Our Lady of the Brook Parish Northbrook, Illinois October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Brook Mission Statement Our Lady of the Brook Parish is called to be a Catholic Community where all are welcome. Believing God to be the center of life, we commit to: † Remember the values handed on to us in the Sacred Scriptures and teachings of the Apostles † Celebrate Christ’s presence among us in Word and Sacrament † Act to foster peace, justice and compassion for all. Our Lady of the Brook Parish • Northbrook, Illinois OUR LADY OF THE BROOK PARISH Parish Family Worship Center & Rectory 3700 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2200 Website: www.olbparish.org phone: (847) 272-5686 • fax: (847) 498-0899 e-mail: rectory@olbparish.org Parish Office Hours: M—F 9 am to 4 pm Parish Staff/Rectory (847) 272-5686 Father Robert Heinz, Pastor Father Robert Herne, Pastor Emeritus Father Richard Sztorc, Pastor Emeritus Father Tom Moran, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Peery Duderstadt Deacon Dennis McAllister Teresa DuSell, Director of Music Ministry Eva-Maria Rill, Office Manager Catherine Colleran, Administrative Assistant Amy Principi, Bulletin Editor bulletin@olbparish.org Bookkeeper/Webmaster use email above (Individual e-mail addresses are available on our website: click on “contact us” for a listing.) 2 Mass Schedule Saturday Anticipated Mass - 5:00 PM Sunday Masses - 10:00 AM Daily Mass - Monday through Friday - 8:30 AM Holy Day Masses - as Announced Baptisms Baptism - 12:00 PM on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Sacraments of Reconciliation & Anointing The Sacrament of Penance is available on Saturdays at 4:15 PM until all confessions are heard or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick and Communion to the Homebound is available upon request. Weddings Marriage - Arrangements must be made a minimum of 6 months in advance. For all of these sacraments, please call the rectory office. Mass Intentions Saturday, October 11, 2014 5:00 PM † Julia Majewski request of Gerri & Paul Miller Sunday, October 12, 2014 10:00 AM † Halina &Vitold Tomczak request of Family † Dorothy Plunkett request of Peg & Jim Kritek † Elena Sanchez request of Family Monday, October 13, 2014 8:30 AM † Ben Gasirowski request of Gerri & Paul Miller Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:30 AM † Sylvia Santavicca request of Vivian Stern Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:30 AM † Phyllis Berger request of Mary Duffy Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:30 AM For married couples, that they may realize the gift they have in one another Friday, October 17, 2014 8:30 AM For those who work for peace in the world Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:00 PM † Dottie Hudash request of Elda & Charles Sansone Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:00 AM † Dorothy Plunkett Hudash request of Elizabeth Carr † Emilia Bodegas request of Thelma Bodegas For Those Who Have Requested Our Prayers Sidney Ament, Shawna Beagle, Coleen Bokor, Jean Borin, Elizabeth Chen, Wilfred Copa, Estelle Douglas, Carol Erickson, Anna Polus Esha, Anita Farenga, Sally Faso, Rev. Erwin Friedl, Anne Richardson Golm, Barbara Gryzmala, Beth Hansen, John Hyun, Brady Irwin, Milton Johnson, Sara Klimaszewski, Fr. Charlie Kouba, Diane Kotula, Todd Moser, Jane Malley, Ray and Rita Niebur, Debbie Olson, Pat Orlando, John Ormond, Carol Parker, Patti Parker, Carolyn Price, Nick Principi, Christine Rakow, Alexandra Salamone, Talie Schnoll, Angelo Suranno, Patricia Tingay, Victor P. Villasin, Elizabeth Wagner, Marion West, Evelyn Whitson, Audrey Zywicki Pray Also For Those Born to Eternal Life Twenty-eith Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 12, 2014 3 REFLECTIONS FROM RON ROHLHEISER, OMI CARRYING TENSION One of the things we’re asked to do as Christians is to help “take away the sins of the world” as Jesus did. How? Jesus “took away the sins of the world” by holding, carrying, purifying, and transforming tension, that is, by taking in the bitterness, anger, jealousy, hatred, slander, and every other kind of thing that’s cancerous within human community, and not giving it back in kind. In essence, Jesus did this by acting like a purifier, a water filter of sorts: He took in hatred, held it, transformed it, and gave back love; he took in bitterness, held it, transformed it, and gave back forgiveness. Jesus resisted the instinct to give back in kind, hatred for hatred, curses for curses, jealousy for jealousy, murder for murder, He held and transformed these things rather than simply re-transmit them. A, in this, he wants imitation, not admiration. Christian discipleship invites us, like Jesus, to become a “lamb of God”, a purifier, that helps take tension out of our families, communities, friendship circles, churches, and work-places by holding and transforming it rather than simply give it back in kind. But that’s not easy. Jesus did this, but the gospels say that he had to “sweat blood” to achieve it. To carry tension is to fill with tension ourselves and, as we know, this can be unbearable. We don’t have God’s strength and we aren’t made of steel. As we try to carry tension for others, what do we do with our own tensions? How do we carry tension without becoming resentful and bitter? How do we carry another’s cross without, however subtley, sending him or her the bill? This isn’t easy, as every health professional can tell you. Tension wreaks havoc inside us, physically and emotionally. You can die of high blood pressure or of disappointment. But there are some rules that can help First, carrying tension for others does not mean putting up with abuse or not confronting pathologically of clinical dysfunction. To love someone, as we now know, does not mean accepting abuse in the name of love. Second, we need to find healthy outlets to release out own tensions. However, we should never download them on the same people for whpm we are trying to carry them. For example, parents carry tension for their children, but, when frustrations build up, they should not angrily vent those frustrations back on the kids themselves. Rather they should deal with their own tensions away from the children, with each other and with friends, when the kids are in bed, over a bottle of wine. The same holds true for everyone: We should never vent out frustration on the very person or persons for whom we are trying to carry tension. Finally, in order to deal with the frustration that build in us, we need, in the midst of the tensions, to be connected to something (a person, a friendship, a hand, a God, a creed, a perspective) beyond ourselves and the situation we’re in. Scripture offers us some wonderful images for this. It tells us, that as Steven was being stoned to death out of hatred and jealousy, he kept his “eyes raised to heaven”. That’s not so much a physical description of things, as every artist knows, but a commentary on how Steven kept himself from drowning in the spinning chaos that was assaulting him. He stayed connected to a person, a hand, a friendship, an affirmation, a perspective, and a divine power outside of the madness. We see the same thing, just a different metaphor in the story of the three young men who are thrown into the blazing furnace in the Book of Daniel. We’re told that they walked around, right in the midst of the flames, untouched by the fire because they were singing sacred songs. Like Steven, they sustained their love and faith amidst bitter jealousy and hatred by staying connected to something outside of the fiery forces that were consuming everyone else. We need to contemplate that lesson. Like Jesus, and like everyone else who’s ever walked this planet, we all find ourselves forever inside families, communities, churches, friendships, and work-circles that are filled with tension of every kind. Our natural temptation, always, is to simply give back in kind, jealousy for jealousy, gossip for gossip, anger for anger. But what our world really needs is for some women and men, adults, to step forward and help carry and purify this tension, to help take it away by transforming it inside themselves. But that’s not easy. Like Jesus, it will involve “sweating blood”. So, as we volunteer to step into the fire, it’s wise not to go in alone, but to stay connected to some hand, some friend, some cred, and some God who will help sustain us in love and faith, right inside the madness and fire. NEW LIFE SHELTER NEEDS The New Life Shelter has an ongoing need for women’s hygiene products , detergent, bleach and disinfectant cleaners. The cold weather and holidays are not far off, and the shelter is almost filled to capacity with desperate women and their children who come in with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The unmarked shelter is on the Chicago/Evanston border. If you see 2 for 1 sale on any of these products, please consider donating one of the items by leaving it under the coat racks at the North Entrance. Deliveries to the shelter are made every Tuesday. Thanks to those who have donated on an ongoing basis with detergent and bleach and lots of sample products of toothpaste, etc. For more information contact Sandy Koziol at denniskoziol@sbcglobal.net Our Lady of the Brook Parish • Northbrook, Illinois Brook Happenings Sunday, October 12, 2014 9:15 AM Scripture Study 9:15 AM Choir Warm-up 10:00 AM Mass Monday, October 13, 2014 8:30 AM Mass 7:00 PM Parish Pastoral Council Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:30 AM Mass 11:00 AM Staff Meeting 12:10 PM Communion Service 7:00 PM Friends of Bill (men) 7:00 PM Finance Council Wednesday, October 15 2014 8:30 AM Mass 11:00 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Fr. Bill Vollmer Liturgy In-Service Thursday, October 16 2014 8:30 AM Mass 12:10 PM Communion Service Friday, October 17 2014 8:30 AM Mass Saturday, October 18, 2014 4:15 PM Confessions 5:00 PM Mass Sunday, October 19, 2014 9:15 AM Choir Warm-up 10:00 AM Mass LESSONS FROM THE LAST SUPPER Discussion & Prayer Workshop with Fr, Janes Kubicki, SJ. The service of love & authority, Friendship & betrayal. Perseverance in Presence: How Christ stays with us and helps us stay with each other. Sunday, October 19, 2014 12-1:30 pm at St. Catherine Laboure, 3535 Thornwood, Glenview. Free-will offering. Refreshments served. 847-826-4704 www.olbparish.org Don’t forget that our bulletin is available online at our parish website. It’s in color, and has all the information you might have missed! Deadline is noon on the Monday before the weekend. We also have a page on Facebook, which posts updates regarding Holiday Events, photos from recent events, and more. Scan the code to the right with a smartphone to go directly to our home page. 4 Upcoming Dates Mark your Calendars Now! All Liturgical Ministers invited. Wednesday, October 15th at 7 PM Readings for the Week of READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Stewardship of Treasure . 2014 FYear to Date Collection $ 5,886.00 $.79,097.00 Goal/Budget: Excess/(Deficit): $6,500.00* $ (614.00) $ 81,333.00 $ (2236.00) Poor Box FSF $ 16.25 $1375.00 *For consistency, we have changed the “goal” figure from the previous $10,500. $6500 is the amount budgeted each Sunday for the Collection. Sunday giving, together with other sources of income, (Xmas, Easter, Grants, FSF) needs to total over $540,000 per year in order to cover expenses. ($10,500 per week). In prior weeks, the Weekly Giving and the Fiscal Year to Date were comparing ‘apples & oranges’. Financial info will be available in the October Report to Parishioners. Have you switched to Electronic Giving yet? Thank you for your continued support. Remember Our Lady of the Brook Parish in your will. “Bulletin Building Blocks” • , 2014 5 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The confessional is a familiar setting in literature and drama. Everyone from Doestoevsky and Shakespeare down the line to Seinfeld has used the sacrament to tragic or comic effect or to reveal aspects of character otherwise hidden. All of this theater, from world classics to slapstick, has had a numbing effect on our own expectations, and has skewed how the culture looks at us and our struggle with sin and forgiveness, hope and healing. Yet the artists are on to something. The reconciliation chapel is a place where hearts are laid bare, where honesty is the watchword, and people confess their deepest needs. It is also a place of rebirth, or at least realignment. It is, like the baptismal font, a place where something dies, and where something else is born. Today, although literature has barely caught up, the place is usually not the dark and gloomy cabinet of old; rather it is a chapel that speaks of peace, serenity, and the comfort of a welcome home. People in one parish were astonished recently to see their children skipping with delight as they left the place of their first confession. We have to wait a bit for world literature to catch up with this reality, but at least we can experience. the joy of penance, the thrill of a new beginning, the assurance of God’s love. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Ministry Schedule: OCTOBER 19, 2014 JOYFUL AGAIN SAT. 5 pm Retreat/Workshop for widowed men/women Sun. 10:00 am Presider Fr. Dan Folwaczny Bishop Rassas Lector Bruno Cortis Suzanne Noonan Charles Sansone Diane Spanier Heidi Mullejans Mary Vollkommer Charles Sansone Deacon McAllister Salvatore Manso Irene Homberger Anna Di Filippo Allan Homberger Peg Kritek Medy PanlilioNeuman Joanie Sosinski Patti Whalen Ministers of Communion Altar Servers Wayne Bubak Nolan Whalen Justin Magsino Greeters Salvatore Manso Marian Ried Mary Fran Bubak Patti Whalen Michael Nees John Willson Kathy Carroll Ushers Colleen Liebman Wayne Liebman Wayne Bubak Don Roalkvam Dennis Morrissey Joe Vitu Tom Haynes Sacristan Lynn Siau Linen Sacristan Mary Ann Drogos “Friends and family don’t understand what I am going through.” Feeling “stuck”? Need something to get you “over the hump”? Have you reached a “turning point” after your loss? Come join us for a weekend especially designed to help you reflect on and recognize new direction for your life while still treasuring memories of your loved one. Upcoming programs: November 15/16 2014 Our Lady of the Angels Lemont, IL (near Cog Hill) Includes overnight, private room & meals. Contact us at: 708-354-7211 or joyfulagain7211@gmail.com or www.joyfulagain.org Early registration encouraged. Our Lady of the Brook Parish • Northbrook, Illinois 6 Adult Faith Formation “Be proud of your Catholic faith. Find ways to learn and grow in understanding of our history and the teachings of the Church. Participate in adult formation in your parish and share all that you learn with others” (Catholics Come Home – Chicago) In their pastoral letter Our Hearts were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation in the United States, the Bishops identified six dimensions for adult faith formation content: [1] knowledge of the faith, [2] liturgical life, [3] moral formation, [4] prayer, [5] communal life, and [6] missionary spirit. Adult faith formation is as diverse as retreats, days of reflection, sacramental preparation (baptism, confirmation, and marriage), ministerial formation, our parish mission, and our speaker’ series, as well as on-going scripture and catechetical study. This year… Fall Ordinary Time This Fall we are continuing our three year cycle of reflections on the Sunday gospels. We will be starting the Gospel of Mark in Advent this year. Sessions are on Thursdays, at 9:15AM and again at 7:00PM in the MCR, and end before Thanksgiving. Registration forms are on the wall racks and on our website. Our Sunday Scripture reflection “Who Do You Say that I Am?” led by Dcn Dennis McAllister continues on the first and second Sundays of each month in the rectory conference room at 9:15AM followed by the 10:00AM Mass. “Our Greatest Gifts” Speakers Series continues to evolve so that as speakers are lined up, we will announce their dates and topics: On Thursday, October 23, at 7:00PM, we are hosting Dr. Susan Weitzman, author of Not to People Like us: Hidden Abuse in Upscale Marriages. This is a community wide event as part of Domestic Violence Awareness month. On Saturday, October 25, from 9:00 to Noon we will be hosting a Morning of Reflection for Ministers of Care with Fr. Mike Sparough as our guest speaker. On Saturday, November 15, from 9:00 to Noon Nancy Hoel will return for our Women’s Morning of Reflection to kick-off the Advent Season. FISHING FOR CASH Fishing Season is open again at OLB! Your Fishing for Cash tickets have been mailed. Ticket prices remain the same as last year—$10.00 each or six for $50.00. Please fill out the tickets and include a check made payable to “OLB Women’s Club”. Tickets and check must be received by Monday, November 3rd to be included in the first drawing on November 5th. All tickets are eligible for six drawings, the first Wednesday of each month from November through April. The three prizes drawn each month are as follows: one-$300 prize, and two $100 prizes. For more information, call Suzanne Noonan, 847-509-0629 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 12, 2014 7 Religious Education & Youth Ministry Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at the 10:00 AM Mass through June. This program is for children age 3 through grade 5. Liturgy of the Word for Children is an opportunity for families to attend Mass together, with children dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word to experience and learn about the readings with a community of other young people. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS There are no religious education classes this Monday, October 13th or Wednesday, October 15th . Last week, our second grade classes toured the altar in church to understand how we gather at the table of the Lord in Holy Eucharist. This is a part of their preparation for First Holy Communion. The students were very excited to learn from Fr. Dan’s explanations. Grade Level Masses Next Sunday, October 19, is a grade level mass for all 4th graders of the parish at the 9:30am mass. At each of these liturgies, students are a part of the opening procession and can donate an item that will be offered at the Presentation of Gifts. The children are asked to bring primary grade reading/picture books, new or gently used. We hope that bringing the students together for Sunday Mass helps them to understand that they are an integral part of our faith community. FAMILY DAY November 2nd Save the Date! We know that participation in faith activities, as a family , is vital to a young person’s formation as a Catholic. On November 2nd from 10:30-12:30, we will host an event which offers a unique opportunity for parents and children to grow in their faith together. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend. There will be fun and meaningful activities for parents and children, pre-school through 8th grade, to experience together! Please join us! Our Lady of the Brook Parish • Northbrook, Illinois 8 LOVE SHOULDN’T HURT Domestic Violence describes a pattern of behaviors to control through fear & force that occurs between two people living in a close relationship. Violence between those two people impacts other members of the family, household and the community. No one should be frightened or scared by someone in their family. Silence perpetuates an environment of fear, frustration, anger, cruelty and continued violence. Break the silence by speaking out against all forms of violence. Learn about the mission and resources of the Archdiocesan Domestic Abuse Outreach program by logging onto and select Domestic Violence Committee. If you are a victim or survivor of domestic abuse seeking help: National Hotline: 1-800-799 SAFE (7233); 1-800-7873224 (TDD) October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We here at OLB will be hosting an information table in the Social Area each Sunday of the month CHRISTMAS SHARING In response to any concerns, we want to assure you that St. Martin de Porres families will not be without Christmas gifts since they will receive help from two other parishes at Christmas . Our new opportunity for Stewardship at Christmas is WINGS– Women in Need Getting Started— a shelter providing help to women and children who are victims of domestic violence. WINGS has Wish Lists for toys, household items, personal items and baby items. Financial donations will also be accepted. Lists of gift choices will be available in the Social Area beginning the weekend of November 1st and 2nd. You may choose gifts from the list and bring the new, unwrapped gifts and place them on the table provided in the Social Area beginning November 8, 2014 through December 7th. Thank you in advance for supporting this important need and for making their Christmas special. The Christmas Sharing Committee CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Our Lady of the Brook #663475 3700 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 TELEPHONE THU/FRI: 847 635-0795 857-912-0113 C MON/TUE/WED: (847) 272-5686 ext 15 CONTACT PERSON Amy Principi SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Media Center Edition PRINTER HP Photosmart 7550 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION , 2012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 TRANSMISSION TIME Weds. 8:30 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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