This Week`s Builder - Brownfield Church of Christ

All the Sudden, The Power Went Out
Family News & Notes
Well as most of you know, the power went out on Thursday
morning. Stores were dark. Police were directing traffic at all the
traffic lights. Coffee pots went cold all over town. Thursday school
was canceled. We have become so dependent on an uninterrupted
supply of electricity that we were left out of balance when it went
missing for an hour.
OUR ILL—Dorey Gaither successfully underwent back surgery this
past Thursday a week ago at CMC & was released the following day.
She is doing really well. Mary Katherine Vaughan was admitted to
UMC Sunday with respiratory problems. Walter King underwent surgery Wednesday at CMC. Hunter Hillock (grandson of Kenny & Lana
Powell) remains in UMC. Dan & Bobbie Day remain in the Carillon
House Rehab Center in Lubbock. Former member Nancy Johnson
remains in Brownfield Rehab & Care Center. Benito Gonzalez
(brother-in-law of Geno & Rita Riojas) continues to have pain with his
sciatic nerve. He is scheduled to have an MRI done on March 5th.
Please continue to pray for Red & Kendaleen Moore, Leroy & Betty Jeter, Lee & Paula Martin, Dan & Bobbie Day, Henry Norman, Jimmy & Elaine Rodgers, and Hunter Hillock.
We expect the lights to come on when we flip the switch.
Some people, we won’t name names, even put things in the microwave in the dark and wondered why the buttons were not working.
After all they always work. Why are they not warming my coffee
now? We expect life to be as it has been for so long.
But life will not always be as it has been. Familiar institutions
will someday be gone. Even the people that we expect to be there
and rely on will one day be gone. Even this earth that has been
under our feet for so many years will be gone.
"First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers
will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will
say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers
died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”
But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water.
By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction
of ungodly men.
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a
day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand
slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to repentance.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will
disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and
the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.
Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of
people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as
you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day
will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are
looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of
(2 Peter 3:3-13, NIV)
When the power went out, some people had flashlights, some had
candles, and a few buildings had built in backup lighting. When our
Lord returns, what will you have? Will you be ready?
Bo Shero
We really appreciate Don Godwin and Peter & Liz Anderson for
serving the most delicious turkey & dressing this past Wednesday
night. Also, thank you, Cindy, for the wonderful WEEKLY desserts!
Please join us this coming Wednesday as Dan & Susie Bray will be
serving lasagna!
Also, the meal sign-up sheet for the months of March & April is
posted on the bulletin board. As of right now, we need someone to
volunteer to host our meal for Wednesday, March 11th.
PRAYER REQUEST—Prayers have been requested for Eva Hernandez, niece of Jose & Tasia Hernandez and Josh & Tess Hernandez, as
she is going through a difficult time right now.
There will be a youth fun night at the FLC, on Saturday, March
7th, from 4:00 PM until ?. We will have a devotional, games, &
movies to watch. Supper will be provided! For food preparations,
please RSVP to Neil & Camie Weems at (539-0196 / 786-2611) or
Cody & Jennifer Sifford at (903-720-1535 / 903-360-6159).
Dear Brethren, Children always have a way of melting our hearts
and it is evident, you too have the same weakness as we. Precious
little souls have been presented to us by the hand of the Lord and
He has also given us wonderful helpers in you. Together we tackle
the task of mending torn and devastated hearts. The sadness on
little faces tends to disappear when they are in a place where they
find safety, comfort, and people who REALLY love them and not
just say so. We cherish your partnership in reaching out to these
wounded and battle scarred children. Being able to address their
needs when they first come to us is so important. They need to be
nourished not only physically but spiritually. They have no idea
how much they need the Lord in their lives. But as our house parents and staff model the love of Christ before them, soon they are
curious as to who this man we call Jesus really is. Isn’t our God
good to give us an opportunity to be a servant to His little children??? We thank you for the great part you play in helping us
provide good food for nutritious meals. We thank you for other
items that help us keep the cottages clean, their clothes clean and
just general good health of the children. These are things that are
needed to generate a good atmosphere for success. So may I say,
thank you for the part you play to help God’s little children be
Christian Champions. You are a precious people, a STRONG gift
from the Lord. May you rejoice knowing you are making a huge
difference in the lives of precious children. Serving the Master Together - Thom Moore (director of church relations at New
Mexico Christian Children’s Home)
SYMPATHY—We are in sympathy with Pam Simpson over the passing of her sister-in-law, Kay Allen, Friday. The funeral service was
conducted Monday at South Plains Church of Christ in Lubbock.
CONGRATULATIONS—Monty & Kathy Henson are proud to announce the birth of their grandson, Macall Tade Becker, Monday, at
Covenant Women’s & Children’s Hospital. Macall weighed 6lb, 12oz. &
measured 20 ½ inches long. The proud parents are Mason & Megan
LTC MEETING—LTC students & helpers will meet for a marathon
from 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM in the FLC this Sunday for practice. Lunch
will be provided!
MEN & LADIES VISITATION—If you would be interested in making
short visits with other members to see visitors as well as other members of the congregation, please meet at the church building on Monday at 2:00 PM. This is a great & much needed ministry!
WEDNESDAY AM BIBLE CLASSES—The Women’s Wednesday morning
Bible classes will have a coffee & devotional on Wednesday morning at 9:30
AM in the home of Nancy Faught & Peggy Jenkins (1106 E. Tate).
PHONE NUMBER CHANGE—Please change Delbert & Carol Ann
Bradley’s telephone number to 806-218-1326.
THANK YOU—I want to thank our Elders for hosting the lovely Valentine banquet for the widows and single ladies of our congregation. All
Elders and their wives attended and the following members of our
congregation served as our very professional wait staff and great
cooks: Greg & Cindy Holt, Bo & Johnna Shero, Raymond & Leca Ruiz,
and Mike & Ann Owen. It was a “first-class” event—very special!
Love—Linda Foshee
Reynolds Rap
Sloane Holt and the three other senior girls on the Lady Cubs basketball
team were recently named “Players of the Week” by the Brownfield News. Unfortunately, the team lost an area playoff game against Muleshoe last Friday night.
We commend Sloane and the whole team for a lot of fun this year! May God
bless them all!
Church of Christ
Kristen Cabe came forward at the end of our Morning Worship Service. She
gave the elders a card she had written: First, I want to say thank you for all of
the love and support my son and I have received from this congregation. At one
point I was living by my own understanding, not by God’s Word. That was the
hardest time of my life. If it wasn’t for this church family we would not be here
today. I come to you today because I still have a hard time just having faith. I
worry way too much about too many things instead of giving it to God. I feel a
lot of pressure as a single mom, being the only one providing for my son. I don’t
trust God with my worries and fears. I try to handle it all on my own. Friday I
was fired from my job and I am worrying more than ever. I ask for prayers that I
find it in my heart to trust God and just have faith. (Kristen, we love you and will
continue to pray fervently for you! Bob)
February 27, 2015
Vol. 11. No. 08
Bible Classes
Morning Assembly
Evening Assembly
Midweek Men & Ladies AM Classes
Midweek Classes & Outreach
Thursday School
$ 6167
$ 8500
The Weekly Record
Sunday’s Offering
Weekly Budget
We really pray for our farmers! They have “drawn the short end of the
stick” in so many ways including the intentions of our federal government!
Please pray for them and their families! One wonderful blessing is the good
moisture we’re receiving!
The following is an “Update on Malawi” by Molliar Banda: “The situation is
now improving. The road has been repaired and we got electricity just yesterday.
The relocated have been provided with tents for temporary settlements. The two
churches here are well. The number of Christians is increasing every Sunday
maybe because people are fearing disasters so they need to be closer to God. I
feel the same way. There is one structure that is supposed to be repaired and
this is the post office which is still closed.”
Brownfield Church of Christ
502 Lubbock Road
Brownfield, Texas 79316
(806) 637-4597 Fax (806) 637-1704
There was quite a write-up concerning Michelle Jackson, Dyslexia Coordinator and teacher at Oak Grove, in the Brownfield News. Teacher of the month was
Michelle Jackson who is the Dyslexia Coordinator and teacher at Oak Grove. She
is the wife of Dan Jackson and the mother of fourth grade twin daughters. Her
family is involved in stock showing, competitive cheer and church activities, so
Mrs. Jackson is a busy lady. She serves all campuses with her knowledge of how
to cope with dyslexia. Mrs. Cooper presented Mrs. Jackson with this honor stating, “She is such an asset to our district. We have even had students enroll in
our district simply to follow Mrs. Jackson and continue to take advantage of her
skill and expertise in her field. If that doesn’t speak to what type of teacher Mrs.
Jackson is, I don’t know what will.” Her peers in talking about her stated, “She
always has a smile and a wave and a cheery ‘Gooood Mooorning!” for all students as they enter the building.” Some of her fellow-teachers commented: “She
looks for opportunity to lead.” “I love her. She is so positive.” “Such an asset to
BISD.” “A true advocate for the kids.” “A wonderful person with boundless enthusiasm.” (I love to read such things about one of our members! Bob)
From him the whole body, joined and held
together by every supporting ligament,
grows and builds itself up in love,
as each part does its work.
Ephesians 4:16
Meeting Times
Bible Class
Morning Assembly
Evening Assembly
Bible Class
9:30 am
10:30 am
5:00 pm
7:00 pm