St. Patrick Catholic Church Church Office 309 South Sixth Street Osage City, KS 66523-1356 Phone 785-528-3424 Fax 785-528-3381 Rectory 505 Lord Street Osage City KS 66523 Scranton Church 302 South Boyle Street Scranton KS 66537 Office Hours Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Closed Mondays. Fridays by appointment. Confessions Scranton Tuesdays 4:50-5:50 PM Osage City Saturdays 4:30-4:50 PM Osage City & Scranton Refreshing our Faith October in the Month of the Rosary Adoration Osage City Tuesday - Thursday 1st Saturdays 7:55 - 8:25 AM 9:00 AM-4:15 PM Scranton Tuesdays 4:50 - 5:50 PM Pastoral Staff Pastor: Rev. Anthony Kiplagat 785-528-3424 Secretary/Bookkeeper Julie McCoy 785-528-3424 Parish Ministry Coordinator: Monica Greenwood 785-528-3424 Deadline for Bulletin Tuesday at noon Music Director George Alexander Knights of Columbus Tom Mock 785-793-2292 Altar Society Presidents Osage City: Elaine Henrie Scranton: Lori Puckett 620-528-3376 785-793-2508 Director of Religious Education Osage City: Stacey Handly 785-331-9143 Scranton: Monica Greenwood 785-654-3572 The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This is primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7th. It was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful. The feast was introduced by Pope St. Pius V (15041572) in the year 1571 to commemorate the miraculous victory of the Christian forces in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571. The pope attributed more to the "arms" of the Rosary than the power of cannons and the valor of the soldiers who fought there. Legend tells us that the Rosary as a form of prayer was given to St. Dominic (1170- 1221) by Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, who entrusted it to him as an aid in the conflicts with the Albigensians. The Dominican pope, St. Pius V, did much to further the spread of the Rosary and it thereafter became one of the most popular devotions in Christendom. It October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses this Week Saturday, October 11 5:00 PM Osage - People of the Parishes Sunday, October 12 8:00 AM Osage - Mike & Stacey Handly (anniversary 10:00 AM Scranton - Vernon Reining (†) & family Tuesday, October 14 8:30 AM Osage - Martha Issinghoff (†) 6:00 PM Scranton - Roberts family Wednesday, October 15 8:30 AM Osage - Father’s Intention Thursday, October 16 8:30 AM Osage - Father’s Intention Friday, October 17 9:30 AM Osage Nursing Saturday, October 18 5:00 PM Osage - Tom Chenoweth (†) Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM Osage - Charles & Rosemary Claypole (†) 10:00 AM Scranton - People of the Parishes Liturgical Assignment Saturday, October 18 - 5:00 PM Osage City Servers: Ethan & Owen Wells Cantor: Thomas Nordling EMCH: Kay Lewis, Debra Fagan, Janice Koehler Lector: Baeh Gill Music: Kareen King Rosary: Mary & Michael Pruitt Sacristan: Mary Tomlinson Ushers: Jordan & Ernest Ehrhart Sunday, October 19 - 8:00 AM Osage City Servers: Audrey Womack, Grace Deters Cantor: Corrine Yockey EMCH: Stacey Handly, Tekina Deters Jim Carroll Lector: Lisa Ginzel Music: George Alexander Rosary: Frank Mersmann Sacristan: Michelle Giesy Ushers: Les Holthaus, Maurice Koch Sunday, October 19 - 10:00 AM Scranton Servers: Timothy Miller, Seth Greenwood Cantor: Thomas Mock EMCH: Brad & Sonia Roberts, Carol Runnebaum Lector: Lori Puckett Music: Linda Endecott Rosary: Daniel Runnebaum Sacristan: Greenwood Family Ushers: Thomas Untz, Gregory Burgett Stewardship Report October 5 2014 Osage City Weekly Donations Total Year to Date Scranton Weekly Donations Total Year to Date Capital Improvement Fund Osage City Year to date Scranton Year to date New Building Fund Weekly Donation Year to date Building Savings Total $ 1,202.00 $ 84,982.38 $ 923.00 $ 50,634.10 $ 15 .00 $ 8,338.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,457.00 $ 120.00 $ 23,170.50 $56,645.34 Please pray for those on our prayer List & their families: Ray Santin, Avery Elizabeth Hart, Cora Briggs, Jessica Hoover, Trish K, Jazmine Van Valkenburg, Ann Religa, Ariel Mock, Ralph Steinlage, Fred Rosetta, Hester Schrader, Ralph Murphy, Connor Boden, Carolyn Alexander, Jennifer Towle,Lyle Reves, Danny Ruegsegger, Martin Huschka, Joan Fry, Joy Schmidt, Brenda Coursen, Joan Harsch, Donna Lira, Dale & Shannon Heise, Phil & Kay Wiederholt, Teresa Duncan, Cecelia Crummey, Larry McCormick, Betty Mitchell, Noah Schmitthenner, Steve Swan, Fred Holthaus, Lisa Holthaus, Sloane Katherine, Ronald Frey, Alex McCormick, Fr. Tom Hesse, Mary Lueske, Becerra family, Jay Moore, Barb Bryson, Barnaba & Romana Karan (Fr. Kip’s parents), Jenna LaFountain & twin sons, Henry & Hunter, Brian Stromgren, George Alexander, Pauline Zimmerman, Jeremy B, David Rangel, Jim Runnebaum, Larry Hulsopple & Paula Paige. Welcome All of You! We are so glad you came to worship with us today. If you are new to St. Patrick and are interested in becoming a registered member, please call the office for information! Sacraments Please call the Church Office during Office Hours for scheduling sacraments of Baptism and Marriage. Couples considering marriage are required to contact the Church Office six months prior to the proposed date of marriage. Consult the parish priest for funeral services. 1st Holy Communion classes are yearly. One prior year of religious education is required. Confirmation is a two year program. Students must attend both years to be Confirmed. The 2016 confirmation class for the 6th & 7th grades has begun. Parish News Knights of Columbus News: October 11 & 12 will be the Knights Annual Tootsie Roll Drive. Please generous to the cause. 15th Annual Fall Sporting Clay Shoot at Locust Point Gun Club will be October 19, 2014 from 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Sloppy Joes, potato chips, ice tea and dessert will be served. Please call 785-828-3406 to set up a team. Scranton Altar Society News: October 12 is the next Scranton Altar Society Meeting. The meetings take place the second Sunday after Mass, and are located in an available classroom. All are welcome. Osage Altar Society News: We will meet on Monday, October 13 at 6:00 PM in St. Brigid Hall. Bring a friend and join us for fun and fellowship. Dee Croucher & Kathy Lincoln is hostess. Food collection weekend is October 25-26. All donations benefit ECAT. Suggested donations include (even one item helps a great deal): pancake mix, syrup, instant mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese, paper towels, cereal, canned fruit, juice, bar soap, dishwashing soap, laundry soap, diapers, spaghetti sauce, tuna, peanut butter, and canned milk. Thanks for your generosity. Youth Leader Needed: We are in need of parishioner who would like to work with the youth of our parish. Anyone who feels called to youth ministry please contact the office. It would be ideal to have several people involved. The Fall picnic committee extends their deepest gratitude to all who participated in the outdoor Mass and picnic. God blessed us with a beautiful Fall day, bountiful food, fellowship and wonderful memories. A special thank you to Fr Kip, Julie, Monica, Stacey, Mary Louise, Nanette, Tom & Lori Mock, John Heise & Sherry Waters, RE teachers, Knights of Columbus, Altar Societies, Music Ministry, Lectors, Acolytes, Ministers, Ushers and the numerous volunteers and donors. Because of you a successful event was enjoyed by all. Betty Smith & Lisa Ginzel Osage City: Religious Education Classes have begun. Class will be held from 9:15-10:45 AM. Parents please pick your children up from their classrooms at 10:45 AM. If you haven’t enrolled your child, please do so we have current contact and sacrament information. The 1st Confirmation class (6th & 7th grade) will be October 12th! All Confirmation students, please meet at the front of the church following Mass. Scranton: Religious Education Classes have begun. Classes meet weekly on Wednesday evening from 6:15-7:30 PM. Please pick up your children in the church basement. If you haven’t enrolled your child, please do so we have current contact and sacrament information. The Confirmation class (6th & 7th) will meet October 19 at 11:15-12:30! RCIA/Adult Formation Program: RCIA and Adult Formation classes have begun. Classes are being held on Thursday evening at 7:00 PM at St. Brigid Hall. If you or anyone you know would be interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact the office to sign up for the classes. Parishioners are invited to attend to continue learning about our Catholic Faith! Kolbe Center Seminar: The Kolbe Center will be giving a seminar on Creation at St. Brigid Hall on Saturday, October 25 6:30 - 8:30 PM . All Knights of Columbus and parents with teenagers are encouraged to attend. Evolution is taught prevalently in the public schools and the kids can learn ways to support the Biblical teaching of Creation. This presentation is different from the May presentation. Pizza and drinks will be served. Please make plans to attend. Thank you! A big thank you to Bill Lincoln for the two prayer tables that he made and donated to be used for the new Catechist of the Good Shepherd Program for the children which will be implemented next Fall. Donations needed: As you can see there is a lot of work being done around the Parish Hall. We are in need of donations of top soil, approximately 5-6 tons, and compost to be used in the raised planter boxes. If you are interested in donating, please contact the church office at 785-528-3424. was the same Pope St. Pius V, who in 1569 officially approved the Rosary in its present form with the Papal Bull, CONSUEVERUNT ROMANI PONTIFECES. It had been completed by the addition of the second half of the "Hail Mary" and the "Glory be to the Father" at the conclusion of each mystery. Current scholarship traces the development of the Rosary to the High Middle Ages where it came into being in various medieval monasteries as a substitute for the Divine Office for the lay monks and devout lay persons who did not know how to read. Instead of the 150 psalms, they would pray 150 "Our Fathers" counting them on a ring of beads known as the crown or "corona". With the growth of popularity of Marian devotion in the twelfth century, the "Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary" developed now substituting 150 "Hail Marys" in place of the "Our Fathers." The 150 "Hail Marys" were subsequently subdivided into 15 decades by the young Dominican friar, Henry Kalkar (1328-1408), with each decade referring to an event in the life of Jesus and Mary. The Dominican, Ananus de Rupe (1428-1478) further divided the episodes in the history of salvation into the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries. He also attributed the origin of the Rosary , then known as the "Psalter of the Blessed Virgin" to St. Dominic and thus spurred the Dominican Order to make the Apostolate of the Rosary their special concern. The Dominicans have, since then, promulgated the Rosary with notable results. The practice of dedicating the entire month of October to the Holy Rosary developed toward the end of the last century. Pope Leo XIII ( papacy: 1878-1903 ) strongly promoted the increase of devotion to the Blessed Mother by encouraging the constant use of the Rosary. Beginning on September 1, 1883, with SUPREMO APOSTOLATUS OFFICIO, he wrote a total of eleven encyclicals on the Rosary , ending with DIUTURNI TEMPORIS in 1898. We are currently celebrating the centennial of these papal encyclicals. Many other popes have contributed to help increase devotion to the Rosary by their writings. In the recent past, Pope Paul VI ( papacy: 1963-1978) devoted the last section of his Apostolic Exhortation MARIALIS CULTUS to the Angelus and the Rosary (MC 40-55). In this document, he wrote that "the Rosary retains an unaltered value and intact freshness." (MC, 41) The Rosary is primarily a scriptural prayer. This can be summarized by the traditional phrase used by Pope Pius XII (papacy: 1939-1958) that the Rosary is " a compendium of the entire Gospel" (AAS 38 [1946] p.419) . The Rosary draws its mysteries from the New Testament and is centered on the great events of the Incarnation and Redemption. Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II has called the Rosary his favorite prayer, in which we meditate with Mary upon the mysteries which she as a mother meditated on in her heart. (Lk. 2:19) (Osservatore Romano, 44; 30 Oct. 1979) In this month of October, let us consider this beautiful prayer of the Rosary as a means that we too can use in order to draw closer to Jesus and Mary by meditating on the great mysteries of our salvation. Daily Mass Readings Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday OCTOBER 13 OCTOBER 14 OCTOBER 15 OCTOBER 16 OCTOBER 17 OCTOBER 18 OCTOBER 19 Weekday Weekday Saint Teresa of Jesus, Weekday Saint Ignatius of Antioch Saint Luke 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Gal 4:22–24, 26–27, 31—5:1 Lk 11:29–32 Gal 5:1–6 Gal 5:18–25 Eph 1:1–10 Eph 1:11–14 2 Tm 4:10–17b Lk 11:37–41 Lk 11:42–46 Lk 11:47–54 Lk 12:1–7 Lk 10:1–9 Is 45:1, 4–6 1 Thes 1:1–5b Mt 22:15–21
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