Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church 94 Walnut Road, P.O. Box 189, Hamburg, PA 19526-0189 A Parish Blessed by St. John Neumann Founded 1854 Rev. Donald W. Cieniewicz, Pastor Mr. Harry G. Gordon, Permanent Deacon Mrs. Brenda Cordier, Religious Education/PREP Mrs. Laura Ludovici, Parish Office Mr. Robert Lesnefsky, Director of Music Mrs. Marie Dinich, Financial Secretary Website: Email Parish: Pastor: PREP: Office: 94 Walnut Road (Tilden Twp.) Phone: 610-562-7657 FAX: 610-562-0379 Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30AM-2:00PM Rectory: 100 Walnut Rd., P.O. Box 189 610-562-4251 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil: 4:30PM Sunday: 8:00AM & 10:45AM Daily: Tuesday, 7:00PM Wednesday-Friday, 9:00AM Eucharistic Devotions: Monday, 7:00 PM Holydays of Obligation: 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:15PM and 15 mins. before daily Mass or anytime by appointment. “For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.” —St Teresa of Avila OUR MISSION To invoke the prayers and intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our patroness, as we seek to be drawn ever more deeply into the Paschal Mystery and the life of her Son, Jesus Christ. To provide the sacraments, liturgical services, pastoral guidance, and religious education for Catholic Christians in Northern Berks County. To provide opportunities to parishioners of all ages and abilities to share their time, talents and treasure through religious and social programs. To support those in need through prayer, outreach and good works. To manage the tangible assets of the parish with prudent administration through the cooperation of the pastor and the laity. To encourage participation in the inter-faith services and unite with all persons of good will in matters of faith and moral living. To be an asset to the Hamburg and Northern Berks Area and the Diocese of Allentown. DIOCESAN VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LPC. Confidential Telephone: 800-791-9209 DIOCESAN SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sister Meg Cole, S.S.J. Phone: 610-289-8900, ext. 222 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 This week we hear yet another parable, that of the king who gave a wedding feast. The royal feast was prepared for the king's son. The point of the parable has to do with the invitations that were extended and those who accepted and those who ignored them. Eventually the invitation goes out to all, including the man who arrived without the proper attire. Jesus teaches that coming into the kingdom is not a guarantee of salvation. All of the invited guests, good and bad, must wear the cloak of righteousness that gives evidence of the true faith. The proper wedding garment is a Christ-like life, marked by love of God and loving concern for one's neighbor. To be among those admitted to the heavenly banquet, we must give evidence of faith in Christ as our Savior in action, and in our words. As we consider this parable and the invitation we have received for the Lord's banquet, let us strive to be more like Christ. When we are Christ's eyes, ears, hands and feet in this world, we can be assured that we are decked out in the proper attire that will allow entry to the Lord's everlasting banquet. Your faith and love is your RSVP to the Lord's invitation. I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, October 13 7:00PM Tuesday, October 14 7:00PM Wednesday, October 15 9:00AM Thursday, October 16 9:00AM Friday, October 17 9:00AM Saturday, October 18 Sunday, October 19 4:30PM(Vigil) 8:00AM 10:45AM READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:1521 PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, October 12—Sunday, October 19 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: —Psalm 23 MINISTERS OF THE ALTAR, Next Week, October 18 & 19, 2014 Altar Servers 4:30PM: M & M Reinhart, A Vaupel 8:00AM: A Selesky, P Albrecht, Q Bucheit 10:45AM: N & S Barter, A Behm Lector Eucharistic Ministers 4:30PM: D Cieniewicz C Dunlap, C Montes, J Kubicek 8:00AM: F Heacock J Heacock, T Kleckner, D LaMastra 10:45AM: F Herman T Drogalis, S Knopf, R Mucci STEWARDSHIP OF GOD’S GIFTS October 5, 2014—$6,698 230 envelopes returned out of 405 mailed HALL/EDUCATION CENTER BUILDING FUND Total received October 5, 2014: $4,665 TOTAL SAVED IN MORTGAGE ACCOUNT Mortgage Savings Account: $1,000,704 Current Mortgage: $1,134,109 Weekday + Frank Krupinski, Sr. St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr + Ann Kreseski St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin + Ed Washko St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin + Marcie Buono St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop + Robert Powell St. Luke, Evangelist 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time + Mary Brady + Gerald Heck + Rose Marie Mucci Friday: Saturday: Sunday: PREP, levels K-Confirmation, 9AM HSIM Exercise, 9:30AM Women’s Guild Mtg., 7:30PM PARISH COUNCIL REPORTS DUE! HSIM Exercise, 9:30AM Holy Name Society Mtg., 7:30PM Diocesan Commission for Women Conference (RSVP required) PREP, levels K-Confirmation, 9AM Blood pressures after all Masses! YOUTH CHOIR PRACTICE after 10:45 Mass “Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you. All things pass away; God never changes. Patience obtains all things. He who has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.” —St. Teresa of Jesus FLOWERS before the Tabernacle are given in loving memory of JOSEPH WERTZ and all deceased Veterans on the 239th Birthday of the U.S. Navy. DIOCESAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE AT OUR PARISH: Calling All Women! The Diocesan Commission for Women is hosting a Women’s Day of Spirituality, “Who Am I Called to Be” on Saturday, October 18 from 9AM – 3PM at St. Mary in Hamburg. Megan Murphy from the Diocese of Scranton will be the keynote speaker. Join us as we discover what Saint John Paul II called our feminine genius and a new understanding of the role of receptivity, communion of persons and communion with Christ. The day will also include Confession, Adoration and Mass celebrated by Bishop Barres. Register on-line at, cost is $20 (includes continental breakfast & luncheon). For more info., please e-mail or call 610-289-8900 (ext. 228). HEALTH TEAM HIGHLIGHTS: Try meditation and put the mind/body connection to work for you. During meditation, focus your attention on a single thought or phrase and let go of the jumbled thoughts that are crowding your mind. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can help you feel more calm and less frazzled. LIFE THOUGHT - The readings today speak about the banquet to which God calls His people. This is a banquet of life. The prophecy of Isaiah tells us that God is in the business of destroying death. “On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all people, the web that is woven over all nations; he will destroy death forever.” God destroys death in Christ, for whom the wedding banquet (the marriage of Christ the Bridegroom with the Church His Bride) is celebrated. To stand with Christ is to stand with life, and to stand with life is to stand against whatever destroys it. Nothing destroys innocent life more than abortion. FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE Campaign is underway through November 2. Daily prayer and witness is offered at the Reading Planned Parenthood (4th & Franklin Streets) from 7AM until 4PM. Peaceful prayerful presence is a powerful force in witness to the value of life. For further information call Pro-Life Berks at 610-375-3395 or (Reading Vigil). WORLD MISSION SUNDAY is observed next Sunday. A second collection will be taken for this purpose. Donations received are forwarded and then distributed by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. The Society has an informative website with information about the Church’s missionary efforts worldwide. Go to goodness. HARVEST FEST THANKS goes out to all who coordinated, volunteered, donated, cooked, attended, and did anything at all in support of this year’s Harvest Fest. God bless you for your ANNUAL FUND FOR RETIRED AND INFIRMED PRIESTS: The Diocese of Allentown is conducting an annual fund called, “Chosen, Blessed, Shared,” to support the Endowment for the Care of Retired Priests. All gifts will support the cost of retirement care for priests who have faithfully served in our diocese. (This is not to be confused with the annual “National Appeal for Retired Religious” held in December.) Brochures with giving envelopes inside will be available at the information kiosk. A request letter will be in the mail. You may return your gift in the mail or drop it in the collection basket. Thank you for your generous support. PRAY 31 INITIATIVE- One Million, One Month One Nation: During the month of October, you can join in a nationwide movement with the ultimate goal of one million people praying for our one nation Under God. The focus of the prayer for America is a 31-day prayer journey through every State and Territory of the USA. Spend a moment each day in October in prayer for the spiritual enrichment of our country. Oct. 12: Pray for the faithful of Massachusetts and Michigan Oct. 13: Pray for the faithful of Minnesota and Mississippi Oct. 14: Pray for the faithful of Missouri and Montana Oct. 15: Pray for the faithful of Nebraska and Nevada Oct. 16: Pray for the faithful of New Hampshire and New Jersey Oct. 17: Pray for the faithful of New Mexico and New York Oct. 18: Pray for the faithful of North Carolina and North Dakota HAMBURG AREA DRUG INTERVENTION TEAM (H.A.D.I.T.) has rescheduled their “Take Back Our Community/Park” event to Saturday, November 15 from 15PM at the Hamburg Field House (new venue!). Speaking will be District Attorney for Berks County John T. Adams, Tina Hoffert (who tragically has lost both of her children to addiction), along with Hamburg’s mayor Pete Kalabisko, & members of the Hamburg Police Dept. and Hamburg Area School District. Members of Teen Challenge will be there to explain their own involvement in the community. Let’s hear your own concerns! PRAY FOR DECEASED PRIESTS: Oct 12: Rev. Philip Kelly (1989); Oct 15: Msgr. Cornelius O'Brien (1967), Msgr. Anthony Molnar (1977); Oct 17: Rev. Clarence Gregas; Oct 18: Rev. Francis Dutko (1979), Rev. Richard Kelly (1981) BVM PILGRIM STATUE: Oct 11-18: M Heckman; Oct 1825: D Guisewhite; Oct 25-Nov 1: E&C Johnson. Please call the next host family on the schedule as a courtesy reminder. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: St. Mary Church, 14833 Kutztown Road, Kutztown is having their Annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 1 from 8:30AM - 2:30PM. Homemade food, craft vendors, basket & quilt raffles. THE PREP YEAR HAS BEGUN! Please stop in the religious education office today if your child is not registered, or call Mrs. Brenda Cordier at 610-562-7657, ext. 1 and leave a message. WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE: Donations of winter clothing, including coats, jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, sweaters, etc. will be accepted in the coatroom this weekend & next weekend, Oct. 18 & 19. The clothing will be given away on Saturday, October 25 from 9AM-12Noon at Friedens Church, Shartlesville. Any questions may be directed to Marie at 610-488-5072. PARISH COUNCIL meets on Sunday, October 26 at 12PM. Pre-meeting reports are due in the parish office by October 16. ADULT FAITH AND SPIRIT SERIES: The Diocesan Office of Adult Formation is hosting an informal discussion on topics of our Catholic Faith at The Works (1109 Bern Rd., Wyomissing). The topic for the second session of the series is “Be Not Afraid: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and Spiritual Warfare”, by Fr. Rich Clement of St. John the Baptist de LaSalle, Monday, October 27, 6:30 – 8:30PM. Food and beverage are available for purchase. For more info., visit or email or call the Office at 610-289-8900 ext. 221. 23RD ANNUAL CHINESE AUCTION, St. Ambrose, Schuylkill Haven: Browse and Bid, Saturday, Oct. 18 from 4PM – 8PM, and Sunday, Oct. 19, 9:30AM – 2PM. Auction begins at 2PM! Food and drinks are available to purchase. ADULT FAITH FORMATION: The diocesan Office of Adult Formation is hosting a series called “Faith and Spirits”; an informal discussion on topics of our Catholic Faith. “Be Not Afraid: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and Spiritual Warfare” will be the topic at The Works: Bldg. 24 (Bern Rd. in Wyomissing) on October 27 presented by Fr. Rich Clement, from 6:30 - 8:30PM and is open to adults of all ages. Join in an informal, relaxed setting to discuss our Catholic Faith. Food and beverage will be available for purchase. For more information, visit or e-mail or call the Office at 610289-8900 ext. 221. FOR FUN: Funny puns: I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx. I took the job at a bakery because I kneaded dough. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Bernardine Sisters, Sat., Nov. 1 from 10AM-3PM in the McGlinn Conference Center, 460 St. Bernardine Street, Reading (adjacent to Alvernia University). Handcrafted items, Chinese auction raffle, baked goods. ATTENTION, MEN AND STUDENTS: DIOCESAN MEN’S CONFERENCE - Challenging Men to Grow in Faith. This diocesan conference will be held on Saturday, November 15, 9AM – 5PM, at DeSales University in Center Valley. The day will include keynote addresses, exhibits and a Vigil Mass for Sunday with Bishop Barres. Continental breakfast and lunch is included. Registration fee is $30 and $10 for high school and college students. (Fr. Don will sponsor any students wishing to attend.) For more information or to register online, please visit or call 610-289-8900. APPLE DUMPLING & STICKY BUN SALE: St. John Lutheran Church is conducting the sale on October 17 and 18. See the flyer on the information kiosk. To order call June at 610-562-4440 or Kay at 610-562-4025. Order deadline is October 5. LEGO BINGO: St Michael’s Church Hall, 300 W. Oak St., Shenandoah, held on Sunday, Oct. 12; doors open at 12Noon; Early Bird at 1:15PM; Bingo starts at 1:30PM. Admission is $25. Winners receive choice of Lego kit. For tickets or info please call 570-462-0809. YOUNG ADULTS: Upon This Rock, a new speaker series sponsored by the Office of Young Adult Ministry will begin in October. This series is open to all young adults ages 18 to 35, and the first event will be held on Friday, October 17, from 5:30 to 7:30PM at the Lehigh University Newman Center. Rev. Bernard Ezaki, of the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena, will speak on “The New Atheism: Does Faith Stand a Chance?” Food and beverage will be provided and the event is free. For more information, visit or email Alexa Doncsecz, ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Institute for Catechesis and Formation Course Offering – CAT II – Classroom Applications: For Catholic School teachers and Catechists working on the Master Catechist Certificate. Saturdays, October 11 and 18, 8:30 – 12:30PM at Berks Catholic HS and Marian HS on Tuesdays, October 14, 21, 28 and November 4, 6 – 8PM at St. Margaret School, Reading. Courses are $30. To register, visit or for questions e-mail or call 610289-8900 ext. 221. SOUP KITCHEN at Kennedy House, Reading: St. Mary will be serving on the weekend of Nov. 1 & 2. Volunteers are needed, including students needing service hours. If interested, please call Grace Einsel at 610-562–3166. YOUTH CHOIR will begin practice on Sunday, Oct. 19 after the 10:45 Mass, and will sing at the 10:45 Mass on Sunday, Oct. 26. Pizza lunch as always! THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING BULLETIN SPONSOR: HERMANSADER’S GARAGE 610-562-4332 Parish Information BAPTISM: administered Sundays at 12:00 noon. Call the pastor to arrange. Families must be registered and practicing for at least 3 months. Parents are to attend an informational session. Catholic sponsors (at least 16 yrs. old) must practice the faith and need a letter of eligibility from the home parish. MARRIAGE: Contact the pastor at least 6 months prior to the desired date. Bride or groom must be registered and practicing the faith for at least 6 months. CARE OF THE SICK for Homebound: Please notify the office of aged, seriously ill or infirmed persons desiring Holy Communion and/or Anointing of the Sick at home. HOSPITALS AND NURSING HOMES: When a family member is admitted, please notify the parish office. SPONSOR LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION for Baptism or Confirmation will be issued only to practicing parishioners who are members for at least 3 months. CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: PREP classes (Pre K - grade 8) Sunday mornings. Contact Mrs. Cordier or the parish office, or e-mail CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: Depending on location, our parishioners might attend any number of Catholic elementary schools or Catholic high schools. Contact the pastor regarding the parish subsidy policy for students attending Catholic schools or for further information. RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for those preparing for Baptism, reception into the Catholic Church, or for those Catholics who are lacking one of the Sacraments of Initiation or who wish to return to the Church after an absence or who wish to learn more about the faith. The program runs from September until Easter. MEMBERSHIP and REGISTRATION: New members are to arrange to meet with the pastor. Membership involves a commitment to the life of the parish through regular participation spiritually and with one's time, talent and treasure. For CHANGE OF ADDRESS or PHONE NUMBER or if you are MOVING, please notify the parish office. BULLETIN DEADLINES: All announcements are to be submitted in writing or by email to by the Sunday of the week prior to publication. NEWSLETTER is published with 3 seasonal issues: November (for Advent & Christmas), February (for Lent, Easter & Spring), and August (for Fall events and news). Deadlines for information is the 10th day of the months listed. MEMORIAL FUND: Memorial gifts may be made to the parish in memory of deceased loved ones. WILLS AND BEQUESTS: Consider designating your parish in your last will and testament or living trust so that the blessings the Lord has given you may continue to build His Kingdom. Directory of Parish Ministries & Services: Altar Ministers: Fr. Cieniewicz Bulletin (weekly): Laura Ludovici ( Catholic Charities: Reading or Kutztown Office: 610-376-7144 Pottsville Office: 570-628-0466 Cemetery: John Driscoll Children’s Choir: Deacon Harry Gordon Choir & Music Ministry: Robert Lesnefsky Facilities Manager: George Homolo Greeters / Ministers of Hospitality: Christine Johnson Guitar Group: Tony LaMastra Holy Name Society: Office Knights of Columbus: Rod Shappell Lifeline of Berks County: 610-374-8545 Newsletter: seasonal issues in August, November, and February: Parish Council: Fr. Cieniewicz Parish Nurse: Susan Walley Prayer Chain: Maryrose Rollins, 610-762-0087 PREP/Religious Education: Brenda Cordier RENTAL INFO (Pavilion & Ave Maria Hall): Parish Office $CRIP Website: or call office Taste & See (Mercy meals): Mary Alice Kuhns Ushers: Ed Burns Women’s Guild: Bonnie Katzaman or Laura Ludovici Youth Ministry: Office VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR The Diocese of Allentown provides assistance to anyone who, as a minor, was sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or employee/volunteer of the Diocese/Parish. Parents, guardians, children and survivors of sexual abuse are invited and encouraged to contact the Diocese of Allentown for more information about this program. The fullness of compassion should be extended to these victims of the Church. Victim Assistance Coordinator Confidential Phone Number 800-791-9209 To learn more about the Diocese of Allentown’s Youth Protection Programs, Sexual Abuse Policy, and Code of Conduct, please visit and click on “Youth Protection” in the upper right-hand corner of the page. KATHERINE RIGHTMYER O’BRIEN THOMAS J. O’BRIEN H & M Well Drilling, Inc. FUNERAL HOME INC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 400 S. 4TH STREET HAMBURG, PA 19526 Steven C. Burkey TEL (610) 562-2191 John Driscoll Has Been a St. Mar y Parishioner Since 1980 Director John C. 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ACE Hardware, Craftsman Tools, Red GESCHWINDT Wing shoes, Weber Grills, Berks County: Ph: 610-779-6432/800-300-3007 Stihl Power Equipment Schuylkill County: Ph: 570-385-5522/800-726-8761 ATTORNEY AT LAW Full Rental Center - From 203 E. NOBLE AVENUE Website: The Leading Faith-Based Home Moonbounces, Chairs, Tables to Mini SHOEMAKERSVILLE, PA 19555 Health & Hospice Agency Excavators, Lifts and Trailers Phone: 610-562-7125 COVENANT HOME CARE Birthright International Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. *First Three Months Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal l mpanion a n o s Per r Co Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Following Jesus Every Day: Readings • Reflections • Prayers GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Tel 610-562-2000 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. $39.95 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • 800-566-6150 • Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 560700 St Mary Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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