Translating The Gospel Have you ever thought that if the people around you would just stop for a moment and hear the message of Jesus, surely they would change their lives and receive Jesus’ salvation? The message is so clear. It brings such good news. How could anyone not understand it? How could anyone reject it? Why would anyone choose a quick thrill of this world to the loss of heaven? Well if you’ve ever thought that, I don’t think you are alone. I believe many if not most Christians see such a clear value in their relationship with God that they cannot understand people who reject God. Paul explains in the book of Ephesians that many nonChristians are not sensitive to what Christians are sensitive to. Their hearts are hard because they are ignorant of the things of God. Their understanding is clouded and they are separated from the life of God. He says their thinking is futile. That means it is pointless or to no good end. No wonder they don’t see value in serving God. If they are the way Paul describes them, they must think we are crazy for living and believing as we do. Paul is saying that they are so different from us that they might as well be speaking a different language. If you’ve ever ask a Russian how to get to the train station, you know what I’m talking about. They don’t think like us. They don’t value what we value. They don’t understand what we see clearly. So it will be hard to tell them about Jesus. It will require a change of heart and core values. But tell them we must whenever we can. And most importantly we must never ever be like them. The Ladies at Brownfield Church of Christ Would like to invite you to “Ladies Day” This Saturday 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM at the FLC (Lunch provided by Cindy Holt) Special Guest Speaker: Orfila Banda Please join us in listening to God’s Word and a wonderful day of great fellowship. “Though I have fallen, I will rise, though I sit in darkness the Lord will be my light.” Micah 7:8 Ephesians 4:17-24 (NIV) 17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more. 20 You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. 21 Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Bo Shero Family News & Notes OUR ILL—Janelda Cabe underwent a surgical procedure Monday to remove cancer. The doctor seemed to think that all of the cancer was removed, however, she is scheduled to take radiation treatments. Gabriella Martinez was released from CrownPoint Tuesday & is now home. She will be going to Hobbs in the next few days to stay with her daughter for a while. Jimmy Jones continues with chemotherapy treatments. He has three more to go. Please continue to pray for Red & Kendaleen Moore, Geoff & Anita Bissett, Leroy & Betty Jeter, Lee & Paula Martin, Dan & Bobbie Day, Henry Norman, Jimmy & Elaine Rodgers, & Hunter Hillock. PRAYER REQUESTS—Katy Cabe would like for us to pray for the safety of her great nephew, Brent Brocklehurst, who was deployed to the Middle East last week. Brent is in the Air Force. Prayers have been asked for Vicki Burnett (sister-in-law of former member Donna Dill). Vicki lives in Houston & is suffering from cancer & MS. She is in a lot of pain. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE—This Sunday’s evening service for singing has been postponed until the 19th. Therefore, Bo will be preaching Sunday evening. WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL—This month’s WBS mail-out will be on Monday at 9:30 A.M. MEN & LADIES VISITATION—The meeting for men & women’s visitation will be on Monday, at 2:00 PM in the home of Peggy Jenkins & Nancy Faught. LADIES SUPPER & GAME NIGHT—The Ladies Supper & Game Night will be Tuesday, at 6:00 PM, in the FLC. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. LADIES WEDNESDAY AM BIBLE CLASS—Please note a change in the Ladies Wednesday morning Bible class schedule. Frances Burkett will be teaching “Be Reconciled to God” next Wednesday. MEN’S WEDNESDAY AM BIBLE CLASS—Men, if you weren’t able to attend this past Wednesday AM Bible class, the handout sheet for next Wednesday will be in the office. TRUNK & TREAT FUN NIGHT—Be sure to mark your calendar as our annual Trunk & Treat Fun Night will be on Sunday, the 26th, at the FLC parking lot immediately following our evening service. COLLECTING—We continue to collect assorted cereal & pop tarts for the Tipton Children’s Home. Their truck is due at the end of the month. The annual Keenage Christian Conference in Denver City will be on Saturday, the 18th, beginning with registration at 10:00 AM. This year’s theme is “Let God Arise” from the popular song by Ross King. Speakers will include Fred Hall, Ray Young, & Larry Roberts. Skip Rodgers will lead singing. A free lunch will be provided at 12:45 PM. The conference should conclude by 3:30 PM. We would like to take a large group so if interested in going, please sign up on the bulletin board. THANK YOU—Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am so blessed to have known you and to have been a part of your family. I love you all. Thank you for your prayers and love. Thank you to the Ladies Bible Class who send me cards. I love to see the names who sign them. Thanks for all the polite cards and for the phone calls. Please continue to pray for myself and Jackie. God Bless All of You—Jean Moon Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for you calls, visits, the beautiful cards, food, and most of all your prayers! I am doing really well. Thank you again so much. Love—Lalie Garcia Thank you so much for all the cards. That is so sweet of everyone. I miss you. —Norlene Franklin Reynolds Rap Monday and Tuesday I attended the Moser Ministry Conference 2014 at LCU. I really enjoyed it! The theme was “The Word Became Flesh—Contemplating Christ Within the Life of the Church.” Marcelino and I were together most of the time. Marcelino worked here with me seventeen years. Ed and Lynda Stokum left Monday for Sojourners. Keep them in your prayers. Brownfield Church of Christ PRESORT STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID BROWNFIELD TX PERMIT NO 502 Wednesday a week ago Charlene and I began our 40th year with you! I have been preaching 60 years and 39 of those years have been spent here! We praise God for that! October 10, 2014 Vol. 10. No. 39 Attendance: Bible Classes Morning Assembly Evening Assembly Midweek Men & Ladies AM Classes Midweek Classes & Outreach Thursday School $ 8297 $ 8500 116 186 79 30 44 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The Weekly Record Contributions: Sunday’s Offering Weekly Budget PUBLISHED WEEKLY BROWNFIELD BUILDER I was at a luncheon meeting not long ago with two of former member Anna Belle Roberts’ daughters. One of them had recently lost her husband, Kenneth Wells Free. When Ken was asked, “We would like to read your favorite scripture for you; what is it?” Ken replied, “Genesis 1 through Revelation 22.” Brownfield Church of Christ 502 Lubbock Road Brownfield, Texas 79316 (806) 637-4597 Fax (806) 637-1704 email: Rick Cunningham, minister of the Church of Christ at Big Spring, wrote the following article which is entitled “Grace Be With You.” “The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” Who said that and to whom was it said? Paul said that to the church in Rome. He was not just speaking platitudes, but was assuring them of their victory over Satan if they rejected false teachings and continued to obey God’s word. The entire text reads, “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naïve people. Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you” (Romans 16:17-20). The grace of Jesus is not a mandate to accept any or all teachings proposed by men, as some see it. It is an encouragement to reject divisive teachings contrary to God’s revealed truth through Jesus and his inspired followers. Jesus wants us to “watch out for false prophets” (Matt. 7:15). That was Jesus’ command and warning. When we obey that command, the grace of our Lord Jesus will be with us.” From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16 Meeting Times Sunday: Bible Class Morning Assembly Evening Assembly Wednesday: Bible Class 9:30 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm
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