18th & October 19th
After All Masses | Front Lawn
The Sacred Heart Cathedral Ministry Fair is a
wonderful way for parishioners to meet and
learn more about our ministries, organizations and
educational opportunities that are available!
Consider your talents and abilities, and
discover ways to use your gifts and energy!
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Haiti Committee Announces Annual Mission Calendar
The Mission of the Haiti Program is to break the cycles
of poverty in Haiti through our relationships with the
people of Boucan Carre’, focused on Mind
(education), Body (Healthcare), and Spirit (faith).
Each SHC parishioner is asked to pray about whether
you should come along on one of these remarkable
journeys. Everyone in the 8th grade or over, with a
passport and is physically robust, is eligible. Each trip
may include 10 travelers. There are four trips planned
at this time. The month and objectives are as follows:
November 2014: Medical Mission;
doctors & nurses are needed
December 2014: St. Michel Parish Projects;
a variety of construction skills are helpful
February 2015: St. Michel Student Photography;
2,000 students to photograph
June 2015: SHCS Teacher/student exchange;
learn about each other’s schools
If you are interested, please contact
Deacon Ben via email at or at 865.548.1134.
God invites us in so many ways to
become close to Him, to answer His
invitation and to embrace stewardship as a way of
life. This invitation comes to us constantly through Holy
Scripture and through the Gospel. How many of us
hear the Word, but then just go back to our lives as
they were before? That is what is happening in the
parable of the Wedding Feast. Those invited ignore
the invitation and continue with their lives. The key
message from Jesus is that it does not matter if
we respond to God’s invitation with anger or
indifference; they are equally grave reactions.
Due to the visitation of the Missionary
Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, The
Paraclete will be selling religious goods on
October 9th, 11th, & 12th in the front lobby
of the school! All other days, the items will
be sold in The Paraclete until the end of
the mission on October 19th.
Beginning Monday, November 3, 2014…
Sacred Heart Cathedral will have evening Masses on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Mondays: 6:00 p.m.
Wednesdays: 6:00 p.m. (in Spanish)
Fridays: 6:00 p.m.
Respect Life Month - Message from Bishop Stika
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Each October we celebrate “Respect Life Month,” a
time when we reflect more deeply upon the sanctity
of life, from conception to natural death. We pray
for the weak and vulnerable, the unborn and the
elderly, for the innocent in the womb, as well as for
the most guilty. We pray for a spirit of mercy and not
vengeance, for an overturning of the death penalty
as we pray also for the victims’ families of violent
crime, for Christ’s peace through His mercy and love
to comfort them. We pray for Christians and minorities
throughout the world who suffer from war and
persecution. We pray that Amendment One and
other legislative measures that affirm a “yes to life”
will be sustained with your vote for life. In the
darkening clouds of violence, war, and persecution,
pray for Christ’s peace to reign in mercy and love.
28thSundayinOrdinaryTime:TheWeddingFeastoftheKing•• October12,2014
Beginning Thursday, October 16, Dave Wells will lead
The PCCW presents… “An Evening with Fr. Joe”
the Symbolon program. This dynamic series opens up
the big picture of the Catholic faith in a way that helps
us to know it, live it and articulate it to others. We will
meet from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Shea Room.
Fun Summer Camp Opportunity!
Parents, do you want your teens to
have fun this summer and grow in
their Catholic faith? We invite you
to consider sending them to Camp
Covecrest! Covecrest is a Catholic
summer camp for high school teens
(rising freshmen through graduating seniors) in north
Georgia. The teens engage in jam-packed week of fun
games and activities such as obstacle courses and
whitewater rafting, and they grow in their faith through
beautiful worship and small-group discussions. We will
have a Camp Information meeting Saturday, October
18th at 10:00 a.m. in the Shea Room for interested
parents and teens. Registration deadline for limited
spots is this month, so you will need to act soon!
Questions? Contact Liz Letendre
The preschool is looking for donations
of preschool aged books and dress up
clothes for our little ones. If you have
any children’s books that you would
like to find a good home for, the preschoolers would love them. Also, if you
have children’s dress up clothes that you would like to
get rid of such as: princess dresses, fairy costumes,
super hero, firefighter, doctor, nurse, and even animal
costumes; our little ones love to play dress up!
Please join us for a fun evening of fellowship!
Enjoy appetizers and drinks as we hear Fr. Joe share
his stories from his trip to Italy.
Thursday, October 16th, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Shea Room
Hosted by the PCCW! All ladies are welcome!
The Women's Wednesday Night Bible Study
will begin the video-based study "Seven Deadly Sins,
Seven Lively Virtues" by Fr. Robert Barron, on
Wednesday, October 15, 2014.
This six-week study will meet on Wednesdays
from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., in Room 303, in the
Sacred Heart Cathedral School.
To register and reserve a study guide, contact
Michelle Gensheimer at 865.558.0024 or via email
Prayer Requests: May the Holy Spirit fill us with love for
God and help us Discern His will for our lives.
Inspiring young people to Christian Ministry since 1932
For the Sick…
Ken, Rick Vale, Michael, Jennifer, Kelly C., David Wood
For the Repose of the Soul of…
Knoxville Catholic High School would like to
welcome you to our Open House on Sunday,
November 9, 2014 at 2 p.m. in the KCHS Gym.
Our Placement Test for rising Freshman will take
place on Saturday, December 6, 2014, 8 a.m. - Noon,
in the KCHS Administration Building.
To set up a tour or for further admission information,
please contact: Nichole Pfohl, Dean of Admissions at
865.560.0502 or
Natalya Carolina, Kelly Blalock, Kathy Johnson
For the Special Intentions of…
Sue Vaickauski, Leslie, Fred Cantelmo, Brenda Vale,
Lisa, Lynn, Maryanna Vaickauski, Jeff & Lori
Lord hear our prayer.
Please call your prayer requests for upcoming
listings to Judy R. at 865.560.1574.
La misa de hoy, 12 de octubre
de 2014 fue ofrecida por el
eterno descanso de Eliseo Perez
La Imagen Misionera de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
estará en la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón el 9-19 de
Octubre de 2014, trayéndonos gracias y bendiciones
de parte de su Hijo Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe intercede
por nosotros para construir una Cultura
de Vida y Civilización de Amor. Ella
impartirá en nosotros la bendición de su
divino Hijo Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Domingo: Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Is 25, 6-10 A; Sal 23; Fil 4: 12-14, 19-20; Mt 22, 1-14 o 22: 1-10
Lunes: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1; Sal 113; Lc 11:29-32
Martes: San Calixto I, Papa y Mártir
Gal 5:1-6; Sal 119; Lc 11:37-41
Miércoles: Santa Teresa de Jesús, Virgen, Dra. de la Iglesia
Gal 5:18-25; Sal 1; Lc 11:42-46
Jueves: Santa Eduviges; Santa Margarita María Alacoque
Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98; Lc 11:47-54
Viernes: San Ignacio de Antioquia, Obispo y Mártir
Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33; Lc 12:1-7
Sábado: San Lucas, Evangelista
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145; Lc 10:1-9
Domingo: Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Is 45:1, 4-6; Sal 96; 1 Tes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
Damas de San Juan de Dios
Nuestro nuevo grupo de mujeres, las Damas de
San Juan de Dios, se centrarán en visitar y orar por los
enfermos. Si alguien de su familia o algún conocido
esta enfermo y necesita oraciones o una visita,
llame a la oficina parroquial al 865.588.0249.
** Si le gustaría unirse a este nuevo grupo de
mujeres, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial,
y con gusto le daremos mas información!
Oportunidad de Empleo
Se busca una asistente administrativa bilingüe
(Inglés-Español) de medio tiempo para las misiones
católicas “Beata Teresa de Calcuta” y “San Juan
Pablo II.” El trabajo se hará desde la Misión Beata
Teresa de Calcuta en Maynardville. Las
responsabilidades de este puesto incluyen saludar a
los visitantes, contestar el teléfono, mantener los
registros de los sacramentos, preparar notas de
agradecimiento y las declaraciones de impuestos de
fin de año para los donantes, la preparación de los
boletines parroquiales en Inglés y Español, y otras
funciones. Por favor envié un currículum al Padre
Steve Pawelk, PO Box 1076, Maynardville, TN 37807.
El "reino de Dios" se cree que ha sido una frase actual
para representar fidelidad al pacto. Por eso, cuando
Jesús comienza una parábola: "El reino de Dios se
puede comparar a ..." y luego pasa a describir una
afrenta grave a "un rey" por los invitados a un
banquete de bodas, podemos adivinar que el
mensaje llegó. Los fariseos, que consideraban a sí
mismos como impecablemente fiel a la alianza,
parecen haber tomado alguna ofensa a esta
parábola. Es vital que tengamos una evaluación
precisa de las actitudes del pueblo judío en respuesta
a Jesús porque hemos sido incorporados a Israel por
gracia. Si vemos judíos en el Evangelio como una
mera caricatura de terquedad a las insinuaciones de
Dios en Jesús, estamos poco probable que
reconocernos a nosotros mismos y nuestro propio
pacto corta idas en ellos. La ciudad que Jesús dice
que el rey enviará a su ejército a destruir es el que
nosotros habitamos. Es la ciudad en que vivimos, no
sólo la antigua Jerusalén. Nosotros los católicos somos
ahora los invitados al banquete. Estamos invitados
todos los domingos a la espera del banquete de
bodas en el cielo. Jesús ha ganado y ha ofrecido la
redención para todos, pero sólo podemos entrar en
esa redención por nuestra propia decisión.
SacredHeartCathedral CatedraldelSagradoCorazón
The community of Sacred Heart Cathedral is delighted that you have joined us for Mass!
If you would like to become a member of our parish community, you may register on our website at,
or you may also pick up a registration form at the parish offices, Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. For any
questions, call us at 865.588.0249. If you are just visiting Sacred Heart Cathedral, know you are always welcome!
¡La comunidad de la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón agradece que nos haya acompañado en la Misa!
Si le gustaría ser miembro de nuestra comunidad de fe, puede registrarse en nuestra pagina, o
puede recoger una forma de registración en la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes, 9:00am a 4:00pm.
Si tiene preguntas, llame al 865.588.0249. Si esta de visita, recuerde que siempre es bienvenido!
Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:00pm (Vigil)
Clergy of Sacred Heart Cathedral
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am & 1:00pm (in Spanish)
Clero de la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón
Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. at 8:05am & Mon. - Fri. at 12:00pm
Horario de Misas: Sábado: 5:00pm (Vigilia)
Domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am y 1:00pm (en Español)
Rev. Joe Reed,
Associate Pastor; Pastor Asociado
Misa Diaria: Lunes - Sábado: 8am y Lunes - Viernes: 12pm
Rev. Arthur Torres,
Associate Pastor; Pastor Asociado
Sacraments: Please contact the parish office for details.
Rev. Adam Kane,
Associate Pastor; Pastor Asociado
Sacramentos: Por favor, póngase en contacto con la
oficina parroquial para más detalles.
Confessions: On Saturdays following the 8:05am Mass or you
may call the parish office for an appointment.
Deacon Ben Johnston,
Deacon Bill Jacobs,
Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial: (865) 588-0249
Facilities / Mantenimiento: (865) 558-4108
Confesiones: Los sábados después de la Misa de 8am o
puede llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita.
Sick Calls: Call the parish office in case of emergencies or
if a friend or a member of your family is hospitalized.
Unción de los Enfermos: Llame a la oficina parroquial en
caso de emergencias o si un amigo o miembro de su familia
se encuentra hospitalizado o necesita de un sacerdote.
Nursery Hours: During the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday,
and the 9:00am & 11:00am Masses on Sunday.
Cuidado de Niños: Durante la Misa de 5:00pm los sábados
y durante las Misas de 9:00am y 11:00am los domingos.
Sacred Heart Cathedral School:
Escuela de la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón:
(865) 588-0415
Sacred Heart Cathedral Preschool:
Preescolar de la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón:
(865) 558-4138
Please refer to our parish website for a staff listing:
Consulte nuestra pagina para ver una lista del personal:
Please remember our parish of Sacred Heart
Cathedral in your will.
Por favor recuerde a la Catedral del Sagrado
Corazón en su testamento.