Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 THE CIRCUIT WRITER What’s Inside 2 Pastor’s Corner 3 Stewardship 3 Men’s Service Team 4 A Time for Prayer 5 OWLS 5 Announcements 6 A Disciple’s Corner 7 Garden Ministry 8 Missions 9 EUMW 9 Visitation 9 Events 10 Migrant Lunch 10 Hymn Sing & Potluck 11 Birthdays & Anniversaries 12 Church Info. Worship Opportunities Traditional Service 8&11am Contemporary Praise Service 9:15am Sunday School 9:30&11am The Circuit Writer Children & Youth • The Youth Group meets Wednesdays at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall. • The Children meet Wednesdays for Bible Study at 6:15 pm in the Children’s Building during quarterly classes. 1 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 Pastor’s Corner As I sit at my desk in the middle of December writing my article for the January newsletter I am in a quandary. There are just too many things to write about. So let me say a little about a lot of things. 1. I don’t know if you remember the kids Sunday School song “Deep and Wide,” but as I am thinking and praying about what my goals are for EUMC in 2015, that refrain keeps coming into my head. We need to be a spiritually deep church with a wide impact for Christ in our community. To accomplish that, we are going to have to keep growing in healthy ways. We are going to have to figure out both individually and collectively how to love God and each other more. We are going to have to continue to integrate the truth of the love and grace of God into our lives, and let that love work itself out in our actions and attitudes. We are going to have to allow ourselves to be stretched and molded to the image of Christ. And we are going to have to be the physical hands and feet of Jesus in the world around us. I think it’s going to be a great year. 2. We have two new services starting on January 11th in the Fellowship Hall. A 9:15 Traditional Service and a 10:45 Contemporary Service. Pastor John will be leading both services. This is something that we have been working and planning on for nine months, and I can’t believe it’s almost here. Please help us get the word out about these services and pray that God would bring people to fill them. The Circuit Writer 3. In February 2015, Estero UMC will do all we can to leave the Fingerprints of Christ on our Community. Each week in February, there will be various opportunities to get out of the pews and into ministry. Each Sunday in February, we will be hearing testimonies about how our service is making a difference. MY GOAL IS FOR EVERY PERSON WHO ATTENDS EUMC TO HAVE ONE MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE OF SERVICE IN THE COMMUNITY IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. We will be exercising some spiritual (and physical) muscles as we serve. 4. Thursday, January 22nd at 7PM in the Fellowship Hal,l we will repeat the presentation of the proposed building plans that we did on November 9th. Since we have such a seasonal swing in attendance we want to give those who weren’t here in November a chance to hear and interact with the information that was presented. 5. Even though as I am writing this the final figures aren’t in, as of today it looks as though we will end the year in the black, or close enough that it won’t be an issue. I am so grateful for your continued generosity and faithfulness to Estero UMC. 6. Prepare yourself on Sunday, January 11th to meet our new Children’s Director, Robin Voskamp. We are excited that Robin is joining our team!! There is a separate bio of Robin in the newsletter. I know you will give her a great Estero welcome. (Cont. on next page) 2 Estero United Methodist Church Stewardship January 2014 7. A very special word of thanks to Kathryn Hunter, Michelle Harrington, Connie Hutson, and Bob Lee who are all rotating off of the Ad Board. Their service to this church in the last year has been exceptional and I have loved their heart for the Lord, His Church, and our church. Be sure when you see them to give them a special hug of thanks. Yours in the Journey. . . Pastor Tim Each holiday season, Estero United Methodist Church anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving to be a welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the GIVE ONLINE button. Or if it’s easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Thank you for your generosity and support! The Circuit Writer Calling the Men of Estero United Methodist: Prepare for Action! This winter it’s time to serve Jesus by serving our neighbors! We are kicking off our New Year by gathering an Estero UMC Men’s Service Team. We plan on taking on a few church projects and serving our brothers and sisters in the congregation who are in need of our skills in the areas of: basic household maintenance and repairs, computer help, yard work, furniture moving and general grunt labor. But in order to pull this off . . . we need your help! Please consider if you would join into our work of service and stay tuned for an organizational meeting in early January. Contact: Pastor John (626)616-0790 3 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 A TIME FOR PRAYER “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” MATTHEW 5:16 A new year is beginning and we reflect on the old year. We look back and wonder how to improve our spiritual and personal lives. We think of New Years resolutions as ways to fix or change something. God sent us Jesus to put hope into our lives. We soon discover we need divine help. Thank the Lord for directing and leading us. God calls us to make a difference in the lives of others. We may resolve to use our gifts to celebrate the presence of Christ in our lives and ask for wisdom to serve God. There is no time like the present to seek the Lord. In the Bible we can read of Joshua’s decision on whom to serve. “As for me and my household we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua: 24:15) With God’s help, we do not fear rejection. We can make a difference by letting Christ live through us. When Please pray for: trouble comes, let the Lord guide you through the dark times • New church services in and wait for God. We can trust Him to give us his hand as He Fellowship Hall did for Peter when he faltered and took his eyes off the Lord. • New Disciple classes The Lord is always with us. Do not fear and become • Winterfest dismayed. The Lord never sleeps. He will watch over us even • New member classes when the world ignores Him. He is always at work answering prayers and using them for His purposes.”He will not fail or forsake you.”(I Chronicles 28:20) Pray for those who need Christ. Look for opportunities to help others and give glory to our Father. Jesus says “Do not be afraid. I am here to help you.” We live in a world filled with danger. He still says to those who love Him and believe Him the same words, “Do not be afraid.” “In Him we have redemption through His blood.” (Ephesians:7) Seek the Lord daily and let Christ work in your life, changing you and making you more like Him. The closer we get to God, the more we see his greatness and majesty. Discover that it is Christ alone who is the source of love, peace, and joy. “Let your heart not be troubled. Nor let us be afraid.” (John 14:27) This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. God Bless, Lucy Jacoby ,Prayer Advocate The Circuit Writer 4 Estero United Methodist Church :: OWLS :: Only Women Living Single Welcome back ladies! I trust everyone had a great summer and are now ready for a new season with the OWLS. Service Day: We have lots planned for the up and coming season. The first Weds. of the month, as you know, is put aside for deciding and working on our service projects. This year we are focusing on ways of assisting our church single men and women who may need help in areas such as transportation, light housekeeping, med. pickups, etc. Hopefully, we will have our ideas and plans finalized after our next service meeting on Jan, 7th. Ladies plan to attend. We need everyones' input and energy to make this year successful. Meet and Greet: We are planning a single women's Meet and Greet in early Jan. immediately after each church service. This should be a great way to connect with other single ladies. Our goal is awareness of who we are and what we can provide for these singles in ways of fellowship,, friendship, and/or needs. Fellowship and Fun: Remember the third Weds. of each month is our game/book club day. We will begin at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We welcome ALL single ladies of our church who wish to come and enjoy a morning of games such as cards, dominos, Mah-jong. For those who wish to join our Christian book club, this too is available. Lunch out after is also an option for those who wish to attend. It is not mandatory to be an OWLS member to attend our fellowship day. Outings: Our first outing of the season was to the ECHO Farm. For those of you with could not join us, you missed out on a great day. In Jan. we are venturing out for a night of musical fun at Koreshan State Parks' "Music Under the Stars" series. More details will follow. We are just warming up for the season so there is a lot more to come. Members, I look forward to seeing you at our next service meeting on Jan.7th. For any single women who wish to see what we are all about please come and join us for the day. If you wish more information on the OWLS please feel free to call Sandra Pilliod at 419-346-6110. The Circuit Writer January 2014 WANTED Our Church is need of some used, but still working lawn equipment. We need, one lawn edger, one Weed Whacker, and one blower. All of these need to be gas powered as they will be used for the upkeep of the south field. Do you have one you no longer need? If so, please call John Nance at (239) 770-2384. GARDEN NEEDS: Plastic Bags! There are crops to pick, and great food to gather. The garden has a need for plastic bags. Many of us have lots of bags and we could surely use them. Please drop by the garden and put them in the blue recycle bin, or bring them on Sunday morning and we will gather them. It seems a shame to buy a box of 1,000 when many of us have gobs of bags. Thanks! For more information, call Dianne Wilkins at 513-829-3258. 5 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 A Disciple’s Corner Happy New Year’s to you, fellow disciples! It’s tough to believe, but this month marks my one year anniversary alongside of you at EUMC. What a blessing this journey has been so far, and I am convinced what’s ahead is better than what’s behind. In fact, I am excited to share with you today our Winter Discipleship Group line-up for the Discipleship Fair on January 18th! Check it out: Discipleship Group Leader Community Gardening 101 Dianne Wilkins Ecclesiastes Bible Study Tim Carson Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage Tom and Judy Branch Daytime Bible Study: the Apostle Paul Bill Kennedy Children of the Day: A Beth Moore Study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians Martha Todd, Roxy Virunurm Following Jesus 101: The Core Christian Practices John Halley Hole in the Gospel Lori Martell Confronting Cancer with Faith Chuck Titko The Meaning of Marriage Bob Wheeler Upper Room Shirley Billups OWLS Sandra Pilliod McGee Bible Study Bev Weisend Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids Rachael Loukonen Covered Wagon Children’s Outreach Yady Galano GriefShare Linda Horne Cup of Joe with Jesus: Men’s Discipleship John Halley Men’s Service Team John Halley Pillowcase Dress Mission Team Roxy Virunurm Drive Thru Prayer Lois Strauss -Pastor John Halley The Circuit Writer 6 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 Garden Ministry It IS the season for thanksgiving, hope and joy. Dianne’s mission moment to the congregation about our ministry at work in the church and community was a wonderful tribute to the fruits of hard work, diligence and love, delivered just in time for Thanksgiving. We extend many thanks to you Dianne. There is much hope in our garden ministry as evidenced by the growth we are experiencing in produce and members. There is much joy in our ministry reflected in the fellowship we share with each other. For all of this and so much more we thank God and EUMC for making this opportunity available. Our Community Garden 101 class finished up on November 22. Our hearts were filled when a number of our class joined us in worship the next day. We filled two pews with a sea of green “Faithful Gardener” shirts, many smiles and accolades for our church and the service. The bulk of our new members are continuing their work in the garden. The next class will begin late January and we are excited to welcome new students from our church and community. We are now in a time of harvest. Many have enjoyed broccoli, kale, tomatoes, radishes, pole and bush beans, squash, cabbage and a strawberry Farmer Bob in here and there. We continue to support Interfaith Caregivers with the beanstalk contributions of fresh produce. Also, this is a time our garden faces its biggest peril – FROST. Early in January we will be plowing the last few rows in preparation for our new class. We have enjoyed much success in weeding and mulching, none of which would be possible without the growth in size of our ministry. Please stop by and visit us on Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 9-11. We will be happy to take you on a tour, find a task if you wish and share our harvest and fellowship with you. We will resume Saturday morning work days in February. The Circuit Writer 7 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 MISSIONS For the month of February, Estero UMC will be focused on missions, from our sermons to mission moments and chili cook-offs, to serving around the community. There is something everyone! It will be a month of learning, sharing and growing. Pastor Tim asked the Missions Committee to create a range of opportunities for the congregation to serve others locally. It is quite a list of options.We are asking that you pick one of them and during the services in February put your commitment in the offering plate or basket as you leave service. You will then be contacted with all the details you will need to be a volunteer serving those who need to know that God loves them. You will be leaving the fingerprints of Christ on their lives. And hence, the theme of the mission’s month is The FINGERPRINTS of CHRIST. More details will follow, but please give the list below a close look to see what God is calling you to do in February, 2015. 1. One Way Out Deliver Valentine’s Gifts – Feb 13 – Lori Martel, 239-216-1252/ 2. Habitat for Humanity Home Build – Feb 14 – Lorrie Morrison, 215-805-6514/ 3. Super Girls Club Tea – Feb 20, 4-6pm– Yady Galano, 239-405-4151/ 4. Super Kids Club Tutoring – M-Th in Feb 3:30-5pm – Yady Galano, 239-405-4151/ 5. Meals of Hope Food Build – Feb 21, 9-11am – Brenda Booth, 239-287-8834/ 6. Come As You Are Serve a Meal or Cook Ahead Casseroles/Soups/Desserts – 4-4:30pm Feb 7, 14, 28 – Anita Spohr, 239-691-7587/ 7. Migrant Lunches Package and Deliver – February 5, 12, 19, 26, Dianne Wilkins, 513-829-3258/ The Circuit Writer 8. Super Kids Club Package Book Bags with School Supplies – Feb 17th at 6:00 pm – Lorrie Morrison, 215-805-6514/ 9. Traveling Praise Sing at Nursing Homes – Feb 4, 11, 18, 25 at 1:30pm – Betty Wilhelm, 239-390-3366 / 10. Sager Brown Mission Trip Info Meeting and Sign Up – Feb 18, 6pm, church library – Lori Martell, 239-216-1252/ 11. Missions Fundraiser Cook Chili for Chili Cook Off – Feb 22, 11am-1pm – Bill Smith, 218-9675, 12. Farmers’ Market Staff the Church Booth – Any Tuesday in Feb 9-11am – Linda Horne, 239-992-5516, 13. Random Act of Kindness for someone in the community – stop at church office for $20 – Mary Huron, 239-992-5516/ 8 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 The EUMW Board Meeting will be January 5th, 2015 in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. Hope you can make it as we have lots of business to take care of. The EUMW first meeting of the New Year will be held January 12, 2015 in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. The program for this meeting will be presented by Jim Jacoby, covering "Romantic Europe". As you know with previous programs that he has done for us, we are in for a treat. Please plan to attend and bring a friend. Also, remember to bring a non-perishable food item for our local charity. HANGING OF THE GREENS EUMC Worship/Hospitality Committee sends a big THANK YOU to Hanging of the Greens volunteers where we have succeeded in adding so much beauty inside and outside for the Christmas Holidays to celebrate our Lord & Saviors Birthday. It really was a great TEAM effort this year and we were done in a record time. Thanks to all! Hanging of the Greens will be coming down on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 9:00 AM again meeting in the Sanctuary and providing those delicious donuts. We all pray that our turnout will be as great as it was in decorating. Enjoy your Christmas and the beauty God gives us each and every day. The Circuit Writer Visitation We are blessed to have many people in our church who are capable of visiting and sharing prayers with those who are in need. Pastor Chuck is part time ( Mon-Wed-FriSun) assisting Pastor Tim with many things and also doing hospital visitation! Covering for Pastor Chuck during his days off, doing hospital visits are Lynn Nelson and Bill Gottschalk. We will be having an orientation meeting on Friday, January 9th, at 10am for those who will be willing to help us with home visit. If God is speaking to you to help with this ministry, and share some smiles with those who are home bound, please call Pastor Chuck at 239-247-1807. WINTER FEST Saturday, January 24th 10a.m. to 2p.m. 9 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 There is always a need for individually wrapped snack items for the lunches that we pack every week for the 40 students at the RCMA Headstart Program. Please NO NUTS! Ideas that work are Little Debbie type snacks, fruit snacks, raisins, cheese crackers (no peanut butter), pop tarts and granola bars. Thanks for providing food for these little ones to take home for the weekend. For more information, call Dianne Wilkins at 513-829-3258. OLD FASHIONED HYMN SING & POTLUCK On Sunday, January 25th at 5:30, let’s gather in the fellowship hall for a Potluck and Hymn Sing. The NEST Committee wants everyone to get together for time of fun and fellowship. So whether you have been here for fifty years or you are just returning for the season, please join us! Please bring a dish to share: A-F M-R G-L S-Z Salad Meat Vegetable Dessert Please sign-up at the Welcome desk so that we will know how many tables to set. You will also have a chance to sign up for your favorite hymn. For more information, please call Dianne Wilkins at 513-829-3258. The Circuit Writer 10 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 January 10th January 19th January 28th Parke Beach Glenn Diehl Catherine Cochran Ruth Cleghorn John Halley Lillian Simpson Tamara Cottrell Richard Kline January 29th Jean Smith January 20th Maddison Kichline January 11th Dennis Jackie Mary Jane Alexander January 2nd Renee Lewis Darlene Almon January 21st Dorothy McNeill Joan Board Edward Nolan Eugene Jorissen January 12th Jesse Loukonen Carolyn Hughes January 22nd Jeanette Neutzling Fred DePirro January 13th Penny Meyer Cinda Leaders Sharon Nolan Talia Wiseman Joyce Robbins January 14th January 23rd Madge Cooks Kathy Courtnage Michael Kelsey January 24th Sara Morris Emily Fechtmeyer James Murphy Eleanor Wagoner Sage Williamson January 25th 1/09 Herm & Betty Beier January 15th Debbie Mitchell 1/20 Bob & Janice White Paula Citeno January 26th January 16th Gene Goodwin Alana Consolo Russell Nielsen Nancy Hebb Albert Stanton Rich Moeller Leslie Van Beveren January 17th January 27th Jonathan Lee William Conaway Kayla Moser Ginger Conaway William Smith Harold Hattock January 18th Doyle Stemen January Birthdays January 1st Minty Ausman Margaret Kruger Robert Wheeler January 3rd Alexander Harrigan Lynette Marks Barbara Martin Travis Ray Robert Sarver January 4th Norman Board Naomi McClintock Mary Ann Morris Thomas Myers Deborah Tubergen January 5th Betty Beier January 6th Carl Andrews Venus Myers Rhonda Oyster January 7th Walter Bitley January 8th Dorothy Potter January 9th John Nance Judy Weigard The Circuit Writer Bob Hufnagel Miriam Sichting January 30th Susan Chenoweth Virginia Cole Bob White Jennifer Harrigan Anniversaries 1/06 Jerry & Alice Frederick 1/08 William & Ginger Conaway 1/22 Richard & Mary Anderson 1/22 Reid & Karen Bryan 1/23 Earl & Dorothy Ward 1/24 Bud & Harriet Corum 1/28 Bob & Carolyn Barry 1/28 Hoody & Janet Sexton 1/30 Gerald & Ruth Metcalfe Connie Langston Trey Sarver 11 Estero United Methodist Church January 2014 Church Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Church Phone: (239) 992-5516 Fax Number: (239) 992-6393 Email: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 68, Estero, FL 33929 Location Addresss: 8088 Lord’s Way Estero, FL 33928 The programs and activities of Estero United Methodist Church are open to all who desire to participate. Call the church office for more information. Staff Pastoral Leadership Senior Pastor: Rev. Tim Carson Program Staff: Renee’ Camper Children’s Coordinator Mary Huron Ligia Pucci Choir Director Josh Braden Bookkeeper Susan Korecki Accountant Vic Sylvia Megan Carson - Communications Coordinator Pastor Chuck Titko Drew DiRoma- Praise Team Leader, Youth Coor. & Pastoral Assistant Carol VanBeveren John Halley Business Manager Maintenance Visitation/ Congregation Care Organist Discipleship Director Linda Horne Administrative Assistant The Circuit Writer 12
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