Mød Lean guru John Bicheno på to gratis gå-hjem seminarer Indhold: Tid og sted: 1. Orientering om den nye MSc uddannelse i Lean Enterprise ved Buckingham Universitet John Bicheno: Hvorfor en Lean Masters i Lean Enterprise? Hvorfor Buckingham? Filosofien og udbyttet ved ’Hands-on-On-Site’. Underviserne. De 8 moduler – og den afsluttende afhandling. Aalborg Tid: Tirsdag 9. oktober, kl. 14 - 17. Sted: Aalborg Universitet, Fibigerstræde 16 - Lokale 1-208, 9220 Aalborg Øst 2. Erfaringer og udbytte ved Lean MSc fra en tidligere deltager: I Aalborg er det René Aagaard, Telenor. I København er det Charlotte Guldmann, Novo Nordisk. I samarbejde med IDA Automation. København Tid: Torsdag 11. oktober, kl. 14 - 17. Sted: Aalborg Universitet, A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 4. Sal, Område C, 2450 København SV (P-billet kan hentes i receptionen) 3. Lean Leadership – and the brain John Bicheno: Kan ny hjerneforskning forklare, hvorfor kun nogle Lean transformationer lykkes? Hør om ny forskning i vore hjernefunktioner og i den adfærd, der motiverer os. -Hvorfor er træning og gentagelse (Kata) så vigtig? -Hvad fremmer vores indstilling og motivation? -Betydningen af konstant coaching, mentoring og vejledning. I samarbejde med IDA production & logistik. Tilmelding nødvendig Tilmeld dig her eller på info@effektivitet.dk eller 7022 0004. Seminarerne er gratis (begrænset deltagerantal). Ved udeblivelse opkræves 300,- kr. Der bliver lejlighed til at stille spørgsmål til John Bicheno. John Bicheno BSc in Engineering from the University of Lancaster and an MBA from the University of Bradford. Certified at the fellow level (CFPIM) by APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society). Reader in Operations Management, University of Buckingham. Founding Director of MSc in Lean Operations at Lean Enterprise Research Centre, 1999-2012. Author and co-author of 10 books including ‘The Lean Toolbox’ – 2009 (sold over 100k copies), ‘The Lean Games Book’ – 2010 and ‘The Service Systems Toolbox’ – 2012. John has been teaching for effektivitet.dk since 1992. John Bicheno: MSc in Lean Enterprise at Buckingham University John Bicheno: Lean Leadership – and the brain Introduction to a new , 2-year, part-time Masters degree in Lean Lean is all in the mind – or should I say brain? Can new brain research explain why some Lean transformations succeed – others don’t? The MSc in Lean Enterprise at Buckingham University from In the last few years there have been exciting discoveries in 2013 is different from most other MSc programmes since: the area of brain research, but also in the area of motiva- • It is an executive course. tion. These can both be linked to thoughts about the Toyota • It is taught on-site. system, and in particular the concept of ’Toyota Kata’. ’Kata’ • It is part-time MSc. is a word that comes from Karate meaning a series of move- • The staff are largely practitioners, not academics. ments that are regularly carried out from beginner to highly • Detailed mentoring, an escential part of learning about experienced ’black belts’. A Kata embeds and reinforces a Lean, feedback, and discussions are important incorpo- correct automatic sequence in the brain. ’Pathways’ in the rated aspects. brain are established. • • • The programme is multi-disciplinary, overlapping into operations, marketing, accounting, HR / people, psycho- The significance for Lean is that established good practi- logy, strategy. In most universities these are separate ces, done regularly, become the expected, normal way that sections with their ‘own’ MSc. Lean accounting, for ’things are done around here’. What we have learned is that instance, is a new area and traditional departments have one-off experiences do not result in sustained performance. issues with some concepts. (Industry does not!). Change requires repetition. This is true for sportsmen, musi- The focus is on integrated operations rather than a range cians, actors, as well as Lean practitioners. Talent alone, just of diverse disciplines or tools. will not do. Neither will one-off education. This of course, It is a small Masters programme – typical classes are 20 fits well with the PDCA cycle, with Leader Standard Work, students. with A3-type problem solving, and with ’surfacing’ problems in Lean. On-site teaching follows the belief of Toyota and other ‘Lean’ pioneers that the best (only?) way to learn about Lean is On motivation, recent Harvard Business School research ‘hands-on’. Learn by doing. has shown the overwhelming effectiveness of repeated, small-gain recognition. This is vastly superior to occasional Most students are in their 30’s or early 40’s. All students are big rewards, as happens in many companies with annual ap- employed. All have years of experience. Most students are praisals and bonus. And in managing change, frequent small company sponsored. Several companies have sponsored a gains with feedback and coaching win out over ’big-bang’ succession of students. intervention. Of course, this again is Kata. These findings, although often suspected, are now no longer the subject of Lean MSc students have come from many ‘blue-chip’ speculation. They need to become part of every Lean imple- companies (including Rolls Royce, Airbus, GKN, Corus, mentation. BNFL / Westinghouse, Royal Navy, RAF, Baush and Lomb, Ford, Toyota, McLaren, DeBeers, Mars, J&J (various locati- On the new MSc in Lean Enterprise at the University of ons), GSK, SKF, Hewlett Packard, Unipart, Boston Scienti- Buckingham, repetition is built in by regular A3 exercises fic, Bandero-Shaw, BMW-Rover, Nestle, Novo Nordisk, and continual reinforcement back to Lean principles, Flow Danfoss, Lake Region, Lloyds TSB, RBS, and the NHS). principles, and PDCA. Most students are from UK and Ireland, but there have been students from Denmark, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Læs artiklen fra Lean Management Journal, Sep. 2012 India and South Africa. ”Brain Challenge” af John Bicheno. Læs beskrivelsen af uddannelsen her. Tidligere deltager på Lean MSc: Charlotte Guldmann, Project Director hos Novo Nordisk A/S ”Kombinationen af at være produktionsleder og tilegne sig dyb forståelse af sammenhænge mellem værktøjer, metoder og systemer, har bibragt stor værdi i forhold at kunne sætte og formidle en klar retning for medarbejdere - og samtidigt have indsigten til at kunne kommunikere klart, og forklare sammenhænge i forbedringssystemet.” Du kan høre mere om Charlottes erfaringer og udbytte ved Lean MSc på mødet i København den 11. oktober. René Aagaard, Head of Department, Telenor ”Mødet med disse kapaciteter har forandret mit mindset. Nu har jeg en ydmyg tilgang og forståelse for, hvor uendelig lang en rejse jeg er på, en rejse der aldrig ender – men hvor jeg er klædt på til at møde udfordringerne, forme værktøjerne, så de kan løse problemerne, sikre at løsningerne skaber værdi på tværs og ikke kun i siloerne, til gavn for den virksomhed, jeg arbejder for. Forståelse af Systems Thinking tankegangen og transforma tionen til ”Seeing the Whole as a System” har været fantastisk – en så stejl læringskurve var jeg ikke klar over, at man kunne tage.” Du kan høre mere om Renés erfaringer og udbytte ved Lean MSc på mødet i Aalborg den 9. oktober. Vesterskovvej 54 • 4800 Nykøbing F • Tlf. +45 7022 0004 info@effektivitet.dk • www.effektivitet.dk
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