Saint Bernadette Parish 245 Azalea Drive • Monroeville, PA 15146PARISH STAFF October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Anthony Gargotta, Pastor Deacon Michael W. Kelly MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM Daily: Monday - 9:30 AM, 7:00 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays - 7:15 AM Wednesdays & Fridays - 7:15 AM & 9:30 AM PARISH PHONES Parish Office .................................................................................................................412.373.0050 Religious Education Office..............................................................................412.373.1797 School Office................................................................................................................412.372.7255 Lourdes Center...........................................................................................................412.843.0668 Convent............................................................................................................................412.372.7263 Parish Office Fax.......................................................................................................412.374.8113 School Office Fax.....................................................................................................412.372.7649 Parish Office School Office Bulletin Announcements........................................................ Rev. John Forbidussi, Hospital Chaplain In Residence Mr. Regis Reinersmann, Business Manager Mrs. Marlene V. Kopper, Director of Religious Education Sr. Carol Arch, C.S.J., Elementary School Principal Ms. Lauren Gates, Youth Minister Mr. Joshua Bandish, Director of Music Ministries Mrs. Marty Kelly, Parish Office Secretary Mrs. Jane Bobich. Parish Office Secretary Mrs. Cathy Cowan, Parish Office Mrs. Francine Pochciol, School Administrative Assistant Bulletin announcements and flyers due by Noon on Mondays. Parish Website Mr. Tim Jacob, Maintenance Supervisor Devotions: Mondays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM Adoration - 10 AM - 7:00 PM (6:30 - 7:00 will include rosary and novena prayers) - Confessions 6:00—6:45 PM 7:00 PM Mass Tuesdays: Morning Prayer - 9:30 AM Wednesdays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM Thursdays: Morning Prayer - 9:30 AM Fridays: Morning Prayer and Rosary - 8:45 AM First Saturdays: Adoration - following 8:30 AM Mass including First Saturday Fatima Devotions. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We of St. Bernadette Parish, are a Eucharistic Community, created by the Father, nourished by the Lord and led by the Holy Spirit. We are to be the eyes, ears, hands and heart of Christ, living by His example, sharing the Good News in Word and deed. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday: After the 8:30 AM and the 5:00 PM Masses. Monday: 6:00—6:45 PM. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated every second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. PreBaptismal Seminar—The third Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office to reserve dates for both the Pre-Baptismal Seminar and your child’s Baptism. RCIA PROCESS/SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION FOR ADULTS: Inquiry Sessions for those interested in becoming Catholic are held weekly. Call the Parish Office for more information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Weddings should be arranged at least six months prior to the anticipated date. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment to assist you in beginning this sacrament. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Will take place the first Sunday of each Month after every Mass. Please wait in the front pew until Father returns. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In the first reading today, we hear the vision of Isaiah which says: On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines. We tend to see this as a vision of Heaven where there will be a fantastic banquet. This makes sense because in the time of Isaiah, mountains were seen as places close to God where people commune with God in prayer and intimacy, just as Moses on the mountain communed with God. This is true, but there is a deeper meaning as well. Isaiah, in this passage, is referring to Mt. Zion or, as we know it, Jerusalem. Isaiah is saying that on the Mount of Jerusalem, God will provide rich food and choice wine for a banquet for us. And He did! This is where Jesus died, and within the events of His passion, death and resurrection, Jesus left us His body and Blood in the form of bread and wine. What better rich food can we have than His Body to feast on? What better juicy wine than His Sweet Blood? As the vision goes on to say, that, with this Food and Wine, He will lift the veil that veils all people. The veil is twofold. It is the veil of death, which He lifted and now through His passion death and resurrection, we can live forever. Also, it is the veil with the inability to see and know God’s ways. We now have the ability to know His ways. Imagine how much more we can know if we allow His Body and Blood to truly digest in us. Sometimes we have a spiritual bulimia, and don’t let the Body and Blood of Jesus digest fully in us. We starve the ability of that nourishment by not entering into deep thanksgiving after receiving or not contemplating on His Body and Blood inside of us or not fully accepting it as His True Body and Blood or rushing out of the church in our own pursuits and concerns. The Lord of Hosts has provided for all people as the prophesy said: take time to contemplate this banquet and allow the nourishments of His Body and Blood to sink deep in you. New Holy Communion Cups and New Altar Server Albs The new cups and albs have been ordered thanks to generous donations for this cause. The new cups are a bit heavier and have a satin finish (which will be easier to maintain). Once the new albs are in place, I am asking that all servers please take care to hang them when done serving mass. They are much easier to hang up than the present albs. (If I happen to discover which servers are putting the albs on the floor, I will ask their parents to launder and iron all the albs). Together let us all be responsible and respectful for the vessels and vestments of the Sacred Mass. Hand Sanitizer for Eucharistic Ministers Hand Sanitizers have been installed for Eucharistic Ministers, priests and deacons. There is one in the front of each of the middle pews so that as the Eucharistic Ministers approach the altar, they can easily sanitize their hands. There is also one behind the altar for the clergy. Cold and Flu season As cold and flu season approaches, I ask everyone to simply use common sense. If you are sick, STAY HOME, rest and get better. When we are sick, it is not a sin to miss Mass. Many people worry about receiving the Precious Blood during this season. I personally do not believe that germs can pass through the cup at the Eucharist, because Jesus would not allow us to get sick receiving Him. Please use common sense; if you feel uncomfortable receiving from the cup, then just receive the Body of Christ. FIRE - Faith Intercession Repentance Evangelization Our Monroeville FIRE Rally is fast approaching, what a great day to set our hearts on FIRE for the Lord. Come on November 1st and set your hearts on fire. More information is available at our Website. The registration form is included with this week’s bulletin. Please forward to the Parish Office or drop your completed form either in the box in the narthex or collection basket at next week’s Mass. MIM Open House (Monroeville Interfaith Ministerium) Again this year, we in union with all Faiths in our area have invited all people to come worship with us. Although all are welcome anytime, this is a specified date so that we can personally welcome any visitors. Our date is October 19 at the 10:00 AM Mass. The schedule for the other Faiths in October are: • Crossroad Presbyterian Church, Oct. 12, 10:30AM • North American Martyrs, Oct 26, 11AM All parishioners are welcome to visit. Bible Study I am leading a Bible Study with the theme of The Sacraments in the Scriptures. The sessions continue on Monday evenings in the church at 7:30PM as follows: October 13, 20, 27, November 10 and 17. In addition, sessions will be held on Thursdays at 11:00AM in Biedenbach Hall on these dates: October 16, 23, 30, November 6 and 13. 250 Club There are still tickets for this year’s 250 club. This is a great opportunity to support the school, have a chance for a weekly monetary prize and enjoy a nice evening and dinner next fall with others who purchase tickets along with other prizes and the grand prize. Tickets can be purchased at the School office during the weekdays, after Sunday Masses or by calling Sr. Carol at the school. Please support this effort and help to continue to provide education here at St. Bernadette. Peace of Christ, Fr. Tony ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA OCTOBER 12, 2014 NOTES FROM THE PASTOR CONTINUED: Important message from a Parishioner: Grow in the Faith with Small Faith Groups for Couples Did you ever feel like you were being led to do something by the Holy Spirit? That's how I feel about this. My husband and I have had the pleasure of being involved with several small faith groups and feel compelled to start one at St. Bernadette's. The one we'd like to start is called, The Christian Family Movement (CFM). You can read more about it at The way it works is that couples meet at one another's homes once a month to pray, discuss a few pages of a CFM book, and enjoy the fellowship of one another. I have found great joy in being a part of small faith groups in the past; it's a great way to grow spiritually and get to know the "Body of Christ." If this is something that interests you, contact Alison Cooley by e-mail at or at 412.496.9904. Please call after 3:00PM M-F (for clarification, this is not a group affiliated with Teams of Our Lady). BLESSING OF EXPECTANT PARENTS will be offered after each Mass on October 18/19. No need to call the Parish Office beforehand, just wait in the front pew until Father returns at the end of the Mass. FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY will be held on Sunday, October 19, after the 8:00AM, 10:00AM and 12Noon Masses, hosted by the PTG. Please join us for a bit of socializing with your Parish family. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE FALL CAMPAIGN runs through Sunday, November 2. Christians throughout Pittsburgh are invited to take part in the National 40 Days for Life Campaign. The mission of 40 Days for Life is to unite the Body of Christ in the spiritual battle to end abortion. Join us for 40 days of prayer & fasting. A peaceful vigil will be held every day from 7AM-7PM in front of Planned Parenthood at 933 Liberty Avenue. Saint Bernadette Parish has been very generous at each campaign to pray, fast and to stand in prayerful vigil. This Fall we will pray again at Planned Parenthood on Monday, October 13, from 11:00AM to 3:00PM and again on Thursday, October 30, from 3:00PM to 7:00PM. Bring your Rosary. Questions: Dee Gallagher, 412.628.7132 or, or Nikki Bruni, ALL SOUL’S MEMORIAL MASS The Memorial Mass for All Soul’s Day will be Monday, November 3 at 7:00PM. All those who were buried from our Parish in the past year will be remembered with a candle. Anyone who wishes to have loved ones remembered at this Mass should call the Parish Office at 412.373.0050 and provide the names for inclusion. DO YOU HAVE TOO MUCH “STUFF”? Do you have unwanted furniture or household goods? Please call the “Blessing Board.” They will pick up your donations and forward to those who sometime have nothing! For more information please call 412.646.4786 or email at BLOOD PROGRAM NEWS The parishes of North American Martyrs and St. Bernadette are sponsoring a Virtual Blood Drive at any Central Blood Bank Community Center. This blood drive will be from Monday, Oct. 6 thru Saturday, Oct. 18. The nearest center for parishioners is at 4075 Monroeville Blvd. in Corporate Office Park Building II. To donate blood, call 1.866.366.6771 or contact Chuck Summerville at 412.372.4332 or DEATHS Andrew Tirpak Jr. Special friend of Nancy Bertoni, Father of Dana (Todd) Allison, Dave (Mary Beth) Bertoni, Chris (Mary) Bertoni WELCOME TO ST. BERNADETTE PARISH So that we might better serve your needs, if any of the situations below apply to you, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Thank you. Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City/Zip Code ______________________________________________ Phone-H __________________________W ______________________ ___New Parishioner ___New Address/Phone ___Interested in RCIA ___Interested in Choir ___New envelopes ___Wish to speak to a priest ___Moving out of Parish ___Returning to Parish ___Returning Catholic ___Entering Hospital ___A Shut-in lives with me ___Questions on Catholicism BAPTISMS Natalie Renee Shearer Daughter of Michael and Whitney Shanoski Shearer Jacob Cole Bouvy Son of Zachary and Jessica Lara Bouvy Harlow James Iddon Daughter of James and Dawn Ranko Iddon BANNS OF MARRIAGE III Brian Boerner & Chrissy Palumbo III Doug DiFilippo & Ashley Senopole II Stephen Kiefer & Jennifer Reese I Jesse Kalkstein & Natalie Dowd TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WINNERS UPDATE 250 Club Winner No Winner Sunday 10/12 Monday 10/13 Grocery cert. sold:…………(.Last Week)…..........$11,250 Profit:………………………………...…………...……….$619 Tuesday 10/14 Grocery cert. sold:..………..(This Week)…………$17,565 Profit:…………………………………………………….$1,012 Thanks!!! We sell Certificates for Giant Eagle, Shop ‘n Save, Labriola’s, McGinnis Sister’s and Community Market. Please consider using grocery certificates when shopping at these stores. Thanks for your help!!! 250 Club Update Tickets are currently on sale for the 2014-2015 year after all Masses in the Bride’s Room and in the School office. Please purchase your ticket as soon as possible. Payouts on the new tickets began on October 4 and continue for 50 weeks. The price of the ticket is $125. Thanks to all those who have already purchased your tickets. The 250 Club Banquet was held last Saturday. 27 ticket holders won $25.00 each,12 ticket holders won $50.00 each and 5 won $75.00. The last $5,800 was divided by the 5 people who chose to split the money. Dave Bogacki, Madge Brown,John Bruchwalski, Mary Ellen Papa and Bernadette Volberg each received $1160. Many thanks to all who had tickets and attended the dinner. Thanks to those who served on the committee for all the work they did. Lastly, if you have not purchased a ticket for the coming year, please stop at the school or buy one after Mass in the weeks ahead. We appreciate your continued support of St. Bernadette School. All women of the Pittsburgh Diocese are invited to celebrate Mass with Most Reverend Bishop David A. Zubik, D.D. at St. Paul Cathedral on Saturday, October 25 at 10:00AM for the Installation of Diocesan Council of Catholic Women officers. Mass will be followed by lunch and guest speakers Father William Kiel and Sister Marian Senish. Luncheon fee is $20.00 and registration is required by sending a check payable to DCCW to Bernadette Burke, 405 Pearce Road, Pgh. 15234. Inquiries: 412.221.6621 or A GENTLE REMINDER All requests to be placed in the Bulletin must be sent to NO LATER than 12:00 Noon every Monday. Thank you. HELP IS NEEDED WITH LAUNDERING PURIFICATORS A volunteer is needed for two months of the year. If interested, call Peggy Whalen 412.372.3517 Wednesday 10/15 Thursday 10/16 All Masses—KOC speaker 11-3PM—40 Days for Life—Downtown 6PM Boy Scouts—MR 7-9PM YG—BH 7:30-8:30PM Bible Study—CH 10AM Tai Chi—BH 1:30PM—Cursillo— LC 3:30-5:30PM—Girl Scouts—BH 6:45PM Meditation Group— RC 7-9PM Joy of the Gospel—LC 1-7PM Music Ministry—CH 3-5PM Children’s Choir—CH 4:30-5:45PM CCD Rosary—CH/SCH 7-8:30PM Cub Scouts—BH 7PM RCIA—AR 7PM Quilt Ministry—BH 7PM Parish Choir—CH 11AM Bible Study —BH 3-5PM Girl Scouts—BH 6PM Pastoral Council—RC 6:30-7:45PM CCD Rosary—BH Friday 10/17 8AM Meditation Group— BR Saturday 10/18 Sunday 10/19 7PM Festival of Praise—CH/LC 7:15AM CMF—RC Fellowship Sunday—BH KEY: AR=Art Room, BH=Biedenbach Hall, BR=Brides Room, BMR=Borchick Meeting Room, CH=Church, LC=Lourdes Center, LCG=Lourdes Center Gym, MR=Music Room, Sr. Frances Hurley, who taught first grade here for many years, has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She is undergoing chemo treatments and is at the Motherhouse where she has round-the-clock nursing care. She is guarding against any infections. For this reason and under doctor’s orders she is not to receive visitors, but prayers and cards are welcome. Her address is: Sister Frances Hurley St. Joseph Convent 1020 State St. Baden, PA 15005 Thank you for your care and concern. Your Sisters at St. Bernadette St. Bernadette, pray for us! PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE Celebrate May, the month of Our Lady by visiting the Grace-filled village of Medjugorje with Mother’s Pilgrims pilgrimage to Medjugorge. In the words of Our Lady, “Thank you for responding to my call. If you know how much I love you, you’d cry for joy.” The dates of the pilgrimage are from May 26—June 4, 2015. For more information, please call Cathy Howe @412.278.4673, Chuck Wysor @ 412.366.7200 or Mary Ann Sarver @ 412.486.8874 or email: ST. BERNADETTE PARISH MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA OCTOBER 12, 2014 Parish Choir Rehearsal to Resume ~ New Members Welcome With the scriptures calling each of us to song, music is at the heart of each and every liturgical celebration in our Catholic Faith. Our Saint Bernadette Parish choir has resumed rehearsals at 7:00PM in the church. The choir is looking for new members to share of their time and talent. The Choir provides musical leadership primarily at the 10:00AM Mass through Pentecost Sunday (May 24). along with other Feasts and Solemnities throughout the church year. Please consider joining us; we need you! For more information contact Josh Bandish, Director of Music Ministries at or 412.373.0050. FESTIVAL OF PRAISE: There will be a festival of Praise on Friday, October 17 at 7:00PM in the Church, followed by a reception in the Lourdes Center. See the flyer in the bulletin for more details. DEACON’S BEACONS I am offering an ongoing daily Scriptural Reflection via email. I will pick a short passage and offer a brief reflection on it. If you would like to be included, please email me at I will add you to the group list. Deacon Mike CYM BASKETBALL Any high school boy of girl not playing for their high school team, and interested in playing CYM, please contact Matt Vizzini at 412.856-5052 or Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Gospel of Matthew St, Joseph Spirituality Center, Baden, is offering a course on the Gospel of Matthew. Sister Honora McCawley presents this Gospel as a bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The study of this Gospel, through the lens of its historical and cultural context, can feel like meeting Jesus again for the first time. This course will be October 21 and 28 (Tuesdays) from 7:00-9:00PM at St. Athanasius Parish in West View. Oktoberfest An Oktoberfest will be held at St. Regis Church, Trafford, on Sunday Oct. 19 from 2-6PM. Entertainment will be provided along with games for the children. Traditional food will be available and will feature 2 Oktoberfest beers and funnel cake. Chances will be sold on our themed baskets and handmade crafts. SERRA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Class of 2019—students and parents– please join us at our open house on Tuesday, October 14 at 7PM. Meet our faculty, parents and students. There will be refreshments, prizes and more! We hope to see you there! OUR LADY OF JOY SPEAKER SERIES—DON’T FALL THIS FALL How to stay upright and get stronger,- learn how to assess risks of falling and strategies for improving strength and balance-two essential elements for avoiding falls. All classes will be held at Our Lady of Joy,in Fr. Marchukonis Hall. Lght refreshments will be served. For more information, please call Kathy at 412.795.4717 Children’s AM Mass. weeks but Kopper at for more DIOCESAN DATABASE AND REGULATIONS FOR ALL MINISTRIES—All ministers including catechists, staff, choir, ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, etc. are required by the Diocese of Pittsburgh to be cleared in the following ways: 1) Be registered on the Diocesan Database 2) Sign the Code of Pastoral Conduct 3) Be cleared by the Department of Public Welfare for Child Abuse 4) Be cleared by the State Police Criminal Record Check 5) Attend Protecting God’s Children for Adults Workshop These are the next scheduled sessions: North American Martyrs - Deluca Hall Thursday, November, 13, at 7:00PM Registration: Donna Lew-Buechel at 412.349.0942 ABUSE HOTLINE—If you have reason to suspect child abuse is occurring in any situation, please call the abuse hotline at 800.932.0313 or the Diocese of Pittsburgh Victims Assistance Coordinator at 412.456.3060. Anyone making a report is immune from civil or criminal liability provided a report is made in good faith. If you have not completed the workshop, want to register, have questions, or are presently involved in any ministry in the parish and/or school, please contact Marlene Kopper. Forms are available in the Parish and CCD offices. All costs are covered by the parish. For a list of Protecting God’s Children seminars in the entire Diocese, log on to and check the green link on the left hand side of the screen for “Protecting God’s Children Workshops.“ HELP NEEDED FOR CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Caring people are needed to help with the Liturgy of the Word during our Sunday, 10:00 We have several terrific catechists who rotate more are needed. Please contact Marlene 412.373.1797 or information. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Liturgies For The Week October 12, 2014--October 19, 2014 SUNDAY—TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00—Vigil Mass –Welfare of the St. Bernadette Parishioners 8:00—Agnes Wozniak—Wozniak Family 10:00—Doug & Katie Fisher—25th Wedding Anniversary 12:00—Ruth Anne Ferrand—Family 7:00—Jim Meyers—Family MONDAY—WEEKDAY 8:45-- Morning Prayer 9:30—Mom, Dad, Buddy and Kerry Jenkins— Glenn Smith & Family 10:00-7:00— ADORATION 6:00-6:45—Confessions 7:00—Elizabeth & John Massarelli—Farina Family TUESDAY—St. Callistus 7:15—David West—Wife, Frances 9:30—Morning Prayer WEDNESDAY—St. Teresa of Jesus 7:15—Leo Daggett—Billy Lee & Judy 8:45—Morning Prayer 9:30—Douglas Migitsch/Damon Pattinson— Migitsch Family THURSDAY—St. Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 7:15—Edward Graham—Tevis Boys 9:30—Morning Prayer FRIDAY—St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:15—Anthony Gravante— Theresa Gravante 9:30—Fr. Andrew Lukas—Ray, Diane & Rebecca Staub 5:00—Wedding– Boerner—Palumbo 7:00—Festival of Praise SATURDAY—St. LUKE 8:30—Tom Lynskey—Family 9:00—Confessions 2:00—Wedding—DiFilippo –Senople 5:00—Deceased of Mura, Mullaney& Mulholland Families—Family 6:00—Confessions SUNDAY—TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00—Welfare of the St. Bernadette Parishioners 10:00—Dottie Oross—Bill Seippel 12:00—Ralph & Gloria Cocucci—Linda & Albert Ziccardi 7:00—Regis Morganti—Cass, Zen, Rody Viola We reserve the right to make unavoidable changes in the Mass schedule. Liturgical Ministers Schedule Saturday, October 18, 5:00 PM L. Sehovski, N. Sehovski, C. Maskiewicz, J. Lilly, K. Schuetz, C. Cowan Commentator Rich McKenzie Lector Michelle Chapkis Altar Servers Patrick & Jacob Daum, Skyler Esswein Sunday, October 19, 8:00 AM K. Brendlinger, C. Rosko, B. Almeter, F. Eggleston, L. Eggleston Commentator Sue O’Toole Lector Maureen Kane Altar Servers Livia & Heath Chase Sunday, October 19, 10:00 AM S. Hart, L. Herold, J. Ribic, D. Dzuban, C. Cooley, J. Bobich Commentator Bill Mackowick Lector Linda Valentine Altar Servers Gianna Vermeulen, Ryan Parsley, Michael Cooley Sunday, October 19, 12:00 Noon S. Torick, L. Moore, D. Rielly, B. DiSabato, D. O’Toole, L. Ziccardi Commentator Elwyn Hildum Lector Alan Vento Altar Servers John, Mary & Will Kromka Sunday, October 19, 7:00 PM P. Rogus, R. Rogus, D. Marney, L. Lucas, S. Dilorio Commentator Frank Randazza Lector Jack Webster Altar Servers Julia Webster, Elizabeth Amen A GENTLE REMINDER that the handicapped parking spaces are reserved for those persons who need them, meet the requirements and display the proper handicapped placards or license plate. Thank you. SACRAMENTAL VISITS TO THE HOMEBOUND Eucharistic Ministers and Parish Staff are available to take Communion to the homebound. Just call Deacon Mike Kelly at 412.373.0050 or email him at Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1; Ps 113; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98; Lk 11:47-54 Friday Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Sunday
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