“Dedicated to maintaining a welcoming, caring and nurturing faith community grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ” SNC Parish Mission Statement Upcoming Events OCTOBER 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME We are so grateful to all those in our parish who volunteer their time and talent to make our Parish a place of welcome. One of those groups who work behind the scenes is the Parish Pastoral Council. Our Parish Council is made up of a mixture of parishioners and students. As a council we listen and respond to the Spirit of God at each meeting and prayerfully consider what the Spirit of God is calling the parish to be and become. The council provides the means whereby lay members of the parish, respond to their baptismal commitment and work closely with the pastor and parish team, for the common good and mission of the parish. In dialogue, members of the council and the pastor come to an understanding of the spiritual as well as physical concerns and needs of the people of the parish and broader community. All deliberations are guided by a spirit of prayer, openness to the Spirit, and be in accord with diocesan policies and emphases, as well as the teachings of the Catholic Church. When faced with a major parish issue or concern, all members of the parish should be provided with an opportunity to learn more about the concern and have an opportunity to share with parish leaders, their reactions and suggestions for dealing with it. KNITTING FOR PEACE October 12, 2014 at 1:00 pm FAITH FESTIVAL October 15, 2014 at 5:00 pm WORSHIP COMMITTEE October 26, 2014 at 6:30 pm CONFIRMATION RETREAT October 25, 2014 9:00 am The Prayer of the Church Join the Norbertine Community of Saint Joseph Priory for the Liturgy of the Hours, celebrated in the Oratory Morning Prayer: 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday Evening Prayer: 5:00 p.m. Sunday through Friday Daily Mass Monday—Friday 12:20 pm Sunday 10:00 am & 4:00 pm We thank Tom Tengowski and Judy Eubierus for their dedication on the council. We welcome Jason Lau as the new chairperson and thank the current members: Howard Ebert, Nancy Jakups, Martha Kralovec, Vonnie McQuade, Kevin Ress, Sharon Zuleger, Travis Vanden Heuvel, Matt Ferch, Betsy Pfantz and Jasmyn Nett. ^ƚ͘EŽƌďĞƌƚŽůůĞŐĞWĂƌŝƐŚͻϭϬϬ'ƌĂŶƚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕ĞWĞƌĞ͕t/ϱϰϭϭϱͻƉĂƌŝƐŚΛƐŶĐ͘ĞĚƵͻǁǁǁ͘ƐŶĐ͘ĞĚƵͬƉĂƌŝƐŚ Liturgical Schedule KĐƚŽďĞƌϭϵ Cross: Greeter: MA: PB: Mass Intentions October 13-19 Monday 12:20 p.m.— Norbertine Intention BB: Tuesday, St. Callistus I 12:20 p.m.— Norbertine Intention CB: Wednesday, St. Theresa of Jesus 12:20 p.m.— Norbertine Intention Cup 1: Cup 2: Cup 3: Cup 4: Cup 5: Cup 6: MW 1: MW 2: Sacristan: Usher: Thursday, St. Hedwig and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 12:20 p.m.— Norbertine Intention Friday, St. Ignatius of Antioch 12:20 p.m.— Norbertine Intention SUNDAY, Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time 10:00 a.m.— +Frank Jilot 4:00 p.m.— SNC Students THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Sacrament will be celebrated in the Reconciliation Chapel on Wednesdays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm or by appointment. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays at 4:00 pm in the Oratory. Stay for evening prayer with the Norbertine Community at 5:00 pm. Stephen Jakups Susan Tengowski Mark Kralovec Presider Marlene Burton Howard Ebert Kerry Gross Carole Guyette Thomas Guyette Mary Hill Nancy Jakups Martha Kralovec Carol LaCombe Larry LaCombe Matt Markowski Kevin Ress Jeanne Suda Robert Moeller Mike Francken Susan Garot Sharon Nolan Leo VanSistine Please remember to find a substute if assigned me. Let us keep our brothers and sisters in prayer: Norma Jane Kolb, Erin Culbertson, Carol Marcinkowski, Dolores Piechura , Janet Calaway Readings for the Week of October 13, 2014 SUNDAY COLLECTION Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: SUNDAY: 10/05/2014 ©Liturgical Publications Inc St. Pat’s Pantry Canned Peaches, Pears and Fruit Cocktail Deodorant 5,210.51 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 NORBERTINE CENTER FOR SPIRITUALITY The Conrad J. Kratz, O. Praem., Abbey Lecture Series – Enkindling Hope: A Calling of the Church in an Age of Soft Despair Christianity is quintessentially a religion of hope because it exultantly proclaims that in God we meet a love that no darkness or evil can ever defeat, a love so faithfully resilient that it never dies. And yet, of the three theological virtues, hope is the most neglected and overlooked. This presentation will address the meaning and preciousness of hope, things that threaten hope, what hope asks of us, and why we should never hope for anything less than what God’s love desires for us. Thursday, October 30 at 6:30 – 8 p.m., reception to follow Presenter: Dr. Paul Wadell, Professor of Religious Studies, St. Norbert College Cost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5) Registration required by October 27 For more information please visit the NCS website at www.norbertines.org BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER Who: Members of the St. Norbert College Parish Where: Old St. Joe’s When: October 12th (distribution) through October 26th (collection) Why: This fundraiser raises money for the MOM’s Home, which is a branch of the A&A Alexandrina Green Bay Pregnancy Help Center. The MOM’s home provides a warm, safe, and secure environment to expectant mothers and mothers with young children. It offers single mothers continuing education courses, while providing them with food and shelter. Without these burdens, the mothers can focus on bettering their family situations, finding employment, and establishing healthy habits for themselves and their children. How: Fill your bottle with donations large or small. Make checks payable to St. Norbert CollegeKnights for Life. Return your bottle to Old St. Joes on Sunday, October 26th. This event is sponsored by the St. Norbert College Pro-Life Group, Knights for Life. On behalf of all the mothers and children who will benefit from this collection, we thank you for your generosity. Ecumenical Partnership for Housing Commission of Conscience The SNC Parish Commission of Conscience (COC) program is an endowment fund that was created several years ago through the efforts of the Green Bay Diocesan “Advancing the Mission Campaign” to aid in funding for students and parishioners who are seeking opportunities to serve the greater good. For a complete description of the COC program fund and application, contact the SNC Parish Office (TWH M-22) or online at www.snc.edu/parish. Applications are due October 31 and April 30. Fund distributions are typically made in November/ December and May/June of each year. Fall cleanup day for Isaiah House is Sat. Oct. 18 around 9:00 am. Any help we could get would be appreciated. There will be lots to do. Workers need gloves. If you can only commit for a short time that is okay. If you can RSVP to laura.zelten@snc.edu Thanks much for your help with this. Any questions send me a note. Sr. Laura CHANGE IN MASS TIME As of Sunday November 2, 2014 the 4:00 pm mass will be moved to 7:00 pm. This is a result of the Parish Survey and the over welling requests for a later Sunday evening Mass. St. Norbert College Parish The Faces of St. Norbert College Parish! Encounter Steubenville YA Conference 2014 Nov. 8th in Milwaukee Arise Ministries, has partnered with Franciscan University of Steubenville, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and the Diocese of Green Bay to host a Steubenville Young Adult Conference called Encounter Milwaukee. Franciscan University of Steubenville has become renowned for their dynamic youth and adult conferences. Arise is very excited about this opportunity to bring young adults from all parts of the region to this event. To register for the conference and receive the discounted $30 tickets, through the Diocese of Green Bay, please visit www.gbdioc.org for all the information. The Diocese of Green Bay will facilitate transportation. Biese-Van Sistine Family Alissa Van Sistine is originally from De Pere and has attended mass at Old St. Joe’s since she was little. John Biese grew up in Appleton. The couple met and began dating in 2004 while they attended college in Milwaukee. After graduation, John's job led him to Chicago and Alissa followed him there two years later. John and Alissa were married in 2011 and have a son, Quintin (1). The family moved “home” shortly after Quintin was born and currently lives in Allouez. John recently started a new job with Faith Technologies in Green Bay and Alissa is a teacher at Altmayer in East De Pere. We thank God for ... A healthy, happy son despite a premature birth. We are thankful to be back in Green Bay raising Quintin among a family who adores him and who is there for us for whatever we may need. Hope you can join us for this day trip! I talked to the conference leader last week and they were sitting at just under 300 people registered! If you can't make this event, I hope to see you at another in the near future. Yours in Christ, Phil Lawson Department of New Evangelization Young Adult Ministry Discipleship and Formation Coordinator Diocese of Green Bay We’re Glad You’re Here! WINGS NEWLY HURTING SUPPORT GROUP If you are experiencing the pain and confusion of a recent divorce or separation, we invite you to join us. Our support programs provide a safe and confidential Christian environment designed to help you rebuild your life as you work through the process of separation/divorce. Groups offered at various times throughout the year in the Fox Valley. In Green Bay, the group meets monthly. For further info regarding time and place, please contact Catholic Charities (920) 272-8234. Join Us this Wednesday for Our October 15th Festival of Faith every household of faith is welcomed …. SNC Students, too! Adult Ed Session co-facilitated by Howard Ebert & Barb Boyer Radical Hospitality Influences-Past-Present-Future-as found throughout the Old St. Joseph Church Worship Space buffet dinner starting 5:00, programming begins @ 5:40 pm in church The Pilgrim Forum By the Most Reverend Robert F. Morneau “I Believe: Exploring the Nature and Mystery of Faith” Wednesday, October 15, 2014 7:30 AM Hendrickson Dining Room Bemis International Center St. Norbert College The lecture is free and open to the public, but requires a reservation: www.snc.edu/pilgrimforum or 920-403-3155. Doors open at 7:15 AM; continental breakfast will be served with our compliments. The Pilgrim Forum is a series dedicated to sharing information and spurring thought and discussion around the basic tenets of the Catholic faith and tradition – specifically, the Apostles’ Creed. Once each semester, speakers will examine a portion of the Creed, breaking it open in thought-provoking and accessible ways that invite attendees to understand more deeply what they believe. SAINTS ALIVE NIGHT On Wednesday October 29 every member of SNC Parish( Every Household of Faith) is invited to participate (all ages) by presenting a favorite Saint through costume, story, technology, rhyme, rap, prose, song, skit, mime, or any other idea you and your family may have. Let your Catholic imagination be your guide! Need ideas? Inspiration? Resources? visit: www.americancatholic.org and click on the Saints tab Everyone is invited to attend dress up is not required RCIA RCIA Classes will begin on Sunday, October 5, 2014 after the 10:00 am Mass. The program is designed for those wishing to become members of the Catholic Church, for Catholics who have been baptized and wish to receive the sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation and/or Confirmation. Those interested in the program are asked to contact Fr. Sal. St. Norbert College Parish
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