Vol. 22
October, 2014
Issue: 10
Vision Statement
Pastor: Rev. Stan Adams
Reach out to people wherever they are and receive them as they are.
Relate people to God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Nurture and equip people for Christian discipleship.
Go out to be the church in the family, neighborhood, community and world.
Office # 479-253-8987
Fax # 479-253-7968
As a reconciling congregation, we are committed to equality and full inclusion
in all aspects of The United Methodist Church for all persons, regardless of
race, gender, age, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation,
gender identity, nationality or economic status.
Office Hours: Monday—Friday
Non-perishable foods, especially
canned beans (any variety), soups
( tomato, vegetable, chicken noodle),
oatmeal (any size & variety),
and tuna fish ( small).
We are so blessed with enough to eat we sometimes forget there are families in our area that do not have enough
Happy Birthday
to all those born
in October!
food. Reach out to them each month and show God’s love.
Thank you to everyone for your calls and
prayers during my recent hospitalization. It is a
great comfort to know we are in a caring community. Harry Swarts
A Big “thank you” to Nile & Jan Carrothers, Frank & Lois
Cook and Ted & Arnie Richter for planning the Potluck to
benefit the Food Bank. Bill Brooks delivered an overflowing
cart of food to them. Thank you Hospitality Committee for
a job well done.
A new Sunday evening worship, Christian Conversation
and Prayer, begins Sunday, October 5 from 5:30 to 6:30
in the Fellowship Hall. Lead by Pastor Stan, we will
reflect, discuss, and pray on various topics that concern
our lives, our world, and our faith. Coffee and refreshments
will be served. Everyone is welcome to come join us in
this new service.
Prayer Concerns
Tom Marler
Jack Hause
Ray Cloninger
Marcia Grassel
Becky Heath
Suzanne Findley
Kurtis Westphal
Kay Halper
Carolyn Johnston
Bethany Phillips
Dan Bell
Charles Epley
Susan Scantlin
Marjorie Gustin
Becky Bird Achord
June Dettwiler
Brittany Halper
Jack Lewke
Chatan HollowayHaynes
Kabran O’Hara
Paul Gandy
Willi Nikolai
Happy Birthday
to all those born
In November!
Andy Helms
Jennifer Novak
Bethany Phillips
Dr. Richard Brooks
Jo Albro
Gwyn Gandy
Brittney Halper
Scott Tucker
Larry Angela
Gerald Dunbar
Joan Ticer
Beau Bell
Riley Roussin
Sally Roussin
Martha Tancre
Bill Featherstone
Rick Sage
Llyod Chandler, Doug Phillips’ grandfather
Inside this Issue:
Our prayers are with Carol Myers and her nephews, Steve
and Rick Bussard, in the death of Carol’s sister-in-law,
Betty Bussard.
More on Bach —- New study groups——
A message on Lay leadership —— and
all the exciting happenings for this fall.
Our men and women in service
There is a little-known mission ministry our church participates in.
If you joined this church family since the first of the year, you probably haven’t even heard of it, because we usually talk about it in
the fall. Quick summary: As part of a larger mission organized by
FUMC in Fayetteville, we are sponsoring a young man in Uganda
by the name of Joseph Tenywa. Our support began in 2008 with
the UMW, when Joseph was only 11, and then a few years later
the project became too large for the UMW and evolved into a
church-wide mission project. There are five parts to our support of
Monthly Sponsorship for Joseph is an amazing $36 per month.
Why amazing? It covers the dormitory, food, teachers, books,
medical care, school supplies, and much more.
Action Needed We need commitments from 12 families to provide this $36 amount. This money needs to be sent by December
1, so please make your commitments and provide your check now!
Gifts for Joseph Everyone likes to be remembers at the holidays
and at other times of the year.
Action Needed Purchase gifts for Joseph to be sent to him.
We would like the gifts to be sent not later than November 1, so
that they might be received by Christmas. This year he would particularly like to receive a pair (or two) of black shoes, men’s size 7,
a dictionary, and several inflatable soccer balls and a pump. There
are many other things he could use, and a list along with pictures of
him over the years will be on the table by the board at the back of
the sanctuary. See how he’s grown!
Money is needed to send the package to Joseph. If you would
like to help and are unable to shop for gifts, we will use your money
to purchase additional items he needs.
Action Needed Kindly provide monetary gifts for these two
purposes—mailing and purchasing additional gifts. Cards and
Notes A copy of Joseph’s latest letter to us will be posted in the
back of the sanctuary. He names those people who have written
him, and he has in each of his letters. He very much enjoys this
personal touch. Action Needed Writing a quick card or a brief
note to Joseph would be so appreciated! All it takes is a really
short note. Here are some ideas of things you can put in it: We
are thinking of you/praying for you. How is your schooling? What
is the weather there at this time of year? (It is fall here now, and
that is when the leaves fall, the weather changes from warm to
cold, etc.) Our church had a potluck dinner where everyone
brought food. It was interesting because . . . Please write about
your garden, your dinner last night, or .. . anything that you think
might be interesting! Thanks! He will reply, probably in a reply
sent to the whole church.
Prayer Pastor Edward Magumba, a native of Uganda, is the
founder of this mission. He says: A partner is one who prays
works, gives, grows, and serves in this Ministry as the Lord directs
and as the sponsoring group vision provides opportunities to do so.
Thank you for being our partners for standing with us. We believe
that prayer changes things and that God acts upon the prayers of
his people.
Action Needed Please add Joseph, Pastor Edward, and His
Mercy Christian School For Orphans and vulnerable children
to your personal prayer list. your church family hopes that YOU
will choose to participate in this mission, so we can continue Joseph’s support for the coming year. You will, of course, receive a
receipt for your tax-deductible contribution. Sara Knight anad
Shirley Lykins are coordinating this project for the church. If you
are giving money, please make your check out to the United Methodist Women, and give it to either of these women. Also if you
have gifts, cards, or notes you would like to send, you are welcome
to give those to Sara or Shirley, also, who will see that they are
packaged and sent to Joseph. Thank you for your generosity in
this important project!
Financial Information
as of September 21, 2014
September Goal:
Month YTD Goal:
September Contributions:
Contributions to Date
Building Fund Loan balance as of 8/11/14 $149,091
Year to date collected $ 26,065
On Wed. Oct. 8 Pastor Stan will lead a four
week Holy Conference study for the
Administrative Council members, from 6-8pm
in fellowship hall.
Scouting news
Hello, I would like to introduce myself, my name is
Justin and I am a 10th grader in the Eureka Springs
public school. I am also a Life scout and I am currently the Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 67. Since
Boy Scouts is boy run, that means that I am really
the one in charge, and the adults are there to help
things get done, but I have to manage the scouts
and make sure that everyone has the information
they need, and I also provide the leadership for the
boys and the troop. It’s a really big responsibility, let
me tell you! If you have been reading these Scouting Newsletters every month, you know all about
the fun stuff we do. You might think that we are all
about fun and games. Sure, we do a lot of stuff like
canoeing, climbing and all the rest of that “boy scout
stuff”, but that is only part of it. There is an awful lot
of serious learning going on, and believe it or not
there is lots of paperwork to do for merit badges,
safety requirements to do all that fun stuff and we
do all have serious responsibilities that scouting
gradually puts on us.
It’s not easy being a Senior Patrol Leader, or SPL
as we call it. It takes some serious training to eventually make it to that position. Boy Scouts have lots
of training and I took one this summer. I went to
leadership training at a camp in Booneville, AR
called NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training). It was a week long camp. I learned communications and leadership skills like how to deal with
people, teamwork and using your resources. It’s all
about making you a good leader.
I just wanted to write and let you know about that
“other stuff” about scouting, not just the fun. I also
wanted to say how thankful we all are for your help
and support with scouting.
Thank you very much,
Justin Ermert, Senior Patrol Leader
Committee on Lay Leadership
What Do They Do Anyway?
Have you ever wondered about the various factions of our church? The committees, groups, teams? What is their purpose? According to The Book of Discipline, paragraph 258 this committee (referred to as the Committee on Nominations
and Lay Leadership) is charged to identify, develop, deploy, evaluate and monitor Christian spiritual leadership for the
local congregation. The committee recommends to the Charge Conference at its annual session (which will be Sunday
10/26/14) the names of people to serve as officers and leaders of designated ministries. The committee is composed of
the Pastor, Lay Leader and no more than nine other persons. The pastor serves as the chair person. Our church has
many committees, coordinators, and ministry teams. Each year persons roll off those committees and positions become
available that need to be filled. The Lay Leadership Committee is charged with filling those positions.
To paraphrase an article from the General Board of Discipleship website: If Jesus was in Eureka Springs today doing
what he did in Israel in the first century, where would you be most drawn to join him---with the children, in the synagogue,
healing, ministering to the poor, leading a small group, turning over the tables of the moneychangers, some other activity? Or to put it another way what kinds of support or change of life in our congregation or community do you care enough
about to get up off the couch and do something about? What two or three possible ministry opportunities will you commit
to in 2015?
And you may already be thinking of reasons why you cannot or will not serve. I know I play my “I work full time” card often. Many of you have health issues, volunteer elsewhere, have served on many committees in the past and feel you
have done your share (let someone else do it!), have children, family members or spouses at home that take up your time
and attention. But there is work to be done. And opportunities for everyone to participate. No matter how much or how
little time you have to share.
So during October please take some time to evaluate your own spiritual gifts, passions and talents. You may be receiving a phone call from a member of the Committee on Lay Leadership or from Pastor Stan asking you to participate in one
of our ministries. Or better yet, phone Pastor Stan (253-8987) in advance and let him know which ministry team or committee you would like to be involved with in 2015.
But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. 1 Corinthians 7:7
Peggy Way, Lay Leader
(Originally printed in the October 2013 Burning Bush. Revised and reprinted by request.)
Yes, it is not too early to begin thinking about this very important mission event for our local
neighbors and children. Friday, October 31 from 4:30 until ??? ( probably 8 or 9)
WE NEED volunteers for :
1)Serving hot dogs, cider and popcorn (inside narthex). 2) Decorations ( hay bales, jack-o-lantern
luminaries) 3) Advertising. 4) General set-up ( generators, extension cords, clean up, etc.)
5) Coordinator for canned food donations for Flint Street Food Bank. 6)OF COURSE your cars and
their trunks filled with candy. Please take time to put your name on the sign up sheets in church so
we can better plan our space.
This year the theme will be CARTOON CHARACTERS. Dress in any character that fits that theme.
Please no scary costumes, this is a happy event. Suggestions: Snoopy, Lucy, Charlie Brown, Beetle
Bailey, Garfield, Super heroes, Sponge Bob, Flintstones, Lil Abner and Daisy Mae, etc.
The Possibilities are easy and endless. Use your imagination and your personality. The key is a BIG
Participation. We challenge All of the Administrative Council to get involved at some level. This can
be a fun, fun time for all of us and it is a great way to reach out to our community and grow our congregation. The community looks forward to this and EXPECTS it. Questions? Please call Suzie Bell
981-1680 OR Janet Epley 981-0751 to VOLUNTEER!!
United Methodist Women
Annual Fall Meeting
On October 11, in Russellville, a terrific meeting will
happen! We expect (hope) to have at least one member attending. The speaker for the meeting is Maggie
Beeler of the Methodist Family Health Foundation.
There is a mission project to support the Methodist
Family Health Centers. Here are the items they particularly need:
Twin-Sized Sheets
Standard Pillow Cases
White Towels
Games, Puzzles, Cards, Sports Balls
Pajamas—Adult Sizes, Small to Extra Large
$5 to $10 gift cards for children (fast food restaurants, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.)
If you are a UMW member and unable to attend this
meeting, please consider donating the $10 registration
in lieu of your attendance. If you would like to attend,
please give your pre-registration information to Shirley
Lykins by October 4.
If you are a generous church member who would like
to participate in this project, providing much-needed
items for those who rely on the Methodist Family
Health Centers as home, please contact Shirley Lykins
or June Westphal. You help will be most welcome!
Johann Sebastian Bach
LEIPZIG 1723-1750
Bach’s schedule at the Thomasschule and Church: Singing Class on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; Thursday off, Friday morning taught
and Saturday afternoon rehearsed for the Sunday Cantata. The Sunday
services began at 7 a.m. with a choir motet, hymns and organ piece.
The Cantata lasting about 20 minutes preceded the hour long sermon.
The main service finished about mid day after which was communion.
Bach during the first five years wrote a complete set of cantatas corresponding to the whole of the liturgical year. Each cantata was signed
for Soli Deo Gloria – to the Glory of God Alone.
The General Board of Discipleship (an agency of The United Methodist Church) has joined the
Center for Disease Control and various local, regional, state and national organizations in acknowledging December 1st as World AIDS Day. The World Health Organization established World AIDS
day in 1988. AIDS is a pandemic affecting millions of lives around the globe. It is estimated that
more than 8,000 persons die daily from the virus and more than 930,000 individuals with AIDS reside
in the United States. The General Board of Discipleship encourages everyone to pray for those infected with HIV/AIDS through the Advent season and throughout the year. Additionally, they encourage us to support projects sponsored by organizations that address AIDS.
Most of us feel overwhelmed by this global problem. I know I do. We wonder how we can help in
our own small way. But we do have a local opportunity to Make A Difference!
OARS (Ozarks AIDS Resources & Services) is a local, volunteer, non-profit organization formed in
the Fall of 1992 in Carroll County. OARS provides a free clinic, medications and medical services to
more than 60 individuals and is partnering with ARcare to provide free, painless (mouth swab), and
confidential HIV/AIDS testing on Saturday November 1, 2014 from 8 am to 4 pm. The ARcare
mobile unit will be on site to provide this free/confidential testing.
So, here is your Opportunity to Make A Difference! Gather your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers and come down to the parking lot between The AUD and City Hall on Saturday 11/01/14.
EVERONE should be tested. Results are available in 15-30 minutes. You can come back for the
results, or you may want to take advantage of the free back/neck massage some of our local massage therapists will provide to those who have been tested.
I hope to see you there!
Peggy Way, Lay Leader and Chairman of the Board of Directors of OARS
For more information, check out these websites: (General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church) (Arcare) (OARS)
Each Sunday
8:15 a.m. Choir Rehearsal
8:55 a.m. Grace Immersion
9:30 a.m. Coffee
10:00 a.m. Worship
Children’s Sunday School
11:15 a.m. Adult Classes
5:30-6:30pm Christian
Conversation & Prayer
Fellowship Hall
1-2pm Lucy Clark Circle
5:00—8:00 p.m. ECHO
8:30 a.m. Prayer Group
9:00 a.m. Coffee
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
8:30 a.m. Prayer Group
9:00 a.m. Coffee
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
Israel/Palestine conflict
study, fellowship hall
Israel/Palestine conflict
study, fellowship hall
6-8pm Holy Conference
study, in fellowship hall for
Administrative Council
Israel/Palestine conflict
study, fellowship hall
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
10:00am Methodist
Ministers meeting –library
5:30 p.m. Jubilee
2015 Stewardship campaign starts
8:30 a.m. Prayer Group
9:00 a.m. Coffee
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
8:30 a.m. Prayer Group
9:00 a.m. Coffee
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
Israel/Palestine conflict
study, fellowship hall
5:00—8:00 p.m. ECHO
6-8pm Holy Conference
study, in fellowship hall
for Administrative Council
318:30am Prayer Grp.
Trunk or Treat
Starts at 4:30
In the parking lot.
10:30 Walking Class
9:00am Coffee
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
6-8pm Holy Conference
study, in fellowship hall
for Administrative Council
Israel/Palestine conflict
study, fellowship hall
10:30 a.m. Walking in the
Spirit Class
4:30 Endowment
committee meets in library
5:30 p.m. Jubilee
9:30am Helen Wilson
5:30 p.m. Jubilee
5:30 p.m. Jubilee
6-8pm Holy Conference
study, in fellowship hall
for Administrative Council
6:00pm Administrative
5:30-6:30pm Christian
council meeting
Conversation & Prayer
Fellowship Hall
5:30-6:30pm Christian
Conversation & Prayer
Fellowship Hall
26 Rev. Bud Reeves,
District Superintendent
10:00am preaches sermon
11:15am leads our
Charge Conference
5:30-6:30pm Christian
Conversation & Prayer
First United Methodist Church
Pastor, Rev. Stan Adams
195 Huntsville RD
Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(479)253-8987– Fax (479)253-7968
The people of The United Methodist Church®
Will we as Christians follow God’s will?
Or perhaps decide to not fulfill.
A question that is immensely important most would say,
But can we abide by God’s will each day?
Certainly those of us with a strength of faith that’s strong,
Are aware of following God’s will we won’t be wrong.
For God has laid our a path for us to follow,
That will reap a harvest instead of a field of fallow.
So let’s heed the works of our Father on high,
Until we meet with Him in the bye and bye.
Then as Christians we will experience the glorious time,
As miraculously the bells of heaven will certainly chime.
George Kay