er 2014 Octob AHE

6 9:00 A- Archives
10:30A - Prayer Shawl
6:00 Praise Ringers
7:00 Property, W&M
7:15 Psalm Ringers
Every Monday:
 Daisies
 Brownies
 Jr. Girl Scouts
2:00 Reformation Con-
26 - 20th Sun. after Pent.
19 19th Sun. after Pent.
Blood Drive at HTLC
10:45 Contemporary Svc
4:00 Faith Formation
Fall Foliage Day at Camps
Kirchenwald & Nawakwa
6:00 Praise Ringers
7:15 Psalm Ringers
6:00 Praise Ringers
7:00 Women of ELCA
7:15 Psalm Ringers
7:30 AM Youth Event
New Windsor, MD
Blood Pressure Checks 6:00 Praise Ringers
after both services 6:30 Brotherhood
Nov. Newsletter Deadline 7:15 Psalm Ringers
12 18th Sun. after Pent.
World Mission Sunday
World Communion Day
Ingathering Sunday
12:00 -Sun. School Teacher
Recognition Dinner
5 17th Sun. after Pent.
Svc of Holy Communion
8:00 & 10:45 AM
Sunday School 9:30AM
Youth Choir Rehearsal
9:00 AM
Every Sunday:
7:00 Senior Choir
7:00 Senior Choir
Palm Lutheran
Noon Meal
9:00 AM Collate
Newsletter 7:00 CHURCH
7:00 125th Anniv.
7:00 Missionary
7:00 Senior choir
7:00 Social Ministry
Social Activities
Senior Choir
Christian Ed &
School Teachers
2-All Saints Sunday
13/14 Bazaar
21-Women’s Retreat
October 2014
Remember the
Kirchen Golf
Retreat at
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Fall Retreat @ Members
Camp Hebron
31 All Saints EVe
October Worship Assistants
#5—Marie Smith, Scott Wolfe
#1—Ed Kulakowski, Woodrow Miller, Moe Gockley
#2—Jay Brown, Scott Hentz, James Rittle
#3—Richard Bullock, William Auman
Beth Moore
Terry Weaver
Nancy Brightbill
Louise Battistelli
Richard Hollinger
Bonnie Battistelli
Rev. Thomas Light
Rev. Conrad & Winifred Youse
Charles & Pat Baeckert
Darwin & Nancy Miller
Lorna Rothermel & Betty Schriver
Gina Barb
Collin Mentzer
Grace Tanner
Nicole Runkel
Courtny Lawson
Louise Battistelli
DATE 8:00
10/26 Debra Lawson, Dawn Kohr
Norman Deaven, Stephanie Kaylor
Mari Beth Nye, Stephanie Kaylor
Denise Cassel, Stephanie Kaylor
Amanda Kohr, Stephanie Kaylor
Earl Peiffer
Michael Runkel
Jay Brown
Melissa Godlevski
Horace Ehrgood
David Houser
Neal Galbraith
William & Shirley Godlevski
David & Barb Eisenhauer
Kurt & Eleanor Hoke
Dixie Lawson
William Bishop
Dawn Kohr
Bradley Bishop
Raymond Kohr
James Lawson
William Bishop
Sue Ann Houser, Alex Wolfe
trinity tidings
Volume 43 – No. 8
October 2014
The Reverend Gretchen Ierien, Pastor
Joette Hollinger/Brenda Galbraith (Co-Editors)
Church Office Hours: Mondays 12:30-4:00 PM, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Closed on Fridays
Visit us on the web at
Good things rarely grow in the dark. As I
write this I realize that at this very
moment I have a bin of potatoes and
onions in my pantry that are trying to
prove this point wrong. I looked at the
lot of them this morning and I saw
sprouts and shoots coming out of the
wrinkled and withered produce. We all know that placing
these vegetables in the dark slows down the growing process. If I dragged them out into the light and then planted
them in their proper place in the ground at the appropriate time they would yield good fruit for that labor.
exhausted and alone. I mean think of it, surrounded by
voices, but feeling utterly alone. It feels disconnecting,
from ourselves, from others, and ultimately from God.
Writers on the spiritual life, both ancient and modern,
are unanimous in saying that silence and solitude lead
to a love of God, a love of self, and a love of others. It is
not a matter of retreating away from the world in order
to forget the world. The practice of silence is about
learning how to pay attention. It is not a closing of
one’s eyes to the world around you. It is about dragging things into the light and getting a good look at it
with eyes wide open.
Everything and everyone wants to grow. We are equipped
with a biological imperative that urges us beyond just survival but to growth and quality of life. And yet we do so
many things that keep us slowly sprouting away at a
glacial speed. We fill every corner of our lives with noise,
from the blaring of our alarm clocks in the morning to the
last television show before we go off to bed. We busy ourselves with activity from bustling off to work or chores to
the tasks of each of our busy families and schedules. Busyness is held up as a virtue but is it really an idolatry?
But silence for some can be frightening. Like I mentioned before, good things rarely grow in the dark. For
some of us turning the lights on might be a bit of an
ordeal. But I promise you this, there is life in the light.
This congregation has gone through some challenging
times. All congregations have. As we move forward
together let us keep reminding ourselves that good
things rarely grow in the dark. When we have
challenges that will come our way we will let the light
of God shine in and let that guide our way. We will
learn together to listen for God’s call in our collective
life and we will ever strive for reconciliation and peace.
Living a life with God at the core requires that we give ourselves permission to learn to listen. Listening requires that
we stop our activity and our action and we allow ourselves
to simply be for a while. After all we are not human
doings; we are human beings. All of our busy-ness helps
us to anesthetize our problems – our perpetual motion
allows us to avoid dealing with our issues. I’ve known
people who fill their lives with noise and hurry to combat
their depression, but the result of this is that they feel
May the peace of Christ be with you always.
trinity tidings is the newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 723 Lehman Street, Lebanon, PA 17046
In Memory of Rev. Wilson R. Hoyer
Prayers of comfort and strength are with the family of Pastor Hoyer who died at home on
Thursday, August 28, 2014, at the age of 81.
Born in Reading on May 23, 1933, he was the son of the late George and Buelah Fox Hoyer.
Pastor Hoyer was a 1955 graduate of Muhlenberg College and a 1958 graduate of The
Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia.
He began his ministry at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Yelm, WA, served St. John's
Lutheran Church in Auburn, PA, and St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Adamstown, PA
prior to becoming our pastor at Holy Trinity from 1971 until his retirement in 2003.
Pastor Hoyer was the husband of Susan L. Bowman Hoyer and the late Barbara Hoyer. In
addition to his wife, Susan, he is survived by sons Chris M. Hoyer and Mark W. Hoyer, two
step-daughters, three grandchildren, five step grandchildren, three great grandchildren,
and a brother Paul Hoyer. He was predeceased by a son Matthew Hoyer, and brothers William and Lee Hoyer.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church or Habitat for Humanity of
Lebanon County, 235 S. 12th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042.
Dear Members of Holy Trinity...October is Clergy Appreciation Month
God has entrusted pastors with the very precious assignment of our spiritual well being. In carrying out their assignment, Pastors, as well as their families, try to please God and meet the high expectations and overwhelming demands
of their congregations. They are expected to never fall off the pedestal of being ideal Christian role models. They are
also on-call 24 hours a day.
October is Clergy Appreciation Month. We are encouraging you to join churches around the country in thanking our
pastors for their dedication to the service of God. There are many ways to say thank you to our clergy: Attend church
regularly, year-round; pray daily for our clergy and for their families; read the Bible daily as a devotional; pledge
service to the church by giving of your time and skills; and send a card to say thank you to the pastors.
Rev. Gretchen & Rev. Bob Ierien, 500 Weavertown Rd #127, Lebanon, PA 17046
Lay Pastor Ross Boyd, 338 Canal St., Lebanon, PA 17046
Rev. and Mrs. Conrad (Winnie) Youse, 305 S. 3rd St., Lebanon, PA 17042
Rev. and Mrs. Craig (Marian) Dorward, 428 E. Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042
Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan (Laura) Jenkins, 390 Oaklyn Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042
Rev. Julia and Jeff Hart, 105 W. Chew Ave., PO Box 637, St. Michaels, MD 21663
Rev. and Mrs. Paul (Holly) Smeltz, 323 Portland Place, Lititz, PA 17543
Rev. Kathryn Warn, PO Box 5692, Kigali Rwanda
Rev. Darlis Swan, 4307 Wimbledon Dr., Harrisburg, PA 17112
“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well, are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is
preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17
Please take a moment to thank the pastors of Holy Trinity.
Sincerely, Christian Education Committee
Church Council Members
Committee Chair Persons
W. Ross Boyd (Pastor’s Asst.)
Sue Ann Houser
Bradley Bishop (President)
Scott Hower
Barbara Copenhaver (Vice-President) Julie Mentzer
Stephanie Kaylor (Secretary)
Andrew Rhoade
Jeremy Bullock
Michael Runkel
George Dodson
Tom Ryland
Melissa Godlevski
Terry Weaver
Richard Hollinger
Allen Light (Church Treasurer)
Worship/Music—Richard Hollinger
Evangelism—Jeffrey Lau/Jack Derfler
Finance—Elvin Green
Social Activities—Stephanie Kaylor
Property—Henry Wampler
Christian Ed—Denise McDaniels
Archives—Richard Hollinger
Social Ministry—James Dibert
Publicity—Richard Hollinger
Stewardship—Scott Wolfe
October’s Worship Schedule
Oct. 5, 12, 26
8:00 & 10:45 AM—Traditional Service
Oct. 19
8:00 AM—Traditional Service
10:45 AM—Contemporary Service
LCCM Food Bank Item
The item requested in October is canned
vegetables. Items can be brought to the
church at any time and placed in the food
cart labeled “LCCM Food Bank” located
just inside the rear entrance to the church. Thank you
for participating in this program and remember to pick
up an extra item or two for the Food Bank when shopping for your family. Holy Trinity donated 55 pounds of
food to the Food Bank in August. This was almost all
boxes of Hamburger Helper, which are relatively light
in weight. The congregation’s response for this item
was actually very generous. Thank you!
Childcare is available at the 10:45 services.
9:30 AM every Sunday
Sunday School for all ages
CARE Class in Social Room
Coffee & Conversation Class in Luther’s Place
NOTE: Reformation Sunday is October 26 with traditional
services in the main sanctuary at 8:00 & 10:45 AM.
Contemporary Service will be held October 19 in Luther’s
Place at 10:45 AM.
Aluminum Can Collection
The church continues to collect aluminum
cans for recycling. Please bring the aluminum cans (rinsed & flattened) to the
church weekdays during church office
hours, or bring them along to church, Sunday School, or
any other church function. A container for them is
located inside the back door. Thank you.
Request for Altar Flowers
The 2014 flower chart is hanging in the
church narthex for sign-ups. Call Janice
Newmaster, 273-0788, to let her know
what date(s) you signed up for. The cost of
two bouquets is $50. If you care to “share”
a Sunday with someone, your cost would only be $25.
Helping Hands of Holy Trinity
If you need help of any kind, such as needing someone
to take you for a doctor appointment, grocery shopping,
grass cutting, help around the house, or someone to
visit you, remember we are here for you. Just call the
church office, 273-8567.
Dates open: All dates are filled for 2014
Newsletter Deadline—
October 12, 2014
If you are able and willing to be a
“Helping Hand” and help someone in
need, please call the church office so
your name can be added to the list.
If you want to guarantee your article is
included in the November newsletter, please email it to or deliver it to the church office
before the deadline. Any article submitted after the
deadline will not be included in the next newsletter unless
prearranged with Brenda. Editors also reserve the right to
edit for content and space.
NOTE: There is an urgent need for both “Callers” and
“Transporters”. Contact Sharon Gockley (933-5703) if
you are able and willing to assist.
Lutheran Camping Corp.
Upcoming Events
Snapcause— New Mission Trip
Fundraiser for 2014 - 2015
The Lutheran Camping Corporation of
Central Pennsylvania
Kirchenwald, Nawakwa, and The Wittel Farm
PO Box 459, Arendtsville, PA 17303
Phone: 717-677-8211
Visit the website for event information and registration.
We want to let you know that we are
now using the SNAPCAUSE mobile app
to help us fundraise for our 2015 June
Mission Trip.
Snapcause is a huge fundraising
opportunity for us and it is easy to
use. All you have to do is search for
the participating restaurants in the app and snap a
picture of your receipt after your meal. Participating
Lebanon restaurants include Heisey’s Diner, Miner’s
Club, A&M Pizza on Quentin Road and East Cumberland
Street, Greektown Pizza, and Napoli Pizza in Annville.
An instruction poster and list of ALL participating restaurants In the Lebanon, Hershey and Lancaster area can
be found on the instruction poster on shelf by the elevator inside the rear entrance to the church.
Snapcause is available for Android phones and
iPhone. If you don’t have one of those phones, you can
place your receipts from a participating business in the
envelope that is attached to the instruction poster. We
will snap a picture of your receipt for you.
We want to get an early start raising money for next
year so we are starting this program now. We are so
grateful for all your past support and thank you for your
continued participation in our fundraising efforts.
If you have questions, contact Denise McDaniels and she will connect you
with someone who can answer your questions.
Oct. 5—Capture the Flag Spectacular at Kirchenwald
Oct. 7-9—Book Study Retreat at Nawakwa
Oct. 19—Fall Foliage Day at Kirchenwald & Nawakwa
Oct. 25-26—KirchenGolf Retreat at Kirchenwald
Nov. 2—Annual Quilt Auction at Nawakwa
Nov. 7-9—Women’s Craft Retreat at Nawakwa
Dec. 6—Advent Day Apart at The Wittel Farm
Dec. 12-13—Advent Family Retreat at Nawakwa
Taize’ Worship
St. Luke Lutheran Church
Rt. 897, Schaefferstown
You are invited to join in meditative
readings, singing, prayer and silence. Taize’ gives you an
opportunity to reflect and be apart from the noisy
routines of the day. A deliberate time set aside for quiet
time with God.
Taize’ Worship begins at 7:00 PM
on the following Sundays
October 5
November 2
December 14
January 4
February 8
Thank you.
Mission Trip Fundraising Committee
October Happy Birthday Wishes
Reformation Day Concert
Happy Birthday to the following
Golden Agers of Holy Trinity who will
celebrate a birthday this month:
Date: Sunday, October 26, 2014
Time: 2:00 PM
Place: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
723 Lehman St., Lebanon
4—Mr. Charles Fenner
4—Mrs. Arlene Sheffey
11—Mrs. Marilyn Janesko
22—Mrs. Sara Ann McKinney
28—Mrs. Helen Stone
Add to their very special day by sending them your
greetings. Addresses can be obtained by calling the
church office, 273-8567.
Attention – Anyone age 75 or older: Please contact the
church office to let us know your birthday so we can
include you in the monthly Golden Agers of Holy Trinity
birthday wish list.
Holy Trinity will be hosting this concert which will be
primarily a combined choral group composed of local
Lebanon County churches. There will be three Tuesday
evening rehearsals held (Sept. 23, Oct. 7 and Oct. 21) at
7:00 PM in Holy Trinity’s choir room. All are urged to join
us for an afternoon of good music and a celebration of our
Lutheran faith. There will be a good-will offering and
refreshments served in our social room following the
concert. There is no need to RSVP in advance; just plan on
coming out to rehearsals. If you have any questions,
contact Paul (PJ) Copenhaver at 272-6376.
Emergency Shelter
The congregation of Holy Trinity
has once again offered our
facilities in support of the
Lebanon County Christian
Ministries Emergency Shelter
program which begins on
September 29. We are one of
many churches in the community
that will open their doors to provide a warm place to sleep for
those in need.
This year we will be a shelter site for two weeks beginning Monday, March 2 and running through Sunday,
March 15, 2015. The shelter will open around 8:00 each
evening and run through 7:00 the following morning
when our guests must depart.
Will you volunteer to host the shelter? What we need
are a few people for check-in each night as well as a couple to spend the night – it’s really that easy. This shelter
ministry is a community outreach that I’m sure will warm
your heart just knowing that our guests are warm and
sheltered from the cold. Please consider it.
To volunteer or to get questions answered, please
contact Neal Galbraith at 270-9043(h), 270-3552(w),
673-5825(c) or email him at
Just talk to someone who volunteered last year. They
will tell you they were blessed by those we served.
Saturday, October 18
from 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Join us as we welcome the community to our third
Trunk-or-Treat in Holy Trinity’s parking lot.
What is Trunk-or-Treat? It’s when several families get
together at the church, park their cars in the parking lot,
open up the trunks of their cars, and kids come around to
each car to Trunk-or-Treat instead of going house to
house to Trick-or-Treat.
If you don’t have a trunk, no worries – bring your lawn
chairs and you will get a space! Don’t forget your camera
either as there will be photo opportunities.
Space is limited! There is a sign-up sheet and a donation
bin in the Narthex. Sign-ups will be taken until Sunday,
October 12 or until filled. If you have any questions or to
sign up, please contact Stephanie Kaylor.
Youth Event
On October 13th the youth are
invited to take a road trip to New
Windsor Maryland. We will be
seeing the Lutheran World Relief
warehouse, and they will put us to work packing the
ingathered school kits and quilts packed to ship overseas.
We will meet at the Holy Trinity parking lot at
7:30 a.m. and we will return by 6:00 that evening. There
is limited space so make sure to sign up in the narthex or
by emailing
Please bring $5 for lunch and feel free to pack snacks
for the road.
Fall Harvest—Giving Thanks
October 12—Harvest Home Sunday
In preparation for Harvest Home
Sunday the church will be dressed
for the fall to remind us of the
bountiful harvest, to give thanks to
God, and to share our good fortunes. The Sanctuary will be
adorned with corn shocks, bales of
hay, fruit and vegetable baskets,
pumpkins, gourds, and fall leaves,
all to remind us of this significant
event in the life of Holy Trinity.
Prayer Retreat for Women
November 21-22 at Camp Kirchenwald
Calling all women of any age!
There will be food, fun, and an
opportunity to retreat in a
prayerful setting. Pastor
Gretchen of Holy Trinity and
Pastor Krystal of the Lebanon
Lutheran Cooperative Ministry will be leading this
retreat. This is a time to relax and unwind as we explore
different and creative ways to explore scripture and
prayer. The cost of this event will be $50 per person.
You can sign up in the narthex or by emailing
Bushel baskets will be available when you come forward
on Harvest Home Sunday in which to place your gifts.
There will also be baskets on the Harvest Table in which to
place a monetary gift. All gifts will the be donated to Lebanon County Christian Ministry’s Food Bank. Let’s plan to
have an overflow of giving on Harvest Home Sunday!
Candy Booth: need 4x4” squares of waxed paper for the
wrapping of caramels. Donations of butter, peanut
butter, granulated sugar, 10X sugar, coconut, coating
chocolate, cream cheese, and Karo (or generic) clear
corn syrup are needed. Mark “for candy” and place in
kitchen or see that Marian Brandt or Shirley Godlevski
get it.
96th Annual Bazaar—2014
Thursday, November 13, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM
Friday, November 14, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Jewelry Booth: will accept scarves, purses, belts, and
ties in addition to jewelry. For more information
contact Barb or Ron Miller.
Lunch items will be sold both days.
Knot Just Knits Booth: looking for knitted or crocheted
items, lap throws, etc. (no full-size afghans please).
Contact Sandy Meyer if you have any questions.
Chicken pies will also be served for lunch on Thursday and
will be sold in advance by tickets. Take-outs will be from
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
Kids Korner: will be located in the Nursery. Stephanie
Kaylor and Denise Cassel will be overseeing this service.
They will provide materials for kids to make a craft.
Plans regarding a possible dinner are in discussion. When
information is available, it will be advertised in future
Sunday bulletins.
Volunteers will be calling for monetary donations for
the purchase of kitchen supplies. This will be more costeffective and prevent waste of excess items. If you
choose to give a monetary donation, place it in a plain
envelope and mark it “For Bazaar” and place it in the
offering plate. Volunteers will also be calling for donations of baked goods for desserts at lunch. We thank
you for your anticipated donations.
Homemade Baking Corner: looking for assorted fruit pies
(6 and 9 inch), cakes (8X8 inch), pumpkin rolls and cookies
(especially sand tarts). If you have any questions, contact
Nancy Miller.
Homespun Booth: has an emphasis on holiday related
items (Thanksgiving, Christmas and the season of winter).
For more information see Sue Ann Whitmire, Kitty Logan
or Joette Hollinger.
We need volunteers in the following areas:
 Prior to the bazaar to help set up booths, move
tables and chairs, help with food prep work in the
 Days of the bazaar to help clean off tables, wash
dishes, help in the kitchen.
 After the bazaar to help clean up and put tables/
chairs back in place.
Elite Gifts: looking for clean, usable better quality items or
new items. Examples: seasonal items, nick-nacks, picture
frames, small lamps, jewelry boxes, tea sets, candles, etc.
If you have any questions, contact Lisa Getz.
White Elephant Room: See separate article in this newsletter for details.
If you have any bazaar related questions, please feel
free to contact Denise McDaniels or Roberta Wampler
-The Bazaar Committee
Pet Booth: in desperate need of items for furry friends
and not so furry friends. Items needed range from dog
biscuits, pet treats, dog sweaters, food bowls, just to
name a few. Contact Sue Green for more information.
Nuts: See separate article/order form in this newsletter
for details.
Book Booth: donate your gently used or new books as
Getting Ready for the Bazaar
White Elephant Booth
Getting Ready for the Bazaar
Nuts for Sale
The white elephant booth at the bazaar
has been a great success over the years
because of the fine donations from
people like you. We now need a little
help from you in order to continue this
success. Storage of the great volume of
donated items has become a particular
problem in the past few years. You can
really help by doing the following:
You will again be able to order Grade A nuts in the
church office several weeks before the bazaar. Deadline
to order is Sunday, October 26. The pre-orders will be
available for pick up on Sunday, November 9 or at the
Bazaar. Return your order form to the church office or
give it directly to Moe or Sharon Gockley.
Jumbo Roasted Peanuts w/salt (1 lb.) - $4.75__________
Salted Cashews (1 lb.) - $9.00 __________
(1/2 lb.) - $5.00 __________
Items can be brought in to the church the week
before the bazaar starting Sunday, November 2
through and up to noon on Sunday, November 9.
We cannot accept things after that time.
Only bring in items at the designated times unless
other arrangements are made.
Please bring in donations that are clean and usable. (A
good question to ask is: Would I be ashamed to put
out this item at my own yard sale?)
No computer related items. We will have to pay for
their proper disposal.
No floor model TV’s, Stereos, etc.
No exercise bikes or any large exercise equipment.
Small appliances (toasters, blenders, mixers, coffee
makers, etc.) will be accepted.
Mixed Nuts (1 lb.) - $8.50 __________
(1/2 lb.) - $4.50 __________
Butter Toffee Pecans (1/2 lb.) - $5.00 __________
Butter Toffee Almonds (1/2 lb.) - $6.00 __________
Consider helping the crew sort donations prior to the
bazaar. Thanks for your help and continued support.
-The Bazaar Committee
Words of Thanks
Thank you to everyone for all your support for the carnival, both in donations and attendance. Because of your support, we were able to raise almost $1,000 for the Carpenter family! Also, the Carpenters are in need of a 15-passenger
van. If anyone knows of one for sale at a decent price, please call Brian Carpenter (717-376-9420). Thank you again.
-Nikki, Hanna, Felicia and Courtney
Thank you fellow members of Holy Trinity for the outpouring of love you extended to all of Wilson’s family and in
honor of Wilson himself. The beautiful service, the wonderful luncheon; all of this to express the love you felt for
Wilson and the love he felt for you for 33 years and even after that time. Thank you Pastor Gretchen, thank you Ross,
thank you Steve, thank you all. -Susan Hoyer
Dear Congregation, On September 4 a delivery of 8 cardboard boxes of personal care items was made to Domestic
Violence Intervention. This summer collection was conducted by the Women of the ELCA and supported most generously by our congregation. We delivered body and hand lotions, cosmetic products, shampoo, brushes, combs,
mousse, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, shavers, shave cream, deodorant, feminine care products, Tide, multiple bars of hand soap, body wash, toilet tissue, facial tissue
and scouring sponges. All of the donations were very well received by the staff. Thank
you so much for your participation in this endeavor. -Karen Weaver, Projects Chair,
Women of the ELCA
Women of the ELCA Fair Trade Fair
On Saturday, November 1, 2014, 9:00 am-1:00 pm the Women of the ELCA at St. Luke Lutheran
Church, 107 East Main Street, Schaefferstown will sponsor a Fair Trade Fair and feature fairly traded
handcrafts from around the world. All the crafts sold are handmade by artisans from countries
around the world. Purchase a gift from our sale and you will provide income, dignity and hope to
people in developing regions of the world. All profits will be returned to Lutheran World Relief.
Catalogs to order additional items will also be available. Free coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided.
Each month names will be listed here for prayer concerns. If you would like your name added to the newsletter list for prayer, please call the church office, 717-273-8567. The name will be listed for one month in
the next published newsletter. We ask our readers to include the following people in their prayers.
Barbara Atwood
Pr. Craig Dorward
Amarylis Nadal & children,
Constance Bachman
Caroll & Skip Engle
Alaina, Marisa, Christian
Family of Margaret Bennetch
Charles Hornickell
Richard Snyder
Larry Boyer
Family of Pr. Wilson Hoyer Martha Wentling
Fritz & Almeda Carpenter
Norma Keyser
All Clergy of Holy Trinity
Joseph Daubert
Alice & Woody Miller
Missionaries around the world
August’s Finances and Attendance at a Glance
Actual 2014
Budget 2014
Actual 2013
Other Income*
Total Income
Surplus (Deficit)
Current Offering
Not budgeted
*Other income includes dividends, interest, honorariums, memorials, fees for building use, amounts
transferred from church committees to the general fund (example: from the Bazaar)
**Non-budgeted Benevolence includes Spang Crest, World Hunger, Noah’s Ark, ELCA Disaster Relief,
Lutheran World Relief
Average weekly church worship attendance for the month of August: 129
Attention Youth
All youth currently in 8th grade through seniors:
The ELCA Youth Gathering
for high school-age youth
takes place every three
years and is about faith
formation, worship, study,
fellowship, service and
play. It is an opportunity
for youth to engage with
peers from across the
United States and the world who share a common
commitment and faith in Christ. The next Gathering
will be held July 15-19, 2015, in Detroit, Mich. The
Gathering is a five-day event that begins on a Wednesday evening and ends with a service of communion the
following Sunday morning. The opening night sets the
stage for the days ahead in which young people may
have an encounter with Jesus that energizes their faith
and helps them discover their call to serve in the world
— locally and globally.
If you are interested in attending this event, please
let Pr. Gretchen or P.J. Copenhaver know a.s.a.p. so
we can get you involved in fund raising. Registration is
due on the 15 th of October and it fills up fast. We will
be meeting on October 1 st at Hill Lutheran Church at
7:00 p.m. with other interested youth and parents to
discuss fundraising, registration, and share more
details of the trip.
World Mission Sunday- October 5, 2014
World Hunger
The Impact of Sustainable Development: Two
Communities, Two Visions for the Future by Mary Duval
For people living in poverty, the future can be hard to
envision. Making it through the day is difficult enough. In
two communities in Burkina Faso, Africa we can see firsthand how sustainable development work can affect hopes
and visions for the future.
family income through a traditional livestock building
system called habannaye.
The women identified 50 members in need of livestock, and from there identified the 12 most vulnerable.
Each of those women received two female goats and a
male goat, along with training on their care. When those
goats produced offspring the women brought back one
female and one male to be passed on to the next person
on the list.
It will take time, but the group’s goal is for each member to have goats. The herds they are building will surely
set them up for future success, however, when you ask
the women about their hopes and dreams, they can see
only as far as the next few years, when they hope to
have a bigger herd of goats.
The Long Term Outlook
The women of Fada N’Gourma are
in a very different situation. This
women-led dairy cooperative once
had very big challenges to running a
sustainable business. They started
out making yogurt from the milk of
the cows their husbands herded. But they did not have
reliable ways to get their yogurt to market, nor did they
have a back-up generator to keep the milk and yogurt
chilled when the power went out. The group also kept all
their records by hand, leaving them vulnerable to being
lost or destroyed.
With your support, the women got a generator, which
kicks on automatically when the power goes out.
They’ve also received computer training and all their
records are computerized. These women have worked
hard to make their business grow. The yogurt is now of
such good quality, even the president of Burkina Faso
has tried it and liked it!
This also means they are in a position to operate on
their own without LWR’s support. The women are confident in their business and are well equipped to make
good, quality yogurt long into the future.
That’s the impact of sustainable development. It helps
move communities from worrying about the here and
now to planning a better future. The story of Fada
N’Gourma is a celebration. It is the standard to which
LWR aspires. We work to help people help themselves
out of poverty—for good.
Thank-you for your prayers and support for people in
need around the world. Your gifts give people the tools
they need to see the lasting promise God envisions for
all of us.
The Immediate Horizon
The women of Piaga are working toward a fairly immediate goal: to outfit
each of the village’s poorest families
with a goat.
The village is home to approximately
1,200 people and average annual income is around $510.
Thanks to your support, Lutheran World Relief has been
working with the local women’s group to help improve
Cut Seals and Read About
+Pastor’s Message
+Emergency Shelter
+Lutheran Camping Corp. Events
+96th Annual Bazaar
+Youth Events
+Clergy Appreciation
+Women’s Prayer Retreat
+Reformation Day Concert
+New Mission Trip Fundraiser
+World Hunger
+and much more
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October 2014
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