The Beck & Call USPS0901480 Published weekly by Beck’s Baptist Church POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGE TO: Beck’s Baptist Church 5505 Becks Church Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Periodicals Postage Paid in Winston-Salem, NC BECK'S BAPTIST CHURCH The Beck & Call V O LUM E 2 9 , N O . 3 8 S E P TE MBER 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 a church with heart Honoring Christ O CT 5 Monday by 12 Noon, in writing. Prayer Guide: Wednesday by 10:00AM Bulletin: Thursday by 12:00 Noon Beck’s Contact Information: Phone: 336-924-2178 Fax: 336-924-3561 Website: **DEADLINES** Encouraging one another Announcing the Gospel Reaching through ministries Teaching God’s word Beck & Call: Email: October 2014 Sunday, October 5 9:15 - Sunday School 10:10 - Deacon Prayer Time 10:30 - Morning Worship Service CHURCH-WIDE COOK-OUT immediately following Worship Service No Evening Worship Service Monday, October 6 9:00 - Bible Study—Chapel 11:00 - Circle #2 Room D-105 6:00 - Bible Study—Chapel 6:00 - Property Committee Tuesday, October 7 11:00 - R.A. Prayer Group—UFH 6:30 - Weekly Visitation 7:00 - Van Ministry Meeting Thank you for your help! Nursery Workers (Birth—2yrs. ONLY) (10/5): 10:30 Service: Nancy Smiseth & Pam Hinson Children’s Church (10/5): 10:30 Service: Heather Hall Deacons of the Week 10/5 Jerome Cannon Derick Flanery Benny Morgan Harold Smith BBC Report 9/28 El Camino Sunday School: 216 Sun. AM: 10:30 Service: 220 Sun. PM: Evening Service: Wednesday, October 8 9:30 - Quilting Ministry 6:15-7:00 - Children’s Choirs 6:30 - Richardson Memorial Ringers Choir/Handbell Room 6:30 - Prayer Service 6:30-7:45 - Journey (Youth) 7:00-7:45 - Missions 7:30 - Sanctuary Choir Practice Thursday, October 9 6:45 - Praise Team Practice 7:45 - Beck’s A Team vs Fulp 8:45 - Beck’s A Team vs Hanes Saturday, October 11 7:00 - Beck’s Singles Coffeehouse—UFH Les Loflin Steve Stone _ 9/28___ Small Groups 86 Weekly Budget Gifts Year–to-Date Budget 8/31/14 Year-to-Date Income as of 8/31/14 Year-to-Date Expenses as of 8/31/14 B E CK ’S BA P T I ST CH U R CH COOK OU T $ $ 13,159.00 11,851.00 $ 460,565.00 $ 379,963.62 $ 384,925.17 Pastor …………………………………………………..Dr. Karl Ray Minor Minister of Youth & Recreation .............. Clayton Carnall Interim Director of Children’s Ministries.…..Michael Styers Director of Music……..…………………………………..Robert Rocco Praise Team Coordinator .............................. Chad Mills Hispanic Mission Pastor .......... ..Rev. Galo V. Maldonado J oi n u s i m m ed i a t el y f ol l ow i n g t h e m or n i n g ser v i ce Su n d ay, Oct . 5 f or a ch u r ch w i d e f a m i l y cook ou t . At Home Greg Bennett Rupert Bowen Frank Burge Lydia Clark Jim Cole Nora Edwards Kate Hagenah Lorine Haneline Betty Hardy Lottie Hayes Kate Henderson Osie Jennings Doris Joyce Marie Kelly Charlie McAlexander Julia Moore Martha Morgan A.C. Motsinger Nellie Murray Sandra Myrum Ima Newman Ken Otto Debbie Poe LeeAnn Randleman Jim Reid Debbie Rice Dwight Roope Larry Shouse Dan Smith Karen Smith Byron Spainhour Mildred Spencer Opal Stoneman Louise Tedder Ann Vannoy Heather Waddell Vernon Walker Cletus Willard V O LUME 29 , N O . 38 S E PT E MBE R 30, 20 14 Page 2 T HE B E CK & C ALL Page 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS m&m’s… Gardens… “Gardens, scholars say, are the first sign of commitment to a community. When people plant corn they are saying, let’s stay here. And by their connection to the land they are connected to one another.” – Ann Raver For a church, the commitment to a community of believers seems to be their commitment to Christ and the Time they give. When we give our time, which is the most precious thing we have, we are saying that we value what is going on and the people with which we will be involved. This Sunday we will have a chance to continue to build our Beck’s Baptist Church community by fellowshipping together at our church wide cookout. Come plant community with our church family by giving of your time by eating and building relationships. - Clayton O CT 5 B E CK ’S BA P T I ST CH U R CH COOK OU T J oi n u s i m m ed i a t el y f ol l ow i n g t h e m or n i n g ser v i ce Su n d ay, Oct . 5 f or a ch u r ch w i d e f a m i l y cook ou t . Oct. 5 – Ridgecrest Retreat (Nov. 21-23) Deposit of $50 is due!! Oct. 8 – Journey @ the Fair. Bring your 5 cans of Lowes Food brand food to get in, and come help us work the Hoops4Him food booth at the fair any time Wednesday, Oct. 8. You will need to find your own ride there and back. Sunday of this past week we had a children’s sermon during our regular worship hour. I always enjoy these brief moments with the children. The children’s sermons always allow us to hear God’s word as the simple truth God intends for His message. The children’s sermon this past week had two parts. However, only one part was presented. If you were present you may recall how we talked about Christ telling Simon Peter, James and John to cast their nets to catch fish. They replied that they had fished all night and knew there were no fish to be caught. However, they cast their nets and the catch was overwhelming. Christ then challenged the fishermen that he would make them “catchers of men”. This led to the first part of my illustration: We are all different and do different things. But, no matter where we are, no matter how we perceive our surroundings, we can use our fishing ability to catch men for Jesus. The second illustration that I wanted to share had to do with “fishing bait”. Simon Peter and his fishing partners cast the net where Jesus told them to cast. These fishermen found fish where fish are: swimming in the water being fish. The fishermen did not have to trick them or put some type of bait in the water, they simply cast their net where the fish were. I had some fishing lures to show the children. After showing these lures, I was going to explain that they were just artificial forms of fish food. In other words, these lures were just traps or misconception of what the fish were looking for. It is important to remember that God through His word and His son, Jesus, will always show us the truth. He never offers us something artificial or tries to “trick” us into believing in Him. Have you ever told yourself, “It is of no use to invite someone to come to church. They would not want to come. We don’t have anything special to offer them.” This is far from the truth!! WE have Christ to offer them. WE have the truth of the Gospel, the truth that sin is forgiven through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Don’t you think that is worth the invitation? Christ asked Simon Peter to cast his net. This request for a fisherman was a simple request. This was something Simon Peter could do in his sleep. He had been fishing since he was a small boy. He knew how to fish, he knew where to look for fish, he knew how many fish his net would hold. What he did not know, was the joy of following Christ and His commandments. He learned how to be “a fisherman of men”. Where is Christ telling you to cast your net? Remember, he is not asking you to do something you can’t do, He is just asking you to follow Him. Yours in Christ, Michael M. Styers FALL BIBLE STUDY with the Sledges Each Monday thru Nov. 17th at 9AM and 6PM Senior Adult Fall Foliage Day Trip Oct. 28th. Lunch at the Daniel Boone Inn and tour Samaritans Purse. The tour will last about 1 hour and there is very little walking. Cost: $21.00. Leave the church at 9:00 a.m. & return at 6:00 p.m. Make check payable to Jenny Nail. Reservations for a seat on the bus will be made when we receive your check. There are 56 seats on the bus. We will take reservations until the bus is full and/or no later than 10-17-14. To Don and Randy Styers in the death of their wife and mother, Carolyn Styers, on Sunday, September 28th. THIS SUNDAY, OCT. 5th following morning service! Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and fixings, paper products and beverages provided!! If you would like to bring a salad or dessert that would be great, but only if you want to do so. If you’re bringing food, please contact the church office, Clayton Carnall or Elaine Hauser and tell us your food of choice so we can plan accordingly! Looking forward to a great day! Happy Fall, Y’all! Circle #2 will meet Mon., Oct. 6 @ 11AM, Rm. D-105. Eunice Massey will have Mission Study. Everyone is welcome! WEEKLY VISITATION MINISTRY Please join us each Tuesday evening as we visit those who have visited us here at Beck’s! Please meet at the church at 6:30pm! Red Cross First Aid and CPR Class Senior Adult Day Trip on December 19th to the Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theatre. We will enjoy a delicious holiday feast and a Holiday Spectacular stuffed with all the Christmas songs you know. The holiday production also features a breath-taking Nativity. The cost is $48.00. We will leave the church at 9:45 a.m. and return at 6:00. p.m. Please make your check out to Jenny Nail. Reservations for a seat on the bus will be made when we receive you check. There are 56 seats on the bus. We will take reservations until the bus is full and/or no later than 11-16-14. Any questions, see Jenny Nail. If you can carry a tune in a bucket and are ages 13 — 130, the Sanctuary Choir would like to invite you to join us in this year’s Christmas program. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights from 7:30pm until 9:00pm. We look forward to seeing you! REMINDER: During Sunday Morning Worship Service, PLEASE leave the 1st and 2nd pews on the piano side of the church vacant to accommodate Children’s Church attendees. Thank you! Would you be interested in taking a First Aid and CPR class? If so, please contact the church office or Elaine Poindexter 924-9988. We need a minimum of 8 people to begin a class. Beck’s Singles Info: 2nd Saturday Singles Coffeehouse - Sat. Oct. 11th from 7 pm to 10 pm UFH Special guests: Robert Rocco, (Beck's Baptist Church pianist) and a colleague, Regina Pozzi, joining him for a duet on the piano. Both Robert & Regina teach music. Robert came last year and everyone enjoyed him greatly. We are sure you won't want to miss this concert with an added guest. Let's have a "Covered Dish Meal" Please bring a side dish and a dessert, if possible. We invite you to come and enjoy a meal, entertainment, devotions & Christian fellowship. Start planning now what item/items you can bring to make this very special event. Singles Fall Leaves Day Trip and Picnic Saturday, Oct. 25, meet at Beck's Baptist Church at 8:40 am - leaving at 9:00 am. Beck's will provide the chicken, 2 liter drinks & bottled water. You provide side dishes and desserts. Cooler will be provided for your food/drinks. Returning to church around 8:00 pm. Cost: Van Gas Money Donation. Please sign up ASAP so we know how to plan. For more info and to make your reservation call Lawrence & Debbie! Nursery Workers scheduled for Sunday morning worship services need to report to the nursery no later than 10:10 a.m. to relieve any workers needing to get to choir. Nursery Committee CHILDREN’S INFO and EVENTS SCHEDULE We have registered with a website called Remind101 to make communicating with you simpler. All parents please sign up to receive text messages about Kid’s Konnection. Text, @kidskonn, to 790-4950 to sign up. NO AWANA this Sunday, Oct. 5th! Fall Festival will be October 31st. We are looking forward to fellowship with the community. We are in need of individually wrapped candy for game prizes again this year. Your help is needed. Drop off your candy at the church office or in your Sunday School class. DON’T FORGET TO SIGN-UP at the Church Family Cookout October 5th, for 1-Hour SLOTS for Fall Festival! The Fall Festival will be Fri., Oct. 31st. However, I will be leaving for South Africa on Monday, Oct. 13th. I really NEED to know commitments by Sunday, Oct. 12th. Therefore, there will be a signup table in the gym at our Sunday Cookout on Oct. 5th. Volunteers are needed to work 1-hour shifts starting at 5:30 – 9:30. I am also asking anyone (including Sunday school classes) who wish to donate a door prize to please register with me on October 5th. Don’t be S C A R E D , 31 M. M. Styers CHILDREN’S CHOIRS SING SUNDAY, OCT. 5th in the 10:30 AM Worship Service The children need to be in the sanctuary at 10 AM!! Mission Action: OCTOBER: Love Offering for Debbie Poe & Family. NC State Mission Offering: $1, 870.00 On-going Project: Beck’s Food Pantry is in 2014 Projectionist Schedule October 5 — Alex Mills need of: —Pop-Tarts —jelly —spaghetti noodles —cereal —peanut butter
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