2 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings Calendar of Events October 5—October 12, 2014 Mon., October 6 St Bruno, Priest ; Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Virgin Gal 1:6-12; Lk 10:25-37 8:30AM Ruth Hellis Robert Cerny Laura Schuckenbrock Sunday, October 5 11:00am 11:30am 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Tues., October 7 Our Lady of the Rosary Acts 1:12-14; Lk 1:26-38 NO MASS Wed., October 8 Weekday Simon V. Sanchez Kathy Kershner Anita Mitchell Family Thurs., October 9 St Denis, Bishop, and Companions, The building will close immediately following the Mass Tuesday, October 7 9:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC After Divorce Ministry Meeting-Rm 113 Jovenes Para Cristo-Rm 115 English Baptismal Prep Class—Meeting Rm Spanish Baptismal Prep Class-PH 9:00am 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Women’s Crafters– Meeting Rm Grupo de Mujers –Rm 113 Breakout (Middle School)-MPR RCIA for Adults—PH Children’s Catechesis-FLC (Spanish) 9:00am 6:15pm 6:30pm 7:00pm St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC St Francis Flowers Group-FLC Rm 202 NFP Intro Class—PH KOC Fourth Degree—Annex 9:15am 6:00pm 6:30pm Padre Pio Prayer Group-Reservation Chapel Berdahl/Van Cott Wedding Rehearsal Familias Catolicas—Annex 2:00pm 6:30pm Berdahl/Van Cott Wedding Man Up! Project-PH 11:00am 11:30am 2:30pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm R.E.A.Ch.-Meeting RM Children’s Catechesis—FLC Confirmation Session-MPR Scout Emblem Instruction-Conference Rm Adult Choir Rehearsal—Rm 115 Young Church—MPR Adult Catechesis—PH Martyrs; St John Leonardi, Priest 8:30AM Gal 3:1-5; Lk 11:5-13 Frey Family John Kendro Bret Pechuls R.E.A.Ch-Meeting Rm Children’s Catechesis Scout Emblem Instruction-Conference Rm Adult Choir Rehearsal-Rm 115 Young Church (High School)-MPR Adult Catechesis-PH Monday, October 6 Gal 2:1-2,7-14; Lk 11:1-4 6:00PM Grapevine, TX Wednesday, October 8 Fri., October 10 Weekday 8:30AM Gal 3:7-14; Lk 11:15-26 Fusselman Family Kathy Kershner Juanita Levario Leija Thursday, October 9 Sat., October 11 Weekday 8:30AM Gal 3:22-29; Lk 11:27-28 No MASS 5:00PM Thomas Salame Friday, October 10 Sun.,October12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM 10:00AM 1:00PM 4:30PM Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12-14,19-20; Mt 22:1-14 For the People Joseph Gemellaro Micaela Garcia Julia Olaya Altar Linen Ministry: Joan Pruitt-October 5 Michelle Ward—October 12 Saturday, October 11 Sunday, October 12 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 5, 2014 3 Service of Light Mon., Nov. 3th at 7pm: During Today is Life Chain Sunday. Stand on Southlake November, Catholics remember their deceased loved ones in a special way. Our parish celebrates a Service of Light to remember those who died during the past year, specifically since November, 2013. At this liturgy, the names of those who have died in the past year will be read and family members or loved ones are invited to bring forward a candle in remembrance. If you have a loved one who died during this year, please call the office at 817-481-2685. If you cannot attend, we will remember your deceased loved one & a candle will be brought forward. Book of Remembrance: During the month of November, Catholics remember their deceased loved ones in a special way. Located next to the baptismal font is the Book of Remembrance in which you may list the names of your deceased loved ones. Blvd at 1:45 for one hour joining Christians across the country. A prayerful public witness for the protection of the unborn. Pick up a sign at Staples parking lot. An estimated 4500 babies are killed from abortion in Fort Worth every year. All ages are invited. For more information call Leroy 817-576-9197. Youth and Adult Reader Training Tuesday, October 14th 6:30pm in the Church All youth and adults who would like to Proclaim God’s Word are strongly encouraged to attend this Reader Ministry Training. For more information contact Kevin Pichon at klpichon@yahoo.com ARISE Adults Rooted in Scripture and Eucharist Young Adults Ministry Come join Young Adults for our October events! Oct. 14th: Theology on Tap in Colleyville Oct. 17th: Late Night at the Dallas Museum of Art Oct. 21st: Young Catholic Professionals Speaker Series We also have weekly Sunday Scripture Study on Thursday nights at St. Francis! For more information, see our calendar at sfatx.org/ index.cfm?load=page&page=207 St. Francis of Assisi Preschool is looking for you! For more information on this Catholic choice for your preschooler contact Karen Deal at ext. 230 or at kdeal@sfatx.org. Sound Monitors With the new sound system completed, I’m looking for several people who can serve as Sound Monitors for the 5 weekend masses. These people monitor and adjust the volume levels on each channel to maintain the optimum sound levels for spoken voice and music voice and instruments. The person should have a basic command of digital technology, and a ‘good ear’ to maintain a great sound environment and keep music groups balanced. Ideally, would like teams of 3 per mass that could rotate, and cover for each other on an ‘as needed’ basis. Call Denise Brooks at the office for more information. NEW! A permanent St. Francis Children’s Choir forming now! We are excited and fortunate to have Mrs. Arlene Anderson-Jones, president of our school, Holy Trinity, and a music educator, lead our new Children’s Choir! This choir will meet weekly throughout the school year, and sing occasional Sunday masses, special celebrations, and the Christmas Concert. The choir is open to grades 3 through 6. Rehearsals will be weekly on Mondays, from 4:15-5:15pm. For more information, contact Denise Brooks dbrooks@sfatx.org, or Mrs. Anderson-Jones ajones@holytcs.org 4 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Grapevine, TX Ministry of the Week O U T R E A C H M I N I S T R Y ARISE Outreach Thrift Store and Pantry (Adults Rooted in Scripture &Eucharist) is in need of the following items: Edible items: Tuna, chicken, mac and cheese, cereal, pasta noodles, peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix, syrup, crackers, coffee, sugar, flour, cooking oil. Votive Candle Intention Sacred Heart of Jesus Special Intention Jo Crane Paper goods: Dish detergent, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving razors, shaving cream, shampoo/conditioner, bath soap and Toilet Paper Our Lady of Grace Special Intention Mary Calbert Grocery or Wal-Mart Gift cards for perishables. Please place all items in the Outreach Box in the Narthex or the Northwest Foyer. Please check expiration dates on food as expired food items cannot be distributed. Thank You. Votive Candle for Personal Intention to Our Lady of Grace or Sacred Heart A six day intentions votive candle which will burn from Saturday until Thursday may be requested on a “First come first serve” with a donation at the receptionist desk. For more information contact Rosie at 817-481-2685. The Thrift Store is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM Parishioners are welcome!!! _____________________________ The store carries new and gently used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, toys and household items at an affordable price. Proceeds from SFO Thrift Store are used to provide emergency financial assistance to those in need. Items carried in the Thrift Store are those which are generously donated by our parish community. Vocation View Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. Let us present our needs to God in the form of prayer and petitions full of gratitude. Let us pray for an increase in vocations to priesthood and religious life. (Philippians 4:6-9) Report of Parish Contributions Weekend of September 27th and 28th Needed Actual Regular Collection Year-to-Date Over (Under) Budget St Francis Outreach Mass Attendance $ 28,000.00 $ 15,127.04 $ (7,732.43) $ 1,678.56 2,914 Please pray for . . . Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially… Kim Capobianco, Robin Chavez, Claire Coen, Sophie Diamond, Mozelle Duckett, Roger Gilley, Diane Hardin, Betty Hale, Sandy Laverock, Mary Liz Loar, Steve Prescott, Demetrio Perez, Lexi Rhoads, Jaydan Thompson, Don Schutt, Betty Tate, Cathy West, Margaret Weddel, & those serving in the armed forces. Please remember in prayer those who are deceased. May they find light & peace in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior: Roland Ray, Joe Jarzynka Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 5, 2014 5 St. Francis Slow Pitch Co-Ed Youth Softball Team – Thank you to all the Middle School and High School kids that came out all summer and practiced with us and to those that were able to play with us in the Diocesan Softball Tournament. Special thanks go out to Father Flynn and the Youth Ministers: Edmund, Nic and Donna for supporting us; to Jim Fitzgerald and Todd VanderWoude for coaching the kids and getting them to the tournament; to Janette Keen for being one of our Team Mom’s, making sure we had water at practices and food during the tournament; to Joseph Barringhouse and Maurianna Jamele for being our Assistant Coaches; to all the families for supporting us and being there when we needed you; and finally to all the Seniors on the Team, we’ll miss playing with you next year, but there is always room for Assistant Coaches. We had a blast playing softball this year and we’ll see you next summer. Volunteers are needed to help out every week with food for the Middle School and High school youth nights. We need folks to help set up, serve and cleanup. If you can't help in that capacity please consider donating a meal or two to our kids. Our Middle Schoolers (BREAKOUT) meet on Wednesday nights and our High Schoolers (YOUNG CHURCH) meet on Sunday nights. If you would like to help on either night (or both nights) out please contact Edmund Mitchell at emitchell@sfatx.org or Nic Gutierrez at ngutierrez@sfatx.org or call the Youth Office at 817.488.3169. Interested in becoming Catholic? Join RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For more information contact Jared at: jzimmerer@sfatx.org Pilgrimage Cost: Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe $1690.00 Per Person-Double Occupancy (add $450 for Single Supplement) and Included: Mexico City Flight from DFW to Mexico City With Fr. Flynn 4 Star Hotel Breakfast and Dinner Transfers Entrance to all the sites Tour Guide Taxes Not Included: Wed., February 25 Mon., March 2 Tips for Guide, Drivers, Hotel staff, etc. Lunch Mandatory Travel Health Insurance: Personal Expenses and souvenirs Expenses for Travel Days Please make checks payable to St. Francis of Assisi—Credit Cards will be charged a 3% Service Charge. Please call the parish office for more information. St. Francis Moms Please join other St. Francis Moms for our monthly meeting in the Parish Hall Wed., October 15th in 9:30a.m. Childcare provided. For more information about this group, please contact Melissa Collins at ffunkm@yahoo.com St. Francis Mom’s Book Study Group: The group meets from 9:30-11am every other Friday, next meeting October 10th. Topic the ‘Momnipotent’ Spiritual Book Study. Momnipotent validates the dignity and importance of motherhood and will help you recognize your uniquely feminine strengths and see how you can use those strengths to find peace, balance, and joy in being the woman God created and called you to be. 6 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Grapevine, TX Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 5, 2014 7 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 7099 and ASSEMBLY 3476 Grand Knight: Eric McKuzes, 817-908-2227 Faithful Navigator: Ruben Cisneros, 214-202-8352 Family of the Month – Jim and Rhonda Warrens Rookie of the Month – Bob Dill 10/5 2:00 PM Life Chain 10/9 7:00 PM Assembly 3476 Rosary and Monthly Meeting 10/13 6:30PM Council 7099 Rosary, Dinner,& Monthly General Meeting 10/19 9:00 AM – Noon Pancake Breakfast 10/27 7:00 PM Council 7099 Planning Meeting For more information on upcoming events visit “www.kofcknights.org/CouncilSite/?CNO=7099” or http://kofcknights.org/ Assembly.asp?A=3476 Family Rosary—The month of October has been dedicated as the month of The Holy Rosary since 1571. The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is October 7th. During this month of October, when we honor Mary and turn to her in a special way for guidance and protection, let us especially remember the power of the Rosary. Honor her by joining us before Mass on the Blessed Mother’s side of the Church for the Family Rosary. We will ask Mary for her special intercession and protection for St. Francis Marriages and Families during her month. October The Month Of The Holy Rosary Knights of Columbus Sponsored Family Rosary Please join us on the Blessed Mother’s side of the Church: Saturday at 4:30 PM; Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, and 4:00 PM Pancake Breakfast Sun., October 19 st In The Family Life Center Come join your fellow parishioners and enjoy a Pancake Breakfast after the 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses.
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