HOLY ROSARY CHURCH CLEVELAND, OHIO Upcoming Parish Events: Monday, July 7, 2014 7:00 p.m. Leo & Helen Lenzo (Family) Tuesday, July 8, 2014 12:15 p.m. Dr. Matthew Vitullo (Carmeline & Rose) Wednesday, July 9, 2014 12:15 p.m. Jay DiRenzo (Jay DiRenzo) Friday, July 18: Monte Carlo Night at Holy Rosary from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (church hall) Thursday, August 14th through Sunday, August 17th: Feast of the Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary, at Holy Rosary Church in Little Italy. Please Note: The Mass Intentions for 2014 are now filled. Mass Intentions for 2015 will be available beginning in September. Thursday, July 10, 2014 7:00 a.m. Helen & Theresa Stilp (Tammy & Family) Friday, July 11, 2014 12:15 p.m. Anthony J. Bastulli (Daughter, Laura Parran) Saturday, July 12, 2014 2:00 p.m. Wedding: Danielle Alberico & Christopher Randolph 5:00 p.m. Christoforo & Fatica Families (Bibiana Fatica) Sunday, July 13, 2014 8:30 a.m. Pat DiNunzo (Family) 11:00 a.m. Donald & Barbara Paduano, Anniversary (Barbara Paduano) 8:00 p.m. Living and Deceased of Holy Rosary Daily Readings, Feast Days & Observances: Monday, July 7: Hosea 2:16, 17c-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday, July 8: Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-4, 5-6, 7ab-8, 9-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday, July 9: Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday, July 10: Hosea 11:1-4, 8e-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Friday, July 11: Saint Benedict Hosea 14:2-10, Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-13; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday, July 12: Isaiah 6:1-8, Ps 93:1ab, 1cd, 2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday, July 13: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 55:10-11; Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14; Romans 8:16-23; Mt 13:1-23, or 13:1-9 III Danielle Alberico II Kelly Lavelle I Rachel White Christopher Randolph Kyle Whitaker Kurt Gilbert Rev. James J. Berardi Ellen Pullella Donald Croucher Holy Rosary Capital Campaign Update Continuing the Tradition PARISH GOAL: $1,300,000.00 PLEDGED TO DATE: $1,081,065.14 PAYMENTS MADE TO DATE: $ 559,503.23 We are very grateful for the sacrificial pledges and payments made by parish families and friends who believe in Continuing the Tradition that is Holy Rosary. If interested in pledging, please call 216-421-2995. Thank you for your generosity and prayers. The future starts today, not tomorrow – St. John Paul II With Gratitude & Appreciation Weekly Budget: June 29: Faith Direct, June: $6,500.00 $4,574.00 $5,437.00 Thank you for your generosity! For information about electronic giving through Faith Direct, visit faithdirect.net. The Parish Code for Holy Rosary is OH473. You may also contact the Parish Office for an enrollment form at (216) 421-2996. LITURGICAL MINISTERS for July 12-13 Lectors: 5:00 p.m. Marie Frank 8:30 a.m. Marie Armenti 11:00 a.m. Michael Ialacci 8:00 p.m. Edward Occhionero Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 5:00 p.m. Jim Bindas, Anne DeMarco, Linda LoDuca 8:30 a.m. Jonathan Vasko, Mary Lynne McCarthy 11:00 a.m. Gail Francioli, Anna Battista 8:00 p.m. Steve Bacik, Rose Spena, Emily Bulgrin Altar Servers: 5:00 p.m. E. Martin, C. Martin 8:30 a.m. P. Gaughan, A. Armenti 11:00 a.m. P. Fleming, G. Seddon, K. Seddon 8:00 p.m. Steve Bacik, Rose Spena FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dear Parishioners of Holy Rosary, Dear Parishioners of Holy Rosary, Dear Parishioners When the foundersofofHoly the Rosary, United States of America When the founders of the United States of America declared declared liberty from the throne in Great Britain years declared When the founders of the United States of238 America liberty from the throne in Great Britain 238for years ago, they were ago, they were prepared to lay down their lives the liberty from the throne in Great Britain 238 yearsgood ago, they were prepared to lay down their lives for the good of their families of theirprepared familiestoand in thefor colonies at of thetheir time.familiesand laythose downliving their lives the good and living inthe theFourth colonies at of theJuly, time.I take Eachsome year around Each those year around Day time the those living in the colonies at the time. Each year around the Fourth Day of July, take some time tothat admire and ponder the to admire and ponder the Inature of freedom inspired the Fourth Day of July, I take some time to admire and ponder the early nature leadersofoffreedom this nation. that inspired the early leaders of this nation. nature of freedom that inspired the early leaders of this nation. A classical understanding of liberty is that one takes that takes A classical understanding of liberty is one into into A classical understanding of liberty is one that takes into account a person’s to choose even choose is good. account a person’s abilityability to even what iswhat good. To be To be account a person’s ability to even choose what is good. To be free means be back held back by selfish desires, truly truly free means to nottobenot held by selfish desires, sinfulsinful truly free means to not bewould held back by selfish desires, ways,ways, bad habits and vices that otherwise prevent you sinful bad habits and vices that would otherwise prevent you ways, bad habits and vices that would otherwise prevent you from from doingdoing God’sGod’s will and what is best for all His children. will and what is best for all His children. fromofdoing God’s will and what is best for all His children. Each Each one usofareus held back in one way or another by past one are held back in one way or another by past Each one ofagainst us are held back in one way orabout another by past actions by others us, misunderstandings God, actions by others against us, misunderstandings about God, and and theactions times by thatothers we have chosen to serve ourselves about rather God, and against us, misunderstandings the times that we have chosen to serve ourselves rather than to than tothe serve God. times that we have chosen to serve ourselves rather than to serve God. serve God. We We know that, left being truly trulyfree freeis is know that, lefttotoourselves, ourselves, being an imposan impossible task.that, Ourleft loving and merciful We know to ourselves, beingGod trulyhas freenot, is an impossible task. Our loving and merciful God has not, however, left us however, us without a way of our God mess.has Asnot, St. however, Paul sibleleft task. Our loving andout merciful left us without a way out of our mess. As St. Paul implores us today, by implores us today, by our Baptism we have been given lifeus today, by without a way out of our mess. As St. Paul implores Baptism we have beenthe given in the Spirit, which we in theour Spirit, in which have helplife necessary to be in truly our Baptism we we have been given life in the Spirit, in which we have the help necessary to beways, truly free, bythan living to free, by living to God’s the according ways have theaccording help necessary to be trulyrather free, by living according to of theGod’s world.ways, rather than the ways of the world. God’s ways, rather than the ways of the world. sometimes we still scoff at Jesus’ notion an “easy Yet Yet sometimes we still at Jesus’ notion of anofof “easy Yet sometimes wescoff still scoff at Jesus’ notion an “easy yoke, and a light burden.” I remember having this attitude when yoke, yoke, and a and lighta light burden.” I remember having this attitude burden.” I remember having this attitude when apparent that thatGod Godwanted wantedme metotoconsider consider the whenititbecame became more more apparent it became more apparent that God wanted me to consider the priesthood.I had I had myown ownplans, plans,and andwas waslaboring laboringunder under the the priesthood. my priesthood. I had my own plans, and was laboring under the the burden ofof trying to accomplish mymy ownown will,will, before God’s. burden trying to accomplish before God’s. burden ofpraying trying tofor accomplish myme ownthewill, before God’s. WhenWhen I started God to give desire to I started praying for God to give me the desiredo to do His When came I started praying for God to giveonme desire to do His His will, placed hishis yoke mythe shoulders will,He He cametotome meand and placed yoke on my shoulders and will, He came to me and placed his yoke on my Ishoulders and and has path ofof priestly formation. have hasguided guidedme medown downthe the path priestly formation. I have expehas guided me down the path priestlyNot formation. I have expeexperienced the easy yoke and lightof burden. without its rienced the easy yoke and light burden. Not without its share of share of struggles at times, joylight andburden. freedomNot that without comes inits share of rienced the easy yokethe and struggles at times, the joy and freedom that comes in knowing knowing that I ultimately seek God’s will prior to my struggles at times, the joy and freedom that comesown, in knowing thatmore I ultimately seek God’s prior to my my own, is worth more is worth than anything I canwill accomplish own. that I ultimately seek God’s will prior toon my own, is worth more than anything I can accomplish on my own. than anything I can accomplish on my own. No matter what your state in life, consider making this a No matter what your state in life, consider making this a daily daily prayer: “Lord, giveyour mestate the grace know your willthis a daily No matter what in life,toconsider making prayer: “Lord, give me the grace to know your will for my life, and the desire to carry it out.” prayer: “Lord, give me the grace to know your will for my life, and the desire to carry it out.” Peace, for my life, and the desire to carry it out.” Peace, Andrew Hoover Peace, Hoover Andrew Seminarian, St.Hoover Mary’s Seminary Andrew Seminarian, St. Mary’s Seminary Seminarian, St. Mary’s Seminary JULY 6, 2014 JULY 6, 2014 JULY 6, 2014 Newman Catholic Campus Ministry Sharon Bramante, Campus MinisterMinistry Newman Catholic Campus Newman Campus Ministry Email:Catholic sharon.bramante@case.edu Sharon Bramante, Campus Minister Phone: (216) 421-9614, ext.Minister 302 Sharon Bramante, Campus Email: sharon.bramante@case.edu Office:Interfaith Center Email: sharon.bramante@case.edu Phone: (216) 421-9614 x302 11205 Euclid Avenue Phone: Inter (216) 421-9614 x302 Office: Faith Center Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Office:11205 Inter Faith Center Euclid Avenue Website: 11205 www.cwrunewman.org Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Website: www.cwrunewman.org Website: www.cwrunewman.org ***This Week At Newman*** ***This Week At Newman*** Monday, 5:45 p.m. LabreWeek Homeless continues to ***This AtOutreach Newman*** bring and Labre friendship to thoseOutreach living outside. Most Mon.food 5:45pm Homeless continues to Mon. 5:45pm Labre Homeless Outreach continues to summer Mondays we will meettoatthose Sigma Psi,outside. but please bring food and friendship living Most bring food and friendship to those living outside. Most emailsummer Catherine at crs132@case.edu to be Psi, sure.but please Mon. we will meet at Sigma summer Mon. will meet at Bible SigmaStudy Psi, please Catherine at crs132@case.edu to bebut sure. Tuesday,email 5:45-7:00 p.m.we Lectio Divina email Catherine at crs132@case.edu to be sure. All are welcome! contactDivina Abby Walker amw138@ Tues. 5:45-7:00Please pm Lectio BibleatStudy Tues. Lectio Divina Bible Study case.edu andwelcome! Peter pm Liao at pll21@case.edu for updates All 5:45-7:00 are Please contact Abby Walker at All welcome! Please contact Abby Walker and Peter Liao atJuly pll21@case.edu aboutamw138@case.edu timeare and venue changes. This week, 7, lookatfor amw138@case.edu and at pll21@case.edu updates aboutthe time andPeter venueLiao changes. This week, us in for Guilford House, yellow house behind Thwing and for updates about time and venue changes. This house week, July 7, look for us in Guilford House, the yellow Mather. July 7, look for us in Guilford House, the yellow house behind anda.m. Mather. Saturday, July Thwing 12, 10:00 to 1:00 p.m. – Diocese of behind Thwing and Mather. Saturday,Justice July 12, 10:00am to 1:00pm – Diocese of Cleveland Walk Saturday, JulyJustice 12, 10:00am to 1:00pm – Diocese of Walkto join Don’tCleveland miss this opportunity Bishop Lennon and Cleveland Justice Walk missCatholics this opportunity Bishop Lennon otherDon’t concerned for prayerto at join St. John’s Cathedral Don’t thiswalk opportunity to join Bishop and other concerned Catholics prayer at stops St.Lennon John’s followed by amiss justice to Public for Square with for and otherfollowed concerned Catholics for prayer at St.Square John’s Cathedral a justice walk to Public reflection, testimony, andby prayer. Meet at the Inter Faith Cathedral followed by a justice walk PublicMeet Square with reflection, & to prayer. Center atstops 9:15 for a.m. to take testimony, the Healthline downtown at with stops for reflection, testimony, & prayer. Meet at the Inter Faith Center at 9:15 a.m. to take the together. the Inter Faith Center at 9:15 a.m. to take the Healthline downtown together. Healthline downtown together. ***Upcoming Events*** ***Upcoming Events*** ***Upcoming Events*** Saturday, July19 19 E. – E.Cleveland Cleveland Community from 4:00Sat. July CommunityMeal Meal from 4:00Sat.p.m. July 19 E. Cleveland Community Meal from 6:30 at Our Family Home Center in E. Cleveland. Help4:006:30pm at Our Family Home Center in E. Cleveserve a6:30pm Neighborhood sponsored meal Our Connections Family Home Center in E.while Cleveland. Helpatserve a Neighborhood Connections takingland. time to eat and getatoNeighborhood know our neighbors. Contact Help serve Connections sponsored meal while taking time to eat and get to Sharonsponsored at sxb671@case.edu more info. meal whilefortaking time to eat and get to know our neighbors. Contact Sharon at know our neighbors. Contact Sharon at sxb671@case.edu for more info. sxb671@case.edu for more info. Check out our new website: Check out our new website: www.cwrunewman.org Check out our new website: www.cwrunewman.org www.cwrunewman.org Rite Christian Initiation of Adults Riteofof Christian Initiation of Adults Riteofofchange; of Our lives sometimes go through seasons seasons of change, ofChristian closeness toInitiation God and distance from him. Yethim. God the Our lives sometimes go through of closeness to God andAdults distance from YetFather’s God the love is Our lives sometimes go through seasons of change; of closeness to God and distance from him. YetorGod the steadfast and ever-present to those&who seek withtoa sincere heart, nowith matter what sins or situations have caused separation. If Father’s love is steadfast ever-present those who seek a sincere heart, no matter what sins situations Father’s love is steadfast & ever-present to those who seek with a sincere heart, no matter what sins or situations you have thought about becoming beginning new “season” in your life, pleasea contact Father in Joseph have caused separation. If Catholic you haveand thought aboutabecoming Catholic & beginning new “season” your Previte life, have caused If you haveorthought about becoming Catholic & beginning a new “season” in your life, or Anneplease DeMarco, at separation. 216-421-2995. contact Father Joseph Previte Anne DeMarco, at 216-421-2995. please contact Father Joseph Previte or Anne DeMarco, at 216-421-2995. Summer Choir at Holy Rosary Summer Choir at Holy Rosary at Holy Rosary Summer choir has begun. If you are anSummer experienced singer who can sight read please music,consider please consider joining Summer choir has begun. If you are an experienced singerChoir who can sight read music, joining us! It is us! a “one Summer choir has at begun. If commitment. you are an experienced singer who can sight readfor music, pleasea.m. consider joining us! It is a “one Sunday a time” Rehearsals start promptly at 10:15 the 11:00 Mass. Please Sunday at a time” commitment. Rehearsals start promptly at 10:15 for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Please see our Music Director, It is a “one Sunday at a time” commitment. Rehearsals start promptly at 10:15 for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Please see our Music Ülle Laido, if you interested. New singers and present choir members are welcome. Ülle Laido, if you areDirector, interested. New singers andare present choir members are welcome. see our Music Director, Ülle Laido, if you are interested. New singers and present choir members are welcome. HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 2014 Feast of the Assumption VOLUNTEERS are Needed! Thursday, August 14 to Sunday, August 17 Please mark your calendars for our annual parish fund-raiser! This is a parish event & many volunteers will be needed to work the four days that the parish stands will be open. Please use the blue volunteer sign-up sheet available at the church entrances. For questions about volunteering, please call 216-421-2995, ext. 18 or email tmoore@holy-rosary.org. We ask all parishioners and friends to kindly begin praying for a prayerful, safe and successful Feast and for the blessing of good weather! RAFFLE TICKETS ARE HERE! We invite parishioners to stop down in the hall after Mass to pick up their raffle ticket envelope – and please deliver envelopes to relatives, neighbors and friends too. ————————————————————— VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO SELL RAFFLE TICKETS IN THE PIAZZA on SUMMER WEEKENDS Volunteers are needed to sell raffle tickets on weekend evenings in the piazza. Please call Ann Krapf at 216-382-8086 if you are able to assist. Thank you! Monte Carlo Night at Holy Rosary! We invite you to an evening of free “gambling” fun! Please join us for this FREE event on Friday, July 18th from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the church hall We are looking for volunteers to serve as dealers for the Feast and players looking for a fun night out! Gather a group of family and friends for a night of blackjack. Holy Rosary will again operate a casino during the four nights of the Feast with volunteers as dealers and casino workers. As training and practice for our volunteers, we invite you to please join us for this FREE event on Friday, July 18th from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the church hall. Our Monte Carlo evening features free “gambling” fun and refreshments in our air-conditioned hall. All are welcome! We are in need of many VOLUNTEERS to work in the casino – please call (216) 421-2995, ext. 18, or send email to tmoore@holy-rosary.org. CLEVELAND, OHIO Culture of Life at Holy Rosary Parish The Gospel of Life... “It is this deep love for every man and woman which has given rise down the centuries to an outstanding history of charity, a history which has brought into being in the Church and society many forms of service to life which evoke admiration from all unbiased observers. Every Christian community, with a renewed sense of responsibility, must continue to write this history through various kinds of pastoral and social activity. To this end, appropriate and effective programs of support for new life must be implemented, with special closeness to mothers who, even without the help of the father, are not afraid to bring their child into the world and to raise it... Newborn life is also served by centers of assistance and homes or centers where new life receives a welcome. Thanks to the work of such centers, many unmarried mothers and couples in difficulty discover new hope and find assistance and support in overcoming hardship and the fear of accepting a newly conceived life or life which has just come into the world.” Evangelium Vitae ...in the World. We just finished collecting contributions, in baby bottles, for Womankind. Your help is more important than we can express & we thank you deeply. But please remember to spread the word – even to a family you may not know very well – that Womankind is there as a source of free help for women & families facing what seems to be an untimely pregnancy. Womankind is nondenominational, nonjudgmental, & simply seeks to offer whatever help is needed: most importantly, they maintain a free clinic for pre-natal care through the 28th week of pregnancy. Please visit their website: www.womankindcleveland.com and jot down their phone number. You never know when YOU might be the one to offer comfort to a pregnant woman who thinks she is alone and without help. La Notte Bianca – The White Night in Little Italy Saturday, July 19th will be La Notte Bianca in Little Italy – an all-day Summer Art & Culinary Festival. Come to see the white lights and enjoy the art, food, and desserts that make Little Italy such a wonderful place for shopping and dining. The Lake County Captains Seventh Annual Catholic Mass, Baseball Game & Fireworks! Sunday, July 13th from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Mass will be celebrated by Father Bob Stec and led by members of The FEST! Participants will be able to get Captains Autographs following the Mass and children ages 4-12 will be able to Run the Bases after the game, followed by a Post-Game Firework Extravaganza and Post-Game Testimony. Tickets may be purchased for the Captains Game for $9.00 at the Box Office from 3:30-4:45 p.m. for those attending both the Mass and the Captains Game. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 6, 2014 14th Annual Catholic Family FESTival Save the Date: Sunday, August 3, on the grounds of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The Fest includes great Christian artists including: Third Day, Colton Dixon, Mandisa, and for King & County. The FEST has activities and displays for the entire family. This is a FREE event and open to all. The day concludes with an outdoor Mass. For more information, visit www.theFEST.us. Holy Redeemer Parish – 90th Anniversary Past and present parishioners of Holy Redeemer will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the parish on Saturday, July 26th from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at the Patrician Party Center, Eastlake. $40.00 per person includes appetizers, family style dinner, dessert, beer and wine. For info and tickets, call Joe DiBartolomeo at 216-978-9457 or Angela Manno Melite at 216-382-1186 or angnmick@gmail.com. Stitch Ministry – Blankets for Birthright Help to swaddle a baby through donating a blanket to Birthright. Since 2012 you have provided 120 blankets to help mothers in need. A selection of knit and crochet patterns, instructions for making a tied fleece-blanket, and links to free pattern web sites can be made available. Contact Patricia Cornacchione at 216-791-7166 or cornacchione@sbcglobal.net for details, or if you want to gather for stitching & fellowship twice each month. If you have a blanket ready to give now, you can drop it off in the Church Hall in the Stitch Ministry box. Saint Ann Triduum Saint Paschal Baylon Church in Highland Heights invites you for Mass and Novena devotions at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 24 (Blessing of Babies & Children) and Friday, July 25 (Anointing of the Sick and Elderly). On Saturday, July 26, Mass will begin at 4:30 p.m. and will be followed by a candlelight procession. St. Ann Shrine, 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights, OH 44143. For info, visit www.st-ann-shrine.org or call (440) 449-2700. PRAYER INTENTIONS: Please pray for the following members of the Holy Rosary community & for their caregivers: Karen Algiro Jim Anderson Michael Antonacci Danny Antonacci Judy Barnhart Karina Bellassai Susan Bartelett Betty Bierut Gabriella Bogardy Susan Borgmann Lisa Boyd Mary Ann Brandt Britt Michael K. Buckholtz Mary Ellen Buell Joanne Burns Stacey Burnette William Carson Family Ebe Chamberlin Jose Christofano Marie Cilenti Margaret Cipullo Patricia Cornacchione Jackie Crabi Thomas W. Cullinan Michael P. Curran Mary D’Angelo Dawn Darcangelo Anthony Dottore Sister Rose Falorio, SND Sadie Falorio Alison Feighan John Feighan Maureen Gannon Anthony Gatto Jackie Gallagher Virginia Gobidas Nick Grasso Marilyn Hanlon Terri Hannaford Michalina Hocevar Frank Horvath Josie Falorio Kolus Rose LaMattina Salvatore C. Lamont Leonard Lauricella Lida Norma Mandato Ron Mandato Robert Manion Jim Martin Denise Martinez Terri McGee Tim McKeon George Mertel Joseph Monaco Gus Nahra Nancy Olah Mark Peck Danielle Pelesec Emily Pinzone Shane Prichard Ray Holly Renick Susan Royer Anna Ruolo Bob S. John Sabetta Joann Sack Zeta May Sikole Charles Skripko Angela Stambaugh Patricia Stier-Janes John Swicki Karyn Thomas John Tizzano Jeff Vandermeulen Cordelia Willets Donald Worthington Lynn Worthington Please call 216-421-2995 to be added to or removed from the prayer list. Cleveland Charismatic Conference The 32nd annual Cleveland Charismatic Conference sponsored by Catholic Renewal Ministries will be held on July 18 and 19 at Magnificat High School in Rocky River. Guest speakers will be Patti Mansfield and Deacon Ralph Poyo and local speaker Michele TePas Harrison. The theme is “Gifted to Serve.” Contact Sue or Joe Palmieri at 440-774-1191 for registration information or visit www.crmweb. org. Advance registration is $30.00 (register by July 9), or $35.00 at the door. The Conference opens at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, July 18. Bulletin & Calendar Submissions: Please send items for the bulletin to tmoore@holy-rosary.org before Monday evenings at 5:00 p.m. for the following Sunday’s bulletin, or call Tammy at 216-421-2995. Pray for our men & women in the military, law enforcement & firefighters • Third District Cleveland Police • Battalion I Cleveland Firefighters • City of Bedford Safety Forces • Firefighter Nicholas Angie, Kirtland • First Lieut. Timothy Berger, Marines • Sgt. Dan Clementi, Shaker Hts. Police Dept. • Rct. Frank DiPenti, Marines • Lt. Guy Estergall, Cleveland Fire Dept. • Patrol Officer Christopher Frato, Jr., Shaker Heights • Firefighter Joseph Frato, Akron • Cpl. Aaron Gobidas, Marines • William Madan, Firefighter • Nicholas Mandato, Air Force • E-5 Miles McGreehan, U.S. Army • Sgt. Sean Moriarty, Army • Sgt. Kevin Owens, Beachwood Police Dept. • Joseph Della Rosa, U.S. Coast Guard • Captain Jonathan Royer, Marines • Firefighter Michael Scabbo, Bedford • Matthew Scalisi, Cleveland Clinic Police Dept. • Deputy Rex Smith, Minnehaha County, SD • Mark Stack, Marine Reserves & Lorain Firefighter • Patrol Officer Matthew Sustarsic
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