Volume 14/10 Ascension & Holy Trinity, Episcopal Church 334 Burns Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45215 October 2014 R E TOB OC CONNECTIONS Vision: A vital and growing faith community, with overflowing worship services and Christian growth opportunities. A church with compassion-centered ministries through which all find a place and take God's love into the world. Mission: Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church lives to put God's love into action! WORSHIP SCHEDULE - 8:00am & 10am in the Church Children's Formation at 10am. Child care in the Nursery. On Wednesdays Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 10am (in the Memorial Chapel of Ascension & Holy Trinity) Contact the church: (513) 821-5341 | aht@eos.net “Like” us on Facebook! - We are at 143 likes! Rev. Eric’s Blog: http://ascensionholytrinity.com/blog/ WWW.ASCENSIONHOLYTRINITY.COM A&HT WYOMING PRESCHOOL: 2YRS – PRE-K wyomingpreschool@gmail.com More information under A&HT Wyoming Preschool tab on A&HT website. C O NNE C T I O NS V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 PA GE 2 News from the Pews 2. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Mark Dugan Chuck Kellner Autumn Rabanus Olivia Munneke Leanne Anderson Vera Rumke Spencer Bingham-Latzy John McCauley Carol Ostrander-Gómez Jim Stegman Cindy Belew Karla Dugan Jennifer Fitzwater Jon Boss Laura Harperink Taylor Lovejoy Molly Thurman Alicia Brandewie Philip Brandewie Chris DeWitt 17. Beverly Cody Anne Cordes 21. Maura Gillingham 22. Will Haeger Heather Stottmann 23. Matt Madison 25. Lynn Fitzwater, Tal Gast, Joe Gieringer 26. Meredith Glover Rebecca Stegman 28. Andrew Barnes Ben Hopple Kevin O’Neill 29. Jon Boss II Christopher Fitzwater David Rumke 30. Kurt Gieringer Will Gieringer On the move: 7. 15. 20. 23. 24. John & Tamera Boss Brandon & Karla Cordes Matt & Lisa Gellner Noel & Angela Horne Lew & Dorothy Poggiali George & Laura Harperink Alan & Tal Gast October-May: 3945 Duke Dr. 3939 Erie Ave., #2040 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 Cincinnati, OH 45208 June-September: P.O. Box 646 Phone No. remains the same. Oquossoc, ME 04964 George: 513-310-3006 Welcome! gharperink@gmail.com Chris, Carolyn, Fletcher & Vera Laura: 513-633-2767 Rumke lsadlerh@gmail.com 535 Compton Rd., 45231 V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 3 RECTOR’S REFLECTIONS As of August 2014, I’ve served as Ascension & Holy Trinity’s rector for four years. It seems like time is flying past me. Ascension & Holy Trinity has been doing really good ministry together as the body of Christ. We have been intentional about what we are doing and why we are doing it. New ministries are coming to fruition, and there is an amazing spirit about the place (one could call that the Holy Spirit)! With our mission and our vision, with our raving successful capital campaign, and with all of the good ministries happening every day in our midst, I felt the need for us to acknowledge who we are as Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. I have worked diligently with our Vestry and with Sarah Cotterill, Ariel Miller, and Taylor Gittings, toward creating a brand new logo for our amazing faith community. Your Vestry is in support of this new logo, and I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. Logos should be self-explanatory, and I believe our logo is just that. In an effort to be abundantly clear though, the “A” section of the logo represents “Ascension.” The intersecting triangles forming the crossbar for the “A” represent the Holy Trinity. Who are we? We are Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in a new day and a new age where we are intentionally going forth putting the love of Jesus Christ into our everyday actions. It is an exciting time to be a part of this amazing church. I hope you enjoy and appreciate the new logo as I anticipate our logo being on many different things so that we garner more and more recognition and awareness in Wyoming and our surrounding communities. In God’s Grace, Eric L. Miller+ Rector V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 4 I couldn’t be happier to announce to the Ascension & Holy Trinity faith community that Rolf Stottmann has agreed to serve as our 2014 stewardship chairperson. Rolf serves on Vestry, teaches Sunday School, led our Staten Island Mission Trip, and offers so much more for our church. Rolf is one example among many of active and engaged parishioners in the life of Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church! You’ll be hearing from Rolf in the coming months about stewardship, but I want you to hear from me about what stewardship means to me. All that I have and all that I am is a gift from God. I have been gifted with many things in life. I am able to serve you, the good and faithful of our parish. I have a loving wife and wonderful children. The gifts God has given me could go on and on, and I do not mean that egotistically. All of you have been given abundant gifts from our Creator, too. Stewardship is how I choose to respond to God with the gifts God has freely given. Do I give all of my attention to the gift of serving the church and ignore the gift of my family? Do I spend all of my time with my family to the detriment of serving God’s Church? How do I choose to spend my time? Is my time spent 100% at the soccer fields or in the church or on the streets of Wyoming running with my dog or writing sermons or out at dinner with friends? Stewardship is about our time and so much more. Yes, stewardship is about our money, too. I know that Episcopalians do not like talking about money. I get it, truly. I’ve told my children that we don’t talk about money in public. But let’s be honest, Jesus tells us that where our treasure is, there is where our hearts are. I’ve had folks in the past assume that my family and I don’t give to the church since I work for the church—wrong! The church is a huge part of my life, and because of that we give to God’s holy Church in terms of time, talent, and treasure. It is a gift to be able to give back to the Church for the glory of God. Would I give to God’s Church if I didn’t serve as a priest? You betcha! I love stewardship because it causes me to think about where I share my time, my talents, and my treasure. You want to know the truth of it? The real, hard and uncomfortable truth is that in giving of time my family gets the short end of the stick. I’m not writing this asking for anyone’s pity. We all have choices to make. Where do you share your time, your talents, and your treasure? Think about that question. Pray about that question. Talk about that question with your spouse, your partner, your children, your grandchildren, your neighbor in the pew. We’ve been blessed with so much. How will we give to further the expansion of God’s kingdom in the here and now? In God’s Grace, Eric L. Miller+ V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 5 N MUSIC NOTES 0 Chancel Choir rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:30pm. If you are interested in singing with the choir, even on an occasional basis, please speak with me. The choir is open to all in the congregation who enjoy singing. There will be a special evening service on All Saint's Sunday November 2 at 5:00pm. which will feature Gabriel Faure's Requiem. If you are familiar with the work and still wish to join the choir for this event, please let me know. Dress rehearsal will be on Saturday, November 1 10:00-11:30am. Handbell Choir rehearsals will resume on Sunday, October 5 from 11:20am—12:00pm. This year, we will ring at services on the following dates: November 2, (All Saints Sunday), November 23 (Christ the King Sunday), December 24 (4:30pm Christmas Eve service), February 15, March 15 (Evensong), and April 5 (Easter Sunday). If you are interested in ringing for any one of these dates, please contact me. Mark Heiskanen Minister of Music If you are interested in participating or have any questions, you may reach me by email Mark.Heiskanen@gmail.com, by phone (440) 289-3242, or through the church office (513) 821-5341 ext. 204 This month’s Meeting 7:30am ~ Friday, October 24th At Frisch’s 8383 Vine St., Hartwell location. V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 6 TAKING GOD’S LOVE INTO THE WORLD BY HELPING OUR NEIGHBORS IN NEED It's a time of change for the Helping Our Neighbors In Need ministries we at A&HT support. We are embracing three new ministries: Valley Interfaith Food & Clothing Center's VINE Project. As members of the congregation heard from Ms. Casey Hinkel on Sunday Sept. 14, the VINE Program is up and running, helping a class of VIFCC's clients escape the poverty trap. For volunteer opportunities to support this exciting new ministry through providing meals and/or fundraising, contact Kim Wissemann. Matthew 25 Ministries. Mary Melville is organizing regular "mission trip" visits to this Blue Ash ministry that helps the poor worldwide and also responds to disasters around the globe. M25M is very well organized for putting volunteers to work. No training needed and no commitment beyond the visit. St. Paul Village. A community of low-income seniors managed by Episcopal Retirement Homes and located in Madisonville. A&HT volunteers will assist with monthly Games Day events and occasional parties. Again, no training needed and the only commitment is to enjoy the event. Contact Noel Horne for more information. Here's an updated list of the Helping Our Neighbors In Need ministries we now support: HELPING OUR NEIGHBORS IN NEED MINISTRIES. Our church family has a strong tradition of active participation in neighborsin-need ministries and projects. We continue this tradition by providing financial and organizational support and by enabling members of our church family to experience the joy of serving those in need. Here is an outline of our current focus. To volunteer your time, talent or treasure to support these ministries, please speak with the listed contact persons. We support church family members who are active in the following local ministries. Valley Interfaith Food & Clothing Center (Kim Wissemann 761-8659, Chuck Kellner 948-1946, Joan Ammerman 821-2722) V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 7 This ministry in Lockland provides food and clothing to needy families in the Mill Creek Valley. Valley Interfaith Food & Clothing Center VINE Program.(Kim Wissemann 761-8659) A new ministry helping VIFCC clients climb out of the poverty trap to live self-sufficiently. Interfaith Hospitality Network (Alex Guest 761-5229) This ministry provides emergency shelter and hospitality for temporarily homeless families. We partner with Christ Church, Glendale in hosting these families. Community Dinners. (Dee Damico 772-0065) In partnership with St. Simon of Cyrene, we provide free dinners on the second Tuesday of each month at St. Simon's in Lincoln Heights, feeding hungry youth and seniors in that neighborhood. Matthew 25 Ministries. (Mary Melville 386-4386) M25M has a worldwide reach in helping neighbors in need with clothing and with emergency responses. Volunteers at the Blue Ash HQ are always welcome. St. Paul Village. (Noel Horne 729-2173) This Madisonville community for low-income seniors is operated by Episcopal Retirement Homes. We volunteer in support of social activities for the residents. Episcopal Community Services Foundation (Ariel Miller 221-0547) This ministry equips local Episcopal churches to provide help and hope to Ohioans in need. We support Episcopal missions in the developing world. Episcopal Relief & Development. We donate funds and respond to emergency needs. We are looking for overseas missions that will enable active participation by our church members. We support the neighbors-in-need activities of A&HT members through Loose Change Offerings. To seek financial support for your outreach ministry, contact Noel Horne (729-2173) We support annual mission trips for A&HT members of all ages. In 2014 we held our 3rd annual Helping Our Neighbors In Need Week, offering short mission trips to local ministries. Also in 2014 we undertook a mission trip to Staten Island, NYC to assist in Hurricane Sandy recovery. V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 8 Christian Teen Studies for High School Students Sunday 9 - 10am held in Youth Room Christina Brandewie, instructor & Betsy Cooper facilitator NEW! High School Youth Group Meets 1st Sunday of the Month (afternoon time varies each month) next event, Sunday, October 5th, mid afternoon Christina Brandewie & Betsy Cooper, facilitators "Wyoming Wild" Youth Group for 6-8 grade students 7-8pm, 1st Sunday of the month collaboration between Churches in Wyoming, OH next meeting, Sunday October 5th 7-8pm, at Presbyterian Church of Wyoming Adam Hayden, director The minimum wage: how does this affect you? join us Monday, October 27 at 7pm for a hands-on look at a hot issue in this second session of our Steps Towards Social Justice series. Bring your pencil and discover by working with real numbers how the minimum wage affects you as a participant in the US economy and as a taxpayer. We'll share a Bible study, then brainstorm what you can do as a moral voice, a citizen, and employer to apply faith and facts to the current question of what to do with the minimum wage. (Continued on page 9) V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 9 The Bible Challenge – Reading the Bible in a Year Informational Meeting – October 19th, 11:15am in the Assembly Room *Note – this is a week later than originally advertised Who’s ready to take a journey that promises to be truly transformative? This is challenge that you can take on yourself, along with your spouse our friends, or possibly with your whole family, as there will be children options! When we first discussed this challenge at a meeting I thought – “Wow. I would love to do that but honestly I do not think I am capable.” But upon praying about it, knowing the most rewarding things in life are usually the toughest, I started to actually consider it. Then ironically, I read a blog that I have been reading and it was about this very thing! This gentleman has read the bible through for the last 15 years and had this to say about it: “Begin your Bible reading time with prayer, either as part of your devotional time or just ask God to open His word to you as your read and make you sensitive to what He wants you to learn. You will begin to see that God uses the regular input that you are receiving to shape your life and attitude for the better. Paul calls it a “transforming” of the mind as we see life from God’s perspective and not our own. This regular Bible input gives God the raw materials to build positive change in your life.” There are numerous ways we can go about taking on this Challenge: including numerous resources to follow, apps for your phone, and different books to use during your daily reading. Some of you have probably already done this and your input would be wonderful! Please come to a brief meeting on Oct 19th at 11:15 in the Assembly Room to talk about the different options and set a date to begin this journey together! (Continued from page 8) You'll leave with resources for tracking the real impact on real people - your neighbors, children, and this congregation - of keeping or raising the minimum wage. This session will be facilitated by Ariel Miller and Carolyn Finke. We especially encourage you to invite neighbors and your teenage children to this shared experience of applied faith. V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 October 2014 C O NNE C T I O NS SUNDAY 5 FLU SHOT CLINIC 8:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 10:00am Christian Formation 10:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 11:15am Coffee & Fellowship (PH) 2:00pm Reiki (AR) 4:00pm Pet Blessing (GP) 5:00pm VIFCC event (PH) 12 MONDAY 6 PA GE 1 0 TUESDAY 7 6-8:30pm (PH) Karate 7:00pm Meditation (PHM Rm.) 2:00pm Golf Scramble 13 14 6-8:30pm (PH) Karate 6:00pm—Community Dinner 6:30pm Preschool Open House 7:00pm (AR) 7:00pm Meditation (PHM Rm.) Wyoming Art 7:30pm Book Club. show committee Mtng. 19 20 8:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 10:00am Christian Formation 10:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 11:15am Coffee & Fellowship (PH) 6-8:30pm (PH) 7:00pm Meditation (PHM Rm.) Karate 11:15 am Reading the Bible, Info Mtng. (AR) 7:00pm Vestry 8:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 10:00am Christian Formation 10:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 11:15am Coffee & Fellowship (PH) 21 2:00pm Reiki (AR) 26 27 8:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 10:00am Christian Formation 10:00am Holy Eucharist (Ch) 11:15am Coffee & Fellowship (PH) 6-8:30pm (PH) PH set up for Preschool party Karate Thursday. 7pm Living Wage Forum 7:00pm Meditation (PHM Rm.) 2 ALL SAINT’S SUNDAY 3 4 am 8:00 Holy Eucharist (Ch) 10:00am Christian Formation 10:00am Holy Eucharist w/ Baptism (Ch) 11:15am Coffee & Fellowship (PH) 2:00pm Reiki (AR) 5:00pm Requiem Eucharist (Ch) 28 7:00pm Meditation (PHM Rm.) V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 October 2014 C O NNE C T I O NS WEDNESDAY 8 THURSDAY 9 9:00am Meditation (PHM Rm.) am 10:00 Morning Prayer (MC) 11:00am Women's Stdy. Group (L) 1:00pm Knitting Ministry (L) 12:00pm AA (Rm.1) 6:00pm Girl Scouts (AR) 6-8:30pm (PH) Karate 15 9:00am Meditation (PHM Rm.) 10:00am Holy Euch. w/Healing (MC) 11:00am Women's Stdy. Group (L) 12:00pm AA (Rm.1) 6-8:30pm (PH) Karate 22 9:00am Meditation (PHM Rm.) 10:00am Holy Euch. w/Healing (MC) 11:00am Women's Stdy. Group (L) 12:00pm AA (Rm.1) PA GE 1 1 FRIDAY 10 SATURDAY 11 1:00pm ECW Book 9:30am (AR) Group, Artists Wyoming Fall Festival 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (MR) 7:30pm ECD (PH) 16 17 18 12:45 Staff Mtng. 9am-12Noon 3:30pm Girl Scouts (AR) Rummage Sale 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (MR) 9:30am (AR) Artists 23 6-8:30pm (PH) Karate 6:30pm (AR) Cub Scouts 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (MR) 7:30pm ECD (PH) 24 25 7:30am Men’s 9:00am Altar Guild Meeting Prayer Breakfast at Frisch's 11am-1pm Group 2 9:30am (AR) visit M25M Artists 29 30 31 9:00am Meditation (PHM Rm.) 10:00am Holy Euch. w/Healing (MC) 11:00am Women's Stdy. Group (L) 12:00pm AA (Rm.1) 6-8:30pm (PH) Karate Preschool Halloween 9:30am (AR) party (PH) Artists 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (MR) 7:30pm ECD (PH) 5 6 9:00am Meditation (PHM Rm.) 10:00am Holy Euch. w/Healing (MC) 11:00am Women's Stdy. Group (L) 12:00pm AA (Rm.1) 1:00pm Preschool Board Mtng. (L) 6-8:30pm (PH) Karate 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (MR) Ch -Church 5L-Library Nov 1 9am Rehearsal for Requiem (Ch) 6 PH-Parish Hall K-Kitchen MR-Music Room GP-Gathering Place AR-Assembly Room PHM-Parish Health Ministry YRm-Youth Room lower level V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 2 Dear Ascension & Holy Trinity, I want to thank you for your gracious attitudes during our trial phases of adjusting our “Invitations & Celebrations” section to our Sunday liturgy. As you’ll recall, we tried a month offering the Invitations & Celebrations at the beginning of the liturgy, a month in the middle, and a month at the end of the service. Several weeks ago we sent out a survey requesting feedback from your experience with the adjustments. First, let me say thank you for the manner in which the majority of you responded. You could tell that the Invitation/Celebration placement is quite important to several of you, and you stated your opinion and reasoning in a loving and respectful manner. In addition, I want to thank you all for your responses, and am pleased with the number received. I sat down with the Worship Commission Sunday September 21st and reviewed the survey responses. It was pretty clear that the majority of folks believe the most ideal location is after the Peace. I am comfortable keeping our Invitations & Celebrations after the Peace. I listened to a suggestion from a parishioner to try moving the time of the announcements; and am happy with the way this process played out. Remember, we tried adjusting the time slot because several parishioners felt the announcements at the Peace disruptive to the liturgy. After reading your comments, I am going to keep my announcements very brief. I might highlight one or two things, but I’m going to try staying with the idea of reminding us all to read our bulletins for all of the great ministry opportunities coming up. As of right now, folks are still welcome to come to the lectern to make special invitations & celebrations, but I would ask that we try to make our announcement as brief as possible. I make this request not because I don’t like hearing about all of the wonderful ministries happening in the life of our congregation, but the last several Sundays I’ve had to omit the Children’s Welcome. I really don’t like omitting the Children’s Welcome time because I feel it is important for our children to have time with me up front for a brief lesson. I know that many also really like to keep the service to an hour and not exceeding an hour and fifteen minutes. So again, thanks for your spirit of flexibility as we tried something new with our liturgy and thanks for your well thought out responses. Finally, thanks for helping keep our Invitations & Celebrations as clear and brief as possible so we don’t disrupt the flow of the liturgy and so our children have time for a moment with me up front. You’re great to work with! In God’s Grace, Eric L. Miller+ V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 3 PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 4 Our October is filled with Outstanding events for our preschool! The A&HT Wyoming Preschool School Board will meet on Wednesday, October 1st at 1:30. We have the Wyoming fire fighters visiting the first week of the month and our preschool family open house on Tuesday, October 14th from 6:30pm -7:30pm. Our family Halloween parties and parades will be on October 30th from 9:30-11:00, including singing in the church. We will be on fall break from October 31st until November 3rd. Finally, we will be learning about Fire Safety and having some Halloween Fun! The following are pictures of some of our happy preschool families for this school year. Lealand and Rebekah Haeger. Chris, Vera and Carolyn Rumke V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 5 Brad, Elaine and Raquel Bevington. Jimmy, Ashton, Ao and Zoe Evans V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 6 V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 7 Did you know that Ascension & Holy Trinity has Eucharistic Visitors? Each Sunday during our 10:00 Holy Eucharist we bless more bread and wine than is needed for the number attending worship. We bless this extra bread and wine so that our sick and shut-ins are able to participate in virtually the same Eucharistic feast we participate in any given Sunday. Our Eucharistic Visitor is commissioned near the end of the service with the words, “In the name of Ascension & Holy Trinity, I send you forth bearing these holy gifts, that those to whom you go may share with us in the communion of Christ’s Body and Body.” The congregation responds, “We who are many are one body because all share one bread, one cup.” You’ll notice that the Eucharistic Visitor is given a little communion kit contained the blessed wine and bread. What happens after the Eucharistic Visitor has been commissioned and leaves church? Thanks for asking! Well, this person is to go for a short visit with one of our shut-ins who has been scheduled beforehand. The visitor brings a bulletin from our worship service and says some prayers from a pamphlet with the individual, and then the visitor and the person receiving the visit share communion together. We are looking for more Eucharistic Visitors. This is an amazing ministry to be a part of, and my personal experience is that I always feel more blessed than the individual I’m visiting. I can train you for this meaningful ministry and would love to do so. Please contact me or the parish office for more information. Rev. Eric + C O NNE C T I O NS V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 PA GE 1 8 PRAYER CONCERNS: Ronald Vanoss, Dan Albright, Julie Stegman, Nancy Shaw, Beth Brayton Carroll, Richard Cotterill, Sue Gorman, Margadette Demet, George Thiemann, Richard Strange, Leslie Munz, the Timco Family, Jerry Hanson, Bob Kent Sr., Jeff Moore, Phil Glarin, Grigg Fountain, Mary Jo Everhart, Ellianna Ludka, Eloise Roberts, Noland Aidan Haeger, Brenda Johnson, Tony Esposito, Jennifer Blevins, Trey Baker, Nick, Sallie, Doris Shaneor, Nancy Hobson & Family, Roger Scroggin, Jerry & Judie Hanson, Norann Amos, Dan Dace, Dona Turpin., Becky Bond, Madalyn Humphrey, Teresa Walters, Marjorie Walmsley, the Boenning Family, Alan Fischoff & family, Jim & Nancy McCue, Carolyn Whittle, Ora Miesse, Craig Cluxton, Jay Anstoy, Eric Tisdale & Family, Joyce, Jerry Osner, Marlys Rutledge, Lynn Fitzwater, John Thomas, Bev Cody, Malik David Strange, Charlie Moore & Family, Jim Rembold. PRAYER LIST—Please call the Parish Office to add, remove or update a name. Names remain on the list for three months. Prayers are offered verbally during Sunday services for those added within the last month, and for all on the list at staff Morning Prayer and Wednesday Eucharist. The Lectionary for October: Track 1 - Year A October 5 Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 Psalm 19 Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33-46 October 19 Exodus 33:12-23 Psalm 99 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 October 12 Exodus 32:1-14 Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 October 26 Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46 November 2—All Saints Revelation 7:9-17 Psalm 34:1-10, 22 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12 [Day Old Testament reading Psalm Epistle Gospel] V O LU M E 1 0 /1 4 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 9 ACOLYTES & CROSSES Perhaps you have been wondering why you see the wooden cross in our processional and recessionals on Sundays at 10am? Usually the wooden cross is reserved for the Lenten season when we pare down into a more simple service. Well, we have been blessed with a number of enthusiastic acolytes willing to serve each Sunday; dedicated but short in stature! The traditional brass crosses are heavy, awkward, and nearly impossible for our smaller acolytes to carry. So when you see the wooden cross, it is because the acolyte carrying it is proud to be serving as crucifer, but not quite tall enough to manage the steps, a long white robe, and a top heavy brass cross! Jeanie Zoller jeanzoller@fuse.net Golf Outing – Sunday, October 12th – 9 hole scramble at Blue Ash Golf Course First t-time 2pm Sign-up sheet on bulleting board for 12 participants. ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 334 Burns Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45215
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