WHATISASTRESSECHOTEST? A CARDIAC Sonographer will place 10 small electrodes (small, flat, sticky patches) on your chest. These electrodes are attached to an electrocardiograph monitor (EKG), which will chart your heart’s electrical activityduringthetest.TheSonographerwillaskyoutolieonyourleftside on an exam table so he or she can perform resting echocardiogram (an “echo”). An echocardiogram is a graphic outline of the heart’s movement created from ultrasound vibration echoed from the heart’s structure. The technician will place a wand (called and transducer) on your chest so the physiciancanseetheoutlineoftheheartsmovement.Thisshouldnothurt. Aftertheechotest,youwillexerciseonatreadmill.Thelabpersonnelwill haveyoustartexercisingandgraduallyincreaseyourrateofexercise.You will be asked to exercise very hard, until you are exhausted. The lab personnelwillaskhowyouarefeelingatregularintervals.Pleasetellthem ifyoufeelchest,armorjawpain,discomfort,shortnessofbreath,dizziness orifyouarelightheaded.ThelabpersonnelwillwatchforEKGchangeon the monitor that should suggest the test be stopped. When you cannot exerciseanylonger,youwillgetoffthetreadmill,quicklyreturntotheexam table and lie on your left side so the Sonographer can perform another echocardiogram. 407-767-8554 Fax 407-767-9121 ––––––––––––––––– Kishore Ranadive M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I B. Alex Vakili M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. Vikas Verma M.D., F.A.C.C. Rajesh A. Shah M.D., F.A.C.C. Sambit Mondal M.D., F.A.C.C. PREPARINGFORASTRESSECHOTEST: Joel Greenberg M.D., F.A.C.C. ––––––––––––––––– Altamonte Springs 450 W. Central Pkwy. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Downtown Orlando 2881 Delaney Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 Oviedo 8000 Red Bug Lake Rd. Suite 226 Oviedo, FL 32765 Lake Nona 10437 Moss Park Rd. Lake Nona, FL 32832 Apopka 33 S. Washington Ave. Apopka, FL 32703 Lake Mary 1301 S. International Pkwy Suite 2011 Lake Mary, FL 32746 DONOTeatatall4hourspriortoyourtestappointment(you maydrinkwateronly).Ifyouarediabetic,youmayeat/drink somethinglight2hourspriortothetest(juice½pieceoftoast). DONOTeat/drinkanycaffeinatedordecaffeinatedproducts12 hourspriortoyourtestappointment(example:coffee,tea,soda, chocolate,etc.) DONOTsmokethedayofthetest. DONOTtakeanycaffeinatedaspirinproducts12hourspriorto yourtestappointment(example:Excedrin,oranyMigraine medications–TylenolMigraine,AdvilMigraine,regularaspirin andbabyaspirinareok). DONOTwearafull‐lengthdressorslip.Ifyouwearashirtwith buttonsorsnaps,makesuretheyareplastic,NOTmetal. DRESScomfortably,wearloose‐fitting,2piececlothingand tennisshoes.Youmaybringalightjacketorsweater,thetesting areatendtobealittlecold. BRINGallofyourmedicationswithyou. BRINGyournebulizerorinhalerifyouarecurrentlyusingone. TAKEallofyourroutinemedicationsunlessotherwise instructedbyyourcardiologist(pleaseseebelow). PLEASEREFRAINFROMTAKINGTHEFOLLOWINGMEDICATION(S)THE DAYPRIORTOYOURTEST:__________________________________________________ 407-767-8554 Fax 407-767-9121 ––––––––––––––––– Kishore Ranadive M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I B. Alex Vakili M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. Vikas Verma M.D., F.A.C.C. Rajesh A. Shah M.D., F.A.C.C. Sambit Mondal M.D., F.A.C.C. Joel Greenberg M.D., F.A.C.C. ––––––––––––––––– Altamonte Springs 450 W. Central Pkwy. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Downtown Orlando 2881 Delaney Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 Oviedo 8000 Red Bug Lake Rd. Suite 226 Oviedo, FL 32765 Lake Nona 10437 Moss Park Rd. Lake Nona, FL 32832 Apopka 33 S. Washington Ave. Apopka, FL 32703 Lake Mary 1301 S. International Pkwy Suite 2011 Lake Mary, FL 32746
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