Leeds Club Dance 11th Oct 2014 Leeds Scottish Country Dance Club Dance St Chad's Parish Centre, 11th October 2014 7.30 Dancing to Neil Barron MC - Don Andrews 1 JOIE DE VIVRE J32 · 3/4L Irene van Maarseveen: RSCDS XXXIX 2 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 2 1c set | cast (2c up) ; dance between 3c and cast up to (2,1,3) All turn P RH to sidelines ; all chase clw half round (to 3x,1x,2x) All dance BtoB ; all set | all ½ RH turn into 3c+1c+2c Allemande (2,1,3) BACK TO THE FIRESIDE R32 · 3/4L Roy Goldring: RSCDS XXXVIII 4 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 3 3c followed by 1c dance down the middle | set ; dance up the middle, 1c cast off to 3pl while{2} 3c dance up to 1pl (3,2,1) »pick-up chain«, from below: 1c cross RH, 1c+2c change places LH ; 1c+3c change places RH while {2} 2c cross RH ; 1c cross LH while{2} 3c+2c change places LH (to 1, 2x, 3) 1c+2c set advancing to join NH in a circle | releasing hands, 1c+2c Petronella one place R ; Set NHJ | repeat petronella, to sidelines (2,1x,3) 1c ½ Fig8 L (W up, M down) ; All turn RH (2,1,3) JACQUI WATSON'S STRATHSPEY S32 · 3/3L Noel Watson: The Leeds Golden Collection · Crib: MiniCribs 1-8 9-16 17-24 25-34 4 1s+2s+3s set & 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way while 3s cross RH, all chase clockwise 1/2 way. 3 1 2 2s dance reels of 3 across (2M up, 2L down) to end with 1s dancing to top while 3s cast to 2nd place 1s dance reels of 3 on own sides casting to start. 1 3 2 3 couple Set & Rotate: 25-28 1s+2s+3s Set & Rotate singly & chase clockwise to form lines of 3 across (Men facing down & Ladies up) 29-32 All change places with partner & chase clockwise to own sides to end 2 3 1 TRIBUTE TO THE BORDERS J32 · 3/4L Roy Goldring: The Leaflet Dances with Music · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 5 1c cross RH | cast (2c up) ; turn 1¼ RH to promhold facing M side 1c Rsh ½Reel3 with 2M+3M ; Rsh ½Reel3 with 3W+2W, 1c finish in centre facing 3W (now in 1W pl) 1c set to 3W pulling Rsh back | set to 2W ; set to 2M | 1c set to 3M while{2} 3c+2c set advancing into 3c+1c+2c Allemande THE TRI-MARINER R32 · 3/4L Ann Dix: RSCDS XLVIII 8 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– (1c set | cast off 2 and lead to top) while{} (2c wait | set ; cast off one and lead up to 2pos) while{} (3c wait {4} ; set | cast to 3pos) for 1c+2c+3c Promenade, at end 1c cast to 2pl and 2c dance to top (2,1,3) 1c cross between 3c | cast up ; cross between 2c | cast to 2pl All petronella turn | set up/down ; 1¼ turn RH (2,1,3) Produced by the SCD Database <http://my.strathspey.org/dd/> on 31 August 2014, 12:30 1/5 6 MARGARET PARKER'S STRATHSPEY S32 · 3/4L John Drewry: RSCDS XXXI 3 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 7 1c lead down crossing between 2c, cast off round 3c and NHJ up the middle ; 1W LHA (and 1M RHA) with 1cnr+2cnr, 1c finish in 1plx facing out (1x,2,3) 1c+2c change places on sides EH | 1c turn BH ¾ to finish facing down, 1M just above 2c and 1W (swivel R) just above 3c ; 1M+2c & 1W+3c Circle3 left, into lines across facing down Lines of 3 dance down the middle, swivel R, dance up, finish line facing line Lines set | cross RH ; set, 2c+3c cross back RH while {2} 1c cast to own side (2,1,3) FATHER CONNELLY'S JIG J64 · 4/4L John Drewry: The Donside Book · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 33– 41-56 57– 1c+2c Set&Rotate (All set | petronella clw one place ; change places RH with P | chase one place clw) (2,1,3,4) ½ diagonal R&L with 1cnrs (W up, M down) while{4} the 2cnrs (2M+3W) set & cross RH, all cnrs face out ; ½ Reels3 on the sides, 1c Rsh to 2cnr pos. (no loops at the end) (2x,1x,3x,4) Repeat figure from these positions with 2cnr persons (in 3cnr positions ; M up, W down) (to 2,1,3,4), 2c+3c finishing with loops into Reels3 across (Lsh to 1cnr) (2,1,3,4) 1c cross down RH between 3c | cast Rsh round new 1cnr (4W resp. 3M) ; change places up/dn LH | cast L (3c up) to (2,3,1,4) 3c+1c+4c repeat the figures [9-24] above (2,3,1,4) 3c+1c+4c Circle6 and back (optional: 2c join in for Circle8 and back) (1c step down, to 2,3,4,1) (note by Drewry: This is really two successive 3c dances of 32 bars, the figures of bars 9-24 being similar. 8 THE CUMBRAE REEL R32 · 3/4L RSCDS XXVIII 8 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 1c+2c half R&L ; 2c cross RH to own side while{4} 1c dance up to between 2c, all facing up NHJ | set in line across and pivot R the second PdB to face down In line of 4 dance down the middle (turn R about) ; and up, finishing with 1c BtoB between 2c 1c+2c Reel4 across the dance, 1c finishing facing corners 1c turn corner, P, corner, cross over to own sides (2,1,3) 9 INTERVAL 10 THE COMPLEAT GARDENER J32 · 3/4L Irene Paterson: Third Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 1c+2c Set&Rotate (2,1,3) 1c cross RH | cast R round 1cnr ; cross up/dn LH | cast L to face 1cnr 1c+1cnrs corners pass and turn, pass Rsh ; repeat with 2cnrs, to own side Circle6 and back (2,1,3) Produced by the SCD Database <http://my.strathspey.org/dd/> on 31 August 2014, 12:30 2/5 11 SUMMER WOOING R32 · 3/4L Alan Macpherson: RSCDS XXXVIII 6 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 12 1c+2c circle4 to the left ; 1c+2c chase clw ½-round to finish on opposite sides, 2c facing 1c (2x,1x,3) Rsh Reels3 on sides 1c, followed by 2c lead down the middle {3}, (2c split for) 1c+2c lead up {3} | and cross to own side RHJ, the W passing below the M and under the joined arms, into 1c+2c Poussette (2,1,3) CITY OF BELFAST S32 · 3/3L Lucy Mulholland: RSCDS XLVIII 6 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 1c ½ Fig8 round 2c ; 1c turn 2c EH 1¼ into line across, 1c in the middle 1c+2c Reel4, finish 2c in 1pl and 1c (last pass is Lsh) facing 1cnr 1c set to 1cnr | set to 2cnr, dancing R into sideline (2,1x,3) ; All set | 1c cross RH 1c+3c Espagnole (2,3,1) Espagnole: both W lead RHJ to M side, cross and cast back to exchanged places while Men cross to W side, lead RHJ back to M side crossing to exchanged places ; all turn P EH (2,1) 13 BEST SET IN THE HALL J32 · 3/4L Helen Greenwood: RSCDS XLVI 7 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 1c set | 1W (1M follows) casts off 2, crosses, W dances up behind M line, and M dances up the middle, 1c face 1cnr (2c up) 1c set to 1cnr | 1c cast Rsh round each other to 3cnr position while{2} 1cnrs dance into centre, and swivel R to face own cnr ; repeat, 1cnrs finishing in exchanged places, and 1c facing 2cnr Repeat with 2cnrs (3x,1x,2x) All chase clw ½ round ; all turn RH. (2,1,3) To: Auckland Region President, Campbell MacKay, nov. 2003 14 BRATACH BANA R32 · 3/4L John Drewry: Bon Accord Book of Scottish Country Dances · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 1c turn RH | cast off (2c up) ; ½ Fig8 to R around 1cnr (to 2,1x,3) ½Reel3 on sides (Rsh to 2cnr) ; ½Reel3 across (Lsh to 3cnr position), finish on sides (3x,1,2x) 1c turn ¾ LH, Turn 1cnr person (3cnr position) RH ; pass Rsh, turn 2cnr person (4cnr position) ¾ RH to promhold (cnr on the right) These pairs change places Rsh | drop left hand and turn RH ½ to sidelines ; half diagonal R&L (1st diagonal direction) Note on [27-28]: originally 2 PdB. modified by Drewry to SkCh. O. Otto says best variant is corners in PdB, 1c in SkCh 15 MISS MILLIGAN'S STRATHSPEY S32 · 3/4L RSCDS: The Leaflet Dances with Music · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 1c+2c circle4 L, finish NHJ 1c facing 2c ; set, 1c turning in to face up | 1c cast off, 2c dance up (2,1,3) Mirror Reels3 on the sides, 1c start down and in, join hands when possible, 2c+3c finish with loops 2c+1c+3c set | 2c+1c ½ LH turn and face down ; lead (LHJ) down, cross below 3c and cast up (1,2,3) 1c+2c the Knot. (2,1,3) Produced by the SCD Database <http://my.strathspey.org/dd/> on 31 August 2014, 12:30 3/5 16 THE NURSERYMAN J32 · 3/4L Steve Brown: RSCDS XXXVII 7 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 17 1c set | cross down RH (2c up) ; cast behind 3c, dance up NHJ to 2pl BtoB facing opp. side 2c+1c+3c set as in DTr | All set advancing and swivel R to form »inverted« DTr (2c+3c are BtoB in centre) ; All set | All set advancing (1c into the middle) into 2W+1M+3W & 2M+1W+3M RHA, 1c pass Rsh ; 1W+2W+3W & 1M+2M+3M LHA, finish in lines 1W between 2c facing 1M between 3c Lines A&R ; 1c turn RH 1¼ to (2,1,3) THE REEL OF THE 51ST DIVISION R32 · 3/4L James Edward McCartney Atkinson: RSCDS XIII 10 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 18 1c set | cast off two places (2c up) and lead up to 1cnrs 1c set to 1cnr | turn 1cnr RH and join LH in the middle ; BiL | turn 1¼ LH to 2cnrs Repeat with 2cnrs | cross to (2,1,3) 2c+1c+3c circle6 and back. THE PAISLEY WEAVERS S32 · 3/3L Derek Haynes: Third Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 2c start on opposite side (1,2x,3) 1– 9– 17– 25– 19 1c cross down RH | cast down behind 3c ; cross up RH | cast up behind 2c (1,2x,3) All G-Ch, 1c cross to start, at end 1M+2M face out for 1c+2c L-Chain 1c+2c ½ R&L ; 1c+3c ½ R&L (2,3x,1) SHIFTIN' BOBBINS R32 · 3/4L Roy Clowes: A Guide to Scottish Country Dancing · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 20 1c cross down RH (2c up) to 2plx in DTr position with corners | set as DTr ; cast up, meet and dance down to 2pl in middle 2M+1W+3M RHA, while{4} 2W+1M+3W LHA ; 1c followed by 2c+3c dance down the middle 3c+2c+1c dance up the middle, 3c casting to 3pl, flowing into ; 1W+2M+3M LHA, while{4} 1M+2W+3W RHA 1c dance to top, cast off one ; ½ Fig8 up round 2c. KELSO RACES R32 · 3/4L Miss Milligan's Miscellany of Scottish Country Dances · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs 1– 9– 17– 25– 1M+2W A&R ; dance BtoB 1W+2M repeat 1c long cast (2c up), dance through 3c and cast up into 2pl 2c+1c+3c in a wide circle A&R ; all C turn P RH to places Produced by the SCD Database <http://my.strathspey.org/dd/> on 31 August 2014, 12:30 4/5 21 PELORUS JACK J32 · 3/4L Barry Skelton: RSCDS XLI 1 · Crib: Eric Ferguson's SCD Cribs · Diagram: Keith Rose's Diagrams 1– 9– 17– 25– 1c cross RH, cast (2c up) ; 1c+3c RHA, finish 1M facing 1cnr, 1W behind him 1c in tandem +1cnrs ½ diagonal Reel3, Rsh to 3W (1M & 1W loop R singly for lead change, so 1W now leads P) ; ½ diagonal Reel3, Rsh to 2W (+ lead change) Continue pattern twice 2c+1c LHA ; 1c turn LH ½ | all set (2,1,3) Produced by the SCD Database <http://my.strathspey.org/dd/> on 31 August 2014, 12:30 5/5
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