Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 12, 2014

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 12, 2014
SATURDAY, October 11, 2014
5:00PM– Matthew Berti
by–Maria Fustio
SUNDAY, October 12, 2014 ~Vocation Awareness Sunday
7:30AM –Laura Cody Pollard
by–The McGoonan Family
9:00AM – Francis & Marion Carlson
by–Dee & Bob Owens
11:30AM– Aldo & Anna Tellini
by–their Family
MONDAY, October 13, 2014
8:45AM – Stella Schwarz
by–George & Rebecca Schwarz
TUESDAY, October 14, 2014
8:45AM –Guyto Pierre Luis
by–Jean Jadotte
WEDNESDAY, October 15, 2014
8:45AM – Walter Webb
by–Regina Ramage
THURSDAY, October 16, 2014
8:45AM – Mary Deavenport
FRIDAY, October 17 , 2014
8:45AM – Gladys Sledge
by–Julia Bodnar & Family
3:00PM –Eucharistic Adoration
SATURDAY, October 18, 2014
8:45AM –Laura Pollard
5:00PM –Richard Forzano
by–John & Mary Ellen Diffily
SUNDAY, October 19, 2014
7:30AM –.Victoria & Joseph Marsh
by–Catherine Jackson
9:00AM – George Boehme
by–his wife, Dorothy
11:30AM – Donald Kerwin
by–Mrs. Van Ormon
6:00PM–The Unborn
Altar Servers
October 18 – 5:00PM –Ethan, Jacob & Adam Horn
October 19– 7:30AM –Hope Margarum, Derek Koch
October 19 – 9:00AM –Alicia Longo, Eduardo
Piedrasanta, Ryan Vanicek
October 19 – 11:30AM – Meghan VanAlstyne, Donny
Dormer, Angelina Koppel
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration takes place each Friday from 3 – 6
PM. Please use the sign-up sheet available
on the table in the Narthex.
Each one of us is a co-worker of Christ we must labor hard to carry Him to the hearts where
He has not yet been known and loved...But, unless we
have Jesus, we cannot give Him; that is why we need
the Eucharist. Spend as much time as possible in front
of the Blessed Sacrament and He will fill you with His
strength and His power. Mother Teresa
Spend some quiet time with the Lord
First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10a
This passage describes the new Jerusalem as a
heavenly banquet on the mountain with the Lord God
wiping away all tears.
Second Reading: Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20
In simple, direct words, Paul thanks the Philippians for
alleviating his hardships. He stresses, though, that he is
as accustomed to poverty as to abundance and finds all
his strength in Christ.
Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14
Once more speaking to the chief priests and the elders,
Jesus relates the parable of the wedding banquet. A
King, preparing a wedding banquet for his son,
summons all the invited guests. When, after several
invitations, no guests arrive, the King commands his
servants to “go out into the byroads and invite anyone
you come upon.” Again, Jesus warns the elders, “the
invited are many, the elect are few.”
Altar Bread and Wine
The Altar Bread and Wine used in the weeks
liturgies were donated in loving memory of Delores &
Tony Romano by the Moreira Family.
The Sanctuary Light
The Sanctuary Light, a reminder of the Divine
Presence, was donated in loving memory of Edward
Milkowski by his Family.
Altar Flowers
If you would like to donate Altar Flowers in honor of a
special occasion or in memory of a loved one, kindly
sign the list on the table in the Narthex.
Renewal of Wedding Vows
If you were married in the month of October and would
like to renew your vows on Sunday, October 26th at the
11:30 AM Mass, please sign the list on the table in the
lobby of the Church.
A Family Perspective
Today’s gospel speaks about “unworthy wedding
guests.” What makes a ‘worthy” guest? Presence and
presents are not enough. The greatest gift we can give
is support to the couple as they voyage through life
together because marriage naturally contains within it
times of disappointment. Think of the weddings you
have attended. Have you been a “worthy” guest? By Bud
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:00 & 11:30 a.m. Masses.
Families must be registered parishioners in
order for children to attend classes.
Students who are parishioners here and
attend Pope John HS in grades 9 & 10
must also register in our Religious Education Program.
You may download a Calendar on our website at
October 12th – 9th Grade Rite of Acceptance at 11:30 AM
Mass followed by Parent’s Meeting
October 19 - 4th Grade Mass with parents
October 20 - 2nd Grade Parent Meeting on
Reconciliation - 7:00 PM
October 21 - Catechists workshop - 7:00 PM
December 13th – Sacrament of First Penance
First Communion – May 9th
Confirmation – June 13th at 5 :00 PM.
Dates to Remember
Prayer Shawl Ministry –If you would like a Prayer Shawl
for someone who is ill (man or woman) or who is in the
hospital, please call the rectory! There is no cost. If you
would like to donate yarn to the Ministry, please call the
Rectory at 973-827-8030. If you would like to join the
Ministry call Phyllis McCann at 973- 875-2637.
Rosary Makers – meetings take place on Monday morning
at 10 a.m. in the multi-purpose room. Please call the rectory
if you would like to join.
Rosary Society – Meetings are held the first Tuesday of
each month at 7 p.m.
St. Jude Seniors – The next meeting will be held on
October 23rd at 1 PM in the Church Hall.
Anyone who is over 55 and would like to join please
come to our meetings the second and fourth Thursday of
each month at 1 PM. Membership is open to nonparishioners but parishioners have first priority.
St. Jude’s Prayer Chain – For those that are in need of
prayer, please call Tara Ann Gulotta at 973-702-7604 or
call the rectory and the message will be forwarded to
CHOIR PRACTICE has resumed every Monday night,
7:30 p.m., at the church until 9:00 p.m. Members of the
choir have their choice of singing/playing at the 5 p.m.
Mass on Saturday, or the 9 a.m. Mass or the 11:30 a.m.
Mass on Sunday. Anyone with musical ability, from
grade six on up, is most welcome. St. Augustine once
said that “They who sing pray twice.” So if you play an
instrument—keyboard, guitar, flute, clarinet, others—or
sing well, consider joining and helping the rest of the St.
Jude community “pray twice”. It can be a wonderful way
to help and serve others.
Practice for the Christmas season and the church
dedication, as well as the individual Sunday Masses, will
begin in October.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – is
meant for those who have never been baptized but have
questions about Christ and all that He has taught; have
been baptized in other Christian traditions but have an
interest in Catholicism and the Catholic Church; are
already baptized Catholic but never received Eucharist
and/or Confirmation. If you are interested or know of
someone who has expressed an interest in the Roman
Catholic Faith, please call the rectory office.
We welcome the recently Baptized:
Bryden Chase Graham son of Bryan and Christy
Andrew John Sullivan son of Patrick & Shannon
May you find strength in His power, joy in His love, and
inspiration in His presence as you continue to walk in
Youth/Family Mass – In addition to the current mass
schedule a new monthly contemporary youth friendly
mass will be added. This mass will be held on the 3rd
Sunday of the month at 6:00 PM. Youth friendly liturgies
are vibrant celebrations that speak to young people and
challenge them to live as disciples of Christ. We are
inviting all high school and college students that have
a desire to serve to participate at this mass. For those
interested in playing or singing at this mass please
Visits to the elderly and sick are made on a weekly
basis. Please contact the office if you or someone you
know would like a visit.
Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, in
nursing homes, hospitals or confined to home and
cannot join us to worship at the liturgies.
Welcome to all new parishioners. Please be sure to
Farewell to parishioners leaving the Parish. Please be
sure to let the Parish Office know.
Visitors thank you for joining us. Please feel welcome!
Please stop by the rectory or give us a call 973-8278030, so we may update our records.
Visit our website at
Save the Date – Rosary Society
Italian Night
Saturday, November 1st. Tickets
will be on sale after Mass. Cost:
$18 per person.
Couples, were you married in 1964 or 1989? You are
warmly invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding
Anniversary with the Church of Paterson. Bishop
Serratelli will be the main celebrant at Mass at Our Lady
of Good Counsel Church, Pompton Plains on Sunday,
November 16, 2014 at 4:00pm.
Arrangements can be made by contacting the parish
office. Application forms are available through Friday,
October 31, 2014. Information will be sent from the
Office of Family Life once your application has been
processed. Congratulations on this joyous occasion.
Pope John Kick-Off Classic Golf Outing - Monday,
October 20 at the Farmstead Golf & Country Club - Tee
off at 1:30pm - Dinner at 6:00 pm. Sponsor Opportunities
Information or call 973-670-3105.
Medicare Information Meeting –Donna Green,
Medicare Counselor from the Sussex County
Department of Senior Services will be presenting a
workshop entitled “Everything You Wanted to Know
About Medicare But Were Afraid to Ask.” The
presentation will be held on October 15, 2014 at 2:00 at
St. Jude the Apostle Church Hall. Donna will be
covering all aspects of Medicare and specifically the
Medicare Part D Open Enrollment Period.
Please use the sign up sheet on the table in the Narthex
so we will have an idea of how many will attend.
Coupons for the Community - Donate
your unwanted coupons for food, household
and personal care items that you get in the
mail, find in your newspapers and local
shoppers, and or, download from the
internet. Please help to feed the hungry in this way and
place your coupons in the basket on the table in the
Narthex. THANK YOU for your constant support of this
program. By taking the time to drop your coupons in the
box, you are making a difference in the lives of others.
No need to clip the coupons!
Catholic Charities: Please consider supporting our
local programs by donating clothing, shoes and
household items in our donation bin which is located at
the entrance of the upper parking lot. Thank you!
The Partnership for Social Services in
Franklin has a high volume of clients who
are in need of food. In order to help the
agency build up their food pantry we ask
that you bring a non-perishable food item
to Mass on the second Sunday of each
month. The need is great! Donations of
dry pet food are also appreciated. Thank you for your
ongoing support!!!
NORWESCAP Sussex County Diaper Bank- is
accepting all sizes of Disposable Diapers; Adult sizes
are also welcome. Infants in low income families often
suffer from infrequent diaper changes. This leads to
health problems for the babies. Diapers cannot be
purchased with food stamps. Diapers can be dropped off
at Morris Sussex Advocate Program, 350 Sparta Ave,
Suite C-1, Sparta, NJ. Call 973-729-3617 for more info.
Operation Warm – More than a coat – More than 16.2
American children live in poverty. You can help by
giving the gift of warmth this winter. Operation Warm
provides new winter coats to children in need. A brand
new winter coat is the most requested item by schools
and social services.
For more information visit
“Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that
they are always watching you.” (Robert Fulghum) When
in your child’s presence today, be mindful of how you
speak to and treat others. Of course we should do this
all the time, but it will be hard enough to be truly
conscious of this for even one day. Try it today. "by Susan
Pope John High School is holding
Tuesday, October 14th at 7:30 p.m.
students entering the Ninth Grade in
Interested parents and students are
Open House on
for Eighth Grade
September 2015.
warmly invited to
Harvest House Turkey Dinner – Sponsored by Vernon
Township HS DECA
Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. at
565, Vernon.
Adults: $10.00; Children & Seniors $7.00; Family of 4:
$25.00. Take-out or dine in; 50/50; Tickets sold at the
Community Lunch Program.
Ziti & Meatball Dinner sponsored
by KOC Marquette Council #588,
at Immaculate Conception Lyceum,
75 Church Street, Franklin, on
October 24th. Proceeds to benefit
Catholic Family & Community
Services. Adults: $8; Seniors: $6; Children under 10:$5
Take out: 4:30 p.m. Seating: 5:30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. Call
for Tickets: 973-827-4702. Includes Tossed salad,
Garlic bread, Ziti & Meatballs, Dessert, Iced tea, Punch,
Coffee and Tea, Music. Come join us for a good Italian
dinner and support a good cause! SAVE THE DATE!
The Marianist Family Retreat Center
presents – Women of Wisdom Retreat –
October 28-30 (mid-week) at the Marianist
Retreat Center, Cape May Point, NJ 609884-3829 or
Intended for women 55+. Cost is $115 per person.
Mass for the Unborn - Bishop Serratelli will
celebrate a Mass for the Unborn on Saturday,
November 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at Saint Ann Parish,
Parsippany. This Mass is sponsored by the Paterson
Federation Knights of Columbus Councils. All clergy,
staff, parishioners, friends and families are encouraged
to attend. Following the Mass, there will be light
refreshments. The Mass is a wonderful way for our
faithful to come together in prayer and in mutual support
for protecting all of our children - born and unborn.
Please save this date on your calendar.
St. Paul Inside the Walls - Reasons to Believe:
Why the Catholic Faith Makes Sense - Presented by:
Fr. Derek Anderson, SOLT - Madison: Saturdays Oct
18, Nov 22, Jan 17, Feb 21, Apr 18, May 16, Jun 20
10 AM - 12 PM Come hear what Catholics believe, why
Catholics believe it, the personal difference it makes,
and how it makes sense in today's world. To register go
Of all human acts, repentance is most divine.
—Thomas Carlyle
“On this mountain, the Lord of hosts / will provide for all
peoples / a feast of rich food and choice wines” (Isaiah
25:6). That’s what Isaiah tells us today. God is putting
together a huge party for “all peoples,” to “wipe away /
the tears from every face” (Isaiah 25:8).
And what does Jesus tell us? The reign of God, he says,
“may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for
his son” (Matthew 22:2). When the guests didn’t come,
the king had his servants go out “into the main roads and
invite to the feast whomever you find” (Matthew 22:9).
We are called to deliver that invitation.
One of the themes woven into today’s liturgy is that of
divine generosity. Asleep to reality, people often think
they have “earned” what they have. In our better
moments, though, we know that all our gifts—even the
spiritual gifts—come through God’s generosity. Our
vocation is to invite people, to remind them the tickets
aren’t for sale. We can only show up and say thank you.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The confessional is a familiar setting in literature and
drama. Everyone from Doestoevsky and Shakespeare
down the line to Seinfeld has used the sacrament to
tragic or comic effect or to reveal aspects of character
otherwise hidden. All of this theater, from world classics
to slapstick, has had a numbing effect on our own
expectations, and has skewed how the culture looks at
us and our struggle with sin and forgiveness, hope and
Yet the artists are on to something. The reconciliation
chapel is a place where hearts are laid bare, where
honesty is the watchword, and people confess their
deepest needs. It is also a place of rebirth, or at least
realignment. It is, like the baptismal font, a place where
something dies, and where something else is born.
Today, although literature has barely caught up, the
place is usually not the dark and gloomy cabinet of old;
rather it is a chapel that speaks of peace, serenity, and
the comfort of a welcome home. People in one parish
were astonished recently to see their children skipping
with delight as they left the place of their first confession.
We have to wait a bit for world literature to catch up with
this reality, but at least we can experience the joy of
penance, the thrill of a new beginning, the assurance of
God’s love.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
I can do all things in him who
strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Columbus Day; Canadian Thanksgiving Day
St. Callistus I
Wednesday: St. Teresa of Jesus
Thursday: St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque;
National Boss Day
St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. Luke
HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
“I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know
how to live with abundance. In every circumstance
and in all things I have learned the secret of being
well fed and of going hungry… I can do all things in
him who strengthens me. My God will fully supply
whatever you need.”… “The servants went out into
the streets and gathered all they found, bad and
good alike, and the hall was filled with guests.”
The church lives with a new phenomenon called the
‘Francis effect.’ Since the election of our Holy Father, we
have learned to imitate the spirit of Saint Francis and
respond to the call for humility, simplicity and kindness.
Pope Francis has asked us to go out into the streets,
invite others to share in our table and join in our
banquet. These are not just empty words from the
person we admire, but are an urgent summons for all
Saint Paul wrote to his disciples in Philippi, and like
Francis, used his own experience as an example for that
Christian community. He learned the secret, which
basically is expressed on his dependence on Christ. Is
this not the first of the beatitudes to be ‘poor in spirit?’
Perhaps we think that this mission is for clergy and
religious. No, it is the task of all Christians as Francis
calls us ‘missionary disciples.’ When shall I begin? Now!
Where do I get the help I need? ‘I can do all things in
him who strengthens me.’ He will supply whatever you
My response is based upon my conviction that what Paul
and Pope Francis said is true. I am ready to hit the
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1; Lk 11:29-32
Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41
Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46
Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54
Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9
Pray the Rosary
†Please keep our troops in your