Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 MIDDLE GROUND Teaching and learning with young adolescents Principal’s Message Dear EHMS Family: As we look around at the beauty of the fall season it is hard to believe that the first month of school is already behind us. All of our students are busily engaged in their classroom experiences and making connections with their new teachers. Our sixth graders have already become a very important part of our school family and seem to have adjusted nicely to the new routines of the Middle School. We continue to incorporate rigor and critical thinking into our daily learning activities. We hope you are all taking advantage of the GradeQuick portion of Edline. This involves providing parents with an electronic snapshot of their child’s academic progress in their classes. These electronic reports will be updated every Monday and Thursday and are accessed through the child’s Edline account. Teachers’ webpages will continue to have updated classroom assignments throughout the year. If you have any questions regarding access to Edline please call the school and ask for Mrs. Turner. The East Hampton School District continues to utilize a software program eliminating the manual cash register check out process for school meals and milk purchases (including breakfast from 7:45 - 8:00 and lunch). MEALPAYPLUS lets each student have an on-line account that can be viewed by parents at any time to check their account balance and see what their child eats. Parents are encouraged to send in a check that will be added directly to their child’s account. The cafeteria system is linked to our student management software; therefore all students are automatically enrolled in the food service program. October is National Anti-Bullying Prevention month. East Hampton Middle School prides itself in promoting a safe school environment that utilizes PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) structures to teach our students about the value of kindness, respect, responsibility and pride in all that they do. To support the idea of respecting each other we will encourage students to wear orange on October 22nd as part of a national movement for Unity Day. Unity Day is a day that everyone can come together to send a message of support, hope, unity, respect and kindness. We will also be providing some school-wide activities to promote appropriate behaviors in our environment. We had a very successful Panther Fall Fest on Sept 19th. It was attended by many schools, students and parents. It was a great family time as we celebrated our fall athletic teams. It was a wonderful day and I would like to thank the many parents, students and coaches who made this event such a success. In particular, our PTO and our Athletic Director, Michael Mercaldi, who coordinated the food and event very effectively. I want to wish all of you and your families a pleasant and productive October as we move through the school year. Nancy Briere, Principal East Hampton Middle School Page 1 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 OCTOBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS October 22nd Please check website for updates to the calendar! 1-31 2,6,9,14, 16,20,23, 27, 30 3 8 8 & 22 9 13 14 14-17 15 15 16 17 17 Stop & Shop A+ Rewards Begins today 7 p.m. PTO Meeting in LMC Spanish Club in Room 35 @2:35 p.m. Principal’s Parent Forum 8:309:15 a.m. No School—Columbus Day Late arrival day for students— school begins at 9:45 a.m. Student Council is selling pink & white ribbon bracelets during lunch waves to support Sandy Peszynski breast cancer awareness Permission slips due for 7th grade band/chorus field trip Chatham Health Flu Clinic @EHHS Café from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Vo-Ag presentation in Commons 8:15—9:00 a.m. -Fundraising ends today for Yankee Candle -Wear pink to school today in support of our breast cancer awareness campaign Bike Fest @4 p.m. –5:30 p.m. today @Cranberry Bog 21 Diversity Conference in Middletown for selected 7th graders 22 Wear Orange to school today to support National Unity Day Vinal Tech presentation for Grade 8—8:15—9:00 23 29 30 Wear the color orange to school on Wednesday, October 22, in support of National Book Month and AntiBullying Prevention Month Edline/Grade Quick Update Coast Guard field trip for 7th grade band/chorus students Gr. 6 Halloween Bash in Commons at 2:35-4 p.m. East Hampton Middle School National Unity Day National Unity Day is a day that everyone can come together to send a message of support, hope, unity, respect and kindness. Students, look for special, fun activities that day! Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards During the period of October 3, 2014 through March 19, 2015 your Stop & Shop card can earn points for our school. These points become cash for our school to use for any of our educational needs. If you would like to participate, please register your card by calling 1-877-275-2758, or going on-line at Our school ID code is 11133. We will post monthly year-todate totals in this newsletter. Thank you for your support. HEALTH NOTES—6th Grade Physical By Beth Kelpen, R.N. Reminder- 6th grade parents/guardians: State of Connecticut requires that a physical be done during the 6th grade year. State guidelines now requires a second dose of varicella, Tdap and a menactra immunization for 7th grade entry. Please have your physician complete the blue form and then return it to me. If you have any questions please contact me at or call 860-365-4060. Thanks! The Administrator Core New group forming—The Administrator Core— for those wondering if other students have the same interests as you and want to make a positive impact on our school! The sign up sheet is next to room 13. Meetings will be held during the school day! Page 2 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 EAST HAMPTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS NEWS FROM THE CAFETERIA The Cafeteria serves Breakfast before school for all students for $2.00! If you are a free lunch* student you also qualify for free breakfast. If you pay a reduced lunch price, your price for breakfast will be 30¢. The Middle School Cafeteria Manager, Mrs. Colburn, and her staff are serving a menu of healthy food. They are hustling to make fresh food for each lunch line. Along with the scheduled hot lunch, there is a new “Grab ‘N Go” cart located in the cafeteria with fresh made sandwiches and salads. Just grab ‘n go without having to wait in the hot lunch line! With every meal your student has the option to choose a tossed salad loaded with fresh vegetables or select from a rainbow tray of assorted vegetables with hummus. Fresh fruit or fruit cups are also offered every day with the meals. The Cafeteria also sells snacks & desserts which are all on the Connecticut approved healthy food list. The East Hampton School District continues to use a software program which eliminates the manual checkout process for school meals and cafeteria purchases. Students enter their pin number at the cashier to access account balances and purchase items, thus making the lunch line move faster as students use the money from their account. With your child’s student id number (obtained from the cafeteria office), you can create a free on-line account to view your child’s purchases and monitor the account balance through Applying payments through this service is subject to a fee. You may also call the support center 1-877-237-0946 should you have any questions. You may send a check in with your student to the school office to fund any cafeteria purchases your child will make. You choose the amount, one month’s purchases is suggested. The full amount of your check will be applied directly to your child’s individual account. Cash is still accepted but not preferred as handling takes additional time and checks provide a more traceable record. Breakfast Hot Lunch Snacks/desserts This year’s prices are: $2.00 Reduced Breakfast $3.00 Reduced Lunch $ .50 to $1.50 Milk 30¢ 40¢ 50¢ *If you believe your student(s) would qualify for free or reduced meals please complete an application which is available in the school office. EHMS-POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION AND SUPPORT (PBIS) MISSING HOMEWORK POLICY Homework Policy 2014-15: During a quarter: 3 missing homework assignments = a phone call home 4 missing homework assignments = a teacher detention and parents/guardians will be contacted by the teacher (Please give pink copy of detention form to office). 5 missing homework assignments = referral to administrators, parents/guardians will be called by administrators, and a 2 hour office detention will be given by administrators. An additional incentive 2 hour detention will be given if work continues to be missing. Communication between teachers and administrators will occur to determine need. East Hampton Middle School Page 3 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 MATH HELP The following are the workshop/homeroom days we will be providing general extra math help. All sessions will take place in the library conference room. Grade 6 Day 5 & 10 Grade 7 Day 1 &6 Grade 8 Day 3 & 8 EHMS Music Department News All Band, Jazz Band and Chorus students will have their concerts at EHMS this year. Students need to dress in black dress pants and a white dress shirt or a polo shirt with a collar for all performances. The 7th grade band and chorus students will be attending the United States Coast Guard Band Concert on October 29, 2014 in New London. This performance will highlight the music of iconic American composers Aaron Copland, Charles Ives, John Adams, Duke Ellington and George Gershwin. Permission slips are due by October 15. Upcoming Concerts Wednesday, November 5 10:30 a.m. the 8th grade band/chorus will be playing at the Inaugural Hartford Wolfpack Educational School Day Game held at the XL Center in Hartford, CT. Permission slips due 10/30. Friday, December 19th: Band, Jazz Band, chorus field trip to Center School to perform: Snow date Mon., December 22nd Wednesday, January 14th Thursday, January 15th Winter Concert for Band, Chorus and Jazz Band in the EHMS gym at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 7th : Spring Concert for Band, Chorus and Jazz Band in EHMS gym at 6:30 p.m. Tues., May 12th: Thursday, May 28 Band, Jazz Band, chorus field trip to Memorial School to perform 6/7/8 band/chorus to perform at New Britain Rock Cats Game Snow date for Winter Concert, EHMS gym, 6:30 p.m. *Dates are subject to change. See our website at for updates. SPANISH CLUB El Club de español se reunirá una vez al mes hasta el mes de junio. Si quieres jugar juegos, mirar películas, hacer artesanías y preparar comida; ven al Club de español. Para más detalles contactar a la Señora Mannino. Muchas gracias. (This club will meet once a month through June. If you like playing games, watching movies, making arts and crafts and preparing delicious Spanish food join the club. Contact Señora Mannino for details.). October meetings are on the 8th and 22nd. Permission slips are available in the Commons during lunch waves, or in the office. East Hampton Middle School Page 4 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 Parent/Guardian Principal’s Forum Our first Parent/Guardian Principal’s Forum is being held on October 9 at 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. This forum is open to any parent/guardian who would like information or would like to share comments you have about our wonderful school. This is an open dialogue with the principal. Please sign in at the office when you attend and say you are here for the forum. We will meet in the Main Office Conference Room. Thank you. STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS By Neil Shilansky, Advisor Student Council has been very busy this past September. We are meeting every Friday morning at 7 a.m. in the EHMS Commons. The following are upcoming activities: 1) In recognition of October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, from Tuesday October 14 to Friday October 17 during lunch waves, EHMS Student Council will be selling pink and white ribbon bracelets for $1 each. All proceeds will be donated to the Sandy Peszynski Cancer Foundation. 2) Students & Staff: on the final day of our Student Council pink and white ribbon bracelets’ sale, Friday, October 17, is Wear Pink to school day, in recognition of our breast cancer awareness support. 3) October 30 from 2:35 to 4 p.m. is the 6th grade Halloween bash. Cost is $4 with a food bank donation or $5 without a food bank donation. All students can wear costumes that day. The rule is no masks or full face paint and no weapons, weapon facsimiles or dangerous accessories. Please keep costumes safe and appropriate for school. 4) Our first student council dance is coming up on November 14—grade 7 and 8 dance from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the Commons. Parents should drop off students in the front circle and students will enter the dance through the side hallway doors leading into the Commons. All coats, purses and hats will be stored in the music room during the dance. Students will not be allowed to enter the dance after 7:30 p.m., unless they have received prior permission from administration. Students may not leave the dance early without prior notice to administration and parent pickup. Only EHMS students are eligible to attend. Emergency Information DAILY ABSENCES FROM SCHOOL It is very important that we have complete and up-to-date information in case an emergency situation arises and we must reach a parent/guardian. Please keep us updated should information change during the year by calling us at 860-365-4060 or emailing us at Thank you! East Hampton Middle School THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Please remember to call the school during office hours at 860-365-4060 when your child is absent. Office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Also, students who need to leave the school for appointments should stop in the office with a note from their parent/guardian before going to their homeroom. Page 5 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 BIKE FEST—October 17 —By Mrs. Kuck There is an Airline Trail bike ride scheduled for Friday, October 17. An EHMS Airline Trail bike ride will once again be sponsored by East Hampton’s Local Prevention Council as part of their Biking Builds Better Breathers campaign. Join us on Friday, October 17th, for a 6-mile bike ride for our 6th, 7th and 8th graders and their families. The route will be entirely on the Airline Trail from Cranberry Bog to Bull Hill and back. The ride will begin at 4:00 p.m. and should conclude around 5:30 p.m. We start and end at the Cranberry Bog parking lot. Helmets are required, and a water bottle is a good idea! Snacks and drinks will be provided. Permission slips/handout for the bike ride will be available at the office and during lunch waves towards the beginning of October. Announcements will be made during the lunch waves. A completed and signed permission slip is required to participate in the ride. Hope to see you on the trail! EHMS PTO News The PTO would like to thank the Middle School parents who completed new membership forms & made donations to the PTO! On 9/16/14, Yankee Candle fundraising packets went home with the students. Extra fundraiser packets can be picked up in the main office. Please note that fundraiser sales end 10/17/14. Yankee Candles can be ordered on the paper order forms and online at (using Group #990041964). Be on the lookout for a t-shirt and hoodie sale in time for the holidays! Please "LIKE" the EHMS PTO on Facebook. Upcoming meeting dates are: 10/8, 11/12, 12/10, 1/14, 2/11, 3/11, 4/8, 5/13, 6/10. SKI CLUB NEWS EHMS is once again planning to offer a Ski Club in January 2015, mostly likely on Wednesdays, or Mondays, depending on availability at Mount Southington. There will be an initial interest sign-up sheet for Ski Club in late October. All students that are interested in skiing or snowboarding at Mt. Southington this winter should sign up. More information, including fees, will follow at the beginning of November. Many local ski areas hold ski swaps within the next few months. This is a much cheaper way to get great equipment and not have to rent. Ski areas also offer seasonal equipment rental that you can use at any mountain. More details to come. If parents have any questions, please call 860-365-4060 x389 or contact Mrs. Irene Kuck by email at Thank you! PICTURE RETAKE DAY School pictures were taken on September 18. Picture retake day is tentatively scheduled for the end of October, actual date to be determined, between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. in the Commons. A handout will be sent home with the students once we have the date confirmed. For retakes there is a $5 charge, unless there was a technical difficulty. Retake forms are in the picture packet and must be signed by the parent/ guardian. Use this retake form as a pass for the student to leave class. The picture packet must be returned in its entirety to Schoolgraphics, if retakes are done. Should you have questions, please call Schoolgraphics at 860-859-1482. Students who are taking pictures for the first time, please use the original order form or get an order form at the main office beforehand. Remember, say “cheese”! Attendance Policy At East Hampton Middle School, we believe that attendance in class is an integral part of a student’s total educational experience. We urge you to stress the importance of good attendance. East Hampton Middle School Page 6 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 Attendance Policy Cont’d. Absences that are not for illness, religious celebration, legal business, and deaths/funerals are considered to be unexcused. The State of Connecticut requires school administrators to report 4 unexcused absences in one month or 10 unexcused absences in a school year as truant. Please call the school before 8:30 a.m. to report an absence. There may be situations when a medical note is requested. If you have any questions about this policy, you may call Mrs. Briere or Mr. Lehmann. PANTHER FALL FEST—SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 East Hampton MS Athletic Director, Mike Mercaldi, would like to thank a few people who helped make this year’s Panther Fall Fest a very special one. Thank you Donna Roberts, Amy Conklin and her father, the Junior Football Association, especially Frank D'Anna, East Hampton Parks and Recreation, East Hampton Middle School PTO members and, most of all, Denise Russo, for assisting me this year. Mrs. Dugas & Mrs. Briere A special thank you goes out to our sponsors: Modells Sports Goods, Coca Cola, ADL imaging. All those in East Hampton Paul's and Sandy's Too, Stop and Shop, Rossini's Pizza and McDonalds. Another special thank you to East Hampton High School's boys and girls cross country teams, the East Hampton High School's interact club, East Hampton Athletic Department, for lending us their golf cart, East Hampton custodian Rob Wysocki, East Hampton police department, Coastal Valley Soccer association of soccer officials, all of the parents from East Hampton who volunteered their time, and all of those from the EMT's who donated their entire day in helping us, thank you! Last but not least, thank you to the residents who live on Child's Road who for one day every year support this function, thank you! Cross Country: The cross country team had a great showing in the 2014 Panther Fall Fest. The Panther Fest began with the 6th grade boys race, with Alex Nikolov taking 3rd place and Dan Segovia taking 10th place. In the 6th grade girls race, Angela Mercaldi finished in 4th place and Hannah Barrientos finished in 6th place. In the 7th grade boys race, Tommy Lopes finished in 1st place and Jake Ireland finished in 4th place. In the 7th grade girls race, Liv DiStefano finished in 1st place and Jessica Cohen finished in 2nd place. In the 8th grade boys race, Joshua Barrientos finished in 6th place and John O’Brien finished in 7th place. Although there were no top ten placements in the girls 8th grade race, Emily Bunnell finished in 13th place. Congratulations to all the cross country runners for another successful 2014 Panther Fall Fest. Boys’ Soccer: On Friday at Panther Fest, the boys’ soccer team carried on the EHMS winning tradition by winning all three games they played. In the first game, the JV team evenly fought the Varsity team from Bolton for the first 20 minutes of the 25 minute game. Then, with five minutes left, Chris MacDonald took a pass from Gabe Jerjies to score the game winning goal. The entire team gave an East Hampton Middle School Page 7 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 Panther Fall Fest Cont’d. exceptional effort in the victory, and some of the players to note were: Doug Collisson, Ben Gancarz,. Max Karrenberg, Nick Beaulieu, Anthony Napolitano and Colby Camp. In the second boys’ game of the night, the Varsity boys defeated Portland 2-1. Three minutes into the game, Zach Porter, assisted by Ryan Adams, scored the opening goal of the game. At the eleven minute mark, Portland slipped a shot by goalkeeper Noah Gibson to equal up the score. Noah, filling in for the injured Alex Link, had his revenge, however. Late in the game, Portland was in the midst of a strong attack, when Noah came off his line to make a game-winning save. With four minutes left, Zach Porter was pulled down in the Portland penalty area and Ethan Powers converted on the penalty kick to give EHMS the victory. In the final game of the night, EHMS battled a tough team from Lebanon for 21 of the 25 minute game. With three and a half minutes left in the game, the Panthers took control for good. Chris Rau began the Panther scoring when he took a pass from Ethan Powers to score the game winning goal. A minute later, Zach Porter scored an unassisted goal to widen the lead. Finally, with less than a minute to play, Mike Nevico scored on Ryan Adams’ second assist of the night to lock up the 3-0 victory. The JV team now has a record of 1 win and 2 losses, while the Varsity has a record of 4 wins and no losses. Girls’ Soccer: The varsity girls soccer team came psyched up and ready to play for Panther Fest this year. Portland gave them a tough fight in their first game, not allowing a goal despite several Panther chances in the first few minutes of the game. The Panther’s perseverance paid off as Katie Nikolov was able to put the ball in the back of the net 16 minutes into the game for the 1-0 win. Molly Conklin had the assist. Julia Shirley had a couple great saves in goal to help secure the win. Meagan McLaughlin and Lindsay Orbann helped control the ball in the middle of the field, while Shannon Bristol, Alyssa Marchi, Lexie Scrivano and Tamisha Myers held down the fort defensively. In their second game, the girls really showed off how dominant of a team they can be. The girls were fired up to play under the lights, scoring often for a convincing 5-0 win against Lebanon. Katie Nikolov started the scoring 5 minutes in off a pass from Molly Conklin, then two minutes later Kayla Field was tripped in the box and converted on the penalty kick. Just minutes later Molly Conklin added a goal of her own, followed one minute later by Katie Nikolov from Meagan McLaughlin. The last goal of the night game from 6th grader Meryl Curtin as she saw her first varsity minutes and capitalized on the opportunity. Defensively Morgan Govoni and Alyssa Marchi played fantastic together, plugging up the left side of the field. 8th graders Ava Kuch and Skylar Vicino played valuable minutes throughout the night to help the cause It was a great afternoon to be a Lady Panther as the JV Soccer squad came out with a 1-0 win over a determined Bolton team. Ally Williams and captain Sarah Balda combined for the shut-out victory, while Amelia Dill and Lauren Klemonski provided the strong defense necessary to win. On the offensive side, Emily Balda blasted a free-kick over the startled Bolton goalie for the decisive goal. Emma Wolfram and Maggie Donohue also were great in bringing the ball up the field. Danielle Adams deserves mention as a stand-out player through-out the day. . East Hampton Middle School Page 8 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 2014-2015 HOMEWORK CLUB at EHMS September 10 through November 10 Session One of Homework Club will begin on September 10. Homework Club is open to any student wishing to spend some time after school getting homework help, getting organized, or just needing a quiet place to get work done. The club will run from 2:35 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day and will be monitored by one of our Middle School teachers. Session One will run on Mondays and Wednesdays through November 10. The actual dates are listed on the sign-up sheet at the bottom of the page. The fee for the club is $5.00 per day attended. A late bus will be provided for those students needing transportation home from school after Homework Club. To sign up for Homework Club, fill out the form below and have your son or daughter bring it in to Mr. Lehmann with the correct payment. Forms and payment are due into the office before you attend. Please check next to the appropriate statement below, whether you will not need or will need the late bus home after Homework Club. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SESSION ONE- HOMEWORK CLUB Yes. I would like my child __________________________Grade_______ to participate in Homework Club. I have circled the dates they will be attending and have enclosed the appropriate fee. _____I will not need to use the late bus. _____I will need to use the late bus. My address is ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________ Date Fee: # Days __________ X $5.00 = $__________________________________ Monday Wednesday No club today September 10 September 15 September 17 September 22 September 24 September 29 October 1 October 6 October 8 No club today October 15 October 20 October 22 October 27 October 29 November 3 November 5 November 10 East Hampton Middle School Page 9 October Website— East Hampton Middle School Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 Page 10 October Website— East Hampton Middle School Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 Page 11 October Website— East Hampton Middle School Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 Page 12 October East Hampton Middle School Tuesday Page 13 No School Columbus Day 28 21 Cheddar Burger French Fries Steamed Green Beans Mini Pancakes Sausage Links Hash Brown 15 Cheeseburger French Fries Seasoned Carrots Sausage Links Hash Brown 8 French Toast Sticks Cheeseburger French Fries Steamed Green Beans 16 9 Buffalo Chicken Chili Salsa & Sour Cream Dinner Roll Cheesy Bosco Sticks Marinara Sauce Steamed Broccoli Mashed Potatoes Corn & Gravy 2 Popcorn Chicken Bowl Thursday Mashed Potatoes Corn & Gravy 29 Popcorn Chicken Bowl Steamed Brown Rice Steamed Broccoli 22 General Tao’s Chicken Sausage Links Hash Brown Patty 30 French Toast Sticks Marinara Sauce 23 Cheesy Bosco Sticks National School Lunch Week! Popcorn Chicken French Fries Steamed Green Beans Dinner Roll 14 Sandwich Tomato Soup 1 Wednesday October 2014 OR Assorted Fresh Baked Pizza 31 24 17 Mozzarella Sticks & Dinner Roll OR Assorted Fresh Baked Pizza Includes a milk & fruit Baked Potato or Assorted Pizza $3.00 Reduced .40 OR Mozzarella Sticks & Dinner Roll Alternate Lunch Daily: Reduced .40 Includes milk & 1 of the following: -Tossed Salad -Fresh Fruit/Fruit Cup -Vegetable Cup & Dip Lunch $3.00 Reduced Breakfast.30 Free to those who qualify Includes a milk & fruit $2.00 Breakfast Served Daily! Assorted Fresh Baked Pizza Mozzarella Sticks & Dinner Roll OR Assorted Fresh Baked Pizza Mozzarella Sticks & Dinner Roll OR Mozzarella Sticks & Dinner Roll Assorted Fresh 10 Baked Pizza 3 Friday Menu Subject To Change ADD $ TO A STUDENT’S ACCOUNT @ CALL THE OFFICE TO GET STUDENT ID # OR CHECK PAYABLE TO EAST HAMPTON CAFETERIA FUND* Lettuce & Tomato 27 Buffalo Chicken Wrap Sweet Potato Fries Steamed Green Beans 20 Oven Fried Chicken 13 French Fries 6 Chicken Patty Sandwich 7 Grilled Ham & Cheese Monday East Hampton Middle School Menu Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 October Website— Contact us: MIDDLE GROUND October 2014 East Hampton MS B/G Soccer DATE: OPPON. HOME/AWAY BUS Sep. 16 Tuesday EH @ RHAM (Girls at MS/Boys at Veterans Park) 2:30 Sept. 17 Wed. Woodrow Wilson @ EH (Girls at EHHS/North Field) SEPT. 19 Friday PANTHER FALL FEST Sept. 22 Mon. RHAM @ EH (Boys at EHHS/North Field) Sept. 24 Wed. Rocky Hill @EH (Girls at EHHS/Main Field) Sept. 29 Mon. EH @ Durham 2:30 Oct. 3 Friday Cromwell @ EH (Boys at EHHS/Main Field) Oct. 6 Mon. EH @ Woodrow Wilson (both games at Pat Kidney) 2:30 Oct. 7 Tuesday Berlin @ EH (Girls at EHHS/Main Field) Oct. 9 Thursday EH @ Colchester (Girls at MS./Boys at Bacon Academy) 2:30 Oct. 10 Friday EH @ Rocky Hill (Boys at SunnyCrest/Girls at MS) 2:30 Oct. 15 Wed. Durham @ EH (Boys at EHHS/North Field) Oct. 17 Thur. Colchester @EH (Girls @ EHHS/North Field) Oct. 20 Monday EH @ Cromwell 2:30 Oct. 21 Tuesday EH @ Berlin (Girls at MS/Boys at Percival field) 2:30 Oct. 24 Friday Hale Ray @ EH Boys 5:30/Girls 7:15 @ EHMS…No JV! Home games (3:30 Starts): @ EHMS Middle School @ EHHS High School (North Field or Main Field..subject to change) DIS 2:20 2:20 2:20 2:20 2:20 2:20 2:20 Practice sites for boys/girls Var./JV teams @ EHMS 2:35 pm until 5:00 pm. Boys Head Coach- Kevin Rigdon Assistant Coach-Kelsey Urbanetti Girls Head Coach-Laura Chretien Assistant Coach-Rebecca Parkos Athletic Director-Michael Mercaldi (860)463-6837 Note: Fields at the High School are subject to change! Schedule is also subject to change as well. As 10-4-14 2014-15 East Hampton MS B/G CROSS COUNTRY DATE: Sept. 16 Tuesday SITE: EH @ Rocky Hill (G) (Sunny Crest Park) Sept. 19 Friday PANTHER FEST @ EH Sept. 23 Tuesday Berlin @ EH (G) Sept. 25 Thursday EH @ Woodrow Wilson (B) (Veteran’s Park) Sept. 30 Tuesday Cromwell @ EH (B) Oct. 2 Thursday EH @ RHAM (G) Oct. 6 Monday Durham @ EH (G) Oct. 9 Thursday EH @ Durham (B) Oct. 14 Tuesday Rocky Hill @ EH (B) Oct. 16 Thursday EH @ Berlin (G) (Pistol Creek) Oct. 21 Tuesday Woodrow Wilson @ EH (G) Oct. 23 Thursday EH @ Cromwell (B) Oct. 29 Wednesday MMSL INVITATIONAL @ East Hampton (Boys run 1st) (Rain Date: 10/30) (B) Boys run first. (G) Girls run first. Head Coach-Joanna Mercaldi BUS 2:30 DISMISSAL 2:20 2:30 2:20 2:30 2:20 2:30 2:20 2:30 2:20 2:30 2:20 Assistant Coach-Elaine Sullivan Athletic Director-Michael Mercaldi (860)463-6837 As of 10-4-14 …subject to change! East Hampton Middle School Page 14 October
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