22nd Annual Dental Hygiene Syposium

22nd Annual Dental Hygiene Syposium
October 10 – 11, 2014
Embassy Suites Myrtle Beach • Myrtle Beach, SC
What’s New with the Profession of Dental Hygiene?
Join Us at the Beach to Learn More!!
Corporate Sponsors: Colgate • Hu-Friedy • Jack’s Dental Depot • Patterson Dental •
PDT • Preventech • Procter & Gamble • Xlear
Shera H. Davis, RDH
444 Hindman Road
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
22nd Annual Dental Hygiene Symposium
October 10-11, 2014
Myrtle Beach, SC
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Exhibit set-up 4:00 p.m. until ...
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Educators and SCDHA Executive
Board Dinner Meeting
NEW Positive Concepts for the Future of Dental
Friday, October 10, 2014
7:00 a.m. Registration Opens
7:30 a.m. Exhibits Open
8:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. NEW! “Age of Periodontal
Medicine: Periodontal and Peri-implant Disease”
Current statistics point to the urgency for dental
professionals to identify and treat mucosal oral
infections that have a confirmed oral systemic connection. The focus of clinicians at maintenance visits now needs to include assessment, maintenance,
and periodontal medicine therapy for natural teeth
and implants. This course provides the current research, new advanced comprehensive exam (A.C.E)
and treatment protocols for periodontal medicine
therapy. Learn the new A.C.E. for more accurate
data collection and regeneration treatment protocols for patient’s oral tissue and bone health.
Speaker: Susan Wingrove, RDH, BS is an international speaker, clinical dental hygienist, and a
researcher for Regena Therapeutics. She is the
designer of the Wingrove Titanium Implant Set, ACE
probes, and Queen of Hearts of instruments (PDT,
Inc.). She is a member of the Academy of Osseointegration, American Dental Hygienist’s Association,
the International Federation of Dental Hygienists,
and a graduate of O’Hehir University. She is the author of the textbook: Peri-Implant Therapy for the
Dental Hygienist: Clinical Guide to Maintenance
and Disease Complications.
Sponsors: PREVENTECH and PDT 4 CE
1:15 – 2:45 p.m. NEW! “Products and Services”/
Lunch and Learn
Seven (7) companies will share new products and/
or services. Attendees will be able to select products that will enhance patient care. Understand the
usage and education for the new products. Communicate the need for enhanced patient care to the
dental team. Door prizes and drawings. 1.5 CE
12:45 – 3:00 p.m. SCDHA Business Meeting Luncheon
22nd Annual Dental Hygiene S
2:45 – 4:00 p.m. Student SCADHA Meeting
3:00 – 4:30 p.m. “Forensic Dentistry”
This program defines forensic dentistry while reviewing roles of the dental hygienist in forensics.
Attendees will be able to identify protocol for
mass disasters as well as the bitemark protocol.
There also will be a discussion regarding the state
and local agency that utilizes forensic dentists.
Speaker: Rhoda Kublickis, RDH, MHSc was born
in the Philippines. She has hygiene licenses in
New Jersey, Colorado, and Florida. She received
an Associates in Science in Dental Hygiene from
Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1983 and a Bachelor of Applied Science of Dental Hygiene from
St. Petersburg College in 2008. She received her
Masters of Science with a Forensic Track at Nova
Southeastern University in 2012. She is PresidentElect of Florida Dental Hygiene Association and
the Atlantic Coast Delegate for ADHA. She enjoys
her position as the East Coast Regional Xylitol
Educator for Wasatch Sales Force. She is trained in
mass disaster and assists in helping forensic odontologists identify people at Palm Beach, Broward,
and Dade County Medical Examiners offices.
Sponsor: Xlear 1.5 CE
2:45 – 5:45 p.m. CPR 3 CE
5:00 p.m.SCDHA Reception
Silent and Live Auction
Saturday, October 11, 2014
8:00 – 11:30 a.m. “Aches and Pains of
Dentistry: Dental Ergonomics for the Practitioner and Patient”
This program defines ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It provides information
about potential outcomes of MSDs, Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome, gloves, dental magnification, and preventive exercises.
Speaker: Vickie Parris Overman, RDH, M.Ed.is
a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department
of Dental Ecology at the UNC School of Dentistry
in Chapel Hill, NC, and serves as director of the
Undergraduate Dental Hygiene Programs. She received her B.S. in Dental Auxiliary Teacher Education at UNC in 1981 and a Master’s degree in Adult
and Higher Education in 1983. Ms. Overman serves
Symposium Schedule of Events
as editorial reviewer for the International Journal of
Dental Hygiene and the Journal of Dental Hygiene.
She teaches in the undergraduate and graduate
dental hygiene programs and the undergraduate DDS
curriculum at UNC.
Sponsor: Procter & Gamble 3.5 CE
11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. “Infection Control
Information to Implementation: Making Changes in
Your Practice”
This course reviews the current CD Guidelines for
Infection Control pertaining to sterilization and disinfection of patient care items. A culture of safety
involves education, established protocols, and a
positive attitude toward compliance. You will learn
to identify unsafe practices that may be occurring
along with possible solutions to bring your practice
into compliance. Attendees will understand the
standard of care for infection control in sterilization
and disinfection, identify opportunities for improved
compliance, and learn effective communication
strategies for implementing with a dental team.
Speaker: Jessica Wilson is a national speaker, trainer, and educator focused on Infection Prevention and
Infection Control Compliance. Prior to joining HuFriedy as an Instrument Management and Infection
Prevention Specialist, she served as a National Trainer and Content Specialist of Infection Prevention for
five years in the dental industry. Ms. Wilson helps
practices address three critical factors for increasing
practice profitability through creating an efficient
process for sterilization, instrument processing,
inventory management, and team communication.
She has worked with hundreds of dental practices
helping them understand compliance regulations for
Infection Control in dentistry, best practices for instrument processing with organization and efficiency
and how to create standardized systems in sterilization. She is a graduate of the University of Rhode
Island and certified in Dental Public Health.
Sponsor: Hu-Friedy 2 CE
1:15 – 3:00 p.m. “Medical Emergencies in the
Dental Setting”/Lunch and Learn
This course will review office preparedness, prevention, and management of medical emergencies common to the dental office.
Speaker: Gina Ormond, DMD has a BS in Biology
from the College of Charleston, DMD degree from
the Medical University of South Carolina and postgraduate residency in general dentistry from the
University of Kentucky. She was in private practice
for 14 years serving as Clinical Dental Director for
the Family Service Center in Columbia, SC, from
1998-2003. Dr. Ormond became an adjunct instructor at Midlands Technical College in 1998. She currently is the Dental Clinic Director and a full-time
faculty instructor at Midlands Technical College.
1.5 CE
Symposium News
• The 2014 Symposium theme is NEW Positive
Concepts for the Future of Dental Hygiene.
• The first 50 RDHs to register with payment
by August 15 will be entered into a drawing for
one night free hotel registration at Embassy
Suites Hotel for Symposium 2015. Register
• If you are attending as a Registered Dental
Hygienist, please consider purchasing a lunch
ticket to sponsor a student to attend the Lunch
and Learn on Friday, October 10. Indicate your
purchase on the registration form and include
that fee with your total.
• A complete Symposium brochure is available
online at www.scdha.org and can be downloaded at the site. HANDOUTS for each course
will be posted on the web site within one (1)
week prior to the date of Symposium for you to
download. No handouts will be given out at the
• If you wish to receive a confirmation of registration, please make sure to legibly print your
email address on the registration form. Confirmations will only be sent if email addresses are
• Many courses will be beneficial for the entire
dental team. All staff are welcome to register.
• Inquiries regarding general course information should be directed to JoAnn Rice, RDH at
jorice1@charter.net or 864-354-6858.
• Inquiries regarding registration should be
directed to Shera Davis, RDH, BS at treasdavis@
gmail.com or 864-918-1628. (Please note new
email address carrier!)
22nd Annual Dental Hygiene Symposium Hotel Info
Embassy Suites Myrtle Beach Oceanfront Resort
9800 Queensway Blvd. • Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 • 1-800-876-0010
TO SECURE OUR SPECIAL CONVENTION RATE. Reservations may be made by phone using the number listed above, or using the
Online Personalized Group Page from the web address listed below:
Group Convention Code – SCD
This code must be used when making a reservation by phone or online to secure our special convention rate.
HOTEL RATES: Our hotel rates include a full complimentary buffet breakfast and complimentary managers reception 5:30–7:30
p.m. WiFi is included with each of these rates.
$169.00 – Single or Double Occupancy
$189.00 – Triple Occupancy
$209.00 – Quad Occupancy
availability and regular room rates. If the contracted number of rooms is filled prior to the above date, rooms are again subject
to availability and regular room rates. PLEASE RESERVE YOUR ROOM EARLY!
22nd Annual Dental Hygiene Symposium Registration
Full Name Name for Badge Circle Credentials RDH
Address City, State Zip Phone (work) (home) (cell) Name of School (if a current student) ADHA Membership Card ID# E-mail address for confirmation Symposium Fees
Full Symposium
*Single Day
Member ADHA
q $180.00
q $120.00
Non-member ADHA
q $220.00
q $145.00
Student ADHA Member
Student ADHA Non-member
*Single Day registrants please circle the day you will attend:
Limited Attendance Functions: To register for the following limited attendance functions, you must be registered for the Full
or Single Day Symposium. Student members must place a check by N/C to reserve a plate.
Limited Attendance Function Fees
SCDHA Business Luncheon Meeting
Friday Lunch & Learn (RDH)
Friday Lunch & Learn (Student Member)
Friday CPR (attendance limited)
Saturday Lunch & Learn
Late Fee (after Sept. 20, 2014)
Buy Friday Lunch for a Student
Total Payment
Full Symposium
*Single Day
**If you would prefer a vegetarian meal, please check here ______.
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO SCDHA and mail to: Shera Davis, RDH • 444 Hindman Road • Travelers Rest, SC 29690
TO REGISTER ONLINE, visit www.scdha.org.
REFUND POLICY: Pre-registration deadline is Saturday, September 20, 2014. Registration fee less a $30.00 service charge is
refundable if requested before that date. Written requests for a refund, less a $40.00 administrative fee will be granted if
received by Thursday, September 25, 2014.