October 2014 October things to know: Servant Schedule Acolyte 10/5 Lindy Dey Altar Guild Carol Page and Joanne Frick Bob Sprink Communion Children’s Devotion Church Cleaning Counters Flower Greeters Reader Head Usher Sunday Ruth Lucy Robbin Frick Elaine Schultz Debing Family Bayliss Family Isaac Hanson Richard Dey Monday 5 9:10 Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 Communion Worship 11:30 PB practice 6 12 9:10 Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 Worship 11:30 PB practice 13 5:30pm-BCE 19 9:10 Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 Worship 11:30 PB practice No Communion 20 1:00 pm-Lydia Circle (Norton home) 26 REFORMATION SUNDAY 9:10 Sunday School Adult Bible Study 10:30 Communion Worship (Pastor gone last week) Tuesday 7 10:00am SG Trinity School Book Fair begins Meet your Tutor Night 67 p.m. 6:00pm Tutoring Class 27 6:00pm Tutoring Class 6:00pm GS 6:15pm HB 14 10:00am SG 5:30pm Church Council 6:00pm GS 6:15pm HB 10/12 Rachel Dey 10/26 Josh Savary No Communion Pastor in Haiti Doris Fitzpatrick and Jill Sumpter Richard Dey Jon Wareham Daisha Sorensen Ruth Lucy Joanne Frick Carol Weaver Giesela Willemse Hageman Family Brett Garrett Richard Dey Ruth Lucy Doris Fitzpatrick Jill Sumpter Betty Smith Dey Family Kreg Everleth Richard Dey Wednesday 1 All “Called workers” to Pres. Convoca. 5:30-7:30-WW Trinity school kids sing 8 5:30-7:30pm WW 15 Thursday 2 10:00am SG 22 28 29 10:00am SG 5:30-7:30pm WW Ruth Lucy Ron Debing Renee Debing Hanson Family Frick Family David Weaver Richard Dey Friday 3 Trinity School Fall Dance 4-8th grades 6pm-8pm 9 10:00am SG TLS-Dessert Night/ Mini Concert 6:30 p.m 4-8th Grade 10 16 10:00am SG 17 5:30-7:30pm WW 21 10:00am SG 6:00 pm Church Council 6:00pm GS 6:15pm HB Prayer Requests: We want to pray for your needs. If you have a prayer request please call the office or e-mail them to Carrie Turkoski: cturkoski@att.net or church@trinity-rockledge.org. Your church representative is Merilee Hanson, available in the church office from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily, phone number 321-636-5431. 10/19 Selah Hageman Trinity School Book Fair Ends 18 24 Haiti Mission Trip Begins….. Casserole p/u 25 9am Men’s B’fast at Grace. Haiti Mission Trip Ends 5pm-7pm Trunk or Treat 5:30-7:30pm WW 30 4 11 Youth Group Lock-In Casserole Fundraiser-- 23 10:00am SG Saturday 31 10:00am SG BOO! Wonderful Wed.= WW Girl Scouts = GS Handbells = HB Praise Band = PB Stained Glass=SG Pray & Encourage: We are praying for our Lutheran Pastors each month. This month we are praying and encouraging Rev. Bruce Alberts, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Titusville, Fl. 32796. Email: revbrucealberts@gmail.com Prayer List: Jim Banke (Dawn Banke-TLS office manager’s husband), Alleen Horton (shut-in), Trudy Robinson (shut-in), Dusty Halnon (shut-in), Betty Debing (shut-in), David and Ana Braund, Alex Hanson (Huntington’s Disease), Eric Weinrich (Brain surgery recovery), Walt Kozak, Jerry Debing (heart), Lisa Patt (back pain), Carrie Turkowski (retinal problems), Vivian Weaver (recovering from bladder surgery), Bill Dawson (congestive heart failure), Linda Dawson (stress over son’s illness), Joyce Copeland (internal issues), Helma (Giesela’s sister-in-law, cancer testing), our Haitian Mission Trip, our day school, and our new Sunday School classes. 9:10am Our Christian Education Classes Adult Bible Class – led by Jon Wareham “Noah” Preschool – 4th grade – led by Mrs. Crockett Youth Bible Class (post-confirmation students) – led by Mrs. Dey Confirmation Class - by Pastor Mike’s designee: Shanna Hageman Tutoring: Our Outreach Tutoring Program begins on Monday October 13, 2014, 6 p.m.-7p.m., with a “Meet and Greet” for students and tutors. The real work begins on Monday, October 20, 2014, 6 p.m.-7p.m. That is when Daisha Sorensen and her scholarly group begin serving the youth of our area. Please, if you like children, give Daisha a call and VOLUNTEER! Daisha Sorensen (815-236-9731). High School students...Volunteer Hours? Youth Lock-In and Casserole Fundraiser: Attention all youth fourth grade and older…Lock-In Time! Friday, October 17 at 7 p.m., Ms. Pettet will hold an overnight fun-filled event and combine it with cooking for youth donations. The kids will take pre-orders for assorted casseroles (Chicken Ranch Pasta, Spaghetti Bake), make them the night at the lock-in, and have them available for pick up Saturday morning by 9:30 a.m. There will be movies, games, man-hunt, and, non-violent video games. Yaw-w-w-w-wn! Lydia Circle: The Lydia Circle met Monday, September 15, at the home of Carol Weaver. They discussed donating $25 to the Lutheran Hour, Lutheran Haven, and the Bible Translators. The circle also discussed collecting toilet articles for our Haitian Missionaries for their trip this month. A box will be available in the church narthex for the donation of the following items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, combs, washcloths, hand towels, nail clippers, and solid deodorant. If you prefer, you can donate cash, and the ladies will go and buy the items. Give any monetary donations to Carol Weaver or Joanne Frick. They have a goal of 100 bags. The ladies will continue to sponsor the first-week-of-themonth Wonderful Wednesday dinner. Next Lydia Circle meeting will be Monday, October 20, 2014, 1:00 p.m. at the home of Petey Norton, 990 Sarazen Drive, Rockledge. 631-0753. All ladies are welcome! Men’s Breakfast: Will be held on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 9 a.m. at Grace Lutheran. If you are a man, and like breakfasting with other men, do come. Napkins will be provided. Hee-hee. Trunk or Treat: A silly, fun time will be had by all. Bring your car, park it, decorate the trunk with something spooky, fall-ish, or silly, and hand out candy to school, neighborhood kids, and church kids. Saturday, October 25, from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Donations of individually wrapped candy will be needed. Leave in church narthex or bring to the office before that Saturday. Trinity Lutheran Church and School 1330 South Fiske Blvd. Rockledge, Florida 32955 OCTOBER 2014 Trinity Lutheran Church 1330 S. Fiske Blvd. Rockledge, FL 32955 Phone: 321 636-5431 Email: church@trinity-rockledge.org Website: www.trinity-rockledge.org Here are two short stories on prayer that caught my eye the other day. As little Deborah sat down to eat dinner with her parents she instinctively reached for her fork. “Please hold on,” her father replied. “We haven’t said grace yet.” This exasperated the girl, who was tired and hungry. “Daddy,” she said with a sigh, “why can’t we just pray once a week? Why do we have to ask for our daily bread every day?” Her older brother, wiser and eager to set her straight, weighed in before the dad could answer. “You don’t think we want stale bread, do you?” he said. Inadvertently, that fellow was confirming the importance of regular prayer. See if the next story hits home. Little four year old Melinda’s favorite story was “The Three Little Pigs” which she asked her mom or dad to read every single night before bed. They gladly obliged, but after several months, her father got a bright idea. He recorded the story on tape and told her to simply press “play” before jumping under the covers. She resisted. “But, honey,” her daddy told her, “you can still hear it.” “Yes,” she replied, “but I can’t sit in its lap.” Amazingly, God the Father is eager to spend time with us. However, the only way we can experience conversation and communion with Him is through personal and corporate prayer. Sometimes we pray…usually it happens after some tragedy or when we need something badly. The Bible tells us to do so…It says, “Pray always” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Sometimes we even pray for others. Sometimes those prayers, prayers for others, are hard. We ask, “What should I say? Will my prayer be proper and pleasing to God?” I once heard a minister suggest that the Lord’s Prayer is a helpful way to pray rightly for others. It is, after all, a prayer from Jesus, God’s Son, so it should be OK with His Father and ours. So, think of someone, and pray… “Our Father,” not “my Father.” We’re all in this together so think of someone beside yourself when you pray. “Our Father who art in heaven.” Earthly fathers disappoint us, everyone does. “In heaven” means He’s able to do far more than any earthly person we’ve ever had any experience with. “Hallowed be Thy Name.” God’s name is all He’s revealed to us about Himself, that He’s Triune, Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier, all that’s in the Creed. May the person for whom I pray treasure everything God has revealed about Himself. “Thy Kingdom come.” God must be ruler over all things. Here you pray that God’s grace and truth rule in the life of the one for whom you intercede. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” God ultimately gets His way; will you let Him have His way with you? Here you pray your person will say with Jesus, “Not my will but Thine be done.” “Give us this day our daily bread.” We pray God give them the necessary physical things for life, home and health, work and sufficient wealth. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Not forgiving as God in Jesus has forgiven you invites resentment and bitterness into a relationship. “Lead us not into temptation.” Don’t let them give in to sin, but “deliver us from evil.” Protect them from harm to body and soul and finally bring them to heaven. Finally “Amen:” a word of confidence God has heard your prayer and will act for that dear one for whom you prayed. Prayer…something for always. Pastor Hageman TRUNK ‘r’ treat Saturday, October 25 5-7 p.m. Arrive by 4 p.m. if you are participating Cool School: Ann Henny, our School Music Teacher and church organist will be having some fundraisers this month for her class, and would like to share some information with the Congregation. A Fall Dance will be on Friday, October 3, 2014 for Fourth Graders to Eighth Graders (including our church children) from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Cost: $5.00 Yummmm!: A fun night to attend a School function would be Miss Henny’s Dessert Night/ Mini Concert. The Fourth Grade through the Eighth Grade will be performing a mini concert while you relax with a drink and a dessert. This will be Thursday, October 9, 2014, at 6:30p.m. Bon Appétit! Donations accepted for the Music Festival in the Spring. Wonderful Wednesday Worship: Join us on Wednesdays for fellowship and a meal at 5:30pm and a Service of Prayer and Praise with a teaching time focused on Character formation and the Scriptures beginning at 6:30pm. Beginning October 24, 2014 we will begin a new series entitled "66 Dangerous Words” on Wednesday October 24th. Be sure to join us! Welcome to the Faith: On Sunday, September 28th, 2014, we welcome to our Trinity family Kreg, Tonya, Luke and Kyle Everleth, Dawne Kelley, and Darrell Freberg. We give thanks to our great God for letting us be a part of their faith formation here at Trinity. HELD IN THE TRINITY LUTHERAN PARKING LOT Church Council Meeting Change: The Church Council meeting has been moved to the 14th of October, 2014. Please be sure to be at this important meeting as we will be meeting with Dan Reichard of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. Reformation Sunday: On October 26th, 2014, we will be celebrating the Reformation of the Church. All children are encouraged to attend our 10:30a.m. Church service and participate in the nailing of the 95 Thesis to the Church door! Learn more about God through "The Story": You are welcome to join Grace Lutheran Church, Merritt Island on Mondays at 6:30p.m. The Bible study is exploring the Bible through “The Story” come by and pick up a copy of "The Story" for free! Haitian Mission Team: Our Mission Team will be traveling to Jacmel, Haiti from October 18-24, 2014. Please pray for their health, safety, and that they touch some Haitian souls! Mustard seed faith! Here is a list of participating names and from where they come. Please pray for these wonderful people by name: Gail and John Gajewski Shanna and Michael Hageman Helen and Scott Briggs Barbara Pruett Jeff Atchely Lisa Johanson Dan Schwartz Mark and Jackie Rychel Texas Florida Ohio Iowa Ohio Minnesota Florida Ohio Cool School: Ann Henny, our School Music Teacher and church organist will be having some fundraisers this month for her class, and would like to share some information with the Congregation. A Fall Dance will be on Friday, October 3, 2014 for Fourth Graders to Eighth Graders (including our church children) from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Cost: $5.00 TRUNK ‘r’ treat Saturday, October 25 5-7 p.m. Arrive by 4 p.m. if you are Yummmm!: A fun night to attend a School function would be Miss Henny’s Dessert Night/ Mini Concert. The Fourth Grade through the Eighth Grade will be performing a mini concert while you relax with a drink and a dessert. This will be Thursday, October 9, 2014, at 6:30p.m. Bon Appétit! Donations accepted for the Music Festival in the Spring. Wonderful Wednesday Worship: Join us on Wednesdays for fellowship and a meal at 5:30pm and a Service of Prayer and Praise with a teaching time focused on Character formation and the Scriptures beginning at 6:30pm. Beginning October 24, 2014 we will begin a new series entitled "66 Dangerous Words” on Wednesday October 24th. Be sure to join us! Welcome to the Faith: On Sunday, September 28th, 2014, we welcome to our Trinity family Kreg, Tonya, Luke and Kyle Everleth, Dawne Kelley, and Darrell Freberg. We give thanks to our great God for letting us be a part of their faith formation here at Trinity. participating Church Council Meeting Change: The Church Council meeting has been moved to the 14th of October, 2014. Please be sure to be at this important meeting as we will be meeting with Dan Reichard of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. HELD IN THE TRINITY LUTHERAN PARKING LOT Reformation Sunday: On October 26th, 2014, we will be celebrating the Reformation of the Church. All children are encouraged to attend our 10:30a.m. Church service and participate in the nailing of the 95 Thesis to the Church door! Learn more about God through "The Story": You are welcome to join Grace Lutheran Church, Merritt Island on Mondays at 6:30p.m. The Bible study is exploring the Bible through “The Story” come by and pick up a copy of "The Story" for free! Haitian Mission Team: Our Mission Team will be traveling to Jacmel, Haiti from October 18-24, 2014. Please pray for their health, safety, and that they touch some Haitian souls! Mustard seed faith! Here is a list of participating names and from where they come. Please pray for these wonderful people by name: Gail and John Gajewski Shanna and Michael Hageman Helen and Scott Briggs Barbara Pruett Jeff Atchely Lisa Johanson Dan Schwartz Mark and Jackie Rychel Texas Florida Ohio Iowa Ohio Minnesota Florida Ohio
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