Holy Rosary Cathedral T E S

Holy Rosary Cathedral
Twenty -Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB
RECTOR: Very Rev. Stanley Galvon
ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto • Rev. Mark Schwab • Rev. Pablo Santa Maria
IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin
646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: hrc@shaw.ca / Web: www.holyrosarycathedral.org
Cathedral Parish Office
Office Email
Office Address
646 Richards Street,
Vancouver BC V6B 3A3
Sunday Masses
5:10 pm anticipated Mass
8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am,
12:30pm, 5:00pm,
6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00pm
Weekday Masses
Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am,
12:10pm, 5:10pm
7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm
Fr. Stanley Galvon
Parish Secretary
Angela Burghard
604-682-6774, ext. 5
Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe
604-682-6774, ext. 6
Monday to Friday
7:45am, 11:45am,
Saturday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:00 to 5:00pm
Sunday Vespers
-First Reading - Isaiah 25.6-10:
The Lord will make a feast of rich food,
and wipe away the tears from all faces.
-Responsorial Psalm 23:
R. I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.
-Second Reading - Philippians 4.12-20:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Morning Prayer
Mon to Sat 8:30am
-Gospel - Matthew 22.1-14:
Invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.
Monday to Saturday
11:40am, 4:40pm
Chaplet of the Divine M ercy
Fridays 3:00pm
Prayers to God the Father
Tuesdays at 4:00pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every First Friday
12:45pm to 5:00pm
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Monday October 13 # Thanksgiving Day
Gal 4.22-5.1 / Lk 11.29-32
Tuesday October 14 # Weekday
Gal 5.1-6 / Lk 11.37-41
Wednesday October 15 #
St. Teresa of Jesus
Gal 5.18-25 / Lk 11.42-46
Thursday October 16 # Weekday
Eph 1.1-10 / Lk 11.47-54
Friday October 17 # St. Ignatius of Antioch
Eph 1.11-14 / Lk 12.1-7
Saturday October 18 # St. Luke
2 Tm 4.10-17 / Lk 10.1-9
Sunday October 19 #
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 45.1-6 / 1 Thes 1.1-5 / Mt 22.15-21
OCTOBER 12, 2014
As you know, we celebrate Thanksgiving day in Canada on
Monday, October 13. There is much work to do to get everything
ready for family meals and visiting friends on this holiday. This
often includes buying a turkey, checking out a new recipe for pies,
and finding out who’s allergic to what. This work can be tiring
but it is rewarding knowing that the care involved will please
many people.
Hopefully there’ll be time for each of us around the Thanksgiving
celebrations to appreciate the importance of being thankful. On
one level, it is important to thank people who care for us, assist us
and support us. Speaking words of gratitude to each other and
showing it by our actions deepens and strengthens our
On the spiritual level, being grateful and thankful to God is very
important. Psalm 92.1 says “it is good to give thanks to the Lord,
always and for everything.” St. Vincent Depaul often said” the
grateful heart doesn’t want for anything because you cannot be
both grateful and unhappy at the same time.”
On this Thanksgiving weekend, let us rightly give thanks to God
for the blessings He gives us: family, material goods, our Catholic
faith and parish, health, our citizenship, the forgiveness of sins
and other graces from God. The Eucharist is the greatest prayer
of thanksgiving – we give thanks to the Lord for all He has done
for us especially His saving death and resurrection. May we never
stop giving thanks to God and may we resolve to be even more
committed to sharing our blessings with others as good stewards.
Fr. Galvon
after all morning Masses, prepared and served by our
Cathedral Council Knights of Columbus. Come join us,
meet and visit with fellow parishioners, and visitors, to the
NEXT SUNDAY, please join us for our regular Sunday
Social after the 11am Mass, and enjoy a travel presentation
to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico at the same time.
-M onday Night Faith Review at Holy Rosary Hall, 7 - 9pm ,
continues with the “Catholic Faith Explained” series. Open to all,
hosted by the Holy Rosary Catholic W om en’s League.
-Devotional Prayers to God the Father:
Tues. 4:00pm
-Chaplet of the Divine M ercy: Friday at 3:00 pm .
Father, all of Creation
rightly owes you thanks and praise.
Your justice, love and mercy abound.
We thank you this day for all that you have
given us:
For the Passion and Death of your Divine Son,
we thank you Father, through the Cross,
He redeemed the world.
For the Church, we thank you Father,
it is our beacon for salvation.
For the martyrs and saints who give testimony to
your Son, we thank you Father,
their witness to your Son is our inheritance.
For our loved ones and friends who have died
and gone before us, we thank you Father,
their love abides with us forever.
For loving spouses, we thank you Father,
together we seek you.
For the gift of children, we thank you Father,
they are your precious gifts to us and to the world.
For the gift of our families, loved ones and good
friends, we thank you Father,
Through them we see the reflection of your Son.
For the bounty we are about to eat,
we thank you through Christ Our Lord.
-W eekly Programs for Adults 50+ at Rosary Hall:
•Bible Sharing every Tuesday, 10:00 to 11:30am .
• NEW! Seniors Gentle Chair Yoga starts Oct 16
50+ and Seniors, we are offering “Gentle Chair Yoga”,
a free new program to help you stay healthy. Linda
Qin, an experienced Yoga instructor, will guide you
through stretching and breathing poses from a seated
position to help you im prove balance, reduce stress
and generally feel good. Classes are Thursdays 1011:30am in Rosary Hall starting Oct 16. Please
contact Shirley 604-8798295 for m ore info.
The Cathedral Gift Shop is looking for volunteers
to help with the staffing on w eekdays before and after
the 12:10 and 5:10pm Masses. Please call Angela at
604-682-6774, ext. 5.
-Karol W ojtyla Club, the Cathedral’s young adult group, provides
a welcom ing com m unity in which to cultivate our faith through
prayer, education, charity, and fellowship in Christ.
W e m eet Sundays at 1:45pm at Holy Rosary Hall.
Greeters are needed at the Door is Open,
welcom ing patrons as they enter the drop in centre.
Please contact Sr. Chita Angela Torres, 604-6690498 or em ail ctorres@ rcav.org
Organized by the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith, W orld Mission
Sunday is an im portant day in the life of the
Church because it rem inds Catholics
worldwide about the im portance of giving:
“… as an offering m ade to God, in the
Eucharistic celebration” and for the
m issionary activity of the Church (see
Redem ptoris Missio 81). W e are rem inded,
as stewards and disciples, that it is the Lord
through His universal Church, who we are
called to serve - with the sam e love that He
gives to each of us.
W e have three workshops com ing up in October and
Novem ber. All workshops are for current and new
m em bers. All m em bers are encouraged to attend.
Application form s are available in the vestibule. W orkshops
will be held in the church. Enter by the side door near the
LECTOR’S W ORKSHOP – 7:00 - 8:30pm Tues Oct 14
If you are a regular at Holy Rosary and have a love for
Scripture, please consider this m inistry. Contact David
Cuan davidacuan@ gm ail.com if you have any questions.
Eucharist M inistry W orkshop – 7:00-8:30pm Tues Oct 21
If you are a registered parishioner at Holy Rosary and have
a sincere devotion to the Eucharist, this m ay be the
m inistry for you. Drop off com pleted form s to Bertilla at the
parish office. Contact Shirley at 604-8798295 for m ore info.
-Free Luncheon for Seniors: A free hot catered sit-down
lunch will be served 12 noon on the 3 rd W ednesday of each
m onth. The next luncheon with live m usic will be on W ed.
Oct. 15 at St. Andrews-W esley Church Salon, 1018
Nelson, wheelchair access via 1022 Nelson.
Ushers & Greeters W orkshop– 7:00-8:30pm Tue Nov 4
W e are looking for m ore ushers and greeters at all
Masses. If you are com fortable with greeting and
welcom ing, find out m ore about these two m inistries.
Application form s available in the vestibule. Contact Gilda:
Em ail gilda9488@ gm ail.com for m ore info.
-Bereavement Support
A faith-based, confidential and supportive Bereavem ent
Recovery Support Group begins Monday, October 20, from
6:30 - 8:30pm and m eets for six weeks at St. Patrick’s
parish, Vancouver. Register at www.rccav.org/events or
call 604-443-3220. Register early, space is lim ited.
University M ass for University & college students, faculty
and staff, on Saturday, O ct. 18, 7:30pm at Holy Rosary
Cathedral. Confessions at 6:30pm , reception to following
the Mass. More details at www.rcav.org/universitym ass
Catholicism’s Best Kept Secret: The 21 Eastern
Catholic Churches - W ed, Oct. 22, 6:30–8:30pm
"The Church must breathe with her two lungs" – Pope St.
John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint, no. 54: A presentation on the
W onders, rich liturgical and spiritual heritage of the Eastern
Catholic Churches which m ake up the 22-Church Catholic
Com m union – the “fullness” of Catholicism , presented by
Fr. Richard Soo, SJ, Jesuit priest of the Byzantine Catholic
Church, at Rosem ary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. $25
($30 incl light dinner at 5:30pm ). Pre-Registration required,
visit www.rosem aryheights.com or call 604-576-8802.
- Tuesday,
October 28, 2014 -Third Annual Archbishop’s Dinner Join Archbishop M iller at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
for this annual event.
Proceeds from this year’s dinner will support the
Refugee Sponsor-ship Program, Migrant
Workers Ministry and Prison Ministry
of the Vancouver Archdiocese.
Tickets $150, a tax receipt is given for a portion of the
cost. To order your ticket please contact the Parish
office, or order on-line at www.rcav.org/dinner2014
There are certain Bible verses Christian stewards have
m em orized. One of them is in Saint Paul’s letter to the
Philippians found in today’s second reading— “I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens m e” (4:13). Most
people define them selves either by their problem s or their
possibilities. Fearful people wake up each m orning
ensnared by their problem s. Christian stewards wake up
reflecting on their possibilities with confidence and hope.
Som e stewardship reflection questions for the week: W hat
challenges do you back away from because you doubt that
you are up to them ? W hat would you attem pt tom orrow if
you were sure God would help you?
-Please remember in your prayers: Verna J. W est,
Harvey W illiams, Rodney, Candice, Denise Garcia, Tyrell
& Samantha W illiiams, Donna Hosack, Flor Bracamonte,
Cora Morales, Emma Glua, Rose Vergara, Jocelyn Quino,
Trevor W ong and all parishioners who are sick or
recuperating from illness or surgery.
Coming soon: How to Pray for Your Sons & Daughters
Talks by Vernon Robertson, Sat. Nov. 1, 9:30am to 4:30pm
at Sacred Heart Church, Ladner. Mass following. To
register contact Erin at 604-946-2618.
O C T O B ER 12, 2014
¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santos Rosario!
_ CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico
Buttner. Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm . Sábado
- 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm . ¡Pregunta por él!
_ ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Dom ingos 6:05 pm
_ EXPOSICIO N DEL SANTISIM O Prim er sábado de
cada m es, 6:30pm . ¡Jesús resucitado te espera!
_ Participa com o voluntario de la tienda de artículos
religiosos de la Catedral.
_Escríbenos a nuestro email: comunidadhispanahrc@gmail.com
Directorio de Coordinatores:
# Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner
# Coro: Adrian Calabuche
# Lectores: Alex Frias
# Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCorm ick
# Eventos: Vanessa Tapia
# M inistros Ext. de Comunión: Ricardo de la Garza
# Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna Gpe. Diaz
Conviden al banquete de bodas a todos lo que encuentren
Estam os en presencia de dos parábolas ligadas ente sí: la
prim era es la de los invitados a la com ida de la fiesta de bodas;
la segunda inicia con el sim bolism o del " vestido " para
agregarse a la precedente com o epílogo. el tem a fundam ental
de la prim era narración es sim ple: frente a la salvación ofrecida
por Cristo las reacciones son antitéticas, es decir, de rechazo y
de acogida. Pero sucede un cam bio inesperado de la parábola:
el banquete, una vez preparado, no puede perderse. Los planes
de Dios se cum plen, nunca se suspenden. Pero, continúa
Mateo, en la segunda parte de la parábola, aun entre los
invitados puede encontrarse un falso discípulo que solam ente
Jesús puede desenm ascarar.
La Palabra en tu vida
Hem os sido invitados al banquete de las bodas del Cordero.
Ése es el significado de la Eucaristía dom inical.
Cada vez son m enos los que participan en la Eucaristía
dom inical, pero son m enos aún los que se acercan a com ulgar.
Señor Jesús, ayúdanos a despertar en nosotros el deseo de
recibirte en la Eucaristía.
Cathedral Organist & Music Director
Denis Bedard 604-322-5995
Assistant Organist/Music Adm inistrator
Catherine W alsh 604-222-8072
Holy Rosary Cathedral 2014-2015 Concert
Series presents
Bach, Bédard and Boëllmann
Cathedral Organist and Music Director
Denis Bédard in Concert
Friday October 24, 2014, 8 pm - Tickets:
Performance visible on a giant screen.
Info: 604-682-6774,
Facebook: Holy Rosary Cathedral Concert
SPREAD THE GOOD NEW S! Discover St. Catherine of
Siena's inspiration for lay Catholics to preach the
gospel! Sat. Oct. 18, 9:30am - 4:00pm at St. M ary's
church Vancouver. See a dram a of St. Catherine's life
in the m orning, presentations by Sr. Gabriella Yi OP and
Mark Norbury OP on St. Catherine afternoon. Tickets
$25 (full day) or $15 (half day). Bring your lunch; hot
drinks provided. For info & tickets call Adele 604-3241908 or see www.dom inicanlaity.ca/events
-RCAV’s Catholic After Hours Fall Social M ixers
at the Art Gallery Café downtown, with Fr. Jam es
Hughes, Mondays, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10 & 17. Dinner &
Social 6:30, Speaker 7:30. rcav.org/catholic-after-hours
M usic Programme for the 11:00 am M ass
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Organ Prelude: Marche religieuse
Offertory: Ego Sum Pastor Bonus (Choir)
1. Adagio from Chorale in A m inor
2. Panis Angelicus (Choir)
Organ Postlude: Prelude in G m inor
M usic Preview for Sunday, October 19, 2014
Cantata Dom ino - H. L. HASSLER
O Salutaris Hostia - P. DE LA RUE
Organ m usic by J. A. GUILAIN & D. BUXTEHUDE
Living the Gospel: A Call to Ecojustice
Sponsored by the Canadian Religious Conference and
Program s in Earth Literacies, Saturday, October 18, 10am -4pm ,
Holy Nam e Parish. Facilitated by Bob McKeon, Archdiocese of
Edm onton, & Sr. Mary Rowell, CSJ, from Toronto. Cost: $55.
Register at www.earthliteracies@ gm ail.com
Sundays at 2:00pm. Preparation classes are held on the second
Saturday of each month. Please contact the parish office to find out more.
Appointments should be made at least six months in advance.
Couples please contact the Parish Office for information.
Altar Servers
The Cathedral has a team of dedicated servers who are scheduled
to help at specific Masses. Help is needed at weekday Masses too.
Contact: Bertilla Watanabe 604-682-6774 ext. 6
Cathedral Bell Ringers
A skilled and dedicated team of bell ringers rings our eight bells by
hand. New ringers, experienced or not, are welcome always. Practices are
held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Visit www.vscr.ca Email: hrc@shaw.ca
- Cathedral Gift Shop:
The Gift Shop aims to be open before & after the noon & evening
weekday Masses, as well as Sunday morning & evening Masses, and is
staffed by a crew of dedicated ladies. Thank you for your support.
Catholic Women’s League
The CWL is rooted in gospel values and calls its members to
holiness through service. They organize and support a wide range of
spiritual and social events. They meet in Rosary Hall on the 3rd Thursday
of each month at 6:30 pm. Contact: Jane Rosenthal Email:
Church Care & Cleaning
The sanctuary is given a thorough cleaning on Tuesday mornings and
the last Sat of each month. More hands are needed. Contact the parish
office at hrc@shaw.ca
Three choirs offer a variety of music repertoires to enrich our prayer
and worship experience. If you would like share your talents, find out which
of our choirs is right for you. Contact: Catherine Walsh 604-222-8072
Couples for Christ
CFC brings couples into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.
Married couples who wish to live their Christian life in an active, supportive
relationship with one another are invited to join. Contact: Roderick Ysonza
Email: rick_ysonza@yahoo.com
Development & Peace
D & P is the official international development organization of Catholic
Church in Canada. It helps the world's poor and disadvantaged by
advocating policy change in government and corporations and by donating
time and money to support development efforts. Contact Bertilla
Watanabe: Email: bertilla_hrc@shaw.ca
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
If you are a regular at the parish and live by the principles of a faithfilled Catholic, this ministry may be your calling. Lay members help with
the distribution of the Eucharist when additional help is required. Contact:
Shirley Wang 604-879-8295
50+ and Seniors If you are 50 and older, join this group for a range of
activities - Bible Sharing on Tuesdays 10:00 -11:30am, Gentle Chair Yoga
on Thursdays 10:00-11:30am as well as short excursions and lunch
gatherings. Contact Shirley Wang at 604-879-8295.
Handmaids of the Lord
This is an all-women ministry of the Couples for Christ. It aims to
provide Christian pastoral support for personal renewal. By sharing in the
gifts of the Holy Spirit, the members grow as witnesses to the faith
through continuing conversion, service and evangelization work. Contact:
Maritess Tan, Email: angel_2878@yahoo.com
Hispanic Community
The weekly Spanish Mass now caters to the Spanish-speaking
community in our parish. The Genesis Group reaches out to young adults
within this community. If you would like to serve as an usher, lector or in any
other way please let us know. comunidadhispanahrc@gmail.com
Knights of Columbus
The K of C a fraternal benefit society founded on the principles of charity,
unity and fraternity. Fellowship is promoted among members and their families
through educational and charitable and social welfare works. Contact: Jacek
Walkowicz, Email: jacek.walkowicz@gmail.com
Karol Wojtyla Club
The KWC is the Cathedral’s young adult group. We provide a welcoming,
comforting community in which to cultivate our faith through prayer, education,
charity, and fellowship in Christ. Join us Sunday at 1:45 pm in the St. Vincent
de Paul Room of the Hall. www.holyrosarycathedral.org/karol-wojtyla-club.
Legion of Mary
The men & women of the Legion are a well-established organization in
the parish. They serve in all areas of parish life as greeters, ushers and prayer
leaders. They also make house visits to visit the sick, pray the rosary and
evangelize. A number of praesidia meet during the week in the Parish hall.
Contact: Rufina Armandiz, 604-325-9921 or the Parish Office.
The sacramental celebration of the Word of God is a proclamation which
must enlighten the minds of the listeners and inspire them in the journey
towards God. New lectors welcome. Attendance at a Lector’s Workshop is
compulsory. Contact: David Cuan, D avidacuan@ gm ail.com
Project Advance
Project Advance is an annual diocesan appeal beginning in Spring. If you
can help at the launch and follow-up, it would certainly be appreciated.
Contact: Bertilla Watanabe Email: bertilla_hrc@shaw.ca
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from Sept. to May, 7:00 - 9:00
pm at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards St. Call the office for info and
Ushers & Greeters
Help is needed to distribute bulletins, take up the collection, welcome all
who come to Mass and generally be ready to serve with a smile! Contact:
Gilda Penfold, Email: gilda9488@gmail.com
VISIT SPAIN & PORTUGAL - OCT. 17 - 30, 2014
accom panied by Fr. George Edattukaran of St. Jam es parish,
Abbotsford. For details please contact Dora Croner, 604-7255350, doracroner@ shaw.ca
to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Hidden Treasures
of Mexico, accom panied by Fr. Jijim on Vellakkada of St.
Patrick’s parish, Vancouver. For details contact Badur Jaffer,
604-738-6859, badurjaffer@ gm ail.com
Would you or your company like to advertise on
the back of the Holy Rosary Cathedral Bulletin?
Please contact Max Madrussan for more
information at 778-899-6388
email: mmadrussan@cancommedia.com
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