Lake Elsinore Unified School District
Contact: Mark Dennis
PH 951.253.7174
Release No. 1415-3
October 11, 2014
Sixth Annual Heroes in Education Awards Gala & Ceremony is on October 23rd
LEUSD’s ‘Heroes in Education’ Honorees Announced
LAKE ELSINORE—Eleven individuals and one community partner have been selected for honors at
LEUSD’s premiere recognition event, the sixth annual Heroes in Education Awards Gala.
Co-sponsored by the Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce (LEVCC), the Heroes in Education
program celebrates individuals and community partners who demonstrate a passion for education,
support for our schools, and dedication to student success. Nominations were received last month
in six awards categories: Teacher, Student, Administrator (Certificated/Classified), Community
Partner, Parent/Volunteer, and Classified Staff.
“This year’s honorees include four outstanding teachers and certificated administrators, five
inspiring students, one exemplary classified employee, and two individual and corporate citizens
who generously give of their time, talent, and treasures,” said Superintendent Dr. Doug Kimberly.
The 2014 Heroes in Education honorees are:
COMMUNITY PARTNER .............................. Pechanga Development Corporation, Pechanga Band of
Luiseño Indians
STUDENT-ELEMENTARY............................ Corbin Coughlin, Grade K, Donald Graham ES
TEACHER-ELEMENTARY............................ Dr. Brian O’Connor, Grade 5 & AP, Earl Warren ES
STUDENTS-MIDDLE SCHOOl ..................... Arianna Abdul, Grade 8, Terra Cotta MS
Alicia Magallon Hernandez, Grade 7, Elsinore MS
TEACHER-MIDDLE SCHOOL ...................... Shannon Bagley Dance Teacher, Terra Cotta MS
STUDENTS-HIGH SCHOOL ......................... Nekai Abriol, Grade 12, Elsinore HS
Cobie Chavez, Grade 12, Temescal Canyon HS
TEACHER-HIGH SCHOOL ........................... Felicia Asbury, Chemistry & Peer Counseling, Elsinore HS
PARENT/VOLUNTEER ................................ Angela Emory, Ronald Reagan ES
CLASSIFIED STAFF ....................................... Sandy Marquez, Senior Computer Lab Asst., Ortega HS
ADMINISTRATOR-CERTIFICATED ............ Jeff Marks, Principal, Tuscany Hills ES
This year’s awards gala will be held on Thursday, October 23, 6:00 p.m., in the Lakeside High School
Rotary Performing Arts Center, 32593 Riverside Drive, Lake Elsinore. A reception for honorees and
‘Heroes in Education’ Honorees Announced
LEUSD Release No.1415-3
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patrons will be held between 6:00 p.m. and 6:50; the Heroes in Education Awards ceremony begins
in the theater at 7:00 p.m. sharp.
This event is open to the public at no cost to attend both the reception and awards ceremony.
Reservations are requested, and can be completed online by visiting the Lake Elsinore Valley
Chamber of Commerce Web site at the following URL:
Superintendent Kimberly will highlight exciting goals and accomplishments for the 2014-15 school
year as part of the program. LEVCC Chamber of Commerce CEO Kim Joseph Cousins will MC the
awards presentations. The reception is hosted by Lakeside High School’s award winning Culinary
CTE Program, under Mr. Todd Naylor. SchoolsFirst FCU is the corporate underwriter.
The awards gala includes participation by the Elsinore High School ROTC Flying Tigers Color Guard
under Major Charles Ruhl; musical entertainment by the Lakeside Jazz Band under Chris Fossmo,
Director of Bands; presentations by members of LEUSD’s Governing Board and student board
representatives; special video testimonials about each honoree, and a whole lot more!
Business or professional attire is recommended.
The Lake Elsinore Unified School District covers more than 144 square miles and educates K-12 students
from the cities of Lake Elsinore, Canyon Lake and Wildomar, plus several unincorporated Riverside
County communities, including Lakeland Village and Horsethief Canyon. The district serves nearly 22,000
students and operates 24 different schools, along with alternative education programs, and an online K12 academy. LEUSD offers a Dual Immersion program at the elementary level, and the rigorous
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Temescal Canyon High School, a fully certified IB
World School. The district’s mission of preparing students for college and career success through a
shared commitment is evident every day at every school.