November 13, 2014 I am reading a book now titled “The Geography of Bliss, One Grump’s Search for the Happiest Places in the World” by Eric Weiner. The author is a self-acknowledged unhappy person, but as the title suggests he is a pretty funny guy. In the first chapter he visits a think tank in the Netherlands called the World Database of Happiness where the sum of human knowledge about what makes us happy, what does not and which places are the happiest has been technologically collected. The book is an easy read, is entertaining, and is full of insightful tidbits about the uniquely human emotion we call happiness (yes some animals show signs of happiness, but when we humans talk about happiness we are talking about a human condition). Some of the findings are intuitive, some are surprising and some are just plain funny. I’m only about half way through the book, but I’m pretty sure that the bottom line is that happiness as we humans understand it is elusive yet universal. All kinds of people in all kinds of places can and do find happiness, but happiness does not mean a total absence of life’s difficulties. One of the happiest countries according to the World Database of Human Happiness is Switzerland. Switzerland is clean, efficient and punctual. There is very little unemployment and they are famous for chocolate. But the Swiss stereotype is of a practical, no frills, “everything in moderation’ lifestyle. It turns out the stereotype is accurate. They are also patient and calm. They have not fought a war since 1848. They may not be joyful people, but they are happy. Boring is happy. In Bhutan, a tiny, landlocked country in the Himalayas that has been compared to the mythical Shangri-La, happiness is basically government policy. A high-ranking government official explained: “I have achieved happiness because I don’t have unrealistic expectations.” Low expectations brings happiness. Qatar is a country where 50 years ago the main sources of income were pearl diving and sheep herding. Today, thanks to copious amounts of oil, all Qataris are rich. Those who do the lowly jobs in Qatar are foreigners who have gone there because they can make far more money than they can in their home countries. On one level, everyone in Qatar might be classified as happy. It is a whole country that won the lotto. But the science of happiness studies have shown that while lottery winners generally show a temporary increase in happiness, it does not last. Money doesn’t buy happiness. That money doesn’t buy happiness is nothing new. But the happiness study about church people did surprise some of the new scientists: People who agree with the statement “God is important in my life” are happier than people who disagree with that statement and people who regularly attend religious services are happier than people who do not. See you Sunday! Mary 1 November 16 November 23 November 30 Lunch and Christmas Pageant Pictures 6:00-7:30 “850 Tally Ho” at Faith 6:00-7:30 Pot Luck Supper & Activity We are a safe place for youth to grow, serve, and participate in activities that are rooted in faith and inspire action. For more information please contact Jeannie Dixon ( or cell 591-6284) EVERYONE is invited to participate in our “no stress” Christmas pageant. We will stage and photogr aph scenes of the Christmas story and turn that into a slide show for use during the Christmas Eve service. We did this last year and want to update some of the photos this year. We need folks of all ages to participate. We will have lunch following worship THIS SUNDAY (Nov. 16) and head to the Tallahassee Museum for the afternoon! Costumes provided; we would love to have folks of all ages involved with the youth. The Angel Tree will be in the narthex for the next two Sundays, Nov.16th and Nov. 23rd. Please sign your name in the book indicating which angels you selected. Your wrapped gifts should be returned with the angel attached to the gift no later than Dec. 7th. Please also put a sticker or tag on the gift stating the family's name or the child's name. The Stitchers are once again coordinating this project. We are providing gifts for 5 families and hope to fulfill many of their needs and wishes. Feel free to take more than one paper angel as we have many gifts to provide. If you prefer to make a cash donation, please make your check out to Fellowship and indicate it is for the Angel Tree. Call Pat Keough at 656-9269 with questions. Thank you !! The Stitchers 2 COME ONE, COME ALL!! Please join your Fellowship Family at an Advent kick-off Potluck supper on Sunday, November 30th at 6:00 pm. Bring a dish to share created from your Thanksgiving leftovers and we will vote on the tastiest dish! Following supper we will have two separate programs, one for Youth and one for Adults. Hope to see you all there!! Senior Friends Join us for a delightful Christmas luncheon on Tuesday, December 2nd at 12:00 in Fellowship Hall. Please sign up to bring a side dish or dessert. Meat and beverage will be provided. We will also have a gift exchange so please bring a $5.00 wrapped gift. PW Thank Offering “Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds." " Hebrews 10:24 Our annual Thank Offering is a Presbyterian Women’s offering collected as a tangible way to express our gratitude for the special blessings in our lives. The offering funds projects such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. Almost half of the offering supports health ministries throughout the world and the remaining amount funds creative ideas for mission. Everyone will have an opportunity to contribute to these life-changing projects during the November 23rd worship service. 3 Ministry Opportunities: CAN YOU HELP? Make an Impact! The generosity of our Fellowship Family never ceases to be amazing!! You provided 23 bags of food and a total of $705.00 to help ECHO provide a Thanksgiving meal for those in need!! THANK YOU!! Tuesday, December 2 the world comes together to give… it’s Join your fellow Presbyterians and participate in the third annual #GivingTuesday supporting mission and ministry at home and around the world.Learn more at: Dear Friends in Ministry, Help! We are in need of Christmas Cards. At Grace Mission we provide Christmas cards to our members. We also provide stamps and then mail them for everyone. It’s a wonderful gift for people to connect or reconnect with family and friends. Your help is greatly appreciated. We also need men’s T-shirts, underwear (all X and XL) and white socks. Thank You!! Grace Mission Grace Mission is a 16-year old ministry to help reach those who are often the forgotten in society: the homeless, poor, underemployed, addicted, people with AIDS, etc. We are a church serving people on the margins. 4 NOVEMBER at TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES Artisans have been paid in full. Not valid with other discounts, coffee, chocolate, and gift card purchases. Sat, 15th, Soup Day!!! Tr y samples of Women’s Bean Pr oject soups and dips. 10% off* your purchases of Women’s Bean Project items. Sun, 17th Open 1 – 5pm today and each Sunday through Dec. 21. Additional hours to admire and purchase handcrafts from 37 developing nations. Mon, 17th – 24th Set Your Home for the Holidays with selected tabletop decorative items at 25% off* for holiday enter taining of family and friends! Thurs, 27th Closed Thanksgiving Day. A Happy Thanksgiving to You fr om Ten Thousand Villages! Fri and Sat, 28-29 “Jewelry BOGO”: Buy one jewelry item and purchase another of equal or lesser value for 50% off*! Open 9-6, Mon-Sat; Market Square Timberlane Rd. ,Garnet Awnings; 906-9010. 2¢ A MEAL THIS SUNDAY The money goes to fund hunger projects locally and globally. Our Christ’s Closet items are being used by The Living Harvest Ministry, either as necessities for the residents or to be sold in their store to support their ministry and provide affordable items for the underprivileged in the area. We are now able to accept “gently used” household items and furniture. If your items are in “good shape “ and your electronics “still working”, The Living Harvest will make sure they are put to good use. Especially needed are any and all kitchen items. Thank You!! Gentle Hatha Yoga Class November 18th at 5:30 November 20th at 10:00 Monday * Wednesday * Friday at 10:00 am November 17th * 19th * 21st Beginner’s Pilates Class 3:00 Tuesday November 18th 5 Remember These in Prayer Church Family in Need of Prayer Don Powers Betty Shackelford Ruby Benoit Donnie Stover Dal Hancock Rita & Roger Sockman Friends of Family in Need of Prayer J.Allen Eppinger, Howard Winesett Virginia Panico, Nyomi and Family, Christopher Freeman, Doug Fife (Barbara Robertson) Lauren Price & Family, The Haire Family (The Burr family) (Beth Hall) Craig Pippel Barb Home (Dick & Lorrie Pippel) (Dottie Gough) Ramon Muterspaugh, Bill Whichard (Bill Donalson) Beverly Yerg, Rodney Hawkins Suzie Faulk (Joyce Blocker) Eugene Majors (Jay & Cecelia Novak) (Kay Majors) Ken Howe, Jeannie Hunnewell , Bob & Wendy Gowdy and Family (Jane Fletcher) (Meg Wilkins) Dean & Hollis Vail Jordan & Wes Weingart (Marcia Petford) (The Nesmiths) Jane Bowles, Grace Seckel (Jack McCoy) Jordan Mitchell, Gaven, Zoe & Will (Betty Sprouse McCoy) Shirley Lee (The Raybons) Trish (Jeannie Dixon) Tommy Rossi, Nannie Weismeyer Janice East (Walt Wilczek) (Ora May Keys) Agatha Kinney, Julie Jordan Christopher Loveless, Sheila Maxwell, Gail Loveless & Bobby Boeneke (Cliff & Melanie Jordan) Jermaine Hall Family, Inglese Family, deKloet Family, Brittanee Coates (Becca Burr) Mary Ellen Mollo, Arlis Anderson (David Loveless) Althea, Irene (Dawn Martz) (Sally Smith) Several Family Members, Jayce Britt Fellowship’s YMA Renovation Teams Robert Gamble and This Child Here All Military & Their Families Domestic Violence Victims and Their Families (Patty Domico) Kathleen Presley (Elizabeth McGinniss) If you have a prayer concern or celebration, or are interested in becoming a part of this rewarding ministry, please call Jane Fletcher at 668-0976 or send an email to Fellowship Staff Pastor …………………………...… Mary Vance E-mail: Dir. of Christian Education ….…. Jeannie Dixon E-mail: Financial Secretary …………...……. Sally Smith E-mail: Dir. of Music ………………...….….. Matt Jarvis E-mail: Organist/Pianist………...........…….Karey Fowler Treasurer ……………….………..Marcia Petford Fellowship Presbyterian Church, USA 3158 Shamrock St. South Tallahassee FL 32309-3325 Phone- 850-893-0617 Fax 850-668-0326 Pastor’s Cell: 850-933-5061 Church 6 USHERS November 2 Annual Picnic November 9 Dick Buys, Captain Carol Buys Barry Davis Linda Davis Mary Bowers Hillman & Lin WORSHIP LEADER November 16 11/2 Frank McGoogan 11/9 Dottie Gough 11/16 Tara Boyter 11/23 Donna Weisman 11/30 Beth Keating November 23 PWCT November 30 COUNTERS Barry Davis Susan Groff POWER POINT 11/2 Ellen Ann Sockman 11/9 Beth Burr 11/16 Cathy Wacksman 11/23 Heather Kidd 11/30 Ellen Ann Sockman 11/16 COMMUNION SERVERS Hillman Brannon Jeannie Dixon Dottie Gough Zana Raybon PREP Dick & Carol Buys 1 4 4 9 11 15 Hillman Brannon Bernice Whitcomb Ruby Benoit Marcia Petford Linda Davis Melanie Jordan 20 21 21 22 24 Joshua Huff Lee Elgin “Doc” Dean Will Byrum Mary Kelsay November 16 November 23 Judges 4:1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonian 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 Ezekiel 34:11-24 Psalm 100 Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46 7 Sun 29:15-PB Prac Mon 3 10am-Zumba 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship Tue 4 Wed 5 10am-Zumba 9 9:15-PB Prac 6 6:30-StAndrews 6:30-Boy Scouts 6:15-Girl Scouts NO Yoga 10 10am-Zumba 11 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45am-BellChoir 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 5:30-Hatha Yoga 7-8:30 Boy Scouts D/B 169:15-PB Practice 1710am-Zumba 18 8 9:00amChurch Audit CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 9:30amHarmony Circle at Wanda’s 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30 BikerChickYoga 7:00-Capital Twirlers 12 10am-Zumba 13 14 10am-Zumba 15 10am-Hatha Yoga 1:30pm-Pilates 10am-Joy Circle 6:30-Boy Scouts 6:15-Girl Scouts CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00pmDiscovery Square 6:00 Prayer Workshop and labyrinth 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:30 BikerChickYoga 6:30pm Bridge Group 19 10am-Zumba 20 21 10am-Zumba 22 930am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45am-BellChoir 10am-Hatha Yoga NO Pilates CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 3:00pm-Pilates Lunch & Christmas Pageant Pictures 5:30-Hatha Yoga 6:30-Boy Scouts 7-8:30 Boy Scouts D/B 239:15-PB Practice 2410am-Zumba 25 Youth Group 850 Tally Ho at Faith 6-7:30 7 10am-Zumba Sat 6:00 Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 6pm-YMA 9:30am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship (Communion) 11:45am-BellChoir Fri 10am-Stitchers ELECTION DAY Annual Picnic on the Grounds & Country Store Youth Group 850 Tally Ho at First Pres 6-7:30 Thu 6:00 Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 11am-3 & 6pm Woodland Hall 6:30 BikerChickYoga 26 27 10am-Zumba Kelly/Chambers Rehearsal & Dinner 28 10am-Zumba 29 6:00-EPC 7:00pmSession Mtg 4:30-Boy Scouts 6:15-Girl Scouts NO Hatha Yoga 7-8:30 Boy Scouts D/B NO Prayer Workshop 6:00 PB Practice 7:00 Choir Practice 309:15-PB Practice 930am-SS 10:00am-Choir Prac 10:30am-Worship 11:45am-BellChoir Pot Luck Supper & Advent Study 6:00pm 8 Kelly/Chambers Wedding CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00-Capital Twirlers
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