Lake Altoona Rehabilitation District Annual Meeting Agenda (Pot-Luck/Social at 5:30pm)

Lake Altoona Rehabilitation District Annual Meeting Agenda
Matt Weber
1804 Lake Road
Altoona, WI 54720
Paul Johnson
1604 Lake Road
Altoona, WI 54720
Greg Kotecki
6719 NorthShore Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Bruce Willett
Eau Claire County Representative
3204 Blakely Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Douglas Kranig
Town of Seymour Representative
1802 N 120th Ave
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 6:30 pm
(Pot-Luck/Social at 5:30pm)
Seymour Town Hall, 6500 Tower Drive
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Call to order
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Audit Committee Report
Lake Management Plan
Water Quality Report
Ski Sprites Report
Sand Trap Maintenance
Sand Sales
Vote on proposed annual budget
Vote on proposed tax rate of 1.3 mills for operating costs for 2014
○ Plus 2.2 mills for debt repayment. Total levy of 3.5 mills.
Vote to move the 2014 annual meeting to October
Nominations for LARPD board member election
LARPD board member election
Open discussion - limit of 2 minutes per individual
Voting Results
News Lake Management Plan: At the annual meeting you’ll hear about the progress that has been made on the Lake Management Plan. We were awarded a $25,000 DNR grant to help with the costs of creating the plan. The plan has four focus areas: Sedimentation, Habitat/Fisheries, Water quality, and Aquatic Invasives. Come to the meeting to learn more. Lake Altoona Survey: Part of the Lake Management Plan includes doing a survey of lake use. We’d like to get as many responses as possible. Please go to this website to take the survey: When asked, use your property pin# (found on your address label below) as the survey code. (Survey responses are confidential; entering your pin# just saves us from sending a reminder postcard to those that have already completed the survey.) Nextdoor: We've started using Nextdoor ( for group communication between those in the Lake District. Please sign up for an account. Let us know at if you have any trouble signing up. Finance Summary: The District’s outstanding debt is now $815,000. The payments in 2015 are $172,562 which equates to a 2.2 mill tax rate for the debt service. Debt payments run through 2019. The plan for sand trap maintenance that was presented at the 2011 annual meeting proposed cleaning the sand trap every four years (2011, 2015, 2019). We have enough cash saved to enable this project to be completed in 2015. The proposed budget also includes 1.3 mill tax rate for operations. Lake Altoona District
1804 Lake Road
Altoona, WI 54720
Thursday, October 23
5:30 PM Pot-Luck Social
6:30 PM Meeting
At the Seymour Town Hall, 6500 Tower Drive
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
We're trying something new with the annual meeting this year.
Before we get down to business, let's take some time to meet each other and socialize.
Bring a dish to pass plus your own drinks, plates, etc.