17 6:00 Praise Ringers 7:00 Women of ELCA 7:15 Psalm Ringers 24 16 23rd Sunday after Pent. 23 Christ the King Sunday Deliver Fruit Baskets 4:00-6:00 Faith Formation 6:00 Praise Ringers 7:15 Psalm Ringers Deliver Fruit Baskets 10 11 6:00 Praise Ringers No Girl Scouts Tonight 7:00 Sr. Choir 7:00 Social Ministry 7:15 Psalm Ringers 7:00 Brotherhood 9 12:00 NOON MEAL 7:00 Sr. Choir 26 9:00A COLLATE NEWSLETTER 12:00 NOON MEAL 7:00 Sr. Choir 7:00 FINANCE 25 19 12 5 7:00 Missionary Support DECEMBER 6 Cookies w/Santa 6 Kris Kindlemart 21 Music Sunday LOOK AHEAD Wed 18 9:00A Set up Social Rm 6:00 Social Activities 7:00 Sr. Choir 22nd Sunday after Pent. Thankoffering Sun. Blood Pressure Checks 1:00 White Elephant Set-up Dec/Jan NewsletterDeadline 4 Tue 3 9:00A Archives 10:30A-Prayer Shawl 6:00 Praise Ringers 7:00 Property 7:00 W & M and Christian Ed Combined 7:15 Psalm Ringers Every Monday 6:30PM: - Daisies - Brownies, - Jr. Girl Scouts Mon 2 All Saints Sun., Broadcast 9:00AM 8:00 & 10:45 AM Sunday School - 9:30AM Youth Choir Rehearsal Service of Holy Communion Every Sunday: Sun Fri Church Office Closed 27 7:00 CHURCH COUNCIL 20 13 Holy Trinity Fellowship Bazaar 8:30A-8:00P WELCA Fall Retreat 29 28 5:00 6:00-9:00 Babysitting 10:00 AM Lock-In Ends 10:00 A Lebanon Holiday Parade 4:00 Gratitude Prayer Retr. Ends Youth Group 22 Prayer Retreat @ Kirchenwald begins 6:00 Tree Lighting Ceremony @ HACC 9:00A Bazaar Clean-up 15 8 Girl Scouts Camping Trip Hill Lutheran Fall Frolic 1 Sat 21 6:00 Gratitude 14 Holy Trinity Fellowship Bazaar 8:30A-1:00P 1:00P White Elephant Clean-up 6 7 7:00 Men’s Brew Girl Scouts & Bible Study Camping Trip Thu November 2014 November Worship Assistants DATE 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 USHER GROUP & CAPTAINS #4—Ernest Thompson, Bruce Johnson, Henry Wampler #5—Marie Smith, Scott Wolfe #1—Ed Kulakowski, Woodrow Miller, Moe Gockley #2—Jay Brown, Scott Hentz, James Rittle #3—Richard Bullock, William Auman DATE 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 LECTORS 8:00 10:45 Louise Battistelli William Bishop Rita White Bonnie Anderson Winifred Youse Scott Wolfe Bonnie Battistelli Sydney Nye Thomas Ryland CONTEMPORARY DATE 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 8:00 Jay & Vanessa Brown Linda Blessing and Janice Phillips Craig & Nancy Brightbill James & Katherine Logan Charles & Marilyn Gerberich DATE 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 ACOLYTES 8:00 10:45 Gina Barb Tommy Corrado Grace Tanner Corey Brandt Courtny Lawson Ethan Hentz Courtny Lawson Courtney Corrado Louise Battistelli CONTEMPORARY DATE 8:00 11/02 Nancy Brightbill, Amanda Kohr 11/23 Debra Lawson, James Lawson DATE 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 DATE 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 NURSERY—10:45 Gina Barb, Stephanie Kaylor Karen Weaver, Stephanie Kaylor Rachel Engle, Stephanie Kaylor Leanne Snyder, Stephanie Kaylor Nicole Seiders, Stephanie Kaylor COMMUNION ASSISTANTS 8:00 10:45 Ross Young Kathy Bishop Suzann Bullock Neal Galbraith Rev. Conrad Youse Sue Ann Houser Jeanene Meyer Andrew Rhoade Carol Soulliard CONTEMPORARY GREETERS 10:45 Thomas & Pamela Gainer Yvonne Youtz and Nicole Seiders Marian Brandt and Corey Brandt Sandra Stevenson and Cindy Krissinger CONTEMPORARY DATE 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30 CRUCIFERS 8:00 10:45 Dixie Lawson Scott Wolfe Raymond Kohr Bradley Bishop Dawn Kohr William Bishop Dixie Lawson Andrew Rhoade Dawn Kohr CONTEMPORARY TORCHBEARERS 10:45 Tyler Runkel, Alex Wolfe Scott Wolfe, Judith Cassel 2 trinity tidings Volume 43 – No. 9 November 2014 The Reverend Gretchen Ierien, Pastor Office 273-8567 Joette Hollinger/Brenda Galbraith (Co-Editors) Office 273-8567 Church Office Hours: Mondays 12:30-4:00 PM, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Closed on Fridays Visit us on the web at www.trinityleb.org had. I hate to break this to you, but it’s not going to work. We will end up exhausted and burnt out. The insight that was spot on in this frantic exchange of ideas is that we as a congregation should be spending the majority of our ministry focused outside of the church membership. What we do inside this building should have a natural and prophetic voice outside these walls. It is a priority for us to care for one another, for the folks that are our friends and family, but Christ calls us also to care for those that we don’t know. Christ calls us into relationship for the sake of the gospel. Christ sends us forth to share the good news and calls others into relationship through us. Earlier this week a colleague began posting status updates from a continuing education event on evangelism. Her little nuggets of information set off a firestorm of activity on the interwebs. Posts like: "You can't grow the church from inside the office. The pastor's primary responsibility should be with people outside the congregation." It is for this reason that our evangelism efforts are never focused on getting more bodies in the pews or bucks in the plate. Our evangelism focus is sharing the love, freedom, and life-giving grace of Jesus Christ. You are a light for a world that is in need, you are a beacon of hope for those who are in despair, you are the hands and feet of Christ in this neighborhood and beyond. “’80% of pastor's work time should be spent with unchurched people.’ - challenging stuff!” were met with equal alleluias and moans and groans. More than a few pastors and parishioners chimed in with their own angst. “So you are saying that YOU want me to spend 80% of my time with unchurched people, my congregation wants me to spend 50% of my time visiting people, 10% of my time with the broader church, 20% of my time preparing Bible studies and other meetings, and I am still supposed to pull together a stellar sermon week after week in all of that spare time. That’s 160%...” Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) Christ Has No Body Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. I understand the anxiety that is happening here. Churches look different than they did 20-30 years ago. Our gut reaction is to panic. Our second reaction is to keep doing what we have always done only work twice as hard as we always did, and with fewer resources than we have always (continued on Page 4) trinity tidings is the newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 723 Lehman Street, Lebanon, PA 17046 3 (continued from Page 3) Greetings from Kigali! After months of prayer and preparation, 6 Young Adults in Global Mission arrived here on August 22 and inaugurated the ELCA’s Rwanda YAGM program. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. We spent almost 3 weeks together in Kigali for orientation before the YAGM’s were blessed and sent forth to learn and serve by Bishop Mugabo of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda. Orientation focused primarily on learning Kinyarwanda, the national language. During orientation, the YAGM’s joked about the long and complicated phrase they had to learn to describe their presence and work here: “ndi umufatanyabikorwa w’abaruteri,’’ or, I am a partner of the Lutherans. The word for volunteer in Kinyarwanda is also a tongue twister (umukoranabushatsi), and we decided that “partner” was a better description for the YAGM’s in any case. But don’t be surprised if the strangers that you meet on the street end up sitting next to you in that pew. Don’t be surprised if they want to become a part of the community of faith that reflects the love of God. Lord, make us instruments of your welcome. Stretch us beyond our own comfort so that we can be a comfort to someone else who is in need. When we welcome, let us welcome all of Your beloved children in the name of Christ. My favorite moments during orientation happened in the interactions between the YAGM’s and young adults from the Kigali Lutheran Parish. In eating, talking and sharing together, Americans and Rwandese quickly became friends. When the Kigali young adults invited the YAGM’s to do “umuganda” (a traditional practice of communal work), the morning together ended with singing and dancing in true Rwandan fashion. Margaret Bennetch— September 16, 2014 Carole Engle—October 12, 2014 The 6 Rwanda YAGM’s are scattered across the country now, just beginning their year of service and learning. They will face many new things, including language barriers, life without running water, and days with limited internet access. They will meet and learn how to respond to assumptions about, and expectations of, Americans and missionaries. They will be challenged to find ways to share their unique gifts and talents. And they will be sustained by the prayers and support of one another and all of you. Thank you for being “umufatanyabikorwa” -- with us in mission! “Fall Back”! Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 2. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday, November 1! In Christ’s peace, Kate Rev. Kate Warn Rwanda Country Coordinator, Young Adults in Global Mission, ELCA PO Box 5692 Kigali, Rwanda Kate.Warn@elca.org Brotherhood Flip Flop Campaign The Flip Flop Campaign sponsored by Holy Trinity’s Brotherhood has been postponed until Spring 2015. Thank you to all for your donations. A total of 145 pairs of flip flops have been donated. 4 Church Council Members Committee Chair Persons W. Ross Boyd (Pastor’s Asst.) Sue Ann Houser Bradley Bishop (President) Scott Hower Barbara Copenhaver (Vice-President) Julie Mentzer Stephanie Kaylor (Secretary) Andrew Rhoade Jeremy Bullock Michael Runkel George Dodson Tom Ryland Melissa Godlevski Terry Weaver Richard Hollinger Allen Light (Church Treasurer) Worship/Music—Richard Hollinger Evangelism—Jeffrey Lau/Jack Derfler Finance—Elvin Green Social Activities—Stephanie Kaylor Property—Henry Wampler Christian Ed—Denise McDaniels Archives—Richard Hollinger Social Ministry—James Dibert Publicity—Richard Hollinger Stewardship—Scott Wolfe November’s Worship Schedule Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23 8:00 & 10:45 AM—Traditional Service Nov. 30 8:00 AM—Traditional Service 10:45 AM—Contemporary Service LCCM Food Bank Item The item requested in November is instant mashed potatoes. Items can be brought to the church at any time and placed in the food cart labeled “LCCM Food Bank” located just inside the rear entrance to the church. Thank you for participating in this program and remember to pick up an extra item or two for the Food Bank when shopping for your family. Childcare is available at the 10:45 services. 9:30 AM every Sunday Sunday School for all ages CARE Class in Social Room Coffee & Conversation Class in Luther’s Place Holy Trinity donated 133 pounds of mixed nonperishables to the Food Bank in September. Thank you! Aluminum Can Collection The church continues to collect aluminum cans for recycling. Please bring the aluminum cans (rinsed & flattened) to the church weekdays during church office hours, or bring them along to church, Sunday School, or any other church function. A container for them is located inside the back door. Thank you. Request for Altar Flowers The 2014 flower chart is hanging in the church narthex for sign-ups. Call Janice Newmaster, 273-0788, to let her know what date(s) you signed up for. The cost of two bouquets is $50. If you care to “share” a Sunday with someone, your cost would only be $25. Helping Hands of Holy Trinity If you need help of any kind, such as needing someone to take you for a doctor appointment, grocery shopping, grass cutting, help around the house, or someone to visit you, remember we are here for you. Just call the church office, 273-8567. Dates open: All dates are filled for 2014 Newsletter Deadline— November 9, 2014 If you are able and willing to be a “Helping Hand” and help someone in need, please call the church office so your name can be added to the list. If you want to guarantee your article is included in the combined December/January newsletter, please email it to brenda@trinityleb.org or deliver it to the church office before the deadline. Any article submitted after the deadline will not be included in the next newsletter unless prearranged with Brenda. Editors also reserve the right to edit for content and space. NOTE: There is an urgent need for both “Callers” and “Transporters”. Contact Sharon Gockley (933-5703) if you are able and willing to assist. 5 Prayer Retreat for Women Lutheran Camping Corp. Upcoming Events November 21-22 at Camp Kirchenwald Calling all women of any age! There will be food, fun, and an opportunity to retreat in a prayerful setting. Pastor Gretchen of Holy Trinity and Pastor Krystal of the Lebanon Lutheran Cooperative Ministry will be leading this retreat. This is a time to relax and unwind as we explore different and creative ways to explore scripture and prayer. The cost of this event will be $50 per person. You can sign up in the narthex or by emailing gretchenierien@gmail.com . The Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central Pennsylvania Kirchenwald, Nawakwa, and The Wittel Farm PO Box 459, Arendtsville, PA 17303 Phone: 717-677-8211 Website: www.lutherancamping.org Visit the website for event information and registration. Nov. 2—Annual Quilt Auction at Nawakwa Nov. 7-9—Women’s Craft Retreat at Nawakwa Dec. 6—Advent Day Apart at The Wittel Farm Dec. 12-13—Advent Family Retreat at Nawakwa Jan. 2-14, 2015—Winter Youth Retreat at Kirchenwald November Happy Birthday Wishes Taize’ Worship Happy Birthday to the following Golden Agers of Holy Trinity who will celebrate a birthday this month? November 12—Mr. Harry Hower Jr. 12—Mrs. Beatrice Yeagley 22—Rev. Craig Dorward 26—Mrs. Gloria Fraytic 29—Mrs. Betty Heilman St. Luke Lutheran Church Rt. 897, Schaefferstown You are invited to join in meditative readings, singing, prayer and silence. Taize’ gives you an opportunity to reflect and be apart from the noisy routines of the day. A deliberate time set aside for quiet time with God. Taize’ Worship begins at 7:00 PM on the following Sundays November 2 December 14 January 4 February 8 Add to their very special day by sending them your greetings. Addresses can be obtained by calling the church office – 273-8567. Attention – Anyone age 75 or older: Please contact the church office to let us know your birthday so we can include you in the monthly Golden Agers of Holy Trinity birthday wish list. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! New for 2015 Offering Envelopes Messages of Thanks Thank you to the women of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church who come to St. Luke Lutheran Church, Schaefferstown to help make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Seventy-two quilts were finished this year. They could not have been done without you. “God’s WorkOur Hands.” Many hands make light work! Thanks. -Anna Mae Grubb This spring the church council elected to modify our current envelope system. In the new year those of you who currently receive a box of envelopes will begin receiving your offering envelopes at home in a monthly mailing. Thank you for the prayers, visits, flowers and other expressions of concern for Pastor Craig. He is so grateful to receive communion from time to time. Our gratitude to social ministry for the Thanksgiving basket and plants at Christmas and Easter. It’s commendable to see God’s love in action at Trinity. Sincerely in Christ, -Pastor Craig and Marian Dorward As a result of this change it is important that we keep our records up to date. We thank you in advance for your assistance in notifying the church office with any address changes. 6 Emergency Shelter Hosts Needed Fair-Trade Fair The Lebanon County Christian Ministries Emergency Shelter program for this season is underway. This year we will be the shelter site for two weeks beginning Monday, March 2 and running through Sunday, March 15, 2015. The shelter will open around 8:00 each evening and run through 7:00 the following morning when our guests must depart. What we will need are people to assist with check-in each night as well as a couple others to spend the night; it’s really that easy. This shelter ministry is a community outreach that I’m sure will fill your heart with warmth just knowing that our guests are comfortable and sheltered from the cold. You only need to talk to someone who volunteered last year; they will tell you they were blessed by those we served. Please consider it; five volunteers for each evening is all we need. To volunteer or to have your questions answered please contact Neal Galbraith, HTL Site Coordinator at 270-9043(h), 270-3552(w), 673-5825(c) or email him at ngalbraith22@comcast.net. Will you volunteer to host the shelter? Pray about it. Saturday, November 1, 2014, 9:00 AM—1:00 PM St. Luke Lutheran Church 107 East Main Street, Schaefferstown, PA Enrich your life and change the world at the same time! The Women of the ELCA at St. Luke will sponsor a FairTrade Fair and feature fairly traded handcrafts from around the world. Thanksgiving Fruit Baskets Holy Trinity honors its members 75 years of age or older each Thanksgiving by giving them a gift of a fruit basket. Ways you can help: Give a special offering for the fruit basket project (a special envelope designated for Fruit Baskets can be found in your offering envelope box). Help make the fruit baskets on Saturday, November 22 at 8:00 AM. Help deliver fruit baskets on Sunday, November 23 and/or Monday, November 24 at 9:00 AM. We ask that if you are a recipient of a fruit basket and attending worship or Sunday school on November 23, please pick up your basket on Sunday morning if possible. Thank you to everyone who helps. -Social Ministry Committee Women of ELCA News Giving Thanks—November 10 Thank Offering Sunday As we give thanks to God for our many blessings and bountiful harvest, Thank Offering Sunday, sponsored by the Women of the ELCA, serves as a reminder for us to share in our good fortunes. There will be a special collection of monetary gifts taken at both services. Let’s plan to have an overflow of giving on November 10! The Christmas Angel Tree Look for the annual Christmas Angel Tree beginning Sunday, November 23. Holy Trinity will help the Salvation Army provide Christmas gifts for children whose families are under economic stress. A list of three gift wishes ($25 or less) for each child under 15 years of age will be found on a paper angel hanging on a Christmas tree located on the ground floor beneath the Narthex. Congregational members are asked to select an angel and purchase at least one gift for the child named on the angel. Place the unwrapped gift(s), with the numbered tag attached, under the tree by Wednesday, December 10 for delivery to the Salvation Army. Please sign the master list when taking an angel. You can truly be an angel to a child this Christmas. Thank you for supporting this project. Dear Congregation, On October 6 we delivered 33 mailing boxes to St. James Church, our drop off point for Lutheran World Relief 2014. These boxes will be delivered to New Windsor, Maryland and from there distributed to points of need throughout the world. There were 96 school kits in 11 boxes, 95 personal care kits in 14 boxes and 335 cakes of soap in 8 small boxes. On behalf of the Holy Trinity Women of ELCA I would like to thank you for your generous support of this endeavor. Together we can do much good in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Thank you. -Karen Weaver, Projects Chair -Social Ministry Committee 7 Our Comprehensive Approach Have You Considered Alternative Giving for Christmas This Year? As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) we are called to do God’s work in the world. Together we achieve things on a scale and scope that we could never do alone. Working with Lutheran churches around the world, our congregations in the United States and other partners, ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to reach communities in need. We start by listening to our neighbors and learning how we can partner with them as they work to break the cycle of poverty. Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger reach communities in need throughout the world. Working through Lutheran churches and The Lutheran World Federation as well as partners like Church World Service, Bread for the World, Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, we reach more places, more effectively than ever we could alone. In addition to relief and development programs that assist our sisters and brothers in need, we engage members of the ELCA and share ways that our daily choices— from prayer to energy consumption—can make a difference. We also believe that government and elected officials play an important role. We urge governments to protect the land and waters that people rely on for food and livelihood, and we encourage funding that helps people who need food, housing, and health care. By speaking with and on behalf of those who are hungry, ELCA World Hunger works to change the systems that perpetuate poverty. Through this comprehensive approach, we work to address hunger from all angles, both locally and around the world. -from ELCA booklet God is calling us into the world—together. Perhaps you have someone on your gift list that has “everything” or you don’t know what to give them but you want to give them something other than a money gift card. Or you want to give a gift to a member of your family that says more than “Christmas is about receiving gifts for me.” If so, here are some suggestions: Purchase a beautiful handcrafted scarf, basket or other article made by someone who creates handmade items for their livelihood. The Fair Trade Fair at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Schaefferstown on Saturday morning November 1 is one place to buy items that come from many places on the globe. 10,000 Villages on Rt. 272 just north of Ephrata is another place such gifts can be purchased. Go to www.ELCA.org/good gifts or browse the ELCA Good Gifts Catalog—a copy can be found in the extended Narthex—for other ideas. Some examples for giving a gift in someone’s name are: * Six large durable water jugs that people can use to transport water from a common well: $12 * 7,000 water purification tablets: $50 * Clinic visit for a child: $10 * Vaccinations for a child: $30 * One malaria net: $10 * School supplies for a child: $10 * Send a girl to school: $ 40 * A fruit-tree seedling: $10 Our Vision...Our mission is to grow in faith and discipleship, share the Good News of Jesus through word and deed, love others as Christ loves us, and celebrate life in Christ through worship, sacraments and service. Our Mission...We are a community of believers who come together in: Worship to be transformed by the presence of Jesus Christ in and through God's gift of Word and Sacrament. Christian Education to deepen our faith and strengthen us in faithful service, trusting in the creative activity of the Holy Spirit. Friendship to celebrate our unity in Christ and sustain and nurture each other as we journey with Him in our day-to-day lives. Stewardship to gratefully use the time, talents and possessions we have been given in furthering our mission in response to Jesus' call and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Evangelism to share the Jesus story so that others may come to know God's reconciling grace and the peace, joy and hope that his divine grace gives. Social Ministry to respond to the spiritual, mental and physical needs of our neighbors and advocate for the poor, hungry and vulnerable peoples of the world. 8 The Elephant Needs Your Help! Support Your Fellowship Bazaar November 13 and 14 Please help the elephant by following these instructions: Only bring in items at the designated times unless other arrangements are made. Donations can be brought to the church beginning Sunday, November 2 through and up to noon on Sunday, November 9. Please bring in donations that are clean and usable. (A good question to ask is: Would I be ashamed to put out this item at my own yard sale?) No computer related items, floor model TV’s, stereos, etc. We are not able to dispose of them if not sold. FLAT SCREEN TV’S WILL BE ACCEPTED No exercise bikes or any large exercise equipment. Small appliances (toasters, blenders, mixers, coffee makers, curling irons, etc.) will be accepted. Garden tools will also be accepted. Consider helping sort donations prior to the bazaar and/or helping with the clean-up after the bazaar! Thanks for your help and continued support. -The Bazaar Committee Thursday, Nov. 13, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM Friday, Nov. 14, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM Homemade Baking Corner: purchase your luscious favorite baked goods Candy Booth: purchase all of their tantalizing sweets Country Store: purchase their delicious items such as chowchow, jellies, etc. Pet Booth: don’t forget your four-legged friends Homespun: has a nice array of holiday decorations – some perfect for your friends in nursing homes who have little room to display decorations Jewelry: shop for jewelry, scarves, ties, belts, and purses Book Nook: check out a wide variety of books, CDs, DVDs, records, puzzles, etc. Knot Just Knits: check out this area for new sweatshirts, sweaters, booties, hats, scarves, etc. Elite Gifts: has a nice array of clean useable items for all seasons Nuts: purchase Grade A nuts for yourself or to give as gifts White Elephant: donate your good, clean, unbroken items here – support by purchasing some items as well – see separate article on this page for instructions & restrictions on donated items Soup & Kitchen: manpower needed in the kitchen— your support needed by purchasing lunch and/or dinner from the kitchen Tickets: purchase tickets for chicken pies and the ham dinner from Denise McDaniels, Roberta Wampler, LaRue Galbraith, Joette Hollinger or the church office—see separate articles on this page for detailed information Get Your Tickets for the Ham Dinner…. to be served at the Bazaar on November 13 from 4:00-7:00 PM Take a break from cooking! Come to the Bazaar, shop at the variety of booths and then sit down and enjoy a delicious meal. Menu includes ham, baked potato, California vegetable blend, applesauce, roll, dessert, and beverage. Cost is $9.50 for adults; $5.00 for ages 5-10; and free for children ages 4 and under. Tickets can be purchased from Denise McDaniels, Roberta Wampler, LaRue Galbraith, Joette Hollinger or the church office. Helpers Needed Pre and Post Bazaar! Get Your Tickets for Chicken Pies…. White Elephant room helpers needed to set-up on Sunday, November 9 at 1:00 PM Clean-up helpers needed on Saturday, November 15 at 9:00 AM to be served at the Bazaar on November 13 at lunch time Tickets can now be purchased for those delicious chicken pies sold at Holy Trinity’s annual Fellowship Bazaar. Cost is $5.00 per pie. YOU MUST HAVE A TICKET FOR EACH PIE! Tickets can be purchased from Denise McDaniels, Roberta Wampler, LaRue Galbraith, Joette Hollinger or the church office. Don’t wait—get your tickets now as there is a limited number being sold! Please contact Denise McDaniels (949-3298) or Roberta Wampler (272-5074). 9 PRAYER PARTNERS Each month names will be listed here for prayer concerns. If you would like your name added to the newsletter list for prayer, please call the church office, 717-273-8567. The name will be listed for one month in the next published newsletter. We ask our readers to include the following people in their prayers. Tom Bowman Jeremy, Angie and Charley Grace Bullock Judy & Jim Cassel & Family William Dry Family of Carole Engle Kimberly Fake Ernestine Fenner Gloria Fraytic Violet Gettle Sandra Haag Nancy & Richard Huber Mary Keip Helen Lindenmuth Luella Matthews William & Phyllis McDaniels Wanda Muth Cheryl Noll Arlene Sheffy Geraldine Stalnecker Sharon Widel Jessie Wolfe Beatrice Yeagley Sarah Zehring September’s Finances and Attendance at a Glance Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Actual 2013 September YTD YTD YTD Current Offering 18,302 163,157 160,039 161,875 Other Income* 1,601 34,331 30,970 43,216 Non-budgeted Benevolence** 1,168 6,809 Total Income 21,071 204,297 191,009 213,173 Expenses 21,663 209,596 227,378 205,299 (592) (5,299) (36,369) 7,874 Surplus (Deficit) Not budgeted 8,082 *Other income includes dividends, interest, honorariums, memorials, fees for building use, amounts transferred from church committees to the general fund (example: from the Bazaar) **Non-budgeted Benevolence includes Spang Crest, World Hunger, Noah’s Ark, ELCA Disaster Relief, Lutheran World Relief Average weekly church worship attendance for the month of September: 137 10 11 12 Cut Seals and Read About +Pastor’s Message +Emergency Shelter +Message from Pastor Kate in Kigali +Announcement re: 2015 Offering Envelopes +96th Annual Bazaar +Fruit Baskets +Angel Tree +Women’s Prayer Retreat +Gifts through ELCA Good Gifts Catalog +World Hunger +and much more NOTE: If you no longer want to receive the trinity tidings publication, please call the church office (717-273-8567). Trinity Tidings can be viewed on our website trinityleb.org. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “trinity tidings” prepared especially for: November 2014 Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage Permit No. 327 Lebanon, PA Return Service Requested Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 723 Lehman Street Lebanon PA 17046
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