The Roving Reporter Hi, fellow CLRC members Wow, it’s August already, and the sparaxis outside my kitchen window is showing early signs of Spring being on its way. Which means that my resistance to cold-‐weather camping will be thawing soon, and we will get itchy to haul out the tents and sleeping bags to spend some Cme in the great outdoors. From what I understand, there was a good turn-‐out at the Helderberg ouCng as well as at the Points Event held at De Grendel…it is good to hear that the ouCngs are well supported. Please remember however that most of our events are arranged aLer ample negoCaCons with the venues, and that our behaviour as club members before, during and aLer the event will impact on our ability to revisit that venue. This includes liNering and general respect for the environment we find ourselves in – please ensure that you take some form of rubbish container with you on ouCngs, and that everything is spotless when you leave. No picking of flowers, driving off the designated tracks and undue noise, please. July 2014 Please keep an eye on your mailbox for news on the upcoming ouCngs, or check out the Club website. Your handy links below again: hNp:// hNp:// Looking forward to seeing many of you soon…. Tani Humour OF INTEREST A Short Tribute to MarCn Holland from Peter Browne It was mid-‐1980 : My brother (Series II) and I (Series IIa) had just arrived in Cape Town from Zimbabwe, and by year end our parents (Series III) and youngest brother (Series I) were also here. With four Series Landies it was only a maNer of Cme before the tracks led to MarCn Holland and Roverland. I think it was 1981, or maybe 1982, that we found MarCn at his Land Rover haven at Morningstar . . . and yes, the engine-‐liLing-‐tree was there, and behind every other tree there were Landies, Landies, Landies . . . MarCn was young, vigorous, forthright (was he ever not so), confident, and very knowledgeable about Land Rovers. He would speak with passion of their strengths and capabiliCes, shortcomings and limitaCons. In 1983 MarCn imported a consignment of overdrive units for Series Land Rovers . . . the Spanish manufactured Sobremarcha R-‐2000. At just under R800 they were less than half the price of the Farey overdrives. MarCn was confident that they were high quality and even beNer than the Farey units . . . so we purchased two of them. He was right of course, and the unit in my Series IIa has done about 400 000 km with no aNenCon other than topping up the oil from Cme to Cme. MarCn had done his homework well, and this was characterisCc of the way he did things . . . something I was to see repeatedly over the next 30 years. Inevitably his Morning Star setup outgrew its backyard beginnings and Roverland moved to new premises in an emerging commercial area off Potsdam Road near Dunoon. I must admit that for me Roverland never felt quite right at that locaCon . . . maybe it was just the change from the informality of the backyard setup which took Cme to get used to. But it wasn’t long before Roverland moved to its present day locaCon in Montague Gardens, and all was well once again. Well, that is, save for a (mercifully brief) period when an alternaCve brand of “so-‐called 4x4” was seen in the workshop service bays and in the parking areas in front of Roverland. I thought it possible that MarCn was “losing it”, or maybe even “smoking something” different from Land Rover smoke! I always felt comfortable going to Roverland . . . MarCn was always there, always forthright, and always ready to help or advise. In the later years I oLen bumped into him and his ever-‐caring Erna in Melkbosstrand . . . on the sidewalks, at the beach front, and in many of the Melkbos restaurants. It was at these Cmes that I saw what was probably MarCn’s most enduring characterisCc . . . his indomitable spirit. He never gave up and never surrendered in the face of adversity. As he passed away MarCn leL behind a legacy and memory as deeply impressive and long-‐lived as Land Rover itself. I would like to believe that he is looking down on us from out there, somewhere in that great Land Rover backyard in the sky. Go well MarCn . . . I will miss you. OF INTEREST Adventure Through Art By Joanna Engelbrecht Meet Mamma Gogo, a Series III Land Rover with a very special story. She is the proud mascot of the Mamma Gogo IniCaCve, a documented journey of a very special Land Rover, exploring culture and heritage, creaCve outreach programs and implementaCon of educaConal iniCaCves The 3 main objecCves of the IniCaCve are: • Explore the creaCve potenCal of communiCes across South Africa and potenCally Africa through the medium of a creaCve outreach program. • Document the diverse heritage of her people and the expression of her culture • Engage communiCes (including those on social media) to the collecCve story of this creaCve adventure Mamma Gogo will be on display at the World Design Capital 2014 Longbeach Mall Design Expo from 25 -‐ 30 August. The founder and driver of the iniCaCve, Donald BarneN will be there with this Land Rover Mamma Gogo to answer any quesCons. Donald is an accomplished arCst for over 20 years, through his newly fledged NGO he is now using his talent to inspire creaCvity within communiCes. Donald is scheduled to take a trip to the Limpopo Provence early September 2014. He has been given sponsorship to document the heritage of the Maphungubwe heritage trail, visit the sacred sights of this region and interview the communiCes there. Unfortunately the trip wont be done this Cme round with his Land Rover Mamma Gogo, as she is in serious need of repair. As yet, not enough funding has been raised for this and Donald is now forced to seek other alternaCves to accomplish the task at hand. OF INTEREST This is an appeal to those in the Land Rover community to see if we can help Donald in some way. Perhaps there is a landrover owner or dealer that would be willing to sponsor the use of a vehicle for a month. Support Donald's challenge to take creaCve outreach to the isolated communiCes of Maphungubwe and in turn become a part of telling the story of Africa's remarkable heritage to the children of South Africa. Or perhaps there are some members of the club willing to assist on the mechanical side to help Donald restore Mama Gogo to her previous glory. I am obviously passionate about the Land Rover brand and believe that Mama Gogo within the right hands, if restored, can make this journey and in turn demonstrate the capabiliCes of Land Rover vechiles On the 25th July 2014 I aNended the first fundraising aNempt held for this project and spoke to an audience and represented the CLRC. It was a great night, very informaCve and there were amazing prizes that were won as well as lots of wine and a delicious curry dinner! I believe that this project will be a great success as well as beneficial to communiCes less fortunate, therefore I appeal to anyone who can assist to get please come forward and get involved. Donald will carry on with fund raising aNempts in the future and I of course will keep you all updated and would appreciate it if you could join us on this journey! For more informaCon please see hNp:// or like the Mamma Gogo facebook page OuCng Report DAY TRAIL HELDERBERG / TWO OCEANS 4X4 SUNDAY, 20TH JULY 2014 OuCng Report Winter Warmer Thali Thali Lodge 5+6 July 2014 OuCng Report Social – LR Service Centre 1 June 2014 PLANNING AHEAD... KAM’BATI RIVER RESORT LANDROVER RALLY 10 – 12 OCTOBER 2014 Hi Everyone, This year marks the 2nd Land Rover Rally to be held at Kam’BaC River Resort and CLRC is again part of the acCon. The Club will be helping with the building and marshalling of the “obstacle course” on the site. Those who would like to help with the marshalling anyCme during the day, please let us know. I would like as many members as possible this year to aNend Grab the kids, grannies/ granddads, aunCes / uncles & of course all the Land Rovers you own and head on down to join us at Kam’BaC River Resort for this awesome event. Apparently the Land Cruisers are using a venue close by so we would like to show them that indeed Land Rovers are indeed the best 4x4 by far and we need you all to help up get that across. Those that aNended last year can vouch it was an awesome, fun filled weekend with lots of things to do and see. Please book your spot on the ground earmarked for our club. Please email Kam’BaC directly with your booking details required hereunder:-‐ Name Surname Email Cell Adults Kids (4-‐18) Send this mail to:-‐ cc sta%ng your booking informa%on and VERY IMPORTANT that you are part of The CLRC group. If you need any further info with regards to this event please do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Regards, Joanna Engelbrecht CLRC-‐PRO 0832853949 PLANNING AHEAD... KAM’BATI RIVER RESORT LANDROVER RALLY 10 – 12 OCTOBER 2014 PLANNING AHEAD... CLRC Extended Trip 10th to 22nd October 2014. Extended October Trip Including the Kam ‘Ba% Land Rover Rally 10th October to 22nd October 2014. We have decided to bring the long trip forward to coincide with the Kam ‘BaC Land Rover Rally. This gives members more chance to do both events without the extra travelling. The club will be building and manning the Obstacle course for the Saturday fesCvity. Those who are doing the extended trip will spend the Sunday evening at Kam ‘BaC and will depart on the Monday morning. The trip will be unrushed, scenic, using back roads, many passes and great scenery for photographs and enjoying the fun of the Cape Land Rover Club members. Please RSVP early to reserve your place, as there is a limit of 12 on the trip. Camping costs sCll to be confirmed, but will be sent to those who have booked, once the costs have been finalised. Here is the approximate iCnerary, which we may tweak. Cape Land Rover Club Kam ‘Ba% Landy Fes%val -‐ Eastern Cape Passes – Baviaanskloof – Wilderness -‐ De Hoop -‐ Trip 10th to 22nd October 2014. ·∙ Friday 10th Home to Kam ‘BaC Land Rover FesCval. (216 km) ·∙ Saturday 11th Kam ‘BaC FesCval. ·∙ Sunday 12th Kam ‘BaC. ·∙ Monday 13th Kam ‘BaC -‐Suurbraak-‐Heidelberg-‐Gysmanshoek Pass-‐Cloete Pass to Bonniedale campsite. (272 km) ·∙ Tuesday 14th Bonniedale-‐ANaquaskloof Pass-‐Oudtshoorn-‐Meiringspoort to camp in Meiringspoort. (103 km) ·∙ Wednesday 15th Meiringspoort-‐Klaarstroom-‐Willowmore-‐Rietriver/Makkadat caves campsite in Bavianskloof. (151 km) ·∙ Thursday 16th Riet river-‐Rooihoek campsite. (83 km) ·∙ Friday 17th Rooihoek-‐Komdomo campsite. (42 km) ·∙ Saturday 18th Komdomo-‐Uniondale-‐De Vlugt camp on Prince Alfred’s pass. (297 km) ·∙ Sunday 19th De Vlugt-‐Knysna-‐7 Passes-‐Wilderness to Ebb & Flow campsite. (125 km) ·∙ Monday 20th Wilderness-‐7 Passes-‐Montague Pass-‐George-‐Great Brak River-‐Mossel Bay-‐Vlees Bay-‐SCll Bay-‐Jongensfontein Camp. (251 km) ·∙ Tuesday 21st Jongensfontein-‐Vermaaklikheid-‐Malgas-‐Pont-‐De Hoop Campsite. (129 km) ·∙ Wednesday 22nd De Hoop Camp via Bredasdorp or straight home – your choice. (325 km) ·∙ Total (1994km) Please RSVP to:-‐ Patrick Yeadon: OF INTEREST Hi Paul, We supply vehicles to the film industry and this is our reason for contacCng you, we would like to find out if you would be able to assist by checking with your members if they would be interested in lisCng their vehicles with us to hire out for film shoots. All vehicles are fully insured while on set, we pay on invoice no later than 24 hours aLer the shoot, our role is to ensure that the vehicles (and owners) are protected and all the necessary steps are in place to ensure that vehicles don't get abused on set. We obtain owners permissions should any driving be required, mostly it is arriving or deparCng shots or sCll shoots where the only driving will be placing the vehicle in posiCon for the shot. The rates will be a minimum of R2,000 per day and drivers/owners will be catered for on set. You can visit our website: to see more informaCon about us. Look forward to hearing from you! Kind regards Nick Pienaar 073 050 2942 021 461 3332 MEMBERS’ PAGE New members Gert Maritz, Stellenbosch – Joined 23rd July 2014 2004 White Defender 90 TD5 – CF 190 088 072 229 5967 (c&w), Bernade_e Ree Taylor & Leslie Glen, Durbanville -‐ Joined 28 July 2014 Associate members (No landy) 021-‐975 6235 (h), 073 657 1758 ©, Werner Westraad, Stellenbosch – Joined 20th July 2014 Cream Defender 90 – CL 168 21 021-‐929 3177 (w), 082 574 0396 ©, Brendan & Adele Joynt – Joined 3rd Aug 2014 2000 White Defender 110 TD200 – CA 592 121 021-‐529 7000 (w), 072 479 5889 © Andre & Glynis Jacobs – Joined 3rd Aug 2014 2004 Blue Discovery 2 TD5 FaceliL – CA 784 659 021-‐593 1936 (w), 921-‐762 1544 (h), 083 974 5373 © COMMERCIAL FOR SALE 2000 TD5 Disco 2 (Ex Dave Pretorious and Herbie Hellstrom) 253000 km, 5 aluminium alloy wheel rims, 5 brand new" Infinity" all terrain tyres, snorkel, upgraded suspension, just had the 10000 km service. Also has black box engine monitoring, oil pressure gauge, pre wired for CB radio, power windows and door locks, cruise control. Asking R80000-‐00 neg. Contact Rosie Garcia. 0822252021 Pearly Beach I have four second hand BF Goodrich All terrain 265/75/R16 for sale that fit a Land Rover Defender, I would like to sell all four for R1000.00. Anthony Peters Cell: +27 (0) 82 410 1563 Email: COMMERCIAL 1995 LandRover Defender 127 TDi Camper R325000,00 LIST OF FEATURES Winch Tinted Windows Front Steel Bumper BaNery Monitor Snorkel Duel Rear Coils Awning Dual Rear Shocks Solar Panel Dual BaNery System Fridge Double Bed BF Goodrich Tyres Stove Wash Basin Outside Table Hi LiL Jack Rock Crawlers Stainless Steel Water Tank 2 Way Radio Stainless Steel Fuel Tank Built In Compressor Interior Fans ExCnguisher Step Outside Gas BoNle Blinds on Windows Contact: 0834493993 Adele Leons Panelbeaters Tel: 0218535105 FOR SALE COMMERCIAL FOR SALE Range Rover Discovery 95 TDi 300 Locker at rear R68000,00 Contact: 0834493993 Adele Leons Panelbeaters Tel: 0218535105 COMMERCIAL FOR SALE These are on sale now for R800 for the lot they come out of a Series III – call Joanna Engelbrecht on 083 285 3949 2012 XT140 Jurgens Trailer Price: 70,000 ZAR DescripCon: Howling Moon RooLop Tent with awnings. 12 volt electrical system. Fridge and amo case draw system. Road worthy Cll end 2014. Only been on 4 camping trips. Like new. Contact: Jacques Engelbrecht -‐ 082 886 6498 Ladies Land Rover Cargo. Brand New, never been worn. Size 36cm R300.00 -‐ call Joanna Engelbrecht on 083 285 3949 COMMERCIAL "I have decided that any club member that brings their club membership card will receive a 10% discount on labour. Unfortunately I cannot give discount on the parts as our parts some>mes don’t even amount to 10%. Thanking you and Regards Caryl" COMMITTEE MEMBERS -‐ 2014 Chairman: Patrick Yeadon Cell No: 083 453 7632 Secretary: Paul Nannucci Cell: 083 273 6049 Treasurer: BreN Moore Cell: 083 264 2208 Membership Secretary: Liz Yeadon Cell No: 083 261 0612 Clerk of the Course: Dennis Koopman Cell No: 083 321 4215 Chief Marshal and Vice Chairman: Brian van Zyl Cell No: 021 788 1840 Ou%ngs Organiser: John Millar Cell No: 082 455 3897 Social Convenor: Derick Willey Cell No: 083 564 4306 Quartermaster: Donald Abbot Cell No: 082 553 8497 Regalia Keeper: Jacques Engelbrecht Cell No: 082 886 6498 Club PRO/Environmental Officer : Joanna Engelbrecht Cell No: 083 285 3949 Editor: Tani Pretorius Cell No: 082 578 2313 Webmaster: Steve Akester Cell No: 082 440 3123 Web Editor: Dave Pretorius Cell No: 083 712 8747
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