October 9, 2014 For years now many of us have felt that Fellowship’s website was drab, clunky, and out of date. Over the past six months we have moved at lightning speed (for Presbyterians) to research, budget for, get approval of, design, and build a new website. It’s the same address (www.fellowshippc.org) but it has a totally new look and is more user friendly. It is also much easier for our staff to edit and add to, so our goal is to keep it updated and fun to visit on a regular basis. It also is a work in progress. Some pages say “coming soon” and some have only bare bones information, so if you have ideas for web site content please put them in writing and email them to me. Also, if you have any good church-related pictures you think would be good to have on the website, send them to me electronically and we’ll get them up. For those of you who like to listen to the special music pieces from Sunday morning worship, I think you will find them easier to access and improved quality. The ease of access is due to the new web site program. The improved quality is thanks to James who has been working for some time on the technology to improve our Sunday morning recordings, and Lin Brannon who has taken on the job of sound system operator. Sermon recordings are also available (not that anyone I know of has listened to them on line in the past). The new web site also makes it easy to post YouTube videos. I am hoping that soon we can have quality video recordings of our special Sunday morning music and post it on YouTube and our web site. I’m pretty sure it won’t take long for something like that to go viral and people will be flocking to Fellowship just to hear our fabulous choir and praise band. Any videographers out there who want to take on a special ministry let me know and I’ll put you together with our sound team. In the meantime, check out the new site, and bear with us as we finish the construction and make the final improvements. See you Sunday! Mary 1 October 12 October 26 6-7:30 5:30-7 We are a safe place for youth to grow, serve, and participate in activities that are rooted in faith and inspire action. For more information please contact Jeannie Dixon (fellowshipce@comcast.net or cell 591-6284) Thank You!! Many thanks to James Vance, Stephen & Blake Powers and Hillman & Lin Brannon for the hours they spent sprucing up our property and fountain. We appreciate you!! Fellowship Ladies You’re invited to our Presbyterian Women’s Social Tea Party We’ll be having tea to warm the heart and conversation and laughs to warm the soul. Relax - Enjoy - Rejuvinate Grandmothers, Mothers and Daughters Welcome! October 19th at 3:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall Dress for a Proper Tea including Hats is encouraged!! 2 Country Store Preview………... Calling all Bakers, Crafters, and Stitchers! The Stitchers are again this year planning a Country Store in conjunction with our church picnic on November 2nd.The proceeds will go to support activities for our youth. We plan to be selling a variety of items, including jams, jellies, baked goods, arts and craft items, plants, cards, and more so we need your help. If you would be willing to donate items for our Country Store, please email Pat Keough at pbkeough@embarqmail.com. or call at 656-926. Help us help our youth!! 3 TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES FOR OCTOBER Fri, 10th –Sat, 11th Christmas Is Coming to our store! See all our new Chr istmas items, ornaments, nativities and enjoy refreshments while you shop! Sat, 11th Go Pink! Show us your race bib from the Go Pink 5k and we will donate 15% of your purchase to the Living Well Foundation. Wed, 15t Tailgate Drawing! Buy your tickets now! Tue, 21st 5-8 pm Big Bend Hospice Shopping Night! This wonder ful organization will receive 15%* of sales dur ing Shopping Night hour s. Thurs, 23rd, 5-8 pm Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Foundation Shopping Night: Shop with your TMH Community while they receive 15%* of sales. Wed, 29th, 5-8 pm Trinity U. Methodist Shopping Night: Trinity UMC’s Guatemalan mission team will receive 15%* of sales during the special hours. Fri. 31st – Sat, Nov 1st Annual Store Bag Sale! Artisans have been paid in full. Not valid with other discounts, coffee, chocolate, and gift card purchases. Open 9-6, Mon-Sat; Market Square, Timberlane Rd. ,Garnet Awnings; 906-9010. http://www.facebook.com/tenthousand villages.tallahassee Wednesday night series on Prayer At 6 PM each Wednesday night study/discussion group is doing a series on prayer. For 6 weeks, Jeannie is leading a workshop on prayer (how to pray, practicing prayer, types of prayer). Starting on Nov. 19, the group will have further discussion on prayer using the book Christian prayer for today. This mid-week group will meet from 6-7 PM EXCEPT during December. The Advent dinner and discussion will be from 5:45-7:00. At this time the plans are for the prayer discussion to meet at 7:00 in December. If there are folks attending who are in the choir, the group will not start the book portion of the discussion until January. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for either section or for both in the conference room. Gentle Hatha Yoga Class Beginner’s Pilates Class October 16h at 5:30 October 14th at 10:00 October 16th at 1:30 pm Monday * Wednesday * Friday at 10:00 am October 13th * 15th * 17th 4 Sunday School News Twenty folks had perfect attendance at Sunday School in September. Congratulations to: Wanda Alford, Sebastian Alston, Angelyn Bagwell, Joyce Blocker, Mary Bowers, Hillman Brannon, Lin Brannon, Patty Domico, Jan Everett, Anne Hall, Nancy Hoffmann, Rick Hoffmann, Betty Sprouse McCoy, Grace Paradise, Nolan Raybon, Bob Robertson, Anne Snyder, Rita Sockman, Donnie Stover, Shannon Woods. Two of those also had perfect attendance for the quarter ( July—September): Patty Domico and Bob Robertson. Thanks to all of you for the cards, calls, visits, etc -- especially to Wanda and Joy Circle, and to the "fabulous Stitchers" for the beautiful shawl. I hope to be back with you all soon! Carol Harrison Walk for Caroline Please join Richard and Laura Beth Hall in supporting http://bigbendheartwalk.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/ donorPledge.asp? msource=Gigya&ievent=1090327&supId=412921149 5 Fellowship was well represented again at this year’s CROP Walk with 14 walkers. Over $400 was contributed by Fellowship plus a LOT of food. ECHO reported that the food received from this year’s walk was almost twice as much as was collected last year. THANK Y OU to all who contributed a donation of your time, money, and/or food. Y OU made a difference. WOW! As a group we walked 33.6 miles (56 laps around Lake Ella) 6 Remember These in Prayer Church Family in Need of Prayer Don Powers Dal Hancock Ruby Benoit Betty Shackelford Friends of Family in Need of Prayer J.Allen Eppinger, Howard Winesett Virginia Panico, Nyomi and Family, Christopher Freeman, Doug Fife (Barbara Robertson) Lauren Price & Family (The Burr family) (Beth Hall) Craig Pippel Barb Home (Dick & Lorrie Pippel) (Dottie Gough) Ramon Muterspaugh, Bill Whichard (Bill Donalson) Beverly Yerg Suzie Faulk (Joyce Blocker) Eugene Majors (Jay & Cecelia Novak) (Kay Majors) Ken Howe, Jeannie Hunnewell , Bob & Wendy Gowdy and Family (Jane Fletcher) (Meg Wilkins) Dean & Hollis Vail Jordan & Wes Weingart (Marcia Petford) (The Nesmiths) Jane Bowles, Grace Seckel (Jack McCoy) J. I. Orrison, The Family of Renee Chaires (Betty Sprouse McCoy) Carliayn Kell (Mike & Anne Hall) Trish (Tara Harmon) Tommy Rossi, Nannie Weismeyer Dennis Sunderhous, Jim Burke (Walt Wilczek) (Roger Sockman) Agatha Kinney Stacey Tuzzalino Weybright & Family (Cliff & Melanie Jordan) (The Sockmans) Jermaine Hall Family, Inglese Family, deKloet Family (Becca Burr) Lois Klein, Mary Ellen Mollo, Arlis Anderson Jordan Mitchell, Gaven, Zoe & Will (The Raybons) Fellowship’s YMA Renovation Teams Robert Gamble and This Child Here All Military & Their Families Domestic Violence Victims and Their Families (Sally Smith) Several Family Members, Jayce Britt (Patty Domico) Kathleen Presley (Elizabeth McGinniss) If you have a prayer concern or celebration, or are interested in becoming a part of this rewarding ministry, please call Jane Fletcher at 668-0976 or send an email to fellowshipprayer@comcast.net Fellowship Staff Pastor …………………………...… Mary Vance E-mail: fellowship-pastor@comcast.net Dir. of Christian Education ….…. Jeannie Dixon E-mail: fellowshipce@comcast.net Financial Secretary …………...……. Sally Smith E-mail: fellowshipchurch@comcast.net Dir. of Music ………………...….….. Matt Jarvis E-mail: matt.t.jarvis@gmail.com Organist/Pianist………...........…….Karey Fowler Treasurer ……………….………..Marcia Petford Fellowship Presbyterian Church, USA 3158 Shamrock St. South Tallahassee FL 32309-3325 Phone- 850-893-0617 Fax 850-668-0326 Pastor’s Cell: 850-933-5061 Church Website-www.fellowshippc.org 7 USHERS Cliff Jordan, Captain Marie Currier Barbara Robertson Rita Sockman COUNTERS Linda Davis Rick Hoffmann Cecelia Novak WORSHIP LEADER October 5 October 12 October 19 Dottie & Manning October 26 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 Beth Burr Jay Novak Anne Hall Dottie Gough POWER POINT 10/5 Jim Crona 10/12 Ellen Ann Sockman 10/19 Shannon Woods 10/26 Heather Kidd The Sockmans 9 10 11 11 11 13 14 18 21 Casey Kidd 22 Jaret Kidd 26 Jean VanNostrand 26 Doug Miller 27 Karan Newsome 27 Diana Robertson 28 Cheyvonne Perry 30 Jim Wacksman 31 Kelly Nesmith Casey Keating Michael Hall Manning Lee Karey Fowler Gareth Sanders Barry Davis Anna Duncan Jerry Smith October 12 October 19 Exodus 32:1-14 Psalm 106:1-23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 Exodus 33:12-23 Psalm 99 1 Thessalonian 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 8 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 10am-Zumba Thu 2 Fri 3 10am-Zumba 10am-Stitchers 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 5 9:15-PB Prac 6 10am-Zumba 7 930am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45am-BellChoir 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30 BikerChickYoga 7:00-Capital Twirlers 8 10am-Zumba 9 10 10am-Zumba 11 5:30-Hatha Yoga 7-8:30 Boy Scouts D/B 6:00 Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 15 10am-Zumba 10am-Joy Circle 6-7:30 (Note time) 6:30-Boy Scouts 5:30-Hatha Yoga 7-8:30 Boy Scouts D/B 199:15-PB Practice 2010am-Zumba 21 YMA-6pm 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30 BikerChickYoga 16 7:00pmDiscovery Square 6:30pm Bridge Group 17 10am-Zumba 18 7:00pm-Fidelity Square CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30 BikerChickYoga 7:00-Capital Twirlers 22 23 24 10am-Zumba 25 10am-Zumba 10am-Stitchers 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 5:30-Hatha Yoga 7-8:30 Boy Scouts D/B 269:15-PB Practice 2710am-Zumba 28 NO Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30 BikerChickYoga 29 10am-Zumba 30 930am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45am-BellChoir 10am-Stitchers CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00-Capital Twirlers 31 10am-Zumba CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 7:00pmSession Mtg EPC - 6:00 pm 6:30-Boy Scouts 5:30-Hatha Yoga 7-8:30 Boy Scouts D/B 9-4 Scrapping In FHall 6:00 Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship (Communion) 11:45am-BellChoir 6:30-Boy Scouts 6:15-Girl Scouts 9:30amHarmony Circle at Wanda’s 10am-Hatha Yoga NO Pilates Youth Group Youth Group 5:30-7 pm CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 129:15-PB Practice 1310am-Zumba 14 PW Ladies Tea 3:00pm 10:00amPWCT 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 6:30-StAndrews 6:30-Boy Scouts 6:15-Girl Scouts 4 6:00 Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:30-Cong Mtg 11:45am-BellChoir Youth & Adult CROP Walk 2pm Sat 6:00 Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 9 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30 BikerChickYoga 7:00-Capital Twirlers Fellowship’s Renovation Team is asking your help to share our job posting with everyone you feel might be interested or know someone who is. Thank you!! Renovation Team Anne Hall, Nancy Hoffmann, Cochran Keating, Heather Kidd & Sally Smith Renovation Prayer Team Wanda Alford, Joyce Blocker, Bill Corley, Bill Donalson, Bill & Dottie Lee, Jack & Betty McCoy & June Warmath YOUTH MINISTRYJOB POSTING FELLOWSHIP PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (http://www.fellowshippc.org), a geographically, socio-economically, and generationally diverse church located in the established community of Killearn Estates in Tallahassee, is seeking a part-time Director of Children/Youth Ministries. Building upon a current core group of 10 active children and youth, the Director will be responsible for the spiritual development process (teaching, mentoring, building children as leaders, investing in the next generation) of students from elementary through high school. A secondary, but critical emphasis, will be working with adult volunteers and parents of the children. The Director will also lead FPC’s youth efforts in being missional in its outreach to the community. The successful candidate must be a strategic planner and have strong leadership skills. The Youth Director will be an active member of the church’s pastoral staff that includes a full-time Pastor, part-time DCE and Financial Secretary/ Administrative Assistant and a strong volunteer base. Some experience working with children and youth in a church setting is necessary. Religious education helpful and desirable. Interested candidates, please send resumes through email to: fpctallahasseeDYM@gmail.com 10
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