THE MAST St. John’s Lutheran Church February 2015 The Mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church: ● Draw people into the body of Christ ● Nurture each other with love and support ● Serve Christ and others 113 Lotus Street, Dover, DE 19901 302-734-7078 Important information requiring your response! See flyer between pages 10-11! Cover photo provided by St. John’s Camera Club St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 2 Announcements Worship Notes Lenten mid-week services begin with Ash Wednesday. Those services will take place at 12:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. As with Advent, the 7:15 service will feature Holden Evening Prayer. General Notes Catechism Instruction: It is never too late to participate. Catechism instruction takes place on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:00. Confirmation is open to fifth graders and up. If you have questions, or would like more information please see Pastor CJ. Middle School/ High School Bible Study: All middle school and high school students are invited to join Pastor CJ for a Bible study on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00. In our time together we will be studying books of the Bible, what Lutherans believe, why our faith is relevant today, how to live out your faith, and other topics that are of importance and interest. All students grades five through twelve are welcome to participate. Love at Lent: This series looks at the ways in which the Love of Christ is seen in our lives, and also how we then share that love with others. This theme will guide us on our Lenten journey as we travel with our Lord to the cross, 30 Hour Famine: This is a very meaningful, fun, and then ultimately to Easter’s empty tomb. and special event for all middle school and high school students. The theme is Make the Fight Adult Bible Study Your Own. The date is Friday and Saturday, February 27 and 28, 2015. This is a great opportunity to support a great cause. Can you imagine? $35 will feed one child for one month. Please support our middle school and high school students as they raise money and awareness to fight hunger all over the world. Help them reach their goal and see what special activity will follow... The Texts of Lent:This study will look at the texts for the upcoming week. It will give us a chance to dive deeper into the texts and discuss what we find in them. The idea is that by looking at the texts for the upcoming week, we have more time to meditate on them, and thus be able to better appreciate them in worship. SAVE THE DATE Mystery Dinner: Great news. Another mystery dinner is just around the corner. The date is Saturday, March 28. Put it on your calendar and expect a unique and fun evening. More clues to follow. February 2015 Page 3 Letter from the president Pastor’s Column This month brings with it the beginning of another season in the church year. Wednesday, February 18, is Ash Wednesday. With this day the season of Lent begins. A friend of mine once jokingly described Lent as that season when feeling bad feels good. While that joke is good for a chuckle, there is much more to Lent than feeling bad. Lent is a season for us to see how God is present in our lives and that nothing else matters as much as he does. It is a season of renewal and a new start as we intensify our struggle against sin and seek to live lives that glorify the one who gives us forgiveness and salvation. The habits or practices are quite simple. They Lent certainly stands out when it is compared are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. You can to the other seasons of the church year. We think of this season as something similar to put away the “Alleluias” they no longer appear New Year’s. It’s a chance to start over. It’s an in our songs, prayers, or speech. There is not opportunity to grow in our practices of the the celebratory tone or sense of anticipation Christian life. So we pray. There is private that the other seasons carry with them. And prayer, but then there is also corporate prayer, yet, I would suggest that this is one of the which is what we do when we gather together deepest and most significant of the church for worship on Wednesdays. There is fasting. seasons. This is simply giving something up. We do not do this because we have to do it. We do it as a Lent is realistic. It acknowledges that we are way of saying that nothing in our lives is going not perfect, and neither are we living in a to be more important in our lives than God. So perfect world. This is actually a breath of fresh we give up something important to us to show air that reminds us that we do not always have this. Finally, there is almsgiving. This is giving to pretend to be perfect. Neither do we have to to the poor. You could also add to this helping give the impression that we always have it all them and serving them. In doing this, we are together. There is no room for that in Lent. allowing the love and care of God to work through us. It is really a special and cool thing. Instead, during this season we focus on our need for a savior. That is why the season None of these make God love us more. But begins with ashes and the reminder that we they better open our eyes to see just how great come from dust and to dust we shall return. is the presence of God in our lives, and how Yet, those ashes are placed on our heads in great is the hope that we have in Jesus. I pray the sign of a cross. This reminds us that there God’s richest blessings for you as we keep is hope no matter what. It reminds us that Lent together this year. May it be a season of Jesus’ death on the cross is victory over death. humble growth in faith, love, service, and hope. Since he is victorious, then we know that we are also victorious. Love, Pastor CJ Become a Spaghetti Supper Sponsor! Saturday, February 21st In order to help off-set the cost of the Spaghetti Supper we are looking for individuals or groups to become Spaghetti Dinner Sponsors. Below is a list of opportunities. If you are interested in sponsoring the cost of one of the items listed below, please call an elder, such as Roger Hazzard. Spaghetti Subsidizer Cheese champion Coffee contributor Pudding Patron Dressing Diva Meat Maniac Sauce Supporter Dinnerware Devotee Salad Super Hero Bread Benefactor Flower Financier Room Rental Regulator St. John’s Lutheran School & E.L.C. Spaghetti Supper Saturday, February 21st 4:30-7:00 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Great Hall (on Rt. 13 Northbound just before K-Mart) Carry-out available for $8.00 at St. Andrews Adults: $10.00 Children ages 6-12: $7.00 Children ages 2-5: $5.00 Under age 2 : Call an elder for information Proceeds supplemented by: St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 6 Early Learning Center News M A RY W I L L I A M S , D I R E C TO R During the month of February, we focus on the theme of love here at the ELC. The children will learn about what love means, how it feels and most of all, about the greatest love in the world, God’s love. Re-Accreditation We are currently working on our reaccreditation through National Lutheran Schools Accreditation. The team will be here to visit the ELC April 15-17. Please keep us in your prayers as we work through this process. Enrollment It’s that time of the year again! If you know of anyone interested in enrolling their child at the E.L.C. for the 2015/2016 school year please contact Mary. Spaces are filling up, so call soon! Spaghetti Supper Our Annual Spaghetti Supper will take place on Saturday, February 21st . This year’s event will again be held in the St. Andrew’s Great Hall in Dover from 4:30-7:00 p.m. Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Due to my slow healing shoulder, the Elders have graciously agreed to head up this year’s event. Thank you! I know they would appreciate as much help as possible. Please sign-up on the sheet if you are able to help in any way. There are various opportunities on Saturday, or you may also help by the donation of baked goods. Offering Reminder The 2015 offering envelopes are available in the narthex. If I missed anyone, or if you currently do not have envelopes and would like them, please contact me. Since it is the beginning of a new year, I once again want to offer the availability of electronic giving. Please see me with any questions you may have. Electronic giving is one means of creating consistency throughout the year and you make the decisions about your tithes. The 2014 Financial Gifts statements are now available in the Narthex. Any question, contact Donn Paulin. If you are making a special donation to a church ministry, please don’t forget to clearly mark the outside of the envelope and memo section of the check identifying to which ministry the money is intended. Thank you. In Christ, Donn Paulin 302-678-2340 February 2015 Page 7 February Sunday February 1st PANCAKE BREAKFAST Youth arrive @ 8:15 am Breakfast 9:00— 10:00 AM Friday February 6th YOUTH GROUP Church basement 6:00 pm—9:30 pm Friday February 20th YOUTH GROUP Church basement 6:00 pm—9:30 pm Friday February 27th 30 Hour Famine Famine begins @ 12 noon … Youth arrive @ Church basement @ 6 pm Lock in and service projects until Saturday February 28th @ 6 pm St. John’s Youth Group is open to all youth in grades 5-12th. We offer a wide variety of activities that are fun for all!! Youth Group gatherings are on the first and third Fridays of the month from 69:30pm. Dinner is served at each gathering and is free. Jesus is always present through fellowship, games, discussions, and lessons. If you have any questions you may contact Sharon Petersen at You can also find our fb connection through our website February 27-28 Pictures are from Youth Group on January 13th … Mr. Eric started the lesson reading the biblical account of David and Goliath … look close at some of the faces … the account confirms that no job is too big when we have God on our side! Feed the Hungry with the 30 Hour Famine! Youth group will participate this winter in the 30 hour famine. This will a first time event for us. We are excited about the weekend and pray that many of our youth will be involved. We will begin the famine @ 12 pm on Friday Feb 27th … Youth will be raising funds to combat hunger in the world. We’ll be collecting non perishable food for Shepherds Place, and $$ for World Vision. Sponsorship and donations will be taken through March 15th … Pastor CJ has made a generous offering of his facial hair if a set $ is raised… maybe even a buzz cut !!! HELP feed the poor and have fun doing it! St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 8 What’s Happening?! F RO M T H E O F F I C E O F D R . D I NA C A RO L V E N D ET T I , P R I N C I PA L You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. 2 Corinthians 3:2 Last month will, for a very long time, be remembered as the month of “the visitation.” I am not referring to the month when Gabriel visited Mary, or when the shepherds visited the baby Jesus, or even when the Wise Guys from afar traveled to Bethlehem. While those visits all come into play during this time of the year, the visitation that will most be remembered each year here at school as January rolls around is the visitation of the External Review Team who came to observe our school as the final piece of the accreditation process. For two whole days we hosted four educational leaders as they observed in classrooms, conducted a multitude of interviews, met with staff and board members, and generally inspected our whole operation. They needed to verify that what we reported in our accreditation documents was indeed true and to insure that what we are doing meets their very high standards. Needless to say, we were all on “pins and needles” as we were examined. Even though our hearts were confident, our heads were causing us to question ourselves. Will we measure up? Are we really doing everything necessary? What will the kids tell them? What will the parents say? Are we good enough? It certainly helped us to better empathize with our students on testing days! In the end, the visiting team seemed to be truly impressed with what they saw and heard. They voted unanimously to recommend us for full accreditation with National Lutheran Schools Accreditation and AdvancEd. In other words, WE PASSED!!! WOO HOO!!!!! We learned many interesting things about the process – things that we will be talking about it for a long time to come. In the exit review meeting, we learned that, on the required indicators, we scored very well. But – the surveys that were taken by parents, students, and board members are what really propelled us to the top. The opinions and feedback given by our constituents in an anonymous survey were extremely positive and, as a result, many points were added to our final score. This made me think of Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “You are our letters of recommendation… known and read by all.” The best way for our community to learn about the amazing things that God is doing at our school is to speak with our school and church families! You are indeed our letters of recommendation! So many of the lessons that we learn in life seem to circle their way into something else… This text from Paul provides one of these lessons. You are our “letters of recommendation”… and in turn, we are God’s letters of recommendation…together. When we understand who we are as the Body of Christ and whose we are as God’s children, our lives begin to reflect Him to others. When, as forgiven people, we practice forgiveness OR when, as Continued on the next page February 2015 Page 9 Letter from the president W HAT’ S H APPENING? ! CONTINUED dearly loved sons and daughters, we show love… we are demonstrating the world God’s character. As people look into our lives, are they able to understand His grace? Are they able to see His heart? Are they motivated to respond to His goodness? When we strive to do our very best, to be all that we can be, is it not because we are in the service of the King? What an awesome privilege it is to be “read by all,” knowing that what they find in us may draw them one step closer to our loving Father. That’s really why this process of accreditation was so important – we want to be sure that when people see and hear about the amazing things that are happening at our school, they understand that God is the author of it all. How cool is that?! Here’s What’s Happening! 1. The groundhog… hearts… candy… a day off to honor the Presidents… There’s a lot going on in February at BSITU!!!! 2. We are so excited that our Accreditation Review is over… and that the results were so good! We have not yet received the final written report, but the team shared their findings with us before they left. They highlighted some areas in which we were doing a great job – and they lifted up some areas that we could improve. Now our job will be to generate plans for improvement in order to become an even BETTER Best School in the Universe! What an awesome experience for growth! 3. We are, of course, keeping one eye on the sky – we’re on the lookout for a snow day or two! We’re doing the dance and turning our pajamas around! Feel fee to join us at any time. 4. Our annual International Dance Festival is now officially in the planning stages. The festival will be held on March 18th at the Wyoming Church at 1:30 pm. All are invited! 5. Prayer Requests: Prayers of thanks for the amazing things that our students and children learn from each other every day, prayers of thanks for our parents who so faithfully volunteer at our school, prayers of thanks for a successful end to our accreditation process, prayers for an educational leader in our community who is struggling with a recurrence of cancer, prayers that this time of enrollment for next year will yield lots and lots of kids, and thanks for our many, many blessings! St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 10 Vacation Bible School St. John’s has set a date for VBS 2015!!! Please mark your calendars for August 11-13, 5-7:30pm Registration forms are available in the church office. For more information please email Mary Lou Jackson at For those of you that wish to help by providing WE NEED YOU!! supplies, please refer to this partial list of gear. We need volunteers to register to be station Play dough jars leaders, crew leaders, set-up, clean-up, and Paper towel and toilet paper rolls food providers! In an effort to provide proper Milk Jugs (gallon and half gallon) training, we are getting a head start! Please String contact the church office for information! Wax paper 100 pack of cardstock of each color (purple, green, blue, yellow, orange, red) Large packing Styrofoam Large cardboard and poster board Light blue and white plastic table cloths Glow Sticks and flicker lights Flicker lights Paper towels Fabric scraps Washable paint—1 gallon of each color (purple, green, blue, yellow, orange, red) Five-foot wooden cross February 2015 Page 11 A Testimony I found out, years ago, that prayer works! “Works,” in that when we pray as a group, all of one accord, for a specific thing, there will be results. At the time of my realizing this fact, I was a church-goer, unaccustomed as a lay person to praying for something important that would impact the church. There was a committee formed, back then, to plan a “faith weekend” at the church. I was asked to be on the committee, and reluctantly agreed. Part of the plans for the weekend involved a “prayer vigil,” something new to me. There was a big poster drawn up with 24 time slots, one for each hour of a certain day, and people were to sign up for one of the time slots to commit to pray during that time. Well, the list had very few names on it. Someone Said, “I think we should pray about it!” I remember thinking, “Lot of good that will do…” little did I know! The next meeting of the committee was a real eyeopener for me. Not only was the list filled up, but some of the committee, strong in their faith, had contacted others to pray, and had found of those called had serious prayer needs of their own and they were prayed for on the phone! This answering of prayer by a small group of lay people made such an impression on me that the telling of it, and how my life was changed by it, opened my eyes to the reality of faith, and I was given a boldness I hadn’t had before in sharing it. This is one example of what prayer can do. Love in Christ, Rose Bryan If you would like to share your testimony in the Mast, please email Mary Lou Jackson in the church office ( This and any other Mast submissions need to be received by the 17th of each month to make it into the following Mast. Please call the church office with any questions. Save the date St. John’s Lutheran School Annual Dinner and Auction April 25, 2015 5-9 PM, Dover Elks Lodge For more information contact Robbi Duke by cell (302)363-4653 or e-mail St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 12 Lutheran Hour Ministries R E G I S T ER N OW F O R T H E C O N F E R E N C E I N N EW Y O R K ! Make plans now to join other mission-minded individuals at the Lutheran Hour Ministries Regional Outreach Conferences (ROC) in New York, March 13-14. The Conference, will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Tarrytown, New York and will feature leading speakers on ministry, with instructive breakout sessions, with takeaway resources to use in sharing the good news of Jesus with others at home, at work or with your friends, all designed to empower you to share your faith in word and deed. Conference registration is set at $125 for adults and $75 for youth (ages 14-18).. Be equipped. Be empowered. Be uplifted and encouraged to share the good news of Christ. His Love and Mercy.. Be SENT! To learn more about ROC—New York, visit For more information contact Ray Richter. If we could get several from our church to attend I think it would be awesome. The Lutheran Hour® which began in 1930, is the world's longest-running, Christian outreach radio program. It proclaims the message of Jesus Christ to more than 800,000 people each week over 1300 radio stations across North America. It is also broadcast on the American Forces Network to reach military personnel and their families around the world.. Here are the sermon topics for February 2015 February 1 February 8 "Boring? Not Likely!" Speaker Emeritus of Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus Jesus' enemies considered Him too dangerous to let live, but we have wrapped the Savior in a cloak of dullness. (Mark 1:21-28) "The Gospel's Power for Gracious Living" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Christ empowers His followers to live lives that encourage, affirm, and serve others. (1 Corinthians 9:18-23) February 15 February 22 "Searching for Love - Listen to Jesus" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Jesus is God's love in action for you. Listen to Him! (Mark 9) "Regrets, Reality, and Grace-filled Restoration" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Through Christ's forgiveness, regrets give way to restoration. (Luke 15) Lutheran Hour Broadcast Guide Listen on line at Station WNAV WBAL WMZQ WRDV WZZD WRDV WPHE City, State Freq Band Annapolis, MD 1430 AM Baltimore, MD 1090 AM Rockville, MD 98.7 FM Bensalem, PA 97.1 FM Coatesville, PA 101.7 FM Philadelphia, PA 107.3 FM Philadelphia, PA 690 AM Day Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Tue Time 6:00 AM 10:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM 6:00 PM 7:30 AM 4:45 PM February 2015 Page 13 SAVE THE DATE WITNESS TRAINING WORKSHOP THE MISSION LEADERSHIP BOARD WOULD LIKE TO HOLD A SECOND WITNESS TRAINING WORKSHIP. THE WORKSHOP LAST SPRING WAS WELL RECEIVED AND MANY THOUGHT IT WOULD BE GOOD TO HOLD A FOLLOW UP WORKSHOP. THIS WORKSHOP WILL FOCUS ON THE DIFFERENT STYLES OF FAITH SHARING AND TO HELP YOU FIND THE STYLE THAT FITS YOUR PERSONALITY. GOD’S LOVE IS MEANT TO BE SHARED AND IT IS TIME TO TELL YOUR STORY, THE STORY OF JESUS AT WORK IN YOUR LIFE. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL THAT STORY TO? If you don’t tell them who will? So mark your Calendar Now WITNESS TRAINING WORKSHOP SATURDAY April 18, 2015, 10am—2pm The workshop will be presented in cooperation with Lutheran Hour Ministries. SYLLABUS MU-102: WITNESSING METHODS: SEVEN STYLES OF FAITH-SHARING SECTION ONE reveals the seven styles of faith-sharing and tackle how to utilize the first two styles: Lifestyle Witnessing and Relational Witnessing. SECTION TWO focuses on styles three and four: Testimonial Witnessing and Situational Witnessing. You will also be stretched to consider your personal testimony. SECTION THREE is centered on the last three styles: Servanthood, Invitational witnessing and Utilizing Witnessing Tools. You will put your knowledge to work through a video case study. SECTION FOUR indentifies your natural style, recognize and apply yourself to a secondary style and learn to determine an appropriate and effective style in each everyday situation. Elders Info Below are the names and phone numbers of the Elders appointed by the congregation of St. John’s. If you have a question, comment or concern, please feel free to contact any of the people on the list. Ron Morella John Strausbaugh Rick Murphy Ken Richter Roger Hazzard Shirley Judd Lois Driftmyer (302)697-9382 (302)697-3166 (302)678-9207 (302)632-1013 (302)697-9661 (302)697-7618 (410)482-6445 A-Ch Cl-Hay Haz-Ke Ki-More Morr-Richa Richt-Schn Scho-Z St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 14 Stephen Ministry "Love One Another As I Have Loved You" is the new commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples. Stephen Ministers take that charge very seriously. While the word "love" gets tossed around a lot ( I love that TV show or I love your new hair cut, etc.), Stephen Ministers show their love for their care receivers through actions. How do they do that, you might ask? Stephen Ministers show their love in many ways: by being faithful through weekly caring visits; by attending monthly supervision/ continuing education meetings to keep us Christ-focused as we learn how to best help our care receivers; and by praying for each person on the team as well as our care receivers. Yes, Stephen Ministers are full of love and full of the Spirit. Living Will/Health Care Directive called Five Wishes. After all, anything can happen to anyone at any time. It is up to each individual to be prepared for the unexpected. Usually, when one enters the hospital, one is given lots of papers to sign. When one is stressed because of impending surgery, does one want to make critical decisions about what ifs? An example of a "what if" could be: "what if something goes wrong during surgery-who do I want to make life decisions for me?" It's better to answer such a thought-provoking question that is in a health-care directive when one is not stressed. This particular Health Care Directive called Five Wishes is more comprehensive than an As we studied in our module on hospitalization, ordinary living will. It was written by a man we learned of the importance of praying to the who studied under Mother Teresa for 12 years. He then worked for a year in a hospice that Holy Spirit. We pray not only for the Spirit to heal our care receivers, but also that the Spirit Mother Teresa ran in Washington D.C. He spoke with the terminally ill patients there about fills us with joy, peace, patience, kindness-in what they wished their loved ones would know other words-the fruits of the Spirit (see about the end of their life-their hopes and how Galatians 5 22-23). We ask Christ to help/ guide us as we meet with our care receivers to they wanted their care to be managed when keep us focused on their needs and inspire us they couldn't make decisions for themselves. so that we can help fulfill those needs. It's a He wrote the booklet based on what he challenge, but with God's help-and we firmly learned. Five Wishes is a legal form that is believe that He is with us as we meet whether recognized in 42 states and covers everything in our supervision group or when we meet with that you want your family to know during a serious illness and even after that-hence the our individual receiver. name Five Wishes. Not only does it cover Stephen Ministers know that if we stay Christ- health issues, but it also encompasses spiritual and emotional care as well. It's all in the focused, we are blessed with His love. That love overflows not only in our own lives, but in booklet-you just cross out what you want or the lives of all who we come into contact. It is don't want. What is left would be your express wishes during a time when you won't be able to with the love for one another that we want to say what you want. Don't wait until you are sponsor a workshop that everyone needs-a Continued on the next page February 2015 Page 15 Letter from the president S T EP H EN M I N I ST RY C O N T I N U E D stressed out in the hospital to make such decisions. We hope that you'll come to this workshop in March. We will either have a potluck lunch or dinner first. After we eat, we'll watch a video about Five Wishes, then we'll give you the form to fill out in the comfort of your own home. Even if you already have a Living Will, we hope you'll get this one, as it has room for funeral wishes. There is a place at the end of the form to plan what hymns, readings or anything else you would like at your service. In the meantime, if you're not feeling God's love, perhaps it's time to ask for a Stephen Minister. A Stephen Minister can help you to cope with many problems that you may be facing-financial, physical, spiritual or any other life changing events. Come feel the love-let a Stephen Minister help you. Yes, we are charged with loving one another, but is because we stay Christ-focused that makes us want to share that love with you. LWML A total of $400 was received at our first quarterly Mite Offering for 2015. Thank you to all who donated toward the mission outreach of our LWML and LC-MS. At our recent LWML luncheon and Gettogether we collected numerous pairs of gloves, scarves, and hats to be donated to the homeless through Code Purple Project. These items, in addition to the donations in the box in the Narthex, were delivered to one of the local Code Purple drop off sites. The contact person there told us about a new urgent plan to get information out to those homeless on the street. Scarves and gloves will be wrapped around light poles and trees which they can take, along with a note telling them where to go for shelter. When we selected the items for our LWML ingathering we were simply following our theme: “Are You Winterized”. However, we know that God controls all things and hears all prayers. The sobering thought then struck me, as I tried to imagine what it would be like to sleep out in the winter,… “I wonder who is crying out for relief and comfort”. In gratitude, we pray He continues to help us make a difference, not only in someone’s physical needs, but also, their spiritual needs. At our LWML meeting, we unanimously agreed to help support the Social Concerns Ministry of St. John’s by inviting the congregation to donate specific items needed to fill individual large zip lock bags. These bags can be given to someone with an immediate need for something to eat. The idea of the baggies was brought to our attention last year when Mindy Ransdell visited and heard the Executive Committee brain-storming ways to deal with someone who confronts us personally with a need for assistance. Since then the Social Concerns Ministry Team and several others have used them on numerous occasions and reported that it does work. The needs are met temporarily and an opening for dialogue is presented. Factor in God’s Love and exciting things can happen. Look for an insert in the bulletin with suggested items for February. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 16 SCHOOL MINISTRY PRAYER SUPPORT Only a few names left in the Tri-Fold! Have you chosen the name of someone who is integral to our school mission. Please look at the Trifold in the Narthex of the church and choose a name for whom to pray. And as we pray one of the many missions here at St. John's is lifted up to our Lord and Savior. Valentine's Day would be the perfect time to send a sweet note/card to encourage these precious teachers of ours. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 15th, 2015 to join us in celebrating the month of love!!! Love for our spouses, love for our families, love for our friends, love for one another, love for our church, and most of all, our love for our Lord!! Bring something to share for the meal, or just bring yourself. (Ideas to bring: crockpot meals, sandwiches, salads of any kind, fruit, veggies, finger foods, desserts, beverages) Let’s see how many people will wear red or pink??!! Come for the fellowship, the food, and a time to meet and share with one another. ST. JOHN’S MEN’S GROUP Dear Friends The next gathering of the St John’s Men’s Group will be Monday February 16, 2015 at 7pm in the church basement. Our study for this night will be Chapter 10 of the Book of Daniel. Chapter 10 introduces the final prophetic vision in Daniel. We can be encouraged that even through the darkest times we can read and trust God’s message for us: “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. …I go to prepare a place for you…I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you will be also” (John 14:1). In addition to the Bible study we will have a time for sharing, fellowship and prayer. The men of St John’s are cordially invited to come. We hope that you will consider attending our Bible Study. Bring a friend! See you there! February 2015 Page 17 Letter from the president WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY We meet at 3:00pm, Thursday afternoons with a Book Bible study for women in the basement of the church. Be filled with God's Word in the middle of the week! Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard Habakkuk 3:19 and Psalm 18:33 Any questions? Do not hesitate to call Marlys Natonick H (302) 422-1806 CAMERA CLUB The Camera Club of St. John’s meets on the first Monday of the month. Our meeting in February will be Monday, February 2 at 7:00p.m., in the church basement. We will watch a 30-minute DVD lecture about Lenses and Focal Length. At the end of this lecture we will be given an assignment to take a picture of the same subject from the same distance using three different lenses (wide, normal and telephoto) If you would like to see some of the photos by club members check out the “Camera Club” link on the church’s web page. (Under the Groups heading) Consider joining us to perhaps learn a bit more about photography and share your photographic experiences and ideas to help us all learn something new. Also, the low sun angle of winter provides opportunities for some great pictures. Hope to see you on Monday the 2nd. If you have any questions please call me (Roger Hazzard) at 697-9661 ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN I am awed how we are gently reminded that what we do is not our mission but that we are part of God’s mission – He is in charge! The source for the “gentle reminder” comes from the recent difficult conversations/decisions OGT MidAtlantic Division had to engage in. We were getting tired; we were running low on clothing to sort and pack; we were running low on boxes to pack the items in; we were running low on money to pay the rent, let alone be able to ship items to people in need; we were running low on volunteers . . . looks like the end for this branch of OGT! [The following comes from a newsletter sent from our director Cliff Kraft] What does a person do in situations such as these? One answer is to give up, close the facilities and thank all of the people who have helped in the past. A better option is to take it to the Lord in prayer and listen and watch for His answer. His is watching over us. He will answer! This past year when we were running a bit low on funds, after much prayer, a person came forward and offered us a $5000 grant if we could find matching funds for it. After more prayer we went to you, our faithful supporters. The Lord answered our prayers through you and granted a return of about $7400. Together with the original $5000 grant we were blessed with a total of $12,400. Through prayer and trusting in Him we continue to help those in need. Thank you all for your contributions. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 18 Birthdays Kayla Alston Coralie Starkey Marie-Rose HANKOUA Gianna MADDALENA Betty Richard Luke HARWOOD Greg Massey Mary Alice Mott Alvin Schmick Ziad RASAMNY Peyton RIVERA Diane Coppola Jaylen JACKSON Jessica Morrow 2/1 2/1 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/7 2/7 2/8 2/8 2/9 2/9 2/10 2/12 2/14 2/15 Rubina DEROSA 2/15 Ardis Kahl 2/16 Karen Connolley 2/16 Isabella HAWLK Roman PUCHALSKY 2/16 2/17 Betsy Duncan 2/17 Debra MASON 2/18 Caiden HAWLK 2/18 Robert Konschak Valerie HARWOOD 2/19 2/19 Will JARRELL 2/21 Rosemary Frase 2/23 Emily Mabus 2/23 Reece MASSEY Ron Saatman Julie Sammons Tracy Tourison Ellen Trier Regina Burke Alan ’Ace’ HOWARD Karen Murphy Emil Tetzner Derek Trier Chip Welch Becca Hawkins William Kovatch Nathan Trier Joanne Henning 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/25 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/28 2/28 2/28 2/29 Anniversaries 2/19 William & Cathy Kovatch Service Assistant Schedule Readers and Assistants: If you will not be able to serve as scheduled please call Ray Richter Ph:674-4248 Ushers: If you will not be able to serve as scheduled please call Donn Paulin, Ph:678-2340 2/1 Usher Barlow, Richard Livingston, Phil Reader Barlow, Linda Assistant Barbara Impollonia Driftmyer, Lois Usher Murphy, Rick Bliem, Barry Reader Betley, Jean Assistant Stephens, Eric Stephens, Elizabeth Usher Reader Starkie, Coralie Assistant Hazzard, Roger Siok, Stephan Usher Benton, Bob Benton,Lyn Reader Smith, Tom Assistant Paulin, Betty Paulin, Donn 2/8 Jeff Weiss Hadley, Chuck Early Service Late Service 2/15 Usher Barlow, Linda Barlow, Richard Reader Siok, Christine Assistant Driftmyer, Lois Richter, Ray Usher Paulin, Betty Paulin, Donn Reader Bryan, Rose Usher Hadley, Chuck Reader Barlow, Richard Jeff Weiss Assistant Hazzard, Roger Nickerson, Sam Usher Reader Strausbaugh, John Messing, Kailyn Strausbaugh, Pam Assistant Betley, Jean Petersen, Don 2/22 Assistant Strausbaugh, John Murphy, Rick February 2015 SUN MON TUE 8:00am—Early Service 9:15am—Adult Bible Study 9:15am—Sunday School 10:30am—Late Service WED THU FRI SAT 1 PANCAKE BREAKFAST— 9:15AM 2 7:00PM MAKE-UP MLB— 7:00PM CAMERA CLUB— 7:00PM 3 GIRL SCOUTS— 6:00PM 4 OGT—9:00AM CATECHISM CLASS 6:30PM YOUTH BIBLE STUDY—7:00PM STEPHEN MINISTRYCONTINUING ED. AT WALKER ROAD 6:30PM 5 WOMENS’S BIBLE STUDY—3:00PM CHOIR 6 7 OGT—9:00AM YOUTH GROUP— 6:00PM 8 VBS COMMITTEE MEETING— 12:30PM 9 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING— 7:00PM 10 11 OGT—9:00AM CATECHISM CLASS 6:30PM YOUTH BIBLE STUDY—7:00PM 12 WOMENS’S BIBLE STUDY—3:00PM CHOIR 13 OGT—9:00AM 15 FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON— 12PM 16 MEN’S GROUP MEETING— 7:00PM 17 GIRL SCOUTS— 6:00PM 18 OGT—9:00AM LENTEN MID-WEEK SERVICE—12:15PM CATECHISM CLASS 6:30PM YOUTH BIBLE STUDY—7:00PM HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER SERVICE— 7:15PM 19 WOMENS’S BIBLE STUDY—3:00PM CHOIR 20 21 OGT—9:00AM SPAGHETTI YOUTH GROUP— SUPPER—4:30PM 6:00PM 22 VBS COMMITTEE MEETING— 12:30PM 23 MLB MEETING— 7:00PM 24 25 OGT—9:00AM LENTEN MID-WEEK SERVICE—12:15PM CATECHISM CLASS 6:30PM YOUTH BIBLE STUDY—7:00PM HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER SERVICE— 7:15PM 26 WOMENS’S BIBLE STUDY—3:00PM CHOIR 27 OGT—9:00AM 30 HOUR FAMINE BEGINS— 12:00PM LOCK-IN AT CHRUCH BEGINS— 6:00PM February Readings February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Isaiah 40:21-31 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 Mark 1:29-39 February 15, 2015 The Transfiguration of Our Lord 2 Kings 2:1-12 or Exodus 34:29-35 2 Corinthians 3:12-13 (14-18), 4:1-6 Mark 9:2-9 February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday Joel 2:12-19 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 February 22, 2015 First Sunday in Lent Genesis 22:1-18 James 1:12-18 Mark 1:9-15 14 28 30 HOUR FAMINE PROJECTS ARE OVER—6:00PM THE MAST Important information requiring your response! See flyer between pages 10-11! Rev. Dr. Charles E. (CJ) Ransdell, Jr., Pastor Email: Office Phone: (302) 734-7078 The ship is the symbol of St. John’s Lutheran Church. The symbol of the ship with a cross on the sail represents the church. The word “nave” is derived from the Latin word meaning ship. As all in the ark of Noah were saved from the flood, so the ship of the church carries people to salvation in Christ (1 Peter 3: 18-21). The eagle on the bow of the ship is symbolic of St. John the Evangelist. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED St. John’s Lutheran Church 113 Lotus St. Dover DE 19901 DOVER, DELAWARE PERMIT NO. 150 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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