28th Sunday in Ordinary Time— Time—October 12, 2014 Masses for the Week SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 4:30 VIGIL SPN +Stephen G. Schwille by Erin, John & Jack McMahon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 8:00 AM SPN +Dolores Kelly by Erin, John & Jack McMahon 9:30 AM SS +Wanda Cialkos by daughter Linda, son John & granddaughter Maria 11:00 AM SPN +Rita Smith by daughter Laura Drake MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 7:30 AM SS For All Parishioners TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 +Wrobel & Zapalski Families 7:30 AM SS by Emily Zapalski WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014 Thank you for Favors Received 7:30 AM SS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 7:30 AM SPN +Frank & Frances Williams by Rich & Linda Williams FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 7:30AM SPN +Kay Smith by Lynda Eckes SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2014 8:00 AM SPN +Eleanor (Sissy) Stahl by Michael & Jean Anne Robertson 4:30 VIGIL SPN +Albert Williams by Herbie, Marie & Aiden McAllister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 8:00 AM SPN +Michael Kubiak, Sr. by wife Dolores & Family 9:30 AM SS +Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko (30th Anniv.) by Joanne & Leon Plocha 11:00 AM SPN For All Parishioners Please Pray For The Deceased EJOY SOME QUIET TIME WITH THE LORD! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament St. Philip eri Church Every Friday: Every Saturday: 2:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Benediction—9:30 a.m. Sanctuary Lamps The Sanctuary Candle is burning in the Main Church for: “Rev. Msgr. Francis X. Keul” Pastor, SPN 1959-1961 Died 10/17/2014 The Sanctuary Candle is burning in the St. John Neumann Chapel for: “Rev. George J. Feider, O. Praem” Assistant, SPN Died 10/5/1982 _________ Memorial Donations “In Memory of Irene Krouse” Junie & Charles Reynolds—$100.00 St. Philip Neri is 175 Especially All Deceased Members of the Parish. Please Pray For The Sick Especially Eleanor Napierkowski, Joseph Suarez, Ikey, Robert Levi, Francis Casper, Joe L., Pat Grosso, Tom Boyle, Jennifer, Stella Barczak, Katherine Chavis, Mary Mazur, Tina Marchitelli, Kim W., Dorothea Hatt, Jessica Paley, Dianne Kane, Mary Huet, Joe Prusinowski, Kathy Brinn, Patrick, Joe C., Sandra Kelly, Baby Hunter, Paul Scheb, Lillian Drozdowski, Fran Chupka, Linda Lessor, George Shelton, Jessica, Dolores Heffron, Evelyne Norris, John Pracilio, Carolyn & Richard McLeer, Baby Isabella Grace, Renette Metkowski, and all Sick Parishioners. Please pray for an end to abortion. Come to a meeting to learn how you can be a part of the celebration Thursday, October 30, 2014 7:00 p.m.— p.m.—St. Philip Neri Hall Ministries Schedule EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS THIS WEEK 10/11-12 Saturday 4:30 Vigil Theresa Burke Teresa Karvell Sunday 11:00 AM Jane Lamb Peter Lamb EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS NEXT WEEK 10/18-19 Saturday 4:30 Vigil Amy Rivera Shane Misuro Sunday 11:00 AM Rachael Colaizzo Irma Sheppard LECTORS THIS WEEK 10/11-12 Saturday 4:30 Vigil Margie Dippolito Sunday 8:00 AM Tricia Johnston 9:30 AM Terri Pawelski 11:00 AM Jeff Omana LECTORS THIS WEEK 10/18-19 Saturday 4:30 Vigil Lynda Eckes Sunday 8:00 AM Dominic Colaizzo 9:30 AM Renette Metkowski 11:00 AM Jeff Omana Readings for Next Weekend October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Collections October 5, 2014 Regular Collection Rectory Brick Pointing Block Collection/Census to date Thank you very much for your generosity throughout the year. When we tithe we are telling God that we trust in Him more than our money. Lampki 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. +Deceased Members of Kupiec & Heys Family. +Jennie & Joseph Dabovich of. son John. +Joseph & Jennie Dabovich of. daughter Maryann. +Frank Karvell of. Wife. +Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zalewski of. Daughter. +Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nevaline of. Niece. +Frank & Leon Morris of. Niece. +Joseph Zalewski of. Sister. +Henry & Jean Cieplinski & Edward & Anna Donnelly of. Henry & Kathleen Cieplinski. +Kasprzak & Konwerski & Kezlaw Family of. Family. +Alfreda & Zygmunt Plocha of. Joanne & Leon Plocha. +Frances & Henry Jaworski of. Joanne & Leon Plocha. +Bernard Barczak, Sr. of. wife Stella & Family. +Barbara Uszacki of. husband Raymond. +James & Irene Krouse of. Family. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 Reading II 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Gospel Matthew 22:15-21 Read the passages online @ http://usccb.org/bible/books--ofhttp://usccb.org/bible/books of-thethebible/index.cfm THIS WEEK (October 11-12) 4:30 vigil & 9:30 A.M. NEXT WEEK (October 18-19) 9:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. $3,144.00 $2,015.00 $5,450.00 AUTUMN LEAVES JESUS DOESN’T Pope Francis Quote: “The Lord always forgives us and walks at our side. We have to let Him do that.” Pope Francis R. C. I. A. ARE YOU A ADULT WHO HAS OT BEE COFIRMED? We will have Confirmation in Spring 2015. Classes start Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Please call Rectory for more information. Parish Events Calendar 2014 Wednesday, October 15 PRIEST, PROPHET, KING New Bible Study Course 7:00 p.m.— p.m.—spn Friday, October 17 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 2:00— 2:00—7:00 p.m.— p.m.—spn Monday, October 20 Parish Book Club 7:00 p.m.— p.m.—SPN RECTORY Sunday, November 2 All Souls’ Day Mass for Deceased Parishioners 11:00 a.m.— a.m.—spn Followed by Refreshments Sunday, December 7 Parish Christmas Bazaar 12:00 noon— noon—4:00 p.m.— p.m.—ss BLESSING OF ANIMALS 2014 Pastor’s Letter Dear Parishioners, When Catherine Marshall said “I give up,” it did not mean that she had lost all hope and had begun to despair. One author who wrote about Catherine’s struggle with tuberculosis recounted that medicine and prayer were not helping. She had read a book about a missionary in a similar situation to her own. The missionary, at death’s door had accepted her situation and resigned herself to God’s will, praying, “Lord, I give up!” Very soon, she recovered. Catherine found the story strange but she could not shake the idea and eventually prayed from her heart for God the Father’s will to be done. It is interesting that this was not the first time that Catherine had prayed like this. As a teenager she deeply desired to go to college. The effects of the depression had wreaked havoc on the country and her family was not spared. Her parents were missionaries who served in Appalachia. It seemed that the funds for a college education were not to be found. One day her mother found Catherine crying, thrown across her bed. The mother and her daughter prayed together. Catherine prayed, “Lord, I turn this dream over to You. I give it up. It is in Your hands.” During these days that our Church focuses on the family, father and mother and children, let us encourage one another to accept those things in life that we cannot change. Let us turn to God, following the example of so many Catholic believers before us and face life following Jesus’ direction. Jesus showed us the way to live and taught us how to pray. Let us pray the words of the Our Father deeply, with conviction, deciding to live what we pray, “ J Thy Kingdom come, ‘thy will’ be done J .” Father Oliver Fr. Robert Barron presents PRIEST, PROPHET, KING New DVD and Bible Study Program Wednesday Evenings October 15, 22, 29 November 5 7:00 P.M. St. Philip Neri Church $30 for study materials The Priest, Prophet, King Study Program presents the Old Testament foreshadowing of each of Jesus’ three offices as priest, prophet and king and then describes how Jesus is the fulfillment of each as seen in the New Testament. Parishioners are invited to come and see our newly brick-pointed parish rectory and enjoy Octoberfest CAM in the rectory yard after the 4:30 vigil Mass on Saturday, October 25. Thank you for your donations on the first Sunday of the month. WMOF Info Session Stella Maris Church October 29 at 7:00 p.m. Please let Father Oliver know if you would like to attend this informational meeting. Young adults after a Tuesday evening Mass at Saint Stanislaus. Some of those pictured live in Catholic Communities at the former Rectory & Convent. Fr. Shaun Mahoney, who is the Chaplain at Temple University lives at the men’s house. Parish Book Club “Unplanned” by Abby Johnson FOOD DRIVE In giving to the poor We express our gratitude to God Monday, October 13, 2014 7:00 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME! October “Pasta Push” Simply leave your donation after any weekend Mass. November & December’s books will be announced in the next few weeks. PULASKI PARADE • • Thanks to all who made the day possible. For parish/school leadership, faith formation leaders, pastors, and anyone interested in electronic communications in and for the Church. Learn everything from perfecting your website to building your social network, to evangelizing online … all in one day! Please contact the Rectory if you are interested in attending. Everyone loves the trolley. VOTE There are 77 million Catholics in the United States, 26 million more than needed to elect a president. Your vote A great day for a Parade. LIVES SAVED We are just past 20 days in the forty days for life campaign. Eleven members of our parish community have joined others to pray in front of the abortion clinic by 12th and Locust. Untold others have been praying here at Masses and in their homes for the lives of the little ones in the womb. Over ten mothers have decided not to end the lives of their children. Some of our parishioners have witnessed that decision. What a gift that must have been. Maybe that child will be the one to find the cure to some disease or serve others in a grand way. Thank you to all who are praying at home and in church. There will be prayers after masses through the end of the 40 days. If you would like to stop and pray at the clinic just stop over at Locust between 12th and 13th streets. If you would like more information - and especially if you would like to volunteer to help, please contact: Monique Ruberu, M.D. obgyn, 469-231-9084 roobearroo@hotmail.com Next Sunday our 9:30 Mass at St. Stanislaus will be celebrated in honor of the 30th Anniversary of the murder of Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko. Blessed Jerzy Poplieluszko celebrated Mass at St. Stanislaus Church. For more info on his life visit: THE MASS When I prepare for Mass the acronym ACT may help. Our preparation is so important to what happens during Mass. ATTITUDE – Before mass begins is my approach one of patience with other people. I can certainly let that interfere with my prayer and worship of God. CONVICTION – Deep within myself do I recognize that I am to center myself on God almighty who has created the world and all that is within it? THOUGHTS – What is bouncing around in my head? Am I bringing my thoughts back to what will be happening at the Mass? Do I have some thoughts about the readings that will be taken from the Bible? Have I asked God to let me have something from the Mass that will help me to be the person I have been created to be? Fr. Maloney started at the beginning with his slide presentation on the Eucharist. He identified Old Testament foreshadowing of Holy Communion from the garden of Eden forward. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE “As I stood outside of Planned Parenthood I couldn’t help but feel the power of the Holy Spirit working through me as I prayed for the lives of the babies and the souls of the mothers and staff.” A Parishioner CATHOLIC LIFE COGRESS Saturday, ovember 1, 2014 Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hall 9 am—4 pm The Archdiocese of Philadelphia invites everyone to come explore the beauty of Catholic faith, to rediscover the joy of knowing Jesus Christ and to respond to Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations. Visit www.PhillyCongress.org Please call the Rectory if you are interested in attending LITTLE BY LITTLE Our life of faith naturally breeds within us the virtue of patience. The energy and time of unbelievers are spent trying to get in control and stay in control of the emotional and material circumstances of their lives. Men and women of faith struggle rather to surrender to and trust in God and His providence. This surrender and trust free Christians of worry and anxiety and allow them to focus their energy on the realities of the present moment. Patience is the ability to endure prevailing circumstances. Our practice of patience needs to extend to ourselves, our God, other people, and external situations. We should develop the ability to be patient with ourselves by not placing unreasonable expectations on ourselves and by being realistic about our abilities. Our patience should also be exercised in our relationship with God as we wait for Him to unfold His plan for us. Perhaps the most difficult practice of patience involves other people. We all have our own way of doing things. Some people do things that just irritate us. Their actions seem irrational, or worse. In these situations our virtue is challenged. When we find ourselves irritated by other people and their ways, one way to soothe our irritation and transform it into understanding is to remember that we too at times irritate others by the way we do things. Our patience is also tested when circumstances arise in our lives that are difficult, even painful, and that are out of control. Children often cause such grief to their parents. Children act thoughtlessly, and their actions create a set of circumstances that cause parents much pain and anxiety. Is there a person in jail whose mother doesn’t suffer? This is an extreme example, but in fact, children are always imprisoning themselves in one way or another. With them, as with all our loved ones, we most need to remember Saint Paul’s words. -from Matthew Kelly’s book A Call to Joy . TODAY’S READINGS The prophet Isaiah tells the people that the Lord will prepare a feast and will wipe away the tears from every cheek. Paul, who has learned to live in all circumstances, encourages his readers to have courage in God so that they are able to do all things in Jesus who strengthens them. In the gospel Jesus commands his followers to be generous in inviting guests to the wedding. God’s invitation goes out to all He has created. Courage/Encourage Ministry Are you or a loved one struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions and looking for answers? Courage, an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church, ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones, focusing on chastity, prayer, fellowship, support and good example. For more information, call (215) 587-4505 to leave a message, email courage.philadelphia@gmail.com or visit: phillycourage.com. Confidentiality is assured.
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